Eroflu Shanghai Ch. 07 part 1

"Jim's exponentially growing harem throws him a literal baby shower"

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The penthouse was huge, spanning the whole northern half of the top two floors of the hotel, with spectacular city skyline views on three sides, a large gourmet kitchen that flowed into spacious dining and living areas on the lower floor, and an interior stairway leading up to three bedrooms and an office upstairs. It was festooned with baby shower decorations including a large pink and blue banner that read “It’s a… Bunch!”

All eyes were on him as he entered, all those beautiful faces showing a mix of concern, confusion, and desire. His eyes swept the room, scanning for new faces, the muscles around his eyes twitching madly, and wherever he looked a collective gasp went up from all the new recruits, followed by a joyous cheer from the others. That miracle moment of first eye contact was always so special, so intense every time. His accountant brain delighted in tallying them up. To claim 13 new women all at once was insanely, overwhelmingly sexy, electrifying his whole being and seeming to happen in extreme slow motion. His brain somehow captured the moment in vivid detail, remembering each face in that initial moment of reaction to him as it spread in a wave across the crowd. It was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen.

He gazed over the crowd again, much slower this time, reveling in the effect his gaze had on each of them and on himself. He could have any of them. No, he would have all of them. The three rich wives from the street corner were near the front. They gasped and squirmed as he openly ogled their bodies. Chyou was nearby, surrounded by a group of seven new faces, all college soccer girls, all gorgeous, all panting and staring at him. Three looked Chinese, one Korean, one Japanese, and the other two Southeast Asian. He ogled each of their delectable lithe bodies and enjoyed how they each squirmed and shuddered in response. He knew they were all getting so wet. So much arousal, so much eagerness, so much fertility. All for him.

There was Daiyu, the angelic sweetheart stylist whose heavenly wet pussy his tip had already touched and been about to penetrate before Kai-Ming interrupted them. When their eyes met, he knew she was thinking of that same moment as she pressed her hips subtly toward him, her eyes half closing, her body shuddering, just radiating unbelievably urgent lust. There were Aimi and Rei, the two tall young professionals he’d walked behind after lunch, now gasping in excitement as he ogled their gorgeous bodies in their skimpy cocktail dresses. There was Yulia whispering to three new recruits she had brought as they stared at him. They were very fit, beautiful Chinese women in their late 20s or early 30s. He noticed their strong, toned arms and wondered what kind of athletes they were. Seconds ago they had been overwhelmed with sudden attraction to him, and they were now learning from Yulia’s whispers that they would bear his children, along with all the other women in this room. Dongmei was whispering to her three new recruits, three sweet-faced slender mid-20s Chinese girls, also not models, also just now learning that the overwhelming desire they suddenly felt would soon be satisfied, that the driving, undeniable purpose they had just begun to feel would soon be fulfilled.

It was mind-bogglingly hot. The intensity of his desire for each of them, multiplied by the ridiculous number of them. There were nineteen brand new thralls at the party now, including the five he had claimed in one glance from the helicopter and Mei’s new best friend Aihan. And thirty-three others he had enthralled earlier in the day were all here. Not including the two bartenders who were probably still back at the harbor, that made fifty-two.

Fifty-two new pussies wet for him, craving him, aching for him, and fertile for him, right here in this room. A full deck. Words utterly fail. Think of it the next time you hold a full deck of cards in your hand. Imagine the most you’ve ever wanted a woman, combined with the most you’ve ever been certain she wanted to give herself to you, and then imagine feeling that way about as many women as the cards in that full deck, all at once. It was so insane. They had all been strangers before today. His desire for each one was so intense. They were each so gorgeous, so irresistible, so perfect for him, and so wet, eager, aching to give their delectable bodies to him, shuddering and gasping in response to his gaze as if it was a caress. And every one of them was hyper-fertile, he just knew it. Fifty-two wombs as ready as they could be to receive his seed, each one wild with hunger to bear his children, ready to explode with overwhelming contagious joy when she felt her purpose fulfilled.

That all-consuming desire to breed was back with a vengeance, quickly filling him again, and this time he let it, welcomed it, embraced it. He had resisted and won a small victory in the hallway, and now that part of him was at peace. He wanted this now with his whole being. He didn’t want or need to resist it anymore, and he didn’t want to waste time shaking any hands. He scanned the crowd for the first ten from the lobby this morning, the ones who had been craving him the longest. He found Anna’s pink hair, then saw she and the other nine were all gathered together near the stairs, far across the room. They knew they would be first, somehow. He hadn’t said it. He hadn’t needed to. They were so obviously in desperate need, their bodies shaking and squirming, their eyes pleading.

He motioned to them to go up and they hurried ahead, squealing and unbuttoning their clothes as they rushed up the stairs. The crowd made way for him as he strode across the room after them, many hands reaching out to caress him as he passed. He slowed and raised his arms out wide as he passed through the crowd, luxuriating in the contact with so many trembling hands, smooth slender arms, chests, faces, and wet lips, his giant harem all pressing in and striving to get any contact with him, all so gorgeous and ready and hot for him, the sounds and smells of their arousal overpowering. He was a fucking rockstar. A king. A conqueror. No, a cult leader, that annoying voice in the back of his head chimed in, its last little snide comment before being crowded out by his all-consuming lust.

Fen was at the stairs blocking any other women from going up after those first ten. He returned her fierce look as he approached, then as he passed she whispered “legend.” Several women from the crowd tried to follow but Katerina’s powerful body joined Fen in closing ranks behind Jim at the stairs, blocking the others and reminding them they needed to wait their turn, stay dressed, and go upstairs only when called. More new recruits could arrive at any time, so the downstairs area had to appear normal.

The ten of them were all nude when he arrived in the master bedroom. What a glorious sight, followed quickly by glorious sensations as they swarmed around him, passionately kissing and stroking and undressing him. He resisted the urge to take control, just grab one of them and start pounding her. He was so turned on, so ready to conquer and breed these luscious new fertile bodies as they swarmed around him, wild with need for him. But he remembered Fen’s strategy and forced himself to stay passive and save energy. As soon as his shirt was off, while the others were working on his pants, Fei Fei was climbing him, her petite tight body plastered to his, kissing him with furious energy.

He fell back onto the bed with Fei Fei on top, clinging to him, pressing her body tight on his as the others finished pulling his pants and underwear off his feet, grinding her wetness against him, whimpering with need.

“All day, Jim, you bastard,” she breathed in his ear as she reached down and captured his hard shaft in her trembling hand, “Who the fuck do you think you are? Nobody makes me wait like that.”

She had him at her entrance and gasped into his ear as she finally felt the sensation she had ached for all day as his tip began to stretch her open.

“Do you have any idea how valuable my time is? Oh god, it’s so good!”

He was just an inch inside her spasming body and she was already close to orgasm. The others moaned in vicarious pleasure as they watched, urging Fei Fei on.

“You need me, peasant,” she said with a gasp as she pushed another inch onto him, her furious eyes locked on his, her body tense and shaking from the desperate sweet agony of craving him all day. The pleasure was exquisite, as was the sight of her gorgeous, proud, tight body stretched out above him. Just like with the rich trio he had impregnated on the yacht just minutes ago, his whole being was lighting up at the implications of this conquest, but not just because of what her money could do for his offspring. It was her power, and the power of those she was connected with. She rocked a little deeper onto him, gasping in pleasure, stopping about halfway down this time. Why did she keep stopping?

She was right, he thought, compared to her he was a mere peasant. She was a player among the powerful elite of Beijing. She and her kind could make things happen that mere wealth could not. Or keep things secret that would otherwise be all over the tabloids, like a bunch of college soccer players all coming home from a tournament pregnant. He did need her. Her power was suddenly so fucking sexy. He couldn’t resist bucking his hips up, slamming his rude peasant cock the rest of the way into her. “Yes!” she screamed, convulsing in pleasure as he finally filled her, his hardness finally at last pressing deep inside her right where she craved it, at the entrance to her womb.

He realized from her reaction that she had been goading him, trying to make him angry, trying to make him take her hard. Her eyes were burning with furious desire as she pressed down against him. She was leaning slightly to one side. He knew what she wanted. She wanted him to roll over onto her and ravish her proud noble body with his raging peasant cock. The thought made him lurch deep inside her and she squeezed him in response. But he forced himself to stick with Fen’s plan. He had to save energy. That one hard thrust from him was all she’d get. If she wanted his seed, she’d have to earn it herself. It wouldn’t take much. They stared at each other intensely a few moments, both wanting it so much, both wondering who would give in first.

“Your time is so valuable,” he said, smiling, “Don’t waste it. Take what you need, right now.”

“Fuck,” she said, and did. She began riding him with long, sensuous, delicious full strokes. The sights and sensations were exquisite, as were the thoughts of problems her power could solve for his children and their mothers. He felt her muscles tighten around him, her body trembling with the effort of riding him. She was already close, he could tell. He delighted in stroking her tight body as she rode him, her thrusts growing deeper and faster. She was ageless, in perfect shape, only her wise eyes and a few slight wrinkles betraying the extra decade and a half beyond the 20 years her body looked. Wise, perceptive, intense, a brilliant planner and problem-solver like Leizu, with Fen’s fierce drive and spirit, capable of anything. Her DNA was so fucking sexy, even without the power or wealth. He was getting close with her.

“Do it, Jim, fucking do it in me, you peasant bastard.”

He let her goading work on him. It was just too fucking hot, now that he understood it. He grabbed her hips and pounded up into her, thrusting hard and deep, ravishing the arrogant princess like an invading Mongol warlord, each impact shaking her body as she cried out “Yes, yes!” and they both drew close to the brink.

“That’s right, yes, my peasant,” she gasped, closing her eyes and shuddering as a powerful orgasm took her, her muscles tightening and squeezing his invading cock. His cock seized up and he pressed himself deep into her, grabbing her hips to hold her still while he found that perfect most pleasurable spot just in time and exploded as well, his body shaking with the force of his climax as his seed spurted out directly into her fertile womb.

He grabbed her face and pulled her roughly down to him, staring into her eyes as they rode out their orgasms. He wanted to see it, watch it happen. A few seconds later they both felt it, the sudden certainty that she was bearing his child. “Oh!” she gasped, her eyes going wide and then filling with tears as the joy welled up suddenly, utterly filling them both. “Oh my god!” He stroked her and kissed her tenderly as she wept with joy and gratitude. She was no aimless dilettante like the trio on the yacht, but as he watched, she was going through a similarly powerful change as they had.

All her adult life, Fei Fei had been driven, working hard to build wealth, power, and influence. That had always been enough of a purpose, but it was like a game she was playing without a real reason, without a unifying goal for what to do with all her power. Now she had one, and she embraced it fully, her entire being loving it, the wheels in her powerful mind turning faster and faster. She would protect this flock, keep their secrets hidden, anticipate and outmaneuver any threats, but she alone wasn’t enough. They were growing so quickly, taking so many risks. She would need allies. Who?

“I have to get to Beijing right away,” she said suddenly, jumping up. “There is so much to do. Thank you, Jim! Oh, one more thing,” she said as she hurriedly got dressed, turning to look at Anna, the girl band producer. “No famous pop stars. Got it? I will do what I can to keep attention off us, but there are limits. If any of you recruit anyone famous I need to know about it immediately.”

Reckless idiots, she thought as she dressed. Obviously planning to recruit pop stars with that ridiculous pink-haired producer girl. She had met the girl while they waited by the stairs for Jim and had been shocked to learn her profession, realizing immediately how reckless her recruiting would be, but not yet thinking of it as her responsibility to intervene. And almost as bad, they were already recruiting fashion models too, for fuck’s sake. She had noticed them when she arrived. Nobody needed to tell her what they were. They stuck out like a sore thumb even among the many slender gorgeous girls at the party, standing together on their stupidly long legs with their perfect posture and impossibly beautiful faces, looking like a god damned elite runway show. Typical startup recklessness. It wasn’t new to her. Almost every month she had to swoop in to save a tech startup from the idiotic mantra of “move fast and break things” that they all took as a license for utterly failing to plan. She would whip these girls into shape, get them focused, make them see her sustainable vision for their safe and secret growth.

But first, emergency damage control. She needed to talk to those models and whoever was recruiting them. No, not just talk. She needed all the unmarried models on the bullet train to Beijing in the morning, or whenever Jim was done with them. They each needed to fall in love with someone and get married, this week if possible. But not just any random marriage to prevent the scandalous story of a bunch of elite models suddenly getting pregnant. They would each marry someone powerful. They were perfect tools to build the influence she’d need. It helped that Jim was half Chinese. His children would be able to pass as legitimate. On second thought, maybe she wouldn’t tell them to stop recruiting models. She could use more. And more from other countries, to marry powerful men there too. She turned to look at him, feeling the need to see her peasant again one more time, father of her child, center of her new purpose in life. Qiao’s powerful body was already vigorously riding him, but Fei Fei managed to get his attention. When Jim glanced at her, she felt a quick series of twitches around her eyes. He stared at her a moment, then nodded, and his eyes twitched back at her.

She hurried down the stairs, filled with new life in every sense of the word. The virus had decided she was their new leader. Leizu was and would continue to be an excellent tactician, but Fei Fei was their strategist. Her plans were a revelation. Her mind was incredible. She had just joined them and she was the only one who had thought far enough ahead to see the risks of impregnating famous women, or the need for the mothers of Jim’s babies to find love as soon as possible. Love was something the virus knew how to help with. It had studied love early on, wondering if making women fall in love with Jim could help him breed, but had discarded the idea as too dangerous, seeing all the other things love could do. The virus had settled on lust and…

Published 1 month ago

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