I was sitting slumped in a hotel couch in a foreign city and next to a naked man whom I just pleasured with my mouth. This naked body was panting from exhilaration and his stiff six-inch cock spoke volumes of the pleasure he just received from me.
“That was amazing Jim,” he panted. “It’s exactly how you and I chatted about.” Joe and I have been virtual lovers for months now. We shared the different ways that we enjoyed being pleasured, our fantasies with both men and women, and what we would do to each other should we meet. Well, we’ve finally met in this hotel room. Escaping from realities, we opened up our bodies and were both rewarded with incomparable pleasures.
“So, what do you want to do next then, lover boy?” I asked as I swirled my fingers between his bushy cock hair. His pubic hair was dark black with vitality and trimmed nicely for length. Joe took a swig of the red wine and grinned mischievously, “It’s time for me to explore your Asian body. I want you completely at my disposal. Don’t worry, you can trust me, right?” Here I was, in a foreign city with a naked stranger next to me asking me if I could trust my body to him. Perhaps I was overwhelmed with pleasure. Perhaps I was intoxicated by the mood of uninhibited sex. Perhaps my animalistic desires were in overdrive. I looked into Joe’s eyes and nodded to him.
“Stand up with me.” Joe gently held my hand and lifted me up from the coach. I stood in the middle of the room. Me with my clothes on and my white lover who was naked. Joe moved behind me and seductively raised my arms. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted my shirt off me. He was like a dancer, moving gracefully around me as he proceeded to remove my articles of clothing. Soon, I was standing bare naked in the middle of the room, shivering slightly from the hotel air conditioning. He walked in circles around me, inspecting me like a piece of meat. He was setting his eyes for the first time of a naked Chinese man and he was clearly taking his time to enjoy the view.
Because of the cold air in the room, my cock remained flaccid in spite of the seductive stripping of my clothes by Joe. But I knew the first touch from him on my body will send shockwaves to my cock. And the first touch came. Joe stood behind my back and started to massage my shoulders gently. He knew how much I enjoyed a good massage. His firm hands were melting me away and they worked slowly down by back. His hands worked lower and lower down my body until they reached my ass. He rubbed them tenderly and placed two tender kisses on each side of my cheeks. My hairless cheeks twitched upon the soft pecks of his lips. He gently parted my cheeks and stroked across my butt hole with his finger. I clenched in reaction, drawing a giggle from him. “Again, Joe. please. Again” I whispered and bent over to give him a better view. With my cheeks separated before his eyes, he dove in deeper with his finger. He ran his finger along the rim of my puckered hole and suddenly gently applied pressure on my opening. Joe repeated this multiple times and with each time, the entryway to my body gave into his finger ever so slightly more. “Fuck baby,” I muttered “I didn’t imagine your first erotic touch would be my raw ass. Good thing I took the time to clean my undercarriage.”
“Did you powder it with fresh scents, Chinese lover boy?” Joe teased as the first digit of his finger wiggled into my hole.
I was trying to come up with a good response, but my mind had fluttered away with the feeling of another man’s finger up my ass. With his finger embedded in, he continued to kiss my butt cheeks while rotating his finger in gentle circles. Remember I said that my cock was flaccid because of the cool air of the room. With all the attention I was receiving from Joe, I was clearly in full standing. In fact, I was so turned on, my cock start to leak pre-cum on its on. It was my first time experiencing a flow of pre-cum emerging without stimulating it directly. I swept up my man juice with two fingers and held it back towards Joe. He broke attention from my ass and sucked my pre-cum fingers dry.
“Sweet and delicious, Just as you promised Jim,” he shared excitedly. “I want more sweet Asian pre-cum from you, my dear.”
“Well, the rest of my body needs your inspection. I’ll be sure to give you more.” The seductive talk between us was intense.
Joe eased his finger out of my hole, positioned me back stand up and started to caress the rest of my body. My tender yellow skin was foreign to his creamy white body and his physical advances brought our two colors gently together. I closed my eyes as he nibbled on my nipples tenderly and as we faced each other, our cocks would touch together, sending a mild electric shock through my body. I closed my eyes to fully immerse into the experience and allow my new lover enjoy my physical body. He was placing his hands all over my body and exploring every part of who I am. But I wasn’t been prodded or poked like a piece of meat. It was gentle. It was sensual.
In the midst of the gentle touching, a firm grip of fingers encircled my cock. With my eyes continued to be closed, I smiled with anticipating of what was to come. During our many chats with Joe, I had shared the desire to frot with another man. To say that our conversations to do it together would be an understatement. Back and forth over chat, we would talk about frotting and joining our cocks of different colors together.
And it was happening now after months of teasing each other over chat.
A warm shaft of manhood rested gently on mine.
And then the same hand wrapped around our two cocks. My eyes opened wide looking down at these two meat sticks of different colors, tenderly stroked by a naked man standing in front of me. “Oh Joe…” I moaned. “This is exactly what we talked about. Thank you for doing this with me.”
“Jim, it’s my first time doing this with another man. I’m so happy that I’m sharing this experience with you too. How does this feel?”
I looked into his eyes. “Finally, our fantasy together has turned into a reality,” I whispered. I placed my hand around his and we jerked in unison around our two cocks. Joe leaned over and placed gentle kisses around my neck and shoulders as my sex-filled breath brushed through his hair. Having now realized our first stage of the cock to cock fantasy, I now wanted to elevate it. I unfurled his fingers around our cock and move slightly apart to gently touch cock head to cock head. We both moaned in unison over this erotic move. And as I moved our cock heads apart again, a beautiful string of pre-cum emerged. The syrupy pre-cum of our two cocks mingled together linked our two love rods together for that split second before breaking apart.
“Dude. That was beautiful. I’ve never seen that before, I blurted. “I absolutely need to do that again.” And we did, over and over again. Rubbing our cock heads together, drawing pre-cum out from our cocks and intermingling them together into an entanglement of pre-cum silk.
It was now time for stage 3 of our cock to cock adventure. During our seductive chats, I had shared with Joe that I was uncut. And knowing from his cock photos, I knew that he had never experienced foreskin in his life. I messaged that I wanted to share this unique physical trait of my cock with him. And this led to our plans to dock together. “Baby,” he motioned me towards him. “I want to be inside your foreskin”.
In response, I gently tugged open the foreskin of my cock and pulled it as wide as possible. Joe, holding his cock firmly, gently directs our cocks together and inserts his cock head into my stretched foreskin. Our cocks, now touching tip to tip, were covered by my Asian foreskin. It was a bit comical to watch. Two naked men standing face to face trying to make a new sexual position work and now beaming with pride that it was a successful endeavor. But as we looked down at our connected cocks, it was the sexiest thing ever – an Asian and White cock docking together.
Our pre-cum juices were mixing together under the skin and helping to seal my foreskin over Joe’s cockhead. “I’ve read somewhere online that perfect docking was like the ‘Chinese finger handcuffs’. The more you tug, the tighter the docking.” I blurted.
“You cheeky little boy. You have me in a Chinese cockcuff,” Joe teased. “You’re not suggesting that we’re stuck here forever, are you?”
“Well – supposedly, the only way to free ourselves is to cum together. But it needs to happen together or the magical spell doesn’t work.” I responded with the same teasing tone.
“Then let’s get going. Or I won’t be able to explore other parts of your body.”
Good – Joe wasn’t done with me yet. Clearly, he was still hungry for me even after cumming. I was worried that he would be done with me after climaxing. I sure wasn’t. I wanted more of his body.
Joe reached his hand out, and started to jerk his cock with my foreskin. And with each hand motion, his hips started to gyrate forward like he was fucking some hole. It felt amazing with his cock head rubbing against mine under foreskin. I was being used by Joe for his pleasure and mine. I fondled his hanging balls with my hands as his hands pleasured us together.
We rocked back and forth, our bodies gyrating in unison and connected by our cocks. Slowly, bit by bit, the churning of cum started to build up in my balls. “Joe, I’m feeling like it’s cumming.”
“Hold on baby. I’m not quite there yet. Remember that the magic spell must be broken with us cumming together.”
“Uh… uh… Joe, please hurry. I need you to cum in me.”
“Oh fuck… what you said is so hot. Quickly, hold my balls as I cum!”
I reached below and cradled his balls. I could feel his balls tensing up between my fingers.
Now, I would say that the probability of two men pleasuring each other and cumming together at the same time is quite low. But perhaps because our cocks were docked together, we were being stimulated at the same pace and time. We both let out a deep climax roar at together as our cocks jerked together.
“Jim, I’m fucking cumming inside of you.”
“Oh baby, don’t stop. I want your cum! I’m cumming too, baby!”
“Jim, uh… it’s so much… there’s so much cum… uh… uh…”
Joe held the foreskin tightly as streams of cum came rushing out from our love rods. The feeling was so intense that I almost fell over but Joe’s firm hand on our cocks held us together. Pulsating after pulsating fires of cum came from both sides and because of how well my foreskin covered Joe, the cum started to fill up my foreskin, creating a cum bulge around our cocks. The warm explosion of cum was covering my cock and being mixed with Joe’s cum.
Once our wet docking with completed, we held each other in an embrace whilst still holding our cocks together. “Let’s stay together until we go limp. I want to enjoy your cum on my cock as long as possible,” I whispered gently into Joe’s ear. He moaned in delight and hugged me even tighter.