Thomas Bean had been smitten by his dad’s girlfriend Ashley Anne ever since she came into their lives. She was twenty-four, just eight years older than him, and a professional model. She was fun, bubbly, and seemed to like the teenager a lot. She got along great with Thomas and seemed to absolutely adore his dad, who had been reeling off since his wife left them.
Ashley was a tall brunette with a nice firm bust, a slim waist, and a sexy, gym-toned ass, which the boy regularly got to see once she moved into their home three months ago. She liked to dress casually around their home; it wasn’t unusual for her to be sunbathing in the back with practically nothing on… and Thomas would be furiously masturbating to her from the vantage point in his room. Ashley seemed to know of this ritual as well, often teasing him about it during dinners.
Things were moving along smoothly till one fateful day just after his exams were done.
“We’re engaged!” His father announced excitedly over dinner.
“Congratulations!” Thomas went in for a big hug to his dad, Erik. Erik was a spitting image of Thomas, handsome in a sort of boyish, Tom Cruise look.
Thomas turned to Ashley. “Congratulations! You’re going to be my new mom!” He beamed.
“The wedding’s going to be in a year, so things are going to be the same for the most part.” Erik smiled.
“Though you can start calling me Mommy if you’d like,” Ashley walked over to hug the boy. He was around half a foot shorter than the young model who just had a yellow knee-length sundress on.
“I may be a bit too big for Mommy,” Thomas blushed, finding the word mildly erotic.
“I don’t think so; I called your grandparents Mummy and Daddy for most of my life,” Erik smirked. “And you certainly aren’t too old for a lot of things, kiddo.”
“Like what?” Ashley asked with a smile.
“Well…there’s the matter of discipline,” Erik brought up.
“What?” Both Thomas and Ashley asked in unison.
“Discipline. As in corporal punishments. Spankings.” Erik replied. “You know I still spank Tommy, right, Ash?”
Ashley looked at the brightly blushing Thomas in shock. “I didn’t know that! When does that happen?”
“He doesn’t get a whole lot of it these days because I’m not always around, but Tommy gets spanked a couple of times a month. He got one just a week ago for jerking off while watching you in the backyard.”
“Daaad!” Thomas was mortified by how casually it was brought up!
“Oh gosh! I’m so sorry, kiddo! I didn’t mean. I just told your dad that you may have been sneaking a look when I was sunbathing!” Ashley addressed the blushing teen.
“Well, he wasn’t supposed to, and he did confess, so he was punished for it.” Erik replied. “Discipline has always been a big part of the Bean family, and now that you’re going to be a part of the family, it’s about time you start taking the reins.” He addressed Ashley.
“Taking the reins?” Ashley looked on from Erik to Thomas and back to Erik. “Surely you don’t mean!”
“It’s a woman’s job to look after the discipline in a household,” Erik explained. “The only reason I had to do it for so long was because I was a single father.”
“She’s going to spank me?” Thomas asked his dad, blushing at the realization he may actually like the idea!
“Not if you don’t want me to,” the woman quickly replied to reassure the boy. “The wedding isn’t for a year at least, so I’m not your stepmother just yet. And I wasn’t planning on spanking you even after.”
“Why not?” Erik grinned. “You’ve told me you spanked a fair share of naughty brats when you were babysitting them, and you quite enjoyed those.”
“Erik!” Ashley turned beet red! “Maybe I should be spanking you!” She didn’t think her fiancée would blurt that out like that! Erik seemed especially interested in talking about the spankings she gave when she was a babysitter, and they did spank each other in bed, with Erik loving it when they played rough
“You used to spank as a babysitter?” Thomas asked his beautiful future stepmom.
“I come from a country where spankings were normal,” Ashley admitted. She blushed at the direction the conversation was going. It was true that she sometimes did fantasize about blistering Tommy’s butt crimson with her hairbrush and belt. He had an especially cute rump, even sexier than her husband’s!
“Well, she doesn’t have to spank you if she doesn’t want to.” Erik shrugged. “I can still whoop your butt any time you deserve it, boyo.”
Tommy considered the scenario. Spanked by his dad—which hurt like hell! Or being spanked by his sexy future stepmother… it wasn’t even a competition, really!
“I think Ashley should spank me from now on.” The boy declared with a small blush, looking in her direction. “Like… Mom used to do it when I was small… and Aunt Bella is the one who spanks James and Tiffany.” He said of his cousins who were his age. “Plus… like Dad whips me waaay too hard!”
Ashley looked at the two men. “If you’re comfortable with it,” she offered. She smiled at Thomas. “Alright. I’ll be your official spanking Mommy from now on.” She playfully ruffled his hair.
“Good!” Erik clapped his hands. “Because his results are due tomorrow, you may get to start quick!”
And true to Erik’s prediction, Thomas’s results did come the next day, with him doing especially poorly in both Physics and History.
“You planned this!” Ashley fumed at Erik through the phone. Tommy could hear his dad’s laugh at the other end. “You knew he was going to get bad grades!”
“It’s a given for my dumb little idiot son to get bad grades,” Erik replied. “And if I had to deal with him, I’d have missed my flight. Take care of him for me, okay, Mommy Ashley?”
“Uuugggh!” Ashley hung up on her husband. Her pale blue eyes flicked in the boy’s direction.
“Umm…” Tommy squirmed in his seat. He was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and grey gym shorts.
Ashley let out a small sigh. “I’m not mad at you, kiddo. Like… I am a little,” she clarified, still going through his results. “I had helped tutor you in physics.”
“And I passed only because of that!” Tommy quickly pointed out. “I suck at them.”
“Well, what’s done is done,” Ashley leaned back and folded her arms. She had her hair tied up back into a ponytail and was wearing just a white t-shirt and shorts.
Tommy could see she was not wearing a bra, as her perfectly shaped, heavy breasts and her nipples were visible. Her nipples were erect, seemingly enjoying this even though she was trying to act like she wasn’t.
“So… like… am I going to be… you know?” Tommy whispered, quivering.
“Depends on if you would rather your dad handle this or me,” Ashley replied. “And fair warning—just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I’m going to be a soft touch. I’ve babysat twenty-one-year-old, big, muscular gym rats and would regularly reduce them to needy little babies. They used to call me the brat tamer, which I specialized in dealing with older boys and girls.”
“Twenty-one?” Tommy was confused.
“Oh, parental authority extends up to the age of twenty-one in our culture.”
“So you’ll be spanking me for the next five years?” His cock twitched inside his shorts.
“If you ask to be spanked by me, yes.” She smiled. “We can let your father deal with it, and things are back to normal between us.”
Tommy considered the offer. “We do have a good thing going,” he admitted.
“That’s true. Even though you secretly watch me when I’m nude and jerk off,” Ashley added with a sly smirk.
He blushed at the words. “Uh… yeah…”
“Look,” she got up and walked over to ruffle his hair. “I’m going to go finish up some chores so you can think about it. Whatever you decide, I won’t think any less of you. You are still a great kid, and I’d love to be your Mom in a year.” She leaned to kiss his cheek before she left.
Ashley went ahead and finished her grocery shopping and the odd thing that needed her presence. She had a long conference call with her agents and clients, so by the time she made her way back, she had forgotten about Tommy.
She made her way into her and Erik’s room and turned on the light.
“Aaah!” She screamed. “Tommy!”
“Sorry!” He jumped up, flustered.
“Why didn’t you turn the lights on? Why are you sitting in the dark?”
“I…uhh…” He looked down on the floor. “I like… made my decision.”
“Oh!” Ashley remembered.
“Like… I don’t want you to be my mom from next year. I want you to be… my… Mommy now.” He addressed the floor, not able to look up to make eye contact.
Ashley smiled. “You remember what I’ve said before, right?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Yes, I’m sure.” He repeated. “And I know I will be… I’ll be getting spanked for the next five years, but… like… I like you.” He looked at her. “Not like… Dad and you!” He added quickly.
“Not sexually, you mean,” Ashley corrected him. “Well, you’re physically attracted to me but not in a romantic way, and you love your dad and me together.”
He nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want you to think I’m a perv. Well… I guess I was… I might be…but.… He couldn’t explain how he was feeling.
Ashley held up her hand. “Let me stop you right there, dear. One—there’s nothing wrong with a boy your age lusting after a woman. I wouldn’t have a job as a model otherwise.” She smiled at him warmly. “Two—it’s normal for the boys I spank to be sexually attracted to me. All of them get erections. I expect you to be hard, and like most of them, you may even end up cumming during the spanking… Is that what you were thinking about?”
He nodded. “Sometimes…even when Dad whips me, it’s like I react to the pain.”
“Ah,” Ashley grinned. “That explains why your father got embarrassed.” She walked over to hold his hands. “Come sit with me.” She led him to the bed as she sat down, patting next to her. Tommy still couldn’t look at her when he sat, so he was surprised when she hugged him tightly.
“Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Teenage boys find it very difficult to talk about things like this, especially to their authority figures.” She praised him. “Now. Let me explain how things will work from now on,” she looked straight into his eyes.
“If you earn a spanking from now on, I will be the one giving it. I don’t want spankings to interfere with your school or social life, so it will always be given at bedtime, either here or in your bedroom. Spankings will always be bare-bottomed, so I expect you to be stripped completely or wearing just a short T-shirt when I come over.”
“Yes, Ashley.” He nodded in understanding.
“When you are being punished, I expect to be referred to as Mommy,” Ashley smirked. “I usually have my other kids call me Ma’am, but with you, it should be Mommy.”
“Yes… Mommy,” he blushed red.
“Good boy.” She reached over to kiss his cheek. “Now stand up and take your shorts and undies off for me, please.”
“Now?” He gasped, only to be met with a withering glare. “Yes, Ma’am! I mean Mommy!” He quickly jumped up, taking off his lower clothes as his cock bobbled up and down.
“Right, about this.” Ashley reached over to the side table to take out a condom. “This is your dad’s, but I’ll get some for you to keep in your room. This will help prevent it from dribbling onto my lap or clothes. I tried to use pain as a deterrent before, caning the boys if they cummed on me, but sometimes they can’t help it.”
Tommy turned red as a tomato as he grabbed the condom, moving to the side to put it on.
“Surprised you know how to do that,” Ashley noted.
“Sex ed…” Tommy lied quickly.
“Right,” Ashley smirked, clearly not believing him. “Do you have any sex ed tomorrow? There will be some redness and welts, and I expect you to be a little sore.”
“I’ll be fine, not going anywhere,” he replied.
“Good.” She crooked her index finger in a come-hither motion. “Bet Daddy doesn’t spank you over his knee anymore, does he?”
He shook his head. “No, Mommy. He just uses the belt with me on the bed.” Tommy explained as he walked over to her and climbed over her knee. Her shorts were pulled up so his cock slid between her thighs.
“I like to start over the knee,” Ashley grinned, softly rubbing and kneading his rear. “You have two bad grades, so I’m planning on giving you two spankings. This is a light one; you will be getting your proper spanking tomorrow with both my hairbrush and Daddy’s belt. Take this spanking like a good boy, and Mommy will give you a special treat, which we used to give the boys back home.”
“Special treat?” He blushed at the mention.
“Oh, you’ll enjoy it, I promise.” Ashley squeezed his asscheeks. He was fairly chubby back there with a perfectly round bubble butt that Ashley admired, always wanting to spank those orbs. “It’s a pity your father never brought up the topic of spankings before, or I would’ve been more than happy to have given you this earlier.” She raised her hand, slapping his left cheek with full force to hear the most delightful of yelps from the boy.
Her boy, she realized with a warm glow. Tommy was her boy to spank from now on. “Mommy owns this little bottom from now on, baby boy.” She gave him six firm spanks, alternating cheeks before gently massaging the flesh. “From now on, you are my little boy to spank and punish. Whenever you are naughty, you will end up right here.”
The lad squirmed bright red from both the words and the sting. Ashley certainly spanked hard! His cock slid against her thighs with each spank. “Yes, Mommy,” he said, feeling a warm glow towards her. He was attracted immensely towards her, but now he felt a deep sense of belonging, being safe in this space. The spanking continued on, Ashley spanking him with vigor, watching his skin change shades from a nice pink to warm reds as she picked up the pace, the room echoing with the sounds of her palm smacking against his flesh.
After a good two minutes, his little yelps and gasps started getting louder to “ows” and “aahs,” and by the sixth minute it became a “Mommy, please!” and “I’m sorry, Mommy!”
“Why are you being spanked, darling?” She asked him.
“Bad grades…Mommy, oooww!” He wiggled around like a fish.
“That’s right. I will be supervising your studies from now on. Anything less than an A means you are going back over my knee.” She had spanked him all over, covering every inch of his skin from his upper cheeks to his sit spots. Ashley finished with a couple of dozen zingers before finally scooping the boy up.
She looked down at his crotch. “I see you have already spent your load.” He had cummed during the spanking.
“Yeah…sorry,” Tommy was glad she had him put the condom on.
“Get rid of it in the bathroom, sweetheart, and clean yourself up.” She sent him off. Tommy went to the bathroom and got rid of the used condom before jumping into the shower for a quick rinse. He walked out with just the towel wrapped around his waist to find Ashley changed into a black silk robe.
“I promised you a present, didn’t I?” The woman smiled at him and slid her robe off, her breasts coming into view.
“What?” Tommy blushed, looking down.
“In our culture, a woman’s breasts are a symbol of maternal authority and not seen as a sexual object.” She explained, gently playing with her nipple. “So it’s customary for a well-spanked boy to snuggle and suckle on them to sleep.”
He slowly walked over as if he was mesmerized, sliding next to her as she pulled him into her warm, soft orbs. “I get to do this every time?” He asked breathlessly, taking her small erect nipple in his mouth as he closed his eyes, suckling calmly as she held him.
“Every single night you get spanked.” She kissed her boy. “Because Mommy’s in charge of you now.”