A couple of days after Claire started a course of antibiotics for her Urinary Tract Infection, she felt much better. She only missed one day of work. John had spent the night with her.
By some unspoken mutual consent, they did not discuss future plans; they simply tried to connect physically, and calm the waters of their relationship. Back at school, she asked Sharone how things were going with getting pregnant by her brother-in-law.
“We’re still at it and won’t stop until Ray has to go back home. I’m becoming quite fond of him and like our little menage.” She had a glow about her that made Claire think that her egg and Ray’s wrigglers had met already. But why stop a good thing.
Sharone told her, “Roy, my husband, keeps asking if you are going to play with us again. He’s smitten with you,” she giggled. “You white women are stealing all our good men. Just look at the TV ads these days: white woman, black man.”
Claire wanted to focus her energies on reconciling with both boys so she welcomed a breather from marital issues for the time being. John Jr was not receptive to her overtures, but Ben was thrilled by the reunion and promised to work on him.
John Sr ate dinner with her and slept with her but he had not moved his things. After a morning coffee together he went to his apartment to get ready for work. They had not yet had sex.
When her treatment was completed and her urine test was clear, John returned home to find her in their bed naked with open arms. He stripped and got in with her, taking her in his arms.
“Now, tell me all about what it was like to have three hung studs fuck you.”
Claire was gobsmacked; she had not seen that coming. Her first reaction was that he wanted to start a fight with her, but before she could react, John pulled the covers off of them and revealed a roaring hard-on.
“You know, in spite of all our insecurities, it is every husband’s secret fantasy for his wife to fuck a black stud with a huge dick. I’m no different, and now that it is a reality, I want to hear all about it.”
“I’ll try,” she said and took his hard cock in her hand.
By the time she described being supported by four naked people in the warm water and feeling that very large glans trying to insinuate itself between her pussy lips, John erupted, shooting cum on both of them. He quickly pressed his hand on her very wet pussy and touched her clit. She was ready; she spasmed.
They lay for a while in their wet spots. John said, “I think after a little dinner I could go again, how about you?” Claire nodded enthusiastically.
The next few days were a frenzied sex marathon before the novelty of interracial sex faded. Finally, Claire asked why John had not begun to move back in fully.
“Let me go back a few months; while all this Sturm und Drang about cheating and divorce was going on, I had some exciting professional things happen.
“As you know, both the federal and local governments are struggling with several social and environmental issues, homelessness, air pollution, urban sprawl, housing costs, preserving green spaces, etc.
“One mitigation idea involves breaking up existing large house lots into two or more housing units. I received a grant to design a modular unit that allows a second living space to be added to an existing property
“Do you recall when we were discussing a divorce and building two cottages on one lot? I was working on a concept at that time. I now have an option on a vacant lot in mid-town that the city owns.
“I want to design and build a smaller house for us plus another unit that could house two non-conjugal adults in the rear. There would be garage space for only one car requiring some residents to use public transport. The modular design will be flexible enough for several variations in other situations.”
Claire was aghast, “You mean sell this house? How will the boys visit?”
“The new cottage will have a guest room, but we probably won’t be seeing them so much after graduation.
“I think we should put most of our stuff in storage and move into my apartment while the project moves along. School is almost over for the summer; you could be a consultant on the design team.”
The next few weeks were jam-packed with activity, at school and at home. The house was not on the market long, so they had many decisions to make about possessions, what to keep, what to get rid of.
Finally, the school year ended. John suggested that Claire request a sabbatical year to concentrate on the project; it was granted. When things settled down, she noted that she had not had her period lately. That was not too surprising given her age, women in their forties were becoming perimenopausal. She herself took hormone supplements.
Their sex life picked up once summer started. John started using testosterone and couldn’t get enough of her. He still asked about her time with Sharone and her brother in particular. That image triggered his arousal every time she described that big cock coming in her pussy.
For her, the sex was familiar and comfortable, though it lacked the excitement of newness, not to mention the anticipation as when Roy’s rather large cock pressed deeper into her pussy than anyone had before.
The design project was well underway and the city and county were fast-tracking the approvals. It looked as if the cottage might be ready in the fall. John hoped that a design award might also be in his future.
John was a happy camper, he had his loving wife back again and could make a national name for himself if the project went well. But there was an unresolved matter on his mind.
He could not stop imagining his wife on her back, under a handsome black man while he eased his big cock into her welcoming pussy. He envisioned her legs wrapped around his hips as she met his thrusts with her own, sighing and moaning as he probed her depths.
The image drove him nearly mad with angst and jealousy, yet gave him an enormous erection. Eventually he became certain that she could not possibly be satisfied by his average white equipment, she must be faking her orgasms. He would not be content until he saw the real thing for himself.
One night, as Claire was playing with his cock, getting ready to climb on it, he blurted out, “I want you to invite your friend Ray to come fuck you. I want to watch.”
Everything stopped. She made him repeat himself in disbelief. “I can’t erase that image from my head and it makes me unbelievably horny to contemplate it. Will you invite him?”
“I guess, if you really want that. What is it that you think will happen if we do that? Will you fuck me too? By the way, it’s his brother Roy that wants to fuck me. Sharone told me in school, she asked me to come play again.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her that I had alI wanted right here at home.”
“Yep. But if you would like a rerun, I’m sure it can be arranged. Think about it for a few days, then ask me again.”
“How do you see it working? Would we have a threesome, would you want to be alone with him, would his brother be involved?” John envisioned an orgy taking place.
“I would prefer to play with you and him, just us three. You could orchestrate the entire thing; it would only go as far as you want. This is the kind of fun that I have always hoped for, us together.
Sharone was delighted to hear from her, but explained that they only play together. Claire didn’t think John was ready for that, so she asked if Ray might be interested.
He called back the next day to enthusiastically accept her invitation. As they chatted, she explained the situation at home, needing to reassure Ray that her husband was a calm and gentle, and sane person.
When Claire opened the door to let Ray in, John stood back watching for signs of intimacy, but she simply offered her cheek for a quick peck and turned to make introductions.
Ray extended his hand to John when recognition dawned on both of them. They had seen each other, though not met, at various city events. They stood awkwardly while John made the proffered drinks, then went into the den and sat.
The men discussed trivia for a while, Ray sitting in an easy chair, the couple on the sofa. Claire sat quietly beside her husband, not saying much, her hand on his thigh, a hopeful smile on her lips.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, John said, “So, you’ve been fucking my wife.” Claire’s hand flew to her mouth.
“Just once…. so far,” Ray answered. “But I’m looking forward to a repeat, with your help and guidance. She’s a very beautiful woman and you are a lucky man.”
Claire could feel her face blushing; the room was suddenly too hot.
“From what I have been told, it’s you who should give me guidance, you’re quite a cocksman. Did she satisfy you?” John’s voice rose in pitch.
Sensing that things were getting a bit chippy, Claire offered to refresh the drinks.
“No, you stay and visit, I’ll do it,” John said as he stood and collected the glasses.
When he was gone Ray asked her, “Is he going to be alright?”
“I don’t know, but don’t worry, he’s a good man. You two seemed to like each other when you arrived earlier. It’s just nerves I think.” She hoped.
When John returned, he apologized, “I have no idea how to get this kicked off, it’s my first time.”
“Ray, Claire has told me about her time with you and your family. It sounds like it was quite special for her and, I hear, for you as well. It came at a time when we were separated and contemplating divorce.
“Now that we are back together, I can’t stop obsessing about it; I want to watch the two of you make love.” That choice of words alarmed Claire but she held her peace. She patted John’s knee, then took his hand.
“Will you be joining us?” Asked Ray.
“I don’t know, this is all new to me. Should I?” John was getting more and more nervous.
“I recommend it, in fact, I suggest that you two begin making out and undressing each other while I watch, and join when you are ready for me.” He crossed the room and sat on Claire’s other side.
When she turned to John and kissed him, Ray’s hand lightly rubbed her back. Her kiss was long and passionate; then she turned to Ray and kissed him, closely watched by her husband. John felt the first stab of jealousy.
“God, I can’t believe I am watching my wife French kissing another man. My heart is in my throat pumping a mile a minute.” He hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
“Should we stop right here?” Ray asked, removing his hand from her breast.
“No! My cock is waking up and I can feel the endorphins starting to take effect. I want to see this through, understand the attraction.”
Claire certainly didn’t want to stop, she was getting very aroused thinking about that beautiful brown cock that she had dreams about. That familiar ache was beginning in her abdomen. She needed to be fucked soon.
She turned back to John and began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing her way south as she went. Ray continued to caress her back and shoulders; John didn’t know what to do with his hands.
While she struggled with John’s pants zipper, he shrugged out of his shirt. As soon as she worked his erect cock out of his pants, he whispered to her, “Now do him.” She kissed him again and turned to Ray, kissed him.
Now John rubbed her back and watched. She pulled Ray’s tee shirt over his head, then let her hands roam over his smooth chest. She looked back to check on John. He smiled encouragement, so she reached for Rays’ pants closures. She struggled trying to extract his erection so he stood up and pushed his pants to his ankles.
John’s jaw dropped, “Damn, he’s going to put that thing in her?” Ray’s cock was about at half-mast. John’s engineering mind estimated that it was nine inches long and thick in the bargain.
He suddenly realized that both Claire and Ray were looking at him waiting for him to make the next move. He had no idea what it should be. He shrugged, then stood up letting his pants fall.
Ray sidled up next to him and put his arm around his shoulders, “Everything OK my friend?” John could only nod; his sons were the last men to hug him but oddly, he was not uncomfortable.
He also noticed that his panic level had subsided; he was enjoying himself. Claire stood up and tried to put her arms around both men. Her bare breasts sprouted hard nipples as they touched two chests.
She had two rampant cocks poking at her belly, leaving wet tracks when she moved. “Which one should I let have me first?” She wished she didn’t have to worry about it but she didn’t want to screw things up now that she was getting what she craved. She decided on John.
“I seem to have the most clothes on. Can someone rectify that, John?”
He dropped to his knees, suddenly realizing that he was face to face with a large brown penis. The tip of Ray’s glans peeked out of his foreskin, wet with a drop of precum. The urge to touch it was strong, surprising John.
Fumbling with the buttons of Claire’s shorts brought his hands in contact with that monster when she was turned to kiss Ray, then her hand lifted it and laid it against her belly. John sat back on his heels and watched. His heart was pounding now, his cock raging.
The pair stood there for a long time, kissing with their arms around each other, Ray’s burgeoning member trapped between them leaking profusely. Claire wanted desperately to kneel down and hold that monster. Her mouth was actually salivating for it.
“Ahem, maybe we should take this show to the bedroom,” John said as he rose to his feet. He was starting to feel left out, seeing how avidly his wife pressed against Ray. The pair separated, but instead of moving, Claire dropped to her knees and took John’s cock into her mouth.
“Mmm, I love the taste of your cock darling,” she looked up into his eyes. “How are you doing? Are you OK?” She was sensing his restlessness.
“I’m more than fine, I’m stoked, and right now I have a hair trigger. You had better take care of our guest first, or I’ll cum instantly.” That made her decision easier.
They traipsed clumsily to the bedroom, Claire holding Ray’s cock as he fondled her breasts, John following behind trying to grab her behind. Ray gently pushed her onto her back at the edge of the bed.
He looked to John and asked, “May I have the honor?”
“You are the guest, guests go first,” Claire answered for her husband with a smile, pointing to her pussy. “Let’s take a vote, who thinks I should wax my pussy completely clean?” Her attempt at humor fell flat; no one answered.
Not needing further permission, Ray fell to his knees and began kissing his way along her inner thighs to the promised land, which was beautifully and wetly, waiting, surrounded by a neat patch of pubic hair. The anticipation was tantalizing; she clenched her Keegle muscles making her pussy lips wink.
She reached out to John inviting him to kneel beside her and kiss her. “What more could a girl want? Thank you, darling.”
Her hand went to his cock, his hand went to her breast just as Ray’s tongue reached her wet pussy lips. An intense heat enveloped Claire’s entire body, yet she had goose flesh. This was the ultimate; her husband kissing her while her lover licked her pussy.
“Could it get any better?” she wondered just as her first orgasmic spasm gripped her body. Both Ray and John stopped and watched her reactions for a few moments.
“John, come back, hold me. Thank you for being here to share this with me.” She held out her arms for him. Ray moved aside and John moved between her legs.
“Yes, please fuck me now. I want to feel your wonderful cock open me first. Go slow, don’t cum too soon OK? Make this moment last for me. I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
Unfortunately John barely got his cock in her before he exploded. She held him tightly to her while he jerked and moaned, “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s alright darling, it’s alright, just hold me now. We aren’t done yet; you’ll be back sooner than you know.”
Too soon for John, his cock went soft and slid out along with a stream of his spunk. He raised himself on his hands and asked Claire, “Are you ready for the main event now?”
“Don’t say that, you will always be the main event for me. Now sit there and watch me tame this rampant sex machine.” She turned to Ray, “C’mon big guy, let’s show my hubby what his wife can do.” She opened her legs in invitation.
“He’s going to fuck me now, John. Are you sure you’re OK?” He nodded numbly.
She intended to keep control of herself for John’s sake, but almost immediately as Ray pressed his monster into her, her resolve crumbled. She felt that special fullness as he went deeper and deeper. Her second orgasm came on suddenly, leaving her writhing in ecstasy, out of control.
John was experiencing a post-ejaculation let-down. He watched her pussy easily wrap around that huge cock and heard her sighs of pleasure as Ray’s cock pushed deeper. Her noises became incoherent when he began stroking in and out.
It was too much for John, he went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid. He could still hear Ray’s quiet baritone murmurs and her sporadic responses. “What are they talking about, the weather?” He wondered, then he wondered, “What in hell am I doing here?”
“Get hold of yourself, it’s just sex,” he told himself. He stood up and returned to the bedside. It was an awesome sight; Ray’s dark body covering Claire’s pale one, their mouths locked together, his long strokes being met by her pelvis rising to take his entire cock in.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she whispered at the bottom of each of his thrusts, her fingers pressing his buttocks in deeper. It was both terrifying and mesmerizing at the same time.
John walked around the bed, studying this strange organism that seemed to be trying to become one. He examined her feet, heels hooked over Ray’s thighs, her toes curled tightly.
He watched her thighs open for his thrusts and close around his torso when he pulled back. And lastly he watched her hungrily kiss him, her arms around his neck and her tongue exploring his mouth. He had no idea how many orgasms she experienced, many more than the one she sometimes had with him.
“This is it,” he thought, “she is gone, she’s his now. How could I be so stupid to let this happen again. She has never been in such a state with me. I was just a sperm donor to give her babies. Now, I’m of no use when she can have this virile specimen. Damn how long can he go on like this, I want this to be over.”
John moved to where he could look through their open legs. Her pussy was stretched taut around his fat cock leaving a ring of her cream and more streaks along its length. Her anus bulged when he slid in, she was filled his cock.
Finally, Ray announced that he was ready to cum. Claire became more frantic.
“Oh, fuck me, put your baby seed in me,” she yelled.
Ray put his lips to hers to quiet her, and they stayed locked together while his cock pulsed and shot his load of cum deep in her. They stayed like that for what seemed to John, an eternity.
Eventually, Ray got up and left the room. Claire looked at John and smiled dazedly. He realized that he was hard again. With no preamble, he got on top of his wife and rammed his seven-inch cock into her sloppy pussy.
He fucked her furiously but silently, her looking into his eyes trying to gauge his feelings. Ray’s cum deposit was being angrily fucked out of her, making a mess of their conjoined parts and the sheet. At last John came and collapsed on her.
She clasped him to her and whispered. “I love you.” He couldn’t respond. They remained like that for a while until she stirred. They got up and showered together without really talking.
When they got to the living room, Ray was sitting quietly reading a magazine. They made small talk for a while, then he kissed Claire, thanked them both and left.
At dinner, John thought he needed to say something.
“Claire, that was truly something. It’s too fresh for me to have coherent things to say to you except you are beautiful and I love you.”
“I love you more than I can say right now too, John,” she came around the table and kissed him. It was as if all his fatalistic thoughts had not happened mere hours ago.