Childhood Friends – Pt. 04

"Sam gets his first taste of Katie's toes."

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There I sat on one end of my bed whilst my childhood friend Katie lay across it. The back of her foot was held up to my face, big toe placed against my lips. She wanted me to kiss it; she wanted me to prove I was willing to be her servant.

For as long as I had known her, Katie had always been more used to getting her way. We were both outgoing and reasonably confident, but she was a pretty girl which meant guys often bent over backwards for her. Now I was doing the same, letting her lay on my bed with her toes against my lips all because I told her about my attraction to feet.

I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

As I looked down along her slender legs to the foot of the bed, I saw the smile she was wearing. Any and all apprehension she previously had was gone. Katie wanted this even more than I did. She knew how much I liked her feet and she wanted to see how much I would do for them.

She had never noticed how guys would go out of their way to do things for her simply because it had always been like that. It was a privilege all attractive girls received, something that happens and you don’t question. She was paying full attention this time though. She was noticing how agreeable and submissive I was becoming. She had noticed how I obeyed her so easily.

She liked it.

“Maybe you don’t want to kiss it, after all?” Katie teased, noticing my hesitation. She went to move her foot away, “Oh well.”

She picked up on my instant panic, giggling as I finally laid a kiss against her big toe. The warmth of her skin made me linger there for a moment, the urge to part my lips maddening. Her eyes widened and she exhaled softly, the sensation completely foreign to her. After a few seconds had passed, I removed my lips from her toe.

“I didn’t think it would feel good.” she said, curling her toes slightly.

“Did it?”

“It felt amazing.” Her toe was pushed up against my lips yet again, more forcefully this time. It was like she was shushing me with the bottom of her toe, ”Do it again.”

As if I needed to be told twice. I pushed my lips against the smooth skin of her toe and kissed, letting it linger for a few seconds as I had done before. Once finished I did it again, repeating the process without having to be told. Getting to finally kiss her foot, even if it was just a single toe, felt like heaven on earth.

Katie wasn’t watching me anymore, her attention returned to her book. Here she was living a life of luxury, immersing herself in a fictional world whilst I went to work on her feet like a slave. The aura of confidence she now wore was unmistakable and only made me feel even weaker than I already did.

“Why did you ever want to keep these hidden?”

Katie sighed, “I didn’t think they were important. I kinda thought my feet were gross.”

I didn’t respond immediately. My lips were glued to her toe as I laid kiss after kiss upon it. She sighed again, clearly enjoying the feeling. I wasn’t sure what was turning her on more: the physical sensation or the implication of it.

“Seriously? They’re literally perfect.”

“If they can turn you into this, I guess they are.” Katie giggled as she turned a page, silencing me with her toe once again, “I could get used to this honestly.”

Those words stirred something in me as I began laying kisses on her toe at twice the speed. I wanted her to get used to it; I so badly wanted her to control me with her flawless feet. I could already imagine a cocky and more confident Katie using me as her footstool, a smug expression on her face as she rests her feet upon me.

“Oh, yeah,” she said, almost seductively as she picked up on my sudden eagerness, “I could definitely get used to this.”

At this point I was practically making out with her big toe, its soft flesh molding around my lips. A salty taste lingered on my lips, mixing with her lavender scent. I gazed at her bare legs sprawled along my bed, her black hair flowing elegantly across her back whilst an innocent giggle escaped her lips.

She was effortlessly dominating every one of my senses. Katie didn’t even need to try; she didn’t even need knowledge of my fetish for me to become a slave to her feet.

Lost in my fantasy, I failed to realize that her toe was no longer resting against my lip. Instead, Katie was gently tapping it against them in a rhythmic pattern. She was watching me from the corners of her eyes, waiting to see how I would react to her teasing. Her mouth was covered by her fingers, her head resting in her hand, but I could still tell she was grinning excitedly.

I leaned my head forward in an attempt to touch my lips against it, however she would move it further away each and every time. She giggled at the futility of my effort, and it was then that I realized what she was giving me permission to do.

My lips parted and she placed her big toe in my mouth.

“Ohh…” she moaned lightly, her eyes fluttering closed as my lips wrapped around her soft toe. Her breathing had become heavier, overwhelmed by this new feeling.

Her eyes opened as I started sucking on her toe like a pacifier. I could tell it was making her feel good. She was giving me her undivided attention, or rather the pleasure she was feeling had her undivided attention.

“That’s it…” Katie whispered, pushing her toe further into my mouth. I felt it slowly curl, her toenail lightly grazing the roof of my mouth, “Suck my toe, Sam.”

I did exactly that, not hesitating for even a second. My tongue slid along her smooth skin, its salty taste tingling my taste buds. The way it slowly curled back and forth inside my mouth made me feel weak for her in a way I couldn’t explain. Even now, I couldn’t believe that this was real. I couldn’t believe I had Katie’s big toe in my mouth.

She was looking away now, staring across my room at nothing in particular. Her head still rested on her hand, her soft moans audible every now and again. No words left her mouth, her thoughts only of the foreign pleasure I was giving her.

Katie hadn’t realized being worshiped felt this good.

Without so much as a whisper, her other foot moved towards one of my hands. I felt the cotton of her sock rub against it, my focus remaining on the foot that was against my face.

“Come on,” she said, half moaning. Her socked foot rose and moved itself into the palm of my hand, my fingers instinctively wrapping around it, “Show me how perfect they are.”

I had more than proved it, but naturally, she wanted even more. It didn’t come as a surprise. Now that she had gotten a taste of true princess treatment it was only natural she would expect more of it.

Slowly and delicately, I removed the sock from her foot. She was deliberately pushing her toe against my tongue, drowning me in her taste. I took hold of her now bare foot and started to massage, her shallow breathing the only sound that mattered. At that moment, Katie may as well have had a leash on me. My mind belonged to her, my tongue lapping at the soft surface of her toe whilst my hands squeezed her free foot.

She was in ecstasy. She had never felt so powerful; she had never had so much control over someone. At the same time, she was angry at herself for keeping the instrument of this power hidden beneath a pair of socks for her entire life.

None of that mattered now though.

“Worship them, Sam,” Katie ordered, relishing the moment. It was time her feet got what they deserved, what they had always deserved.

My tongue slid along the side of her toe, licking back down along the length. I began pushing my tongue against her nail, imagining how amazing she would look if she had gotten a pedicure. Just the thought of Katie’s red-painted toes in my mouth, the taste of nail polish overpowering me, was enough to make me explode.

I sucked and sucked, my hands working their magic without stopping for even a moment. There came a point where Katie looked to be thinking, staring off across my room with a thoughtful expression. The knowledge that I was willing to worship her feet like this must have been making her mind race.

“Sam,” she asked, turning towards me as much as she could without moving her body. Her face looked as if she had been wondering whether or not to speak up for a while, “Do you think I’m better than you?”

I stopped what I was doing, but only for a brief moment. As if I even needed to think; it was so obvious that she was better than me. Here she was lying on my bed, her big toe between my lips. She was a beautiful girl and I was nothing more than her addicted foot boy.

I nodded quickly and without hesitation.

The corners of her lips slowly rose into a smug grin, expressing both confidence and disbelief. The mere sight made my heart pound with excitement. It was like every fantasy I had ever experienced was coming true.

Katie giggled, her toe sliding further into my mouth. At this point I could feel the rest of her foot firmly pushing against my chin. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a groan.

“Oh, goddd…”

Her toes began curling and uncurling rhythmically, her big toe almost caressing my tongue as I sucked on it. I could’ve sworn she had begun slowly grinding against my bedsheets, her body slowly moving back and forth. Having me openly admit to her superiority, and the idea of her feet having caused such a thing, must have been getting her off.

I was rock hard and her movements weren’t helping. Every so often, her shallow breathing was replaced by laughter as if struggling to comprehend that this was real. Neither of us were used to this and I wasn’t sure who was enjoying it more.

It continued like this for a while longer, her movement and breathing making her arousal extremely clear. Katie had never looked so perfect before. From this angle with her foot in my mouth, she appeared as if she were a goddess laid out before me. It was more than fitting for me to be at her feet.

Her toe slid out from between my lips as her free foot left my grasp. Her toenail shone with my saliva, glistening in the light. My eyes widened with surprise, having grown used to her taste in my mouth. She swung her legs around and placed them on the floor, sitting upright.

“I’ll be back,” she said hurriedly, rising to her feet. She quickly made for the exit and disappeared into the hallway, my eyes glued to her bare feet as if brainwashed.

I didn’t have to ask where she was going. Her arousal was obvious as was mine. Much like I was certain she was doing, I reached into my pants and began to get to work. It took only thirty seconds before I exploded in my own pants. I would have killed just to have her toe in my mouth for another minute or two.

Most of all though, I wanted to know what she was thinking. I wanted to know how it felt having your childhood friend worship you like that.

Katie’s socks were still laying on the bed. I decided to lay down, picking one of them up and placing it on my face. I took a deep breath, inhaling everything I could of her scent. The familiar scent of lavender was still strong. My dick stirred once again and I went to reach for it.

“That was,” Katie exclaimed as she swung open the door to my room. She paused as if searching for words, “So good.”

Quickly, I threw her sock away from my face. She had clearly seen me, but she offered only a giggle in response. I had just been worshiping her feet like she was a goddess after all. It really didn’t matter if she saw me with her sock.

“You could have had it even sooner if you didn’t hide your feet away,” I remarked.

“I know, I know. I just didn’t like them.” She walked over to where I had thrown her sock, picking up the other as she went. Her bare feet slapped against the floor as she moved, “That was stupid of me, huh?”

“Yeah, it was.” The sound of her footsteps drew my eyes to them yet again, “All that time fantasizing but they’re still better than I had imagined.”

She turned to me with a smug expression, “I guess so. I could probably make you do anything if it meant you could touch them again.”

Her teasing made my heart flutter. She bent down to put on her socks, stopping as she admired her own feet. Her hand brushed along them, stopping once she reached her toes. Her big toenail was still shining with saliva. It looked as if an idea had come to her.

“I don’t think they’re good enough yet though,” she said, finger delicately caressing her nail.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant, but she refused to answer me. Instead, she looked me dead in the eye with that same smug expression, her toes slowly curling inwards. Her eyes conveyed both the caring kindness of my best friend and the arrogance of a girl who had a complete understanding of the power she had. Combined, it made me feel like a pet being watched by their owner.

She tapped her toenail, not a sound leaving her lips.

I understood what she meant now. Pretty soon, I would be finding out what nail polish tasted like.

Published 1 month ago

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