The sound of movement and conversations eventually woke Leslie up the next morning. Ana was standing in the room and attaching her choker before exiting while Leslie could hear the constant hum of conversations downstairs.
Leslie sat up in bed and felt the sleep inertia one can experience. This was enhanced by the fact that she was also jet-lagged, having stayed up until perhaps 3 a.m. her normal time, having been kept awake and active the day before through sheer adrenaline.
Leslie grabbed her collar from her bedside and put it on. She then slipped her sandals on before groggily heading downstairs herself. There she found almost everyone milling about either in the large living room or on the patio outside.
“How are you feeling?” Nikki asked, having walked over to Leslie.
“Like I hit a brick wall,” Leslie admitted before letting out a yawn.
“Yeah, that can happen. Especially the first day. If nothing else, maybe you can try to take some short naps when you get the chance otherwise.”
“The owners won’t mind?” Leslie asked a bit curiously.
“Unless they are actively doing something with us, they usually treat it like a sort of free time. Even they realize we need a break now and then.”
Leslie then excused herself and tried to find Jacob, eventually spotting him among a group of owners on the patio.
“Good morning,” Leslie yawned.
“Have a late night?” Jacob inquired, turning to look at her.
“No. Just jet lag, I think,” she murmured.
“I’m sure you remember Mr. Frey and Mr. Tucker from last night.” Jacob motioned towards each man as he introduced them.
“Yep. Pleased to meet you,” Leslie smiled as she gave them a small wave.
“I’ve been hearing a lot of complimentary things about you, Leslie,” Mr. Tucker commented. “Very enthusiastic and energetic for your second month on the job.”
Leslie slightly blushed. “Uh, yeah, I guess I try to be…”
“Well, I suppose all of our pets do their job well. That is why most of them were given the privilege of coming here. I know for Mr. Finley and myself it’s also to get ourselves a bit more acquainted with the community. But Lisa and, from what I hear, Ana have been pleasant to work with,” Mr. Frey explained.
“If I may even be allowed to ask, how do you come about becoming an owner?” Leslie asked.
Mr. Frey let out a small laugh. “Well, for me, I had been to a couple of events with some pets, and I found the experience fascinating. I decided to apply to be an owner with the agency and trust me, they put you through a very thorough vetting process. After several months, I was finally approved. Then I had to find a pet. As I’m sure you’re aware, we typically don’t openly advertise the position, exactly.”
“Yeah, I noticed,” Leslie laughed.
“Luckily the agency knows where and how to look, so they do the hard work. I was lucky to find Lisa pretty quickly.”
Mr. Tucker then jumped into the conversation. “I think it is an interesting setup. As Mr. Frey just explained, a lot of vetting goes into both the pets and the owners. They don’t want owners who are just going to slap their pets around or anything like that. Think about it, even with normal animal pets, people take good care of them and have a respectful relationship with them. That is the goal here as well. Besides, bad owners put everyone at risk of bad publicity.”
Leslie was still a bit too tired to fully grasp the conversation about the internal mechanisms of how FemPet and the pet system worked, and soon everyone’s attention was pulled away by Hugo alerting everyone that breakfast was ready. Leslie was served something called khachapuri, which turned out to be a sort of cheese bread with a sunny side egg on top. However you pronounced it, Leslie thought it was delicious.
After breakfast, everyone was herded to the front of the mansion, where six identical black Chevy Suburbans were lined up. Leslie and Jacob got in the same car as Maria and Samuel, rather to Leslie’s chagrin.
Leslie tried to spend the ninety-minute trip lightly napping. She got the impression that Maria might be interested in seeing more action, but Jacob appeared to silently shut that down after seeing that Leslie wanted to take the opportunity to get some additional rest, something which it looked like Samuel took advantage of as well.
Eventually, Leslie was jostled awake, and she looked out the window.
“Welcome to Marina Del Ray,” Jacob grinned.
Leslie saw rows and rows of boats of various sizes. She didn’t even know so many boats could fit together in one location. The cars moved forward and then stopped for a couple of minutes, before moving forward again. Leslie wondered if they were letting people off a car at a time, which was soon confirmed when their car pulled up and the doors were simultaneously opened.
“Alright, out. As you would expect, you’ll probably want to move to the boat promptly,” Jacob instructed.
Leslie looked around as she followed the stream of pets and owners onto the fairly sizeable yacht they were parked in front of. They were being overlooked by an apartment complex which, Leslie felt, could likely see the assemblage of people, especially given the curiosity a caravan of black SUVs might bring. After perhaps ten or fifteen more minutes, everyone was on board and accounted for and the boat began to pull out.
“Welcome, welcome!” Hugo announced, motioning everyone to join him on the aft deck. “I wish I could say I was the proud owner of this boat, but it is, alas, owned by my friend, Mr. Jackson, here.” A man about the same age as Hugo gave a wave. “We’re about to take a trip to Santa Rosa Island, where we have reserved a beach for the day. If you haven’t been on a trip there before, I’ll warn you now: it’s a three-hour trip each way and water can get a little choppy, but hopefully the seas and weather will cooperate.”
Leslie watched as the boat slowly sailed out to sea, with Los Angeles fading off into the distance. After a few minutes of everyone milling on the deck, Hugo spoke up once again.
“Now, I know some of you want to socialize, and maybe even work on your tan, and you’ll be able to do that. But we have some other entertainment planned as well.” He motioned to a pair of screens next to him. Each screen appeared to have a digital spin wheel displayed on it.
“We have a little game set up with two spin wheels. The first wheel has a list of activities on it, which I will spin first. The second wheel has a list of all of the pets present with us today. I’ll then spin that wheel twice. Then the two selected pets get to perform the selected activity for everyone!” He then motioned at a white couch behind him, indicating that is where he was expecting the “activity” to take place. “What’s more fun than a little bit of randomness to keep everyone on their toes?”
A murmur rose among the audience in reaction. Leslie looked at the pair of wheels. The pet wheel was simple enough: it had twelve slices on it with the list of pets circling it alphabetically. The action wheel was a bit more complex. It appeared to be split into thirds, which each third having roughly the same options: intercourse, blowjob, handjob, and then a fourth option. The final option in two of the sections contained “Make Out” while the final one simply said “Pass.” Meanwhile, each of the blowjob and handjob options also had an additional note, with one saying “(1 to 2),” one saying “(2 to 1)”, and the final saying “(Mutual).” Leslie figured this had to do with the order the pets were spun.
Hugo pressed a button, and the action wheel started to spin. It slowed down and eventually landed on the tile labeled “Hand Job (2 to 1).”
“Ah, an excellent start. If you haven’t figured this out already, the second pet spun will have to bring the first to an orgasm manually!” Hugo explained.
He pressed another button, and the pet wheel started spinning for the first time. Leslie tried to follow her name and as the wheel slowed down, she appeared to be safe from being selected this time. It eventually stopped on a name on the opposite side of the wheel: Ana.
“Ah, our newest pet selected right out of the gate! Ana, why don’t you come up here for us,” Hugo declared, motioning toward the couch. As Ana nervously walked forward and took a seat, Hugo pressed the button to spin the pet wheel again. Once again as it slowed, it passed by Leslie’s name and slowed to a stop on Samuel.
“Samuel! Get up here! You know what you have to do!” Hugo cheerfully remarked.
Samuel bounded forward and took a seat next to Ana on the couch.
“Hi. I’m Samuel,” he introduced himself, reaching his hand over to shake.
“Uh, hello. I’m Ana. Pleased to meet you,” she nervously replied.
Samuel gave her a slight smile. “I’m going to need access if I’m going to, you know…”
Ana suddenly realized she had been sitting with her legs tightly together. “Oh, uh, yes. Of course,” she sheepishly acknowledged, opening her legs wide.
“Just relax, okay,” Samuel assured her as he wet his fingers and then gently started to rub them against Ana’s pussy. She let out a gasp before appearing to try to lay back and relax. She was anxious but trying to do her best to perform for the crowd of nearly twenty-five spectators.
As Samuel continued to work, Ana’s breathing slowly started to increase, and she started to slightly wriggle in her seat. Samuel then inserted a pair of fingers inside, eliciting a bigger gasp from Ana before she returned to trying to relax and breathe.
This was the first time Leslie had watched someone else have any sort of sex without being part of it, and it was beginning to turn her on. Ana’s innocence and inexperience in particular was a turn-on as she let Samuel continue to work. She began squeezing her breasts and her chest became flusher as she slowly started to arch her back.
Ana’s breaths started turning into soft moans as she started to squirm more. Samuel was intently paying attention to her reactions as he continued to finger her and slide his thumb over her clit. Suddenly Ana let out a quick succession of increasingly louder moans, followed by a look on her face that looked like she might try to scream, but no sound was coming out. Her neck and back arched even further and she clasped her legs shut as she silently rode through her climax.
Samuel, for his part, just chuckled as his hand was caught in between Ana’s bear trap thighs.
Finally, Ana let out a gasp, and relaxed, allowing Samuel to extract his hand from between her legs. The conclusion resulted in a round of light applause from the audience.
“Well, I must say, that was an excellent act to start with! The next wheel spin is at the top of the hour!” Hugo declared.
Leslie walked over to Ana and offered her hand to help her up, which Ana took.
“He’s pretty good, isn’t he?” Leslie grinned.
“Uh, yeah,” Ana nodded before turning toward Samuel. “Uh, sorry for crushing your hand there at the end.”
“It’s alright. It just means you enjoyed it,” Samuel smirked, before wandering off.
Leslie and Ana found some sunscreen and then walked off and found a pair of chairs that were somewhat out of the way that they could lay on and get some sun while they waited for the next round of spins. Leslie also took the opportunity to get in another brief nap.
Soon enough, the top of the hour arrived, and everyone gathered on the aft deck once again for Hugo to spin the wheels again. The first “other” option got spun, “Make Out,” involving Lisa and Amy.
“Okay, so no orgasms are required here, although you are welcome to provide them anyway. The requirement here is pretty straightforward: give everyone a good make-out show,” Hugo explained.
“Ready?” Amy grinned at Lisa, putting her hand along the side of her face.
“Of course,” Lisa smiled back.
The blonde and redhead began by slowly giving each other light kisses as they warmed each other up. Then they dove in, giving each other deeper, more passionate kisses as they each put a hand around the other’s head or neck. Each of their other hands quickly started to explore the rest of their bodies. It wasn’t long until those second hands had reached the other’s pussies, and the pair started to audibly moan, their mouths remaining locked together.
Leslie found herself once again getting aroused by the show. Is this what Jacob and the other owners felt watching her? She felt like if she watched for much longer, she would have to go get herself off and wondered how the owners resisted the urge to do so.
Lisa and Amy started to rub each other more intensely, moans and gasps continually escaping from their lips. Finally, after what seemed like ten or fifteen minutes of making out and getting each other off, Lisa gasped and tensed up, an orgasm hitting her. Amy worked to keep their kisses going as Lisa rode her climax, with her letting out a gasp when it finally released. Lisa then continued to work on Amy until, a couple of minutes later, she too rode through an orgasm.
Once Amy’s was complete, the pair gave each other a pair of finishing soft kisses, then peered toward the audience signaling the end of the show.
The audience gave a robust round of applause, with Hugo applauding as he once again stepped to the front.
“An amazing show, young ladies. One that will be hard to beat. But I’m sure our other guests will be up to the challenge!” Hugo applauded.
Leslie found that she had almost instinctively started to brush her fingers up against her own clit while watching and had to let out a couple of breaths to cool down.
Afterward, she decided to explore some more of the boat and let the ocean breeze blow by as she waited for the third and final spin round during their outbound trip. She could already see the island getting closer and wondered what they had planned for when they got there. Her enjoyment was interrupted, however, by lunch being served: a fancy personal-sized pizza with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, diced chicken, and some garnish.
Once the top of the hour hit again, everyone gathered for the final wheel spins before the yacht reached its destination. Hugo spun the activity wheel and Leslie watched as it landed on “Blowjob (2 to 1).”
“Oh! So, like before, the second pet spun will give to the first pet spun, but this time it will be a blow job rather than a hand job!” Hugo declared as if the audience needed an explanation at this point.
He spun the pet wheel two more times. The first spin landed on Elias, who would be receiving the blowjob, while the second spin landed on the designated giver: Ida.
“Our resident Greek pet, come on up!” Hugo called for Ida before taking his place among the audience once again.
Ida, with her olive skin, walked up to the couch. “Do you want to recline back on the arm to give a better view?” she remarked matter-of-factly. Leslie felt she was getting straight to business, and she also knew why they were all here.
Elias adjusted himself on the couch, reclining back on one arm, one leg up on the couch, and the other hanging off the front. Leslie thought she saw Ida flash a little smirk in his direction before gently kissing the head of his cock, and then slowly taking just the head into her mouth, while gently cusping his balls in one of her hands.
Leslie thought Ida must be doing some exemplary work with her tongue because Elias leaned his head back with a look of bliss. She then started to slowly work her way down taking two, three, five, seven inches into her mouth without any problem.
Ida subtly bobbed her head up and down, keeping the majority of his cock in her mouth the whole time, while she continued to massage Elias’ balls. Leslie couldn’t know for sure, of course, but she had a feeling that Ida knew exactly what she was doing.
Elias started groaning as Ida’s brown hair waved with the motion of her bobbing head, which she started moving more aggressively and further up and down his cock. He looked like he was about to let loose, his back starting to arch and one hand grasping onto the back of the couch.
Sure enough, a few moments later Elias let out one final, extended moan and lifted his hips. Ida squeezed her lips around him as he no doubt shot multiple large loads into her mouth. Once it appeared he had finished, Ida pulled off of him, turned toward the crowd, and presented Elias’ load in her mouth before swallowing it.
“These are known as some of the best pets out there for a reason!” Hugo congratulated as he walked back toward the front as the audience applauded the pair. “We’re going to reach the beach within the hour, so feel free to get ready to disembark.”
The yacht eventually stopped a little way from the beach, and the crew started prepping an attached motorboat to ferry passengers. Leslie joined Ana and Amy as they got ready for their turn to go ashore.
“How was your thing? It looked like you were having fun,” Leslie grinned toward Amy.
“You bet,” Amy laughed. “I think we could have gone on even longer if we wanted to.”
“I wonder what I’ll end up having to do,” Leslie mused.
Amy chuckled. “Almost half the wheel is just fucking now, so probably that.”
Eventually, the trio took their turn riding the motorboat to the beach, where they waited for everyone else to finally disembark.
“Hello, everyone!” Hugo addressed the gathering of people on the beach. “We have enough time for about three hours. We plan to have an hour of free beach time, followed by some beach volleyball matches, with the rest of the time being free as well. Please do not wander too far off as we will want to board promptly at 6:30!”
Leslie found Jacob and joined him. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been hanging out with you today. I should have gone and seen if you wanted anything earlier.”
Jacob smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “That’s fine. This trip is for you as much as it is for me. I want you to enjoy yourself. I will be cheering you on during the volleyball match later, however.”
“Oh god, I haven’t played volleyball since high school gym class. I hope I remember how to play,” Leslie laughed.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. You can go socialize with the other pets. I will be here commiserating with the other owners and enjoying the scenery if you need me.” Of course, the scenery he was referring to didn’t just mean the beach and island.
Leslie then spotted Ana and Amy playing in the waves and ran over to join them. “It’s a little chilly, isn’t it?” Leslie remarked as she felt the ocean waves wash over her.
“I guess but not too bad,” Amy replied.
Leslie then realized that was the first time that she had skinny-dipped. Another first checked off her list as a result of her newfound occupation.
“Oh shit, I wonder if they have sunscreen. I’m gonna come back red as a beet if I don’t put some on,” Amy suddenly exclaimed, running out of the water and towards the congregation of owners.
“I know they had some on the ship. I hope they brought some along to the beach!” Leslie yelled at Amy as she scampered away.
Leslie then let out a laugh. Even though she had naturally tan skin, she knew she should perhaps consider putting on some more sunscreen herself, so she slowly followed Amy to the group to get some, with Ana in tow. She also grabbed a towel and a pair of sunglasses that were provided. The trio then found a spot on the beach, laid their blankets down, put on their sunglasses, and laid down to take in more of the sun.
After Leslie toasted in the sun for a while, Hugo called to gather everyone around again. “Alright, we’ve got a treat for you guys and gals. A beach volleyball game!” He motioned his arms to present the already very obvious volleyball net. “I’ll let you all choose teams.”
Leslie ended up on a team with Ana, Amy, Nikki, Rahmi, and Samuel while the other team included Helena, Megumi, Lisa, Ida, Andre, and Elias.
Leslie felt that the volleyball she had played during gym came back to her pretty quickly as she chased after balls, occasionally diving chest and face first into the sand.
“Got it!” Leslie yelled at one point, diving to the sand to keep the ball alive on one play.
“I got it!” Samuel cried out as he spiked the ball over the net, scoring a point and eliciting groans from the other team. “Good job!” he complimented as he helped Leslie up, giving her a high five afterward.
Finally, Rahmi spiked the ball, giving Leslie’s team the final point it needed to win the match. Everyone hugged each other in celebration before hugging and shaking the other team’s hands in appreciation of a good match.
“One hour until we leave! Make sure to be here by then!” Hugo then yelled out while looking at his watch.
“Want to go for a walk?” Leslie was suddenly asked by someone in an accent she was unfamiliar with. She turned around and found Ida walking up to her with a smile on her face.
“Oh, yeah, sure!” Leslie cheerfully accepted. The pair then started walking down the beach away from the main group of people.
“You are Leslie, correct?” Ida inquired.
“That’s right. Ida, right?”
“Yes. You played well earlier, during the game.”
Leslie chuckled. “I was surprised I remembered how to play. You weren’t too bad either. So, you’re Greek, right? Does that mean you are from Greece, or…”
“Yes. I was a foreign student at Western Washington University. That’s when I became Mr. Tucker’s pet.”
“And you’ve been a pet for… three years, was it?
“Yes. After I graduated, I felt like there was no reason to quit, so I just kept working for Mr. Tucker. You have been working for two months?”
“Yeah, just about.”
“How do you like it?”
“I’ve enjoyed it. When I first heard what the job was, I thought I would freak out and hate it. But I’ve come to enjoy it. Jacob has been a great owner, and I’ve had nothing but good experiences so far,” Leslie happily explained.
“They must think highly of you for you to be invited after two months,” Ida smiled over at her.
Leslie let out a chuckle. “People keep saying that, but I still can’t make myself believe it. I don’t feel that I’m special in any way.”
“I guess there is one way to find out,” Ida grinned at her.
The pair then stopped walking. “How’s that?” Leslie inquired.
Ida then slowly leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. “If you will allow me.”
“Of—of course…” Leslie replied with a bit of befuddlement. This was now the second time in two days one of the more experienced pets had asked her permission to come onto her. She figured that was just manners, given this wasn’t an owner’s request, but she was surprised that this was now the second time another pet had, on their own volition, approached her.
Ida leaned in and started kissing her more aggressively. Three hours ago, Leslie had watched her give an exquisite blowjob to Elias, and now Ida had turned her attention to her. Ida was slightly thinner and taller than she was, so Leslie had to lean her face upward to reciprocate the kissing.
Ida then pulled away. “Maybe it will be easier if we lay down?”
Leslie, still flustered, nodded in response. “Uh, yeah, sure.”
Leslie and Ida sat down on the beach and Ida leaned in once again and kissed her.
“Do you have a preference for top or bottom?” Ida asked with a bit of a smirk.
“I—I don’t care I guess, so I guess I’ll defer to you,” Leslie fumbled out.
Ida chuckled. “So, bottom then.”
She then pushed Leslie so that she was lying flat on her back and aggressively kissed her, her hand immediately attacking the folds between her legs. Leslie gasped at the sudden aggressiveness, getting turned on by Ida’s assertiveness in the situation.
“You love being on the bottom, don’t you? You just don’t want to admit it,” Ida breathed between kisses. Leslie didn’t know what to make of this assertion, and she wasn’t exactly in a position to ponder on it too heavily at that moment, either.
Ida pulled away from her kiss and started inching down, kissing Leslie on the neck, then the shoulder blade, before moving down to her breasts. There she kissed all around both nipples before kissing and sucking on both of them, eliciting another soft gasp from Leslie. Ida then moved down her stomach and finally kissed her clit and labia. She then turned around and positioned herself so she was above Leslie, her pussy over Leslie’s face.
Leslie didn’t have to be told what to do. She grabbed Ida’s hips and pulled her down and started sucking and kissing Ida’s folds before sticking her tongue out and running it up and down the length of her pussy. Her thumb found Ida’s clit and gently started to massage it as she gently slipped her tongue inside. She could feel Ida’s hips try to pull up but Leslie held them firmly in place.
Ida, meanwhile, was doing something similar to her as the tingles in her pubic area intensified. Leslie tried to keep her concentration as Ida’s mouth was causing her to start to feel light-headed. Leslie aggressively used her tongue to continue to explore Ida, her thumb continuing a constant, gentle vigil against her clit. Soon the pair became a wriggling mess of breaths and moans who were trying to focus on pleasing the other while enjoying their own growing pleasure.
Leslie could feel her climax quickly approaching and desperately tried to work on Ida to finish her off first. But it was to no avail. Leslie clenched Ida’s hips as the orgasm gripped her. She felt like she saw white and that her head might explode from the release of the pressure. Finally, she let out a gasp as her muscles let go and everything had finally been released.
She shook her head and tried to get back to work, knowing Ida wasn’t done yet. However, it didn’t take very much longer for her to hear Ida let out a couple of squeaks and feel her grasp onto her thighs to know that Ida was going through her own orgasm as well.
Once finished, Ida rolled to the side so that she was on her back next to Leslie, and the pair just lay there catching their breath for a few minutes. Eventually, Leslie stood up and helped Ida up as well.
“Sorry for messing up your hair,” Ida remarked, looking at Leslie, whose hair was now a bit frazzled and covered in sand.
Leslie shrugged. “It’ll be alright.” She then realized she didn’t know how much time had passed since Hugo’s one-hour warning. “Whew. I guess we should probably start getting back. I’m guessing they are going to leave in not too long,” Leslie noted, still catching her breath.
Leslie and Ida walked back to where most of the people were congregated on the beach. People weren’t leaving yet, but it was pretty clear they were getting ready to.
“Have fun on your walk?” Leslie then heard Jacob ask her. She turned to face him.
“Uh, um, yeah. I did,” she replied, a bit flustered.
“It’s good to get to know the other pets. That’s part of the point of the trip,” he said with a bit of a knowing grin.
“Yep. We had a good, uh, chat.”
Jacob chuckled. “I’m sure you did.”
Soon enough it was time to return to the yacht, where Leslie made sure to take a quick shower before it was time for the boat to start heading back and the next wheel spins to commence.
“Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable time on the beach! But now it is time to spin the wheels of fate once again!” Hugo declared, bringing the two spin wheels up on the monitor. Leslie’s name was now only one of six remaining on the pet wheel, while the activities wheel had all three “intercourse” spots, alongside two blowjob spots, two handjob spots, a make-out spot, and the pass spot.
Hugo spun the first wheel where it finally landed on one of the inevitable “intercourse” slices. “Oh, we finally get one of the top events! I wondered when we might!” Hugo gleefully declared. “Let’s see who will be participating!”
The first pet wheel spin stopped and landed on Andre, the Brazilian male Leslie had chatted with after arriving the day before.
The wheel spun again. Leslie had a 1 in 5 chance of getting chosen. She secretly wished it would land on Rahmi just to see if the owners would actually let that play out. However, the wheel slowed and passed over Rahmi’s name, over Helena’s name, and then stopped on her name.
“Oh, ho! Two of our Hispanic pets! Well, come on up here then!” Hugo invited, motioning to the couch.
Leslie didn’t know how to feel. There was something odd about leaving what she did and with who completely up to fate, but on the other hand, that’s what this job was, so there was no real point in worrying about it. Besides, Andre seemed like an interesting guy. It’d also be the second different guy she fucked in two days, which would be something new she could check off her list.
“Hey there again,” Andre grinned at Leslie once she joined him. “So, how do we want to do this?”
“Well, we should probably get warmed up first, at least,” Leslie suggested.
The pair then sat down on the couch. They both seemed to get the same idea and leaned in and started gently kissing as they also reached over to start manually working on the other. Unlike some of the other guys Leslie had seen as pets so far, Andre wasn’t immediately large when soft, so she figured he was a so-called “grower” and wondered just how much he would grow.
Leslie could tell from the growing cock in her hand, though, what set Andre apart. He may not have the length of some of the other guys, but he beat them on girth. She thought it might be even bigger around than Zachary’s, and he was tough to take in.
“Wanna do me on top?” Leslie asked between kisses now that they were about ready for the main event.
“Sure, that works.”
Leslie then stood up and positioned herself over Andre, who continued to sit on the couch. She slowly moved down, using her and Andre’s hands to guide him to her entrance. She pushed down, letting out a slightly uncomfortable sigh as he slowly pushed into her. She felt like she might be getting stretched beyond her limit, but it wasn’t quite to the point of being painful.
Once as much of Andre was inside of her as she felt comfortable with at the moment, she slowly started moving up and down, getting used to his size inside of her. He was still hitting some good spots, but it was a mix of pleasure and uncomfortableness that she hoped would go away as she got used to it.
Luckily, that feeling did start to disappear as she continued to work, increasing her pace and inviting Andre to groove his hips up and down as well. She leaned back into him as she got more comfortable, her moans of discomfort transforming into moans of pleasure. To aid with that, Andre’s hand also reached around and started circling and massaging Leslie’s clit.
Leslie moved her hips as she continued to ride Andre, finding the position that caused him to rub against the right spots in just the right way, finally finding a position that seemed ideal. She now got that feeling of complete fullness, Andre’s size pressing against her erogenous zones perfectly. She was quickly approaching her second orgasm in an hour as she further invited Andre to increase his pace.
Leslie let out a gasping moan as the orgasm hit her. She grasped Andre’s arm which was playing with her clit as she tried to ride it out. She let out a gasp as her muscles let go, but neither Andre’s fingers nor his hips slowed down. Leslie quickly pondered how much her vagina could even clench around him given his size before she started feeling herself start to build up again.
“Oh god!” she squealed out as she could feel a second wave fast approaching. “I’m going to… again!” she gasped as she tried to brace herself. The second orgasm hit her just as hard as the first, and she arched her back, pushing her shoulders into Andre as she tried to find some outlet for what she was feeling. She let out another gasp as the second orgasm finally released.
Leslie went to work raising her hips up and down. She raced to make Andre finish. However, not quite as quickly as the second came after the first, she could feel a third climax start to build up. The two orgasms and the work from being on top were starting to wear Leslie out, and she felt a third might blow her out completely.
Then it hit. Leslie almost started to cry from the feeling. However, the third time also seemed too much for Andre at last, as he let out a gasp before lifting his hips and shooting his load into Leslie.
“Here, let me help,” she heard Andre say as he helped her off of him and sat her back on the couch. She thought she could hear Hugo say something and heard people clapping, but she was otherwise completely out of it. Three orgasms in ten minutes and four in the past hour had completely drained her. She felt like a complete wreck and thought she might look like it too.
“How are you doing?” she heard Jacob ask through the haze in her head a few minutes later. She tried to shake herself out of it and looked up at him, now having sat down on the couch next to her.
“I’m, uh, good. A bit out of it, but good.”
“Well, if you need anything, let me know. You look like you went for a ride.”
“Uh, yeah, I felt like I did.” She looked out toward the water, although she didn’t exactly comprehend anything she was seeing. “I could use some water, though.”
“Okay, I’ll go get you a bottle,” Jacob replied, softly patting her on the shoulder before getting up. A few moments later, he returned, handing her a bottle, which she half-emptied immediately.
Eventually, Leslie relocated to one of the deck chairs to continue recovering, which is where she remained until Hugo finally returned to spin the wheel for the penultimate time.
Leslie faintly paid attention as Hugo spun the wheels, spinning “Blowjob (1 to 2)” on the action wheel, and Nikki and Helena on the pet wheels.
She watched, although again without much attentiveness, as Nikki ate out Helena on the couch in front of everyone. It wasn’t that she didn’t find it interesting and engaging, but she still felt so drained from her experience that she could hardly bother to get into someone else’s quite yet.
A few minutes later, Helena yelped out as an orgasm gripped her, and Leslie applauded politely once they were finished. She had finished her water and moved on to downing most of a Dr. Pepper, which she finished off as Hugo reminded everyone that one final show – with Megumi and Rahmi as the only unspun pets – was happening at the top of the next hour.
“Still recovering?” Jacob remarked as he walked over to her again.
“Yeah, a bit,” Leslie chuckled, standing up from her seat and gathering both her empty water bottle and Dr. Pepper bottle. “I think I’m getting over it, though.”
“Good. You also had to go right after all the excitement at the beach, so you might have already been worn out, only to have to perform for everyone like that. Just don’t push yourself too hard.”
Leslie smiled at Jacob. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Leslie enjoyed the passing ocean and used the opportunity to clear her head and recover until it was finally time for the final wheel spin.
“It’s time to spin the activity wheel for the final time!” Hugo began as the very last light of the day faded and it became fully night. “We will spin the pet wheel if needed, depending on what the activity is!” There were still seven slices left, but only one of them actually would need a spin of the pet wheel: the “Blowjob (1 to 2)” slice. Everything else was self-explanatory: two intercourse slices, mutual blowjob, mutual handjob, the last make-out slice, and pass.
The wheel spun around and around and soon it found itself stopped over one of the remaining “intercourse” spaces.
“Well, Rahmi, Megumi, you know what you have to do!” Hugo enthusiastically remarked as he rejoined the audience.
Much like Leslie and Andre’s session, the pair started by sitting on the couch and getting each other off to warm themselves up. Megumi seemed to get flushed quite quickly and Leslie found it rather cute. Once it looked like they were ready to go, Rahmi asked Megumi how they wanted to go about things. She just gave him a grin and shifted herself so that she was on her knees on the couch, with her forearms on the couch arm, her ass sticking up in the air.
“Okay then,” Rahmi chuckled, as he got on his knees behind Megumi on the couch and rubbed his fingers through her folds a few more times, and gave her ass a quick slap which rang through the air and elicited a cute yelp from Megumi.
Rahmi then promptly inserted himself into Megumi and started vigorously thrusting, reaching around Megumi to grab both of her breasts with his hands as he did. She moaned almost constantly as he pounded her at what Leslie felt must be about as fast as he could muster, resulting in loud slaps as their skin impacted. Megumi tried to brace herself on the arm with one forearm while reaching back with her other hand to massage her clit as Rahmi continued to pound.
The pair started to look exhausted from the intense session, although neither appeared to have a desire to slow down. Megumi looked like she might pass out as she continued playing with herself and bracing, her moans escalating into yelps and screams.
She then let out a louder, more sustained scream as she collapsed onto the couch, an orgasm hitting her. Rahmi had to move his hands back and grasp her hips to keep them in place so he could continue to pound, but even he was starting to breathe harder out of his mouth to keep up. Soon enough, he let out a small moan as he thrust in one final time, signaling his release into Megumi’s pussy.
Once he was done, he pulled out, bringing a thin trail of mixed juices with him, and slid off the couch, while Megumi remained on the couch on her stomach, trying to recover.
“What a fantastic conclusion to today’s festivities! I want to thank all of our pets for giving us such good shows today! We should be docking again within the next hour!” Hugo finally concluded the events.
Rahmi and Megumi’s performance seemed to finally rouse Leslie again, as she once again got a bit turned on by it. Otherwise, she spent most of the rest of the time watching as the yacht returned to Del Ray Marina, the line of six black SUVs waiting for them.
“We’re riding in the fourth car with Mr. Frey and Lisa, apparently,” Jacob said as Leslie found him as the owner-pet pairs started to get organized to disembark.
The operation of getting off the ship was about as efficient as the operation of getting on the ship was as they tried to minimize visibility. Pets were quickly ushered into one of the SUVs, allowing it to pull forward and bring the next SUV into line. As Jacob had noted, Leslie slipped into the fourth SUV in line, sitting in the back seat next to Lisa, while Jacob and Mr. Frey took the two middle bucket seats.
“Both of your performances today were exemplary,” Mr. Frey remarked once the SUV caravan got underway down the LA highways.
“Thank you,” both girls replied in unison. Even though Lisa’s task with Amy was only to make out, their performance was so hot that Leslie had found herself unconsciously touching herself while watching it.
“So, who did you like better, Samuel or Andre?” Jacob asked Leslie with a grin.
Leslie let out a chuckle. “They both had their charms.”
“Such a diplomatic answer,” Mr. Frey said with a laugh. “You should bring her to some of your business meetings just to see how she does, Mr. Henderson.”
“Maybe that’s not a bad idea,” Jacob replied with a chuckle of his own. “A smart and pretty lady can be pretty invaluable.”
“So, Leslie, how did you like Lisa’s performance?” Mr. Frey then asked her.
“It was… stimulating,” Leslie answered honestly. “I really got into it.”
“Oh really. Well, Lisa can probably give you some first-hand experience if you’d like.”
“If you’re up for it, that is,” Jacob jumped in. Leslie appreciated that he wanted to check to see if she had recovered from her own experience first.
“Sure, I’m up for it,” Leslie smiled. But her heart skipped a beat as she looked over at Lisa, who had a grin on her face. Lisa was a stunning blonde with blue hair and C-cup breasts. Leslie felt completely outclassed.
Lisa unbuckled her and Leslie’s seat belts and scooted into the middle of the seat, with Leslie inching her way in as well. Leslie closed her eyes as she leaned her face in and soon felt Lisa’s lips gently on hers, and her hand brushing up against the side of her face.
They began with a few gentle kisses on the lips. But it quickly started to escalate into deeper, more passionate kisses, with Leslie’s tongue wrapping around Lisa’s. Leslie instinctively put her hand behind Lisa’s head as they continued to kiss. Her heart fluttered as she worked to match Lisa’s intensity and skill. Leslie thought Lisa really was a good kisser.
Leslie found her other hand slowly working its way down the side of Lisa’s torso, feeling her smooth, naked skin. At the same time, she felt Lisa’s other hand explore her front, her palm pressed against her stomach and then slowly making its way up to the gap between her breasts before sliding it to the side and grasping one.
Leslie felt Lisa gently press her palm against her chest, signaling she wanted her to lean back, which she did. Leslie scooted herself down so that she had room to lay her head down on the seat without knocking into the inside door panel. Leslie had to let out an internal laugh at once again finding herself on the bottom. The thought passed quickly, however, as Lisa once again aggressively kissed her, causing the pair to moan.
Lisa moved the hand that had been against her face and slowly slid down her side and against her hips. Leslie then felt Lisa’s fingers gently slide in between her folds, no doubt feeling her increasing wetness. Leslie slid her left leg off the car seat to give Lisa more access, who quickly took it, caressing her area from her clit to her opening.
“Fuck, I wish I had a dildo with me,” Lisa breathed into Leslie’s ear before continuing to kiss her. The thought gave Leslie goosebumps: allowing Lisa to fuck her with a toy in the backseat of the car. “But I think I have an even better idea,” Lisa followed up.
Lisa pushed Leslie’s legs to try to spread them farther apart, which Leslie tried to help with herself when she noticed what Lisa wanted. Lisa then scooted up and sat sideways between Leslie’s legs, one of her legs bent and resting on top of Leslie’s chest, and the other shoved against the back seat. Lisa then positioned herself and started grinding her clit against Leslie’s.
Leslie let out a gasp and lay her head back down on the seat. She had heard about this before—tribbing—but hadn’t gotten around to trying it yet. But now that she was, it felt fantastic. Not only was her clit getting stimulated in a way she hadn’t felt before, but Lisa’s weight and groin area were rubbing against her own groin area in the process. Even when Lisa didn’t maintain clit-to-clit contact, she still ground against Leslie with something.
Leslie put her hands on Lisa’s hips as Lisa kept grinding down on her, reciprocating the motion as much as she could. The constant grinding was building her up toward an orgasm quickly, but Leslie tried to keep eye contact with Lisa, drinking in the seductive look she was giving back as she grooved her hips in various directions.
Leslie bit her lip, unable to stop her moans from getting louder. She could feel the pressure, the feeling spread and intensify. It was only a matter of time.
Then it hit her. Leslie shut her eyes and arched her back as the intensity rushed through her: her fifth orgasm of the day from a third different person. Once the feeling let her go, Leslie gasped, catching her breath, but Lisa continued to work, clearly working toward her own orgasm.
Soon, Lisa grasped onto Leslie’s legs and let out a few sputtering moans as she was hit with an orgasm of her own. The two women lay there for a minute or two, catching their breath.
“That was fun,” Lisa grinned at Leslie as she scooted over to retake her original seat.
“Uh, yeah, I agree,” Leslie replied with a laugh, repositioning herself in her seat as well.
“You’ve had quite a day, Leslie. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep,” Jacob added with a bit of a smirk.
Leslie let out a little laugh as she still caught her breath. “Yeah, I don’t think that will be a problem.”
Soon enough the caravan returned to the mansion. Leslie promptly found a shower and then headed to her bed. The other three girls were chatting about the experiences of the day, but Leslie just collapsed on the bed, not even bothering to cover herself. She wasn’t even sure how long everyone else stayed up, as she fell asleep rather quickly, exhausted from her very busy, but very fun day.