In my rush to get packed, I had gone over without changing from my work clothes, but Khloe had obviously made herself more comfortable in a pair of light workout shorts and a loose, low-cut t-shirt that billowed teasingly outward when she bent over to help me with my bag. It was far from the first time I had seen her dressed like this, but it was a quick reminder of just how cute she was when not dressed in her teacher attire. Her casual ensemble was complete with her auburn hair pulled playfully into a high ponytail on her head. Not wanting to betray my initial impression or make the next several days awkward, I focused on gathering my belongings and ignored the smooth, slender legs in front of me.
“I’m so glad you guys took me up on my offer,” she chatted. “Staying in a house with no AC for three days is just ridiculous in this summer heat, especially when we live so close. Besides, I’ve got this whole house to myself right now.”
“Yeah,” I sighed as I walked in through the entry. “That’s pretty much what Carla said, too. But you’re sure about this? I just feel like I’m imposing too much.”
“Of course I’m sure,” she replied matter-of-factly. “You and Carla have been friends of ours for a long time, and I refuse to leave you miserable when I can do something about it. Besides, since Derek is at his parents’ with the kids, a little company would be nice. I like my alone time, but sometimes it just gets lonely.”
Our friendship with Khloe and Derek had started as many friendships do: first as work acquaintances, then as dinner friends, then game nights, and even a few shared weekends at the beach. But that was years ago now and before kids for all of us. And as friendships sometimes do, the closeness my wife, Carla, and I had developed with them had drifted. We still considered them friends of course, and Khloe and Carla still worked together and sometimes even shared long conversations, but the family-like closeness had faded. And, it didn’t help matters that neither Carla nor I could stand Derek for long periods of time anymore. So, when Carla mentioned to Khloe that our AC had gone out and that it wouldn’t be fixed for several days, it was easy to accept her offer of a bedroom and a cooled house when I knew Derek wouldn’t be around.
“I totally get feeling lonely,” I acknowledged. “Since I was asked to teach this summer class that’s got me here, Carla went ahead and took the boys over to the beach.” I chuckled, “I just keep reminding myself not to be too jealous. I’ll get to join them next weekend once I’ve done my time.”
Khloe grinned in response as she showed me to a room upstairs. “And, you wouldn’t have gotten to stay at chez Khloe if you had gone ahead!” She threw me a subtle wink with those words and set my bag down on the bed.
“Does this room work for you? We keep it clean and made up just in case relatives or friends need a place to crash. You can use the restroom just there across the hall. Normally, you’d have to share with the kids, but right now it’s all yours.”
I paused, looking right at Khloe. As my eyes caught her’s, she hesitated in her doings for a moment and looked right back at me. “Sincerely, Khloe, this is great. Thank you.”
A soft, understanding smile flashed across her face. “Well, you’re very welcome. Really, though, does this all work for you?”
“Absolutely,” I answered with my own gracious grin.
“Good. So, I’m headed back downstairs to make myself a drink. Being able to give you a place to sleep was about the only good thing to happen today. So, It’ll probably be more than one drink, too. If you’re thirsty or want to hear about my shitty day, feel free to come join me.”
“God, I could use a drink, too. Let me get changed and I’ll definitely come downstairs.”
So, after unpacking, changing clothes, and calling Carla and the kids, I made my way downstairs about twenty minutes later wearing a t-shirt and a pair of loose basketball shorts. Khloe was seated comfortably on their couch in the living room with her feet tucked underneath her, unknowingly showing off her toned legs. She didn’t notice me at first, so I took a moment to take in the scene from the doorway. While the whole situation felt surreal, I was finally starting to feel relaxed. The lighting was low, there was some soft music playing, Khloe was nursing her drink and enjoying a magazine. Peaceful.
“Hi,” I said softly, “am I interrupting?”
With a slight jump and a squeak, Khloe seemed a bit startled. “Oh gosh, I didn’t see you come in!”
“Sorry about that,” I offered.
“No apologies. And, you weren’t interrupting anything important. I was just reading the latest article in this junk magazine on – and I quote – ‘how to please your man and get the orgasms you need.”
Now it was my turn to be startled. “wha…excuse…what?” I said with a shake of my head.
She burst out laughing, obviously a drink ahead of me and enjoying that she caught me totally off guard and stammering.
“Well, that is important,” I finally got out when I recovered.
“Very much so!” she said with alcohol enhanced enthusiasm. “At least I’d like to think so…”
I chose not to comment on her remark but tilted my head in question.
Khloe looked suddenly rather shy as if she hadn’t meant to let out those last words. I could see the internal debate running through her mind between brushing off her comment or expounding on it. The subtle look of consideration on her face faded into acceptance. She took a slow breath, “Well…I guess you really are a safe person to talk to about this. And, it’s not like we haven’t discussed some crazy things in the past, so let’s just say that it’s been a long time since I’ve had an orgasm that wasn’t…um…self-provided.” Her final words came out more like a tumble than a statement, but they were said.
I hesitated to reply and noticed both the slight blush spreading across her cheeks and the look of hopeful acceptance in her eyes. I smiled understandingly, “I’m sorry, Khloe. That’s got to be frustrating.”
“Yeah, well, they’re still pretty damn good orgasms, I must say! I’m not too shabby,” she said with a wink, regaining her alcohol-enhanced confidence, obviously sensing that I wasn’t offended and maybe even sympathetic.
“Practice does make perfect.” I retorted with a grin.
“That it does…that it does. You could say I’m becoming quite the expert,” she said with a prideful wobble of her head and a giggle.
“Yeah? Well, then, Mrs. Expert, when was the last time you…practiced your skills?” I fired back.
After a silent pause, she hopped up and headed for the kitchen. “To answer that, I’m gonna need another drink, and you’re going to need to catch up. Want a screwdriver?”
“Sounds perfect,” I answered.
For the next few minutes, Khloe busied herself in fixing the two drinks as I ruminated on how unexpected, yet entertaining, this conversation had quickly become. I glanced toward the kitchen after a few moments to catch her stretching up on tiptoes, reaching for the vodka out of the upper cabinet. Her shirt rose up, and I immediately noticed the edge line of her panties and their clearly visible lace patterning through the thin material of her shorts. I felt a warmth and stirring in my groin and mentally chastised myself. The last thing I needed to do was get turned on, especially since I was in loose shorts and boxers. Hiding a hard-on would be near impossible, and it would only embarrass Khloe and myself, regardless of what we were talking about.
Khloe sauntered back in, drinks in hand. She handed me mine and took a seat back on the couch opposite me with one foot tucked under the other leg and her knee out to the side. “Like it?”
I sipped the beverage and smiled. It was definitely a stiff pour, but the alcohol was a welcome distraction. “Without a doubt,” I sighed. I then glanced at Khloe and noticed that with how she was sitting, I was presented with a direct view up her loose shorts and could see the lacy edge of a pair of navy panties. ‘So much for trying not to get turned on,’ I thought as the familiar warmth started to return.
“This morning. Twice.” Khloe stated matter-of-factly and with just a hint of pride.
It took me a second to process what she was referring to. “Nice,” I offered with a slow grin.
“And you?” She fired back roguishly. “And, how often?”
“That’s two questions. No fair!” I objected teasingly.
She crossed her arms with a defiant look and stood firm.
“Fine. Yesterday evening.”
I sighed a bit uncomfortably and shifted in my seat, trying hard not to reveal that I was in fact getting turned on despite my mental efforts.
“Come on, share…” Khloe encouraged playfully. “There’s no wrong answer here. I’m just really curious, and it’s…well…” she hesitated, “kinda nice to know that I’m not the only person in the room stuck taking care of their own business. Besides, I already admitted to you that I masturbate, too.”
After a long pull on my drink, “okay, okay, fair enough. But you’re going to have to answer the same question!”
“Fine,” she quickly answered, sitting a bit more forward.
I took a deep breath, “It depends. Most of the time, about once a day. But sometimes the day just doesn’t permit it, so it’s not every day. And then there are days when…” It was my turn to hesitate.
“When you’re just so horny and once isn’t enough?” She interjected quietly with a slight and knowing smile.
“Oooh yeah,” I agreed. We both broke into laughter. “Now you. And, why all this interest in my…habits, anyway?”
Obviously feeling more comfortable with the topic than before, she answered quickly. “It actually sounds like our ‘habits’ are quite similar. I really enjoy starting the day with one when I can…and sometimes more than one,” she said while jiggling her eyebrows. “So, like you, I would say, I get in some decent ‘practice’ most days,” she finished her answer overemphasizing the word practice. “As for the interest in the subject,” she continued, “well…” Her words had slowed down and I could tell she was measuring them. “…I’ve never really discussed my ‘habits’ with anyone before. Like ever. I’ve never admitted to anyone that I do it, much less really enjoy it. And, well, we sort of fell into the conversation, and I know you’re a safe person to talk to. And, now that we’ve started the topic,” she smiled, “it’s so liberating to talk about.” She grinned conspiratorially.
Khloe had stopped talking but watched me closely to see how I would respond. “Thank you,” I replied sincerely. “I guess you could say – by my answers – I find you safe to talk to as well. And, hell yeah, it feels totally liberating to talk about.”
She smiled again. “Besides,” she whispered, “that article I was reading, it kinda turned me on. Honestly, if you hadn’t been here, I probably would have gotten in a good round of practice right here on the couch.”
“In that case, I am ‘really’ sorry I interrupted!” I chuckled.
“Ha! Me too!” She laughed and shifted her legs, accidentally giving me a full look at her panties this time and revealing what appeared to be a shadow at their center. “Nah, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve never gotten to talk openly about masturbating with someone like this before. So, another question?”
“Fire away!”
“Okay,” she said and took a deep breath, “this might sound weird, but where do you do it? I mean, you’ve got kids in the house, and if you’re anything like me, then Carla doesn’t know about your habit any more than Derek knows about mine.”
I took a moment before answering to contemplate how much to include in my answer. “Well, family in the house is definitely part of why I don’t get to practice every day. But most often I do it either in the shower or in the bathroom when I know I won’t have to worry about being interrupted. Not really the most comfortable or sexy locations, but it gets the job done, and any orgasm is better than no orgasm. Let’s say I’ve had my fair share of late-night practice sessions when the rest of the house is quiet.”
“Oh my God, we have similar practice habits, too” Khloe laughed. “I’ve lost count how many times I’ve snuck off in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep or enjoyed a little extra shower time.”
“Awesome,” I grinned back. “Okay though, when you’re totally free and there’s no husband or kids to worry about, where’s your favorite place? How do you like masturbate?” I asked bravely. Obviously, the alcohol was having success lowering both our inhibitions.
“Mmmm,” Khloe purred. “In bed, on the couch, in that chair where you’re sitting with my legs draped over the arms. Anyplace that’s comfortable, NOT in the bathroom, and where I can take my time and really let my fingers…practice,” she answered.
“So you’re a fingers girl then,” I chided, “I see.”
“Well, yeah!” Khloe said proudly, “fingers are always available, and, well…” She started to hesitate.
“… And….” I prompted, “after everything we’ve already admitted to each other, you’re starting to hesitate?” I ended with a wink.
“No… Just looking for the right words!” She defended. “Okay, so I don’t own any toys like that, and while I have tried other things like a brush handle before, my fingers do the job very nicely.” There was a lilt of uncertainty in her voice again. “Besides, sometimes…” Khloe paused for a really long time and took a large sip from her drink.
I shifted a bit trying to subtly hide my building arousal and just waited her out. We both had shared a lot more than expected this evening already, but I figured she’d find her thoughts.
Khloe took a deep breath and added, “I find it exciting to use my fingers subtly in public or unexpected locations.” She said this quickly and then bent forward to hide her face in her hands.
I coughed in surprise but then quietly replied, “I very much do too.” Khloe looked up suddenly with big eyes at this answer, obviously trying to judge its truthfulness. However, after bending over to hide her face, looking up gave me a view straight down her loose shirt. She didn’t have a large chest, but her breasts were definitely plump and certainly attractive. And, at my angle, I even glimpsed her firm right nipple. With that view, I was praying I wasn’t sporting a full-blown tent.
“It’s true,” I said softly. “I’ll tell you my most daring place if you tell me yours.”
With that, Khloe sat back up, fished off her second drink, and gave me a long searching look. Then, “okay.” She shifted again this time bringing her legs up criss-cross on the couch, inadvertently causing her shorts to gape even more. What I originally thought was just a shadow was definitely a damp spot. Apparently, this conversation was having the same effect on her as it was on me. I just hoped that she hadn’t noticed my arousal like I had noticed her’s.
“In the back of a pick-up truck in the middle of the afternoon while we were camping last summer. The others had wanted to hike and my legs were sore, so I hung back. And, even though there were several people coming and going from the trailhead parking, I thought a nice orgasm might relieve some soreness.” Then after a pause, “I was right. It did!” This last bit she said with a haughty, silly tone. “Now you, now you. What was yours?”
“My most daring time would probably have to be in a large, rather busy parking lot. I had an appointment and accidentally arrived about 30 minutes early. I was a little nervous and randomly a bit horny, so I found a corner in the lot, parked, and threw up the sunshade. And like you, it helped! No longer nervous for my appointment!”
At that, we both ended up laughing pretty hard.
“You need a refresh?” Khloe asked looking at my drink.
I took a final sip draining the little I had remaining. “I’ll follow you to the kitchen,” I said without thinking. Apparently, I had forgotten that I was sporting a pretty strong semi hard-on at this point.
“Okie-dokie,” she said, springing up and walking past me. I followed behind taking a moment to adjust myself down the leg of my shorts, hoping to maintain my decency.
In the kitchen, I leaned on the counter and crossed my legs to control my now full arousal. Khloe, seemingly not noticing my predicament, went about making the drinks and chatting. “Okay, she said, I have a question that I’ve always wanted to ask a guy but have never had the opportunity. And, if it’s too much, you don’t have to tell me. I am just super curious.”
“Really, you have to warm me after what we’ve already talked about and both admitted to?” I chided her with a grin. “Ask away. At this point, I’ll probably answer anything.”
Drinks in hand, we made our way back into the living room, only this time I sat on the other end of the couch from her instead of in the chair. We both had one leg on the floor and one knee bent on the couch, so we could face each other. I was careful to make sure my erection had a place to go down the leg of my shorts, instead of pitching an embarrassing tent.
“Okay, so, when a girl masturbates, she gets wet and all, but there typically isn’t much to…um…show for when she orgasms,” she said a bit tentatively. “Makes it pretty easy to hide or fake for that matter.”
I could already tell where she was headed.
“But, when a guy has an orgasm, you know…he…um…cums,” she said now blushing. “So, what do you do with it? Like when you were in the car that one time, or when you’re not in the shower. What do you do with your cum?” She asked this last part quietly, betraying her shyness.
I took a sip of my drink to add some alcoholic courage, breathed deep, and before I said anything, Khloe started to apologize. “I’m sorry, I knew that question was too much…”
“Khloe, it’s totally fine,” I interrupted her. “Really, I don’t mind answering.” I leaned forward a bit and Khloe quieted and calmed down at these words.
“Well, I guess it depends. Like, if I’m in the shower when I…” I trailed off trying to find the least embarrassing way to say it.
“Cum,” Khloe offered.
“Yes, when I cum, if I’m in the shower I just let it shoot to the floor and wash down the drain. But, if I’m not in the bathroom or in the shower I try to make sure I have something to catch my…um…my cum. Like a tissue or a napkin. That’s what I used that one day in the parking lot. But sometimes, if I’m really turned on, have the time, and am in the mood, instead of catching it I either let it shoot out all over my hand or let it go onto my chest and stomach.”
Throughout this whole explanation, Khloe sat up and had leaned a little forward like I was, listening intently. I could tell she was really enjoying the conversation. When I finished my answer, we both sat back again more comfortably. In the process, Khloe’s shorts had again ridden up and opened at the leg, giving me another wonderful view and more proof that she was equally turned on. What I didn’t realize was that my shorts had now betrayed me as well. The very tip of my now full erection was just peeking out the left leg of my shorts.
But while I didn’t notice, Khloe had. Apparently not knowing what to say or do at the moment, she just let it be and enjoyed the view, just like I was enjoying the view of her soaking through her panties.
“So,” I added quietly after another swallow of my drink,” I have a question for you. Three questions actually.”
“Ask me anything,” Khloe smiled at me through half-closed eyes. Little did I know that her eyes were half-closed because she was watching my engorged penis and trying not to get caught.
“Okay, here goes. First, why all this interest in my cum? Second, speaking of cum, have you ever tasted it, and if so what did you think? And third, have you ever tasted…yourself?”
Khloe didn’t move but looked at me with a smirk. Since we had returned to the couch, one of Khloe’s hands had been resting on her right leg. From time to time, she softly (and seemingly involuntarily) stroked the soft skin of her inner thigh. This time, it brushed all the way up to the edge of her panties. I was so turned on. Apparently, so was she.
“Well, I think cum is…sexy. It’s the absolute expression of male pleasure, whether it was from masturbation, a hand job, a blow job, or sex. It means you felt really good. So, I was curious what you did with it. Besides, I like to play with Derek’s when I make him cum,” she giggled. “It’s kinda fun. Have I tasted it? Only a couple of times. Derek’s is rather bitter, so I don’t really like it much. But his is the only cum I’ve ever been around before, so I can only speak to what I know. And have I ever tasted myself? Yes, quite a few times. I think I taste pretty good, if I do say so myself. Now, why did you want to know?” She finished with a question.
“Like you, I think an orgasm is beautiful and so is the lead up to it. So, for me, a woman’s wetness can be incredibly erotic and a massive turn-on.”
At these words, Khloe giggled again and gave me a knowing look. Not sure what to make of it, I asked, “huh, what was that laugh for?”
“Well,” she said still finding something humorous, “let’s just say it seems we are both thoroughly enjoying this little share session.” And with that, Khloe glanced directly at the tip of my dick poking out the leg of my shorts.
“Oh my god…oh my god! I’m so sorry!” I babbled as I started to quickly rearrange myself. I couldn’t even look in her direction anymore.
“Stop.” Khloe calmly put out her hand and touched my knee and quietly said, “wait.”
I froze, not sure if I was still showing or not, but suddenly very aware of my raging hard-on and the fact that Khloe had seen it.
“Wait,” she said again. Then very softly, “the only penis I’ve ever seen is Derek’s. Can you…maybe…leave it out?”
I didn’t move, but a thousand different thoughts were spinning through my mind.
Khloe continued, “and, getting to see it is making me super wet, too.”
We were both blushing at this point, but that may have also been flushed cheeks from our current states of excitement. Before I even moved an inch or said a word, Khloe kept going, “look, I know we are both happily married. And, I’m certain neither one of us would ever consider cheating or want to cheat for that matter. So…let’s maybe just…look and….watch. That’s all.”
After contemplating it for a while longer, I slowly settled back onto the couch cushion with my leg still up but now with the entire head of my dick poking out. “Okay,” I said just as softly as Khloe, “only…watching.” Then after a long pause, I let myself grin and said “but it seems you now have more to watch than me.”
With that, a knowing and subtle smile spread on Khloe’s face, and she slowly let the hand that had been caressing her thigh, move fully between her legs. She began to gently massage herself through her panties, which were now clearly visible without any pretense of hiding them.
We both moaned, and my dick, as hard as ever, twitched involuntarily.
Khloe had been watching it intently and giggled at the movement she had caused. This encouraged her more, so ever so slowly she slid her fingers under the leg of her panties and began to rub her pussy directly.
I followed her lead and slowly began to touch and stroke my now half-exposed dick in return, paying particular attention to the sensitive area around the head.
Khloe leaned back a little more, still watching me, and continued her masturbating with a look of sheer pleasure on her face. Then, in nearly a whisper, “oh my god, this is amazing…and so much better than just talking about it. God, I needed this.”
All I could do was watch her hand gently massage back and forth across her pink lips, offering rhythmic glimpses of her pussy. I continued my own stroking and moaned again in agreement.”I have never been watched or watched someone before. With the right person, you’re right. This is…amazing.”
We both smiled but kept our eyes desperately glued to the masturbation in front of us. She watched my hand grip and stroke the reddish tip of my dick. I stared transfixed at the deft movements of her fingers spreading her lips and drawing circles around her clit.
“Fuck, these shorts have got to go,” she said flatly. And, with that, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband and slowly pulled her shorts and panties down and off her feet. She tossed them at me playfully and said, “how’s this for something to watch.” Khloe wasn’t just cute anymore, she was fucking sexy. She was fully shaved and looked to be as smooth as soft silk. As she settle back into position with her legs spread wide, her beautiful pussy came fully into view. She had full, engorged outer lips that were light pink in color and obviously aroused, large protruding inner lips that were spread slightly and glistening with wetness, and a small vaginal opening, dripping with her excitement. After giving me some time to enjoy the view, her fingers found their slippery home again and went to work.
Not to be outdone, “I guess it’s only fair,” I said with a smirk, and slid off my basketball shorts and boxers in one practiced movement, revealing my full-on erection to my half-naked friend. Likewise, I sat back down, spread my legs and made no attempt to hide myself or my hand slowly moving up and down my stiff shaft. With her eyes intensely taking in my every move, I made a show of spreading my gathering precum between my fingers and around the head of my cock.
“God, you’re big, bigger than Derek,” she said with a hungry smile. “I can’t wait to see you make that dick cum and send your load flying.” At the rate we were going, it wasn’t going to take too long for either of us to get to orgasm. I was picking up my rhythm, and Khloe had two fingers of one hand buried knuckle-deep inside her pussy, while her other hand drew pleasurable circles over and around her clit. Unsurprisingly, both of us were breathing a bit harder now.
Watching my hand carefully, she asked in a breathy voice, “doesn’t that hurt you without some kind of lube or lotion?”
I kept stoking but answered, “not if I’m gentle. But lotion or something slick can make it better.”
With that, Khloe totally surprised me and did one of the sexiest things I had ever experienced. “Here,” she said, “I’ve got plenty to share.” She took her fingers out of her pussy, and they were nearly dripping. “Take some.” She smiled kindly.
I reached out tentatively, and she rubbed her lubed fingers all over my palm. Then she dipped her finger inside herself again to collect more. As she was rubbing her wetness on my hand again, she commented, “I can get pretty wet normally, but I’m so turned on right now I’m practically gushing.” To her point, I could see a rivulet of her wetness running from her vagina, down between her ass cheeks.
I smiled my thank you and slowly wrapped my wet hand back around my dick. Her shared wetness on my dick was erotic and warm and felt delightful. My hand began to glide joyfully up and down my shaft and exquisitely round over the tip at each stroke. “Holy shit, that feels so good,” I moaned and my body shuddered.
Khloe watched my renewed stroking just as intently as I watched her fingers plunging gently into her wet hole. “Just let me know when you’re about to cum,” she said, “I really want to see it.”
I nodded as we both continued our self-pleasuring. I had never masturbated with someone before and was loving every second of our shared session. Watching Khloe’s hands pay expert attention to her sensitive areas, her luscious lips and folds, and her sensitive clit, was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I could hear the wet sounds of her fingers inside her pussy building a rhythm against her G spot. And, the smell of her arousal filled my nose, making me even harder and more turned on.
We continued our shared ministrations, each beginning to work faster and more deliberately. Meeting eyes, our hands paused and we simultaneously glanced knowingly at each other’s shirt. An unspoken and horny understanding passed between us in that moment, and we both hurriedly removed what remained of our clothes. When Khloe’s plump breasts came into view, the embodiment of erotic pleasure filled my eyes. While probably only about a b-cup in size, they were perky yet supple-looking, and capped with erect nipples slightly larger than a quarter that begged for attention.
Luckily they didn’t have to wait long. As my hands quickly returned their attention to my hardened cock, Khloe’s left went back between her legs while her right firmly gripped her left breast. She squeezed her flesh harder than I imagined she would like as her other fingers become a blur of motion over her clit. Her moan and the look in her eyes as she watch me squeeze and slide my own sex is what started my final ascent to climax. I could feel it starting to build deep within me and knew it would be powerful and soon.
Apparently, I wasn’t alone. Khloe had begun to have small body-wide spasms of pleasure that caused her to jerk and close her eyes. Her breathing had become rapid and shallow. “I’m getting close,” she breathed after several inhales.
“Same,” is all I could manage for a reply. My brain was a melange of sexual excitement and intense focus, lost to anything but the pleasure coming from my cock and the gratification of watching Khloe’s writhing body and dripping pussy.
“I’m…very close,” I whispered as the wonderfully familiar feeling of an orgasm began to climb through my body.
With her body starting to quiver randomly, it was obvious Khloe was close, too. She pleaded, “please don’t hold back. I want to see it all.”
And with that, my orgasm erupted like a storm. I stopped breathing, but my hand continued pumping my flesh. My first spurt of cum launch about a foot into the air and landed both on my hand and on the couch out in front of me. And my second spurt was even more powerful. A larger dollop launched twice the distance, some landing on my hand and the couch again, and some on Khloe’s soft thigh. From there the third and fourth were smaller and less powerful and coated the top of my hand. I slowed my pace and lightened my grip, but kept lightly stroking my now satisfied and emptied cock, enjoying the added slickness of my cum.
When my orgasm had started, Khloe had been on her own precipice, her orgasm building to the edge of no return. And while getting to see my first spurt of orgasm started her own, when my cum landed warm and erotic on her thigh, she too erupted. As my body calmed, her’s shook and tensed. Her fingers pressed even more firmly and deeply inside and against her precious spot. Her breath held and legs shook. It lasted longer than I thought it could until it finally released and Khloe sank into the couch limply with her hands draped comfortably over her now bright pink and happy pussy.
I gave her an ashamed look and apologized, “I’m sorry Khloe. I really had no idea it would go that far.”
“You’re sorry?” She replied softly. “Why? I told you not to hold back, and it was…breathtaking. I’ve never seen someone cum like that before. It was so…passionate.” She looked at her fingers now coated in my cum. “Besides, she continued in the same muted voice, “it made me feel like I was a part of your pleasure. And…” She hesitated. Then a curious look crossed her face, she raised her hand, and sucked her fingers while looking right at me.
I just stared in utter amazement. Even after everything that had happened and what we had shared, I never expected her to do that.
She grinned sheepishly. “Pretty good, I must say. Different from Derek’s. I kinda like it, actually.” She then blushed and giggled. I ended up laughing, too.
We eventually cleaned ourselves and the couch, got our underwear back on, and bid one another goodnight.
As I was about to head upstairs, Khloe gave me a long hug, looked me in the eyes, and softly said, “thank you for sharing that with me. That was by far the best orgasm I’ve had in years, and God I needed it.”
“I owe you the same thanks,” I replied. “That was one of my best ever, as well. And, getting to watch you while I did it too was an amazing turn-on.”
“I have to agree,” she continued, “but, just wait till tomorrow night, I wanna see how long we can last.”
“It’s on,” I said with a grin, already feeling myself getting aroused at the idea.
Then after a long hesitation, Khloe added, “I’m also looking forward to tasting some more of that cum.” And with that, she turned and walked into her room, jiggling her panty-clad ass at me the whole way.