Big Girls Need Love Too!: Chapter 7 – Revelations

"Shelly and Mark find a couple of converts to the lifestyle"

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7 – Revelations

Shelly and Mark accepted their hosts’ invitation to stay over for a few extra days. Mark told them he had to be back by mid-day on Wednesday because he had an important client meeting but other than that, he was fine to stay until Friday morning. Katie’s daughter Grace had left a few hours before with her parents and she hadn’t liked the idea of leaving the lake early but her parents promised to take her to her favourite amusement park later in the summer.

Katie and Shelly exchanged glances as they drove back to the cottage from the grocery store in the town closest to their rented cottage. Their extended stay meant they’d need more groceries and booze, so the two women offered to go to town while the men were left to their own devices.

They hadn’t gotten the opportunity to continue their conversation from a few days before and Katie’s curiosity was ramped up to the max. “So tell me, how did you guys first get into this whole open marriage thing?” she asked.

Shelly sighed, knowing that her friend would start asking questions but she’d hoped that it wouldn’t be until they were with their partners in case things progressed. Besides, her memory hadn’t fully recovered and she could use Mark’s help to fill in some of the gaps. “I don’t remember when it started,” she said. “When I had my accident, I lost quite a bit of my memory and not all of it has returned. It’s likely that what I’m missing now will never come back. So I don’t remember how we got there, all I remember is having sex with another man without Mark being there. I know it sounds fucked up but that’s how it is.”

“Oh,” Katie said. In the time between the evening that Shelly had made her revelations to her, she and her husband had talked and fantasized about sharing each other but they didn’t know how to get the ball rolling. She confessed as much to Shelly, who smiled knowingly. She had told Mark that Katie would approach her and was pleased that she had read the pretty, curvaceous woman sitting beside her so well. “Do you two only have sex with other people separately or do you do it together?”

“Both,” Shelly said. She slowed the car and pulled over. “Katie, if you can be patient tonight, after dinner, we’ll get some drinks and sit down together, and Mark and I will answer all of your questions. We’ll explain how we got there, what our rules are, and how we keep from letting jealousy get in the way. After that, you and Grant need to talk about things and come to a decision about if and how you want to go forward.” She reached across and took Katie’s hand, squeezing it softly.

“I want us to be together; Mark does, too. We’ve talked about it, and if that’s what you want, we’d be thrilled to help make that happen. But it can’t just happen; you have to both want it. I know this because Mark had to explain it all to me after my accident. I was shocked at first, but then his explanations helped me stitch together the memories I was missing. Be patient, that’s all I’m asking. If you do this the wrong way, it might break up your marriage; nobody wants that!”

Katie smiled, “Thank you, Shelly, I think you’re right. This is a huge step and we should take it together and with our eyes wide open. But there is a small problem.” She lifted her free hand from her lap and revealed that small wet stain on the front of her dark-coloured shorts.

“That’s not a problem for me,” she said as she put the car in gear and checked over her shoulder. “I’ll drive slowly and you can play with yourself to relieve the stress! You do masturbate, don’t you?”

“Every day!” Katie grinned. “Doesn’t everybody?”

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know I do!” She looked over at her friend and winked, “Every day!”

She pulled away as Katie undid the button on her shorts and pulled them open. Just as they were turning onto the gravel road that led to the cottage, she had her orgasm, biting her lip and moaning softly as her thighs clamped together against her hand. “May I have a taste?” Shelly asked. Katie looked at her and smiled before withdrawing her hand and offering two fingers to her soon-to-be lover. Shelly sucked and licked them clean and smiled. “We’re going to have so much fun!”

Katie rearranged herself and they got out to take in the groceries. When they turned the corner, they saw their husbands lying on deck chairs, snoozing with several empty beer bottles on the deck beside them. Katie pointed and whispered so she wouldn’t wake them, “Good! They’re gonna need all the rest they can get!”

They put the groceries away and Katie went to her bedroom to change. She rinsed her soiled panties in the sink and laid them out to dry. She put on her old bikini for the afternoon, which was not too revealing but showed off her body well, or so her husband thought. “I need to get a new suit!” she thought.

She left her bedroom and as she passed Shelly and Mark’s room, she heard a soft moan. The door was open just a little, so she peeked in and saw Shelly lying on her back with her thighs open and her hands covering her pussy. She couldn’t see everything but it was easy to tell that her friend was sliding a toy in and out of herself and, judging by the movements of her hands, it was a rather long one indeed!”

She licked her lips and watched silently as Shelly fucked herself. “Fuck, she’s fucking hot!” she thought as she watched. Her hand went to her pussy and she rubbed her clit through her swimsuit. She stopped before she could have another orgasm but Shelly didn’t. She watched wide-eyed as her friend’s body stiffened and rolled onto her side. Her knees pulled up and she could see her swollen pussy lips wrapped around a thick toy. Shelly gave herself a few quick strokes and stiffened again, her moans audible enough to be heard outside. Then she rolled back onto her back and withdrew the toy from her pussy, bringing it to her lips and licking it, She slid it into her mouth and pushed it in deep enough so that Katie could see the bulge in her throat. It had to be at least ten inches by Katie’s guess. Then she was shocked when Shelly looked at her, smiled and winked.

When she went outside, she made enough noise to wake the sleeping men. “Oh, you’re back!” Grant said. “Did you find everything okay?”

“I did,” Katie said as she bent to pick u the half-dozen beer bottles at her feet. “And it gave Shelly and I a chance to talk and get to know more about each other!” She bent to kiss his cheek before taking the empties inside. She returned a few minutes later with water, sandwiches and a pitcher of margaritas with four glasses.

Shelly joined them and, after kissing her husband, she sat down.

Patience was never Katie’s long suit. All afternoon, she was dying to start the conversation but she held off, trusting Shelly’s advice to wait until after supper. She had trouble staying in the moment as her mind went to what she’d witnessed and her pussy dampened. She’d never been with a woman, never even kissed one, but she’d thought about little else ever since Shelly had revealed that she was bi. She’d always thought that she was pretty good-looking and was comfortable in her own skin but when she looked at Shelly’s body while she masturbated, she saw how hot and fit she was. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on her full round breasts and between her thick thighs.

‘It’s getting hot!” Shelly said. “I think I’ll take a dip!” She looked at Katie and raised one eyebrow before turning and walking into the lake.

Katie followed her and as the water hit her pussy, she shivered, “It’s cold!” she shouted just as Shelly’s head broke the surface.

“Just jump right in!” Shelly called as she turned and swam toward the floating dock that they used as a diving platform and sunbathing spot. She pulled herself up and sat with her feet dangling into the water with her back to the shore. She smiled as she felt the dock rock as Katie climbed up and sat beside her.

“Did you enjoy the show?” she asked without looking at Katie.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to watch, I just couldn’t help myself!”

“It’s okay, Katie, you were meant to watch!” Shelly said. “Have you ever watched another person play with themselves before?”

“I caught my roommate in college one time, but I’ve never just stood and watched before,” she said.

“Did you like it?” Shelly asked.

“Oh fuck yes!” Katie exclaimed.

Shelly laughed before turning and looking at her. “I love watching! I could watch Mark fuck another woman all day! I love watching women give him blowjobs and watching him eat the pussies!” She paused for a moment. “Does that offend you when I talk that way?”

“No, I like it! It turns me on!”

“Good!” Shelly said. “I’m getting hungry!” She looked at Katie and licked her lips seductively. “Let’s go make dinner and then get cleaned up. After that, we can sit down with our husbands and have that conversation you’ve been dying to have all afternoon!”

“Okay!” Katie said. “I can’t wait to kiss you!”

“All in good time, Katie!” Shelly stood up, dove into the water and swam back to shore. Katie jumped in and followed her and as she was stepping up onto the deck, she saw Shelly kiss her husband and whisper into his ear. Mark smiled and looked at her, raising his eyebrows before kissing the back of her hand.

A few hours later, Katie was positively vibrating with the anticipation of what she hoped would happen that night. The shower she’d taken with her husband, during which he fingered her to orgasm, did nothing to cool her ardor. The four of them sat around the campfire, sipping fruity rum drinks that Mark had made for them.

“I just wonder how you make it work,” Katie said, breaking the silence.

“Honesty and trust,” Mark said, confirming what Shelly had said earlier.

“How did all this start for you?” Grant asked.

“Can I ask you some personal questions?” Shelly asked. They both nodded. “I’m assuming you guys fantasize in bed.” They nodded again. “What about?”

Grant cleared his throat. “Different things. Being with other people, sometimes together sometimes by ourselves. Doing different things, trying new positions or ideas. Lately, we’ve fantasized about you guys.”

“We’ve fantasized about you as well,” Shelly said. “Full disclosure: we’ve tried pretty much everything we can think of. There are some things we love doing and others we don’t. The thing is, you can’t be afraid to try new things. If you don’t, you will always wonder.”

“How do you get over the fear that it might all go horribly wrong?” Katie asked. “That’s my biggest fear, that it might change the way we feel about each other.”

“I can dispel that fear right now,” Mark said. “It will absolutely change the way you feel about each other. The question is how.” He sipped his drink while their friends digested what he’d told them. “So here’s the question: Do you love each other enough to believe that no matter what happens, you will come back to each other?”

Katie and Grant looked at each other and at the same time, they reached out to hold each other’s hands. “I think so,” Katie said quietly.”

“Me too,” said Grant.

“Maybe Mark and I should go for a walk so you guys can talk about all of this. When we come back, if you are still out here, we’ll assume you are willing to take that leap of faith. If not, go to your bedroom and nothing more will be said about any of this ever. We will take what you’ve told us to our graves, we promise.”

“Okay,” Katie said. She stood up when Shelly did and hugged her. “My problem right now is that I don’t know if I’m more horny than I am afraid!”

“I can tell you, everyone who lives this lifestyle wonders that. You are not unique that way.” Then two women hugged again and Shelly took Mark’s hand. As they walked away, Shelly stole a glance back over her shoulder and saw them kissing softly. “They’re in!” she whispered to her husband.

“Not taking that bet!” he replied. “So if they are in, how do you want to do it?”

“How did we do it? I don’t remember exactly,” she said.

“We watched Maggie and DJ start making out. When you got comfortable, she got up and took DJ’s hand, placed it in yours and told you to kiss him. As soon as your lips met his, there was no stopping you! In seconds you girls were both on your knees sucking our cocks.!”

“That might work,” she grinned.

They walked a circuit around the circular road that looped around that end of the lake. As they walked, they teased each other about the things they hoped would happen when they returned. As they rounded the corner of the cottage, they were disappointed to see the chairs on the deck empty. “I guess we were both wrong,” Shelly said. They entered the cottage to see the other couple sitting on the couch, kissing and hugging each other. Katie looked up and smiled at them. “So, how does this work?”

Shelly went over to her and hugged her before kissing her softly. “I’ve been looking forward to that!” she whispered.

“Me too!” Katie echoed. They kissed again and Shelly took her hand and led her to Mark. They kissed once more and then placed her hand in his. She kissed her husband and smiled before turning and moving over to Grant. She reached up and placed her hands on either side of his face, pulling him down to kiss him. “Hi!” she whispered.

She and Grant shared kisses that started soft and increased in intensity. She took his hand and moved it to cup her breast as she moved her other hand to his crotch. She looked over and saw Katie and her husband watching them. “Can I taste your husband?” she asked Katie. Her friend nodded and smiled at her, licking her lips and shifting to get more comfortable as she sat in Mark’s lap.

Shelly kissed Grant and sank to her knees in front of him. She undid his belt and button before slipping his slacks down over his hips. She looked at his cock and licked her lips, “Nice!” She took one more look at Katie and opened her mouth, taking him in deeply. She heard a moan that sounded rather feminine so she came off him and looked over to see her husband had stood her up and was undressing her. She returned to her task and tried to ignore the sounds that Mark was drawing from her.

After a while, Grant pulled her to her feet and guided her over to the couch. He laid her back and pulled down her shorts to expose her leaking pussy. He looked over to get his wife’s consent but she was too busy wrapping her legs around Mark’s shoulders to hold him in place as he licked her cunt. He smiled up at Shelly before bending to taste her.

The two women looked at each other as their husbands kissed, licked, suckled and fingered the shared pussies. They traded mouthed words and rolled eyes as their men raised their body temperatures by a few degrees. “I’m going to do that to you later!” Shelly panted as Grant brought her up to the top of Orgasm Mountain.

Katie got there first as her hips bucked forward and her legs clamped onto the sides of Mark’s head, holding him there as her pussy clenched and leaked over his face. She thought that once she was finished cumming he might relent but he was well practiced in giving oral orgasms to his wife and other women. He kept at it until she came twice more and when he finally moved up from her pussy, she attacked him with kisses, acknowledging his prowess at pussy eating. She sat up and rested in his arms as her husband brought his wife to the peak of arousal.

Shelly was rather used to having men other than her husband kiss and lick her pussy until she came but that didn’t make it any less fun or satisfying.  She always loved the first time with a new partner as they learned the other’s likes and preferences. Learning a new person’s tells and listening to the way they react during orgasm was a favourite thing to do.

Grant was pretty damned good! She felt the same way about cunnilingus and most men did about blowjobs – there’s no such thing as bad head; some is just better than others. Grant was better than most in her experience, knowing without being told that if a woman is reacting positively to what you are doing, keep fucking doing it!

Her hands found his hair and she held him into place just n case he got the stupid idea to do something other than latching onto her clit and massaging it with his tongue. His fingers rubbed her in exactly the right spot in combination with his suckling to drive her passion higher and higher. Her moans turned to screams as he took her over the top, making her squirt loudly and wetly, soaking his face as well as the insides of her thighs and bum. She held on as long as she could, willing him to keep suckling on her but eventually, she could take no more. She gripped his hair and pulled him up to kiss him. “Fuck you are good!” she whispered as she licked her wetness from his face.

“Fuck me!” Katie muttered. “Why did we not do this years ago?”

“Beats the fuck out of me!” Grant answered.

“I think we have a couple of converts!” Mark laughed but Shelly shook her head.

“Not yet we don’t but we will soon!”

“How do you mean? Grant asked.

Shelly looked at Katie with an unabashed lust. “Soon, you are going to fill my pussy with your hot cum and my husband is going to fill your wife’s! When you are done, she and I are going to clean each other’s pussies of that delicious creamy stuff and then she will have been converted from a sweet mother and housewife to a wanton bisexual animal who craves only satisfaction!”

“From your lips!” Katie whispered. She disengaged from Mark and came over to her, kissing her with a fury that Shelly had rarely encountered before. “Fuck that was fucking hot!” she gasped to her husband. “You’re a good kisser, Baby, but this woman is an expert!”

As the girls shared hot kisses, at Mark’s suggestion, the men fixed refreshments. “You have to stay hydrated or you’ll be hungover as fuck!” Grant felt weird walking around chatting casually with another man with their cocks hanging out, especially since his was getting hard again. The sight of his wife and Mark’s locked in a passionate embrace aroused him immediately.

They sat on separate chairs and watched as their wives took a break from playing tonsil hockey. Katie disengaged herself from Shelly’s grasp and went to her husband, sitting in his lap and kissing him. “Why have we waited all of our lives to do this?” she asked him.

“I don’t know, Baby, I don’t know.” They kissed again and then looked at their friends. “What now?”

“Now we come to the reason we’re all here!” Shelly said. She moved over to them and took Katie’s hand, helping her to her feet. “Hello, beautiful! How about you go over there and fuck my husband while I take your place here?”

“Okay!” Katie whispered. She kissed her new friend and went to Mark. “We meet again!” They started kissing and soon she was straddling him and lowering herself down on his cock.

She stared into Mark’s eyes as they moved slowly, relishing the feel of skin on skin as she felt his head brush along her G-Spot on every stroke. Every so often, she would look over at her husband until Mark turned her face with one finger to face him.

“Forget them,” he whispered. “We can watch them tomorrow!” She smiled at him and concentrated on the feelings he gave her.

She was surprised at his patience. Usually, her husband fucked like it was a race to see who could cum first and most times, she needed to rub her clit to catch up. But Mark moved more slowly, using kisses and whispered words along with the movement of his cock inside her to arouse her. He pulled her chest up to him and suckled on her nipples for a few moments and then kissed her again.

“You are so beautiful!” he breathed. He said it not because he was trying to arouse or flatter her but because he believed it to be true. “Your husband is a very lucky man indeed!”

“I’m the lucky one!” she breathed and she looked over at the other couple, noticing that they’d changed positions to match what they were doing. She caught Shelly’s eye and smiled at her before rolling her eyes up and returning her attention to the man underneath her.

“God, this feels so good!” she groaned. “It’s like I’m a virgin all over again!”

“In a way, you are!” Mark replied. He smiled up at her and she lowered her head so their foreheads touched.

“Fuck me, Mark! Make me cum!” she pleaded and he rose to the challenge. He urged her off him and onto her back before mounting her and sliding back inside.

Her body shook every time his hips drove forward, burying himself inside her as deep as he could manage. A slapping noise came from between them on each stroke, getting louder as his thrusts got deeper and faster. Each time he bottomed out, she let out a noise, some sounded like words and some not. As she got closer, the noises got louder and she thought to be quieter before she realized that the only people who could hear her were in this room.

She went through all the vowels and more than a few of the consonants as he made her cum. They both felt the warm gush as she released her orgasm onto him, begging him to never stop. “Fill my pussy!” she begged him. “Fill me up with your hot cum!” A few pushes later he did just that, driving forward and holding himself as his cock swelled and pulsed, ejecting his warm semen as deep inside her as he could. His orgasm triggered a fresh one in her and she wailed as she came all over him one last time.

He collapsed on top of her and they kissed firmly at first and then more softly as they both came down from the high. “That was…”

“Amazing? Hot? Fun?” he suggested and she laughed, making his softening cock slip out of her.

She felt their cum run down over her bum and hoped there’d be enough left for Shelly to clean up. “All those things and more!” They kissed again and she turned her head to see her husband mounting Shelly from behind for the final ride down the home stretch.

“Fuck that pussy good!” she urged her husband and he complied, making his hips move like a blur as he rushed toward his orgasm. She pushed Mark up off her and they cuddled in to watch her husband and her new best friend fuck on the other couch. She saw Shelly’s fingers every few strokes, teasing her clit and slipping inside beside him as she tried to time her orgasm with his.

He won the race, as he usually did, but Shelly was not far behind. After holding still until he finished pumping his cum into her, he began moving again and she started cursing at him. “Fuck me harder!” she demanded. “Come on! Pound that pussy! That’s it! Faster! Come on! Don’t leave me hanging! Yes! So close! FUCK! FUCK! YES!”

Katie had no doubt her screams could be heard across the lake as  Shelly came. She heard and saw her pussy squirt and watched as her fluid dripped off her husband’s balls and onto the smooth leather surface of the couch beneath them.  Grant tried to move some more but she knew he wouldn’t be able to. His cock was always super sensitive right after he came rendering him unable to move for a minute or so. She had often wished he wasn’t that way and she felt bad for Shelly at that moment. She knew that, if he could overcome that sensitivity, he could bring her to another orgasm, maybe two.

She kissed Mark softly, “Excuse me!” She got off him and went to her husband, kneeling down beside him and turning his head to kiss her. “That was fucking hot! I loved watching you two fuck!” She kissed him again before moving her face beside Shelly’s.

“I love our husband’s cock!” Shelly whispered.

“We have something in common then!” Katie joked. “We both love each other’s husband’s cocks!” they kissed and Grant moved away, standing up and moving back to the chair he’d occupied previously.

Shelly rolled onto her back and welcomed Katie in for a tight hug; they kissed some more, and then she whispered, “Sometimes, I like to clean my husband’s cock off before eating his come from the other woman’s pussy. Would you like to do that?”

Katie shook her head. “No, I’d like to get straight to the pussy licking!” She kissed Shelly, “I can suck his cock any time!”

“You can lick my pussy any time too!” Shelly grinned.

The two women shifted around so that Katie’s pussy was over Shelly’s face. There was a reasonable chance that they would fall off the couch and onto the floor but neither of them cared. Katie looked at the pussy below her and tentatively reached forward with her tongue.

The taste was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She’d tasted her husband’s cum many times and even her own pussy often enough but this was different. She used two fingers to scoop his cum from inside her and licked them clean. After doing that a few more times she leaned down and clamped her lips onto Shelly’s clit and began suckling on it.

For her part, Shelly wanted to let Katie experience tasting her without the distraction of her tongue on Katie’s clit. As soon as she felt the familiar feeling of her clit being enclosed in a woman’s soft lips, she pulled her hips down and savoured the taste of her. “Delicious!” she whispered, which caused Katie to moan loudly.

The men watched as their wives licked, sucked, fingered and otherwise removed the lion’s share of their cum from each other. In their aroused state, it didn’t take long for them to have another orgasm and Katie relished the feeling of a pulsating gushing pussy ejecting warm, sticky cum onto her face. It was the favourite thing they’d done together so far! As they came down they repositioned to share soft sweet kisses.

“I told you you would know what to do!” Shelly said softly. “You were perfect!”

“I just tried to do what it felt like you were doing to me!” Katie replied.

“That’s always a great place to start!” Shelly whispered. “And now, you need to go back to Grant and love him. Give yourself to him and let him give himself to you. Reclaim each other and say that you love him more than ever for sharing this with you! This is probably the most important thing you can do, to go back to him and love him with every bit of your body, heart, and soul!”

“Okay!” Katie said. “But don’t think I’m finished with you yet!”

“Oh, don’t worry! I’m not finished with you either!” They kissed and Shelly got up, going back to her husband and kissing him before settling into his lap to watch. They had done this so many times in the past that they knew that, although they would perform the same ritual, it could wait.

They watched the other couple kissing and whispering to each other, sharing smiles and nods as they began to reconnect. Then they stood up and looked over.

“Why are we down here when there are several very good beds upstairs?” Katie asked. She took her husband’s hand and led him to the staircase. As she mounted the first step, she looked back over her shoulder, “You can come watch if you want to!”

They watched Katie and Grant make love to each other and then they did their own reclaiming as the other couple watched them. By the time they were finished, the two men were ready to sleep so Mark excused himself to bed. “Don’t wait up!” Shelly said as she kissed him good night.

Shelly and Katie waited until both men were snoring and then they got up, slipped robes over their torsos and went back downstairs. Neither of them was the least bit sleepy.

“So what do you think?” Shelly asked as they sat down beside each other on the couch.

“It was fun! More fun than I thought it would be!” Katie replied. “It was like Mark and I made this connection where he knew what I needed before I did!”

“He does that, doesn’t he?” Shelly said. They sipped their drinks and looked at each other.

“Sorry about Grant. He always seems to be in such a rush when we have sex like he’s afraid to lose a race!”

“It’s okay, Katie! He’s not the first man I’ve been with who did that! You want to know my trick?” Katie nodded. “When you want him to slow down, change positions. Do it three or four times or more if you need to! Anything to get him to slow down!”

“I’ll try that!” She sipped again before continuing, “Mark worked very hard to make sure I came before he did!”

“He does that!” Shelly confirmed. “When we first got together, he was so afraid I wouldn’t cum that he always made sure to delay his orgasm until after mine! I thought it was sweet at the time but now I understand that is the mark of a great lover!”

“He is a great lover!” Katie said wistfully.

“The best I ever had!” Shelly paused and looked at Katie. “I have an idea that might work.”

“What’s that?” Katie asked.

“You’re going to think it’s crazy but let me keep him for a weekend. I might be able to train him to be a more attentive lover.”

“I’ll try anything if it works!” Katie gushed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love him so much and I love how he loves me but until a couple of hours ago, he was the only man I’d ever been with. Now I see there’s more and I want it!”

“Then maybe we should trade husbands for a week or so, would that work?”

“A week with Mark making me cum over and over and over? Now that’s an idea I can get behind!” She leaned over and kissed her lover.

“What did you think of your first time with a woman?” Shelly asked.

“Oh! My! GOD! AMAZING!” Katie took a deep breath and hugged Shelly. “I mean, you were awesome! It was awesome! And the orgasms! It felt like they’d never stop!”

“I know, right?” She kissed Katie. “For the record, you were pretty amazing too!”

“I was so worried I was doing it wrong!”

“There’s no right way or wrong way I don’t think. Just keep thinking, ‘What would I like her to do to me?’ and keep doing that! You won’t ever go wrong!”

“Is it just me or are orgasms with women different than they are with men?” Katie asked.

“Everyone is different,” Shelly said. “Think about it, the orgasms that Mark gave you were different than with Grant, right?” Katie nodded. “And the orgasms you give yourself with your fingers and toys are different from any others, aren’t they?” She nodded again. “I can’t imagine having the same orgasm over and over again! It’s one of the things I like about sharing, I get all the different orgasms!”

“Oh my God, you’re right!” She leaned in and kissed Shelly. “Can I ask you some more questions?”

“Of course!”

Over the next two hours, Katie asked dozens of questions. By the time she yawned the sky was beginning to brighten and she knew all about Shelly’s wild adventures with multiple men and women, their lust letters and the fantasies she hadn’t lived out yet. “I have a feeling our friendship is going to be a very, how did you put it… unconventional one!”

“Nontraditional is how I put it, I think!” She squeezed Katie’s hand. “And I hope you’re right!”

They kissed once more and went upstairs to join their husbands. As they passed the first bedroom, they stopped and watched as Mark slept. “I have an idea!” Katie said.


Katie leaned in and kissed Shelly. “Good night!” she whispered and she went in to join Mark, closing the door behind her.

~  ~  ~

When Grant awoke, he felt the familiar warmth of her full round body against him and pulled her in a little tighter. He thought about the events of the previous day and whether or not his feelings for her had changed as Shelly predicted they would. He opened his eyes and was surprised that instead of his wife’s curly brown hair, he saw tousled blonde hair resting on his shoulder. He blinked a few times to check and sure enough, he wasn’t dreaming. For the first time in nearly 20 years, he had slept with a woman who was not his wife. He inhaled deeply, which disturbed her, and she looked up at him.

“Hi!” she whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear.

“Hi!” he whispered back. “Do I know you?”

She giggled and hugged him tightly. “Surprise!” She rolled over to kiss him and felt his manhood firm against her hip. “Is that for me?”

“Yes and no,” he said, smiling. “Excuse me for a moment.” He got up and left the room, returning a few minutes later and getting back into bed with her. “Shelly, let’s wait. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but Katie and I haven’t talked about being with other people separately and I think we should before we do anything.”

“I understand,” she said. She pulled him close and kissed him. “That’s okay; I’m not ready to get up yet.” She snuggled in and quickly went back to sleep.

~  ~  ~

Mark stirred and felt the gentle snore coming from the warm body beside him. He knew instantly that Katie was with him because Shelly didn’t snore, at least not that he’d ever heard. He pulled her close and she stirred. “I love you, Grant,” she mumbled before drifting back to sleep. They cuddled in together but soon, he had to answer nature’s call. As he passed the bedroom next door, he heard his wife and Grant whispering, and then he heard the rustle of the bedding. He did his business and returned to bed, listening hopefully for the sounds of his wife and her lover but he was denied. He pulled Katie in tight and let sleep overtake him.

A few hours later, he was awakened by a gasp from his bedmate. “Oh, my God!” she said softly.

“What?” he asked quietly.

“I just realized that I slept, actually slept, with another man!”

“So? Your husband is next door doing the same thing with my wife.”

“But we never talked about this! You guys said we need to talk about things before we did them!”

Mark smiled at her, “Relax, we’re not doing anything, really. Come here and cuddle for a bit.”

She excused herself to the washroom and on the way back, she heard her husband and Shelly whispering. She listened for a moment until she was sure that that was all they were doing and returned to bed. She cuddled up with her friend’s husband and kissed him softly. “They’re awake.”

“Good,” he replied. “So, how do you feel in the cold light of day?”

“Pretty good,” she answered. “Shelly and I had a long talk last night and she answered a lot of my questions about your experiences together. I think I’d like to keep going and see where this leads us.”

“So, no regrets?”

“Not yet!” she said. “I mean, I’m sure that either Grant or I will screw up at some point and cross a line, but I’d like to think that now that we’ve taken that leap of faith, we can talk our way through it.”

“Remember the rules,” Mark reminded her.

She kissed him again, “The rules are the only reason I’m not sucking your cock right now!” She hugged him tightly, “I think I’ll go say good morning to my husband!”

“Say good morning to my wife, will you, and kiss her for me?”

“You got it!” she giggled. He watched her get out of bed and pull a robe over her shoulders, admiring her body as she walked away. “God, I love big girls!” he thought.

~  ~  ~

Shelly and Grant heard a light tap on the door, “Are you decent?” Katie asked.

“Maybe!” Shelly answered. “Why don’t you come in and find out!” Katie smiled and opened the door to see them cuddled up together and smiling.

“Don’t you two look adorable!” she said sweetly. “Is there room in there for one more?

“We’ll make room!” Grant said as he rolled onto his back and invited his wife to join them. She shed her robe, climbed in and pulled the covers up to her chin.

“Good morning, Sweetheart! Did you sleep well?” she asked her husband before kissing him.

“Like a stone!” he said.

“I should hope so after the fucking you got last night!” she teased. She climbed over her husband and kissed Shelly. “That one’s from me!” She kissed her again, “And that one’s from Mark!” She giggled and rolled back to cuddle into her husband’s shoulder. She ran her fingers through his chest hair and felt another feminine hand against hers. She peeked up looked at Shelly and smiled.

“So, did you two do anything last night after we went to bed?” she asked.

“No, Dear, we were waiting for you!” he replied.

“Well, your wait is over!” she whispered as she kissed her way down his body. Shelly met her there, and together, they fulfilled one of Grant’s fantasies as they alternately sucked his cock until he came in his wife’s mouth. She shared his offering with Shelly with hot kisses and then they both shared it with him. Noticing the look on her husband’s face, she spoke to him rather directly. “You might as well get used to it! If you expect me to taste your cum, you better be willing to taste it too!”

“It’s just that you never let me do that before and you never asked me to do it either,” he protested.

“Oh, you’re right,” she said. “Sorry!”

“It’s okay, you just surprised me, that’s all!”

“Look at you guys! Figuring it all out!” Shelly said. She kissed them both, “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go wish my husband good morning!”

“Keep it to a dull roar!” Katie called.

“Not a fucking chance!”

The noises from both bedrooms carried to the other one as both couples reconnected. Grunts, groans, screams, sighs and very heavy breathing filled the air as they renewed their love for each other in the most intimate way possible. As Katie and Grant lay together in the aftermath, they heard the cottage’s only shower start up. “I guess we’ll have to wait!” Katie said.

“Too bad it’s only barely big enough for two!” he replied. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. “Any regrets?” he asked.

“Only one!” she whispered. “That we didn’t do this years ago!”

He smiled at her and kissed her, “You’re right as usual, Dear!”

Published 1 month ago

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