6 – A Return to the Scene of the Crime
They awoke and made love again, Mark slipping his cock first into his wife’s pussy as the two women ate each other and then into Meredith’s after they changed position. He moved to clean the cum filled pussy but his wife beat him to it. She shared his bounty with them both before they got up and made use of the large glass-walled shower.
They went downstairs to see that most of the guests weren’t up yet or had left. They saw the black couple from the night before and acknowledged them as they made coffee. As they sat down, the couple came over. “You’re the newbies, aren’t you?” the woman asked.
“I guess so,” Mark replied. “I’m Mark, this is my wife Shelly and this is Meredith.”
“Oh, so you’re Meredith! Caroline was wondering where you’d gotten to! She was not happy when she couldn’t find you!”
“Yeah, I was supposed to spend the night with her but I got sidetracked!” Meredith said as she blushed.
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed! We’re all adults and we know what we all came here for! And don’t you worry, we took care of Caroline and her husband, Didn’t we, Baby?” The man just nodded and extended his hand.
“I’m Will, this is Jade.” The men shook hands and the women exchanged hugs. They chatted for a while during which they learned of Will and Jade’s connection to their hosts and the connections they’d made through them.
Presently, Caroline came through the door and made a beeline to Meredith. “And where did you get to last night, my little vixen?” she teased before kissing her. Meredith just smiled and looked at Mark and Shelly. “I should have known!” She kissed her girlfriend again, “It’s alright, really! I’ll get my turn! I have to say though, David was a bit disappointed, he was really looking forward to watching us together!”
“I’m sorry, I guess I just got caught up in things,” Meredith apologized.
“Yes, I understand! I’ve been caught up in those things myself!” She kissed Meredith again before moving on to kiss Shelly and Mark. Then she went to Jade and kissed her deeply. “We had great fun, didn’t we?”
“We sure did!” Jade whispered. Then Caroline moved to Will.
“And you! No one has ever made me feel the things you made me feel before!” She looked at Meredith, “You really should reconsider and get yourself a large cock!”
“Reconsider?” Shelly asked, suddenly curious what would prompt such a reaction from such a worldly woman.
“I’ll tell you later,” Meredith said. She kissed Shelly and then Mark before returning to her breakfast.
“We’d better get ready if we’re going to make it to the main house for the Levee!” Caroline said.
“We’re going to have to pass,” Jade said. “We have a family commitment this afternoon. She got up and kissed Caroline, “Until next year!” Then she moved to Meredith, kissing her before kissing Shelly. “I really wish we’d had a chance to get together last night!”
“Me too,” Shelly breathed. “Maybe another time!” Jade kissed her again and then kissed Mark before leaving with Will.
“Come on, let’s get moving! The car leaves in half an hour!” Caroline said as she breezed out of the room toward the stairs.
We arrived just after 11 AM and by 11:30 the large house was bustling with men in tuxedos and women in their finery, their jewellery glittering in the light from the large chandeliers in the great hall. It was a scene that reminded one of a high society ball rather than an afternoon of mimosas and finger foods to ward off New Year’s Day hangovers. The Congressman gave a welcome speech and the party was on.
Meredith never seemed to be far from his side as he mingled with his guests while his wife kept a low profile. She did manage to find her way over to Shelly and Mark for a quiet word.
“Are you two doing okay?” she asked.
“We’re fine,” Shelly answered. “A bit tired after last night but we can catch up on the way home tomorrow!”
“I wish you could stay another day,” Caroline mused.
“Sorry, we have company coming and we have to get back to work on Monday,” Mark said.
“I guess we’ll have to make the most of tonight then, won’t we?” she leered as she turned to speak to the Governor and his wife.
Shelly and Mark mingled as well talking to numerous people while trying to keep to the script that Caroline had given them to explain how they knew the Congressman and his wife. As the afternoon wore on and the drinks became stronger, several men and more than one woman tried to proposition them in the hope of getting Shelly naked but she rebuffed their advances claiming jet lag and a long night had gotten the best of them.
Eventually, Meredith made her way over to them looking rather the worse for wear. “Are you okay? You look exhausted!” Shelly asked her.
“I am exhausted!” she replied. “And my ass is sore!”
“That’s not surprising!” Shelly giggled. “I remember the first time we did that, I don’t know what was harder, moving around or sitting down!”
“It was fun though, wasn’t it?”
“It was that!” Shelly said.
“Are you staying here tonight?” Meredith asked. Shelly and her husband traded a look.
“I don’t actually know!” Mark said. “Caroline hasn’t said what the plan is.”
“Well, if you end up on your own, you are welcome to stay at my place!”
“Thanks, we’ll let you know!” Shelly said. She wanted so badly to take Meredith in her arms and kiss her but refrained. She looked over to see Caroline staring at them so she excused herself and walked across the room.
“This is a great party!” Shelly said to her hostess.
“It always is!” Caroline sipped her soft drink. “So you two enjoyed your night with Meredith last night?”
“We did! She is a superstar!” Shelly gushed. “We should tell you all about it sometime!”
“I’d like that!” she grinned. “Or you could re-enact it tonight and I could watch!”
“You know what, I’m pretty wiped,” Shelly said. “All of this has taken the good right out of me and I think my husband and I need a night to ourselves.”
“You are going to stay here?” Caroline asked. “You are certainly welcome!”
“Thank you, that’s very kind,” Mark said. He hugged her and shook David’s hand.
~ ~ ~
The next morning, Carl took them to the airport to start their journey home. When they arrived, they were surprised to see Meredith waiting for them. They exchanged hugs and chaste kisses. “I couldn’t not come to see you off!” she smiled. She took Shelly’s hand in one of hers and Mark’s in the other and led them to a private waiting area. “Working for the Congressman has its privileges!” She kissed Mark deeply. “You are an amazing man! I hope we can get together again very soon!”
“I’d like that,” he said. She moved to Shelly.
“And you! Holy fuck, I can’t believe how you made me feel! I thought Caroline was amazing but you! Wow! Just Wow!” they kissed softly. “Don’t make any plans for March break, I want to spend a few days just the two of us!”
“Would Caroline be okay with that?” Shelly asked. “She’s pretty possessive of you!”
“That’s why I’m planning my exit strategy. “If she drops the hammer on her husband, I don’t want to be part of the fallout!”
“Smart move!” Shelly said. “She’s going to be pretty beat up though.”
“She’ll survive. I’m not the first plaything she’s had; I won’t be the last. Don’t get me wrong, I owe her a lot. She made me see myself for the sexual person that I am. Without her, I never would have met your amazing husband or gotten to enjoy his perfect cock!”
“Well, I’m glad you did!” Shelly said. They kissed again before opening their arms and welcoming Mark into their embrace.
“I hate goodbyes!” Meredith sniffled.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see us soon!” Mark said. They shared last soft kisses and then Meredith led them out to security. Using her credentials, they bypassed the long lines and accessed a preferred line for special travellers. “Safe trip home,” she said before hugging Shelly and shaking Mark’s hand.
“Happy New Year, Meredith!” Mark said.
“So far, so good!” she said as she winked at him. He watched as she turned and walked away, passing her hand along her bum as if to smooth out a wrinkle on her slacks.
~ ~ ~
After a long day, they arrived home just after suppertime. They ordered Thai food and started unpacking. Mark took their toys and cleaned them before laying them out to dry as Shelly hand-washed her soiled lingerie. A little before 10 PM, they undressed and got into bed.
“Quite a week so far!” Mark said.
“And it’s not over yet!” his wife replied. “Simon gets here tomorrow night!”
“You are insatiable!” he grinned as he moved on top of her.
“Sometimes, good old-fashioned, man-on-top sex is all you need!” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. She reached down and collected a dollop of his cum from her pussy on her fingers, bringing it up to taste it before sharing it with him. “Mmmm, still tasty!”
“I love you, Mrs Easton!” Mark said.
“I love you too, Mr Easton!” They kissed softly. “Thank you for letting me be the cocksucking slutty hotwife I am!”
“I do get a few benefits out of the deal!” he said. They kissed again and cuddled in to go to sleep.
~ ~ ~
Simon arrived on schedule, and ten minutes after his feet cleared the threshold, he was naked and on his back while Shelly bounced up and down on him. Mark played with her nipples, teased her clit and supplied her with hot kisses and words of encouragement as she came all over her favourite cock. After he filled her pussy with what seemed like buckets of cum, she turned around and sucked him clean while her husband cleaned her from underneath. Then she lay on her back with one man on either side taking turns kissing them and fondling their cocks.
Over the next two days and nights, each man filled each of her holes, making her cum so many times she lost count. It was well their small house was a bit isolated from their neighbours else the police would likely have been called to investigate her screaming. On Saturday morning, Mark left the two of them alone for a couple of hours and they took advantage of the time to themselves. When he returned, Shelly thanked him profusely for the opportunity to be alone with her boyfriend.
That afternoon, Mark suggested they go out for supper, after which he drove to the nicest hotel around. “Oooh! Hotel sex!” Shelly whispered as they made their way inside and up to their suite on the top floor. Again, the two men made her cum over and over, after which he took his wife in for a shower. When they emerged into the bedroom proper, Shelly saw a room service tray with snacks and treats and a bottle of champagne in a chiller.
“What’s going on?” she asked them.
“Shelly, I have some news you might not want to hear,” Simon said. He took a deep breath. “I’ve met someone who has changed my life. I’m going to ask her to marry me and if she says yes, I won’t be able to see her anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love you and I love being with you. The time we’ve had together has been the most amazing part of my life but I’ve met the woman I want to spend my life with and she’s not interested in the lifestyle. So this is our last time together.”
She sat and stared at him, never having considered that he might have a life that didn’t include her. Her chest filled as did her eyes and a few tears trickled down her face. Mark stood her up and kissed her as he wiped them from her cheeks. He took the room key and placed it into her hand before kissing her again. “Call me when you’re ready to come home!” he whispered and he turned to leave.
She turned to Simon and they kissed softly. “I can’t believe you won’t be a part of my life,” she said softly. “I just never imagined that you wouldn’t always be there and waiting for me. Is that horribly selfish?”
“I think anyone who plays outside their marriage might be a bit selfish,” he said. “I mean, to be with someone and tell them you love them and then have sex with other people is hardly a selfless act. That’s why we can’t be together anymore; Jane wants us to commit only to each other. She was in a relationship before she met me with a man who cheated on her, and it nearly broke her. She doesn’t want to share, and I am willing to do that for her.”
“My head understands, but my heart is having a tough time with it,” Shelly said.
“I know and that’s why I asked Mark to do this for you, so we could say a proper goodbye.”
“Does your girlfriend know about me?” Shelly asked.
“She does, she knows everything,” he said. “I showed her your picture and she said that you look so hot and that she sees the attraction. She’s bisexual as well but she wants to settle down. I want that too.”
“Are you planning on having a family?”
“Maybe,” he said. “We’ve talked about it in abstract terms but we’re not there yet. One thing at a time.”
Okay,” she said. “Can you give me a minute? I need to call my husband.”
“Of course,” he said. He kissed her softly and left her in the bedroom alone.
“Where are you?” she asked Mark when he answered her call.
“Still in the parking lot,” he said. “I figured you would call after Simon told you his news and thought I should stay close just in case you wanted to leave.”
“How long have you known?” she asked.
“Since last night. When you were in the bath, he told me. He asked me if he could have one last night alone with you, and I agreed on two conditions.”
“Which were?” she asked.
“That he make your night together worthy of a hot, steamy lust letter and that he give you back to me completely fucked out so all you want to do is sleep.”
“So you arranged the hotel?”
I did,” he said. “I was going to arrange the cabin that you two shared, but it’s too far away, so I thought the nicest hotel room I could find would be a good substitute.”
“I see,” she said. “Thank you for this. I’ll call you in the morning. I love you more than you know!”
“I love you too, Sweetie!” he said. He was going to disconnect but he stopped himself. “Shelly?”
“Yes, Sweetie?”
“Give him a night he will never forget. Love him with every ounce of your being. Wear him out! And tomorrow, after you call me, fuck him and let him fill your sweet pussy and leave him there, naked and sweaty. Bring your soiled and well fucked pussy to me and let me clean him from you one last time! Can you do that?”
“You got it, Sweetie!” She paused. “And what will you be doing tonight?”
“I have a call set up with Meredith. I want to invite her to come visit us if that’s okay with you?”
“Perfect she said. “I’ll do everything you asked me to do! Say hi to her for me! Love you!”
“Have fun, Sweetie!” He ended the call and sighed before starting the car and driving away.
~ ~ ~
Shelly did everything her husband asked her to do, she was relentless, demanding everything Simon had and more. Mark had left them just before 9 PM and after having a good cry, she fucked him pretty much straight time until just before midnight. At 4 AM she woke him to go again. They ordered breakfast from room service and after that, she texted her husband to be downstairs in half an hour. Then she made sweet gentle love to him for the last time, taking his cum inside her pussy and then putting her panties on to save it for her husband. When Simon went into the washroom, she wrote him a goodbye note and left.
She could feel Simon’s cum leaking out around the seam of her undies as she walked across the lobby and out the doors. Mark was waiting for her. She got into their car and as he pulled away, she put her fingers into her pussy and collected her lover’s cum for him. She fed it to him, one scoop at a time until they got home after which he tore her clothes from her, tearing her top and her panties in the process. He threw her onto the bed and licked her clean, sharing his cum with her one last time.
“You are so good to me!” she whispered as they cuddled in their bed.
“There will be other lovers,” he promised.
“None so good as him!” she said. “He is the best I ever had!”
“So you say,” Mark replied. He kissed her and she fell asleep.
~ ~ ~
Sunday, January 6th, 2024
My darling husband,
What a gift you have given me! To let me have that one last night with Simon was the most selfless act of pure love I could possibly imagine! I know you want nothing in return but someday, somehow, I will repay you for this!
I was devastated when he told me that it would be our last time together. My heart was broken and my soul deeply wounded. I didn’t realize how much I loved him until I had lost him. That love pales in comparison to the love I have for you but I cannot deny it was there. It still is. It is for that reason that the last thing I said to him was to wish him and his girlfriend/fiancée all the very best of happiness and joy as they start their lives together.
When you left us, I cried until my soul was empty. He held me and soothed me and said it would all be alright, and it will. I just had to get that out of my system before I could get down to the business of following your instructions to the letter. And once I did, I unleashed my passion upon him with all the fury my body could muster!
I fucked the good right out of him! Actually, I sucked it out of him first, swallowing his delicious cum into my belly and then not stopping until his eight thick inches were rock-hard again. Then I climbed onto him and rode him until he filled my desperate cunt. He thought he’d get a reprieve but my mouth worked its magic and put the steel back into his cock once more and he drilled my backside for a full twenty minutes! He gave me three loads of delicious cum inside an hour and I was nowhere near done!
I asked him to clean me with his tongue as you always so willingly do and he complied. By the time I had squirted my secret sauce all over his face, he was ready again! I have to say, he rose to the challenge better than I thought he would. A fourth load of warm sticky cum filled my ass after which I hadn’t the heart to demand any more from him. I let him rest, and he was asleep in minutes.
For four hours I let him rest before waking him by reviving his all-star cock with my mouth. You always tell me I am the best cocksucker on the planet and I try very hard to live up to that assessment! After having filled my body with cum 11 times in three days, he was a bit slow to respond but when he did, his manhood was as hard as I’d ever seen it! Again, he filled my belly, pussy and ass with his gooey stuff and again I shared it with him willingly. We rested while the sky brightened and we ate breakfast before I demanded one more special, final contribution. While he was in the washroom, I called you to come and take me away from my special lover and while you were driving over to the hotel, I asked him to fill my pussy one last time. After he did, he excused himself once more and while he was gone, I got dressed and left him with a loving note and a satisfied smile.
As you drove me home, I fed you his cum, a little bit at a time as I scooped it from my dripping cunt with my fingers. Then you took me to our marriage bed and cleaned the last of him from me before taking me and reclaiming me for your own! I tell you my darling, I needed that as much as you did.
And now he is gone, taking his most magnificent cock with him. I have had and hopefully will have, longer and thicker cocks to fill my throat, pussy and ass, but I will never have one that fills me so perfectly as Simon’s. Fear not, my love, what little you may lack in length or girth, you more than compensate for in skill and ability. His might fit me perfectly but you love me perfectly, physically and emotionally. Never doubt that!
So I write this letter to say thank you! Thank you for accepting him as my lover. Thank you for the experiences and the joy you both gave me and for the joy that you so willingly allowed me to have by being alone with him. Thank you for accepting that my love for him did not and does not diminish my love for you! And thank you for that last wonderful night with him, I will never forget it!
Like I said at the beginning of this lust letter, I will find a way to repay you for this, I promise!
And now I return to you to be yours alone – until the next perfect cock or pussy comes along!
I love you more than you know!
Your unfaithful hotwife,
P.S. Peaking of perfect pussies, any time you feel like inviting Meredith to join us, I’m all in!
It was Valentine’s Day when Mark read her letter back to his wife. She cried a little at the memory of her lover and he held her while she did until she had gotten it, and him, out of her system. Then she attacked him with a fury he rarely experienced, which was the real reason he wanted to read the letter to her. Her passions always burned hotter after reminiscing about her favourite cock ever!
A few days later, she saw Katie at the grocery store and they chatted. She was dying to tell someone other than her husband about her last night with Simon but she held off. “Do you have any plans for March break?” Katie asked her.
“Nothing specific, just going to hang out at home and reconnect with my husband. We’ve both been very busy since New Year’s and we need to reconnect, you know?”
“I know exactly what you mean!” Katie grinned. “Grant and I could do with a little reconnecting of our own!” The two women laughed at the innuendo and then Katie looked at her. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Shelly replied.
“It’s a bit personal.” Shelly nodded for her to continue. “Two summers ago, you were at a cabin on Foote Lake but the man you were with wasn’t your husband, was it?”
“What exactly is your question, Katie?”
“So what was that about?”
Shelly sighed and pondered whether she should divulge her secret. She had fantasized about being with Katie and her husband and Mark had teased her that she was looking for a replacement for Simon but having a sexual relationship with the parents of one of her students was a line she would not cross, ever.
“Mark and I went through a very rough patch that summer and I let my libido get away from me. I’m not proud of it and we were able to work our way through it with some help from our friends. It’s not something I like to talk about.” She hoped her lie was convincing.
“I understand,” Katie said. “I had an affair just after Grace was born. I had the blues and felt ugly and unlovable and then this handsome younger man came along and swept me off my feet! It felt so good to be infatuated and wanted again but it didn’t last. My husband doesn’t know, no one does. I don’t know why I told you about it to be honest!”
“I think I do,” Shelly said. “I just divulged a deep dark secret to you and trusted you with it and you wanted to show me I could trust you just as much.”
“That’s as good an explanation as any!” Katie said. “I promise, I will never tell anyone!” The two women hugged tightly. “I like you, Shelly, I think we could be good friends.”
“Well, we can’t until after the school year,” Shelly said. “I don’t want anyone accusing me of favouritism toward one of my students!”
“I understand perfectly!” Katie said. “Perhaps in the summer, we could have you and Mark over for dinner. Grace thinks the world of you and we could get to know you guys better!”
“Ask me again after the school year!” Shelly said. They hugged again and said goodbye. That night in different bedrooms in different houses, two wives fantasized to their husbands about what might happen after the school year. Both women’s fantasies were remarkably similar.
Meredith had been unable to join them so, except for a naughty weekend with their best friends at the end of March, Shelly and Mark kept to themselves through the winter and well into the spring. That’s not to say they didn’t find new ways to explore and expand their sex life, some experimentation with toys fueled by their imaginations and a love of watching porn together. Some of the things they tried didn’t work out very well and a few of them saw each other collapse on the floor in fits of laughter as they tried different positions and methods of drawing orgasms from their bodies. But some of the things they tried worked very well indeed.
Shelly went through a period of depression as the loss of her favourite lover set in. Occasionally, when she was alone, she would try to call or video chat with Simon while Mark was out of the house but now that he had found someone else it was like she had never existed. Her texts and emails went unanswered and it became too much to bear. One night when Mark came home from the gym, he found her on their bedroom floor reading some of the lust letters she had written to her husband, an empty wine bottle on the floor at her feet. She had obviously been crying and when he saw her, his heart broke for her.
He sat beside her and held her as she sobbed out her grief. When she was about cried out, he kissed her softly. “If you love him as much as you say you do, you have to let him go and have the life he wants and needs. It’s the same reason I let him be with you in the first place. You needed him in your life and I was happy for you to have that. Do you understand?”
She looked at him and nodded. “It’s good that one of us has some common sense!” She kissed him, “I love you so much! Thank you!”
“For you, Sweetie, anything!”
She hugged him tightly and then got up, holding his hand until he stood up beside her. “You hungry?”
“Getting there,” he said. “But supper can wait!” He undressed her slowly, teasing her with kisses and touches all over her full round body. “Have I ever told you how perfect your body is?”
“You have,” she breathed as her arousal built. “But you can tell me again!”
He kissed his way all over her, describing what he loved about each part. By the time he got to her smooth mons, she was at a fever pitch. A single touch on her clit sent her over the edge of the abyss and into that bottomless chasm of pure ecstasy that she longed never to leave. Over and over he made her orgasm until she was exhausted and begged him to stop. As they cuddled together, he traced lines with feather-soft touches with his fingertips.
“No matter where I go or how many people I have ever been with, nobody makes me cum the way you do!” she whispered. “It’s like you know exactly what I need before I do!”
He kissed her softly before leaving her to make some dinner. When he brought it upstairs to her, he had to wake her. He kissed her between feeding her bites which aroused her once again. Once she had eaten her fill, she stood up, took the tray back downstairs and returned to him. She stopped in the doorway to allow him to admire her naked body silhouetted by the light streaming in from the window behind her in the hallway.
“My God!” he breathed. “You are stunning!”
“Flattery will get you everywhere!” she grinned as she came to him. She took his hand to urge him to his feet and knelt in front of him. Opening wide, she made love to his cock with her mouth, tongue and hands until he gave her his semen. She swallowed every drop, leaving only a trace on her tongue for him to taste when she stood up and kissed him.
No words were needed as they expressed their love for one another just through looks and touches. For the first time she could remember, Shelly felt completely happy and content with her life. She thought back to her struggles after her accident and her worries that her memory might never completely recover. She finally accepted that truth and then wondered where she might be if not for the love of the wonderful man beside her. His stories of their past life, along with reading their lust letters would be enough.
She told him how she felt and that she was content with her life and who she had become. “I still miss him, but I’m ready to move on.”
“Of course you miss him!” Mark said. “When you love someone you do it completely with your heart body and soul. You can’t just switch that off!”
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” she asked. She kissed him deeply.
“Don’t you remember?” he asked. She shook her head. “I’ll never forget that night!” He rolled her onto her back and reached into the drawer of the nightstand, retrieving her favourite toy and handing it to her. “Let me tell you a story!”
~ ~ ~
Shelly stood proudly as she watched her students perform the song they had written for her. It was an end-of-year class project that the sixth graders did where they wrote a song about their teacher. The music teacher put it to music and they performed it for her as the last act of the school year. Next year they would be off to junior high school and all of the adventures and challenges that came with it.
After the ceremony she went to each child, thanking them and giving them warm hugs and wishes for a fun summer. Katie held Grace back so she could be last to say goodbye to her favourite teacher.
Grace hugged her tightly. “I wish you could come on vacation with us this summer!”
“Where are you going?” Shelly asked.
“To the lake! We were up there a couple of summers ago and we had such a great time! You should go there sometime!” Shelly looked at Katie and raised her eyebrows. Katie raised her eyebrows in return. Grace ran off to see her friends leaving the two women to chat.
Katie looked around to make sure they wouldn’t be overheard. “So now that you’re not Grace’s teacher anymore, maybe we can be friends?”
“I’d like that,” Shelly said. Let me talk to Mark, maybe you guys could come over for dinner sometime!”
“We’re having a start of summer pool party next weekend. Would you like to come over?”
“I’ll ask Mark,” Shelly says. “He usually arranges a weekend away for us once the school year ends. He doesn’t tell me, he just makes all the arrangements and tells me to get in the car. Then he whisks me away for a romantic weekend!”
“That sounds amazing!” Katie said. “You have my number, let me know!”
As they ate dinner that evening, Shelly told her husband about the invitation to the pool party. “I was planning to take you away for the weekend,” he replied.
“We can do that any time!” she said. “I’d like to go. Katie and I made a connection this year and I’d like to see where that goes!”
“I know exactly where you want that to go!” he teased.
“Nothing ventured nothing gained!” she said with a laugh.
“Speaking of nothing ventured, have you given any thought to that other thing we talked about?”
“I have,” she said. “I’m thinking about it.”
“I think you should do it,” he said.
“It’s a very interesting idea,” she replied. “I just don’t want to be hurt again.”
“I’m not suggesting you go out and fall in love with another man, just to find yourself a boyfriend or two to fuck your amazing body into oblivion!” She looked into space and he continued. “Come on! Let’s go on that dating site we talked about and create a profile for you. Go upstairs and make up your face so I can take a photo for your profile! Maybe wear that hot new bikini or your new lingerie. If that doesn’t get you a new boyfriend, nothing will!”
“No, I don’t think that’s a great idea,” she said. “I know it’s the way people do things these days but I don’t think that’s the way to go, not for me. Better to meet someone in a bar or nightclub, make a connection and let whatever happens, happen.”
“I have an idea!” he said. He guided her to the bed and took out her collection of toys and lubes, spreading them out. “How about you put on a show for me?”
She smiled at him and nodded, getting up into the bed and picking up the one that reminded her of Simon. “Not his one, throw it away. I just can’t!”
He took it from her and set it aside. He pointed the camera at her and started recording as she acted for him, making a great show of licking and sucking on her selected plaything before taking it into her mouth and deepthroating it. “Almost as good as the real thing!” she cooed before lying back and spreading her legs. She pulled the string of her thong aside and licked her lips as she teased her clit with its tip. She located the button and pressed it, making it hum before slipping it inside her.
Mark focused on the toy as it disappeared inside her pussy, splaying it open so that her inner lips sort of wrapped themselves around it as she slowly drew it back out. She made a noise and he shifted focus to her face. She pursed her lips and playfully pretended to kiss the camera. “Sooo good!” she whispered. She winked at him and he returned his focus to her pussy.
Her other hand came down and she drew circles around her clit in cadence with the slow in and out of the shivering vibrator. “Gotta find me a man with a big cock to take care of this delicious pussy!” she said to the camera before slipping two fingers inside herself and bringing them up to lick them clean.
She quickened her pace as her arousal built, transitioning from sliding the toy in and out slowly to properly fucking herself with it. Her moans and sighs grew louder as her hand movements turned to a blur. Her hips pumped and thrashed and her hand made a loud slapping noise every time she slammed it into her pussy lips. She began leaking and drops of fluid flew from her pussy and hand with each fast stroke, flying out onto her wrist and hand as well as her thighs and down over her bum.
The sounds coming from her body grew louder in a crescendo until she came. Like the sound of an orchestra, the sound built until it reached its peak as she sang her erotic aria to anyone lucky enough to hear it. She didn’t hold back, pummelling her cunt as the wetness flew until she pulled the toy from inside her and squirted a long stream halfway across the room. She plunged it back into her for a few more frantic strokes before pulling it free and squirting again. Thrice more she did this and by the time she slid the toy back in and held it there, she was soaked from her tummy to her toes and the bedsheets were drenched with her fluid.
He focused on her face, flushed and bathed in sweat as she came down from her orgasm. Her chest heaved and her nostrils flared as she drew precious oxygen into her body. She licked her lips and noticed the salty taste of her sweat. She opened her eyes, looked directly into the camera and smiled before bringing her fingers to her lips and suckling them clean. Then she brought both hands up and caressed her full round breasts, bringing her nipples to her mouth to suckle on them one after the other. She inhaled sharply and released them, smiling at the camera and licking her lips before blowing it a kiss. She winked at her husband and he put down the camera.
“That looked like fun!” he said as he bent down to kiss her.
“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever given myself!” she panted, her breathing still ragged after her self-inflicted exertions. “We have to do that more often!”
“You fuck yourself with your toys all the time!” he said.
“Not while you have a camera pointed at me I don’t!” she smiled. “There’s something about knowing someone might watch me that turns me on even more!”
Well then, we’ll definitely be doing that again!” he said.
The next day, they got a text from Katie, asking Shelly to give her a call. That evening, after her husband got home from work, Shelly got back to her.
“Hey, Shelly! How are you enjoying your vacation so far?” Katie asked.
“Good, just getting into the groove of not having to worry about school and kids and everything,” she replied.
“Must be nice!” Katie said. “Listen, we’re going up to the lake for the middle two weeks of July and Grace has been pestering us to ask you to come visit us there! So I thought maybe you two might want to come up for the weekend of the 19th? We have plenty of room and it would give us a great chance to get to know you both better!”
Shelly looked at Mark and he nodded. “Sure, we’d love to!”
“Good Gracie will be so excited! Can’t wait to see you! You don’t need to bring anything, just show up on that Friday and we’ll spend the weekend together!”
“Perfect!” Shelly said. She ended the call and looked at Mark, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I think so!” he said
~ ~ ~
They arrived at the lake and their feet had barely hit the ground before Grace came barrelling out toward them. “Hi, Mrs Easton! I’m so glad you’re here!” she shouted.
“Me too, Grace! Thank you for inviting us!” Shelly said. “Have you met Mr Easton?”
“Hi, Mr Easton!”
“Hi Grace,” Mark said.
Katie joined them with her husband not far behind. “Hi Shelly, hi Mark! Come inside and I’ll show you to your room.”
They got settled in and as the day wore on, Grace wanted to show their guests everything there was to see. When she said she wanted to go swimming, Shelly begged off saying she didn’t like swimming very much. “Mr Easton loves swimming!” she said and Mark looked at her. She pursed her lips at him and he gave in, spending the afternoon jumping off the floating dock over and over taking turns with Grace to see who could make the biggest splash.
“Why don’t you go join them, Dear, so Shelly and I can have a chat?” Katie said. He reluctantly agreed and as the women watched their husbands they settled in for a chat.
“I’ll bet that place brings back memories for you!” Katie said as she pointed at the cabin across the little bay.
“Mmm,” Shelly said. “That was a crazy two weeks.”
“The couple of nights I saw certainly were!” Katie said as she sipped her drink. “That afternoon when those two guys tipped their canoe over must have been insane!”
“You have no idea!” Shelly said.
“I’ve always wanted to do that!” Katie whispered. Shelly looked at her. “You know two or three men at the same time!”
“I highly recommend it!” Shelly giggled quietly.
“So you have no regrets?”
“None whatsoever!” Shelly sipped her drink.
“What’s it feel like?” Katie asked.
“Incredible! It’s hard to describe!”
“Does Mark know all the details?”
“I think this is a conversation that needs to happen when there are no children anywhere near us,” Shelly said.
“Oh, okay,” Katie conceded. The very thought of being taken by two or three men at once was getting her wet. She crossed and recrossed her legs to try to ease the heat surrounding her clit but it was no use.
“Me too!” Shelly whispered.
After dinner was prepared, eaten, and cleaned up, they all gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and make s’mores. Grace sat between Mark and Shelly and when it came time for her to go to bed, she asked Mark and her dad to tuck her in. That gave the women an opportunity to continue their conversation from earlier.
Katie got wine coolers for each of them and sat back down, pulling her chair closer to Shelly’s so they could keep their voices quiet. “So how much does Mark know?”
“Everything,” Shelly said forthrightly. “I told him everything about Simon and those two young guys whose names I never learned. I wrote him what we call lust letters and I described in great detail everything I did every day for the entire two weeks.”
“Holy shit!” Katie whispered. She paused for a moment, “And he forgave you after all that?”
Shelly sighed and looked at her friend. “Okay, full disclosure. Mark and I have a very, how shall I say this… non-traditional relationship.” She let that sink in for a moment to see if Katie could figure it out. The blank look that was returned to her told her she’d have to provide a few more details. “Mark is an amazing husband in all respects but sometimes, it’s not enough.”
“So he lets you have affairs?” Katie asked, dumbfounded.
“Sort of,” Shelly said. “And not all of my affairs are with men.”
“Holy shit!” Katie said again. So you’re…”
“Yes, I’m bisexual. I enjoy having sex with both men and women.”
“At the same time?”
“Sometimes,” Shelly said. “But sometimes just with women.”
“And Mark is okay with this?”
“He is. And he is free to have sex with other women as well.” Katie’s mouth fell open. “We have three rules. One, we never lie to each other. Two, we never fool around behind the other’s back, and Three, we always come back to each other. Without the rules, it would never work.”
“Oh my God!” Katie breathed. She saw their husbands returning so she shushed Shelly and sat back.
“What are you girls talking about?” Mark asked.
“I’ll tell you later!” Shelly said. She licked her lips and Mark knew that she was up to something. They chatted about how much fun Grace had that day and shortly after 11 PM, Mark and Shelly said they’d had a long day and were heading to bed. Katie and Grant wished them goodnight and sat back down.
“Holy fuck, Grant you’re not going to believe this!” Katie gasped. He looked at her quizzically. “When we saw her here with that other guy, Mark knew all about it! She told him everything!”
“Fuck right off!” Grant whispered. “Everything?”
Katie nodded emphatically. “Everything! And get this, she’s bisexual. She likes women as well as men!”
“Jesus!” he breathed. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Too fucking right I am! The question is, which of our parents do we get to take Gracie for the week?”
“You’re assuming she’ll want to leave, she loves it here!” Grant said.
“Let me stew on that,” Katie replied. “I can’t fucking believe this!”
“Me neither! I’ll bet she’s a fucking handful in bed!”
“From what we saw in that cabin across the way, I know she’s a handful! But I’d like to find out firsthand!” Katie’s hand moved to caress Grant’s hardening cock. “I am so ready for this!”
“Then let’s make it happen!”