Taking The Plunge – Melissa’s Thoughts

"Her mother was picking her up in the morning, but there was unfinished business to attend to."

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Standing behind Rebecca with my hand on the edge of her chair, I kept looking at her tits as they wobbled beneath her T-shirt every time she tapped the keyboard, reached forward, or pressed her back into the chair. When she looked up, I had to avert my eyes, but it was hard to do that.

By the time we had stopped giggling and were told by her mother to settle down and go to sleep, I had the hots for her. She turned away from me when she changed into her nightshirt which was a shame because I wanted to feast my eyes on her nipples. I had surmised that they were long and hard with large puckered areolas.

We started chatting as we lay on our beds. I had asked Rebecca whether she was into women and immediately regretted it. It was too soon, we had only known each other for a month in this new school year. I was glad of her friendship having just changed schools because my parents keep moving around the country.

Her response was perfectly normal, expected, and heterosexual. I blushed, parried her response, and moved on to boys, which would be a more normal conversation for two girls of our age to have. I felt stupid.

Eventually, we fell asleep. But sleep didn’t come easy when her large breasts were only feet away from me.

During the night, I had to go to the loo across the corridor from Rebecca’s room. I made it there and back without incident but when I crept back into the room I stood by her bed and watched her. She slept like an angel. Her features innocent and beautiful, her full breasts pushed her nightshirt to the side as they rested above the duvet that she hugged closely.

I wanted to. I wanted to rest my hand over her breast. Cup it in my hand. Squeeze it in a sexual way. Lift it to my mouth and suck hard on her nipple. That would have been just the start but I dare not do that. We hadn’t been friends long enough. It took all my strength to pull myself away from her, slip into my own single bed, and watch her from a distance.

I must have fallen asleep because the next I knew was the incessant ringing of my phone. I picked it up and answered it.

Turning to Rebecca, I told her what the conversation had been about.

“I gotta get ready,” I said, “Mum’s picking me up in ten minutes.”

It wasn’t how I thought the morning would pan out. I wanted to spend time with Rebecca, find out a little more, push her a little on the girl front. I’m a self-confessed lesbian and even at my young age of seventeen, I knew that I fancied women, but not everyone is like that are they. Rebecca had proven to be a good friend and perhaps she had lustful thoughts for boys or men. There would be no changing that just because I fancied her. I put all those thoughts to one side and decided that we would have to be just friends.

I swung my legs off the bed, grabbed a towel, dressed, and headed towards the shower. By the time I exited her room, I thought I felt her stare at my body and it started me wondering what if? Instead of heading straight to the shower room, I listened with my ear pressed to the door. I didn’t know what I was listening for but all I heard was silence.

Then her mother shouted up the stairs for Rebecca and I rushed to the bathroom. I heard her say that my mother would be picking me up in five minutes. I started the shower and stepped inside, picked up the shower gel and started to rub it into my hair and body. My hands were soon on my breasts wishing they would be on Rebecca’s. I pulled on my nipple before letting them spring back as the water cascaded over my body washing the suds away from my hair.

I tilted my head to the side to wash out some soap suds that had accumulated around my ears unaware of what was happening behind me, what was going through Rebecca’s mind, the turmoil and uncertainty she was battling with at the time.  If I had known she was there it would have been a much different story. I would have taken her under my wing. Caressed and seduced her until she was a screaming mess before me.

Instead, it was I that was surprised. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement behind me but before I could make sense of it, a pair of hands were upon my breasts. I let out a half-scream as my head turned to see long hair. Her hand came upon my mouth to silence me but by that time I had realised who it was.

I shook my head and smiled into the shower wall. Her hands on my breasts were all I needed to feel to realise her intention. The blood rushed from my expanding heart straight to my leaking pussy. I heard her speak.

“Shhhh, I want you so badly,” she whispered in my ear, “Please.”

Her voice was dry and raspy and she remained quite still for a while. Probably waiting for me to complain at her behaviour. Far from that, I pushed my bottom back towards her, arched my back and relished the feel of her hands cupping my tits. My back pressed into her luscious breasts and I shook myself from side to side to create some friction between our bodies.

I sighed at the way her silky breasts felt against my body but I don’t think she heard me.

Her hand fell from my mouth; my suitable response adequate enough for her to continue doing what she came in here for. I couldn’t have been happier. I wanted to turn around and kiss her, force my hands all over her body, drop to my knees and let my hungry tongue slide along her slit before pushing it into her cunt.

But I didn’t.

I decided to play it cautious, let her control how this would pan out. I felt her kiss my shoulder and shuddered even under the hot water that was pouring over us. Her other hand came upon my bottom after she had pressed her body into mine; the colder shower wall caused my nipples to extend fiercely.

I felt my bottom being squeezed, caressed, stroked. It was as if she was savouring every moment. Relishing in my response.

Rebecca started moaning into my ear. All I could do was to smile at the wall and then, as a flourish of words escaped her mouth, she explained at what was going through her mind, what she was thinking, how she felt. It was music to my ears because I felt exactly the same way.

I let out a loud moan when her fingers pushed along my slit. They sank in so effortlessly. I pushed my bum back to meet them and leaned into the shower wall.

My breasts were once more being fondled by one hand while her other ploughed the depths of my succulent cunt. I let out another high-pitched scream when she pinched and pulled at my nipple.

Just as I was about to moan loudly, Rebecca froze and stopped her pumping action. The hand on my breast stopped caressing me and I could feel her body stiffen. Only after she shushed me did I realise that her mother was outside the door and could easily have interrupted us at any moment. I half expected Rebecca to move away from me but she didn’t. She pressed into me harder; her fingers deep in my pussy, waiting.

“I wanna make you cum,” She whispered after a few silent seconds and at the same time she resumed her pumping fingers and the biting and kissing of my neck.

Fuck, I love my neck being kissed. What woman doesn’t? And Rebecca was doing all the things I loved to my body. Her filthy words in my ear were such a turn on and I started to moan and groan which only made her thrust her fingers into me harder.

Without warning, my orgasm crashed through me. My legs shook and my knees knocked together as she brought me off beautifully. She didn’t stop though and I found my body twisted around so that I was facing her. The palm of her hand pressed flat to my mound and her fingers scratching delicately at my lips.

If I hadn’t known better I would have said this wasn’t her first time, but I know it was. I wanted to lean forward and kiss her but the palm of her hand had me climaxing once more. I started to shake, blasphemous words exited my mouth; generated by my filthy mind.

I could do nothing but sink to the floor, panting hard and gasping for breath. I had such a gorgeous cum on her hands. But here I was, face to face with her delicate pussy and her hands on the back of my head. She too was breathing heavily and I looked up into her eyes.

Do it, I thought, fucking do it, Rebecca.

My eyes implored her to pull my head into her cunt so that I could start licking and devouring her sex. I wanted her to do it, I wanted her to make that first move so that I could take over.

She stepped away from me and I wondered whether we had gone too far, whether she had realised that this was all wrong, whether we had overstepped that line of friendship. I thought she was going to crawl back into her shell like a threatened hermit crab.

“You’ve gotta go – go on, go,” she said. Smiling at me, she nodded that I should go and dry off.

I got up from the floor of the shower, though I didn’t want to. I wanted to satisfy Rebecca, I wanted to please her. Send her to the place she had sent me. Yet I knew that time had fast-forwarded and that my mother would be here soon.

I was halfway across the hall to Rebecca’s bedroom when the doorbell rang. I rushed inside, dried as much as I could with the towel but my mind was swirling in a whirlwind of pleasure. I didn’t seem to fit in this world anymore, I was somewhere else, somewhere more thrilling.

I managed to pull my jeans on and was dipping my arms into my bra when Rebecca entered the bedroom. She was quick enough to hook my bra together before I slipped my top over my head. I sat on the bed to slip on my shoes and looked up at Rebecca. I felt like pulling her towards me and rolling in bliss on the bed until we satisfied each other once more.

I was startled when Rebecca’s mother shouted up the stairs.

“Melissa, your mums here,” she shouted.

“Coming…” I shouted. My wet hair soaked my top where it came in contact. I picked up my bag and made my way downstairs.

I couldn’t believe I was about to make an exit with just a smile and nod of my head.

I stopped, walked back into the room and after placing my hand behind my neck pulled Rebecca in for a sexy passionate kiss. I was in heaven. Her lips were lusciously soft and tender, and we kissed with such sensitivity that it blew my mind. Our tongues swirled together before I parted from her.

I made my way slowly to the bedroom door, smiling all the way. Inside, my body was crying with joy as I looked back at Rebecca. Her smile just as pleasing and her eyes alight with that devilish look that told me I wouldn’t be able to wait for seconds.

I left her bedroom with an almighty smile on my face. Knowing that I needed to repay her and realising that I left my yellow knickers on the bed.

My heart was thumping. I could only imagine what hers was doing.

Downstairs, I kissed my mum and gave her a huge hug. She asked whether I had had a good time. If I had spoken it would have come out as a high-pitched squeak, so it was just as well that a nod and a smile said it all for me. I thanked Rebecca’s mum for having me, but in reality, it was Rebecca that had me in no uncertain terms.

I was about to get into my mum’s car when I glanced up at Rebecca’s bedroom. She was looking out of the window. Our eyes met, our smiles merged and our hearts collided like two black holes that had found each other.

I winked at her and she smiled back at me. I couldn’t wait for next time, whether that would be school or the weekend.

Like I said, I’m a self-confessed lesbian. But love was something that I thought would not be on the horizon anytime soon. I had never felt like this before, probably because I had made all the running and this time it was someone else that wanted me. Someone else that plucked up the courage to make their feelings known to me. It felt good. No, it felt fucking wonderful.

Published 3 years ago

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