The Fox and her Husband led Louise to the extra large bed in the hotel room. All three were naked, and the two men had both just climaxed. Louise was highly aroused but had not yet had her first orgasm.
Louise sat upright at the head of the bed and instructed the men to watch her. Firstly, she reinserted the butt plug into her bum; it slid in easily as her husband had just fucked her. Next, she lewdly spread her legs and raised her knees so that both men had an uninterrupted view of her freshly waxed pussy.
Finally, she instructed The Fox to reach into her overnight bag and hand her her Rabbit vibrator. Louise selected her desired setting and then ran the toy up and down her moistening slit, before inserting it. The throbbing was just what she wanted, and it began to send waves of pleasure through her body. As soon as the brush touched her clit the waves of pleasure intensified.
“You can play with your cocks, but you can’t touch me. Just watch me cum,” Louise’s instructions to her lovers were unambiguous.
As Louise began thrusting the Rabbit deeper and harder into her pussy, her breathing became deeper and she made a low-growling sound. Both men recognised this and knew that Louise was about to experience a spectacular orgasm.
“FUUUCK,” Louise Shouted as her climax ripped through her body. She sat bolt upright for a second and then slumped onto the pillows of the big bed.
Her husband held her close and kissed her passionately on her mouth while The Fox knelt between her legs and lapped up her juices with his tongue.
Louise’s uninhibited display had not only satisfied her, but it had aroused her lovers. Both men were now erect again. All three were completely comfortable and at ease with one another. The Fox, having savoured her nectar wanted more. He positioned himself further up the bed and confidently mounted Louise, pushing his cock into her soaking pussy. He began to fuck her with powerful thrusts. Her husband, seeing his wife being taken, kneeled by her head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Louise welcomed him eagerly and began pleasuring him with the skills she had acquired over the years.
Both men were diligent and attentive lovers who knew Louise well; they both made sure that they satisfied her before they delivered fresh loads into her mouth and pussy. Louise loved it and most on that floor of the hotel must have known that as well.
As the lovers lay spent and sated on the bed, their reverie was interrupted by a firm knock at the door. The Fox in whose name the room was rented through on a bathrobe and answered the door.
It was hotel security just checking that everything was OK. The Fox was able to reassure the security officer that everything was just fine; in fact, it was more than fine. The Fox was well-known to many hotel staff, having worked in the industry for decades. Now a semi-retired consultant he visited many of them on a regular basis to advise on all kinds of issues. He had also developed a bit of a reputation among hotel staff as a bit of a silver-haired swordsman now that he was free from his awful marriage. Many security and reception desk staff had stories to tell of him leaving their premises in the company of happy-looking women, sometimes two.
As The Fox reassured the security officer that all was OK, Louise yelled from the bed that he was welcome to join them if he wanted to. The door closed and The Fox rejoined Louise and her husband in the big bed.
The Fox arranged with his hotel contacts for them to join the restaurant and kitchen staff for an after-hours supper in the dining room. A young chef wanted to try something that wasn’t yet ready for paying guests but turned out to be delicious. Diners could expect it on the Al la carte menu very soon.
After supper, they enjoyed a late-night drink at the bar before retreating to their room. All three slept naked, with Louise in the middle, sandwiched between her attentive lovers. Sleep came quickly to all three and they slept soundly because of their energetic exertions.
Louise was the first to wake, she quietly headed to the bathroom without waking either man. She knew they didn’t have to check out early and there was plenty of time for what she had in mind. Before returning to the bed she re-inserted the butt plug.
Louise dozed and gave both men another hour’s sleep before beginning work on her plan. She got hold of both of their cocks and began to gently stimulate them. Both men woke in the most pleasurable way possible. After returning from the bathroom, both men rejoined Louise in bed, and she continued to pleasure them. Louise knew what she was doing and soon both her lovers were sporting decent erections.
At the worst possible moment, Louise’s husband’s phone pinged, announcing a new email. A text tone alert sounded soon afterwards. Normally, he would ignore them, especially in his current situation, but he did notice that the messages were from the airline he was flying with later that day. Louise was naturally gracious and allowed him to check his phone.
“Shit, they’ve cancelled my flight, I need to be on a much earlier one, and it’s from Heathrow.” Louise’s husband was annoyed at this interruption.
“When do you need to go?” Louise asked.
“I need to get going,” her husband replied.
This was not what Louise had planned.
“Spray me,” Louise instructed him while looking at his impressive erection.
Her husband knew her well enough to know that this was not a request. He began pumping his cock.
The Fox lay back and watched their interaction.
Louise’s husband released a massive load all over his wife’s tits and shoulders, he then lent forward to kiss her before heading to the shower.
The Fox parted Louise’s knees and was about to go down on her when his phone also pinged. Only a few people could get through to him when he wasn’t working, so he knew this was important.
Things were not going Louise’s way.
The Fox quickly assessed the situation. The message was from a young protege of his who was managing her first big London hotel, she was someone he had spotted, developed and trained. She had just received word that a party from the Royal family of a friendly Gulf State were on their way and needed quite a lot of accommodation and special services. She was firing a distress flare and asking for help. The Fox could hardly say no.
He looked at the naked Louise, covered in her husband’s cum, she was not having the morning she had planned.
Ever the gentleman, The Fox recognised that Louise would need some time with her husband before his flight. He also needed to go home and change into a formal suit which would be more appropriate for the VIP guests. He said farewell to Louise, recognising the disappointment in her eyes.
Louise did some shopping in London and then returned to the hotel to collect her bag before heading to Kings Cross Station and her trip home to Leeds. As the almost empty train headed north, Louise got a glass of wine from the buffet and considered her options now that her trip had been curtailed.
Irena, her young Ukrainian lover, was away in Lanzarote for a few days with friends. She considered cancelling her remaining days of holiday and going back to work. She then discovered that Daniel her young work experience lad had been requested back in Edinburgh by a good client. Louise knew that he was probably banging Rona Campbell, the lucky cow. Louise was still aroused and incredibly frustrated. She began to plan an evening with her Rabbit and other toys.
Louise glanced out of the window just as the train pulled into Peterborough Station. She immediately saw a young man that she recognised. He had been on this train a few months ago when Louise was returning from a tryst with The Fox. They had flirted unashamedly all the way to Doncaster, where he had left the train.
He had to be in his very early twenties, well-built, with short hair. Louise wondered whether he was in the armed forces, he certainly carried himself with confidence and a certain bearing. He was wearing jeans that fitted him exceptionally well and a shirt and gilet. His shirt sleeves were folded precisely which made Louise convinced he was a serviceman. His bear forearms were tanned with well-defined muscles, he wore an expensive watch on his wrist.
He spotted Louise as soon as he boarded the carriage; although there were plenty of empty seats, he chose one opposite Louise. As he effortlessly swung his bag and gilet into the overhead locker, Louise was able to take stock of his firm lean torso. She was impressed.
“Well fancy seeing you again, you look amazing.” the young man announced, “Do you remember me?”
“I do,” Louise replied, “and it is nice to see you as well, this train ride just got a lot more fun”
The lad was full of confident banter and he heaped compliment after compliment on Louise, It was exactly what she needed, and she lapped it up.
The lad noticed that Louise’s drink was almost gone and he offered her another. When he returned from the buffet with Louise’s drink and a beer for himself, he sat next to her instead of opposite her. This lad was not short of confidence.
As well as verbally chatting her up the lad was also unashamedly checking Louise out. She was wearing a fairly tight sweater, which showed her well-made bra underneath it; both garments enhanced and showcased her impressive breasts. Louise moved in her seat in order to give the lad a better view of her assets. She was teasing him, but also getting turned on at the same time.
When the lad asked if she liked younger men, Louise had an answer of pat, “Yes, she did.”
Louise responded by asking if he was into MILF’s and whether he had had one; for the first time, Louise’s confidence got the better of him. He replied that he hadn’t but that his mates had said they were great. Not that he believed everything they said.
The lad regained his composure and confidence by leaning over and giving Louise a kiss; she didn’t pull away. They were under starters orders in a nearly empty train carriage hurtling towards Retford.
Louise felt the lad’s hand explore her jumper and she did nothing to discourage him. It felt good to be so desired by such a young man. Her heart did a little jump when he kissed her just below her ear and at the same time she heard him ask her to take off her bra. Louise was tempted to do it there and then in the nearly empty train carriage. She didn’t quite have the courage and got out of her seat to head to the toilets. While she was clambering over the lad he had a good feel of her.
Louise took a look at herself in the grimy mirror in the train toilet and had to admit she looked good. Her tits were now free and displayed prominently beneath the tight sweater. As she walked down the train carriage Louise began to feel hornier and hornier. As she brazenly walked down the train carriage she got a couple of approving glances from her fellow passengers.
As soon as she returned to her seat the lad was all over her kissing her within seconds. When she felt his hand in her sweater she knew this was going further. As his hand brushed her nipples they hardened on the spot. Louise was getting very turned on. She reached for his cock through his tight jeans and was delighted to find that the lad was packing.
Louise was just about to unzip her young friend when the train manager arrived in the carriage to check their tickets. He was happy with both Louise’s and the lad’s and announced that they would shortly be arriving in Doncaster.
The brief interruption had cooled their ardour and the lad announced that Doncaster was his stop and that he was going to see his mum who had promised him a steak dinner.
Louise had been brought to boiling point twice today, she was not about to be disappointed for a second time. She began to gather her things together. As soon as the train stopped at the platform, Louise practically dragged the lad off the train. She scanned the station and spotted a small waiting room at the far end of the platform. The room, like the platform, was deserted as soon as the train pulled out, heading north.
Louise sank to her knees in front of the lad, unzipped him and retrieved his cock. The lad was speechless as Louise went to work. Louise enjoyed cock sucking and was good at it. In no time, she had the lad as hard as a rock. The risk of them getting caught was really turning her on.
The lad pulled her up turned her around and pushed her against the wall. Louise knew what he wanted and she wanted it too. She undid her jeans and pulled them down to her knees with her knickers. She pushed her bum outwards towards the lad to encourage him.
What followed was a proper old-fashioned knee trembler as the lad had his way with her. What he lacked in technique, he made up for in raw energy. He fucked her hard and called her a slag before releasing a big load deep inside her.
They heard somebody approaching the waiting room. The lad was quick to act, he buckled up his jeans and went outside to distract a railway cleaner who was approaching the waiting room.
Louise cleaned herself up as best she could. She was just about to leave the waiting room when she noticed the lad had dropped a small leather billfold. It contained his Armed Forces Railcard, which confirmed her earlier assumption. It also contained his RAF ID, which showed he was a Leading Aircraftsman; that was impressive and meant that he had brains as well. What really impressed Louise was his age; he had just turned twenty, which meant that he was a bit younger than Daniel. This was a new record for her.
Louise met the lad on the platform and handed him his wallet. She told him that she was going to book a room at the Premier Inn in town and stay the night. He was welcome to join her after his steak dinner with his mum.