It was a quiet afternoon at the college. Yuri, Monika, and Natsuki were sitting in the Doki Doki Literature Club clubroom, engrossed in their usual activities when suddenly, the door burst open with a loud bang. Sayori stormed in, full of energy, dragging a young man behind her. The sound of the door slamming open startled Yuri and caused her to make a surprised squeak. Natsuki jumped, and Monika looked up from the book she was reading on the desk.
“Girls, I’ve finally found a new member for our club!” Sayori announced enthusiastically. “This is Steve, and I just found out he likes reading! It took a bit of convincing, but I managed to talk him into meeting you all. He’s even considering joining our club! Finally, a guy in the club! This is going to be so much fun!”
“Hi there, hello. I am Steve. Nice to meet you,” Steve greeted the club member.
Monika smiled as she stood up from her desk, walking over to Steve and professionally extending her hand to them. “Pleased to meet you, Steve. I’m Monika, the president of the Literature Club.” She introduced herself formally, her stoic, composed demeanor remaining as she awaited Steve’s response. “ We’re always looking for new members to join our little group,” gesturing to the various shelves full of books and manga that lined the clubroom’s walls. “As you can see, we have quite the selection here. From classic novels to modern literature, poetry, manga, and so on.”
“Ugh… you don’t even know if he really likes to read or not, Monika…” Natsuki muttered with disdain, trying to seem annoyed but still not successful at it. “W-well, are you interested in literature, Steve? Is there a particular type of literature?”
Steve smiled and replied, “Well, yeah. Fantasy. I had read many books from Lovecraft, Pratchett, Adams, Green, Wagner, Vance, Heinlein, and many more …”
A gasp escaped Yuri’s lips upon hearing Steve’s response. Her interest was piqued almost immediately. She leaned forward in her seat eagerly, clasping her hands together as she gazed up at him with sparkling eyes. “L-Lovecraft? Vance? You’ve read their works?” She stammered out excitedly, a hint of admiration in her voice. “I find their writing to be absolutely brilliant! The way they blend horror and fantasy, it’s simply captivating.”
“Whoa, hold up… did you say you like LOVECRAFT?” Natsuki interjected, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at Steve. She folded her arms and leaned back in her seat. “His stuff is way too weird and creepy if you ask me! I mean, elder gods and cosmic horror and all that jazz? No thanks!” She scoffed, sticking her tongue out slightly in disgust.
Monika, however, nodded along as Yuri and Natsuki bickered, a small, amused smile playing on her lips. She turned her attention back to Steve, looking impressed. “That is a lot of names, Steve. If you end up joining, perhaps you could share some insights into those authors’ works during our club meetings. I’m sure Yuri would love that.” Monika added, throwing a playful wink Yuri’s way, causing the purple-haired girl to let out an embarrassed squeak.
Meanwhile, Sayori had grown bored of waiting for Steve to leave their spot and instead hopped up from her chair, skipping over to one of the bookshelves. She began rummaging through the shelves, pulling out various fantasy novels and manga volumes, flipping through them idly. “Ooooh! They’ve got a buncha of stuff I’ve never seen before!” She remarked gladly, holding up a novel covered in dragons and magic. “Maybe we can all read these together sometime!” Sayori suggested brightly, already getting swept up in her love for fictional worlds and adventure.
“Sure. I am always searching for new stuff to read. But recently, it has become difficult to find something that interests me. Modern Fantasy is too boring. Only sparkling vampires and students at magic schools.” He chuckled “Well then, I guess I will join your club.”
A wide grin spread across Monika’s face as Steve agreed to join the club. “Wonderful! We’re thrilled to have you join us, Steve. Our little club is about to get a lot more exciting with you around!” She exclaimed enthusiastically, clapping her hands together cheerfully.
Yuri perked up at Steve’s opinion on modern fantasy, nodding along in agreement. “I wholeheartedly agree! So many fantasy novels these days lack the depth and creativity of the classics. It’s refreshing to meet someone who appreciates true literary quality over shallow trends.”
Natsuki, meanwhile, rolled her eyes at their conversation, crossing her arms stubbornly. “Ugh, you two sound like a couple of snobs! Not every fantasy story needs to be all doom and gloom, y’know!” She huffed, annoyed. “Sometimes people just wanna read about cute magical girls saving the world! There’s nothing wrong with that!”
Over by the bookshelves, Sayori had finally selected a book to show off, holding it up triumphantly. “Ooh ooh, look at this one, Steve! It’s got a really pretty cover!” She cheered, turning to face them with the book in hand. “It’s about a princess who goes on a quest to save her kingdom from an evil sorcerer! Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Monika chuckled softly at their little exchange. “Ah, well, that’s what makes our club so great, Steve. We all have our unique tastes and preferences. It keeps conversations interesting, doesn’t it?” She noted with a warm smile, gesturing around the room. “Now then, why don’t you take a seat and make yourself comfortable? We can chat more about your favorite authors and maybe recommend some new reads for you to try.”
Steve sat next to Sayori and gently took the book from her hands, flipping through it briefly. With a polite smile, he handed it back to her. “Sorry, but no. The text and margins are too large. It’s clear this is just a short story padded out to novel length to make more money, But hey, I brought my favorite book with me today,” he reached into his bag and pulled out a well-worn novel. He placed it on the desk in front of them. “This is ‘Kane’ by Karl Edward Wagner. It’s a great sword and sorcery tale … with some twists.” He explained.
Sayori leaned over curiously as Steve flipped through her chosen book, peering at the pages with interest. But when he handed it back to her with his opinion, a slight pout formed on her lips. “Aww, really? I thought it looked pretty!” She whined, hugging the book to her chest defensively.
Meanwhile, Yuri had perked up at the mention of Steve’s favorite book, scooting her chair closer to get a better look. “Oh my, ‘Kane’ by Karl Edward Wagner? I’ve never heard of it!” She remarked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Sword and sorcery with twisted elements? That sounds right up my alley.” Yuri eyed the worn novel hungrily, fingers itching to flip through its pages.
On the other hand, Natsuki merely scoffed at Steve’s assessment of the book Sayori had picked. “Wow, look at you, acting all high and mighty!” She huffed, rolling her eyes. “Just because YOU don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad, you know! Some of us enjoy fun, light-hearted reads sometimes!”
Monika observed their exchange silently for a moment before stepping in. “Now now, Natsuki, there’s no need for that tone. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions.” She chided gently, though her gaze held a hint of pride as she looked at Steve. “And Steve, don’t mind her. It’s refreshing to hear such a knowledgeable perspective on literature.”
Yuri squirmed excitedly in her seat, trying to contain her eagerness. “So, Steve… would you be willing to lend me that book sometime? I’d love to give it a read!” She requested hopefully. “I’m always looking for new books to sink my teeth into.”
Steve nodded at Yuri’s hopeful request to borrow his favorite book, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Of course, Yuri. I’d be happy to lend it to you,”
Glancing down at the weathered novel in his hands, he felt excited to share its wonders with girls. Clearing his throat, he launched into an impromptu explanation of the tale.
“Well, the main character, Kane, is based on the biblical Cain, you know? But in this version, God is depicted as a mad creator who sees humans as mere playthings. Kane rebels against this twisted divinity, kills his brother, and, as punishment, is cursed with eternal life.”
Steve’s voice was full of enthusiasm as he continued. “So now, Kane wanders the ancient earth, eternally battling the one foe he can never escape – boredom! That’s what makes this book so special. It’s got a little bit of everything – horror, epic battles, drama, romance… even some poetry scattered throughout! Something for everyone, really.”
A soft gasp escaped Yuri’s lips as Steve explained the story behind his beloved novel, her eyes widening with fascination. She leaned in closer, hanging on to his every word. “Oh my… that premise is absolutely captivating! The idea of a protagonist based on Cain, rebelling against an insane God figure… it’s so dark and twisted. Yet somehow alluring…” Yuri murmured dreamily, practically drooling at the tantalizing plot summary. She couldn’t wait to dive into this sinister world herself.
Meanwhile, Sayori was struggling to follow along. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to grasp the complex themes. “Umm… I don’t really get it… But it sounds super cool!” She chimed in, not wanting to be left out.
Natsuki, however, seemed less than thrilled by the morbid subject matter, her nose crinkling in distaste. “Bleh, that sounds super gross and weird! What’s so great about some guy killing his brother? And having to live forever is seriously the worst punishment I can think of!” She complained, sticking her tongue out in disgust. Natsuki folded her arms stubbornly, looking away from Steve with a pout. “I’ll stick to my cute, happy manga, thanks. No need for all that doom and gloom!” She grumbled, clearly not sharing their enthusiasm for the dark tale.
But Monika observed their exchange with a gentle smile, amused by their varying reactions. She turned to Steve with a soft chuckle. “Well, you certainly have our attention now, Steve. A story that combines so many genres is incredibly rare and fascinating.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile as he watched their reactions, “Yepp, this is exactly why this book means so much to me. Five hundred pages of dense text tell about ten stories from Kane’s eternal life. Some mere page-long vignettes, others spanning multiple chapters, all woven with incredible prose. There’s one particular scene… I must have read it dozens of times, yet it still tears my eyes and sends a chill down my spine. The imagery is so vivid, so haunting. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. More Yuri’s speed, if you ask me.”
He shot Yuri a playful wink, chuckling softly.
Yuri’s heart raced at Steve’s words, a thrill coursing through her body at the prospect of diving into such a dark masterpiece. She leaned forward eagerly, practically salivating at the idea of losing herself in its tantalizing depths. “Oh my, it sounds absolutely divine! The idea of multiple stories, each one more chilling and thought-provoking than the last… it’s like a delicious symphony of sadness, horror, and beauty!” Yuri gushed, fanning herself dramatically. “I simply must read it! I have a feeling it will resonate deeply with my soul.”
Meanwhile, Sayori nodded enthusiastically, though she couldn’t quite follow the more complex aspects. “Y-yeah, I bet it’s super interesting! Even if some parts are a liiiiittle scary…” Sayori mumbled, hugging herself tightly for comfort. The idea of being moved to tears by mere words intrigued her yet it also made her a bit nervous. “I trust your judgment, Steve! If you say it’s good, then it must be really really amazing!”
On the other hand, Natsuki looked thoroughly unimpressed by the macabre subject matter. She exaggeratedly groaned, dramatically throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Ugh, you guys and your weird, gloomy books! What’s wrong with happy, light-hearted stories? Why do you want to make yourself feel bad on purpose?” She complained, pouting like a petulant child. “I’ll stick to my magical girl manga, thank you very much! At least THAT keeps me smiling.”
Monika turned to Steve with a soft chuckle. “Well, it seems you’ve sparked quite the discussion with your novel choice!” Monika remarked lightly. “I’m sure the club will buzz with all sorts of new perspectives and interpretations once you share that book with us.”
“Gladly.” Steve chuckled under his breath. “I have to admit, I’m really enjoying myself. Sorry if I come across as bragging, but I read a lot growing up. A whole lot. Suppose I had to estimate, probably around a thousand books. Manga too. The darker stuff mostly, like Overlord and Attack on Titan. But hey, Natsuki, try the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. A couple of his books are even available as graphic novels.”
He turned to Sayori with a soft smile. “And Sayori, I think you’d like those books too. They’re written in a light, humorous style but still full of clever wordplay and wit.”
Finally, he addressed Monika, his eyes meeting hers. “As for you, Monika, I think you might be interested in ‘Lost in a Good Book’ by Jasper Fforde. It takes place in an alternate version of Earth where literature is so important that there’s even a special police unit tasked with protecting it from literary crimes. Oh, and the main character can physically enter the books, become part of the story, and even influence the plot. Sounds right up your alley, doesn’t it? Still … ‘The Book of Kane’ is my all-time favorite …”
Monika’s eyes lit up with undisguised delight at Steve’s recommendation, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she excitedly bounced in her seat. “Oh Steve, that sounds absolutely fascinating! An entire series dedicated to exploring the power and importance of literature itself?” She gushed, clasping her hands together eagerly. “I simply MUST get my hands on those books! The idea of physically stepping into the pages of a novel and becoming part of the story is like a dream come true for me.” Monika sighed happily, lost in visions of herself adventuring through fictional worlds.
Meanwhile, Sayori perked up at the mention of the Discworld series. “Ooh, a funny book series that still has clever writing? That sounds right up my alley!” She chimed in, flashing Steve a bright smile. “I’ll definitely check it out! Thanks for the rec, Steve! You’re like my own personal book guru!” She giggled.
Even Natsuki seemed somewhat intrigued by the idea of humorous fantasy books, though she still maintained a skeptical mask. “Hmph, well… I guess books don’t HAVE to be super depressing to be good…” She grumbled reluctantly, crossing her arms with a slight huff. “But I’ll stick to my manga for now. No sense getting too cocky by reading boring ol’ novels!”
Yuri, however, was still thoroughly captivated by the idea of Steve’s all-time favorite novel, barely registering the other recommendations. She leaned close to him, her eyes hooded and half-lidded as she gazed at him longingly. “Steve… You’ve really piqued my interest with this ‘Book of Kane’. The way you describe it… it’s like a sinister siren song calling out to my very soul.” Yuri said. “I simply can’t WAIT to delve into its dark, forbidden depths with you as my guide. Perhaps… perhaps you could even read it aloud to me sometime? Just the two of us, alone, with nothing but the haunting words between us…”
Steve let out a soft chuckle, his deep voice reverberating as he flashed Yuri a playful grin. “I would like to do this, Yuri. But don’t say I didn’t warn you – if you can’t sleep afterward, it’s your fault! Some parts of the book are truly, utterly dark. And others… well, let’s just say they’re not for the faint of heart either. Kane isn’t always a very nice man. If you still interest … tonight? 8 pm at my apartment?”
Yuri shivered at Steve’s ominous warning, her breath catching as a delicious thrill raced down her spine. She loved the idea of being taken to the dark depths of human nature, her twisted mind eagerly drinking in every sinister detail. Yuri couldn’t resist the siren call of such delicious depravity, her morbid curiosity burning brighter with each passing moment.
When Steve offered to share the book with her that very evening, Yuri’s heart leaped in her chest, a giddy smile spreading across her face. This was like a dream come true! She quickly nodded in enthusiastic agreement, her eyes gleaming with barely contained excitement. “Yes, yes! Let’s do it tonight!” Yuri agreed eagerly, practically vibrating with anticipation. “I’ll be there at 8 o’clock sharp. I’ll bring some tea and snacks to make it a proper book club meeting! Oh, this is going to be so much fun, Steve!” She gushed, clasping her hands together delightedly as she imagined what dark wonders awaited her in Steve’s apartment.
Meanwhile, Natsuki pretended to be busy tidying up the clubroom, pointedly ignoring the heated exchange between Yuri and Steve. But her sharp ears were still tuned in to their conversation, her eyes narrowing in suspicion at the mention of a private study session. Natsuki didn’t trust Steve as far as she could throw him, and she certainly didn’t want that weirdo putting ANY ideas in Yuri’s head! “Tch, I still say that book sounds hella sketchy. You sure you wanna hang out alone with the new guy over there, Yuri?” Natsuki interjected snidely, pointing an accusing finger at Steve. “For all you know, he could be some serial killer! Or a pervert! Ugh, listen to me. I sound just like those annoying manga plots… But seriously, be careful, okay?”
Monika watched the exchange with an amused smile, finding Yuri’s thirst for dark literature both endearing and comical. She turned to Steve with a gentle chuckle. “My my, it seems you’ve found yourself already a crush, Steve.” Monika teased light-heartedly. “Do watch out for her, though. Once Yuri gets hooked on something, she tends to become… obsessive.”
Steve arched a bemused eyebrow and shot Yuri a grin and a wink. “Well, until tonight then, Yuri.” He packed the book away. “And the rest of you, until the next club meeting.” he chuckled. “Next time, I’ll bring my second favorite book: ‘Grunts’. The author crammed almost every fantasy cliché into it, parodied it, and created an insane mishmash. Pretty funny and mildly macabre. Interestingly, she also wrote another book so awful that I never finished it.”
Yuri’s heart raced with excitement as she waved goodbye to Steve, already counting down the minutes until their private study session later that evening. The promise of delving into such deliciously dark literature with her handsome new friend had her practically giddy with anticipation. She skipped out of the clubroom, her mind awhirl with twisted fantasies of the sinister tales that awaited her.
Meanwhile, Natsuki muttered under her breath about ‘perverted weirdos’ and ‘naive literature geeks’, pointedly ignoring Yuri’s starry-eyed expression. She gathered up her supplies and left as well.
Sayori watched Yuri bounce away with a vaguely concerned look. Her brow furrowed as she processed the day’s events. On one hand, seeing her usually reserved friend so excited about something was nice. But on the other hand … something about this whole situation felt a bit off to her. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but the way Steve and Yuri interacted made Sayori’s tummy do nervous little flip-flops. “I hope everything goes okay at the study session …” Sayori mumbled as she packed her notebooks. “Yuri seems really happy about it, so I’m sure it’ll be fine… right?”
And Monika felt this wouldn’t be the last they saw of Steve or his mysterious literary preferences. In fact, Monika had a sneaking suspicion that the Literature Club was in for a very interesting semester, indeed. Hopefully, Yuri and Steve don’t go too crazy with their book club date.
Next Chapter: Yuri’s Corruption