It had been a long day at work, and my wife, Lindsay, still wasn’t home, so I hopped in the shower, hoping to relax. Everything had been going well as of late, especially due to our recent escapades with our ‘couple friends.’ It all started with an online masturbation session that included me at home while Lindsay and Abbey were out shopping one day. After sharing a few pics, all three of us became much closer, and it led to more sexual adventures in the coming weeks. Our sex had always been very good, but this recent explosion of new bodies, sexual confessions, and openness had really stoked our fire, so to speak.
I started the shower and turned up the heat in hopes of steaming everything up. It had been one of those days where I couldn’t wait to just come home, take a hot shower, and grab a relaxing beverage. As the shower began to warm up, I undressed in our adjacent room and walked into the shower, placing my phone on the counter just outside the shower door with a little music playing in the background.
As I started to relax and enjoy the steam, my hand wandered to my cock. Even though I was tired, my cock started to tingle as I had the urge to just touch it and tug on it a little. It wasn’t the normal feeling of excessive urges that I usually felt when I needed to jerk off, but more of an erotic massaging feeling. My cock was about half hard as I enjoyed the shower and continued to rinse off.
“Hello?” asked Abbey as she opened the front door to our house. “You guys home?” she asked again.
Even though both couples were good friends, she still felt a little uncertain about just wandering into our house.
“Hello…Lindsay?” she asked once more as she entered the kitchen. Still no reply.
She heard a muffled noise coming from the back of our house, and as she walked down the hallway, she could make out the noise as our shower. Although she still felt hesitant, she remembered that all four of us had recently seen each other naked both in person and over video chat, and we had even watched each other cum. As she continued towards our room, she walked in as the door was wide open.
“Hey, Linds… is that you? It’s just me; hope it’s okay,” Abbey said in a louder voice.
“Linds… is that you, honey?” I echoed, thinking it was my wife finally getting home after a long day of work herself.
Abbey stepped into the bathroom and could tell through the steamed-up glass door that it wasn’t Lindsay in the shower but instead me. I slid the door open just enough to see that it was actually Abbey standing in our bathroom.
“Oh hey, I’m really sorry!” She shouted out to me as she turned around.
Although I was startled a little at first, I was able to muster, “Hey, Abbey, is that you? Sorry, it’s just me in here; Lindsay isn’t home yet. Is everything ok?”
“Oh… I’m so sorry I can leave; I didn’t mean to sneak up on you like this,” she apologized.
“It’s okay, just a long day, and I really needed a hot shower. I don’t mind. I mean, after the past few weeks, it doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you,” I told her.
“That’s true,” Abbey laughed. “Not much left to the imagination.” She turned around and remained in the bathroom but still several feet away from the shower.
I commanded my phone to stop the music with my voice so I could hear her a little better, and I continued to shower with the door slightly open.
“It’s been a long day at our house too; that’s actually what brought me over here,” she continued.
“I understand, so what’s going on? I mean, I understand if it’s girl talk you’d rather share with Lindsay,” I said.
“Well, it’s a marriage thing, but I guess I would be interested in a guy’s perspective. Things have been going so much better with us…you know…as a couple since our experiences with you guys,” she confessed.
“Gotcha,” is all I could say. I was obviously intrigued.
“Well, I don’t know if Lindsay told you, but we had a little, um… sexting session a few weeks ago, and it was good; it was a first for us. I thought things were going so much better,” she continued.
Playing dumb, I asked, “You and Lindsay?” as I laughed.
“No! Not quite, I meant my husband,” she laughed a little also. Anyways, things slowed down again, and after a couple of weeks, I tried again. I texted him while he was at work since we both found that to be very hot the last time. Well, no response. I was in the mood, and I’m sorry; this is probably weird, isn’t it?” Abbey questioned.
“No, it’s ok, honestly. I don’t mind if you don’t. And most importantly, I don’t think Lindsay would mind, especially after the past few weeks. We are both just talking; I just happen to be in the shower and you’re out there, right?” I explained.
My cock was beginning to tingle at the events unfolding at the moment, but I tried to make sure my silhouette wasn’t obvious to Abbey through the steamed door. My hand began to slowly tease the tip of my cock as the thought of Abbey being right outside the shower began to set in.
“That’s true. So, needless to say, nothing happened in my attempt. So when he came home, I brought it up again, and he shrugged it off, explaining that he was busy and that work had been really busy the last few days for him,” Abbey continued. “Now this has continued to be an issue with us for the past week or so.”
“That stuff happens sometimes, I guess, right?” I asked her.
I wasn’t sure exactly what to say as I was trying to listen but also getting more turned on by the minute. By my best estimation, any woman who stands outside of a shower while fully knowing a man is inside the shower must be one of two things—either so distraught that they just don’t care about their surroundings or turned on at least a little.
“I guess. But my question for you is…” she hesitated. “I’m not sure I can really ask you this,” she said.
“Go ahead, I mean, all four of us have seen each other naked. We have all seen others have an orgasm, for God’s sake, remember? It’s no big deal,” I told her as I laughed.
“I guess that’s true,” Abbey said as she laughed also and felt more relaxed. “Well, if…you know…you are taking matters into your own hands, do you always tell Lindsay? I mean, are there times you keep it from her and then don’t want sex for long periods of time or anything like that?” Abbey asked as she felt both turned on and like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders at the same time.
My cock was bulging now as I was listening to my wife’s hot friend ask me about my own masturbation habits.
“We are both pretty open about our solo time; I guess I need to a little more than her, but it never takes away our desire to be together. Is that what you mean?” I asked. My cock was standing straight at attention now while my hand slowly slid up and down the hot, wet shaft. My cock twitched noticeably when I said that out loud to Abbey.
“Are you saying you are upset because he hasn’t been masturbating, or you think he has been doing it a lot and now he doesn’t want to be with you?” I asked.
“I’m upset if he hasn’t been, to be honest,” answered Abbey. “I really hope he has been jerking off a lot because I find it very sexy, and I also think it keeps him revved up regarding our time together, if you know what I mean,” Abbey said. “Sorry for being brash; I’m just frustrated.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” I replied. “Trust me, if you could only see, it is not bothering me at all. To be honest with you, between the steam and this conversation, I am going to need to either open the door or turn down the water,” I laughed.
“It’s ok with me as long as you think Lindsay wouldn’t mind,” said Abbey. Between the stress of the day and this conversation, she too was getting turned on. Although she had been home all day, she was dressed in a skirt with an oversized sweater, and both were beginning to cling to her body.
With that I opened the door, releasing the steam and quickly revealing my naked body and hard, shaved cock.
“Oh my, you weren’t joking, I guess,” she exclaimed.
“I was just being honest, sorry,” I said as I gestured down at my cock.
We both stood there awkwardly. I was naked, soaking wet in the shower with the water turned off while Abbey stood a few feet away from me.
“Is that normal, or is it because of our conversation?” she asked.
“I was relaxing before you got here…nothing crazy really because I had a long day, but then when you started this conversation, it was just natural to get this kind of reaction,” I confessed to her.
“It’s ok, I totally understand, and you’re not the only one is all I can say,” Abbey admitted.
“Oh really?” I asked. My hand wandered towards my cock. I hesitated to fully stroke myself yet in front of her, but my hand lightly teased around the tip.
“Yes, at first I was nervous, but then I thought it might be even better to ask you about this than Lindsay. It turns out I was right,” she said as she looked down towards my cock.
My phone buzzed. Abbey grabbed it and handed it to me, but then backed up to her original position out of the shower.
“Hey hon, what’s going on?” I asked.
“On my way home, just letting you know. I need to grab a glass of wine and just relax if that’s ok tonight,” said Lindsay.
“Me too, long day. You actually just called as I was talking to Abbey,” I told her.
“Oh really, why is that?” asked Lindsay.
“She wandered into our house thinking you were home and well…I was in the shower, nothing crazy, don’t worry, honey,” I continued.
“Oh wow, I don’t mind, babe, and I’m glad you told me,” Lindsay said. “Anything else I should know?”
“Well, I am in the shower and at full attention if you know what I mean, but she is standing outside talking,” I confessed.
“Mmm, sounds rather sexy, honey. That’s ok, I like knowing she has seen you naked; just wait for me, ok?” Lindsay said as she hung up.
“Everything is fine; she will be home in a few minutes,” I said reassuringly to Abbey.
“You’re sure?” she asked.
“Yes, you could hear my end of the conversation, and she actually said she likes the fact that you are seeing me naked. She just said to wait until she gets home,” I continued. “So, you were asking me about jerking off, remember?”
I couldn’t help but continue, as standing in front of Abbey completely alone and naked was starting to drive my cock wild.
“Yes, I believe I was,” she concurred with a smirk on her face.
“I think it’s very sexy that you want him to jerk off; most wives seem annoyed by it for some reason,” I told her.
My hand was starting to now stroke my cock while we stood right in front of each other.
“You don’t know how much I want him to. Ever since that day when Lindsay and I were out shopping and she shared your own ‘habits’ with me, it has driven me crazy,” she continued to confess.
“Oh really?” I asked.
I turned the water back, but this time not nearly as hot. My hand was caressing and squeezing my balls.
“Well, don’t let me stop you; I can leave you alone,” Abbey said.
Just then we could both hear Lindsay come in the house. After a few moments, she walked in and saw us both—me standing there with a hard cock and Abbey walking away.
“Well, Abbey isn’t wet, so I know you both weren’t in the shower, so tell me what’s going on. It’s perfectly fine, you know, but something must be going on,” asked Lindsay.
“I wouldn’t say that’s completely true,” smirked Abbey. I wasn’t in the shower, but I can’t say that I am not wet.”
“Haha, oh really? Well… do tell,” demanded Lindsay.
I stepped in. “Abbey accidentally came all the way back here thinking maybe it was you in the shower. They have been having a rough stretch again, and she just needed to talk, I think.”
“What’s wrong? I thought you guys were hot and heavy again?” questioned Lindsay as she looked at Abbey.
“The last few weeks it’s just back to the same old thing. And, once I got over the fact that it was him and not you in the shower, I wanted a guy’s perspective on what might be going on,” said Abbey.
“Well, it looks like you liked the conversation,” said Lindsay as she reached out and started to stroke my cock.
“It’s not his fault; I was curious because after our sexting session, I haven’t been able to get him to do it anymore. So, I wanted to ask you, or either of you, if you think he is doing it all the time now without me, or does he not want sex again like before?” said Abbey. Her hand mindlessly wandered over one of her tits outside of her sweater as she explained.
Lindsay continued to stroke me slowly right in front of her friend. Even though I was the only one naked, it was so erotic that my cock was bulging. Lindsay leaned in and kissed me.
“So what did you tell her?” she asked me.
“I told her how much…I usually need to jerk off, and I told her how sexy you think it is and how it makes our sex life even better. I told her it never takes away from our time together,” was all I could muster as my cock was aching.
“That is all true,” confirmed Lindsay. “He does need to stroke himself quite often, but I love hearing about it, and it makes our sex life better when we do have the time to be together.”
She let go of my cock and walked closer to Abbey. She guided Abbey closer to me and put her hand on my cock.
“Go ahead, it looks like you two were enjoying yourselves. It’s ok if you need to continue; I’m getting a glass of wine, and I’ll be right back,” said Lindsay.
At that moment I grabbed Abbey and pulled her into the shower with me, lifting her sweater above her bra. She didn’t refuse at all as she was instantly soaked from the water above. She lifted her sweater completely off, revealing a sexy black lace bra. Something was so erotic about her being partially dressed and getting soaked from the water while I was completely naked in front of her.
“So, tell me…did you like jerking off in front of me before your wife got home?” she asked.
“Yes, my cock started getting so hard when you mentioned masturbating, and then when you told me how you really hoped he jerked off a lot, it was so sexy I didn’t expect that,” I confessed.
“Mmm,” moaned Abbey. “Why didn’t you expect that?”
“It’s just…very hot hearing you talk like that,” I continued.
She reached back and began to unhook her bra, revealing her beautiful tits as water cascaded over them. Lindsay returned with her wine and leaned back against the counter, just watching. I put my hand on Abbey’s and guided them to my balls. She slowly grabbed them, rubbing them.
“Well, if you liked that…I have looked at the pics and videos on my phone while I have been all alone lately,” she confessed. “It drives my pussy wild every time watching the one where you are stroking yourself and Lindsay and I were fingering in the dressing room.”
“Oh really? I had no idea,” I whispered.
Her right hand moved to her nipple and began to tease and twist it under the water while her left hand moved under her wet skirt. I continued rubbing my balls as she slid the skirt up, revealing her shaved pussy and no panties. She began rubbing her clit slowly right in front of me. I placed my other hand over hers as she continued to masturbate. I then slid two fingers inside as her hand continued to rub her clit as our eyes stared at each other.
“You guys are so fucking hot, keep going!” she urged.
I leaned down and took one of Abbey’s nipples into my mouth as my hand grabbed my cock and began stroking it up and down. She gasped as I sucked them, making each one hard as she stood in the shower.
“I need to cum so badly, finger my pussy,” Abbey commanded.
“I love hearing you tell us both how much you have been playing with your pussy,” I whispered into her ear.
One hand was jerking myself off while I slid two fingers inside her tight, hot pussy. Water was pouring all over both of us.
“Oh god, I love playing with it. Both of you have released my inner slut lately, seeing Lindsay naked, masturbating with her, letting me see a picture of her husband’s cock; you don’t know how badly I have needed all of this,” she said as she started grinding against my fingers. She was getting close. Her other hand took over jerking my cock harder now, holding the tip against her stomach just above her pussy.
I fingered her harder, reaching deeper in her pussy. My other hand is tugging hard now on one of her nipples.
“Uhhhhhhh…” she let out as she quivered and her knees buckled. I could feel her pussy pulsating.
“Oh god, that is hot, Abbey,” said Lindsay. “Cum all over her, honey; I know you want to.”
I couldn’t take much more as the tip of my cock felt so good rubbing against her, just above her clit.
Abbey looked down at my cock and watched as her hand sped up. She moved my cock just a little lower so it was now rubbing against her clit.
“Mmmmmm,” I groaned as my cock exploded.
“Yes, cum all over me; I want to watch you cum on my pussy,” said Abbey. She aimed my cock at her clit as I began to spurt. Cum ran down both sides of her pussy as she grabbed my cock harder and continued jerking.
She continued stroking me even after I was done, rubbing the tip of my cock into her clit and against the lips of her pussy.
“Wow, that was amazing,” was about all I could say.
“I would have to agree. I’m sorry I didn’t join in, but something just made me want to watch,” said Lindsay. “We need to get you some dry clothes, girl!”
Abbey slowly ran her hand over her pussy as she smiled. I dried off and handed her my towel. My cock was still twitching at the sight of her completely naked now, right in front of us both. She dried off and then walked into our room with Lindsay to borrow some clothes.
“I hope that was ok; I didn’t plan on any of that happening,” I heard Abbey say apologetically.
“Not at all, what a sight to come home to!” exclaimed Lindsay. “You’re welcome to stay for dinner after that.”