A Lady And Her Maid

"A young woman learns the joy of disciplining her maid."

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Patience came swirling in, her green gown billowing out as she spun from foot to foot. With her arms around an imaginary partner, Patience circled each table and chair as she danced across the room.

Patience’s humming of the last piece rousted Annest from her corner. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Annest quickly followed her mistress.

Patience stationed herself in front of her dressing mirrors, still swaying, as she admired her reflection. Just out of view, Annest also admired Patience.

Physically, the two girls were very similar. They were born just months apart, sixteen years ago. They both had the small hips and firm breasts of girls just entering womanhood.

Due to class, position, wealth, and education, neither girl would ever consider the other as similar in any way. Patience’s exquisitely coiffed hair left her creamy neck and shoulders completely bare. Her low-cut gown exposing so much of her bosom would have been indecent in an older woman.

Parroting the actions of all the men at the ball, Annest could not take her eyes off the vision of desirability dancing before her. Annest’s garb was very modest. She gave her grooming little attention. Had she even considered it, she would have denied any possibility of her body being an object of desire.

Patience loosened her pouch from her wrist and released it without a second thought. Annest was there to receive it. Patience then presented her ties to Annest. No words were spoken as Annest went about the varied tasks of disrobing the elaborate apparel. It was a ballet well known to both lady and maid.

A twist of the shoulder now, an extension of the ankle right then, a helping lift to get the alignment just so. The damp, small clothes were whisked away in no time, and Patience was draped in a fresh, silky-soft chemise.

Patience sat down in front of her vanity while Annest stood behind her to unpin and let down her hair. Patience was lost in thought about all of the excitement and attention of the night.

Current fashion had the men exaggerating their crotch with fanciful codpieces. The inexperienced girl had no idea how much of the swelling was real and how much the tailor added.

Her imagination ran to wild thoughts of how those hidden treasures could be put to use. The vivid image of a thrusting phallus was affecting her body. Her pussy dampens, and her nipples stiffen with these thoughts.

Annest had finished unpinning Patience’s hair. The full, rich tresses now fell down the back of the chair to the seat. Annest picked up the brush and began her favorite bedtime chore, the first of many strokes required to make Patience’s hair shine. She inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent of Patience, as well as all the exotic smells from the Ball.

Annest gazed in the mirror at her mistress and saw Patience’s stiff nipples making trails in the chemise caused by heavier than usual breathing. Then, glancing down, Annest could see the chemise becoming transparent from moisture where it lay over Patience’s mound.

Annest didn’t know what was causing her mistress’s arousal. She just knew the instant effect it had on her. It awoke sensations Annest had never felt before.

There was a pleasant twitch in her pussy. Her nipples burned from their swelling. She leaned forward so that the back of the brush would stimulate her inflamed breasts as it passed.

Patience recalled the dashing Cavalry officer with whom she spent much of the evening. John’s uniform was regulation, so his prominent bulge had to be all-natural.

Within the strict bounds of the expected behavior of a gentleman toward a lady, John did his best to get looks down her gown. Even at her young age, Patience knew all the right movements to show off her charms. She saw she was successful by the way John’s codpiece expanded.

Now she was having improper thoughts of her hands seeking confirmation of his engorgement. Her dreams of John putting his lips to work on her exposed neck further fueled Patience’s arousal.

Annest’s brushing added an actual stimulation to the imagined. Next, she began lightly caressing her body with both hands. It caused her to arch her back with pleasure and moan.

Annest was entirely distracted by Patience’s overt sensual preening. She was careless in her handling of the brush. It snagged, and she heard a yelp as she pulled the brush down.

Jerked from her fantasies by the sharp pain, Patience went into a rage.

“You clumsy beast! Are you trying to pull my head clean off!”

Annest shrank from her mistress in abject horror.

“Do you know how much that hurts? I don’t think you do! Get over here. I’ll show you how much pain a brush can bring.”

Drawing further away, Annest muttered her apology,

“Sorry, ma’am. I didn’t…”

“I’ll show you sorry. Get over here, I said!” Patience declared.

Annest’s body and face showed fear and confusion,

“what do you mean to do?”

“I MEAN to punish you. Would you rather I sent you to Hudghton?”

 Now true panic took hold of Annest. The Steward was the final authority among the servants of Yarmouth Manor. His punishments were cruel and could leave a lasting mark. She dropped to her knees and begged,

“No, no, no, no. Don’t send me to Mr. Hudghton. Do with me as you will.”

Reason was returning to Patience. With it, she found she was enjoying the way Annest was submitting to her.

“Strip,” she stated.

Annest’s thoughts were all confused. She knew any punishment started with this humiliation. The Steward would have her strip in front of all the servants if he were to flog her.

At the same time, she loved Patience. Annest was very happy providing her mistress with all of her needs. She should never have caused Patience any pain. It was her fault, and she deserved punishment.

Eyes downcast, she stood and, with trembling hands, began removing all of her clothes.

Patience was surprised at the body Annest revealed. The hands were coarse and raw from scrubbing and cleaning. Annest’s arms also had firm muscles from those activities, as expected.

The rest was a vision of nubile perfection. Annest’s skin was pale and soft, untouched by the harsh sun. Her waist was narrow, and her breasts were full, high, and firm. The small pink areolas were just a shade darker than the breasts they capped.

The nipples were very stiff, implying sexual tension. Annest’s thighs looked soft and inviting at the top of long, well-shaped legs.

Patience found her arousal rising again as she gazed at the trembling girl before her. Annest’s hands, still clutching the brush, covered her crotch and Patience’s view of her pussy.

“Hands behind your back!” Patience barked.

Annest immediately complied, revealing a thick patch of hair over small lips that concealed all else inside.

Patience stood and began a slow circular inspection. Annest had never felt so exposed. Fear and uncertainty struggled with pleasure. Even with her downcast eyes, Annest could see the arousal in her mistress. Arousal caused by looking at her.

Patience unknowingly moistened her lips with her tongue as she took in the firm, round shape of Annest’s bottom. She plucked the brush from Annest’s hands, startling her very naked maid, and completed her circuit.

Patience turned the chair around and sat facing Annest. She was slapping her open palm with the back of the brush rhythmically, producing a sharp crack. The cracking was causing Annest to flinch ever so slightly.

Annest’s reaction was causing a sympathetic and very pleasurable twitch in Patience’s pussy. A wicked little half-smile formed as Patience contemplated her subsequent actions.

Her governess, and her nanny before that, had been strict. As a result, spankings had been a standard part of her upbringing.

However, there were limits to the force these women could employ on a child of such high birth. As a result, Patience ended up enjoying a well-spanked bottom once she was sixteen. She had always been the recipient and was looking forward to being the presenter.

“You have been with me, what, four years now?” Patience asked.

“Ie, ma’am.”

“And have you ever been punished?”

“Dim, ma’am, not since I took service.”

Feeling she needed less familiarity, Patience stated harshly, “Answer in English with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no,’ nothing further!”

Cowed, Annest answered meekly, “Yes, ma’am.”

“I am going to give you a sound spanking. You are to remain quiet. You will not attempt to impede me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Over my knees then.”

Annest got into position, bottom pointing high, fingers and toes on the floor. Patience looked in wonder at the sight Annest’s quivering cheeks and swollen pussy presented to her. She began by caressing and squeezing those perfect globes. She placed her other hand high on Annest’s back to keep her in place. Patience slapped a cheek once hard and watched a red handprint darken and contrast with the surrounding white.

Annest’s head snapped up, and she hissed, but nothing more. She could not believe how that sting penetrated and seared.

Now Patience spanked firmly and steadily. While she kept an even rhythm, she never hit the same spot twice. Annest was a blood-red from the small of her back to the top of her thighs.

Patience’s spanking was causing Annest a good deal of pain. At the same time, her breasts were bouncing, causing her nipples to dance, and her mound kept getting forced into Patience’s thigh.

Annest found that she could take the pain deep into her soul and merge it with her love for Patience. It allowed her to focus on the sensations the spanking was imparting to her nipples and clitoris. Annest was becoming very aroused.

Patience could not believe how stoic her maid was. She had made no sound or movement since the first hiss. Patience could see Annest’s eyes were closed, her cheeks flushed, and her mouth open in an O shape.

On the other end, Annest’s hood had withdrawn, leaving the swollen clit exposed. Her lips had parted, and the opening was very moist. Patience was amazed. This girl was getting close to an orgasm. Annest was panting.

Patience’s palm was starting to sting. She stopped the spanking with her hand on a cheek and her fingertips just brushing Annest’s pussy. She held very still and just felt the warm, heaving body in her lap. Spanking this girl was every bit as enjoyable as Patience had hoped. She, too, was getting close to her orgasm.

It took a moment for Annest to realize that the spanking had stopped. Her bottom was on fire. So was her passion. She found that she was disappointed that Patience had not continued.

She remained in place, waiting for a new command. Then, her breathing returned to normal. She could feel Patience’s fingers tantalizing close to her pleasure zone.

“Now for the brush!” Patience announced.

She pulled her chemise up to her waist so that they could have skin-on-skin contact. Then, she picked up the brush and began to paddle Annest in earnest.

Annest hissed again. She could not believe the intensity the brush added.

Patience took her hand off Annest’s back and reached for the girl’s nipple. She pulled and squeezed hard.

That unexpected pain sent Annest over the top. She arched up and came hard. She bit her hand to keep her scream inside. Her nostrils flared as she puffed and jerked out in an extended release.

Patience shoved the brush handle hard onto her own clit, grabbed and pulled her own nipple to trigger her release.

When their initial orgasms had subsided, Patience gathered Annest into her arms and cuddled her close.

Annest sobbed with joy on Patience’s shoulder. She breathed into Patience’s ear, “I love you.”

Published 3 years ago

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