On a frigid early October Saturday, Gwen Kirkpatrick sat at a table in a tiny cafe, looking bored while sipping her chai tea. She’d finished half of her five-mile run with Paul, a guy who sat next to her in their first-year biology class. He seemed like a nice guy in class, offering to help when Gwen had questions. He wasn’t pushy, so she accepted when he invited her to run. Now, she was regretting it. They’d run the two-and-a-half miles from the dorms to the little coffee shop downtown; he bought her tea but was now off with his buddies talking football while she sat alone, bored.
To pass the time, she watched the various people in the little shop, wondering what they’d been up to or where they were going on such a brisk morning. That didn’t last very long, and soon, she debated whether to leave Paul to his friends. When they started out, Gwen didn’t realize he would stop in there and abandon her. If she’d known, she would have turned around and finished her run or not run with him in the first place. So much for being a nice guy. He’d said it was a bathroom break, but one thing led to another.
Gwen had dressed in her cold weather running attire, long spandex pants, which fit tight and kept her warm, a long-sleeve race shirt over her jog top, gloves, and a knit watch cap. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail partially draped over her shoulder in front of her. The sweat that had beaded on her forehead during the run was long gone, and she was getting a bit too warm dressed as she was in the tiny shop.
She was about to get up, her tea half-finished, and run back to the dorm without speaking to Paul. Then, out of the blue, one of the baristas placed a frosted cupcake with a cherry on top in front of her.
She looked up in surprise. “I didn’t order that!”
“I know, the lady at the cash register did,” as she pointed to the counter.
Gwen peeked around the young woman, noticing a tall, svelte, redheaded woman in spandex, long sleeves, running shoes, and a scrunchie around her ponytail. She was putting her wallet back into her fanny pack and talking to the cashier. The woman picked up a ‘to go’ cup, turned, and smiled at Gwen as she slowly walked over to greet the young woman.
Gwen blushed, smiling as the woman approached.
The woman asked, “May I?” as she pointed to the seat across from Gwen.
Gwen replied, “Of course, please do, Ms. Montgomery. Thanks for the cupcake. It’s cute.”
Patti Montgomery smiled, then replied, “Oh good, I was hoping you’d like it. I’ve heard they taste good, too.” Patti grinned, placing her hand softly on top of Gwen’s, then slowly removed it before sitting at the table.
Gwen blushed shyly, looking away for a brief moment. The touch of the older woman felt soft and comforting.
Patti asked, “You look like you’ve been running or just out for a brisk walk?”
Gwen sighed as she replied, “Running. Paul, that guy in the blue shirt, asked me to run with him this morning. He’s in my biology class. I don’t know if it was like a first date or what. But, now he’s talking with his buddies and seems to have forgotten all about me. He said it was just a bathroom break. That was twenty minutes ago.”
Patti said, “Oh, boys, do that. I call it the ‘testosterone vortex’. Especially here, the newer guys get sucked in to be part of the crowd. New year, new friends to meet and hang with. Guys like to bond over sports, I’ve noticed. I’m in the middle of a six-miler myself. I needed something warm inside me, so I thought I’d get some tea before returning home.”
Gwen asked, “You don’t live too far away then? I don’t want to go back to the dorm right away. It feels like a prison on Saturdays. Most everyone leaves to go home or out someplace. I study and do laundry after my runs. I was going to do three more miles as I headed back.”
Patti replied, “I live near the school, and it’s not too far from here. Pretty close to three miles. Oh, that’s right, you ran track in high school and swam, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Ms. Montgomery. I’m not good enough for a scholarship here, but I plan on trying out anyway. You never know.” Gwen mentioned, a bit unsure of herself.
Patti placed her hand back on Gwen’s. “Please, call me Patti. I know they need some girls on the swim team this year. Quite a few graduated and they haven’t been recruiting due to the coach’s family issues. You definitely should give it a shot.”
Gwen’s eyes lit up. “Really? Do you think so? Maybe I will, and thank you, Ms. Patti.”
Patti smiled, slowly pulling her hand back, enjoying the brief touch and how Gwen said her name.
Patti responded, “Just Patti, Gwen, I’m not that formal off-campus. Were you going to wait for Paul? You looked so bored I had to come over and see what you were up to.”
She looked over at him, sighing. “I don’t know. He seems to be enjoying himself. I doubt he’d notice me leaving.”
Paul was engaged in a heated discussion with another guy. Completely unaware that Gwen was still in the cafe. His arms were flailing, trying to make a point.
Patti suggested, “Well, I could run back with you unless you wanted to run alone.”
Gwen paused, then said, “But, my cupcake.”
Patti said, “Eat it here, or we could get a ‘to go’ box. It might fit in my fanny pack.”
Gwen told her. “Then the frosting would get all smushed. I’ll eat it here, then tell Paul I’m heading back to study. Would you like the cherry? I’m not that fond of Maraschino cherries, to be honest.”
Patti smiled, “I’d love your cherry, thank you,”
Patti reached over and plucked it from the tiny cupcake. She popped the entire thing in her mouth as Gwen watched with a perplexed stare. Patti’s cheeks moved in and out like a chipmunk full of nuts and seeds. Within a few moments, she pulled the stem out, and it was tied in a knot. Then, she placed it on the napkin next to the sweet treat, watching Gwen’s reaction as she did.
Gwen’s eyes widened, looking at the stem. “How did you do that?”
The older woman grinned. “It’s an old party trick I learned in college. I have a very versatile tongue.”
Gwen shook her head in disbelief, giggling as she did. Her blonde ponytail swishing back and forth.
Gwen exclaimed, “That’s amazing. A party trick, huh?”
Patti laughed and explained, “I used to get quite a few free drinks doing that. It takes practice.”
Gwen replied, “I’m not a party girl. I just don’t care for those cherries. I don’t think I could ever do that. That is amazing, though.”
Gwen scooped up her cupcake, peeling the wrapper off. Taking a bite, her eyes rolled back in her head. Patti heard a delightful moan as Gwen chewed and then swallowed.
Her eyes lit up as she looked at Patti. “Oh my god, that’s so yummy.”
Patti smiled as she watched the young woman devour the treat. Patti noticed a couple of crumbs at the edge of Gwen’s lips when she’d finished. She gently reached over, wiped them off, and then slipped the tiny morsels into her own mouth.
Gwen’s expression changed to regret. “I’m sorry, I should have offered you some. But it did taste so good. Thank you.”
Patti replied, “My pleasure, Gwen. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Did you want to run back with me? I’m getting a bit overheated in here. We could walk, finish our drinks, and run the rest of the way.”
Gwen said, “I’m pretty close to being finished with mine. We could walk until you finish yours, then run if you want. I’m a little toasty, too. I guess I’ll be polite and tell Paul we’re leaving.”
“Of course, take your time,” Patti smiled.
Gwen got up, tossed her cup and the cupcake wrapper in the trash, and then informed Paul that she was leaving. His face showed a bit of disappointment until one of his friends mentioned a tailgate party, and then he bid goodbye to Gwen. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to meet Patti waiting outside the door. The older woman smiled as Gwen approached her.
Patti sighed, “He didn’t seem to care?”
“No, too caught up in his sports ball thing,” Gwen mentioned, a tad peeved.
Patti consoled her, “Gwen, you’ll find that relationships here at school come and go. Don’t overthink it. Okay?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Gwen replied, sighing as she did.
Patti grinned, a tingle pulsating between her legs, “What pace do you normally run, Gwen? I don’t want to slow you down. I can easily do eight-thirty.”
Gwen’s eyes lit up when she replied, “Oh, eight-thirty is fine. It will give us a chance to talk while we run.”
Patti smiled, “Sure, I don’t get the chance to talk with my students too much out of my office. I want to know how you’re adjusting to life on campus and away from home.”
They both started their sports watches and then put on their gloves. A bit of stretching as Patti glanced at Gwen, admiring the view. The young woman stretched, loosening up her joints that had become slightly stiff while she sat in the coffee shop. Then, she turned to see Patti smiling at her. It was infectious, and she smiled back.
Patti asked, “Ready, Gwen?”
Gwen replied, “Yes, ma’am,” Her reply caused another delightful pulsation between Patti’s legs.
They went a bit slow initially, gradually getting to their eight-thirty pace.
As they ran Gwen asked, “Ms. Patti, um, Patti. How did you recognize me in the coffee shop? We’ve only talked like once.”
Patti laughed, “It’s my job, Gwen. I get about a fifth of the students each Fall in the department to keep an eye on and help keep them on track. As each class goes further into their education here, I lose and gain some. Recognizing you wasn’t all that difficult. Not too many architecture majors run or swim. Most are bookworms or artists. Very few are as pretty as you are or in great shape, Gwen.”
Gwen blushed, looking away as they continued, “Thank you for the compliment, Patti. As far as school goes, I think I’m doing okay. I’ve gotten all my papers in on time, and I’m slowly making friends. Well, maybe not so much with Paul. But, other than that, I’m doing okay.”
Patti smiled, “I’m glad to hear that. As I told you in our interview, my door is always open; you can call me at home if necessary. I’m here for my students and take that very seriously.”
Gwen blushed with the compliment, “I’ll remember that, Patti. I like this school so far.”
They discussed school, running, swimming, and houses they passed as they ran. Patti would look ahead to spot obstacles in their path, warning Gwen about rocks, toys, uneven sidewalks, and the occasional dog dropping. She made it all a game, which elicited giggles from Gwen. That made Patti smile. Patti, unbeknownst to Gwen, led her slowly toward her own house on their way to Gwen’s dorm. When they got within a couple of blocks, Patti casually mentioned it.
Gwen responded, “Oh, I’d love to see it!”
Patti told her, “We’ll run right by it. It’s just over one block.”
They turned the corner, heading down another tree-lined street. Victorian homes lined each side, most painted in colors of the era. Well-manicured lawns, stately trees, and fallen leaves made the entire block seem like it was out of an old fifties movie. When they got close, Patti pointed out her house as she ran by. Gwen stopped in front of it, letting Patti go on ahead briefly. She was in awe. Standing in front, she looked it over, her eyes wide.
Patti stopped, noticing that Gwen was no longer at her side. She turned to see the young woman taking in the view. Stopping her sports watch, she smiled, walking back to join her, enjoying a different view of the young woman.
Gwen exclaimed, “This is amazing, Patti. I love it!”
Patti responded, “Thank you. This is a historic neighborhood. I inherited it.”
“Do you have period furniture inside?” Gwen asked, her breath forming tiny puffs of fog.
“A few pieces, it’s required to have some to maintain the historical status. Mostly downstairs. We can go in if you want. I’m getting a bit chilly just standing here, sweetie.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Yes! I’d love to see inside!”
“My pleasure. Are you going to stop your watch?” Patti grinned, reaching for her fanny pack to get the door key after removing her gloves.
“Oh, yes, thanks for reminding me. That would have screwed up my stats,” Gwen giggled.
Removing her gloves and stopping her watch, Gwen followed the older woman up the steps, marveling at the detail of the huge old house. Patti opened the door, ushering Gwen inside, her palm gently pressing Gwen’s tight rear end as she let the girl in ahead of her.
Patti bit her lower lip in reaction to the touch of the spandex on the girl’s firm posterior. Muffling a sigh, she waited until Gwen was inside to close the door behind them.
“No shoes, please. There’s a cubby with slippers over there. Would you like something to drink, Gwen? I’m going to mix a smoothie for myself.” Patti offered.
“Oh, thank you. Would you mind if I used the little girls’ room first?” Gwen blushed, looking around at the period décor.
“Not at all. It’s down the hall on the left.” Patti pointed before walking to the kitchen.
They changed into slippers, and Patti watched Gwen make a beeline for the bathroom. She was grinning to herself, thinking that tea must have kicked in. Patti placed all the ingredients in the blender in the kitchen and then gave it a quick whirl. She retrieved a pair of glasses and waited for Gwen to return before pouring.
Patti had followed all the guidelines in decorating and furnishing the lower level of the house. Gwen was amazed as she slowly meandered to the kitchen, checking out all the old pictures, lace-covered tables, antiques, and knick-knacks.
Her face showed excitement as she entered Patti’s kitchen, “I love this place, Patti! You live here all by yourself?”
“I do most of the time. Help yourself to a smoothie. I hope you’re not allergic to any fruits.”
Gwen grabbed a glass, filling it halfway. “No, I’m not. This smells yummy. What’s in it?”
Patti smiled, “I mix an assortment of berries, fruits from the garden, and things from the farmers market that I’ve frozen. How do you like it?”
Gwen giggled, “A cold drink on a cold day isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but this is delicious.”
Patti laughed, “I have coffee and tea if you prefer.”
“I’m fine, thank you. I think I’ve had enough tea for one day,” she sipped, enjoying the drink.
“As far as living alone here. I let students stay here, mostly sophomores in the architecture program. They usually have some financial or academic issues that would otherwise mean they couldn’t continue in the program. It’s all determined by the department board. The student must also be female,” Patti stated, then sipped, waiting for further questions.
“I’d love to live here. But, right now, I don’t think I meet the criteria, being a freshman. Plus, I’m not having any problems,” she sighed.
Patti replied, “You can always come to visit. Many of the students draw or get ideas for projects and designs. Other homes around here also grant students access. Living here would mean you’re having problems, and I would never wish that on anyone.”
Gwen said, “Oh, I know. It just feels so warm and cozy here. Comfortable, you know what I mean?”
Patti smiled, “I’m glad you think so. I have the same feeling about it. I picked out the furniture to reflect that also. When a student comes to live here, I want them to feel comfortable so they can get back on track regardless of why they’re here.”
Patti finished her smoothie and then placed the empty glass in the sink.
Gwen finished her drink and placed it in the sink next to Patti’s, “Would I be imposing if I asked to look upstairs?”
“Of course not. Come this way, young lady,” Patti took Gwen’s hand in hers.
Gwen’s hand felt very comfortable in Patti’s. It was all she could do to refrain from showing how lovely it felt to her young companion. Patti led Gwen out of the kitchen, through the living room, then up the ornate staircase. Gwen looked around as Patti released her hand to let her take her time looking at all the pictures lining the wall along the stairs. Gwen noticed the woman’s hand felt unusually lovely in her own, and for some odd reason, her heart started beating as if she were still running. Gwen quickly shook it off, thinking the stairs were the reason for the sudden increase. She briefly thought she’d have to get back into a routine with her cardio.
When they reached the top of the stairs, Patti looked down at her as Gwen continued gazing at the many pictures. Patti waited patiently, watching the smile on the young woman’s face as she studied each black-and-white portrait. Once Gwen reached the top of the stairs, Patti pointed out the student rooms for her. The two smaller rooms were sparse yet tastefully furnished, perfect for studying and sleeping. The guest bath was just as neat as the two bedrooms, with a double sink for convenience.
When Patti escorted Gwen to the main bedroom, Gwen was again enthralled as she peeked in. The bed was a king-sized canopy frame. Each one of the poles featured a fancy carved design with scrollwork on the footboard and headboard. Patti had decorated the rest of the room with furniture in a chunky gold-colored style, matching the period pieces on the first floor. The walls were papered in period wallpaper with wainscoting just below the ceiling. The dresser and dressing table all matched the room décor. It was like the entire room was from an antique catalog.
Gwen stood for a brief moment taking it all in. When she entered the room, Gwen looked back at Patti with a massive smile. Patti was leaning against the door jam watching Gwen’s reaction. She smiled back and then joined the young woman.
Gwen continued looking over the room, then turned to face Patti about halfway into the room, “I love it, Patti! My parents’ house was nice, but this is, oh my, just out of this world!”
Gwen walked over to the bed, placed her hand on it, and pushed down, “I could melt in this. I’d feel like a princess,” she beamed.
Patti held back, not wanting to scare Gwen, “If you weren’t all sweaty, I’d let you lay down on it.”
She giggled, “Oh, I understand. I bet it’s so snuggly this time of year.”
“Oh, it can be,” Patti replied, a sly grin on her face.
Gwen continued walking around the room, marveling at how it matched the rest of the house.
She grinned, “I’d almost get into trouble just to live here, Patti.”
Patti laughed, “Oh, no, you don’t! Not until you’re at least a sophomore, young lady!”
Gwen giggled again, “Yes, ma’am, I’ll be a good girl. I promise.”
Her reply sent shivers throughout Patti’s body and another warm feeling between her legs.
Patti replied, “As I said, you can always come to visit, Gwen. Study, draw, or whatever. Just let me know in case I have plans.”
Gwen grinned, then said, “That would be nice, Patti. I’m a fairly decent cook, too. I could make dinner for you sometime if that’s alright.”
Patti beamed, “I’d love that! But I’ll buy the groceries. From experience, I know students don’t have much disposable income. I haven’t heard from the department regarding any girls living here yet. It can get quite hectic around here when the house is full. I’m glad you like it all, Gwen. It’s nice to see that enthusiasm.”
Gwen smiled, “Well, you’re right about the income thing. Thank you. This has been such a treat, but I better get out of your hair. It’s been nice, Patti. I appreciate you letting me see the house.”
Patti remarked, “It’s been a pleasure, Gwen. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I could tell by your reactions you were smitten with it. Remember, you’re welcome anytime.”
Gwen said, “Thank you for rescuing me today, Patti. Touring your house has been the highlight of my school year so far.”
Patti replied with a smile, “Aww, I’m glad, and you’re very welcome. Let me walk you out, sweetie.”
They stepped back into the hallway; Patti escorted her down the stairs, having a little light chat. When they reached the ornate oak door, Gwen replaced the slippers with her running shoes as Patti watched again. Then Gwen thanked her hostess once more as they said their goodbyes. Patti smiled as Gwen walked down the steps, put her gloves back on, and restarted her watch. She was impressed at how polite Gwen was and impressed with how sweet and shy she seemed.
Patti hoped Gwen would follow up on her making dinner offer soon. Patti never actively pursued the girls she seduced but preferred them, slowly falling into a sweet trap she’d designed for each of them. None of them had ever complained or voiced displeasure with the outcomes. Some had even returned with their lover to show off to Patti.
Patti slowly closed the front door, locked it, and then went upstairs to change and shower. It was going to be a very lovely shower, too. She undressed, imagining Gwen with her, slowly helping remove her sweaty running outfit. She pictured Gwen’s eyes widening as her breasts were gradually exposed. Then, she pictured herself helping her sweet student slowly undress, imagining her lithe body naked before her.
Patti smiled to herself as she stepped into the shower, turning on the water. As she waited for the water to come to temperature, her hand moved between her legs, slowly rubbing, thinking of Gwen. When pati entered the shower, she reached for the shower massager handle, switching the flow to pulsate. Lowering it, she focused the warm stream between her legs, then leaned back against the shower wall. Picturing Gwen on her knees in front of her. Gwen’s angelic face was looking up at her between licking and sucking on Patti’s vagina as Patti brought herself to a lovely climax.
Patti pretended the young woman was enamored with her as she managed to give herself two orgasms before the water turned cool. Grinning as she quickly finished up, Patti quickly soaped herself and rinsed off before the water got too cold. She gave herself a couple of orgasms later that night as she plotted Gwen’s seduction. It had been a very promising day.
Gwen smiled as she ran back to the dorm that last mile and a half. She thought Patti’s house was spectacular, and she’d make a note to call during the next week or so to see if she could make dinner for the older woman. She thought Patti was charming, too, inviting her in and showing her around the old mansion. She seemed less business-like than she was at their initial meeting, going over Gwen’s schedule for her first year. Gwen could see herself spending a lot of time in that neighborhood, strolling and gazing at the other houses with their magnificent architecture. She wondered if she could use Patti’s house as a base from which to operate. Patti didn’t seem to mind; she was nice to talk with and seemed to like her.
The pleasant thoughts continued until she reached her dorm. That’s when Gwen noticed Paul standing near the entrance with a pitiful look on his face. He started apologizing as she approached, but Gwen hurried past him, telling him not to worry. She’d see him in class on Tuesday. He pouted, telling her to ‘take care’ and then wandered off.
Sunday, Gwen decided to walk around Patti’s neighborhood with her camera. It was still frigid out, so again, she dressed in layers. Strolling, Gwen looked at the various houses, taking pictures from different angles. When she returned to the dorm, she’d planned to look up the various architectural styles and nuances. She’d been taking pictures for about half an hour and was across the street from Patti’s house going over her last few shots when Patti walked outside. She’d been looking out her front window at the large oak trees, wondering when they’d finish dumping their leaves when she noticed the lovely blonde hair and long legs of a young woman taking pictures.
Patti thought she looked familiar, and then it occurred to her it must be Gwen. She put on her coat, scarf, and wool cap, donned her knee-length winter boots, and then headed out to say hello.
Gwen was busy taking pictures again, and Patti didn’t want to scare her, so she waited at the curb until Gwen had finished.
Patti quietly asked, “Gwen?”
Gwen turned and giggled, “Hi, Patti! I couldn’t resist coming back and taking pictures.”
Patti approached the young woman, “It’s fine. I was looking at the oaks, wondering when the leaves would finish dropping, and thought I recognized you.”
Gwen replied, “I love this street. I’ve taken over a hundred pictures, and I’m only halfway down one side.”
Patti smiled, “Take your time, sweetie. If you get cold, come over, and I’ll fix something to warm you up. I just wanted to say hello.”
Gwen blushed. “Thank you, Patti. That’s nice of you. I think I’ll go to the end of the block and then stop by.”
Patti replied, “You’re welcome. Would you like tea or cocoa? I have coffee too if you want or maybe some soup. It’s getting close to lunch.”
Gwen, responded, “Tea is fine. I don’t want you going to any trouble for me, Patti.”
Patti smiled. “It’s no trouble at all. I have to eat too, you know. I’ll warm some water to make tea, and we can talk about lunch when you stop by. See you in a few.”
Gwen thanked Patti once more, and as the older woman turned, Gwen returned to taking pictures.
Patti headed back to her place, removing her outer clothing, and then straight to the kitchen to heat the water for tea. Patti put the burner on low, not knowing when Gwen would return. She hoped Gwen would stay for lunch so they could chat more. About twenty minutes later, Patti heard a soft knock on the front door. She smiled, headed to the door to open it, and welcomed Gwen inside.
Gwen stepped inside, remembering to remove her shoes. Smiling at her host, she greeted her again, “Thank you for inviting me over, Patti. It was getting a bit cooler out there. I hope I’m not imposing.”
Patti returned the smile, reaching out to take Gwen’s coat after she’d changed shoes. “You’re welcome, Gwen. It’s not good to shiver and try to focus a camera. You’re always welcome here. I have an assortment of teas, and the water is almost boiling.”
Gwen thought momentarily as Patti hung up her coat. “I’ll have whatever you’re having, Patti.”
Patti replied, “I have all the usual flavors, but I just got some Masala Chai. I was going to have some. I think you’ll love it, sweetie. It’s very fragrant, a little spiced, a bit astringent, and has a strong flavor. Oh, sorry, I mean Gwen. I slip now and then. I hope you’ll excuse me when I do.”
Gwen giggled. “It’s fine, Patti. I don’t mind being called ‘sweetie.’ The tea sounds different. Can I sip before you pour a whole cup for me?”
Patti smiled and replied, “You can taste mine, then decide. How’s that?”
Gwen smiled as she followed Patti into the kitchen, talking as they walked. “I don’t have any diseases. You’ll be safe, Patti.”
Patti laughed. “I wasn’t worried about getting diseases, sweetie. Yes, a small taste is a good idea. I think you’ll enjoy it, and then I’ll pour a whole cup for me if you do.”
Patti turned the burner on to reheat the water, then got the cups and the Chai tea ready. Gwen sat at the kitchen table, watching Patti and looking around. She had her camera out and began looking at the pictures she’d taken. Patti joined her, looking over Gwen’s shoulder as she thumbed through her work.
Patti commented about a detail in a picture now and then as Gwen cycled through the various photographs she’d taken. Intermittently, Patti would place her hand on Gwen’s to stop her so she could get a closer look. The touches happened frequently and lingered as they gazed at the various pictures.
Gwen didn’t mind Patti pausing the little slide show. She enjoyed listening to Patti talk about the various houses and some of their history. The older woman didn’t talk down to her like some of her professors or other adults she knew. She felt comfortable being with Patti, who would randomly ask for a more magnified view, complimenting Gwen on her photographic skills. She recognized most of the houses despite the pictures being of an arch or part of a gable. Patti commented that she’d helped most of her neighbors when they wanted to repair something or had questions about period furniture. She knew quite a few artisans and, of course, the architecture professors at the university who did repairs on the side.
When the tea kettle whistled, Patti asked Gwen to pause the show. She was enjoying the pictures and hated to break away, but it couldn’t be avoided. Gwen didn’t mind as she turned her camera off and followed Patti to help with the tea. She decided this might be a good opportunity to talk to Patti and ask her when it would be convenient to make dinner and what foods she liked.
Patti poured a single cup and handed it to Gwen. It was a bit too hot, so Gwen briefly savored the aroma of the steam as it rose and gently blew on it to help cool it down. She commented on how lovely it smelled and then, after a minute or so, took a sip. She closed her eyes and let the tea flow over her taste buds before asking Patti to please pour her a cup. Patti suggested Gwen keep the one she had as she poured a second for herself.
They sat down at the table close together again so Patti could see the remainder of Gwen’s photos as they sipped. Patti commented on some of the neighbors and what they’d gone through to restore or renovate their houses. It took them about an hour to go through all of Gwen’s pictures, pausing to talk and drink their tea. When they finished, Gwen thanked Patti and asked when she could come over and make dinner for her. Patti told her weekends were best, and she didn’t have any food allergies. Gwen told Patti she’d think of something not too extravagant to make, and she’d let her know. They placed their tea cups in the sink, and then Gwen left to continue taking pictures.
After Gwen left, Patti watched from inside her house as Gwen continued taking photographs while walking back to campus. Patti was smitten with her, smiling as she imagined the young blonde in her bed snuggled close. It would take time, but Patti was no stranger to seduction. She just needed to spend more time with Gwen and get to know her better.
Gwen was feeling excited as she returned to her picture taking walk. The time spent with Patti was educational and fun, learning about the houses in the neighborhood. Patti seemed to take a real interest in her, helping her more than a guidance counselor would if she were attending a larger university. She congratulated herself for making that choice instead of listening to her parents and attending either of their alma maters.
Back in her dorm room, Gwen downloaded the pictures onto her laptop to edit later, then started her weekend routine of laundry and cleaning her room. She pondered what to cook for Patti to thank her. She wanted something to impress her new friend, but nothing elaborate. Patti seemed to have more of a healthier taste for food and drink, so Gwen went online to search. Since it was almost Winter, her fresh vegetable choice was limited. When she stumbled upon a recipe for Butternut Squash steaks with brown butter–sage sauce, she smiled and downloaded the recipe. After reading it, Gwen texted Patti to check if it was alright with her and to set a date. Patti replied about an hour later with ‘Yum,’ and they set a date for their dinner. Gwen then texted the recipe to Patti so she could purchase the ingredients. It wasn’t that expensive, and Gwen offered to buy again, but Patti insisted, so Gwen sent a couple of heart emojis and thanked her.
Their dinner date was set for Halloween night. Patti had suggested it because the neighborhood comes alive with trick-or-treaters, and Patti dressed up in a period costume. Gwen had misgivings until Patti offered to let her wear some period clothes she had recently purchased for the house tours that were required each year. She normally laid them out for people to look at, but they were fine to wear handing out candy. Patti suggested Gwen stop by and look at the dress to see if she liked it. If she liked it, she could try it on to be sure of the fit. If Gwen didn’t like it or it didn’t fit, they could just have dinner and forgo trick-or-treat or just hand out candy in their regular clothes. Gwen told her new friend she’d stop by and look at it. When Patti told her the dress was a replica of Rose’s dinner dress from the movie ‘Titanic,’ that piqued Gwen’s interest.
Gwen managed to stop by Patti’s house a few days before Halloween. She’d been running and texted Patti to be sure she was home. Patti was free and told Gwen to come over and that she’d get the dress out for her. When Gwen arrived, Patti greeted her with a hug and invited her in. The dress was laid out in the library, and when Gwen saw it, she was speechless. Patti smiled as Gwen picked up the garment and held it in front of her. She turned and asked Patti, “I love it! Do you think it will fit me?”
Patti looked her over and said, “I think it will. It might be a little tight. It’s a size seven. I just ordered that size because it was on sale. Would you like to try it on?”
Gwen’s eyes lit up as she replied, “I can wear a seven, but I’d love to try it on. I’m not sweaty or anything. Is that okay, Patti? I’d hate to ruin it.”
Patti replied, “It’s fine. I doubt you’d ruin it. It’s your choice. I’ll leave and let you slip into it, then call me when you’re ready, or you can go upstairs to try it on, sweetie.”
Gwen thought momentarily, then said, “Well, here is fine. I may need you to zip me up if that’s okay.”
Patti grinned, then said, “I’ll be just outside the door.”
Patti left Gwen and closed the pocket door behind her. She patiently waited for Gwen to call her name when she was ready to model for her. When Gwen did call, Patti opened the door. Her eyes focused on the young woman, who was standing in the dress barefoot, smiling. Her long blonde hair was still in its ponytail as she began slowly twisting side to side, showing off the dress.
Patti’s heart began racing as she approached Gwen and told her, “Oh my god, sweetie. You look amazing. It fits you perfectly.”
Gwen blushed as she replied, “Thank you, Patti. I love it! It feels very nice, and it’s not too tight. Would you mind zipping the back for me? I think it’s more form-fitting, I guess. It’s like you knew my size and ordered it special for me. But do you really think I should be handing out candy in it?”
Patti grinned, “Silly, I ordered it six months ago. But it does look perfect on you, sweetie. Of course, I’ll zip you up. Turn around. You know, Kate Winslet would be jealous, but it’s up to you if you want to wear it. What could happen? We’re just handing out candy. Plus, it’s after dinner, so nothing could ruin it. I’ll be dressed up too, so yes, wear it. I have accessories to go with it, too. We can even do our hair up if you want.”
Gwen turned so her back was facing Patti. Patti felt that delicious, warm feeling between her legs as she moved to zip Gwen up. Gwen reached behind herself to lift her hair up and allow Patti to zip up the dress to double check the fit. Patti was tempted to do more than zip, but she refrained from anything too touchy-feely. However, before zipping the dress, she gave Gwen an ever so brief massage.
Patti remarked as she firmly massaged the girl’s neck and shoulders with her thumbs, “Gwen, you look a little tense. Is everything alright with schoolwork? Social life? Boys? Girls? You know you can talk with me about it.”
Gwen shivered from Patti’s unexpected but lovely touch and then replied, “It’s just the usual things. Studying in the dorm isn’t the best environment. No boys or girls, I don’t have the time to date. I can barely socialize. I do have a couple of tests this week. It’s normal, right? To be stressed? But that does feel so good, Patti.”
Gwen giggled, then continued, “You’re sort of like my Aunt Jen. I can tell her anything. She’s good at keeping secrets.”
Patti released Gwen’s shoulders, then started zipping up the dress and said, “Well, I have a massage table in the basement from taking a few classes. When you feel like it, you’re welcome to help me drag it out and set it up. I got it when I was looking for a second job. But that’s a story for another occasion. I’m good at keeping secrets, too. Why would a sweet girl like you have secrets? Oh, never mind, we all do to a degree. So, if you need to talk about personal things, you can do that here and not in my office. You know college is also a time to explore and find things you enjoy. I’m not saying don’t study or get good grades, but you need to be social too, Gwen.”
Gwen giggled, then said, “I know, I do hang with a few people. Plus, I’ve gone to a few football games. It’s not like I’m a recluse, Patti. Although I may just take you up on that massage around finals time.”
Patti smiled and told Gwen, “That’s my girl. Having a well-rounded college experience will make you a better person in the long run. I know you won’t let your grades slip, sweetie. I just wanted to remind you.”
Gwen sarcastically replied, “Thank you, Aunt Patti. I’ll remember to be more social and keep my grades up.”
Patti giggled, then gently swatted Gwen on her tush, “I see you can be a little bit of a brat, too. My sweet niece.”
They both laughed, and when Patti finished, Gwen turned back around so Patti could see. She ran her hands down her sides to flatten the dress against her as Patti looked on. It took quite a bit of self-control for Patti to watch and not say or do anything too forward. However, she told her young friend that she did look perfect, which made Gwen blush.
Gwen was convinced the dress fit and agreed to wear it for Halloween as long as Patti dressed the same way. Patti agreed and left the room so Gwen could change back into her running attire. When Gwen opened the library door, Patti smiled and escorted her to the front door. They said their goodbyes, and Patti retrieved the dress to hang up in one of the smaller bedrooms until Halloween.
Gwen waited until she was back on the sidewalk before restarting her sports watch. But before she did, she felt a shiver. Not from the cold October air, but just a shiver and a warm feeling within her. She thought it was weird and shook it off, started her watch, then headed back towards the dorm to shower and continue studying. On the way Gwen realized she actually was stressed and thought that a massage might help. Maybe after Halloween and before Thanksgiving, and certainly before finals.