Big Girls Need Love Too!: Chapter 5 – New Year, New Friends, New Experiences!

"Shelly and Mark attend a New Year's Eve party for the ages!"

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Shelly and Mark saw the man holding the sign as they exited the baggage claim area of Denver airport. They went over and the man holding it introduced himself as Carl and said that he would be driving them to the Congressman’s residence. He took their carry-on bags and a suit bag that held Mark’s suit and her fancy dress, they were only staying for two days and, if what Mark had told his wife was true, they wouldn’t be clothed for most of it. They got in the back seat of the black Escalade and the driver pulled away.

Shelly had never been to Colorado so her head was on a swivel as she took in the scenery. She held her husband’s hand s they rode and she pointed out the various things that captured her interest. All that captured Mark’s interest was his wife’s angelic face and the joy it showed as she enjoyed the view. She looked over and noticed him staring. “What?” she asked.

“You are so beautiful just sitting there enjoying the scenery. You look as happy as I’ve ever seen you!”

“I am happy,” she said. “The happiest I’ve been since before my accident.”

“Are you remembering anything new?” he asked.

She shook her head, “No, but I know I was happy from the things you and our friends and family have told me about my life back then.”

“Maybe your memory is as good as it’s going to get,” he said.

“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m done looking backward to see who and what I was. I have a husband who loves me, I have finally come to terms with my body and accepted that I’m never going to be an underwear model and my life is as good as any woman has a right to expect. Now I’m just looking forward to the future!”

“It’s good to hear you say that,” he said as he leaned over to kiss her. “Is being an underwear model something that you ever wanted?”

“No, not specifically but I always wished I had that kind of body. I would look at the ads and shop online and wish I looked like those women. But it doesn’t matter. I’m a big girl and I have all the love I need!” She kissed him again and returned to looking at the scenery.

A half-hour later, the SUV pulled onto the circular driveway to a huge mansion. As they got out they were greeted by Caroline and her husband the Congressman. Shelly glanced at her husband and winked.

“Welcome!” Caroline said as she hugged Mark.

“Thank you for inviting us!” he said. “This is my wife, Michelle. Sweetie, this is Caroline Miller and her husband, Congressman David Miller.”

Shelly reached out her hand but Caroline was having none of that. She stepped up and wrapped her arms around Shelly, “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Michelle!”

“Please, call me Shelly and the pleasure is all mine!” she said.

Caroline kissed her cheek and whispered, “It will be!” Her husband moved in to shake Mark’s hand and hug Shelly. “Is this your first time in Colorado, Shelly?”

“It is!” She replied. “My goodness, the scenery is so beautiful!”

“We think so!” he replied. “And your presence here only enhances that beauty!” Shelly blushed and hugged him again.

“Let’s get inside, it’s cold out here!” Caroline said. “We’re not having our get together here, we’re going to the mountain house. You remember the mountain house, don’t you Mark?”

“How could I forget!” he replied. “It is magnificent!”

“As was the company we had that weekend!” Caroline said. Mark looked at her husband and she laughed. “Relax, David knows all about my girlfriend, in fact, it was a condition of her employment that she be allowed to keep seeing me! She is forbidden however to have any involvement with her boss!” David excused himself saying he had work to do.

“Mark told me all about your weekend together,” Shelly said. “Will there be any of that sort of thing going on tonight?”

“I certainly hope so!” Caroline said. “Meredith is looking forward to meeting you!”

“Oh, will your husband not be joining us?” she asked.

“Only in an observational capacity!” Caroline teased. She led them into a huge room that was set up for hosting a party. “We’re having a New Year’s Levee here tomorrow afternoon. You are of course welcome to attend. You did bring appropriate clothing, didn’t you?”

“We did!” Shelly said. “I’ve never been to a New Year’s Levee, what’s that about?”

“I’m surprised you don’t know, it’s more a Canadian tradition than an American one! It was brought over from Europe, we first attended one when we were in Ottawa and loved the idea of inviting friends to start the new year off with us. So we adopted it and we’ve held one every year for the past 20 years or so.”

“Oh,” she said. “We might need a little hair of the dog tomorrow as well”

“More than likely!” Caroline said. She looked around and saw that there were no staff nearby. She moved to Shelly and hugged her before leaning in and kissing her softly. “I hope you don’t mind, Mark told me that you are a very sexual person and I am hoping that you and I can have some fun tonight!”

“I hope so too!” Shelly said softly. They kissed again before Caroline moved to her husband and kissed him as well. “What did you think when Mark told you about us?”

“He didn’t tell me exactly. We’ve been sharing each other since before we got married. A couple of years ago, I had a boyfriend that he didn’t know about and he caught us. Instead of getting all pissy and angry, he accepted that I occasionally need a little more loving than he does so we agreed that we could both be with people outside our marriage so long as we follow the rules we set out.”

“What are those rules?” Caroline asked.

“That we be completely honest with each other about our other relationships, we never fool around behind the other’s back and that we always come back to each other,” she said.

“That sounds perfectly reasonable,” Caroline said. “My husband and I have a bit of a different dynamic, as you will see tonight. Basically, I can be with anyone I want any time I want while he is forbidden to see other people without my express permission. That permission is something I have never yet granted and it is unlikely I will.”

“So he’s your cuckold,” Shelly said.

“100 percent!” Caroline grinned. “For tonight there is no specific dress code, in fact, I suspect most of our guests will be wearing very little clothing! Our other tradition is that we host an orgy on New Year’s Eve for a select few and trusted friends.”

“Aren’t you worried the press or your husband’s opponents will find out?” Mark asked.

“Not in the least!” Caroline laughed. “We have so much dirt on all of these people that they would never breathe a word about it! And neither can you! You must never disclose what happens here or your involvement with us!”

They both nodded and Shelly continued with her story. “So we set up a two-week vacation at a cabin on a lake where Simon, that’s my boyfriend’s name, was going to join us. Just before we were to leave, Mark bowed out and told me to go be with him alone. While we were there, I carved out a few minutes every day to write him what we call a ‘lust letter’ in which I described exactly what Simon and I did in great detail! So now, when we’re with other people and the other is not there, we write our lust letters to each other. It’s a great way to keep our promise about being completely open and honest in our relationships with other people! Plus we’ll re-read some of those letters either alone or to each other as a way to get our motors running!”

“So that’s how he told you about us,” Caroline guessed.

Shelly nodded. “Exactly. He told me about being with you and your husband, that was when I was away with Simon. He also told me about his weekend with you and Meredith. Will she be joining us tonight?”

“She will!” Caroline smiled, her eyes glittering. “I have it so bad for her! I wish I could just run away with her and leave all this behind!”

“It’s hard loving more than one person, isn’t it?” Shelly said.

“Oh, I only love one person, but it’s not my husband!” Caroline replied. “I assume Mark told you what I said I’m going to do.”

“It was in his lust letter,” Shelly said. “I promise no one will ever see it!”

“I trust you,” Caroline said. “I wouldn’t have invited you if I didn’t!” The two women kissed again and Caroline took Shelly’s hand. “Come on, let’s go get ready!”

As darkness was falling, the four of them got into a stretch limo for the ride to the mountain house. The night was getting colder so Shelly snuggled into her husband as they sat facing David and Caroline. David poured champagne and raised his glass to his guests. “To a fun evening!” They all raised their glasses and repeated the toast. Shelly had so many questions she wanted to ask about their relationship but she didn’t know where to begin so she just sat silently. Caroline tried engaging her in conversation but her mind wouldn’t let her focus.

“Is everything alright? Caroline asked.

“Mark told you about my accident?” she said. Caroline shook her head. “Last spring I was riding my bike home from work and I got clipped by a driver who was using his phone. I got a very bad concussion and I lost quite a lot of my memories. I got most of them back but there are a lot of things I don’t remember. I’ve accepted that I likely will never recover a lot of them and decided to look forward instead of despairing about the past.”

“That’s a great way to look at things,” David said. “Other than your memory, did you suffer any other injuries?”

“My femur was broken, you’ll likely see the surgery scar later,” she said. “And this,” she lifted her hair to show them the seven-inch scar that ran along her hairline. “I’m fine now but there was one thing that was very strange about the things I did remember.” She took a sip of her drink before continuing. “I only remembered my sexual encounters. The only memories I have about Mark are the times we had sex with each other and with other people. Our letters filled in a lot of the blanks for me but a lot of them are gone forever. For example, I don’t remember our wedding, at least I don’t remember him being there. I remember the service and some of the reception but my memories of my wedding night are more clear. You see, I wanted a wedding night I would never forget and I got it! Our best friends Maggie and DJ spent the night with us and I remember everything that happened like it was yesterday. I remember being with both of our friends and I remember there was another man with us but I don’t have a specific memory that it was my husband.”

“Wow, that is so strange!” Caroline said.

“I know, right? So just now, when I was kind of zoned out, I was thinking about what Mark told me about your night together at that hotel and wondering how that works for you both. I wanted to ask but I didn’t know where to start.”

“Be patient,” David said. “You’ll see later tonight!” He leaned over and kissed his wife and she winked at Shelly. “My wife is too good to me!”

~  ~  ~

Meredith paced nervously as she waited for the others to arrive. She’d gotten to the mountain house a few hours earlier to get herself ready but she’d allowed quite a bit more time to prepare herself for the evening’s activities. The caterers had been in with all the food and the two wet bars had been set up. All that was left to do was to wait and greet any guests that arrived before the Congressman and her girlfriend.

Caroline had teased her about what might happen. She knew that Mark would be there and he was bringing his wife who she knew to be bisexual. She was looking forward to meeting her but she was looking forward much more to being with the only man who she’d ever fucked.

She was very nervous about being with Caroline with her husband and boss present. She’d been with Caroline many times since their first encounter in her mentor’s office three years prior and she’d been working directly for her husband for almost two but she’d never been with them together, in fact, she had rarely been in the same room with both of them at the same time. Caroline hadn’t teased her about that, she promised that her husband would be made to watch as they made love and fucked each other and was forbidden to interact with her in any way. Tonight was to be the final act completing his journey to subjugated cuckold as he watched his wife with her girlfriend.

Finally, they arrived. She stepped out into the cold clear night to greet them and was immediately taken by Shelly’s figure and beauty. She was tall and slim, with small breasts and narrow hips and while most women wished they were thinner, she wished she had a full round body that appeared made for pure physical enjoyment. As she told Caroline, Mark was not the only one who liked big girls! At night when she was alone, she dreamt of being smothered by a full and round body as they made love. When she saw Shelly, her legs went weak at the thought of the two of them alone and naked together!

The congressman got out first and she greeted him with a hug that was almost professional. He looked her up and down, observing her tight black dress that came down to mid-thigh and barely covered her small but firm breasts. “You look lovely tonight, Meredith!” he said. He then reached into the limo and took his wife’s hand, helping her out.

“Thank you, Dear,” she said, her eyes locking onto Meredith’s and her face smiling. She kissed her husband’s cheek and went to her lover, hugging her tightly and kissing her deeply. “Are you naked under that dress?” she asked.

“I am!” Meredith whispered.

Then Mark got out and helped his wife out. He turned to greet Meredith with a hug and a soft kiss before introducing her to Shelly. “Meredith, this is Shelly, my wife!” he said. Meredith reached out to hug her and whispered in her ear.

“I owe you a debt of gratitude!” she said.

“Whatever for?” Shelly asked.

“For lending me your husband to take my virginity!” she said. She leaned in and kissed the taller, curvy woman. “Your husband lied to me!”

“Oh? How so?”

“He said you are pretty, but his description didn’t do you justice! You are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see you out of those clothes!”

Shelly smiled and accepted her kiss. “He lied to me too! You are far prettier than he described!”

“Did he tell you I like full-figured women?” she asked.

“No, he didn’t,” Shelly said.

“Well, I do!”

They all went inside and David fixed drinks. He was dressed formally in a tuxedo with a black tie while the rest of them were more casually dressed. Shelly and Meredith stared unashamedly at each other as the others chatted casually as they waited for the rest of their guests to arrive. Shelly heard something about a tour of the house but it didn’t register, so focused she was on Meredith. She didn’t even notice that the others had left the room until Meredith came over to her and kissed her.

“Where did everybody go?” she asked between kisses.

“Who cares?” Meredith smiled as she led her new friend down a set of stairs to a basement bedroom. She closed and locked the door behind them and turned to take Shelly in her arms.

“My God! You are so beautiful!” she breathed between kisses. “I can’t wait for the party to start, I want to make love to you right now!”

Shelly was speechless. She was accustomed to men praising her looks but that a woman might think of her that way was foreign to her. She thought to ask Meredith to wait but then the younger woman’s hand caressed her breast and squeezed her sensitive nipple. Her knees buckled and she succumbed to her libido. They peeled the clothes from each other’s bodies and Meredith stood back to look at her.

“I love your lingerie!” the younger woman breathed. “It so suits you and it fits so perfectly!”

“I see you didn’t bother!” Shelly replied as she looked at her lover wearing nothing but her heels, lipstick and a smile! She brushed her long brown hair away from her face and kissed her again. They backed up and when the backs of Shelly’s knees hit the bed, she fell down dragging Meredith on top of her.

“Oops!” the younger woman said. “I have to tell you, your husband was the perfect gentleman when he took me.”

“From how he described it, he didn’t have to take you, you rather threw yourself at him!” Shelly teased.

“The truth is somewhere in the middle!” Meredith said as she reached up and unclipped the clasp between the cups of Shelly’s bra. As it fell away to either side, she looked at the large, round mounds standing up proudly from her lover’s chest. “Perfect!” she breathed before commencing her oral assault on Shelly’s body.

~  ~  ~

The guests started arriving and Caroline introduced him to them as her special friend as they arrived. They all smiled knowingly, having attended the Millers’ New Year’s Eve parties in years past.

Just as the last of them arrived, Shelly and Meredith arrived back in the room, mostly put together but anyone could see that they’d been busy. She went up to her husband and kissed his cheek. “How was she?” he whispered.

“Un-fucking-believable!” Shelly grinned. “She had very nice things to say about you!”

“I told you she was special!” he said.

The party started off about the same as any normal party would. Their hosts mingled and made sure everyone was looked after and felt comfortable, focusing on Mark and Shelly as newcomers to the event.  They made sure that they were included in the conversations and discussions. Just after 9 PM, Mark noticed a couple sneak away only to return a half-hour or so later looking more dishevelled and with sly grins on their faces. The man and the woman concerned went back to other people and greeted them with whispers and soft kisses. He surmised that the game was most definitely on.

His suspicion was confirmed when a large-breasted mature woman sidled over to him and tried to pry him away to talk to him alone while a man of about equal vintage did the same with Shelly. He excused himself and went to speak to his wife, promising to return in a few moments.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I think it’s time for the fun to begin!” she replied.

“No restrictions?”

“None!” she grinned. They kissed each other softly and went back to their previous conversations. About ten minutes later she caught his attention and winked as she slipped her hand into the older gentleman’s and he led her upstairs. He smiled and nodded slightly to acknowledge his concurrence with what she was about to do.

“She is stunning!” his conversation companion said as she watched them leave. A few moments later he noticed another couple sneaking down the other stairs. Then he saw Meredith holding hands with a man and a woman heading for the upstairs bedrooms.

“Perhaps we could go upstairs and see if there are any good spots left?” she suggested.

“Why not?” he agreed and they started up the stairs. They entered the long hallway that had several doors on both sides and as they passed each closed door, they heard the sounds of passion in various voices coming from each room. As they went by one door, they heard Shelly’s voice, “Oh Fuck, Yes!” and she looked at him, “She’s going to love what he’ll do to her!”  There were only two open doors left so they entered one of them to find a fully furnished room with a double bed. On the nightstand were an assortment of toys and lubes plus a bowl full of condoms.

He turned to his companion and asked her name. “I’m Kristi, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me!”

“Should I?” he asked. “I think if I’d seen you, I would certainly remember!”

“I take it you don’t watch American news then?” she asked.

He shook his head, “I get most of my news online.”

“Most of you young people do,” she said. “No matter!” She leaned in and kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his mouth.

“So who are you?” he asked.

“I work for CNN, I’m a journalist,” she said.

“I’ll have to start watching!” They resumed kissing and soon she was on her knees sucking his cock into her throat. As much as he would have liked for her to finish him off that way, he wanted to see if she tasted as good as she looked. And man, did she look good!  He pulled her to her feet and began undressing her, stopping to kiss, lick and tease each bit of skin as he exposed it. By the time he got to her underwear, such as it was, she was shivering in anticipation of what he might do next.

He stepped back for a moment and drank in the sight of her body. “God DAMN, you look so hot!” he whispered.

She blushed a little, “But I’m old enough to be your – ” He stopped her by placing a finger on her lower lip.

“Old enough to be my lover!” he finished the sentence. She sucked his fingertip into her mouth and flicked it with the end of her tongue. He moved her backwards to the bed and as the backs of her knees got close to the edge of the mattress, he put his arm around her and eased her down onto her back. He slid his fingers underneath the string that formed the waist of her thong and slid it down over her hips. As she was exposed, he moved his face forward and inhaled deeply. “I love your scent!” He then parted her legs and moved closer, teasing her clit with his tongue.

“Oh Wow! Don’t ever stop!” she moaned as he tongued her clit. He slid two fingers inside her and curved them up to massage the upper wall of her pussy making her twist and clamp her thighs against his head. “Yes! Right there!” Her hands filled with his hair as she guided his tongue where she wanted it to go. Her voice raised an octave when he clamped onto her clit and suckled on it, using his tongue to massage it. Her bum raised off the mattress and she released a flow of clear, slick fluid from her pussy which he did his best to lap up. He continued placing soft kisses on her clit and slowly withdrew his fingers as she relaxed her grip on his hair. She sighed and moaned softly as his kisses on her clit brought her down slowly. After a few minutes, she tugged on his hair and he kissed his way back up her body, stopping at the spots that made her squirm and sigh.

He reached her lips and kissed them softly. “That was incredible!” she whispered.

“It was my pleasure!” he whispered back. She rolled him onto his back and swung her leg over him.

“No, it wasn’t!” she said with a grin. “But this will be!” She kissed him before starting to make her way down his body placing soft kisses and nipping him in several spots with her teeth. She looked up and smiled before opening her mouth and taking his cock inside it.

He watched her hair move as her head bobbed slowly up and down. She changed her angle of attack and used her tongue to great effect as she made love to his cock with her mouth. She looked up again and slid her lips over him until his head slipped into her throat.

Not wanting to assume it was okay to cum in her mouth, he thought about stopping her but before he could, she came off him and kissed her way quickly back up to his mouth. She shifted her hips so her pussy was rubbing against his shaft before reaching down and grasping it to guide it to her opening.

“Mmmmm,” she purred as her pussy wrapped itself around him. Holding herself onto him, she looked at him, “I needed this!” She started moving slowly as her eyes stayed locked onto his. “Do you think my husband is having fun with your wife?”

“I know he is!” he replied. “She is the best cocksucker I know!”

“Then he will be having the best time!” she purred. “Maybe later, I can get together with her?”

“I think you both would enjoy that, the only thing she loves more than sucking cock is eating pussy!”

“Mmm, I’ll bet she does!” She started rocking her hips faster and her breathing became elevated. They kissed deeply as their passion built and then their eyes locked together and their foreheads touched as their union became more frantic. “Fill me up! Let me feel your cum!” she panted as her orgasm rose from within her. Her hips became a blur as she fucked him as hard as her body would allow.

She arrived in a blinding rush of pure pleasure and emotion. She professed an undying love for him and his cock between screams and sighs as she rode him to nirvana. Her cunt spasmed around him, tightening and relaxing as her pussy clenched onto his shaft. Her movements brought him over the edge of the abyss and he surged up into her, emptying himself deep inside her. Her eyes locked back onto his and a tear dripped from the corner of each eye as they consummated their lust.

“Holy sweet Jesus!” she panted as she lay on top of him, holding him tightly. “I don’t usually cum that hard!”

“It was our pleasure!” he teased. He shifted underneath her and her eyes closed.

“Oooooooh another one!” she sighed as he felt her pussy leak over his shaft one last time. “Can we stay like this forever?”

“As tempting as that idea is, I think other conquests are awaiting for you among the other guests!” he said.

“Is that what you think of me, as a wanton woman who lives to conquer other people to satisfy her lust?”

“I think you are an incredibly beautiful, amazing sexy and alluring mature woman who loves giving pleasure with her body as much as she loves receiving it,” he said.

“That’s so sweet!” she said. “Sometimes I feel that way about myself, but sometimes I feel like I’m a whore who will fuck anyone, male or female, to feed my insecurities.”

“I find it hard to imagine that a woman so beautiful and sexy as you would have many securities,” he said.

“You have no idea!” she replied. “Aren’t you curious about my age?”

“No, it doesn’t matter, not to me,” he said. “Age is just a number, it’s who you are and how you perceive yourself that matters.”

“Aren’t you sweet!” she said. His cock had softened to the point where it slipped out of her. “Ooooh,” she purred, a tone of disappointment in her voice. “We should go back to the party.”

“I think we need to clean up first,” he said. She nodded and got off him, rolling onto her back and he rolled on top of her. “You’re not one of those women who saves her lover’s cum for her husband to clean up, are you?”

“Sometimes,” she said with a smile. “But my husband isn’t here, is he?” He smiled at her and kissed her before moving down and licking her pussy clean of his cum. When he was finished, they kissed and he shared it with her. “Mmm, I love cum!” she whispered.

~  ~  ~

While her husband was with the very attractive older woman, Shelly was getting up close and personal with her husband, a successful lawyer who worked the inner circles of Capitol Hill.

“Your body is incredible!” he said as his hands cupped her breasts and hefted their weight. “It’s like it was designed to give and receive pleasure!”

Shelly laughed a little, “That’s what my husband says!” She sank to her knees and undid his belt and pants, letting them slide down his legs. He stepped out of them and she saw it, restrained only by his shorts. It was long and thick and there was a small stain at its tip from the precum that was leaking out of it. She pulled his shorts down and it sprang forward. “Challenge accepted!” she whispered before opening her mouth and taking him in.

Five minutes later she was licking his cum from her chin. She’d had to work at it and be a little patient but she did manage to work his head into her throat. She was a little disappointed that he didn’t last a bit longer. Depp throating a lover’s cock wasn’t just something she did for him, she did it for her own pleasure as well. The feeling it gave her to have a man completely under her control thrilled and aroused her.

She stood up and made to kiss him but he turned his head. She swallowed what was left and smiled, “Sorry, it’s just that most of my lovers have no trouble with tasting their own cum.”

“Neither do I,” he said. “I just prefer to lick it from a woman’s cunt!”

“So vulgar!” she whispered as she smiled at him. She took his hand and guided it to her pussy, waxed smooth and wet with anticipation. She guided him to the bed and laid back with her legs spread wide apart. “Eat my cunt!” she commanded him. He got between her legs and pulled her thong aside before diving in and licking her from asshole to clit. “Oh Fuck, Yes!” she moaned loudly enough for anyone nearby to hear. She moaned louder when he slipped two thick fingers inside her and expertly massaged her G-Spot. A few moments later, she came, squirting her fluid in a long stream as she sang out her orgasmic aria.

~  ~  ~

When Mark and Kristi rejoined the party, they saw their spouses standing together talking with their host. They each rejoined their spouse and shared soft kisses. “You are both delicious!” Shelly said as she smiled at him. “I’m having so much fun!”

“It sounded like it!” he said. “Kristi is hoping to have a little fun with you later!”

“And what will you be doing while I’m doing her?” his wife teased.

“I’ll find something to do!” he said.

“Or someone!” They kissed again and then Caroline cleared her throat.

“Hi everyone! By now I think we’ve all had a chance to sample what’s going to happen for the rest of the evening! Just a quick reminder to respect everyone’s wishes and that No really means No! It’s not likely to be a problem, we’re all horny adults here but you can’t be too careful!

“Another reminder that at about a quarter to midnight, you will hear a gong. When that happens, you are all asked to join us in the great room to toast the new year! Any of you who want to greet the turn of the calendar in a special way with a special person is invited to do so!

“Lastly, as you are all aware, what happens here, stays here! We all know enough about each other’s preferences, perversions and predilections to ruin lives and nobody wants that! All we want is to have as much fun with as many different people in as many different ways as we feel comfortable with! You were asked to leave your judgement at the door when you entered and David and I hope that you all get what, or who, you came here for! Cheers everyone!”

Everyone raised their glasses and sipped. “This stuff is delicious!” Shelly gushed, her eyes twinkling. Caroline came to them with her husband in tow.

“It is very good!” she said as she hugged Shelly and then Mark. “Why don’t you get something to eat and after that, maybe you two would like to join my husband and me in our bedroom?”

“That’s a great idea!” Shelly said. She turned to kiss Caroline but when she moved to kiss her husband, she stopped him.

“Please don’t!” she said. “I’ll explain when we get upstairs.”

“Okay, sorry,” Shelly said. Caroline kissed her again and smiled.

They chatted with some of the other guests until Caroline came into the room. “We’re ready for you!” she whispered in Shelly’s ear before kissing her.

“Excuse us!” Shelly said to the couple they were talking to and they left to follow Caroline upstairs.

When they entered their lavish and large bedroom, they saw David sitting on a hard-backed chair still dressed in his tuxedo. “As your husband likely told you, Shelly, my husband and I enjoy a rather different relationship than you guys do. From time to time, we both enjoy having him sit by and watch as I take other lovers both male and female. During these times, he is forbidden from interacting with the other people present as well as from touching himself or attempting to achieve gratification in any way. He is strictly an observer.”

“Interesting,” Shelly said. “I’ve heard of women cuckolding their husbands by being with other men but never by being with other women.”

“I’m not like other women,” Caroline said.

“So my husband tells me.” She moved to kiss their hostess. “My husband says you are an excellent cocksucker!”

“Not as good as you or your friend, Maggie, is it?”

“Perhaps not,” Shelly says. “But as my husband is fond of saying, there is no such thing as bad head, some is just better than others! And he would know, he’s had his cock sucked by many women, present company included!”

“And what about you, Shelly? Do you think some people are better at licking pussy than others?”

“Oh, most definitely! I think in general, women are better at that than men. Men seem to have to work at it while women just do what comes naturally!” She kissed Caroline softly. “I think we should find out!”

“What did you have in mind?” Caroline asked.

“I think we should do an experiment! Let’s have my husband go down on you and then let me do it and you can decide who’s better?”

“What will we use as a control group?” asked Caroline.

“Fuck the control group!” Shelly laughed. She grabbed Caroline’s face and kissed her hard. The two women wrestled each other onto the bed and while they kissed, Mark moved in and lifted Caroline’s gown to expose her naked pussy. He worked his way on and started licking and sucking on her clit before sliding two fingers inside her.

“Fuck, Shelly, he IS good!” Caroline panted as Mark serviced her with his mouth and fingers. Shelly moved up and lowered her pussy over the other woman’s mouth while sneaking her fingers down to tease her clit. She glanced over to see David in his chair, staring at them with a smile on his face.

They stayed in that position for a bit until Caroline turned her head and told her lovers to switch places. They all repositioned so Shelly was on her back with Caroline’s pussy over her face and Mark’s kneeling beside his wife’s head. Caroline bent over and took him into her mouth while her pussy was being licked, sucked and fingered by his wife.

Caroline’s orgasm was epic! She screamed, bellowed, squirted, twisted, writhed, begged, pleaded, and cried as Shelly refused to stop until the older woman begged her to. Neither Shelly nor Mark cared that their orgasms hadn’t happened yet, they felt certain they’d get their chance!

They both took care of Caroline in the aftermath as they cuddled and whispered between soft kisses and caresses. Caroline looked at her husband and asked if he’d enjoyed the show. “Very much, sweetheart,” came his smiling reply. She blew him a kiss before turning back to Shelly and Mark.

“That was everything I hoped it would be!” she said to Shelly. “It’s like your body was specially designed to give and receive pleasure!”

“That’s exactly what my husband and my boyfriend said!” Shelly replied.

“Boyfriend? There’s got to be a story in that!” Shelly and Mark gave her the five-dollar version ending with describing how their lust letters have added a new dimension to their lives. “Maybe I should get myself a boyfriend!” she smiled as she looked at her husband.

“The half dozen you have already aren’t enough?” he asked.

“Apparently not!” Caroline laughed. “You can never have too many boyfriends!”

“That’s the truth! Or girlfriends!” Shelly said before leaning in and kissing Caroline deeply.

“Mmm, I love your kisses!” Caroline said. “It feels like everything you’re feeling comes across to me!”

“I love kissing almost as much as I do having sex!” Shelly replied.

“Great segue!” Caroline giggled. “I have a question to ask your husband if that’s alright?”

“Of course!” Shelly said and she watched as the gorgeous older woman moved toward her husband and kissed him.

“Remember the first time we were together and the treatment we gave my husband?” she asked. Mark nodded. “Well, there is one more indignity I need him to suffer before his conversion to willing cuckold is complete.” She looked at him and raised her eyebrows.

“I am not sucking his cock!” he said firmly.

I don’t want you to and I don’t want him to suck yours!” she said. “He needs a real cock in his ass and I was hoping you might agree to provide it!”

“That would be so fucking hot!” Shelly groaned as her hands went to her pussy.

“I don’t think I want to do that,” Mark said. “It was one thing to have sex with you in front of him so you could play your little game but I have no interest in fucking another man’s ass!”

“Baby, please!” Shelly begged. “That was one of the naughty dreams I had when I was recovering from my accident! You always said you’d do anything to make my dreams come true!”

“I’m sorry, Sweetie, but I’m drawing the line on this,” he said. We always said that anything we did had to be what we wanted, and we’d never expect either of us to cross any lines we didn’t want to cross!”

“I know but… I’m sorry, you’re right. I can’t ask you to do that if you don’t want to!”

“Hey, I took a shot! Don’t worry about it, there’s another man here that I think will do what I want.” Caroline kissed them both. “How about you fuck my ass instead?”

“That I can do!” Mark grinned. Shelly looked over at her husband and he got up without being told to. He retrieved a bottle of lube from a bedside table and brought it over. Caroline got onto her hands and knees and bent over so he could apply it and then wiped the excess all up and down Mark’s shaft. He wiped his hands and returned to his seat on the chair.

Mark moved in behind Caroline while Shelly shimmied her way underneath. She craned her face up and kissed the leaking pussy above her and then watched as her husband’s cock pushed against the wrinkled hole until it gave way and he popped inside her. She moaned as he entered her and once he was fully inside her and moving his cock in and out, she settled her hips a little lower so Shelly could have easy access to her pussy and clit. Mark rutted, Shelly sucked and licked and Caroline moaned, sighed and screamed as her orgasm built until she pushed back against Mark and squirted all over Shelly’s face. After a brief pause, Mark started again and soon after he unloaded himself into her. As he pulled out, his wife watched a large dollop of his cum tickle out, form a large creamy white drop on her flushed and distended pussy lips and fall into her waiting mouth.

As they disengaged, they heard the gong that announced it was a quarter to midnight. “We just have time to get ready!” said Caroline as she got off the bed and went into the washroom. She returned a few minutes later freshly washed and wearing a long red gown. Her hair was brushed and her face was fresh and free of any makeup. “Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?” her husband said. She went over to him and kissed him, the first sign of affection she’d shown toward him all night.

“Thank you, darling!” she said before turning to Shelly and Mark who were cuddling on the now-soaked bed. Are you coming?”

“We just did!” giggled Shelly. “We’ll be down in a minute!” Their hosts left and Shelly looked at her husband. “Holy fuck and we thought our marriage was different!”

“It takes all kinds!” Mark said as he pushed toward the washroom. A few minutes later they were wiped clean and dressed so they went down to the great room and joined the party.

Meredith sidled up to them and kissed Mark before turning to Shelly and kissing her as well. “I was wondering where you two had gotten to!”

“We were with Caroline and David,” Shelly said.

“Did he do it?” the younger beauty asked.

Shelly shook her head, “No. I wanted him to, it would have been so hot, but he wouldn’t.”

“I didn’t think he would,” she said. Just then the countdown started and they joined in.

“Three… Two… One… Happy New Year!” everyone called in chorus.  Then they all started kissing each other and Shelly noticed Caroline and David with the older couple that she and her husband had been with earlier. She watched as each man kissed the other’s wife and then the two wives kissed, They stopped and looked at their husbands and Caroline’s face split into a wide smile as they kissed as well. She tapped Mark on the shoulder and pointed. “Looks like Caroline is going to get her wish after all!” Mark looked and smiled and then Meredith interrupted.

“What about me, am I going to get my wish?”

“What’s that?” asked Mark.

“To have your stunningly beautiful wife lick my pussy and fuck me with my favourite toy while I suck your cock!” she breathed in his ear. Then she leaned over to Shelly and repeated what she had said to Mark. Shelly kissed her and took her hand, letting her lead the way. They got side-tracked a couple of times along the way, including by the black couple they’d seen earlier. Several kisses and well wishes later, they were alone in what looked like a lavish guest room. It had a king-sized four-poster bed with a canopy, candles all over and a heart-shaped jacuzzi one in one corner.

“This is where Caroline and I first made love,” Meredith said softly. “She’s been so good to me! Last year, she and I came to this room to celebrate the New Year. As soon as I saw your picture, Shelly, I wanted to celebrate in this room with you!”

“So you used your influence with your girlfriend to get us invited here so you could fuck us!” Shelly said.

“Yes, and I’m not ashamed of it!” Meredith grinned. She kissed Shelly and started to undress her. Mark helped her out of her clothes and soon the two women were on the bed kissing and exploring each other’s bodies with their fingers and tongues.

“Sweetheart, would you please fill the tub for us?” Shelly asked. They had always wanted to install one of these in their home but the renovations required to support the extra weight would have been cost-prohibitive so they enjoyed a hot tub or whirlpool any time they could in a hotel or at a resort. The last time they’d been able to take advantage of one was the night her husband watched as she fucked eleven rather well-hung men one after another. She still had only vague memories of that night but her husband’s recollections recounted to her both verbally and in a special lust letter he had written at her request allowed her to recall some details.

Mark pronounced the bath ready a few minutes later and he watched as his wife and this lithe young woman held each other’s hands as they padded toward the tub and helped each other into the warm water. He’d made the mistake the first time they used a whirlpool tub of putting bubble bath into the water. That error had provided a lot of laughter as the bubbles foamed and frothed up and spilled onto the floor of the room. When they got the bill from the hotel for the extra cleanup, they weren’t laughing!

He watched as Shelly settled in and Meredith settled in front of her. “Come over to us,” Meredith said as she tapped her fingers on the broad tiled ledge of the enclosure.

“You might as well take your clothes off, you’re going to get wet!” Shelly said. He got up and disrobed before sitting back down. Meredith reached out and stroked his cock as Shelly cupped her small breasts and tweaked her nipples.

“Shelly, did you know that your darling husband was the first man I ever fucked?” Meredith asked.

“As a matter of fact, I did! My darling husband wrote me a very erotic letter describing the weekend he spent here with you and Caroline! He didn’t spare a single detail!” She leaned over and offered her lips to her husband. “Did you know that he was also the first man I ever fucked?”

“I did not know that!” Meredith smiled. “Mark, you are a very lucky man, having deflowered two women so beautiful and sexy as we two!”

“I know I am indeed a very lucky man!” he said.

Meredith leaned back into Shelly’s full and firm breasts. “Your husband is a very gentle and skilled lover,” she said.

“He is when he wants to be,” Shelly agreed.  “But he’s also a wild animal when I need him to be!”

“And if I need him to be a wild animal tonight, would you be okay with that?”

“Absolutely!” Shelly whispered. Her hands cupped the younger woman’s breasts more firmly before her left hand slid down and parted her pussy lips so the fingers of her right could slide inside.

“Mmm, that feels so nice!” Meredith sighed. “Shelly?”

“Yes, Meredith?”

“Do you think your husband would like to fuck my ass?”

“I think my husband would love to fuck your ass!” Shelly groaned. “And I would like to watch him do it!”

“I’ve never done that before!” Meredith groaned as Shelly leaned down and kissed the younger woman’s neck.

“He will be so gentle!” Shelly whispered. “The night he took my ass for the first time he was so patient, he made sure I was completely ready before sliding his long thick cock into my tight round ass!”

“I’m sure he was! Just as he was patient and gentle with me the first time he fucked me! He was so good and he filled me up perfectly!”

“Our girlfriend, Maggie says he has a perfect cock!” Shelly said.

“I would have to agree!” She turned to face Shelly and they started kissing.

Mark sat beside them and languidly passed a bath sponge over their bodies to keep them warm and their skin glistening as the two women kissed and played with each other’s breasts and pussies. He slipped a free hand under Meredith’s bum and traced it along the cleft of her ass cheeks, pausing briefly to apply a hint of pressure to her rosebud anus. The young woman sighed at having her clit and anus teased at the same time.

Shelly looked at her husband, “Sweetie, would you be a star and check to see if there are any toys and some lube in the nightstand?” She remembered seeing a couple in the first bedroom she’d gone into with and wondered if their hosts might have placed some in all the bedrooms.

“Of course, Sweetie!” he whispered. He kissed both women and left them to look in the other room. They continued kissing and feeling each other up until he returned with two toys and a bottle of lube. One was a long, smooth and fairly thin vibrator while the other was a replica of a real circumcised cock complete with a broad head and veins along the shaft. It was smaller than his cock but he figured it would serve the purpose.

Meredith’s eyes widened when she saw the toys and she looked at Shelly. “Why the toys when we have the real thing right there?” she asked.

“You’ll see!” Shelly whispered and she told Meredith to turn around and bend over.

She caressed the younger woman’s bum with her hands before letting her finger slip in between her cheeks and teasing her tiny hole. She leaned into her lover and whispered that it was time to get her ready.

“I’m ready!” Meredith sighed which made Shelly laugh.

“You think you are!” She pressed her finger into the impossibly tight anus and Meredith twitched. “See, you’re not ready!” Shelly kissed the back of her shoulder, “But soon you will be!” She took the lube and dribbled a little onto her fingertip, rubbing it in. It went back to her lover’s bum and she pressed it forward again, slipping it just inside. Meredith winced and gave a tiny cry, “Sssshhhhh,” Shelly soothed her. “It’ll be okay!” She worked her finger in deeper and moved it around.

She withdrew it and then lubricated it again, adding some to Meredith’s tiny hole and rubbing it around. She slipped it back in again, pushing it until her knuckles prevented her from going any further. “Is that okay?” Meredith nodded and looked around for Mark. She beckoned him closer and offered her lips to him.

“You don’t have to do this, you know,” he whispered.

“I want to do this!” she replied. “I need to do this!”

“Just stop us if it hurts or you feel uncomfortable!”

Meredith winced again and grunted as she felt Shelly push a second finger into her ass. Shelly moved them around, stretching her sphincter in preparation for the much larger invasion that would soon follow.

She dipped the end of the vibrator into the water to warm it up before lubricating it. She placed the tip of it against her lover and pushed firmly, watching for Meredith’s reaction as the toy invaded her back door. Meredith inhaled sharply and Mark asked her again if she was alright. “Just go easy!” she whispered hoarsely.

It took nearly a half-hour during which Mark had fingered her to an orgasm before Shelly was able to work the replica cock into Meredith’s bum. She held it there while her husband played with her clit and kissed her. After waiting to allow her bum to get used to the intrusion, Shelly started moving the toy inside her making Meredith moan. Between the full feeling in her ass and two of Mark’s fingers in her pussy, she had never felt so full, so alive! “This feels so good!” she purred.

The three of them continued like that for a little while and then Shelly shivered. “I’m cold! They disengaged and the married couple dried off their ingenue before leading her by the hand to the bedroom. Shelly kissed Meredith and guided her onto her back on the bed. “This is my favourite way to do this!” she whispered before moving down and licking the younger woman’s clit. Mark moved in behind her and slipped himself into his wife’s pussy. He fucked slowly as she kissed and licked their lover’s lips and clit, then he pulled out and lubricated Shelly’s bum. He moved back in and his cock slid in to the hilt.

He fucked his wife’s ass for a few minutes and then pulled out, moving up to kiss Meredith softly. “Is it time?”

“I think so!” she whispered between the sighs that Shelly was bringing out of her.

“Give me a minute!” He left them and returned a moment later, his cock washed and relubricated.

Shelly got up and changed positions with Meredith. “Relax, you are going to love this!” she whispered before lying back and opening her thighs to give her lover access. Meredith bent down and started making love to Shelly’s pussy with her mouth. “My God, Sweetie! She better than Maggie!” she gasped as she felt Merdith’s lips, tongue and fingers on her. Mark just smiled and moved into position.

He cock brushed her cheek as he moved his hips behind her. He spread them with his hand to expose the little wrinkled hole, shiny with lube. He applied some more and then moved his cock into place. Using one hand to hold his shaft steady, he used the other to urge her hips backward onto him.

Meredith felt the pressure against her forbidden hole. She winced as it increased until it finally gave way, just as it had done to Shelly’s fingers and the two toys. She gasped as the head moved fully inside her and she stopped to let herself become accustomed to the intrusion.

She pushed back a bit more and the broadest part of his shaft disappeared. Shelly stroked her hair and soothed her, not being bothered that her lover’s lips and tongue weren’t arousing her at the moment. Her time would come she was sure!

Meredith pushed backward and slowly the rest of Mark’s cock was enveloped into her white-hot ass. It was impossibly tight, so much so that he doubted his wife could grip him that firmly with her hand and she had a pretty good grip! She stopped again before moving her hips forward and then back onto him. Each time she moved he came out a bit farther until only his head remained inside her. She felt and he saw her anus distend as it griped his head, refusing to release it. She pushed back down until he was fully inside her once more and then returned to her task of making Shelly cum before she did.

She failed miserably at that task as Mark’s cock filled her repeatedly. He changed positions to change the angle so he was pushing more downward and his broad head rubbed along her G-Spot through that thin wall between her pussy and her ass. Two or three rubs along that magical little spot and she was gone!

She screamed and sobbed as she came! At first, Mark thought he was hurting her but she reassured him that everything he was doing was perfect! “Fuck my ass!” she growled between panting breaths. “Fuck this feels so good!”

Her passion spurred him on so he grabbed her hips and fucked her harder, as hard as he’d ever fucked any woman. Each forward thrust was accompanied by a loud grunt and an equally loud slap as his hips pummeled her ass cheeks. Her screams came unabated as she ignored Shelly’s pussy to concentrate on her own pleasure. Finally, he drove himself forward and his cock surged, filling her tight ass with his cum.

They stayed motionless for a moment or two and then he began to move slowly, wanting to extend her pleasure until his cock softened. “Enough!” she gasped and she fell forward onto Shelly’s chest, causing him to slip from inside her. Mark moved up beside them both and hugged them firmly, listening to their breathing and to Meredith’s soft crying.

“Are you okay, Sweetie?” Shelly asked as she caressed the heaving body on top of her. Meredith looked up, her eyes wet and shining.

“That was amazing!” she breathed. “Thank you for lending me your husband once again! You are the luckiest woman in the world!”

“I don’t know about that but I was happy to be a part of this!” Shelly said. She urged Meredith up her body and kissed her softly. The three of them held each other as they recovered, not caring that their bodies were covered in sweat and cum or that Shelly hadn’t had her orgasm. They all knew that would happen sooner rather than later.

As their breathing returned to normal, Meredith turned and kissed Mark. “Mark, Sweetie, would you go warm up that bath?”

“For you, the world and all that’s in it!” he said. He kissed both women and padded off to refill the tub with clean water and plenty of bubbles. When he returned, the two women were kissing. Meredith looked at Shelly, “I have a job to finish!” She kissed her way down Shelly’s body and soon the room was filled with the screams and sighs of a woman at the peak of ecstasy. Mark watched as his wife came over and over from the expertise of their young lover.

Mark joined them in the tub and after they were all clean, they retired to the bed. “I wonder if the party is still going?” Shelly said. The others shrugged and then shortly after they heard a woman’s scream coming from another room. “Sounds like it is!” She said.

Published 1 month ago

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