I admit it; I have a massive hose and heel fetish. My wife, Clara, knows nothing about my fetish, but as she never wears either of them, I’m always looking around for women wearing heels. Whenever I go anywhere, either with her or on my own, I’m on the lookout for a nice pair of heels being worn.
I work in an office that is around 95% male, so unfortunately, I don’t see many nice heels at work either. However, occasionally, I spot a few, and they always catch my attention. One of the senior managers always wears a nice pair with a knee-length dress or skirt, which is always a treat to see on her rare visits to our room.
One evening, my wife and I attended a wedding reception for one of my wife’s work colleagues. I wasn’t too fussed about going, but the thought of seeing some hose and heels encouraged me that I might have a good time after all. When we arrived at the reception, the place was packed. Most people had been there for a while and were pretty well hammered already. We went to a quiet spot, found a table, and sat beside Clara’s friends.
I sat looking towards the dance floor, my eyes wandering to the shoes each of the women walking by was wearing. I was pleased to see that the vast majority were wearing some form of heel. Although my tastes are slightly specific, I enjoyed looking at the various women. Clara leaned close to me and shouted above the noise of the live band, “Have you seen the heels Michelle is wearing tonight? I’d break my neck in those.”
I knew exactly who she was referring to. Of course, I’d already spotted her shoes; I’d been watching her for the last ten minutes on the dance floor. A blonde, slender-framed beauty with a pair of black stiletto platform heels. I feigned ignorance and asked who she was referring to.
“Michelle, over there, blonde hair and killer heels.”
“Oh yeah, perhaps you should get a pair. I’ll buy you some for your birthday,” I joked.
“Don’t waste your money, they would never get worn and live in the box,” she said.
As the evening went on, Michelle sat at our table, which wasn’t ideal as I couldn’t see her shoes anymore. Clara spent most of the evening drinking and talking to her friends, and to be honest, I was more than ready to leave when we did. Clara was a little worse for wear. Michelle and her husband Mark had already offered to drop us off at home on their way home. As Mark didn’t drink, he was the designated driver of the rented minibus that was now crowded with people. We got home, and Michelle helped me drag Clara off the bus. “Need any help getting her home?” she asked as Clara decided to sit down on the footpath.
I could get her home safely, but I accepted her offer for some reason; maybe it was because I wanted to watch her walking in those shoes. She returned to the bus and grabbed her bag, saying something to her husband, who nodded. She helped me guide Clara home as the bus drove away. “He’s coming back to pick me up later,” she said.
We walked down the quiet cul-de-sac, Clara resting between us as I unlocked the door. I picked Clara up and carried her upstairs, dumping her on the bed and awkwardly removing her dress while she was muttering something incoherent. I lay her back and covered her with the duvet, and she was out, cold. I left her and went downstairs; Michelle was standing in the hallway waiting for me. “Is she ok?” she asked.
“Yeah, fine. She won’t remember a thing in the morning. Drink?”
“Yes, please, coffee. Had enough wine for one night.”
“Yeah, at least you know when to stop,” I laughed, directing Michelle into the kitchen. Her heels on the hard floors excited me. It was the first time I had heard such a thing in our house, and I took every opportunity to look at her feet.
“When is Mark coming back?”
“I guess he’ll be about an hour,” she said, looking at the clock.
“Let’s go into the lounge then,” I said, pointing the way. Michelle walked ahead of me, and I took in her body. She walked with a slight swagger in her hips. She sat in the chair, and I switched on the TV to break the silence between us and the noise of Clara snoring loudly upstairs.
“Now that’s something for you to take the piss out of next week,” I laughed as she sat and listened to the noise from upstairs.
Michelle kicked off her shoes, “Ahh, that’s better,” she said, “I love these shoes, but they start to hurt after a while.”
“Yes, they are very nice,” I said, looking at them now that they were the centre of conversation. “I offered to buy Clara a pair, but she refused, saying she would break her ankle or neck in them.”
“Nah, they are easy to wear and fit like a glove, plus they make my legs and ass tighter,” she smiled. They certainly did, I thought to myself. “Perhaps we should work on her for you,” she laughed.
“That would be good, but you’re onto a loser from the start; I’ve been trying for years.”
Just then, her phone rang, “Hi Mark. Oh shit, no. Where are you?” There was silence for a moment before she said, “Ok, see you later,” and hung up the phone. “That fucking bus had broken down. It’ll be hours before he gets here.”
“You could stay the night; there’s a few spare rooms upstairs. It’s already gone one o’clock, and you won’t get home until daylight.” I replied.
“You don’t mind?”
“Hell no. Ring him back and tell him to pick you up in the morning.” She called Mark and told him.
Another half-hour passed, and Michelle started to doze off in the chair. “Perhaps I should hit the sack,” she said, yawning loudly.
“Not a bad idea,” I said, feeling tired.
I switched off the TV, and Michelle waited for me at the bottom of the stairs, carrying her shoes. She followed me up, and I showed her the bathroom and the spare rooms. Clara was snoring louder than ever as we stood outside the door to my bedroom. “Looks like I’m in for a sleepless night,” I said.
“Me too. I’m a light sleeper, and she’s really loud. Wow, is that actually coming from her,” she chuckled.
“She might stop when I roll her over, but you might be better in that room,” I said, pointing to the one furthest away.
“Ok, good night and good luck,” she giggled.
“Good night, thanks for helping out,” I said. She turned to face me before entering the bedroom with a wide smile. God damn, she was sexy. I got ready for bed, climbed in next to Clara, prodded her, and got her to roll onto her side. At last, the snoring stopped.
I lay in bed, thinking about the women and heels I had seen that night. The images overloaded my mind. Then Michelle popped into my head; seeing her sexy body sitting in my favourite chair with a pair of delightful heels discarded on the floor in front of her would provide me with plenty of jerk-off material for the next month. Eventually, I managed to get to sleep, only to wake a while later to Clara lying behind me, snoring loudly into my ear. “For fucks sake,” I said under my breath, rolling her over again, but it didn’t stop her. I gave up, got out of bed, and headed for the other spare bedroom.
Leaving the light off, I pulled back the duvet and climbed in. I felt movement and realised that Michelle was also in the bed, “Hi,” she said.
I jumped out quickly and apologised, “Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s my fault. I should have said I like a double bed, but the other room only has a single.”
“Sorry, I’ll go to the other room,” I said.
“No, it’s your house; I’ll go,” she said, climbing out and stumbling around the room. In the dim light, I could see she was topless, wearing just a pair of panties.
“No, it’s ok, I’ll go,” I said, blocking her path.
“No, it’s your house, so you get the double bed,” she laughed.
“But you are my guest; I insist you stay here.”
“We can argue this all night. Let’s compromise and stay here,” she said, climbing back onto the bed again. “We can’t sleep anyway, so let’s just talk.” I climbed in next to her and pulled the covers over me. Michelle lay on her back next to me as we listened to Clara’s constant noise. “Wow, I certainly have enough here to take the piss for the next month, not to mention the fact her husband has to share a bed with me to get away from her.”
“I wouldn’t mention that; people might get the wrong idea.”
“Yeah, I guess they might,” she sighed. There were a few moments of silence between us, “What are you thinking about?” she asked.
“Not a lot,” I said calmly, not telling her anything that was on my mind, “what about you?” I said, reversing the question.
“Only that I’m lying in bed next to you,” she giggled, “So come on, tell me what you are thinking about.”
“Truthfully?” I asked.
“Yeah, come on, tell me your darkest secrets; they will be just between you and me; who else can I tell?” she said.
“Ok, I’m thinking about all the women I saw tonight in heels and hose.”
“Have a bit of a thing for heels then, do we,” she said.
“Yeah, probably because Clara never wears anything like that.”
“If she didn’t, you’d probably be lusting over something else,” she laughed. “So, you like my shoes then?”
“Yeah, very much. I couldn’t stop looking at them.”
“Honesty, I like that,” she said, rolling over to face me. Would you like me to put them on again?”
“No, it’s okay. It’s too dark to see anything anyway.”
“You could always switch the light on.”
“I could, but you are hardly dressed.”
“Yeah, that’s what makes it more exciting. I bet you wondered what I would look like just wearing the shoes and nothing else, haven’t you.”
“Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean to say you should do that.”
“I know, but it’ll be fun. Who is going to know? Who am I going to tell? Not Mark, for sure.”
I felt movement on the bed and saw her sitting on the edge of it, leaning forward for a moment before switching on the bedside light next to her. The bright light immediately blinded me, but slowly I could see her standing with her hands on her hips next to the bed. I stared at her naked chest, her firm boobs not requiring any support as she squinted in the bright light.
“Very nice,” I said, but I can’t see your shoes.
Michelle walked around the bed to my side and struck a few poses, giggling like a schoolgirl. Her heels accentuated her long legs, and her black and simple panties were the only clothing she wore. She walked around a little before returning to the bed next to me and lay facing me, her shoes still firmly attached to her feet.
“I can see you enjoyed that,” she said, noticing the bulge in the duvet.
“I did; you are very beautiful, Michelle. Mark is a lucky guy.”
“Thank you,” she said. “Come on, I’ve got an idea.” She jumped up off the bed and headed for the door. I got out of bed and followed her, not sure what her idea was, but painfully aware of the prominent bulge in my shorts, which, no matter how I tried to adjust it, I couldn’t avoid showing it off. Michelle quietly opened the door to our bedroom and saw Clara lying on her side of the bed. Michelle took off her shoes and passed them to me. “Put them on her,” she whispered. “You wanted to know what she looks like in heels? Now’s your chance,” she giggled.
I took the shoes from her, feeling the soft leather in my hands. I carefully placed the shoes onto Clara’s feet. They were a little big for her, but this helped me get them onto her feet without any problems. I went to the bedside cabinet, grabbed my phone, and took a few pictures, hoping the flash didn’t wake Clara. She stirred a little and rolled over, giving me another few of her feet in high heels for the first time. I pulled them off her feet as we silently left the room and returned to the bedroom. Michelle sat on the edge of the bed giggling, “I bet you thought you’d never see her in high heels,” she said.
“No, you’re right, but now I have some photos to satisfy me.”
Michelle lifted her legs towards me, pointing her toes at me. I pushed her shoes back onto her feet as she walked around the bedroom. She went to her handbag, pulled out her camera, and passed it to me. “Take some shots,” she said, moving to the wall and pulling some sexy poses. I quickly took several photos as she moved around the room, showing off her curves and nakedness to me. In one of her poses, she leaned over a chest of drawers while facing away from me, her tight slim body accentuated by the heels; she then pulled down her panties a little, exposing both of her ass cheeks, before pulling her panties tight between her cheeks and looking back at me with a sexy pout on her lips.
“Shit, Michelle, you look so good,” I said, clicking away on the camera as she smiled and moved around the room before heading back to the bed. I climbed back onto the bed, and we lay close together as we went through the shots I had taken. I noticed Michelle staring at the wet patch on my shorts, where my cock had been leaking for some time.
“I’m sorry. Perhaps I shouldn’t have done that. I seem to have caused you a bit of a problem,” she giggled.
“Nothing that a few seconds alone in the bathroom won’t sort out, though I doubt that will fully cure my problem.”
She laughed, leaned over, and kissed me lightly on the cheek. “You are a good man, Steve. Some of the guys I know would have been nailing me to the bed right now.”
“In honesty, the thought had crossed my mind too,” I laughed, the thought of me sliding my cock into her tight body now at the forefront of my mind. Michelle rolled over, switched off the light, and pulled the covers over us.
My cock was hard and aching in my shorts as I lay listening to Michelle breathing silently next to me. Clara was now silent next door, so I decided to move back to my bed before I risked falling asleep and having Clara find us both in bed together in the morning. As I climbed into bed, Clara mumbled something, got up and headed into the bathroom. “I’ve no idea how I got home,” she said when she returned to the bedroom and started removing the last of her clothes.
“I know, it took two of us,” I said, yawning loudly.
“Two?” she asked.
“Yeah, Michelle helped, and you’ve spent the last 4 hours snoring loud enough to wake the whole street.”
“Oh god, sorry,” she said quietly.
“It’s ok; Michelle now has plenty of evidence to use against you for the next month,” I joked.
“Shit, she heard me snoring?”
“Yeah, probably all night; she’s in the spare room. Mark had problems with the bus, so I told her she could stay over.”
“Oh,” she said quietly.
She snuggled close to me, and we drifted off to sleep. I woke the following morning, my cock painfully hard as I remembered the time spent with Michelle last night. I rolled over, hoping Clara might respond to my needs, but the bed was empty. I heard quiet voices and realised that Clara and Michelle must be talking.
I listened as I dozed in bed, my mind returning to last night with Michelle, and now I felt a little guilty about being with her for a few hours, even though we didn’t do anything. I tried to make out what they were saying, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I tumbled out of bed and went to the spare room, poking my head around the door. “Breakfast not ready then?” I said as my eyes immediately went to Michelle’s bare boobs as she lay on top of the bed next to Clara.
“Morning, sleepy head,” said Clara brightly and cheerfully. I was always envious of how she never suffered from a hangover. I then noticed she had Michelle’s heels on her feet.
“Do you like them?” she asked. I nodded, not sure what to say. “So do I, but I bet I can’t walk in them.”
I moved closer to the bed and held out a hand, “Have a try,” I said. Clara got to her feet and stumbled around the room a little, holding onto the furniture before gaining more confidence and walking unaided, if not a little ungainly. She then sat back on the bed and looked at her feet. “Why are you wearing them?” I asked.
“Michelle and I have been talking; she likes to wear heels whenever possible. Isn’t that right, Michelle?”
Michelle nodded and raised her eyes at me, giving me a crafty wink. I didn’t know where to look, either at my wife wearing her first pair of heels while naked and sitting on the bed or at her work colleague who was lying topless behind her. Clara didn’t seem to mind or care that Michelle was topless.
“I think you should buy a pair; what do you think Steve?” asked Michelle.
“I’ve been saying that for years; you look so sexy in them,” I said, complimenting her and hoping she may be interested enough to buy a pair and wear them.
“But I’m bound to fall over and hurt myself,” she said.
“It takes practice. You did well in those, and they are 5-inch heels; try starting with something a little smaller until you get confident,” Michelle said.
“What do you think Steve?” Clara asked.
“I think we should go shoe shopping today. I’d like to see you try on a few pairs.”
“Ok, but if I break or twist my ankle, I’m never wearing them again.” She took off the shoes and passed them back to Michelle, realising that Michelle was topless on the bed. “Who’s getting a shower first,” she asked.
“I’ll go first if you don’t mind; Mark should be coming over soon to pick me up,” said Michelle.
Clara gave her a towel and toiletries as Michelle headed to the bathroom. I grabbed Clara and kissed her hard, my cock poking into her stomach. “Something has got you hard,” she said, feeling me through my shorts, “Is it the sight of my topless and almost naked friend there?” she giggled.
“Not just that, but you as well, especially when you had those shoes on,” I said, guiding her to the bed. She lay down, and I grabbed Michelle’s shoes and pushed them back onto Clara’s feet before lifting her legs high and wide and running my cock over her pussy.
“Yes, fuck me,” she groaned. I pushed into her, sinking almost all the way inside in one movement, and fucked her slowly, taking my time to look at her and the shoes on the end of her feet. “You like these, don’t you?” she gasped. I nodded and rolled her onto her side, spreading her legs and pushing back inside her again and fucking her slowly. Clara came hard as I pushed deeply into her, my cock running over the sensitive front wall of her pussy, bringing her to a shattering orgasm.
I pulled out of her, watching her body shake below me as she came down from her high. Her eyes flickered open, and she slowly turned around and crawled over to me, taking me into her mouth. She sucked me slowly, my eyes roaming over her body to her feet and looking at the shoes she was wearing. The door opened slightly, and Michelle walked back in, a towel wrapped around her body and her damp hair hanging around her shoulders. Her eyes went straight to Clara and my cock, a smile spreading over her face as she saw her shoes on Clara’s feet.
“They seem to have done the trick,” she said, making Clara jump and pull away from me as she sat on the bed. My cock was left bobbing away to itself in mid-air as Clara flushed with embarrassment. “Don’t mind me,” Michelle said, “I was getting my clothes.” Michelle looked at my cock, then opened the towel showing me her naked body; her pussy was clean shaved, with not a hair to be seen on it. She then dropped the towel and headed out of the room again.
Despite the lack of attention, my cock was still achingly hard, and I got off the bed and pulled Clara close to me again, “Don’t forget you were busy before,” I said, guiding her body lower until she was crouched in front of me.
“Not while Michelle is around,” she said.
“Why not? She’s already seen you sucking my cock, so you might as well finish what you started,” I said.
Clara looked at the door behind her, then opened her mouth, taking me back inside. I saw Michelle at the door, but as Clara had her back to the door, she couldn’t see her. Michelle watched as Clara blew me, sliding a finger into her panties before dropping them to the floor and openly playing with herself as Clara blew me. She squatted down and spread her knees wide, opening up her pussy and sliding two fingers inside her as she watched us. Clara must have heard Michelle quietly moaning to herself and turned around, seeing her friend squatting by the door with two fingers working on her pussy.
She looked up at me and smiled, then got onto the bed, taking hold of my hand and guiding me between her legs. I quickly slid my cock into her wet hole and held myself still; I was close to coming but wanted the moment to last. Clara called to Michelle, “Come over here!” Michelle stood and moved next to the bed; I could see her pussy was wet, and her juices were leaking out of her. Clara surprised me by reaching over and touching Michelle’s shaved pussy. “It’s so smooth, it looks so sexy,” she said.
“Yeah, it does,” I croaked, not believing the situation I found myself in. I knew the next stroke would probably take me past the point of no return and would probably bring the event to a close, so I held myself still inside her. Michelle placed a leg on the bed, opening up her legs and pussy for us both to see. Clara turned to me and urged me to fuck her. “I’m going to cum, if I do,” I said.
“That’s ok,” she said, “having two naked women in the room should get you hard again in no time,” she giggled.
She was probably right, so I forcefully started to fuck her, growling loudly as I came deep inside her, emptying a huge load that had been building since last night. I collapsed on top of her, breathing hard as I emptied the last of my sperm inside her. I rolled off her and looked over Clara’s body towards Michelle, who was rubbing her pussy violently as she came hard; a loud cry of passion escaped her as she came.
“Fuck that was so hot,” Michelle gasped, “I’ve never seen two people have sex before. It was so hot to watch,” she said, sitting at the bottom of the bed.
“It was hot having you here as well,” said Clara quietly, taking hold of my hand and squeezing me tightly; her other hand went to her pussy, and I felt the large load starting to dribble out of her. “My god, you filled me up,” she gasped, sliding off the bed and walking out of the bedroom with her hand between her legs. Michelle lay next to me, her chest still heaving as she recovered from coming.
We lay silently until Clara returned. She was still wearing the heels and appeared to be walking okay in them. She walked around the bed and climbed in next to me. I now had two naked women next to me; what a lucky guy I was. “Well, you’ve always fantasised about having a three in a bed,” Clara giggled.
“Yeah, what could be better than this?” I said, looking at Clara and then at Michelle feeling my cock twitch again as I looked at her naked form.
“Thought it wouldn’t take you long,” Clara laughed, grabbing hold of me again and stroking me slowly. I was soon back to full strength, and Clara slid over me and straddled my lap, sliding me deep into her soaking pussy. Michelle turned on her side and placed her head on my shoulder as she watched Clara slowly fuck me, her hand stroking Clara’s thigh lightly. I held onto Clara’s tits, tweaking her nipples hard, just as she always likes. Clara came loudly on me and fucked herself harder, bringing herself to another loud orgasm. She shuddered and rolled off me to the side, breathing hard. Michelle lay motionless next to me; oh, how I’d love to play with those tits of hers and touch that smooth pussy.
“You can touch him; it’s ok,” gasped Clara. Michelle sat up and looked at my wet cock, her hand wrapping around me, stroking me slowly. I let out an involuntary groan, as did Clara, as she watched another woman touch me for the first time. “Touch her pussy Steve, see how silky smooth it is,” Clara said, the excitement evident in her voice.
I looked at Michelle and she smiled at me, opening her legs wide and allowing me access to her sacred area. With trembling fingers, I touched her smooth skin, finding it soft and damp from the moisture coming from inside her. Michelle grabbed my hand and guided it lower, my fingers sliding between her wet pussy lips, causing her to moan and shudder. I stroked her slowly, feeling the juices flow out of her, spreading them over her soft skin; she shuddered and then lay down next to me again, her hand never leaving my cock.
Clara got on top of me. Michelle held my cock upright and guided it into Clara’s waiting pussy, her fingers brushing over Clara’s lips as she lowered herself down on me, spearing herself on my pole once again.
“That looks so hot,” said Michelle, looking up at Clara. Clara rode me hard, and before long, I was close to cuming again; Michelle kneeled up next to me and guided my hand between her legs. “Make me cum while you cum in Clara,” she gasped. “Let’s all cum together.”
My fingers delved deep into her, and Clara rode me hard, taking herself and me over the edge; this triggered Michelle to come as well as we all collapsed in a heap, breathing hard.
It had been a few weeks since Michelle had spent the night, and Clara, true to her word, was now more adventurous when wearing heels. I’d bought her three pairs, and she took to wearing them whenever she could around the house, getting used to walking and wearing them for longer. She had a black pair, similar to those that Michelle wore, but with a smaller heel, which she only wore to tell me she was horny. When I’d see her in those, we both knew we’d spend the next hour in bed with those shoes firmly attached to her feet. Michelle had used the fact that Clara was a loud snorer against her a few times, but nothing was mentioned of the fun we had had together in the morning.
“I’ve invited Michelle over to stay on Saturday night,” Clara said on Monday evening. “Mark is away with the guys, so I felt sorry for her and invited her over. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Why would I mind?” I said with a smile, my mind wandering back to my fingers sliding into her deliciously wet pussy.
“Ha, don’t you be getting any ideas!” she laughed as if reading my mind. “She’s just coming over and staying as a friend. There’ll be no repeat of what we got up to last time. As hot as it was, we won’t be repeating it.”
I pouted at her, and she laughed. Was she being serious, or was the plan to have some more fun with Michelle?