Prima Nocta

"A married lesbian couple can't help but notice what a handsome young man their son has become."

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Late on a Friday night, I sit at the table in my dining room. My wife Kenna sits kitty-corner left of me, enjoying the butter and garlic-roasted pork chop, sautéed green beans, and herbed mashed potatoes I made for the both of us before she got home, a napkin tucked into her collar to keep her classy black halter dress from getting soiled. “More wine, Lacey?” she asks, holding up the bottle. I nod my assent and she fills my glass. She’s always been a better dresser than me, and despite her reassurances that I don’t need makeup to look sexy, I’d put on some, albeit in a minimalist style, before I started cooking, a couple blotches of foundation staining the collar of my navy blue dress shirt. “Where’s Lance, by the way?”

“Oh, he called earlier and said he’d be celebrating his birthday with his friends and Richard tonight, so he wants his party with us to be tomorrow evening,” I explain. Lance is our son, whom I gave birth to eighteen years ago. Richard is Kenna’s brother and Lance’s biological father, and has done a fantastic job teaching him how to be a man. Lance has gotten into the state’s top university and is three weeks away from his high school graduation. His moms, of course, are as proud of him as can be.

“That’s fine.” She nods. “Let’s let him have his guys’ night. What did you get him this year?”

“I got him that embossed gold-leaf copy of The Iliad that he had his eye on. What did you get him?”

“A new laptop,” Kenna answers. “It feels right to splurge on him this year, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” I agree, then drain my wine glass halfway. “I’m going to miss him when he’s gone.”

“I am too, darling.” She reaches her hand out and puts it on mine, “But every child has to leave the nest eventually.”

“I know, I know,” I groan, “And I don’t want to hold him back. It’s just so painful knowing I won’t see him for months at a time for the rest of my life.”

“I’ll be here for you,” she assures me, “And besides…if we’re trying to give him a sendoff into manhood, we could always go an extra mile to make it memorable.”

I give her a look. “What are you talking about?”

She sets down her fork and a sly smile crosses her face. “I can’t help but notice what an incredibly handsome young man our son has become.”

I blink. “Kenna…are you saying–”

“You have noticed, too, haven’t you?”

My face flushes and I nod. “Richard’s weight-training sessions really paid off for him.”

She squeezes my hand. “Look at you blushing, you minx. You’ve fantasized about him. Don’t lie.”

I swallow and nod again. She’s got me. “But…do you really think he looks at us the same way?”

“I wasn’t going to say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass him, but this morning I caught him spying on me in the shower.”

“You what?”

Kenna giggles, putting a lock of her red hair behind her ear. “I heard the bathroom door opening while I was in there. I thought it was you, so I called out to you, but didn’t hear anything. Given your habit of randomly walking into the shower and finger-blasting me whenever you damn well please, I figured it wasn’t you, so I pulled back the curtain and shut off the water. Then I grabbed a towel and walked down the hall a bit. I heard grunts coming from his room.”

“Okay, so he thinks of you that way,” I concede, “But what makes you so sure he feels the same way about me?”

“You’re a sleek blonde with great tits and an ass that means business. If he’s into me, he’s definitely into you.”

I finish off my wine, pour myself a third glass, and finish that. For a long while, I’m silent, and Kenna gives me plenty of silence to think with. On the one hand, what we’re thinking of doing is completely socially unacceptable, and for perfectly good reasons. On the other hand, our son is an absolute stud. On the other hand, if we do this the wrong way, he might never seek out a girlfriend of his own. On the other hand, we’re his mothers and we can make it clear that that’s what he should be doing. On the other hand, it might disrupt our home dynamic. On the other hand, he’s leaving in three weeks and also he’s a major hunk and…alright, I’m out of objections. “Okay,” I finally manage to say, “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever said, but let’s do it.”

“Hey, Lacey, it’s not like we’re completely inexperienced,” she adds. She’s right. On nights when Lance is out with his friends or Richard, she and I bring home guys and girls for threesomes. Those guys always last a long time and give off vibes that they’re the sort to keep what they’d done to themselves, just enjoying it for what it was. “Just stop fretting and you’ll be fine. You’ve done it before.”

“You’re right.” I lean towards her, and she leans in and kisses me.


Lance tears at the wrapping paper. “Whoa! This wasn’t cheap, mom. Thanks!” He pulls me into a hug. As he holds onto me–for quite a while–I notice his fingers rubbing at my side. Feeling me through the fabric of my shirt. As he pulls away, his hand turns and his thumb brushes against my breast. Then, so do more of his fingers, and he doesn’t even flinch. Alright, I guess we’re doing this.

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” I grin back at him. “You know, we have one more present for you, but it’s gonna take a few minutes to prepare.”

He looks astonished. “Really? You spent so much on me.”

Kenna joins in. “This last one didn’t cost us a dime, but we’re sure you’ll love it all the same. Just wait down here for a bit, and we’ll call you up to our room when we’re ready.”

Now he looks bewildered, but all the same, he obeys. “Um…okay.”

I kiss him on the forehead. “Just hang tight.”

When we get in the bedroom, Kenna and I close the door and start stripping down to our lingerie. She inspects mine, which I wore according to the suggestion she made the previous night. “Here, Lacey,” she hands me a red silk robe, putting a black one on herself, and we wrap the sashes without tying them. I walk over and sit on the bed.

“So…we’re actually doing this, aren’t we?” I look at her, breathing deeply to calm my racing heart.

“I know you agreed to it.” She puts a hand on my shoulder. “But I won’t argue if you want us to back out now. It’s hardly a small thing, and there’s no going back from it.”

I put my hand on hers. Eye contact with my wife always calms me. “There’s no going back from anything, is there? I still want to do this.”

“You’ll be fine. I’m here, remember?” She then opens the door and calls downstairs. “Okay, Lance, you can come up now!” And she sits on the bed next to me.

His footsteps echo up the stairs as I clutch my wife’s side. “I’m nervous, hon,” I tell her.

“You’ll be fine once you get in the swing of it,” she assures me with a kiss.

The door opens and our son steps inside. He looks us over. “Oh! Uh…where’s the gift you were talking about?”

“Right in front of you,” Kenna chimes and bats her eyelashes at him.

“What? I-I don’t understand…”

“We’re your present,” I squeak out.

“Wait…you mean, you want to…”

“Yes,” Kenna finishes his sentence for him, “We want to have sex with you.” She stands up and, even though we went over her plan last night and this morning, I still follow her suit and take my lead from her. “Now, obviously, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. We won’t be offended if you say no. And if you do accept, understand that this doesn’t make you our husband or boyfriend or anything like that. You’ll still be our son, but you’ll also be our fuck-buddy, nothing more.” She grabs the sashes of our robes and holds them out. “If you want it, just pull.”

I try to be seductive. “What do you say, son?” I’ve never struggled with any of the guys Kenna brings home to share with me. My son is a different matter entirely. But just as I’m debating this quandary, I feel a tug around my waist. Lance removed both our sashes. Looks like the decision was made for me. To my astonishment, he goes for me first, grabbing my breasts and pulling me into a kiss. I crane my head up and kiss him back, putting my hands on his shoulders.

In that moment, my whole world shifts. This boy, this darling boy, who I carried in my womb for nine months, has grown up and become a man, sees me not just as his mother, but as a woman. It’s almost too much to take in, and I finally get to take a breather when he lets go of me and starts making out with Kenna, grabbing her butt with both hands. I envy her. She seems far more at ease with him, running her hands over his body and kissing him back with far more enthusiasm than I managed. Then, Lance steps back and takes his shirt off, looking up and down our bodies. Kenna doesn’t move, so neither do I. “Well? Aren’t you two going to strip?”

Kenna steps toward him. “This is the other half of our gift to you this year: A practical sex ed lesson.”

He rolls his eyes. “Mom, I had sex ed in–”

She puts a finger on his lips. “I know, but all they taught you there was how to use a condom. There’s only so much you can learn in a classroom. That’s why you will be the one undressing us.”

“Oh. Uh, um…okay.” His voice seems to get stuck in his throat. Of course he’s not fully a man yet. That doesn’t happen overnight. But he does need some guidance. Mommy Mode kicks in.

I grab his hands. “There are two basic styles of bras, and you should learn how to take both off a woman. Each of us is wearing a different one.” He seems to reflexively squeeze my breasts when I put his hands on them. “Feel my breasts all you want, but most girls will get bored if that’s all you do. Look over my bra. See if you can figure it out.” 

Lance looks it over, and of course he uses it as an opportunity to grope me more. He tugs on the straps and lifts the cups, and soon figures that the clasp is in the front. “Ah, right here!”

I nod. “This type of fastener is called a ‘hook’. Look closely and you’ll see why.”

My breasts are pulled around and squashed every which way as he rotates it in his hands. I wince, and he notices before I can stifle it, but continues when I give him a forgiving smile. Then he sees the trick. My son grabs both sides of the fastener, sliding the left side of the hooks out of their hoops. “Yes!”

I breathe a sigh of relief as my breasts are freed from their confines and he pulls it off my shoulders, dropping it on the floor. “Ahh…go ahead. Savor your victory. Examine and play with them to your heart’s content.” He hefts them, running his hands across my pink nipples, dragging his tongue across each of them, which I only slightly exaggerate my moans for. 

Then he kisses them and releases them, checking me out. “Wow, Mom…your boobs are amazing.”

“Thank you, but when we’re in the bedroom, it’s not ‘Mom’. It’s Lacey. Try not to think of me as your mother, but as your lover.”

“Okay…Lacey.” He gives my breasts another squeeze.

“Hey…don’t neglect your other fuck-buddy,” I pat his cheek and jerk my thumb at Kenna.

“Ah…sorry, mo–uh, Kenna.”

She walks toward him. “That’s another thing,” she says, “Don’t apologize in the bedroom when you make a mistake. Just fix it and move on. Now, see if you can figure out my bra.” Lance massages her breasts a bit, then turns her around. He snaps her strap right where he finds the fastener. “That’s a clasp,” she tells him. “It’s a bit harder, so I’ll give you a hint: The first step is to push the two sides together.”

Lance looks it over and quickly discovers the rotation mechanism, twisting it and pulling it off. Kenna is closer to his height, and he stands behind her, wrapping his arms around her and fondling her breasts while he kisses her neck. I lean against the bedpost, taking in the sight and slipping a hand into my panties. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen my wife getting pleasured by someone else, let alone a man. But this time, the man is my son. My son who just did the same thing to me. My thoughts are rushing at two hundred miles an hour. To distract myself, I walk in front of Kenna and grab Lance’s hands, positioning his fingers so that he rolls her nipples between them. Kenna moans throatily as always as I kiss the opposite side of her neck from Lance. “There, you understand breasts,” I commend him. “But there’s so much more to pleasing a woman.”

Kenna ducks, turns and waltzes around until she flings herself onto the bed and gives our son a “come-hither” gesture. He gets on the foot of the bed and she spreads her legs. This time, he takes the initiative and grabs the waistband of her panties, pulling them down her legs and handing them to me. I hold them to my nose and inhale deeply. Kenna’s arousal is genuine, no question about it. She grabs behind her knees and pulls them up to her shoulders, exposing her landing strip pussy–proof that she is indeed a natural redhead–to both of us. “Wow…Kenna, you’re…”

“Sexy? Yes, I know,” she winks at him.

I climb on the bed next to him. “Now, you’re going to learn how to eat pussy. If you get good at this and do it regularly, whatever girl you end up with will never want to leave you.”

“It kinda…seems complicated,” he doesn’t even look at me, staring straight at Kenna’s pussy.

“It might seem so, especially at the start, but it’s like riding a bike–once you get the hang of it, you know it for life. Here, let me show you.”

I drape my hair over my opposite shoulder to give him a better view and draw my tongue across my wife’s labia.

“Just a little, just to get a taste of her.”

When I don’t lick her again, he takes the hint and does it in my place.

“Good. Now, really get in there.”

Lance extends his tongue, tight and pointy, pushing it between Kenna’s lips. He’s enthusiastic, but lacks technique, and Kenna doesn’t humor him with a fake moan. “Not quite. Going in too hard doesn’t do it. You need to warm her up.” I demonstrate by flattening my tongue, putting it against her lips, and moving it in gentle circles and waiting until she naturally opens. “See?”

Lance is a quick study, copying my techniques perfectly. When Kenna’s moans get deeper, I urge him to start gently sucking on her clit and fingering her. I guide him through reading her reactions and pacing himself appropriately, and sure enough, my wife’s legs start trembling and she grabs handfuls of each of our hair, practically singing as she rocks her hips and a jet of her juices sprays out of her pussy. He seems surprised at first, but when I start swallowing some of it, he intercepts the stream and takes it in. Figuring he deserves it on his first time since I’ve already had more than my share of it, I let him have it.

“Holy sh–wow, Kenna,” he pants, kissing her clit. “It’s one thing to hear stories. But it’s a real thing. And it’s so hot.”

She playfully pushes the side of his face. “You don’t have to censor yourself in the bedroom. But yes, you did a great job. Then again, you did have a world-class instructor.”

This time, I kiss her pussy. “Flattery will get you everywhere, missy.”

“Now,” Kenna sits up, “There’s still plenty more to learn. For instance, how to use your cock.”

At that, Lance flushes red. “M-my..”

Kenna undoes his pants and I pull them down, allowing her to reach down. “Cock. Dick. Penis. Weiner. Fuckstick. Rod. Boner.”

“I…I thought you two were…”

She grabs his chin, her knuckles white. “Another equally important lesson: Pay attention. You thought that your mothers, who worked this hard to seduce you, who spent fifteen minutes taking turns making out with you, who have just finished undressing you…were lesbians? Are you fucking serious right now?” Her face doesn’t show the slightest hint of amusement. “Lacey had sex with my brother to conceive you. I’m stroking your stiff cock. We both have IUDs. Your mothers, you ridiculous thing, are bisexual. That’s a thing, you know. How did it just slip your mind all of a sudden?”


Maybe it’s time for me to play the Good Cop. I put a hand on his shoulder and scoot back on the bed. “No apologies, remember? What you are is ready to actually fuck.” I gently urge Kenna’s hand away from Lance’s cock and start stroking it myself. “Different positions require different approaches, so how about we get the hard part out of the way and try missionary first?”

“Alright,” he says, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

I stack a couple pillows behind me. “Oh, don’t believe everything you hear. People who call it boring aren’t doing it right.” I lean back on the pillows. “For starters, the woman’s back needs to be raised a little.”

I spread my legs and grab his cock, rubbing the head across my pussy lips. Kenna seems to have calmed down and…

Published 1 month ago

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