A Week With Miss Kitten – Chapter One

"A year after walking in on his busty older neighbor pleasuring herself poolside, David still can't get her image out of his head."

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Finishing up his last customer’s lawn before Miss Kittren, David loaded his equipment back into his truck and made his way down the block. In all honesty, Miss Kittren was his easiest client. With her insistence on weekly trimmings, the grass hardly had time to grow much and the majority of the trimmings were so small they didn’t need to be bagged up. He quickly ran the mower over the grass, pulled the few weeds that had sprung up, edged the corners, and swept the walkway. All said and done he had finished up in about forty-five minutes.

But those forty-five minutes were anything but short for David. His weekly poolside chats with Miss Kittren were the highlight of his week. Aside from that, his other jobs today hadn’t been quite as easy and he’d worked up quite a sweat. He was looking forward to hosing down, having a glass of cold lemonade, and cooling down in the pool. And as always, he was looking forward to enjoying the scenery in the deck chair across from him while he cooled down. 

David had mowed Miss Kittren’s lawn several times this summer already and, apart from reliving the moment in the privacy of his own home for self-pleasure, David and Miss Kittren had carried on as if last summer’s awkward encounter hadn’t happened. They were both adults, and they both understood that mistakes happen. David was happy to have his Thursday afternoon floats back, and Miss Kittren was pleased to have her lawn taken care of and an opportunity to hear about what was happening in her young neighbor’s life.

Now that the lawn was perfect by David’s standards, he packed up his gear for the last time of the day. He headed over to the hose next to the garage, removed his shirt, and prepared to hose himself down. He didn’t want to dirty the waters of Miss Kittren’s pristine pool with the sweat and trimmings of day’s work.

With his shirt removed the effects of the first half of the summer on his upper body were clearly pronounced. His arms, chest, and abdomen showed a strong muscle tone and an even stronger farmer’s tan. David noticed both each morning in the mirror. The muscles he was proud of, the farmer’s tan not so much. Occasionally he considered mowing shirtless to even out the tan but decided against it. While he was confident in his body, he wanted to make sure he maintained his professional behavior and appearance – even when drenched in sweat from a long day of mowing in the hot sun.

Gripping the knob on the hose, David was surprised to find it stuck. He fiddled with it for a moment before finding the sweet spot that released the gush from the hose and drenched him with a cool blast from head to toe. He ran his hands through his hair and then wiped the day’s grime from his face and body. It took every ounce of self-control he had to not wrap his hand around his stiffening member as he thought about his favorite customer waiting for him on the other side of the fence. The previous week she’d broken from form and opted for an electric blue one-piece rather than her usual bikini, but David wasn’t disappointed. In true Baywatch fashion, the neckline plunged to show off Miss Kittren’s supple chest, and the sides tapered seductively down her hips and around her womanhood leaving very little to the imagination. 

David caught himself daydreaming, turned off the house, and shook the excess water from his hair and clothes. He continued to Miss Kittren’s back gate. After fumbling for the key on his key chain he knocked as he opened the door – more to announce his entrance than to ask permission. Miss Kittren had reminded him at the beginning of the summer he was still welcome to use the pool anytime and didn’t need her permission. While she didn’t explicitly reference their incident from the end of last summer David took that statement as a way of reassuring David that everything was alright between the two of them. Still – if Miss Kittren had happened to be enjoying herself in an intimate manner when David stopped by he wanted to make sure she at least got a fair warning to collect herself or ask him to come back later. As much as David treasured the mental image he had from walking in on her mid-orgasm, he wanted to make sure not to put her in that same situation again.

Rounding the corner and walking onto the pool deck David was surprised to find it empty. David had seen Miss Kittren out for a walk around the neighborhood just a few days prior and she had said she was looking forward to him coming by Thursday. He wondered what changed. Slightly disappointed he dove into the pool, did a few laps, and then headed home. “There’s always next week.” he thought to himself as he locked the pool gate behind him. He was tempted to knock on her door or peek in a window but decided against it. Given the way they left things last summer, David didn’t want to give the impression he didn’t respect his neighbor’s privacy.

Walking into his house David heard his mother’s voice in the next room. His father wouldn’t be home for several hours and it was usual for her to have company at this hour so he wasn’t sure who she might be talking to.

“What an offer, but I couldn’t possibly. It sounds like a wonderful trip but on such short notice, I could never get the time off work. Now, David, on the other hand. There’s an idea. He’s been working so hard this summer and I know you two get on well. It’s probably not the trip you had in mind but if you’re in a pinch for a travel partner I’m sure he’d be thrilled at the opportunity.” David heard his mother say.

Who could his mother possibly be talking to? Then, he heard a familiar voice.

“Oh, I hadn’t even considered asking David!” spoke a familiar voice, “That would be a great way to thank him for all the work he’s done for me over the years, and he really has grown into quite the enjoyable young man to be around. Are you sure that would be OK with you?”

David couldn’t believe it. Unmistakably it was Miss Kittren, and his mother was suggesting she take him on some sort of trip. David didn’t know where, didn’t know when, but he knew his answer would be yes!

“Of course, he’s an adult now, he can handle himself, and I trust you to keep him out of too much trouble!” David’s mother replied.

David decided it was time to make his presence known. 

“Who’s keeping who out of trouble?” he asked walking into the room, feigning ignorance of the conversation he’d overheard. He noticed Miss Kittren was dressed in yoga pants and a baggy sweatshirt – a dramatic departure from the pin-up-esque housewife style she typically left the house in. Not only that, it looked as though she’d been crying, mascara running down her eyes. Whatever was happening it likely explained her absence from the pool deck earlier this afternoon.

“Well, this is perfect timing!” David’s mother remarked, “Miss Kittren has something she wants to discuss with you. I’ll leave you two to chat.” exiting the room as quickly as David entered.

David looked inquisitively at his favorite neighbor, “I didn’t see you by the pool this afternoon, I hope everything’s alright?”

“Oh, it will be I suppose,” Miss Kittren said, steeling herself to recount the events that had transpired for her over the past two days, “David, I know I’ve heard a lot about your love life over the years, and I’ve always been happy to give you advice, but I haven’t been as much of an open book for you. I suppose when you were younger it didn’t feel appropriate for me to be sharing the details of my romantic comings and goings with a teenager but you’re an adult now so I shouldn’t feel any shame in telling you that I’ve been seeing someone for the past year or so.”

David felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, followed by a jealous rage. Both of which he kept concealed from Miss Kittren. While he was a realist and knew their age difference would likely prevent anything from ever happening between them, the idea of her with another man viscerally upset him in a way he hadn’t expected. He felt possessive and protective of her, even if he couldn’t have her. 

“Oh,” was all David was able to eke out.

“Yes,” continued Miss Kittren, “it had been going so well, and we had planned this big trip to Jamaica for later this summer. Everything was booked and paid for and we were really looking forward to it.”

David’s head was racing, how did he fit into all this? 

Miss Kittren sighed, preparing to share with David where things took an unfortunate turn, “Well, you may have noticed I’m speaking in the past tense. Last night I picked up his phone to find some pictures he had taken of us and instead found out he’d been sexting an intern at his office. I guess he wanted something younger and more exciting than I was able to provide.”

If David was jealous before, now he was just angry. How could anyone choose to stray from someone as beautiful as what stood before him? Who could be more exciting than Amelia Kittren? This fool didn’t realize what he’d missed out on.

Continuing, Miss Kittren explained, “So, I have an all-expenses paid trip to Jamaica for two that I can’t get refunded for and no one to go with. My son is with his father this summer, both of my sisters are already traveling that week, and none of my friends can get off work. That’s where you come in, you’ve always been so generous with me, that I thought I’d return the favor. I know it might be a bit awkward going on vacation with your neighbor who’s almost old enough to be your mother, but I’ve always enjoyed our chats. It’s at a great all-inclusive beach resort so it wouldn’t cost you a penny, and honestly, you don’t even have to spend time with me once we get down there. I just don’t want the trip to go to waste. What do you say?” 

David was in shock. He sputtered out, “It would be my honor to join you, Miss Kitten – KITTREN!” 

David’s tongue had slipped, calling her Miss Kitten, the pet name he’d normally only call her in his naughtiest masturbatory fantasies. Clearly, the image of her on a white sand beach had stirred something within him.

She was unfazed. 

“Please, David, call me Amelia.” she laughed, “I’m already a bit nervous about what the folks at the resort will think of me jetting in with such a young man. If they hear you calling me Miss Kittren they may think you’re some kind of boy toy I’ve hired to service me for the week. The least we can do is refer to each other as friends…equals.”

“I’ll try, Amelia,” gulped David. He was a proper southern boy and calling someone he’d looked up to as a mentor for so long by her first name just didn’t feel right. 

“You’ve got a passport, right?” she inquired, “I remember, you and Jeremy went on the youth group trip to Canada a few years ago?”

“Yes!” David confirmed.

“Perfect,” Miss Kittren exclaimed, “then I’ll head back to my place for the evening and text over all the details later tonight. Walk me to the door?”

David was quick to oblige, hanging back to get a view of her shapely rear. He’d seen it in a bikini many times, but the Yoga pants she was wearing held it firmly in an entirely new and enticing way he’d never seen before. On her way out the door, Miss Kittren paused, turning to him and wrapping her arms around him in a friendly hug. This was the closest he’d ever been to her, and he was sure she could feel the stiffness in his shorts just as much as he could feel the supple firmness of her breasts pressed against his chest.

While David could have stayed in her embrace forever, Miss Kittren pulled away after a moment, saying, “You know, this certainly wasn’t how I imagined this trip when I booked it, but I’m really looking forward to it now.” she remarked, “It will be nice to spend a little extra time with you and get to know you as a young man, not that I haven’t already thought of you that way for some time. See you soon!” 

That night Miss Kittren texted David an itinerary and he poured over it. The resort was an elite beachfront all-inclusive with everything a person looking to relax and enjoy nature (or enjoy their partner) could imagine. Their website was plastered with images of people with perfect bodies out on display in a serene setting. David couldn’t help but notice a distinctly sexual tone in much of the imagery, but then again it may just have been the tan muscles, breasts, bums, and bikinis that led his hormone-laden mind in that direction.

A week with the woman of his dreams in this setting was more than he could have imagined. The Thursday afternoons he spent chatting with her by the pool were an intoxicating highlight of his week. Addicted to her company, he’d often schemed ways he could get just a little more time with her each week. He waited all week to see what swimsuit she may be wearing by the pool each day, now he’d get to see a new one each day for seven days. His only problem would be controlling his erections and finding time to sneak off to the shower to tame the beast he knew would be raging in his shorts throughout the week – but he knew he would manage. 

And what did Miss Kittren mean by, “get to know you as a young man.” David was sure she meant in the way of looking at him as an equal rather than as one of her son’s friends from the neighborhood, but did it mean something else? Either way, he couldn’t wait to see what was to come as he looked forward to a week with Miss Kittren.

Imagining himself and his busty next-door neighbor scantily clad, looking at each other the way the couples on the website did was too much for him as he made sure his door was closed and curtains were drawn, lay back in bed, and smelled the sweet vanilla lotion he’d learned to associate with giving himself a sweet release thinking of what was to come. 

Published 4 weeks ago

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