“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 21:- “Stanley”

"David, Sarah, Clare and Karen stay and meet the landlord..."

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It was Sunday morning, and the first thing I was aware of was Sarah’s naked body pressing against mine. Her warmth reminded me of how lovely it was to sleep with her. However, it felt late as it was already light outside, and I had breakfast to make.

Carefully, I eased myself out of bed, then silently took myself to the bathroom and went through my normal routine. Then still naked, to the kitchen where I turned the kettle on and cranked up the heating.

When I heard movement from the “girls only” bedroom, and knowing it was against my own house rules, I slipped on my dressing gown, not wanting to embarrass Karen.

Clare soon appeared, freshly showered and completely naked.

“Good morning,” I said, taking in her beautiful nude figure.

Clare returned my greeting and wandered into the kitchen only to notice my dressing gown.

“What is all this?” she questioned, giving my bathrobe a tug at the same time. “You are aware of the house rules; after all, you made them!

“I didn’t want to embarrass Karen,” I replied, my cock hardening because of Clare’s naked presence.

Clare stepped closer and kissed me. As she did, she grabbed my erection and giggled.

“I don’t think Karen is going to be embarrassed,” she said, emphasising her point by giving my cock a few meaningful strokes to ensure I had my morning glory.

“Good morning.”

It was Karen. She was as naked as the day she was born. This being the first time that I had seen her nude, my eyes naturally travelled down to her bare slit.

Clare had previously told me that her girlfriend was fully shaved, unlike the girl that Karen resembled from my past, Kirsty, a holiday romance.

Suddenly Clare yanked my erect phallus and led me out by it into the lounge, where she presented me to her girlfriend. This was the same way she had introduced me to her friends in Majorca.

“One of us doesn’t know the house rules,” Clare announced with a giggle as my dressing gown fell away. It left me completely naked with a hard-on, Clare’s hand still wrapped around it.

Karen’s eyes scanned my naked body in the same way mine had done to hers a little earlier.

“David, I was already aware that your willy was shaved,” Karen giggled. “And that you occasionally feel embarrassed about the fact that it resembles a little boy’s.”

I tried my hardest not to blush, despite my cock not being small. It was currently sticking out of me proudly—all seven and a half inches.

I glanced at Clare. “We don’t seem to have many secrets in this house,” I remarked.

Karen’s disclosure had me thinking about what Sarah mentioned last night—that Clare was contemplating going girl only next year. It was something Clare had failed to mention to me so far!

“Don’t worry, David,” Karen injected. “I might be a lesbian, but I have seen a willy before, as my older brother is not the best at covering himself up after using a shower.”

Clare let go of me, and I stood there, like a naked soldier, my cock standing to attention.

“David, you don’t need to be embarrassed. I have never had a problem running around naked,” and with those words, Karen walked around the lounge completely nude. She was giving me a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of her young, girlish, eighteen-year-old body. It did nothing to ease my erection.

It was at that moment that Sarah wandered in. She wore a towel around her head, but apart from that, she was completely nude, as was her custom. It occurred to me that in Karen, Sarah had a friend who was as equally comfortable being naked.

“Good morning,” I cheerily said to Sarah. 

She just walked past me with only a glance even though I was naked and my cock was fully erect!

Sarah grumbled, “Morning.” She was almost oblivious to what was going on, not being a morning person.

With the three girls now all sitting naked at the breakfast bar, I hung up my dressing gown and moved into the kitchen to cook breakfast. However, as the girls started to chat, I quietly slipped on an apron.

“Three courses,” I announced, carefully keeping my naked bottom to them as I poured out the orange juice.

“Hey, you meant to be naked,” Clare complained, realising again that I was wearing something.

“I am,” I quipped back as I put the hot water in the teapot.

“You can still see my bum,” and with those words, I clenched my buttocks a few times as I hummed a Charleston, bringing giggles from the girls.

I joked, “See Karen, it’s not just your girlfriend that can dance a Charleston.”

Clare groaned as she dismissed my dancing routine and then told me to get my apron off.

“I am cooking three courses,” I stated, bringing a second groan from Clare. She had heard that so many times before.

I was still facing the other way as I poured the milk into the cups.

“You should be naked… and that’s not cooking,” Karen observed, giggling, yet not yet knowing what I was like.

“Yes, it is, and what do you care? You’re a lesbian,” I joked back.

I turned, giving the three girls their first view of the apron front. It showed a life-size cartoon of a naked man, complete with a large, limp cock, though this one had a mass of pubic hair around it.

Clare and Karen burst out laughing, never having seen the apron before. While Sarah simply rolled her eyes, knowing what was coming.

“You have a man’s willy now,” Karen giggled. Her remark was a reference to my sudden abundance of pubic hair. She certainly wasn’t that shy girl anymore, the one I had first met on my twenty-third birthday.

“He is not growing it back,” Sarah injected, now deciding to join this morning’s conversation.

With three sets of breasts now staring back at me from the other side of the counter, I explained as I passed the tea and oranges over that I always wore an apron when cooking because I didn’t want to splash hot water over me.

“Here is your third course,” I proclaimed as I passed the toast.

“Three courses?” Karen enquired. It was a question that brought a wide smile to my face.

“Please don’t encourage him!” Clare cajoled, “He’s got too much energy in the morning. Next, he will suggest turning on his lava lamp.”

“Now that’s an idea!”

Just don’t,” I heard in stereo as Clare and Sarah spoke the identical words at the same time.

“Well, you both bought it for me!”

And so it went on; it was typical of our morning routine. However, the truth is, while Sarah and I had great fun together at my apartment… when Clare joined us, she simply energised it.

With Karen and Sarah doing the washing up, still nude and not wanting to wait any longer, I pulled a naked Clare into my bedroom.

It was an action that caused Clare to giggle, “I can’t, David; I’m with Karen today.”

“Partially, that’s what I’m interested in discussing with you,” I asserted, aiming to be direct.

However, Clare misunderstood me or didn’t care, and once again wrapped her hand around my cock and started to slowly stroke it.

I couldn’t bring myself to push her hand away. I had missed Clare’s touch, and she slowly stroked me, sending little impulses of pleasure to my currently overthinking brain.

I also needed to ask that question, though in my heart I already knew whatever Clare said, she would continue to be my girlfriend.

“Sarah informed me that you are thinking of only being with girls in 1988… Does that mean we will be over?”

Clare’s hand briefly stopped wanking me and only started again as she answered.

“David, I was just thinking about taking some time out from having sex with men. That’s all, and the duration isn’t set in stone; it could be anything, but I’m thinking a couple of months.”

I was listening, but her hand felt so good, rhythmically pumping me in a way I knew she had done so many times before. Not only had she had sex with fifteen men before me, but she had also offered hand relief to an unknown number of other men, frequently while they were fingering her.

She had told me this, but unlike Sarah, it wasn’t a thought that particularly excited me, but it did prompt my next question.

“I am the only man you have sex with! … Aren’t I?

“Yes, David… But that’s part of the point; I know in my heart that you will still be there waiting for me. It was also part of your promise, my safety net—and of course, you will still have Sarah.”

“Won’t you miss my cock?” I questioned. Her hand was doing wonders, even if I wasn’t able to enjoy it like I so desperately wanted to.

“Maybe… But I have Brenda, and as you know, she has lots… David, I am only thinking about having a short break, a reset, if you like. Find out how I feel… I need to get this right. You know my checkered sexual history, my destructive spirals, and the mistakes I have made in the past.”

“Most of it,” I injected, annoyed she was thinking like this, but also because she still refused to tell me what happened for most of the first six months of this year.

It was a time when she was cheating on Alan, her ex, whom, by chance, we bumped into last night. There were at least four partners she had not yet mentioned between the married John and the arrogant Rob, whom, coincidentally, we had also met for the first time last night.

“David, why is your cock not as hard as normal… Don’t you like what I’m doing to you?”

I stammered, “Clare, it’s just I need you, and Sarah needs you.”

“If she desires me, Sarah can still have me, and it is only my pussy that will be off-limits to you; my other two holes will be readily available.”

With uncertainty, I stared at Clare, trying to understand.

“David, I still plan on sleeping with you. I just don’t intend to fuck you with my pussy. I may even come off the pill, as I have never liked being on it, and I have no plans to have sex with other men.”

I felt my cock harden, though inside I felt empty. There were so many questions going through me, but Clare’s hand felt so good…

“David, I love you, and I want to be with you, but I’m just not ready. Importantly, I have told Brenda just that: my long-term future is with you… She supports that!

“And Karen?” I questioned, thinking I would have a private chat with Brenda.

“She doesn’t know, David… She wants exclusivity, but at the moment that’s not really me. I am hoping we can find some common ground.”

With those words, Clare dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth. Her eyes looked up at mine as her head gently bobbed back and forth.

This felt even better than Clare’s hand, my mind now wondering if she was going to slip a finger into my ass. It was a trick she had learnt from her dark past and one she occasionally used to make me cum.

But she didn’t; instead, she did something I was not expecting… it was a first!

With a cheeky grin, she stood up and kissed me. Then with an extra wiggle in her step, she walked to the bedroom door and said, “I will send Sarah in to finish you off.”

At that moment, I knew Clare had some sort of divine influence over me, as I could not move. For the second time that morning, I stood there like a naked soldier, my cock standing to attention.

Sarah appeared. “What is it? Clare said you needed me.”

I smiled and pointed at my erection.

“Clare was fellating me and said you would finish me off.”

Sarah was never one to miss giving me a blow job, as she enjoyed giving head and was extremely good at it. I would say it was her secret sexual power.

She came over smiling and kissed me before going down on her knees and putting her mouth around the bulbous end of my cock; she swirled her tongue around it, making me gasp with pleasure.

Then Sarah gave it a brief suck, just like it was a lollipop, and released me.

It made me groan.

With a warm smile, she took my hand and guided it to my cock.

“It is do-it-yourself today,” she giggled with a wicked grin.

Then she stood up and kissed me once again.

“We have guests,” and with those three words, Sarah walked out of the room.

It might have been still early in the morning, but my first girlfriend’s bare bottom seemed to follow Clare’s, as it now carried an extra wiggle.

I looked down at my hand wrapped around my cock and chuckled as I realised how much my second girlfriend was influencing my first.

So much for the alpha man, I thought!




Later, with all four of us dressed, we went downstairs to see Stanley. He was my landlord and our friend. Having phoned him in the week, I mentioned that Clare would like to meet him and see his work, though Stanley thought she was a good friend and didn’t know anything about her being my second girlfriend.

However, even though we were having a good time, my mind kept churning through what Clare had said to me earlier. I knew that it might not happen, and a few months weren’t very long, but why did she need a reset? Maybe Brenda would have the answers, or maybe Clare didn’t know herself.

As we walked into Stanley’s art studio lounge, I was once again taken aback by the room’s lightness and then the paintings surrounding us. It always felt the same, both welcoming and interesting.

In French, Sarah introduced everyone, including me. However, with it being a foreign language, I wasn’t listening, especially as I had noticed that Stanley wasn’t using his stick, and I realised that his right knee must be getting stronger.

I was just about to ask him when I heard Stanley mention my name, and I looked up from his legs.

“So David,” Stanley chuckled. “You have two beautiful girlfriends. It seems you are living more of a Bohemian life than I was when I lived in Paris with Madeline.”

I stared at Sarah, and she said, “Stanley had to know at some point, and I just thought today was the day to mention it—that you have a second girlfriend who you have to share with Karen.”

Clare and Karen were smiling after hearing Sarah’s surprising words, though I knew Sarah hadn’t told the whole story, and I felt that I needed to confirm what my first girlfriend had just said.

“I know I am a lucky man to have two beautiful girlfriends, and I don’t mind sharing Clare with Karen,” my arm gesticulating towards the younger ginger girl.

Stanley took that information in his stride like I knew he would. He probably heard it all before, being no angel himself. Stanley had hinted to me that one day he might tell more about his life, but only over a scotch or two.

While Sarah went and helped our host make a large pot of tea, Clare, Karen, and I took in the latest Stanley painting. It was a huge canvas and showed a long avenue of trees leading to a large stately home. Between the trees was a horse-drawn carriage that was being driven towards the country house.

With the little knowledge that I had acquired, I pointed to the painting’s bottom corner; it was signed Stanley 1987. “That means it is finished. Only after the painting is complete does Stanley sign it.”

“It’s very good,” Clare stated, and Karen agreed.

Though I didn’t know much about art, I then mentioned, “The beauty of Stanley’s pictures is the more you look into them, the greater the detail that leaps out at you.”

Those words produced a chuckle from Stanley, who had walked back into the room carrying some cups. Sarah followed our host with a tray, and on it were two teapots. She then sat next to him on the arm of our host’s chair. It was an action that made me realise how comfortable my first girlfriend had become with Stanley since she first modelled for him.

As Karen, Clare, and I tightly snuggled up on the two-man settee opposite, Stanley proclaimed, “I am afraid that painting is another commission, not my passion, but as I mentioned before, they do pay well.”

“And David, before you ask me, here is the information that you want to know and would have eventually asked me… The commission was from the new owners of that building, which is now an upmarket country club. It was for ten thousand pounds, and it has taken me six months to complete, though, as you know, I never work on just one canvas at a time.”

I smiled as Sarah giggled. Like Stanley, she knew that I would have asked.

“How many paintings are you currently working on?” Clare enquired as she surveyed the multitude of canvases on the walls.

“More than you can see,” our host replied with a sly smile.

I knew Stanley loved talking about his paintings, but surprisingly he abruptly changed the subject.

“I mentioned this to Sarah in the kitchen, but she wants me to tell you all at the same time.”

That grabbed my attention.

With that announcement, Stanley went on to tell us that he had been told that there was a letter in the post for Sarah inviting her for an informal job interview at GEL International. It was the company that he used to be on the board for, and the position would be hers, provided they liked her.

Though Stanley didn’t know the details, we learned that the company had recently purchased several hotels and was setting up a new division at their headquarters. That was a building that was only a short walk away from where I lived.

Sarah would be based there, and her exact role would only be defined once she had started working there. It was an excellent opportunity, but there would be some travelling involved, especially after she had completed her initial training.

The only other thing Stanley knew was that they wanted someone by mid-January.

Sarah was grinning from ear to ear, and she thanked Stanley with a kiss on the cheek, which I’m sure caused him to blush. Or maybe he was remembering back to the time when my girlfriend was sitting on the very chair I currently sat on, her legs spread wide, and her bald cunt open for him to see.

“I will definitely have to get a car now!” Sarah exclaimed once Stanley had finished speaking. She was publicly reinforcing her intention to buy one.

“You haven’t got the job yet,” I reminded her, knowing next she would be spending the money she hadn’t yet earned. “And you can walk from here,” I then added, giving her another reason to move in with me.

With the tea drunk, Stanley showed several of his paintings, explaining as he went along. He eventually ended up with the ones we had come to see—the six finished portraits that Sarah had modelled for. It was the first time that I had seen the last three finished.

Two of the images featured a topless Sarah sitting in rather straight-laced positions. The last one was a full nude; it had her sitting upright, her back to the artist, and a blue lace curtain wrapped around her head. The rest of the lace curtain cascaded down her back (see cover photo).

It had me thinking—anyone could have posed for that!

Of course, where he had to, Stanley had altered the six portraits to show Madelaine’s face instead of Sarah’s. And like all the new versions of his paintings, his latest portraits were so much better than the originals.

As you looked at her, Madeline simply leapt off the canvas, but it was the tame poses that caught my eye. Though I had sat through many of Sarah’s modelling sessions, it hadn’t occurred to me until she mentioned that Stanley had lost his nerve.

What I was now seeing only confirmed those words. 

Clare and Karen were impressed with what they saw, and they agreed that Stanley was a talented artist. However, when he asked them whether they would like to model for him, they both instantly said no.

Their reluctance made me inwardly smile, as it was only a few weeks ago that both Clare and Karen had modelled explicitly for Brenda, though I had been told when I asked to see the resultant photos that they were for ladies’ eyes only.

With the three girls needing to leave, Clare offered to drive Sarah home as Karen wanted to see where she lived.

While I decided to spend a little more time with Stanley, I knew it wouldn’t last long, as I had a Sunday roast to attend at Sarah’s house, and then we were off to the “Bat and Ball” for the Sunday night disco.

Before Clare left, I pulled her to one side and asked her the question that had haunted me last night, “What is Rob’s job in the army?”

“Rob doesn’t want anyone to know.” Clare smiled, “So keep it to yourself,” then she whispered it in my ear, recognising that I would be announcing it to the world.

Though, I just smiled, now knowing.

Later, with it just Stanley and me, I had the chance to bring up the main reason I had hung around. It was something that Sarah had asked me to do.

So after a little general chat, I asked, “Why haven’t you asked Sarah to pose more explicitly, just like in the painting you showed us both of Madeline?”

Stanley went quiet, which was unusual as he loved having company.

So I added, “Is there any reason why you have not asked her to pose fully nude?” It was a question that Sarah had asked me to bring up privately with Stanley, though I was deliberately leaving her name out of this conversation.

“David,” he muttered, and then paused, strangely lost for words. “It is not always easy seeing someone so beautiful walking around naked in front of you, especially when she reminds me so much of Madeline.”

“I guess so,” I replied sympathetically.

Stanley sighed. “I am sure we will get there, but I feel we will need another chat over a few of those.”

He pointed at the Scotch bottle.

“Until then, I am not ready to say any more,” he added, sounding unusually flustered.

It was a cryptic response to a fairly innocent question, but I didn’t press. I sensed Stanley would tell me what was bothering him when he was ready to. After all, he liked his Scotch, and I very much enjoyed drinking it.

It was only after I had left and was driving to Sarah’s for the family-integrating Sunday roast—a term Clare had given it—that I remembered I had forgotten to ask Stanley about his knee.

But then my mind switched to something else, something I found funny.

Despite his exaggerated tall stories, Rob’s job in the British army was something much more mundane… he was a tank driver.




Sarah’s parents, James and Barbara, were expecting me, and I apologised that I was a little late, but that I needed to sort out a small issue with the landlord. As I said it, I glanced at Sarah, and she couldn’t help but give me a subtle grin.

James was an aeronautical engineer, and Barbara owned the village flower shop. Neither of them knew about Stanley Stone or Sarah’s up-and-coming job offer. They didn’t even know Stanley existed, and that is exactly what Sarah wanted if she was going to continue modelling for him.

While I got on well with Sarah’s parents, I found it strange that neither of them had shown any interest in visiting my flat, even though their daughter sometimes slept there. I never mentioned it to Sarah, but I wondered sometimes how much they cared, especially as it was only a short ten-minute drive away.

I found the comparison to both my and Clare’s parents stark. Mine had made several visits, and Clare’s had popped in once, even though it was twenty-five miles, and they didn’t know their daughter was in a relationship with me!

Of course, with every visit came the need for one of us to hide the nude photos that I had hanging on my bedroom wall.

I hoped to soon put an end to Sarah’s parents’ Sunday afternoon ritual of a family roast dinner. However, Sarah believed that her parents were important because they were evaluating me, determining whether I was worthy of their only daughter, their blonde princess.

Normally these meals passed off like any other mundane family get-together, but today gave me an insight into something Sarah had previously warned me about. It was her parent’s lack of tolerance for gay people and people of different races.

It started with James remarking about Clare’s and Karen’s earlier visit. It was not nasty, just an uncalled-for remark. His exact words were, “I don’t understand why such lovely-looking girls choose to be lesbians… At least we don’t have that problem with you, Sarah.”

I nearly choked on hearing that, and part of me wanted to proclaim, “Your daughter is quite likely to have her head buried in an older woman’s muff next week,” but of course, I didn’t say that, but I could not let it go.

“They’re our friends,” I said, a little out of turn. My comment brought a tight squeeze on my thigh from Sarah’s hand…

She was warning me.

So I added, “Well, really, they are more my friends. As you know, I met Clare a long time ago.”

I tried to leave it at that, but Sarah’s parents wanted to know more. So I told a loose version of the story about my first meeting with Clare on my local beach years ago. From there I mentioned bumping into her in Majorca, though by then she was a lesbian and in a relationship.

All I said was partially true, though the details were at best sketchy.

What I certainly wasn’t going to do was tell the truth—that I had fucked Clare every time I could, hoping that she would realise what she was missing with me!

“Karen is a relatively new friend,” I concluded, once again manipulating the truth.

There were too many secrets to reveal; I had been trying to keep it brief.

As far as I was concerned, James and Barbara only needed to know that I was committed to Sarah; they didn’t need to know I was equally committed to Clare.




“What did Stanley say?” Sarah enquired as I drove to the “Bat and Ball” pub.

“He was a little coy. While he plans to have you modelling full-frontal or even with your legs spread wide, he wants to discuss it with me first over a bottle of scotch.”

“Do you think he’s gone off me?”

“I think it is more of the opposite, Sarah.” I chuckled and then asked, “You like Stanley, don’t you? I could tell by the way you interacted with him.”

“Sexually,” Sarah questioned, knowing the way my mind worked.

“No, I wasn’t thinking of that…”

Sarah giggled, “That’s a first.”

“I just noticed the contrast between how you acted around him today and when you first modelled for him.” 

“David, I feel comfortable around him—that is all. You need to remember that today was probably the first time I had been dressed in that room since then. He is an excellent French teacher with many entertaining stories, even more than Rob.”

Sarah’s mention of Rob’s name made me cringe; I just hoped that was the last we had seen of him!


Authors Note: All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2025 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author.

Published 1 month ago

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