It was the summer of 2003. My name is Neil, 20 and I had just finished wasting 3 years on a degree that was mis-sold! Also, I was so down in the dumps. I had no self esteem, no confidence and actually, I hated myself! Despite being over 6ft 4ins (195cm) and broad shoulders, I was grotesquely overweight! Squashing the scales at 20st (127kg). Looking at myself, I was embarrassed. I couldn’t hide as I was too big!
Unfortunately for me, my weight wasn’t my biggest embarrassment, I was a virgin! Even worse, I was a VL (Virgin Lips) – never kissed a girl. Growing up in the West of Scotland, there was no bigger insult! I think I was able to hide this fact but everyone knew, they must have! At no point was I ever able to talk romantically to a girl! Which was awful during high school but exponentially worse in University. What was wrong with me?
At this time, the only thing going for me was spending a summer in France. For years I had dreamed of working as a Holiday Courier, and since I had finished university, I was finally ready to go. Despite the excitement, I was apprehensive as I felt I would be out of place, no would like me and ultimately mock me for my shape.
In the short time between finishing my degree and heading to France, I managed to lose some weight but not a noticeable amount. I was still huge!
The time to leave home came. Waving off my family from the bus station was nerve wracking! I had never even been away on holiday without my parents, I was scared!
Over the next couple of days I had travelled by bus, ferry and train to get to my final location, a beachside campsite on the Breton coast. Here was my home for the next 3 months. I was happy because I was beside the beach but my happiness was short lived! Turns out, most people couldn’t understand my accent. Even the native English speakers!
Over the next couple of days, I got acclimatised to my new home! Keeping my head down and working away. Slowly, my colleagues began to understand me as my accent softened and I had became a bit more chatty. When I wasn’t working, I was spending my time on the beach watching the waves and being in my own world. Still apprehensive about my body shape, I would keep my top on – not wanting to embarrass myself.
On one of my many visits to the beach, I noticed one of my French colleagues sunbathing. She looked so pretty lying there on the beach. Her name was Elodie and she was 24. She was around 5ft 6in (170cm), looked really athletic, nice bronzed skin, sun lightened brown hair that went halfway down her back and lovely boobs covered by a nice bright pink bikini. I was really attracted to her but didn’t have the bottle to talk to her.
Over the next couple of weeks, I started to notice that I was losing a lots of weight due to the strenuous efforts required for my job. My clothes began to look less tight on me. I began to feel a bit better about myself. I wouldn’t say I was more confident but I wasn’t hating on myself as much.
After 5 weeks of being in France, it was my birthday! I was 21 and my family travelled from Scotland to spend it with me. Having only spoken to them over the last few weeks, I was so happy to see them. As soon as they got out their car, I ran over and gave them all big hugs. Almost instantly, Mum looked at me and asked where the rest of me had gone! Dad and my brother commented on my weight loss.
After showing them to their accommodation, I introduced them to all my colleagues, who were all welcoming to my family. My colleagues were delighted to find out that my family had brought out some of Scotland’s finest soft drink, Irn Bru! We used it to toast me turning 21.
That night, the campsite hosted a disco which all the staff attended. My younger brother came to the disco as he was already fed up with our parents. Over the night we chatted and he got to know my new friends. After the disco, whilst walking back to his accommodation my wee brother asked me, “how long Elodie had been interested in you?”
Surprised with his question, I responded confidently “Is she? Fuck!”
“You are a fucking twat! She clearly is!” was the loving insult from my brother, shaking his head in dismay. This conversation continued this way for a few more minutes with increasingly insulting language used by both of us.
After 3 days, my family left me to return home. It was quite emotional seeing them leave but I knew I would see them again in 8 weeks.
As my weight had continued to drop, I decided to take the chance whilst at the beach to take my top off to go sunbathing. It felt liberating lying there listening to music on my mini-disc player. As it was sunny, I had my sunglasses on which would turn out to be a blessing.
Whilst sunbathing, Elodie came on to the beach. She laid her towel down and removed her sarong! Standing there, only a few metres away from me, she looked amazing. Amazingly, she hadn’t noticed me lying there. Elodie looked out towards to the sea and then her arms went behind her back and untied her bikini top. I could only see her boobs from the side but they were amazing. This wasn’t the first time I had seen someone topless sunbathing but it was the first time with someone I had a crush on.
Elodie began to spray some tanning oil on, massaging the oil all over her body. At one point, Elodie turned in my direction. Her body glistened with the sun reflecting off the oil, I just lay there staring but from behind my sunglasses. I thought I had got away with it but, under my beach shorts, something was stirring.
“Neil,” Elodie called in her beautiful Breton accent, but I remained unmoved. Again, Elodie called my name but apart from my now tenting shorts, I was not for moving.
Elodie approached me topless, as I was lying there. Secretly I wanted the earth to swallow me up, as I was there in front of the girl I had a crush on with a noticeable hard on. There was no way I could hide it. So, I decided to pretend that I was asleep. I couldn’t talk to Elodie like this. My penis was betraying me! Elodie stopped and kneeled down beside me. I could sense her in my personal space, but my eyes remained shut.
Elodie was so close than I could smell the oil that she had massaged onto her skin. Oh, no! The scent was pineapple and coconut. Two of my favourite smells! Now my nose if giving my penis permission to further betray me. As Elodie was kneeling there, my erection was further stretching my shorts. Elodie reached other my prone body to remove a headphone. With her boobs now hovering over my face, Elodie whispered, “thank you for the approval, Neil.” She gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek and returned my headphone to my ear.
For the next 30 minutes, Elodie sunned herself whilst my erection was still pitching a tent. Still pretending to sleep, I waited for Elodie to leave before getting myself up, hiding my erection and running back to my bedroom. As soon as I got to my room, I locked my door and removed my cock from my shorts. I had never seen it so hard, still only the 5 inches it has always been, it just felt harder. With the image of Elodie fresh in my mind, I masturbated vigorously! It didn’t take long for me to cum but it was intense! I don’t think I had cummed so much in my life. It took ages to clean everything up and no amount of deodorant was masking the smell of the cum.
For the rest of the day, I felt like I walking on the clouds, I was so happy! Later on I saw Elodie in the Bar but she was engaged in conversation with the other French girls. As it was quite quiet in the bar, I could eavesdrop in their conversation. Despite them talking in French, I could understand most of what was being said. Turns out, I was the topic of conversation! Elodie was telling them about me lying topless on the beach and how good I was looking after the weight loss. Fortunately for me, the conversation didn’t include anything else that happened on the beach!
Over the next few weeks, both Elodie and I went around our days as normal. Chatting away but nothing else coming from it. As the end of the season was approaching, we had a final disco on the campsite and this one was a fancy dress party. I wanted to do something to make me stand out for Elodie. The easy option for me was to dress up as a highlander, pretending I was Braveheart. I managed to fashion a kilt and sash out of checked material that kind of looked like tartan.
The night of the fancy dress party was here. I was nervous about my costume. Would Elodie like it? I decided that I would turn up fashionably late to make a grand entrance. As soon as I entered the room, a couple of the girls gave a couple of wolf whistles, it gave me the confidence boost I needed!
Elodie had the same idea as me and she arrived 5 minutes after me. She was a sexy angel, she looked amazing! Wearing oversize wings, white hot pants and a white crop top that showed off her boobs.
My eyes must have popped out my head. She was stunning! I decided that I had to express my feelings that night, so I offered to buy Elodie a drink. She asked for one of the fruity cocktails! I was sipping on my water, trying not to get too nervous.
Before I got the chance to tell her my feelings, Elodie’s favourite song of the summer came on, it was Diam’s DJ, a French dance song. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up for a dance! I couldn’t believe what was happening; this was amazing! I am not a great dancer, but my enthusiasm made up for it. Several songs later, we were still on the dance floor. As we were close, she pulled my head towards her and our lips made contact. My first kiss! This can’t be happening! This gorgeous woman was kissing me. After the kiss, Elodie suggested that we go for a walk on the beach. What was happening? I was in dreamland!
We walked hand in hand to the beach! I had the biggest smile ever as I was still processing what had just happened. Her hand felt so gentle, I turned Elodie around and asked if I could kiss her again. She smiled and nodded. The second kiss was just as good.
As we got to the beach, I removed my sash to use it as a blanket. We sat down on the beach and looked at each other with the moonlight and stars illuminating our faces. The whole situation became overwhelming for me as I had never experienced it before. I decided that I had to tell Elodie about my sexual inexperience. Elodie smiled as I explained everything. She thought that’s why I hadn’t made a move. We kissed some more before heading back to her room.
As we entered her room, my heart was on overdrive! Anyone nearby probably could hear it. Was this finally my time? Elodie sat on her bed and kicked off her now sandy flip flops, and then patted the bed beside her signally for me to sit down beside her. I slowly sat down trying not to show overeagerness. Elodie told me to relax and she will put my mind at ease. She put her hand on my chest, playing with the hairs, a nervous shiver jolted through my body! Then she started kissing my neck, it felt amazing! Nothing before I had experience before came close to this. That’s until Elodie kissed my nipples! Her tongue gently touching one as her fingers plays with the other. I thought I was going to cum, so I asked Elodie to stop.
Elodie smiled as my breathless pleas stopped. She stood up from the bed and slowly removed her top and her hot pants. The most stunning girl I had ever seen was standing in front of me in just her G-string. I was in shocked! My jaw had collapsed, and my mouth was wide open. This tanned beauty looked resplendent; I noticed that she had a small astrological sign tattooed on her panty line. It was the sign of a Taurus. I asked Elodie if it was okay to touch her body, she smiled and said that she hoped I would.
My hands were shaking, Elodie took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I had no idea what to do, Elodie placed her hands on top of mine and showed me how she liked her boobs to be touched. I nervously asked if I could kiss them, Elodie nodded. I took my hands from her boobs and placed them on her waist, so I could pull Elodie closer to me. But not knowing my own strength, I pulled Elodie on top of me collapsing onto her bed.
We both laughed at this mishap but now her boobs were hanging there just above my face. I seized this opportunity and lifted my head, gently resting against her hanging boobs. Elodie was assisting me once again was her gentle pointers, I as the eager newbie was keen to take everything in. After a few minutes of gentle foreplay, Elodie stood up and suggested that I remove my kilt.
At this point it felt like my bottle was crashing! Why does this beautiful woman want to see me naked? I sheepishly removed my kilt to reveal the rest of my body as well as my erect penis. Slightly embarrassed about the size of it, still only 5 inches, Elodie smiled as her hand began to touch it! I clearly now was in an alternative reality, no way was she touching my penis! Elodie looked lustfully into my eyes as she pulled back the foreskin, revealing the head. Before I knew it, Elodie had dropped to her knees and started to kiss my cock! Slowly moving up and down the shaft. It felt so nice! I closed my eyes as I was in a place of bliss.
Elodie could see and hear my enjoyment so far; she decided to give me my first blow job! New emotions were surging through my body, but the ultimate emotion was the fear of cumming early. Elodie could feel me tensing up and told me just to relax, but tell her when I was about to shoot my load. After a couple more minutes of me groaning and watching Elodie expertly working my penis, I felt that pulse in my cock! Through my sharpened breaths, I informed Elodie that I was about to cum. From her kneeling position, she looked up to my eyes and gave me a cheeky wink. Within seconds, I orgasmed like never before! Elodie still had her mouth around my penis, removing all traces of my cum! Slowly, she stood up and showed me the contents of her mouth. It was full of my swimmers! One gulp later, her mouth was empty. Overcome with emotion, I pulled Elodie is for a kiss, tasting something new as my tongue played with hers.
Now I felt amazing! Elodie has given me something special, and I wanted to return the favour. As Elodie was standing, I dropped to my knees to remove her final layer of clothing. As her G-string was now down at the ankles, Elodie pushed herself onto the bed, exposing her vagina to me. Awestruck at the first one I had seen in real life I started to kiss it immediately. Again my enthusiasm had got ahead of me. I had no idea what I was doing! Elodie again talked me through how to pleasure her. It was an interactive sex education.
Elodie explained how she liked her clit to be touched by my fingers and tongue. Ever the keen student, I absorbed all the information given to me. After a few minutes of trial and error, I seemed to be hitting the right points. Elodie started to breathe heavily and muttered something in French. I didn’t understand what she had said but I wasn’t stopping for a translation.
As I was playing with her clit, Elodie was playing with her boobs, gently pulling on her erect nipples; her groans were getting louder! I must have been doing something right! Elodie told me to insert a finger into her pussy and to rub the inside wall above her clit. Not to question her, I followed up on her request immediately. Something seemed to work as her back arched as she groaned loudly. Her hand was now holding my head in tight to her pussy. Groaning, “Oui, oui!”
I knew I was doing something right. Then Elodie let out this guttural roar, which startled me! Then again, Elodie said something again in French that I didn’t understand. Turns out she said, “I’m cumming.” But it sounded more erotic in her native tongue. After a few more groans, Elodie pushed my head away. She sat up straight away, and I received the most passionate kiss ever. This dream was never-ending!
This was truly the best night of my life. Turned out it wasn’t over for me. As we were lying on her bed, Elodie saw that my cock was ready again. She looked into my eyes and told me not to move and not to worry. Turns out Elodie was on birth control and decided that I didn’t need to wrap up. Since I was a virgin and Elodie had been celibate all summer, there was little chance of either of us having an STI.
Elodie swung her leg around my body. Now she was lying on me, kissing me as she guided my hard cock into her pussy. Slowly her hips began to grind up and down on my cock. I had never felt anything like it before. Elodie looked into my eyes and told me this was about getting me off. She had her moment, now this was for me! Again my hands were all over the place, not knowing if I wanted to touch her boobs or butt, or just rest my hands on her hips.
I couldn’t tell you if we were in the throes of passion for mere seconds or minutes (fairly sure it was a few minutes), but I could feel my cock pulsing again. Elodie could feel it as well, Elodie locked her lips onto mine as I cummed deep inside her. The emotional aspect of it was too much, as I felt tears of happiness roll down my face.
Elodie wiped away my tears and gave me another passionate kiss. She told me to close my eyes as she had one more surprise for me. Elodie lifted herself from me; I could hear my now flaccid cock hit my stomach. She took some of my cum from her pussy, placed it in her mouth and gave me the kinkiest kiss. I had never tasted my own cum previous to this night, but now I got the taste for it. Especially when someone is sharing it with you.
We spend the night naked in bed, spooning, both taking time to be the big spoon. It felt so nice being hugged that way. I felt at ease! My first experience was sensational. Sadly, I was leaving in a couple of days, so we never had the opportunity to recreate that night. But I did get a goodbye blowjob before I left for home. This time, Elodie didn’t swallow, and I got to experience snowballing for the first time (and, unfortunately, last time)!
Sadly, we lost contact with each other about 6 months later. But I have travelled back to that beach many times since. Sitting on the beach, I watch the waves and reminisce about everything that happened over that summer.