The Ladies Of Berkeley Court Part Three

"John meets another neighbour and enjoys himself but causes future problems for himself."

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John Jones lives in a block of flats called Berkeley Court in the centre of Halftown. He is thirty-two years old and is a successful sales manager for a large company specialising in school supplies. His nearest neighbours are all professional ladies who he recognises, but he does not know all their names. The block has eight flats over three floors, with three on the ground floor, three on the first floor, and two larger flats on the second floor. John lives in one of the larger flats, number eight.

Monday had been a normal day, but Tuesday turned out to be complex. He received a text from Mandy in flat one saying she was available that evening. Ann from flat five had pushed a note through his letterbox saying she was available. And, to cap it all, Sue from flat seven had contacted his office complaining about the canes his company provided to her school.

John texted Mandy to say he was unavailable because of work. He was to visit Sue after lunch break to resolve her problem. His morning went well, and he reached her school early. He reported to reception and was told to take a seat outside Sue’s office. He sat down alongside a nervous looking sixth-form boy and waited. There was the unmistakable sound of a cane from within the office, followed by a loud cry. The boy next to him winced as the cry echoed around. Five more times, the cane swished, followed by louder cries each time.

The door burst open and a girl about sixteen rushed out, rubbing her bum and with tears running down her face.

“Jackson, in here,” came Sue’s voice, and the boy walked in.

The door closed, and John could hear her voice lecturing Jackson. Then it all was quiet until a cane swished down. Five more times it hissed down and John felt his cock bulging his trousers. A brief lecture followed before Jackson staggered out, red eyed and rubbing his bum.

“John, please come in. I arranged for tea and biscuits,” Sue said.

John walked in, trying to hide his bulging trousers, and was told to sit on the settee. The secretary brought in the tea tray and Sue sat alongside John to pour the teas.

“I understand there is a problem with some canes,” John said.

“Yes. The last batch of four senior canes broke during use. I had to use a medium cane on senior boys, which is not satisfactory,” Sue replied.

“No problem. If you give me the broken canes, I will replace them with my stock now,” he said.

Sue handed John the four broken canes, and he visited his car. He returned with six new canes and a new stiffer sample one.

“There are six replacements and a new sample, one which is stiffer and, I am assured, more painful for a longer time,” John said.

“That sounds good. I will find a suitable recipient if you wait here,” Sue said enthusiastically as she left him drinking his tea.

Shortly after, Sue returned with a very frightened looking sixth-form girl. She closed the door and gave the girl a long lecture about the hazards of smoking.

“You know the form, Gillian. Bend over the chair back,” Sue instructed.

“But, Miss. You can’t cane me in front of him,” Gillian pleaded.

“That is Mr Jones, the sales manager of our cane suppliers. I am using a sample cane, so he needs to observe,” Sue replied.

Gillian bent over the chair, and John watched as her skirt tightened. Sue stepped alongside and tapped the cane on the girl’s bum. She lifted it high and swiped it down centrally, resulting in a loud yelp from Gillian.

“It’s got a nice feel and gets a wonderful reaction. I like it,” Sue stated as she delivered a second stroke just below the first.

“Ooowww!” Gillian screeched.

Strokes three, four and five followed with even louder cries from Gillian.

Sue hesitated before the sixth stroke hissed down right on the top of the thighs.

“Oooowwww!” Gillian screamed and jumped up, rubbing her bum.

“Normally you would get extra strokes for that, but I will excuse you this time,” Sue commented.

Gillian was still dancing around. John was fully erect and his trousers bulged.

“You may go, Gillian,” Sue said as she wrote in the punishment book.

Gillian ran out of the room, and Sue closed the door.

“An excellent weapon. Please, can you supply me six of those with our next order please?” she said as she sat next to John.

“You seem hot and bothered,” Sue commented as she spied his erection.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you cane her,” John mumbled.

“Do you enjoy watching ladies get caned?” she enquired.

“A beautiful lady’s bum being caned is a joy to behold. Did you get caned at school?” he replied, trying to take her focus away from him.

“I’m not sure I should answer that,” Sue tried to evade.

“You did. What did you do? You know all about me. It’s only fair,” John asked.

“If you want the answer, you need to come to my flat at seven o’clock. I’ll cook a meal if you bring the wine,” she teased.

“It’s a date. I had better go now before you embarrass me again,” he replied as he moved to the door.

“See you tonight, big boy,” Sue said as she kissed him goodbye.

John walked out and smiled at the receptionist as he left.


John rushed home and wrote a note to Ann, apologising that he was busy and put it in her letterbox.

At seven o’clock, he rang the doorbell of Sue’s flat. She opened the door and John’s eyes popped. Sue looked gorgeous with her long blond hair down, immaculate makeup with red lipstick, tight red low cut dress showing her great tits, black stockings and red high heels.

“Come in,” she said as she moved to kiss him.

John embraced her, and his tongue was soon teasing hers.

“The meal is ready, that will have to wait,” Sue said as she took the wine.

There was a lot of chatting during the meal, and the wine flowed. Afterwards, they settled on the settee with the last glasses of wine.

“You promised to tell me about the naughty, young Sue,” John probed.

“What makes you think it was only young Sue who is naughty?” she replied, evading the question.

“Come on. You can’t keep teasing me,” he urged.

“OK. I got caned three times at school. Once was for smoking, six strokes in the fifth form. I was sixteen at the time and it seemed unfair as it was on my way to school. Both of the other times were for sneaking to the pub in the sixth form. Six strokes for all of us, even though I was eighteen both times,” she finally told him.

“Wow! More than me. Did it hurt?” John queried.

“Of course it bloody did. The old pervert headmaster whacked the girls with their skirt up over their knickers,” she admitted angrily.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked,” he apologised.

“It’s alright. It was just the thought of the dirty old man enjoying himself,” Sue said as she stroked his groin.

“Some boys might think something like that about you,” John whispered.

“I hadn’t thought of that. But I always cane over trousers or skirts,” she countered.

“Do you fancy bed?” John whispered.

“I was thinking of giving you an extra surprise before that. You got stiff when you watched Gillian get caned, so I thought you might like to cane me first,” Sue suggested.

“Gosh! That surprised me. Are you sure?” he asked.

“If it stirs you up like earlier, yes. The only proviso is that I select the cane and you strip off as well,” she confirmed.

“Come on then,” John said.

Sue jumped up and took a shorter whippy cane from behind the settee before dropping her dress to reveal a red suspender belt, but no panties or bra. John grinned as Sue went to remove her stockings.

“Keep them on, please,” he requested as he stripped off.

Sue moved to a chair in the dining room and knelt on the seat with her hands grasping the back legs close to the ground. John picked up the cane and stepped alongside her. He tapped the cane gently before cracking it down on her buttocks. Sue let out a quiet moan as he lined up the second stroke. It whistled down harder than the first stroke, causing a louder moan from Sue.

The third stroke soon hissed down deep into her buttocks and Sue moaned in delight.

John lined up the next stroke and whipped it hard just above her thighs, making her moan louder.

He teased the cane gently on her slit, causing Sue to moan even more before it swished down onto her bum.

For the last stroke, John cracked it onto the junction of her thighs and bum, causing Sue to drip with delight.

John stepped away, and Sue stood up.

“Now it’s my turn,” she said calmly.

“What’s that for?” he asked.

“Shagging randy Mandy while I was away,” she replied.

“How do you know?” John enquired.

“My doorbell camera caught her there last Thursday wearing her uniform and Friday wearing a red dress and black boots. By the look of her when she left, you had a good time. Now it’s time to pay the price,” Sue answered.

“She caught me speeding and caned me instead of reporting me,” he explained.

“That might explain Thursday but not Friday when the tart brought a takeaway,” she countered.

John acknowledged his defeat and bent over the chair.

“Just the three strokes this time, because I will let you off the first night, but I’ll use a proper cane,” Sue said as she pulled the sample cane from a cupboard.

John gulped as she flexed it in front of him. Sue stood alongside him and lined up the cane before swishing it hard onto his buttocks, biting deep into the fat. He groaned loudly as the pain roared across his bum.

The second stroke swished down below the first, but harder, causing him to groan louder.

Sue hesitated and touched his cane marks gently, causing John to become erect. Her fingers teased the marks, making him groan gently before she brought the cane whistling down on his sit spot. John let out a loud cry, causing Sue to grin.

She put the cane down and took his hand before leading him to the bedroom. Sue pushed him onto the bed, causing him to wince as the mattress hit his cane marks. Expertly, Sue laid alongside him before pulling him onto her. She pulled his buttocks with her hands, forcing his cock into her wet hole. John thrust down hard and he teased her lips with his tongue until she responded. Harder and harder he pounded until Sue shuddered to a loud orgasm just as he spurted deep into her.

They cuddled up closely while she whispered in his ear.

“If you want to continue shagging me, then you ditch that tart, Mandy. If you do, I am all yours.”

John responded immediately.

“Certainly, Miss.”

They fell asleep in each other’s arms and only woke at eight o’clock when John’s phone rang.

He jumped up to answer it and Sue panicked as the school assembly was at eight forty-five.

Twenty minutes later, Sue was kissing him goodbye as he rushed to his flat in the nude, realising he was due in his office at nine thirty. Sue locked up and rushed to her school.


Sue arrived at school just before assembly to discover a school inspector waiting. John got to his office on time for the sales meeting before going home to freshen up at midday.

As he arrived, he bumped into the lady from flat four, an air hostess in her uniform.

“Good afternoon, I’m Julie from flat four,” she said.

“Good afternoon, I’m John from flat eight,” he replied.

“Fancy a coffee?” Julie enquired.

“That sounds great,” John replied.

Julie showed him in, and he sat on a chair in the kitchen while she made the coffee. He admired her as she stood at the worktop, pouring the coffee and opening biscuits. Her hair was up, her tight red skirt was short enough to show her legs off, the white blouse and red cravat type neck covering showed her nipples and she had blue chunky heeled shoes. As she bent to get the milk, John’s arousal caused his trousers to bulge.

Julie sat opposite him and spotted the bulge. She thrust her tits out and unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a low cut skimpy bra.

“Is this where I ask you the classic air hostess question?” she enquired.

“What’s that?” John replied.

“Coffee, tea or me? I can’t offer a membership of the mile high club, but I have a nice enormous bed next door,” she purred.

John smiled at her as she pouted at him.

“I know you want me. Come on,” she commented as she took his hand.

John was putty in her hands and she knew it. She led him into the bedroom and stripped him before removing her tie and blouse. Her bra was next, and she bounced her tits as she kicked her shoes off before dropping her skirt to reveal skimpy panties. She teasingly removed them and undid her suspenders. She took off her stockings and pulled him close before undressing him. Julie laid back on the bed with her legs apart above her shoulders and encouraged John to mount her. He gently eased himself on top of her, and she slipped his erect cock into her wet slit. She gasped as she felt the enormity of it when he thrust forward. Julie pulled his buttocks towards her with her hands as he pounded away.

“Faster, faster!” she urged, as he rode her.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Julie screamed as she climaxed just before his juice spurted in.

John relaxed, and Julie released her grip on his body. She glanced at a clock by the bed and pushed him up.

“You’ve got to go. My boyfriend will be here in ten minutes and I have to shower,” Julie said loudly as she pushed him towards the door. John tried to dress, but she pushed him into the stairwell wearing only his pants. John panicked and grabbed his clothes before sprinting up the stairs. He fumbled for his flat key and just entered as Jane looked out of her flat.

John felt a sense of relief and discovered a text message from Sue saying she could not make it tonight because of a surprise inspection. John, for once, happily enjoyed his solitude.


Just after six o’clock, John was relaxing when his doorbell rang. He cracked the door to see Julie standing there wearing a long, loose dress. Despite his nakedness, he admitted her.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you. I thought you would be with your boyfriend,” John remarked.

“Judging by the lack of clothes, that is true. I came to apologise. Initially, I planned to just have a coffee and a chat with you, but I noticed the bulge in your trousers when I knew he was coming. It was irresistible and time flew by, so I had to get you out. It was rude of me to throw you out in only your pants, but he was due and I panicked. Anyway, we had a row because he shagged my best friend and I’ve chucked him. I noticed the red stripes on your bum and it reminded me of school. I wanted a closer look please and I think you should punish me for my rudeness earlier,” Julie explained.

“Oh! I ought to get dressed,” he mumbled.

“No need. I quite like looking at your body,” she replied.

“Please, take a seat. Glass of wine?” John enquired.

“Yes please,” Julie answered as she sat on the settee.

John sat beside Julie and noticed her eyes staring at his cock. Instinctively, his body reacted, and it stiffened.

“So, what do you think of my request?” she asked.

“Sounds good,” he responded.

“Bend over then, let me have a good look and feel,” Julie said.

John stood up and bent over in front of her. She touched the marks gently and got out her phone. Before John knew it, she had taken some photos. He turned round to object, but Julie continued snapping, getting a perfect shot of his enormous erection.

“We didn’t agree to that,” John protested.

“You had better spank me then,” Julie said eagerly.

John dragged her towards the kitchen chairs. He sat down on one and pulled her across his knees. Julie pretended to struggle but was actually enjoying it. John lifted her dress up and discovered that she was not wearing anything underneath. She wriggled as if to object, but John had her trapped. John slapped her left buttock first, then her right.

“Ooowww!” Julie yelped.

John continued alternating the smacks, and Julie fidgeted wildly as the pain scorched her bum. Hard and faster the strokes arrived and Julie started moaning loudly. He could feel a dampness on his thighs and knew she was enjoying it. Julie desperately wanted his cock so her hands starting teasing it. John tried to continue, but he was close to a climax because of Julie’s teasing and her body rubbing as she wriggled. He lifted her off, and Julie wasted no time. She bent over the table with her dress pulled up.

“Take me!” she screamed.

John stood behind her and pushed his cock deep into her. Julie gasped and moaned as it slipped in. He grasped her hips and pulled them towards him as he thrust his cock in. She moaned louder and louder as he pounded deep inside her until she shuddered to a loud orgasm. Faster and harder he pounded, and Julie panted loudly. She was nearing a second climax and John wasted no time still thrusting hard.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she cried as his love juice spurted into her.

They both relaxed, and he withdrew so she could turn and cuddle him. Their lips touched and tongues teased. Suddenly, the doorbell rang repeatedly.

John jumped up and peered through the spyhole to see Sue standing outside shouting. She didn’t look happy. He sneaked back into the kitchen and Julie smiled.

“I take it you are not letting her in,” she remarked.

“Definitely not in that mood,” he replied.

“Is she your girlfriend?” Julie enquired.

“Not really. She thinks she owns me after a couple of dates,” John replied.

“Well, I had better not leave now. I think we should retire to your bedroom,” she said.

“That sounds good,” he said as she threw off her dress and followed him.

The evening was fantastic with John and Julie exploring several interesting positions before Julie said she ought to go just before midnight.

She slipped her dress on and her shoes before going to the door.

“Thank you for a great evening. It may not get you in the mile high club, but you certainly got me high. Will I see you again?” she said with a hopeful grin.

“I certainly hope so. Thank you for a great night,” he replied as they kissed before Julie left.

Julie had gone down the stairs and nearly reached her flat when Jane caught her.

“Good night?” Jane enquired.

“Yes, thank you,” Julie replied.

“I thought so, judging by the damp patch on your dress,” Jane quipped.

“Good night,” Julie said as she rushed into her flat.

Shortly after, she had posted the pictures she had taken earlier on a well-known site for her friends to see.

To be continued………..

Published 2 months ago

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