A Perfect Place to Hyde – Part Four

"The teen-girls get naked, as teacher Jed's Hyde-side expresses itself"

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The threeway tongue-fest extends and intensifies, each semi-stripped participant lavishing their saliva-thick attentions on the other two, hands stroking and caressing shoulders and faces. Jed has currently lost the thread of how they all got here. Moment has led to moment, cause bleeding into effect, all of it fuelled by his determination to make this happen. This. The thrashing of tongues and the flesh-grabbing and the falling away of clothes. When he pulls the girls out of the kiss and stares at both (the pair staring back and at each other, all three of them panting, all on fire), he grasps the through-line. How they all got to this point.

As pauses go it’s brief – a mini-breather, a momentary taking stock before carnality resumes and escalates. Realistically there won’t be much time once things gets started, I mean really started – which it will, imminently – so let’s do this now, and do it properly.

Freezeframe four.

Jed… The story, prior to today, was one of struggle – Jed with Hyde, the former wrestling down that latter primal part of him, throwing him scraps of fantasy, letting him join in at the right moment, with the right partner, to the right extent. Then shutting him back in that dark, Babadookian cellar. ‘That’s it. Know your place. Good boy.’ Tori Beeching drew Hyde raging to the cellar door, while Jed strived to hold it shut, and managed – just. Rebecca-online tempted Jed to let Hyde run privately amok and, to her credit (or her debit if you like), achieved her goals. Dean, however unaware, served as the model of a life where Hyde holds sway, and what a deeply pleasurable life it seems to be. (Dean ain’t complaining.) Yet while they’ve earned a mention – as provocateurs, enablers or suppliers – they didn’t make this happen. Here, now. These three wetted mouths, all so recently connected.

Jed did that. Early in this calendar day, he knows, he left that cellar door unlocked and let the beast run free. Allowed it access to his smarts, his charm, his aptitude for thinking on the spot. That’s all lust needs to thrive, you see – the chance to work with what’s available. Access to the whole house. That’s what got him here.

Clara… Look at her – tits on brash display, elation in her eyes and a breathless grin of undiluted badness. She’s naughty, sure, and she arrived as such at Clive and Lucy’s wedding. But this night, Jed knows instinctively, will turn her naughtier still. She wanted sex and Jed was there, and he would do, even before she knew he was a teacher. But his whole wanting more – it’s served to make her want more as well. It’s made her want to know what sex can be, to play its nasty games, to take what’s hot and make it ten times’ hotter. Her intentions towards Lily – again Jed’s instincts tell him this – are rooted as much in friendship as in wrongness, because wrong, she knows for all her tender years, is so much goddamn fun. What kind of friend would hoard that to herself? That’s how she’ll be justifying everything she does tonight. Clara-Hyde is coming out to play.

Lily… Poor, sweet Lily – you can’t help but use the S-word to describe this girl. But qualify that ‘poor’. It’s true she came here innocent, but curiosity’s a bitch that must be heeded, or Lily wouldn’t choose to pal around with Clara, would she? Linger on her now – defences stripped away, literally, by her BFF, for a man who she knows ( ‘cos she’s naïve, but far from stupid) to be a fucker. She got sweet on Jed for sure – such feels are patently her nature – and bestie Clara seemed an obstacle to that, right up until she didn’t any longer. For this is something different, something new to Lily, where old rules don’t apply. Something she can’t explain, much less control. The contest with her friend isn’t a contest anymore, well not any kind she understands. She’s lost, and yes, she’s terrified, that face of hers so very, very serious. But if she’s felt more sexy or enraptured or alive prior to this moment in her life, then Jed will eat his own fucking bowtie. Despite the ecstasy (the drug, not the feeling), Lily’s own Hyde is still only stirring meekly, but she really shouldn’t worry. There’s plenty in this room to go around.


‘Now that’s what I mean by sharing,’ Jed says, smiling at both his salivating girls. ‘Or some of it. See what happens,’ he asks Clara, ‘when you get your best friend naked? All hell breaks loose.’

‘I know it does,’ Clara tells him, looking at Lily. ‘She’s not naked though, is she? Not yet.’

‘No more are you,’ Jed says, as Lily worries visibly for her panties. ‘In fact she’s further down the line. Hey, Lily…’

‘Yes?’ the defrocked bridesmaid virtually squeaks.

‘I’m going to need your help.’

‘You are?’ Lily is timid, but alert. ‘Help with what?’

‘I want you to undress Clara.’

She looks to her friend and back. ‘You…’

Jed takes her again, his hands gentle on her neck and her hip right at the band of her panties, and he kisses her, the points of her nipples brushing hard against his chest. ‘Take off her stockings and her suspenders,’ he murmurs into her ear. ‘Leave her knickers on. Get her like you are, with almost everything on show.’ He turns to Clara, while still holding Lily. ‘You go sit on the bed. Help her with the tricky bits, but let her do most of it.’

Clara’s eyes are all wickedness. ‘Yes, teacher.’ She prances blithely to the bed and pops her ass onto its surface, tits bouncing.

‘Okay,’ he says to Lily, who hasn’t quite shaken her air of hesitancy, and is aware all over again that her tits are on show. ‘Go strip your friend. No fucking around – okay? Go do.’ He retains the merest trace of humour in his face as he applies a smack to her neat ass. The shock of firm flesh against his palm resonates through him right to his cock. She yelps in response and hurries to the bed, where Clara smilingly awaits her.

‘Sit down here and do it,’ her lingeried pal says sweetly, patting the covers.

Lily positions her mostly bared self beside Clara and tentatively embarks on her task, fingers flittering about the straps that stretch along those taut but fleshy thighs. Unquestionably the tang of desire from that dampened panty-crotch will be strong in her nostrils as she does it. As Jed observes, he reaches for his phone and eases down the volume in the trance selection, replacing it with his yet untested fuck-mix, Lusty Valentine 2018. The time for this Jed-curated compilation has finally arrived. He’s going to have to change its name after tonight though, he thinks. The opening track is Ariana Grande’s Side To Side. It provides a stirring accompaniment to what’s unfolding on the bed, alluding as it does to how Jed hopes the girls will be walking, once he’s done with them. Naughty Ariana. His hand accompanies also, stroking lightly but insistently back and forth over his seriously stretched trouser crotch as he watches, imagining and plotting.

Lily fumbles initially with the clips attaching Clara’s garter belt to her lemon-coloured stockings. ‘It’s okay,’ her friend reassures, voice breathy. ‘They’re a bit faffy, but you’ll get there. See?’ She smiles as the first clip unhooks, leaving the smooth expanse of her right thigh entirely bare. Encouraged but with her hand still tremoring, Lily reaches across Clara’s lap, attending to the other strap with increased success. Belt and stockings relax at the front, the straps hanging prettily free. ‘See? Easy-peasy.’ Clara flashes a smile before rolling over and presenting Lily with the rear straps, stretched as they are, tight against the plump cheeks of her ass. ‘Now do me from behind.’

Jed grins like something feral at that one. He holds his breath and he fancies Lily does too, as she sets about the rear clips. Certainly, the blonde girl’s gaze hovers over Clara’s bared cheeks, no doubt registering how that beautifully defined ass-cleft has swallowed the band of her knickers, like they intend not to spit it out. Lily has the measure of the technicalities now, even if the twist in how she and Clara are relating to each other is still freaking her the fuck out. She unclips with relative ease, detaching stockings from belt, her fingers inadvertently teasing her friend’s flesh as she does it.

‘See? It’s not so hard. You should wear them,’ Clara says with a winsome smile. ‘They’d be so sexy on you.’ She flips back onto her bottom and extends a leg. ‘Go on, give Mr J what he wants.’

Lily flicks a look to ‘Mr J’, as she adjusts position to oblige. The fact that he’s scrutinising both girls while attending to his crotch’s bulging amplitude does nothing, he suspects, to calm her. She carries on regardless, taking a moment to run exploratory fingers over the hem of Clara’s lace stocking. ‘Oh my…’ she moans. E-fever is doubtless enhancing the natural sexiness of the fabric.

‘Feel nice?’ Clara inquires.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Lily says, voice aching with enjoyment. ‘Rough and velvety at the same time. I could touch it all night. Oh God…’ There are other things perhaps she wants to touch, for she plucks at the hem and inches the stocking down Clara’s thigh, exposing further quivering flesh as she goes, while never shifting her gaze from what she’s uncovering. She unrolls steadily, progressing all the way down that curvaceous, well-proportioned leg, until she peels the lacework off a helpfully pointed foot.

Clara draws back the leg just denuded and stretches out her other, like a lazy burlesque artist who’s employed a hot little helper. On laying hands to the second stocking Lily stares right into her friend’s eyes, like she’s never really seen her before. She holds the look too, as she glides with exquisite slowness all the way down, until both legs are stripped bare.

‘Jesus, that was sexy as fuck,’ Clara says – most definitely for Lily’s benefit, but deliberately loud, so Jed can hear too. ‘Now get your pretty tits up here and do the girdle.’

Jed adds nothing. He doesn’t need to. All there is to do is enjoy what he’s set in motion.

Lily goes to Clara, her eagerness more unambiguous this time. Her plan is to unclip the garter belt from behind, but her partner in this sexy cabaret has other ideas. ‘Face to face,’ Clara says, guiding Lily back to her original sitting position, so that the bared bridesmaid must reach around either side of her friend’s ribs. It takes her bosom to bosom with her wicked schoolmate, her perkily proportioned tits squishing up against the other girl’s rack in all its yielding generosity. ‘That’s it, girlfriend, undo me.’ Clara smiles right into Lily’s unflinching face, their lips inches apart as one of them unfastens the other clip by clip. The belt slackens and Lily tugs it free of her friend’s flat stomach, letting it fall away, while not recoiling one iota from the fleshy, nipple-grazing contact.

‘You’re being a good student for your new favourite teacher,’ Clara says, stroking Lily’s hair, each of them stripped to her knickers. ‘We both are.’

‘Uh-huh, but not just for him,’ Lily replies, right before they kiss, open-mouthed and hungry.

Jed loves it. He loves that they’re lezzing out for more than his tawdry fantasy (though fuck knows that’s a damn good reason in itself). The intimacy is causing both their cunts to drench their skimpy knickers, with or without his voyeuristic wankery. They’re getting off on it, plain and simple. He absorbs the sight the same way their panties are soaking up their girl cum; its radiated heat brings him back to the boil, so that he must wrestle down the impulse to act until resistance is no longer an option. The vision of these two latched to each other’s face, boobs compressed, hands wandering over damp skin as their tongues entwine, pushes him till his self-discipline cracks. And when it cracks, it shatters.

It’s not a planned move, it’s instinctive. Faced with the escalating temperature of this girl-on-girl exchange, Jed moves to cool it down, if only momentarily. One bottle of water remains in the fridge, and he grabs it, cracking the seal while those feminine tongues still wrangle. The girls are too locked into their embrace to see it coming. ‘If Lily’s parents could see you naughty sluts right now…’ he says, as he flings the bottle’s contents. Chilled water explodes across the girls’ tits and faces, and they break apart loudly, arms flailing to protect against the deluge.

Lily yelps her outrage with spluttering incoherence, but Clara, equally soaked, articulates for both of them. ‘You bastard!’ But she’s unable to conceal her laughter as she yells.

‘Open up,’ Jed demands, relishing the abandonment of geniality and politeness (those qualities have served their purpose), as he holds the bottle above the girls’ faces. Unable to deny how the room’s heat has stewed them, they open their mouths like baby birds and accept the water as he pours it in a long, cooling stream. It fills up their wide-stretched and waiting receptacles, but splashes onto their faces too, cascading over their chins and streaming down over the slopes of their tits.

‘God you’re a fucker,’ Clara gasps, mouth still dribbling, as Jed drains what’s left in the bottle down his own throat and tosses it aside.

He leans down, grabbing a handful of Clara’s hair by the roots before kissing hard on her mouth, his tongue thrusting. ‘You’re not wrong,’ he says on releasing, and he pushes her down onto the bed, so that he’s crouching on top of her with one hand moulded to her breast. ‘Now stay there.’

‘Uh-huh.’ Clara’s response to his commanding tone is one of breathless, lip-wetting expectancy.

Jed has no intention to disappoint. He moves back over her body, curls both palms around the band of her knickers and yanks downward hard. Clara cries out in excitement – Lily beside her exclaims in equivalent shock – as Jed strips the sodden lace free of cunt and ass, dragging it down the darker girl’s legs and off her body in one determined effort.

‘There,’ he says, adrenaline firing through him at a whole new rate. ‘That’s more like it.’ Clara’s whole body is writhing in response to the sudden action, her thighs rubbing slippery together – giving glimpses of a clean-waxed pussy – and one hand retreating to squeeze her own tit. Lily is staring mouth agape at her freshly naked friend, then looking to Jed in trembling anticipation of what is surely next.

He returns the look, smiling. ‘Sorry, Lily,’ he says, moving to and over her, impelling her down as he did Clara. ‘Did you want to rip her knickers off?’ Robbed of all capacity for speech she can only stare, her jaw remaining dropped until he kisses her, with all the deceptive tenderness he can muster. He takes his time, lavishing her with softness. Then when he breaks the kiss, he lets further seconds elapse – so she can register the wolfish hunger in his face. ‘My bad,’ he says. ‘Some pleasure I save for myself.’ Then he grabs her lacy pink panties, never breaking her astonished gaze as he tears them clean off her body. She squeals to be rendered as tits-and-cunt naked as her friend in one fleet and furious motion.

Jed – should this narrator need to state the bleeding obvious – is all blood-pumped exultation. Clara’s reaction to the stripping of her friend – and you’ll have guessed this too – is barefaced delight. Hell, the girl looks like she might applaud. Our antihero takes a moment to appreciate what he has before him – two perfectly nude and squirming teenage girls (just count those pretty bottoms) with their cunts all warm and wet and ready for him.

‘Yes,’ he says, drawing out a sibilant ‘s’, ‘now that’s a pretty fucking picture.’

Raw instinct, the hydiest of his Hyde-part (read ‘his cock’) tells him, Fuck them, fuck them now! But Hyde, as documented earlier, can access all of Jed and draw on him, the cleverness included. Pleasure delayed, he knows amid his badness, is pleasure enhanced. Exponentially so. Besides, his chosen course of action has pleasure all its own – while setting up a sweeter main event.

He goes to Clara first. Either girl is an option, but it’s better sport to start with the more readily slutty and to make Lily watch, her eyes growing saucer-huge as she inevitably thinks, I’m next! Not that he can see Lily’s eyes for long with what he does. He drags Clara’s ass to the bed’s edge, and she reacts with dick-taunting giggles of submission. Dropping to his knees he spreads her thighs, exposing a cunt as strategically stripped of stubble as he’d expected. Raw hairlessness aside, its thick protruding folds are glistening with invitation, her clitoris a jutting mini-flag of adolescent lust. Jed was already salivating before he pulled her legs apart. Now he’s a starving man at the banquet – and his drooling mouth is ready to feast.

Clara cries aloud once more, as Jed grips her thighs to brace her and puts his lips to hers, tongue plunging. He thrusts between the slick fleshy warmth of her exterior parts, immersing himself, whole mouth and nose, in the sharp sweetness of her cunt. Her taste, her smell… beyond delicious. Her texture – glutinous and thick and slithering all over him. The sound of her, that’s the moaning babble of her upper lips and the squelching succulence of the lower… just fuck! His eyes do the least now. All his other senses are alive and working hard, more so when he clamps his palms hard against Clara’s thighs and pushes his tongue to fuck her hard.

She thrills and strains, her body tensed as she absorbs the attack being lavished on her pussy. Her hands grip her thrusting tits as her back arches. (That much Jed’s eyes can see.) A glorious cacophony is spilling from her mouth, its nonsense interspersed with ‘Fuck’ and ‘Shit’ and ‘Christ’, and retaining all the while its note of laughter, that edge of Fuck yes, this is happening – life is good! He’d push her where she wants so very urgently to go, and lap up every moment on the way, but a rapidly forming plan prevents this. Instead, he slows down and retracts, letting her hot juice pool in his tongue and holding it there as he withdraws from her completely, wet-faced and breathing hard. Clara looks up to find out where the hell he’s gone.

Lily is – as he might have expected – half-risen from the bed, a picture of bewildered awe, eyes and mouth and nipples on high alert. Her mouth remains conveniently open as Jed climbs onto her, pressing his cunt-marinated mouth to hers. A cradling hand to her head prevents escape from Clara’s essence should she try it, but while she doesn’t lick Jed’s lips or suck his tongue, neither does she flinch. Her look when he draws back is all perplexity, like her mind is swimming with the thought of what she’s tasting, leave alone what she’s just witnessed. But Jed knows how to distract her from that thought. It’s simple. He slides her and spreads her, just like he did to Clara, making her gasp in the knowledge that he’s just about to eat her teenage cunt.

She’s different down there from Clara. Clean and well-tended for sure, but sporting a fair, trim-bordered thatch, and elsewhere shaved, not waxed. The slit is tight and pretty, its folds engorged and slick but not protruding, and the clit a cute hot button for the pressing. Less the welcome mat, more a tentatively friendly ‘Hi’. Jed’s tongue-tip responds with a button-licking ‘Hello’, then strokes the length of her moist, pink slit, effectively inquiring, ‘May I come in?’

Lily’s body jolts, her throat issuing a high-pitched squeak, like shock at being tickled somewhere wildly over-sensitive, but still potentially pleasant. Jed takes it as a ‘Be my guest’ and thrusts deep with his tongue, making the house his own. His hands slide around her slender thighs as he does it, securing her so that he can properly explore, however hard she thrashes. And fuck does she thrash.

Her flavour is a saltier kind of sweet than Clara’s, her smell equally heady. The feel of her is almost as succulent – she’s liquifying on and around his flexing muscle by the moment. But it’s the noises she’s making that will stay with Jed long after he’s done orally fucking her. They begin as a sequence of near-desperate, full-throated sobs, accompanying his various explorations – lapping and kissing and full-extension tonguing inside her. These noises extend, while increasing in volume, until she’s uttering a long, unbroken keening sound, like something is gradually being exorcised from her body. That’ll be her innocence, Jed thinks, with a nasty satisfaction the like of which he’d not believed himself capable mere weeks ago.

Clara’s vocal response to being tongue-plundered was an undiluted Holy Christ – this is what it’s all about, but Lily’s is more nuanced. If Jed were pushed to a retrospective guess, he’d translate it along the lines of Oh sweet God I can’t believe this is happening to me – it feels fucking incredible but it’s so wrong that I’m just letting him put his tongue in there even though I wanted him to and it’s actually way too intimate to bear and I think I’m going to explode into one big mess of goo all over the walls, oh Jesus I can’t stand it anymore so please, oh please don’t make it stop! Something like that.

At any rate, by the time he withdraws his snaking attentions, her juice plastered all over his face, Lily’s whole body is rigid with unresolved sexual tension. Her head is thrown back onto the covers, although she jerks back up on realisation that he’s stopped licking her, wearing an abject Where did you go? expression. Her hand, he realises with an additional shock of delight, has grabbed hold of Clara’s for moral support. Clara is clutching back and staring down at Jed with almost deranged excitement – presumably at the sight of seeing her best friend have her cunt eaten out so thoroughly. Whatever the reason, her other hand has reached between her thighs and she’s rotating fingers squishily on her manifestly engorged clit.

It’s this, together with the current track on his Lusty Valentine selection, that triggers what Jed does next. The song in question is – wait for it – I Touch Myself, Divinyl’s paean to female masturbation and another classic song from Jed’s youth that his big brother had to explain to him. He included it in the mix as a joke for Trish to enjoy during V-day foreplay, but their break-up precluded any such happy outcome. Never mind all that – the track is positively serendipitous tonight and is serving as backdrop to an outcome even happier.

‘Touch yourself,’ he tells Lily. ‘Like she’s doing,’ he adds, nodding to Clara, in case Lily were in any doubt regarding his meaning. She reaches between her legs like following his instructions is becoming second nature, quite in line with what she’d prefer to be doing. She repeats the lip-biting thing, not as a deliberate tease, Jed knows, but as an involuntary response to what her body is feeling. Clara smiles to see her friend rendered so compliant, then succumbs again to the bliss being promoted by her self-stimulation. That’s both girls rubbing their clits now, clasping hands like sorority initiates all the while.

At least one of them, it fleetingly occurs to Jed, must be a lefty and/or ambidextrous, so nimbly are they both working themselves. What occurs more vividly, however, is a course of action to which he immediately resorts. Namely, he wets the index and middle fingers of both his hands in turn, before bending down to the bed and plunging two digits apiece – with no ceremony whatsoever – deep into each girl’s cunt.

Freezeframe five.

It’s appropriate, with Jed shoved three knuckles deep inside two hot senior high school students, that we pause to remind ourselves from where he’s come and how damn far. In his subconscious mind he sure as fuck hasn’t forgotten. A fortnight earlier, standing in front of a twenty-strong group of pupils – some of them not dissimilar in looks to Lily and Clara – he made the following observation. ‘Dr Jekyll,’ he said, as his young charges scribbled assiduously, ‘may pretend to himself that his darker urges have been permanently suppressed, but while disguised, Hyde is still there, waiting to assert himself in all his depravity.’

No shit, Sherlock (to reference another late 19th century literary icon). If Jed Martin’s students had been told that their beloved teacher was himself a manifestation of the Jekyll/Hyde conundrum, one who in two short weeks would be finger-fucking two naked teenage girls simultaneously in his hotel bedroom, their tender minds would have reeled with disbelief. Yet here he is, with his fingers buried and his dick throbbing-hard.

Look at the diabolical ecstasy carved into his face, the demonic fire in his eyes. Check out the priapic lust ready to burst free of his trousers, reinforced as it is by those young pussies and their sopping clutch on his fingers. And note the startlement on the girls’ pretty faces – Lily’s and Clara’s alike – to find themselves so unexpectedly penetrated, the sharp double-intake of their breath and their heads jolting up to get a look at what the bastard is doing down there. Consider what this all does to Jed, consumed as he already is with an incendiary desire, its firestorm raging through the veins unabated by conscience. Come on, people – for all that, we simply had to hit the Pause button.

And things are going to get even more intense when we press…


Jed holds the moment, revelling in it as the gently writhing girls do their own momentary freeze on his probing fingers, wrapping their minds around the development as their cunt walls squeeze reflexively around him. Then their own stalled fingers get to work again, squidging in tight little circles on their clitoral mounds, as Jed draws both hands in reverse and commences to pump those pussies. Pump them with vigour. Clara has adapted instantly to the situation, Lily with all but the same alacrity, pointing to one fabulous truth. These girls are both his bitches where it counts – in their own minds.

‘That’s it,’ he urges them, as his fingers squelch their back-and-forth passage, and the tremors emanate outwards through their lovely bodies. ‘That’s the way. Get yourselves off, all over my fucking fingers. No holding back. Let me see it.’ The tone is fierce, rabidly so, the words those of a man who doesn’t care what he says anymore. Who doesn’t have to. ‘Give it up, girls. You know what I fucking want…’ The smell of their oozing cunts, the lewd repeated squish and the greedy wet suck on his rapidly shafting fingers all serve to incite him further. ‘Fuck – you look so hot, so fucking nasty. Give it!’

Clara ‘gives it’ first and does so quickly. She was in the home strait before Jed entered her and she hits the finish with style. Her fingertips spin on that pumped and slippery nub of hers like she’s whipping up a souffle, her hot cunt drizzling anticipation over Jed’s hard-working hand. She grits her teeth, face aflame, right before she spectacularly crosses the line. Then her tight tunnel contracts tighter still around Jed’s fingers, tummy muscles convulsing and breasts shivering like twin blancmanges as her whole body is thrown into spasms. Elongated moans pour out of her mouth, more expressively joyous than any of Lily’s plaintive sobbing, and they continue so long as the rest of her shudders and twitches, those fingertips pressed to her naughty clit through it all.

For Jed it’s unmitigated delight. Hot teengirl, spilling a profusion of juice over his knuckles as every part of her shudders in orgasm and all dignity be fucked. The only thing that could make it better would be Lily partnering her friend in the moment, but the blonde girl is a way behind. Her hand is still clutched by Clara’s, tighter than ever right now, and she’s racked with an ever-heightening tension – head lolling back on the covers with her eyes shut and her mouth hanging vaguely open. She’s lost in herself, scarcely aware perhaps that her friend has just cum like a whore beside her. All her world is the action of her new teacher’s fingers and that of her own. The little darling-bitch is so close, Jed thinks. She just needs that push over the edge…

‘Give her a hand,’ he tells Clara, who is staring at him through a post-orgasmic fog. ‘You need to be a friend to her right now.’

Clara may be in all kinds of disarray, but she latches on quickly – to both Jed’s meaning and Lily’s trembling flesh. Rolling onto her side with the teacher’s fingers still lodged firmly insider her, she places her self-frigging hand firmly on top of her bedfellow’s, so that she and Jed can effectively masturbate Lily together. ‘It’s okay, babe, let it go,’ he hears her say into her playmate’s ear, before lowering her mouth onto the nearest of the girl’s primly spiked nipples and sucking once more.

Lily’s vocal responses intensify about twofold in volume, as Clara’s fingers move with hers on that perky little clit and her lips apply loving suction to one of her gently sloped, pretty peaks. Jed’s manual thrusting picks up inside Lily’s cunt – in all stone-cold seriousness how could it not? – so that once again he and the more precocious of the teens are unlikely partners in debauchery. They’re joining forces to ensure Lily’s full embracing of the lesson, Clara having already proved her aptitude in this peer-mentoring role. The callow youngster has such slutty potential, they both agree (or their shared glance mid-frigfest leads Jed to believe that they do), and there’ll never be another chance like this one to bring it out in her.

The gleefully filthy instigator of the lesson can sense the spike in Lily’s reaction. He’s had enough erotic encounters (of the kind broadly deemed appropriate) to know the signs. This girl is beyond any lingering traces of What’s happening to me? and has entered a realm of pure visceral experience, detached from the rest of her life and being. Her body is not her own right now – it’s in thrall to a stronger force than any her curious mind might have imagined prior to this night and this bed.

Jed nods to Clara, who’s peering at him, still immersed in her areola-nibbling, clit-teasing assignment. She’s nearly there, is his implied message. I know it, Clara might as well respond. It’s all there in her eyes. Let me help…

She bestows a final lick on Lily’s nipple and then crushes close, speaking directly into her friend’s ear – insistently and so low that Jed cannot hear her. What she’s saying he can only imagine. Lily’s hand removes from between her own thighs, leaving Clara’s still there and twice as busy, and attaches to the recently neglected breast, caressing and pinching.

Jed ploughs that wet canal, Clara whispering her secret encouragements, until finally Lily peaks and cums – her climax endless and sublime. It’s not as vociferous an orgasm as Clara’s, nor as physically outlandish, but it has a potency all its own, every inch of the girl racked with the spasms that ripple outward from her clenching cunt. Her cute tits are shivering, her jaw almost threatening to unhinge, as a high-pitched otherworldly moan issues from her exquisite young mouth.

The pretty bridesmaid who had so charmed all who met her at the church and the reception is unrecognisable now. Were those same guests able to see the sexually possessed slut who screams herself free of tension on these covers, gushing its most tangible manifestation all over Jed’s still-poking fingers, they’d have no damn clue it was the same girl. As he fucks his way all through her climax, the teacher wonders whether Lily’s parents are still searching for their daughter, and what they’d think if they could witness her current state. It’s an amusing thought.

‘That’s it,’ he says, slowing his pump-action as her body relaxes back onto the bed. ‘That’s the Lily we want to see.’

Clara lights up at the words, looking like she could kiss him. She likes this version of Lily too, that much is clear, along with the role she’s played in summoning it from wherever it’s been lurking. Jed sees with renewed clarity how invested this girl is not only in her own good time, but in precipitating her companion’s moral freefall too. What an amazing stroke of luck. Sliding hands free of his one-night-only students, he crawls up the bed and plants the desired kiss on Clara’s mouth, while Lily basks sweatily in her haze.

‘Come on,’ he urges the two of them. ‘Sit up.’ Clara eases Lily with her into sitting, the blonde girl beginning to refocus post-orgasm. She looks at her friend and at Jed in a kind of shamefaced awe at what she’s just experienced and how openly she expressed it. ‘Here,’ Jed says, pressing his stained fingers to both girls’ lips. ‘Suck on these. It’s literally the taste of excitement. Do it, Lily.’ Clara gobbles with her customary relish, staring at Jed as she savours. Lily scarcely needs the additional encouragement he’s supplied, slurping the proffered fingers dutifully into her mouth and sucking them free of her own flavour. There’s acceptance in her eyes when she looks at him, and unmistakable fascination.

‘Was that good?’ Jed coaxes once she’s done.

‘Yes,’ she says, her tone sheepish, but her eyes lingering on him. ‘It tastes good. I taste good.’ As she speaks, the Divinyls give way to Prince’s Cream on the Lusty mix. While its ambiguous lyrics might easily reference what’s boiling in Jed’s balls, they chime just as well with the slow trickle down both girls’ thighs and what Jed has so recently transferred from his fingers to their tongues.

‘Could have told you that myself,’ he says to Lily. Then he grins, suddenly and savagely, letting her guess at his thoughts. They’re nebulous in form but might best be expressed in the following terms: Time for a whole other tasting. This is about to get a different level of real, little schoolgirl. Your sweet mind has no idea…

‘Right,’ he says, straightening his body tall before them. ‘Get on your knees. Both of you.’

It’s a significantly more strident tone than he’s used up till now, one in tune with the fact that he’s done warming up his tutees and wants them to show him what they can do in return. Clara’s reaction is an ear-to-ear Oh goodie grin, Lily’s that of a student smartening up when a normally genial teacher turns strict. In both cases they scramble from the bed and get onto their knees fast. That simple action results in a striking new perspective for all.

Jed: A high-angle shot of two kneeling naked teenagers, one reminiscent of some particularly salacious Pornhub POV scene.

The Girls: Face to groin with a seducer whose cock is now bulging fit to punch free of its confines in a flurry of shredded fabric.

For Jed’s full Jekyll self, this moment would have overwhelmed, with its off-the-scale This Shit Doesn’t Happen factor. With his Hyde-side dominant, however, he can handle the beyond-delicious sight of those fresh, expectant faces staring up at him, along with all the glimpses of bared tits and thighs. It’s an awe-inducing situation for sure, but he’s got it under control, and he knows precisely where to go with it. The drugs still pumping through him don’t hurt either, in that regard.

For Lily and even Clara it’s a moment of reckoning with their horny stranger. They’ve primped, they’ve teased, and they’ve flirted. They’ve vied and then reconciled in pursuit of their goal, i.e. him. They’ve come to his room of their own volition – partaken of his dubious hospitality, danced with him, danced for him, tantalised his and their own and each other’s body, stripped and been stripped, in manners both sensual and reckless. Kissed him like lovers do and offered up their hot young bodies to the exploration of his hands. Lain down and pleasured themselves before him, only to be pleasured by him – his mouth and his hands and his dictates bringing them to hard, convulsing orgasm. Well, now they confront his still-clothed lower body and all that they’ve made it feel. They stare – these oh-so-different friends – at the pressing demands contained within Jed’s custom-made wedding trousers and confront one stark and immutable truth…

When you write Lust a cheque, you’d better be ready to cash it.

Jed fixes on those anticipating gazes and those wet, open mouths. What a perfect moment to free himself. He takes hold of his trouser fastenings and pauses. Better to be set free of course.

‘You do the honours,’ he tells the girls.

They set to it without hesitation, Lily just a fraction of a second behind Clara, as both take hold of his trousers’ waistband. Some frantic scrabbling is involved; Jed is acutely aware of those slender fingers, two pairs of them, scurrying around in proximity to his bulge. One girl serves more as facilitator, it’s true, while the other takes the more proactive role, but they’re yet they’re working as a team like never before this entire evening. Lily holds the band as Clara draws the hooks out of their clasps, then tugs the material firm at the waist, as her friend draws the zipper incrementally down over the internal force that’s been compressing it so very tightly. Already there’s a sense of crotch pressure easing, one that coincides with the widening eyes and heightening anticipation of the girls.

Both the pair grasp around Jed’s waistband either side of his loosened zipper, their fingers creeping inside the band of his shorts, the duo no doubt titillated by the hint of uniquely male flesh peering over the top. They tighten their grip and get proactive together – Lily chewing on her bottom lip, Clara wetting both of hers – and pull everything downwards, away from Jed’s hips and his upper thighs, not stopping until they have freed him in his entirety.

And by ‘him’ I’m referring euphemistically to his large and fully erect cock. His trousers and undershorts may still be crumpled around his knees, but Jed’s Hyde, in essence, is on full and proud display.

It’s impossible to oversell the thrill of such a moment in Jed’s mind – and not just here in this room before these girls, however sweet that feels. (And it really does feel fucking sweet.) The instant of erectile exposure has always been gratifying, deeply so, for this Quaker boy. For all the so-called Society of Friends’ noble aspects, it still promoted monogamy, the sanctity of marriage and a circumspect and reverent approach to sexual union. The things that so often lead to clumsy, clueless wedding nights and defeated erotic hopes. Imagine then Jed’s state of mind the first time he stripped off, laying himself bare before a wide-eyed, unmarried partner, saying in effect This is me – all of it, ALL me, and I’m damn well proud of every inch.

He’s relived that moment multiple times, albeit in situations his full self could justify in moral terms – and it’s never lost its lustre. The responses it typically provokes don’t allow that to happen, such gasps and verbal utterances branded hard on Jed’s sexual memory. Here are six stand-outs:

Ruthie (first proper girlfriend, i.e. one with whom he got fully naked): ‘Oh my God – I know this is a bit of a cliché, but it’s really big!’ (Admittedly she hadn’t chalked up many points of comparison, but still… it was welcome feedback.)

Erin (Aussie gap-year student in the UK and Jed’s first non-Brit sexual encounter): ‘Well hello, Big-Boy!’ (An encouraging confirmation of Ruthie’s initial assessment.)

Laurel (first long-term girlfriend, significantly less experienced than him at the start of their dating): ‘Wow. That’s… ehhh… going to take some fitting inside me.’ (Jed managed.)

Michelle (Los Angelino waitress who Jed kind of accidentally picked up while on holiday in the United States, and who sparked his ultimately fatal weakness for American girls): ‘Fuck veganism – looks like I just ordered salami!’ (Michelle’s smile on uttering those words is one of the sights he’s likely to recall on his deathbed.)

Irina (a Romanian classroom assistant with whom he worked at his first school, and with whom he had a brief but highly pleasurable fling): ‘God, you have such a gorgeous cock…’ (Literal, swooning in tone and with the bonus of a hot accent – think rolled ‘r’ in ‘gorgeous’ and lip-rounded ‘o’ transforming the body part in question to ‘coke’.)

Rebecca (the online provocatrice of this story, who has so recently served as the culmination of Jed’s fatal weakness for American girls): ‘Yummy’ (pronounced Yummm-meeeee and heard when he presented ‘himself’ via webcam).

Trish, his most recent ex, refrained from any ostentatious expressions of excitement on seeing him all for the first time; she wasn’t prone to dispensing easy flattery. She did, however, pronounce herself ‘obsessed’ with his cock during one of their more full-on night-time sessions, when her desire got the better of her, going so far as to describe his erect organ as ‘the best I’ve ever had’. He likes to think she remembers that first big reveal, whether or not she voiced her thoughts.

It’s always a great moment in the game – powerful, affecting, narcissistic even. It’s chiefly why Jed pushes himself to extra gym reps, why he so regularly changes up his cross-training regime. Whatever he tells himself re ‘healthy body, healthy mind’, it’s primarily so the rest of him will complement the part that matters most. He knows that in his heart. Forget mortifying the flesh like he was taught in Quaker meetings – this stripping damn well celebrates the flesh in all its glory, specifically his big flesh pillar.

And while it’s never less than special, this time – his cock standing tall and thick, and pumped as hard as diamond for these naked high school students, all awareness chemically heightened – this time is totally nailing the top spot. Pornhub references don’t cut it. When Jed looks back – and fuck, will his mind-cinema replay this footage endlessly – the Film teacher will envisage it in big-screen movie terms, more so since he can see it all unfolding in the mirror.

Scene breakdown…

Medium-close-up: his cock – viewed within the wider context of his hard physique – twanging free as clothing is wrenched clear of it, and swaying fully elevated, in this magnificent action shot.

Reaction two-shot, eye-level, medium close-up: Lily and Clara, faces contrasting at the cock reveal; Lily’s breath visibly catching, Clara lighting up with gleeful satisfaction.

Close-up: cock filling the frame from weighted balls to buoyant tip with all Jed’s veiny thickness in between.

Reaction single, close-up: Lily, situation’s full implications dawning, eyes and mouth betraying her renewed surprise.

Reaction single, close-up: Clara, grin expanding fit to split her face, delight and ravening hunger in her eyes.

Extreme close-up: the upper portion of his granite-sculpted cock – that looming dome, one single bead of pre-cum oozing from its slit and trickling down the shaft.

Extreme close-up: Lily’s eyes, pupils dilating.

Extreme close-up: Clara’s lips, parting stickily.

Low-angle, medium close-up, pov: staring way up past his levitating cock to his face as he gazes down, features livid with desire.

High-angle, medium close-up, pov: staring down on vulnerable teens with their nipples hard as arrowheads and their glistening wet mouths.

Hold that shot. Linger on their naked fuckability. Hold it – hold it – stretch that moment, until…


Jed and his slow-burn erotic drama explode into full, frantic action, the kind that just won’t stop until it’s done.


Published 3 years ago

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