Christmas Eve Pool Party Ep.02.

"New Years Eve fun following the Christmas Eve celebration!"

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“Ok love, we’re ready to leave!”

“Ok, Dad, I’ll be a second!” My sister had agreed to drive our parents to the airport for their New Year’s Eve celebration. Given the outcome of the Christmas Eve party, she had hardly spoken to me in the time since that eventful evening in our pool.

It wasn’t that it was particularly awkward for us; rather, we just didn’t know how to talk about it. No one was any wiser that we’d kind of accidentally fucked in our pool, and I’d blown a load of my cum inside her pussy. The only conversation that week was when she mentioned that “You’re bigger than I’d thought” when we were alone. I’d responded with, “You’re tighter than I thought,” and we’d been on our separate ways.

What I hadn’t forgotten, though, was what she had whispered to me as she got out of the pool on Christmas Eve… “See you New Year’s Eve.”

What she had meant by that I wasn’t sure, but I also didn’t mind. It was kind of fun; besides, I knew she was on the pill and had a boyfriend, so she’d be getting plenty of cock if she wanted it. Fuck knows she was hot enough.

Four years older than me, she had a wealth of knowledge in life, particularly given my tender eighteen years of age. I had the gym, school, and sports in my life. That was, really, about it.

My parents were happy that we were of the age where they could easily leave us for a week or so if they so desired. Even that was pretty conservative, I thought. Anyway, they’d arranged to go to a neighboring state to see in the New Year with some friends from a previous job of my dad’s.

My sister had caught wind of this trip and had been very helpful in offering to get them to the airport. This, I reasoned, was a good sign that she had something planned of her own.

This turned out to be true as she invited the same friends over to have some pre-drinks before they headed out with their respective boyfriends to have their own celebration.

Essentially, her three friends were all stunning. In diverse ways, but nonetheless stunning. Imogen, Emma, and Donna. Donna was of Mediterranean descent with dark features, almond brown eyes, gorgeous hair, and stunning teeth and body. She wore a tight white t-shirt over a yellow bikini top and bottom that I could see through the t-shirt. Imogen had the best body I had seen in the flesh. She wore a one-piece red swimsuit that fitted her gorgeous form perfectly. Her outline was something from a teenager’s dream. Emma possessed the best ass on the planet as far as I was concerned. She was wearing a blue and white bikini set with a small printed pattern, with a pair of tight shorts over her ass.

They had arrived to start off proceedings as my parents packed the last of their bags into our people mover car. My sister had asked me to stay with them while she ran them to the airport. I had absolutely no issues with that, given my mental history with these glamours. They’d really been the reason I ended up with my cock inside my sister a week or so ago anyway.

My sister had enjoyed a couple of beers with her friends and myself before setting off. I’d snuck a couple more just to be merry. I had no plans of going out or anything of the sort. A quiet night was all that I craved, so I thought my personal fireworks display would be seeing these stunning ladies sitting around in their swimwear drinking beers. What eighteen-year-old wouldn’t want to join that?

As they’d set off, I’d opened up our 360-family circle to see how long they’d be. I’d left the app open on my phone, so I’d get a notification when they stopped or arrived. Helpful for a young guy these days.

A couple of beers in, and I got to chatting in a more relaxed manner, given the helpful effects a bit of alcohol has on one’s confidence. I’d had a reckoning over the previous week and wanted to share it with the group if I got an opportunity. I was done playing the nervous little brother.

I gestured to them with my hands. “Come in, come in,” I said as I waved them towards my seated position at the corner of the pool. The sunlight had softened as the last rays danced across the water’s surface, giving us the projected ripples as our feet moved to stir the water.

“Closer. I want you all right here next to me.”

They all wandered over, beer in hand. Emma’s skirt sashayed over her hips as she strolled from her position further up the pool.

In a false act of courage, I patted the spare spots either side of me, indicating that I wanted the girls to sit either side of me. Donna sat to my right, while Emma sat next to Imogen, who was positioned to my left side.

Once all were comfortable with their feet dangling in the cool water, beer in hand and sunhats and sunglasses in place, I continued my act of grandeur. I leaned forward as I held my hand up and indicated for them all to come in closer to me.

“I am sick of having to be the nervous little brother of your friend. I despise the nervous bullshit that goes on when a guy is surrounded by majestically attractive women, so I’m done with that. I’m going to be brutally honest with you, be it for the better or worse, but either way you won’t have to wonder what I think of you all. I know you all have boyfriends, and this is not an attempt to ruin that for any of you.”

“Well…isn’t this intriguing young man!” Imogen broke the silence that crept up and descended on the group.

“Ok, fuck it. I’m not going to fuck around anymore.” I’d committed and was going to follow through now.

“I think that each of you is STRIKINGLY attractive. Not in a broad, general sense, but in a genuine and individual way. Each of you has a level of attraction that is only yours, and you don’t share it with anyone else I’ve ever met.

“Whoa! Imogen, who had earlier broken the silence, did so again.

She tried to continue. “What are you…?”

I interjected, “Hang on, Imogen, for a moment, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Please, continue. I don’t mind getting compliments!” came her reply as each of the girls shared a smile.

Firstly, I think at least one of you has had improper thoughts about me at some stage. I don’t want you to answer verbally because that might be a bit confronting. I’m going to count backwards from three. When I get to zero, I want you to look at me if you have thought about me. Look out to the distance if you have NEVER thought about me in that manner. None of this fence-sitting by looking at your feet, by the way.” Metaphorically, I’d gone all in at the roulette table.

I continued, “Please nod if you understand the game.”

Three heads nodded in unison.

“Ok,” I whispered.

“Three,” I leaned in more closely to the girls.

“Two,” I whispered more quietly.

“One,” I almost whimpered.

Then I took a deep breath before a barely audible “Disco.”

Each of the girls’ eyes flickered to the side to see what each other’s response would be before settling on me. They controlled their nervous giggles to a few under-breath exhalations as the extent of the conversation took hold.

“Thank you so much for the compliment. I’d also like to offer my gratitude for your honesty.”

“It’s my turn now.” I took another deep breath and continued.

 “Yes. I have wanked while thinking about each of you. Multiple times. Only while focused on one of you at a time, and for very different reasons. But I have orgasmed at the thought of each of you on multiple occasions.”

“Jesus!” Donna exclaimed, “This plot keeps getting thicker!”

“Well,” I reasoned, “it’s only fair. You showed me some honesty, so now it’s my turn.

“Well, while you’re being fair, would you like to indulge us on how we are hot, but in different ways?” Donna’s eyes had landed on mine, and she was seemingly interested in my justification.

Imogen this time: “Not before I get another beer. Who else wants one?”

Three additional hands went up—mine included. She stood and wandered over to the fridge before returning with four opened brews and handed them out.

Back on topic, Donna continued, “Please continue this fascinating topic of discussion, young man!”

I took a sip and started. “Well, you use the term ‘hot.’ I think that is such a superficial term. No offense to your boyfriends, but if they call you hot, it means they don’t know how to appreciate you for your individuality. It also lacks the vocabulary required to explain how royally attractive each of you is, but in your own way.

Donna gazed at her friends before speaking again. “For example…?

Ok, who wants to go first? I asked. Actually, Donna. You asked, so I’ll cover you first. To me, your eyes look like your ancestors suffered unimaginable grief, or in a past life you were a spirit of great giving. The softness you exude, the deep understanding that your eyes portray, makes me feel that you could cuddle someone and give them warmth and love with them alone. If it were possible, you could capture the warmth in them and give strength to the most destitute of persons. Your hair doesn’t sit on your head; it cascades and descends over your perfectly formed neck and shoulders with a bypass over your brilliant teeth, which both accentuate your perfect complexion.

“Ohh,” came the collective reply from all included in this conversation.

When I wank thinking about you, it’s because I can see my cock disappearing down your throat while your warm, almond eyes gaze up at me. Your perfect skin and lips pressed up against my shaft as it slides down over me and settles onto my balls, all the while you’re staring up at me. You’re wearing a yellow bikini that perfectly matches your dark complexion, and when I slide your top off, your breasts press up against my legs as your hair sits over one shoulder and caresses against me.“

“Who’s next?” I asked. The girls looked at each other. Donna, who was still on my right, sat upright as the two on my left shuffled in towards me.

Imogen spoke up and broke the tension. “Tell us about Emma.”

“Emma,” I started. “Yours is an ass that should be working full-time for athletic wear brands. I have never seen an ass look so good in tights, shorts, skirts, tracksuit pants, or dresses. Your ass is the tightest, leanest, proudest I have ever seen in real life or on a screen. Your hair is perfectly imperfect. I’m sure you spend time on it, yet it always looks like you just leave the house like that. It falls perfectly over your face and frames your spirit perfectly and says, “I’m here, I’m gorgeous, and I don’t even know it. I love that you wear a very particular type of clothing and print. The small patterns and colors you choose look amazing on your body and complement what I guess is a set of C cup breasts.

“Fucking hell! How do you notice all this?” That was Emma’s reply.

I continued. “When I wank thinking about you, it’s usually me fucking you from behind—for obvious reasons. I have a thick cock, and I imagine watching it driving deep inside you between your ass cheeks as your pussy lips cling to me. I imagine grabbing your hair and pulling you onto my cock harder so I can get as deep inside you as I can. Having an ass like that means that I would have trouble getting as deep inside you as I would want to, so by grabbing your hip with one hand and pulling your hair with the other helps me get as deep as I can inside you. When I last wanked thinking about you, I was lying on my bed. The cum hit me on the jaw. That’s how hard you made me blow.

“Jesus” was all Emma could say.

“And then, of course, there’s Imogen.”
Imogen spoke “Hold that thought. I need another beer before I hear this.”

She grabbed another few and handed them to whoever wanted one. Me included, before sitting back and cracking the top off the bottle and tossing the cap behind her towards the daybed.

I started “OK, Imogen. If anyone ever needs to make a bionic woman and map the perfect body, I suggest they use yours for that map. Your hip and waist ratio is perfect. Your breasts are the exact right size for your body. Your legs are so long! I hope you gaze at yourself in the mirror because you should do. Every day you should. I love how your legs are so defined, how your waist is so much narrower than your hips, and how your breasts naturally sit close together. You carry yourself with such grace. When you walk, it looks like you’re in a field of wildflowers even though you’re under stress at work or at school or whatever.”

I continued, “The last time I masturbated thinking about you, we were on the daybed behind you. You were wearing a blue and white bikini with a V stripe towards your sternum. You were wearing a pair of tiny shorts with a deep crotch that is both conservative and sexy as hell at once. I had slid your bikini bottom to one side to eat out your pussy before taking them off. I stood at this end of the daybed while I held your ass in my hands. I lifted it off the bed and raised your pussy up to my mouth while you lay on your shoulders with your legs over my shoulders while I plunged my tongue inside you. I then slid my thick cock inside you, and we fucked furiously as I held your ass in the air at the perfect height for me to thrust inside you while standing. Your tits bounced so hard as I drove inside you. When I came, I pulled out and blew my load over your chest and up to your chin. In reality, I was in the shower, and the cum sprayed to the other side of the shower, such was the force you made me cum.

“Holy shit!” Imogen was a bit gobsmacked. “That sounds fucking hot! You’ve put some thought into the three of us, haven’t you!”

“Ohh,” I replied, “I think I may be a fucking deviate! To be honest, though, it’s only you lot that I think about.”

“You do know we each have boyfriends, don’t you?” Donna had had time to digest what was said to her and had started to reason with my input.

“I do,” I replied. “I’m not trying to break up anything or ruin any relationships, but I’m done with being fake with you girls. I don’t ever anticipate having this conversation again, but I wanted you to know. I won’t ever speak of this again. To anyone.”

I’d started to feel the effects of my multiple beers, so I grabbed the back of my black t-shirt, raised it up and off, and tossed it behind me before slipping into the water. I ducked down, pushed off the wall, and swam to the far end of the pool entirely under the water. While submerged, I took the opportunity to adjust my cock in my shorts as it was starting to press against the fabric uncomfortably.

I came up in the shallow end and stood up. Imogen had gone and gotten more beers and was handing them out while the girls all went to some effort to not look at me while they chatted quietly together. I swam back to the deep end, collected my beer, and drank the remains of that bottle before going back underwater to the shallow end.

When I took up the next time, Donna said, “Hey, come here for a second. I have a question.”

I ducked down once again and swam to the wall underwater before reaching up with my hands to grab the edge, then did a chin-up to land on my chest on the edge of the pool not two feet from where the girls were sitting.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Two things,” Donna replied.

“One, do you want this?” She handed me another drink.

“Thanks,” I said as I took the top off the bottle.

She continued, “Two. Exactly how big is your cock?”

Without flinching, I said, “About seven inches, more on a good day. It is thick, though. Really thick, actually.”

Emma this time: “Would you show us? Before your sister gets home, I mean. It would be weird if she saw you showing us your cock.”

“You’re all a bit drunk, aren’t you!” I teased.

Emma continued, “We’re interested to see what you’re packing. Like you found out, we’ve all had thoughts about you as well. Think of it as a little fact-checking.”

“Fine,” I replied. “But you know that the water isn’t particularly helpful for a guy, don’t you?”

“That will be accounted for in the judgment.” She replied as she held out a hand to help me up from my position.

I took her hand and stood up from the pool. I grabbed a blue and grey towel and dried myself off. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I dried up and down my leg, concentrating on my cock by ‘accidentally’ rubbing it.

Grabbing my shorts from under my towel, I slid them down to be naked under the towel. The air moved up from my feet and kissed my balls and shaft, giving me a blast of air that felt like a mint breath freshener when you breathe in for the first time. I dried under my balls and perineum, grabbed my shaft, and wrapped the towel material around it, ensuring that there was no water…

Published 2 months ago

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