Meeting In DC – Part 3

"Salvation is sometimes difficult. Honesty may work but it is always necessary, Good Luck."

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I lay trembling on the bed. My greatest fear had just come home to roost. My life was over, my marriage was over, and my family was over. The divorce will be brutal. I will lose every friend I have ever had, my family, Johnny’s family, and, oh God, I will lose my children.

There was no way to explain what I had been doing in a way that John would ever believe or accept. He will see me for what I am, a fucking slut whore that sold her soul and everything that went with it to the company for what, millions of dollars, that is what.

It was all for our future, or so I told myself. That was mostly true, but a part of me wanted secret affairs, clandestine mysteries, and intrigue. I never once thought or asked about the legality of these deals or if I or my family were ever in danger. I was selfish, and though my logical mind knew I was walking a thin line, I would be exposed if I ever stepped off that line.

Well, God Damnit, I took a misstep. Now look at where I am.

Nathan was coming, but how could he save me? What did he have to offer John that would erase what I have done for the last three years? I have fucked over forty men and women, none of which I can remember their names except for Edgar the previous night, and his memory would have been gone once my Johnny had made beautiful love to me tonight. That will never happen again. I am tainted merchandise, a fucking whore. Why would he want me?

“OH GOD, Johnny, I love you so much!” I shouted, hoping he would hear, but he probably didn’t care now.

My body was aching from the tenseness of my muscles, and trembling had taken over my body. I was cold even though I was under the covers. I felt like death could be approaching. 

I was lost, drifting in a sea of self-pity, anguish, shame, and confusion. What can I do?


Then suddenly, I had a clear thought. I had to move, get over myself, and think. I told myself loudly, “Sarah, you are a big girl, and you had better start acting like one.”

I rolled out of bed and went to shower again. I washed and warmed myself this time in preparation for whatever was next. I knew I needed to feel better and be clear-headed when Nathan arrived.

As the hot water rained down on me, I finally began to relax and regain control. I stepped out and dried my body and hair, putting it up in a ponytail. I then slipped on a pair of black tap pants and a wife beater top—commando otherwise.

I was not ready for this talk, but what choice did I have?


After two glasses of Scotch, I came to my senses, knowing Nathan was coming over to try to explain what had been happening. I decided I was not ready to hear his or anyone’s explanation.

I picked up Sarah’s phone and called Nathan. It rang twice, and he answered, “Hello…”

I cut him off… “Nathan, do not come over now. I do not want to discuss this mess any further tonight. Sarah and I are both distressed and not in a good enough place to discuss anything or talk to each other. I have decided that Sarah will not be at work next week and may never be again, or at least until we resolve and settle this issue. No one from the company, including you, your partners, or even HR, will contact Sarah until we contact you. At that time, we will set up a meeting for you and the company to fully explain last night’s events and the various events Sarah has been involved in over the past three years. I would advise you not to try to cover up anything that has been going on with the activities Sarah has been involved in. It is what it is, and there is no way you can flavor it to make it taste any better. I hope you understand. Thank you, and goodbye.” I hung up before Nathan could say a word.


It was late, but I needed some advice, so I called my brother Tim, who lives in Chicago and works for a security company. I hated to wake him, but I knew he would have some ideas about how to find the truth about everything independent of what Nathan or the company would try to tell me.

Tim answered the phone after several rings with a sleepy voice, “Hello, Johnny, it is the middle of the fucking night. This better be life or death. What do you need?” he mumbled.

“I’m sorry, Tim, but I have a major problem and need your help immediately,” I said apologetically.

“Ok, what can I help you with, brother?” Tim asked. 

I explained the situation, providing all the details I had. Tim was shocked that Sarah had been involved in something like this. He said he knew many dark web hackers who could find anything, but it would be expensive.

“Tim, cost is no issue. I need to know the truth, and fast, ” I said.

“OK, John, I’ll get right on it. I’ll let you know as soon as I have the guy on it, and we can have a three-way call. Go out and buy a box of burner phones. Please do not call me or anyone about this using your real iPhone. Only use burner phones. Use one to call me at this number.” Tim gave me a number. “Destroy the phone you use each time you make a call,” Tim instructed.

“John, take Sarah’s phone and computer away from her. We will send you a program for both of them so we can see all the phone and computer history. Just send a text and email, and the software will automatically be installed. We can see a complete shadow of everything on her iPhone and laptop. We will know all that info right away.”

“OK, first thing in the morning. I’ll let you know. Thanks, we both need to sleep now. I need to be alert tomorrow. I have a lot to do. Thanks, brother. Now go back to sleep.”

“No problem, Johnny boy, we will figure this out,” Tim reassured me.

We hung up, and I went to my computer, waiting for the software link. It came in a few minutes, and I sent it to Sarah’s phone and laptop. I ensured it was installed and texted my last reply, “Check.”

Now, what was I going to do with Sarah? She would panic when I told her that Nathan was not coming tonight, that she was not going to work, and that she could not talk with any company personnel, not even Nathan.

I hoped she would break down and tell me what was going on. I knew it had something to do with the company and the deals Sarah had worked on, but what were they about, and what did she have to do? All big unanswered questions

I remembered what Nathan yelled over the phone: “Sarah was not anyone’s girlfriend.” While that was probably true, this was something different, and I feared it would be even worse. Oddly, I felt this was much more complicated than a simple affair.

My brain was whizzing. I remembered what Sarah had said last night before she was going to dinner, cutting me short when she said, “Now I need to go. I have a dinner date I have to go to. Please don’t call me. I cannot talk to you until late tonight, so save it for tomorrow. I love you, night.”

Then, after I questioned what Sarah said, she said, “I am not going on a date. We are just going to dinner with the clients we just signed a deal with today. It is a big contract, and we are taking them to their favorite restaurant and having a few drinks afterward. That is all it is.”

It was apparent now that it was much more than just dinner and drinks. Or how else did she get a big red handprint on her ass cheek, and why did she need the pussy and ass douche and morning-after pill?

No, it was clear to me that Sarah had fucked one or more men last night and that she did it for the company, not giving a damn about me and our family. 

That was it. She was closing deals for the company with her body. “God damnit. Sarah was the company whore!” I yelled into the night sky.


I came down the stairs looking for John. Nathan should be here by now, and we needed to talk. As I stepped off the stairs, I heard John yell something but only caught the last few words, “the company whore!”

I stopped dead and crumbled to the floor. Oh God, John knew, but how? I started to cry, but there were no tears. I was utterly wrung out with nothing left. My life, marriage, and family were destroyed. Everything was over, including my job. All hell was about to break loose when John confirmed his thoughts. I would be his target of the hell-bent wrath that would follow.

I stood again and took a deep breath. I had to stay strong, or I would certainly be lost. I looked in the kitchen for John. Where was he? Where was Nathan? He should be here. I needed him here now!

I saw my phone on the counter. I grabbed it and went into John’s office. I called Nathan. The phone rang three times, and Nathan answered. “Sarah, you have to hang up. You can’t talk to me. I am not coming over. John called and told me not to!” Nathan hung up. 

Oh God, I am so dead. After erasing my last call, I returned the phone as I found it.

I was afraid to see Johnny after what Nathan said. Johnny has figured something out. I don’t know how, but he is brilliant, and now I am in big trouble!

I realized I was not supposed to know Nathan was not coming, so I had to play along like Nathan still was. I have to find Johnny and see what happens. I took a deep breath and walked outside on the deck. Johnny was wrapped in a Mexican blanket by the firepit. He had a drink in his hand and didn’t move when he heard the sliding door open.

“Johnny, Nathan should be here by now. Where could he be?” I said softly.

Johnny said nothing. He took a sip of his drink and laid his head back. I saw his eyes close. He was deep in thought.

I walked up beside him and touched his shoulder. He shied away, not looking at me. That shocked me. I asked, “Johnny, where is Nathan? He should be here so we can talk this out.”

Johnny slowly rolled his head my way, with his eyes still closed, unable to look at me, and said. “I called Nathan and told him not to come over. We are not talking about this anymore tonight. I need to sleep so I can be fresh in the morning. I have a lot of things to do. Sarah, it would be best if you slept, too.

“Sarah, don’t expect Nathan or anyone else from the company to come over tomorrow or any other day until I am ready to hear the horrible story about how my loving wife, the mother of my children, has been the company whore for the past three years,” he said firmly.

My breathing stopped. I couldn’t believe what I heard coming out of Johnny’s mouth. Johnny had called me a whore! “Oh God,” I gasped. Then a thought flashed in my head, ‘I might as well die now! 

I fainted.


I heard the door slide open, and Sarah walked onto the deck. I had no idea if my assumption was correct, but I was about to find out. I ignored Sarah as she walked up to me. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to look at her. Then she touched me, and I pulled away from her in disgust.

Sarah asked about Nathan and why he was not there. I ignored her question. She stood beside me, and I finally answered her. “Sarah, Nathan, and no one else from the company will be coming over. You will also not be going to work until I decide you can, and that may never happen. We will not discuss this issue again until I choose to. I will let you know when.  Then you all can explain to me just how it is that you, Sarah, became the company whore for the past three years.” 

With those words, Sarah gasped, “Oh God,” and fainted, falling to the deck.

I was so disgusted with her that I didn’t try to help her. I got up, stepped over her trembling body, and walked into the house. I did at least drop the blanket on her.

I poured my fourth glass of scotch. It was 2:11 a.m. I was fucking exhausted, so I drank the scotch down and went up to our bedroom to bed, trying not to think another minute about Sarah the whore!   


When morning came, I was alone in bed. The covers had not been turned down, so Sarah had not come to bed.

I went to the bathroom, washed up, put on my robe, made coffee, and looked for Sarah. On the way, I looked in the guest room and our kids’ rooms, but no Sarah. I looked in the family room, my office, the living room, and the kitchen, but there was still no Sarah. I looked out on the deck, but no Sarah. I walked to the garage door, and Sarah’s car was there. So where was Sarah?

I walked back into the kitchen, wondering where Sarah was. I went to the coffee maker, and an envelope lay on the counter. I moved it and made coffee. While waiting for the coffee to be brewed, I opened the envelope and pulled out a single page.


I love you more than my own life. Our kids are the second most important people to me, and I love them with all my heart.

I want you to know that what I have done has been 100% for us and our future and was not for me. I seized an opportunity that was offered to me that would last for five years. I could end it anytime, so if it created a problem like now, I could quit.

Johnny, I am so sorry, but I cannot explain in this letter or personally the services I have provided for the company several times each year for the last three years. I know I would mess it all up if I tried. You would not see the complete picture that Nathan can explain. You would not understand the importance of what I was doing. You would be so angry that you would never want to see or speak to me again. We need Nathan here to help explain the whole story. You still may hate me and still want to throw me out and never see or talk to me again. I hope that that does not happen, but I do expect it.

I have to say that not once in the past three years, until yesterday, did what I was doing ever interfere with or affect our relationship or our family life. Most of these trips, three or four at most each year, were while you were away, so you never even knew about them. The trips were only for one night, and the children were always cared for. My love for you and our children never wavered for a moment.

Johnny, I know you are disgusted with me and don’t want to look at or be around me, so I am leaving tonight for that reason. I will be alone and not far away, but no one will know where I am. I have left my cell phone on the counter and will buy a new one tomorrow. I will send you the unique number but do not try to trace my location because you will not find me. When you are ready to meet with Nathan and me ONLY, call me and tell me the date, time, and location, and I will be there. You must contact Nathan, as I will not communicate with anyone else, only Nathan and you.

I have taken enough clothes for as long as I think I will be gone and will wash them if it is longer. Please don’t waste time looking for me. Work out what you need to, then call me to talk. Please do not wait too long, or I am afraid the small remaining flame of your love will indeed flicker out.

I love you, Johnny, more than life, but I fear you will never want anything to do with me. It will kill me if that happens, but I will try to understand if that is your decision.



I stood by the counter, rereading the note. I was shocked that Sarah would leave like this. I suppose I did not make the environment very easy to stay in, and she didn’t want to be ridiculed by me at every opportunity. I was being cruel, but then again, I had just found out my wife had been the company whore for the past three years.

I drank my coffee and made a light breakfast. I needed to find Sarah, so I went online to our bank account to see if there were credit card charges at a motel nearby. There was nothing. Where could she be? She said no one could find her, so she was not at a friend’s, and her family was far away. I needed to call Tim.


When this arrangement started, at Nathan’s insistence, the company set up a small apartment for me to protect against this exact situation. We never anticipated it would happen, but in case it did, it was there for me. The lease was under a shell company that had no affiliation with me or the company, so it was untraceable. It was very cloak and dagger, to say the least. 

The apartment was a haven for me and a place to keep all the items and clothes I needed to perform my job for the company. One closet was made into a fireproof safe room, and all copies of the videos of every deal signing and the night’s activities were stored there. I also kept a considerable amount of cash, the agreement papers, my passport, and all my offshore banking records there, with duplicates of everything in a safety deposit box in a bank a hundred miles away.

Over the three years, I had stayed only one night in the apartment, so tonight would be my second. I didn’t know how long I would stay, but I had brought enough clothes for two weeks and could wash them if my stay was longer. 

I arrived at the apartment a little after 3:00 a.m. and tried to sleep. Finally, exhaustion overtook me, and I awoke a little before 11:00 a.m. I lay in bed thinking about the deals I had closed for the company over the three years since I signed the agreement. There were eleven overnight trips, counting this last one, plus several more hotel day meetings locally or within local driving distance. In each case, I had closed and consummated a deal. There were seventeen in all. I handled all the local deal signings, adding my lady assistants for the bigger overnight parties. 

In every case, I had spent several hours in bed with each principal, and in many cases, I had three ways if there were two principles. In eight deals, I serviced women and sometimes both men and women in a three-way. Before all this began, I had never been with a woman, but after my first encounter, I realized that I could easily be bisexual and enjoyed loving women when it occurred. 

Overall, of my liaisons, I never had a rough or abusive experience. Edgar was the only man who ever broke the no mark rule leaving his handprint on my ass cheek to be discovered. That was a big mistake. Its discovery will likely end my marriage and my career.

I lay thinking of my husband and my beautiful children. I sobbed softly as I considered the impact my actions had on my family and husband. I had destroyed my family. I had hurt my husband badly. I had disrespected him, though that was never my intent. What I did was not like cheating with your neighbor. I looked at it as a job, not cheating or an affair. I know that is not how Johnny will see it. He will see it as a complete betrayal of our marriage vows. When Johnny hears the scope of my infidelity, I will undoubtedly be seen in his eyes as a whore, as he already suspects, and will discard me like trash.

Then I thought about all the money I had earned. I checked my accounts last week. I had $3,850,000 in stocks, $1,100,000 in bonds, and 2,130,000 in liquid cash. Adding in the $300,000 in cash in my safe room, the total is over $7,500,000. That did not include last night’s payment of over $700,000. This was more than I ever thought we would have in our lifetime, but we had it now. And God Damnit, I had earned every penny of it the hard way by betraying my husband by cheating on him twenty times. And if I had not been caught, there would probably be another ten or twelve more deals to close before my contract ended. My compensation and investments would have gone to well over fifteen million dollars. 

The money meant nothing to me now. If I lost my husband and family, every cock I sucked, every pussy I ate, and all times I gave my pussy away would have been for absolutely nothing.

I rolled on my side, gripped a pillow, and hugged it tight. What am I going to do now?

I fell asleep for a time, and when I woke, I felt better, but it was only physical. Mentally, I was still a mess. I dreamed that John had divorced me, and I was floating around without direction. I had left my job, and even though I had all this money and could live anywhere and do anything I wanted, it all meant nothing to me without John and my family. I was almost sure that would happen when Johnny discovered what I had been doing.     

I could not wait any longer. I needed to chronicle the last three years to capture every minute of every deal and all the details of the meetings and parties afterward. I had to be accurate, admitting 100% of what I had done and sharing my attitude and feelings to be completely accurate. I had to be honest and completely transparent. That was the only way I could save my marriage, if possible.

I began to write an overview of my actions over the past three years. Nathan would need to fill in all the details I don’t know.


I spent the whole day reviewing each deal and watching parts of the videos, both of the actual negotiations and of the sexual parties after the signings. I had to ensure that the clients’ first names and the deals’ sizes were correct.

Each event was spread apart by several months, and they were all different in the cast of characters, the location, and the sexual desires of everyone. I was shocked at all that I had done having sex. Much of what I did, I do not remember. I guess I had blocked all of the sex out, and though I loved it all when I was performing the acts, licking, sucking, fucking, or eating pussy. Once it was over, it was wiped out of my memory. I never once thought about any of the people after the party ended. If the handprint had not been left on my ass last night, I would not have remembered the party last night either.

I am sure that the fact that I never let anything I did interfere with my personal life, family, or my life with John will mean nothing. It will not matter to John how I feel about him. Only what I have done will matter. He will never forgive me, and he probably shouldn’t! I mean, how can he? The notation he placed beside my name, ‘WHORE’, is correct. Yes, I am. It hurts me that John calls me that. I can’t imagine that we have a chance of surviving my transgressions. There is just no way.

I wondered, “Why am I trying to write this?” I knew it would mean nothing in the big scheme of things. I am a scarlet woman and should have a red ‘A’ painted on my chest.

My only hope was that Nathan and the company would rescue me. But they were in a bad place, too. They had arranged for everything I had done and used my womanly charms as a reward. The Company paid me vast amounts of money I had socked away for our family’s future. Unfortunately, there may have been no future, and the company was legally bound to me.

I wrote for several hours, capturing as much detail as I could about the deals and sex parties afterward. I filled up one legal pad and started on a second. What I realized as I wrote the sexual parts was that I was wet and extremely horny, remembering the incredible sex I had experienced. It made me wonder if I was a slut and if this role I played had not come along what I have been faithful to John over the years. This other woman. ‘The whore’ that I became on those nights was not me, or was she the real me? I had no way of knowing.

The feelings I felt now as I remembered each sexual event made me wonder if I had created this persona to play this role. If I had never been presented with these situations, I would have been a typical loving wife and mother every night, not just on 348 nights. I had somehow been able to compartmentalize the whore in me, and she only came out on those nights. That made me wonder how real professional escorts live their double lives. I had an idea.

I went online and searched for local escorts. I found a website and located a beautiful strawberry blonde with a sultry look. Her name was Fiona. She was perfect. She requested contact by text or email, so I texted her.

My text: “Fiona, my name is Sarah. I am in a bit of a jam and need to talk to someone in your business. I will pay your fee if we meet and talk to you. I am not interested in sex, only a discussion on the escort business. If you are open to helping me, please respond by text or call me. Thank you.”  I pressed send.

I hoped Fiona would talk with me. I needed help badly.


I spent another hour and finished writing my confession. It has taken me almost four hours, and my pussy was soaking wet. I was horny as hell and needed to relieve myself. I went to the bedroom and found my Lush egg, knowing it would make me cum faster than anything. I dropped my jeans and panties, laid back on the bed, spread my legs, licked the egg, and pushed it inside my pussy. I opened the app and cranked her up to hi-rolling. I lay back on the bed and strummed my clit slowly as Stella, my egg’s name, did her magic. Soon I was cumming over and over. My body was thrashing around on the bed as my hand was cupping my pussy, rubbing my clit against my palm. I began to moan and leak cum. I surrendered to Stella as she made me cum constantly.

Suddenly, I heard my phone chiming. I pressed stop on the app and saw a message from Fiona. I lay there for several minutes before I pulled my egg out and played with my pussy through one more small popper. I lay there calming down and looked at the message.

Fiona’s text: “Sarah, you have made an odd request. I want to be clear: I am not into women except in a couple’s situation, so no girl-girl playing. What is it that you want from me? I may not be the right person for what you seek.”

I responded to my text: “Thank you for getting back to me. I am not interested in having any sex with you. I need some advice and a better understanding of your business. If you will meet me for two hours that will be all I need. Please tell me your fee, and I will pay it upon arrival. This is very important to me. I need your help. Thank you!”

I pushed two fingers into my soaked pussy and rubbed my spot for a minute and suddenly had a powerful orgasm, cumming very hard. I squeezed my pussy and rolled on my side, shaking through my cum. I lay there satisfied as the cloak of shame and fear covered me.

My phone chimed. It was Fiona.

Fiona texts, ” OK, Sarah. I will meet with you. Do you have a location, or do you want to come to me or meet for coffee?”

Good, this might help me. I thought.

My text: “Fiona, thank you so much. Whatever you are comfortable with, I think our conversation will be best in private. I have a safe location, which is very private, or I can come to you if you feel safer that way. It doesn’t matter to me.”

I went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I washed my face and hands. Cumming like I had made me hungry, I needed to eat something. I went to the kitchen, made a sandwich, and drank a Coke.  

My phone chimed.

Fiona’s text: “Private is fine. I can come to you if you like. Give me the address, and we can meet later today. The fee will be $500.”

My text: “Fantastic. I am at 146 B Harrison Street. How about 5:00 p.m.? We can have a glass of wine and some sushi. What do you like?”

Fiona’s text: “Great, see you then; I love sushi, you choose, and Saki, if you have any.”

My text: “You got it. Look forward to meeting you.”

We were meeting today, so I had to get busy. I called my sushi place and ordered an assorted tray and a bottle of saki. They will deliver it so it will arrive in half an hour. I needed to clean up and look good for Fiona.

I took a shower and dressed in a cute sundress and nothing else. I was unsure why you never knew what could happen, and I was ready for anything.

When the sushi arrived, I put it away until Fiona came. I was sure she would be on time, so I put her fee in a cash envelope and laid it on the kitchen counter beside the saki and two Japanese choko glasses.

I sat and wrote out a few questions I wanted to ask Fiona. I was ready.


It was like Sarah had vanished entirely. She left her cell phone at home, and no one knew where she was. I felt Nathan was hiding her, but I didn’t know. I was becoming worried about Sarah. I didn’t want her to do anything crazy. I know I had been very mean and nasty to her, calling her horrible names. I loved Sarah, and if there was any plausible explanation for what she had been doing for the company, we may survive. But I needed to talk to her now.

I had called everyone, but no one knew where Sarah was. As a last resort, I called Nathan. I hated calling him, but I had no choice.

The phone rang several times, and a man answered. “The Stills residence, may I help you?”

“Yes, this is John Wilson. Is Mr. Stills available, please?”

“Sir, Mr. Stills is not at home. May I take a message?”

“Yes, please ask Mr. Stills to call John Wilson when he gets home?” 

He agreed, and we hung up.

I was desperate to find Sarah, so I called Tim to see if he had anything from his hackers. The phone rang several times and then went to voice mail.

“Tim, where are you? I need to talk to you ASAP! Call me!” I said, my voice was desperate.

Now what… where could Sarah be?


It had been a few hours, and I had not heard from Tim. I was desperate to talk to Sarah. I took a shot and called Nathan again on his cell, this time using Sarah’s phone. Maybe I could convince him to tell me where he was hiding her.  

The phone rang several times and picked up, “Sarah?”

I paused; how did I handle this?

“No, Nathan, it is John. Sarah has left home, and I have no idea where she is. Do you have any idea?” I said in a nervous voice.

“Sarah, left, why? I thought you were working on this with her?” Nathan said, with confusion in his voice.

She just left, and I don’t know where she is. “Nathan, do you know where she is? Are you helping her?” I said in desperation.

“What… No, John, I have no idea where she is. I have not spoken to her since she asked me to come over, and you told me not to talk with her. I have abided by your wishes.” Nathan said directly.

My heart sank; he was telling the truth. He had no idea either.

“Nathan, I have to find her. I have to talk to Sarah. We have to work this out. What were you going to tell me last night? Can you tell me that now?” I asked, almost begging.

There was a pause.

“John, I cannot tell you that until Sarah first tells you her part. Then, it may all make sense to you. Telling you anything now will only confuse things. We have to find Sarah and have a three-way conversation. That is the only way for you to understand.”

“OK, Nathan, I understand that. So where could Sarah be? My brother Tim is helping me, and his hacker friends are searching the entire web to find her. I hope they are successful so I can reach her. She had left her cell phone at home; I am talking to you on it now.” I was almost crying now, desperate and worried about Sarah.

“John, I am sorry this has all happened. I will happily sit with the two of you and explain it all, but we have to find Sarah to do that. Are you willing to meet Sarah and me when we find her?” Nathan asked.

I thought for a minute and decided I needed to know what had happened, so yes. My ego had already been bruised. I had already defamed my wife, calling her a whore. This mess was not going away, so I had to find the courage to deal with it.

“Nathan, if you know where Sarah is and aren’t telling me, it’s OK. I know you are trying to protect her. Tell Sarah I will listen to the explanation, and we can try to work things out. If you can contact her, please, Nathan, do it now. Jesus, this is killing me!”

“John, I do not know where Sarah is, but I will email her and see if that works. You should do the same; Sarah should respond to you before me.”

“OK, but see what you can find her. I will email her.” I said.


I was rereading my confession for the third time, making additional notes. As 4:00 p.m. approached, there was a knock at the door. Who could that be? No one knew this was my place. I gave Nathan an address long ago, but he has never been here. Maybe Fiona was early?

I looked through the peephole; damnit, it was Nathan standing at my door. He knocked again, “Sarah, it’s Nathan. Please let me in.”

I paused and wondered, what was he doing here? He knew about this place but had never been there. Damnit, by being here now, he could give away my location if anyone was following him.

I opened the door, pulled him inside, and slammed the door. Nathan was shocked.

“Damnit, Nathan, what are you doing here? You could be followed and give away where I am; I do not want anyone to know. What do you want?” I barked, upset and hurt when he could not come to the house last night!

“Sarah, I am here to help you. No one followed me. For Pete’s sake, this is not a detective story!” Nathan said, looking at me with concerned eyes.

“Well, it is a big fucking mess, Nathan. One, we hoped and worked very hard to ensure it never happened. But now that it has happened, how do we fix it, or is it fixable at all?” I said as I slumped onto the sofa and started to cry. 

Nathan sat beside me, holding me. “John is worried about you. You just left, and he even called me to look for you. You have to go home to him, and I will be there, too. Then we must explain what you have been doing positively for the company. That may help, but it may not. I told John to email you so he could.”

I sat up, dried my eyes, and looked at Nathan. You need to leave now. We need to meet tomorrow somewhere no one will know about. I am sure that John has contacted his brother Tim by now, and he is a security specialist and knows all kinds of shady people who can find out things normal people can’t. I bet he will be tracking you by now, so do not call me on your regular phone. Use this phone.” I gave him a burner phone from my stash. “Do not call, only text; do not put this phone near your iPhone. Text me a secure meeting location, and I will be there; now go.”

Nathan tried to talk, but I hushed him, pushed him to the door, opened it, and pushed Nathan out, closing and bolting the door behind him. I leaned back against the door and sighed aloud, “Wow, this is getting out of control!” I took a deep breath and looked at my watch. It was 4:45 p.m.. Fiona will be here soon.

I walked across the room and saw an envelope on the table. Nathan must have put it there. I picked it up and sat down. I opened it and unfolded the paper. A paper fell into my lap. I looked down; it was a check. What the…?


I wrote an email to Sarah. I didn’t know what to say. I mistreated her, calling her names and not listening to anything she tried to speak. I tried to write something that would help…

Dearest Sarah,

I love you so much. I must apologize for mistreating you and calling you those horrible things. I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

Seeing what I saw and making assumptions was wrong. It all may be confirmed and will have to be dealt with. You need to be able to explain what has been going on, and if Nathan can help you clarify, then I have to accept that he needs to be here for the discussion.

I do not know where you are; no one seems to know. I hope this email reaches you and that you will come home so we can work things out.

I love you, Sarah. The kids and I cannot survive without you. Please come home.

I love you,


I sent the email and got a beer from the fridge. I went on the back deck and lit the fire pit. It was solitude out here, which I needed right now. I needed to rest my brain for what I knew would be a difficult discussion.  

I closed my eyes, and as the fire pit warmed the blanket over me, I drifted off to sleep.


I was setting out the sushi and pouring the Saki when I heard a knock at the door. It was 5:00 p.m., Fiona was here. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good.

I opened the door. Oh my God, a beautiful blonde angel was standing at my door. I was stunned, just looking at her. Then Fiona jolted me back, “Sarah?”

“Oh, I am so sorry, Fiona, I was taken by you. Girl, you are gorgeous.” I stammered.

Stepping back, I ushered her inside. “Please come in. Can I take your coat?”

Fiona glided into the room. I felt like I was in the presence of royalty. I took her coat and pointed at the sofa. The sushi was spread on the coffee table with side plates and the Saki.

Fiona looked around, sizing up my place. It looked like any simple one-bedroom apartment, so it was nothing special. I was sure Fiona had been in many beautiful apartments, but this was not one of them.

“Hi,” I managed.

She sensed I was nervous, so she smiled, took my hand, and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Sarah.” That broke the ice, and we giggled.

“Nice to meet you too,” I answered, shaking her hand as well.

To dispense with business, I pointed at the envelope on the table. Fiona nodded and placed the envelope in her purse. It was just us now.

“Sarah, this is not my usual date, but you intrigued me, so I made an exception for you. You said you wanted to understand my business and the escort life. I have to ask you why. Are you considering becoming my competition?” She asked.

I needed to tell her what I did, not about the company or compensation, but the job. I needed some insights into the parallels between what I do and what she does if there are any. I also need advice on dealing with my husband, John.

“Fiona, I am a corporate attorney. On three to four occasions per year, I step into a phone booth and become an escort, deal closer, whore, or any other term that may be appropriate. I close deals, and then I have sex with the principals that night. They love it, I love it, and the company closes huge deals with my help. For the remaining three hundred and forty-eight days and nights of the year, I am a corporate attorney living an everyday life with a wonderful husband and two adorable small children.

This has been going on for three years without a hitch until two days ago. I had to make an unscheduled trip and was caught in an innocent lie. Then that night, my client slapped my ass, leaving a red handprint that did not disappear before I got home. Then, when my husband was making love to me, he saw it, and as you can imagine, all hell broke loose.

When I accepted this position three years ago, I knew it could potentially destroy my marriage and family life. I never thought it would happen, but our best plans and rules were broken just once, and I was exposed. I am now at a loss to get through this with my husband.

As an escort, I thought you may have some insight or ideas to help me. In any case, you are someone in a similar business I can talk to.”

I stopped and looked at Fiona.

“Wow… Sarah, that is quite a story. I have no experience with anything like that, but several friends have worked as independents doing what you do. I am married, and one of them is as well. So, I may be able to help you deal with your spouse, but that is very tricky. What you do is almost nothing, being only four nights a year. Have you ever had any issues at home before now? I guess not since the problem has only now come up.”

“No things have been perfect all along, never causing any problems. My husband had no idea what I was doing on those three or four nights. They were usually scheduled when he was going to be away on business, so in most cases, he didn’t even know I was not at home with the children. Two days ago, there was a sudden meeting, so we had to improvise, and a fluke happened that started his suspicions, resulting in the discovery.

Now, I am at a loss for what to do. I know that when he finds out that I have fucked, over forty people that he will kick me out.”

Fiona thought for a few minutes. She asked, “How are you compensated for your services?”

“I legally cannot explain that, but I am well compensated and have built an extensive portfolio. I have not spent a penny of what I have been paid. It has all been invested in stocks, bonds, and real estate. It has all grown significantly. My husband and I could retire today and never work again. That was the real reason I did this project. To build total financial freedom. I do have to admit, the random, clandestine sex was also very exciting. I have experienced every possible type of sex with men, women, threesomes, foursomes, BDSM, gangbangs, and almost every other sex you can think of. I meet all the clients’ deviant needs. The more obtuse, the better. I guess there is something inside of me that needs that perverted satisfaction.

My husband knows nothing of the financial benefits of my special nights so far. I hope that will help to soften the sting of what I have done, though I don’t think that will matter. I am afraid that as much as he says he loves me, the humiliation, treachery, and infidelity I have been involved with has doomed our marriage.”

I stopped and waited.

“Wow, it seems you are very valuable to the company. You are a one-of-a-kind corporate escort. What are they doing to help you with this problem? They have a lot to lose if you can not continue.” Fiona asked.

“Yes, the CEO is ready to talk with my husband and explain all the parts from a company perspective, but it’s up to me to deal with the relationship side. He can’t help with that; no one can, just me. I am not prepared to explain myself well enough to satisfy my husband. I can only tell him what I have done and why, and it has meant nothing to me emotionally as far as we are concerned. It was strictly a job, and I was different on those special days. The money is just what it is; I was still paid to have sex. It could mean a lot for our future if my husband can see that far. As of this minute, the company has lost me unless my husband agrees I can continue, or we are divorced, and I choose to continue with the company.” I finished.

Fiona looked at me, “I see your dilemma. Let me tell you a little about me and my husband. He is a vice president of a large bank, and if what I do were ever to get out, it would ruin him and us, I suspect.  Yes, he knows what I do, but we have planned to ensure my discovery never happens. As far as all our friends and family and his work colleagues are concerned, I am an independent financial consultant with a thriving client base that requires me to travel three to four days a week.  

I make great money, and in the five years I have been doing this, like you, I have banked a lot of money. My standard rates are $600 per hour, and I book at least five hours a day and at least $1,500 overnight. It is not all sex; I have lunch, dinner, or go to shows as a nonsexual escort, too. I fuck about fifteen men a week, and the average week is eighteen to twenty hours plus one overnight, earning me about $6,000 per week. There are extras, and some travel for several days or a week. The fees can be up to $20,000 a trip. My escort business is well over $600,000 per year.

I also have an OnlyFans page with over 50,000 followers, who pay $3.95 monthly to follow me. That is where the money is for me… I make over $200,000 a month. Like you, we have invested all that money in an offshore account. My husband’s banking knowledge makes that easy.

So, we are not so different in terms of income. It’s just what we do to make a lot of money. I am on my back each week, and you are on yours four times a year. I like your deal much better.

I have an MBA, and I can handle the job except the legal work. So, if you ever want to leave, you can refer me to your company, and I will happily take your place. Fiona smiled with a little chuckle.

We stopped and had some Sushi and Saki. We talked about other things and had a lovely time. After eating, we got serious about how I might be able to work on my husband. I learned that the reason Fiona got into the business was she was a clinical nympho and needed sex all the time. It created a problem with her husband. She literally wore him out, and he began to lose interest. They went to therapy and, after several months, were heading toward divorce. At the last joint session that had been scheduled, the therapist made a strange suggestion. ‘Fiona, have you ever considered becoming an escort?’

They were both shocked, but after hearing her out, it made sense. Her husband would have a reprieve, and she would get all the sex she needed. Then when they were together, they could fuck like minks.

Fiona looked down and said, “The one downside was we would not have children as long as I was escorting. I am thirty now and want to quit. I have been in therapy for two years with a sex therapist. I am less of a nympho now… I just love to fuck. When I took breaks, we were terrific together, so I think I beat my problem. I want to retire soon. Financially, we are in a wonderful place, and we will move offshore and be an expat somewhere where the weather is warm, and our money will last forever.”

Fiona and I decided there was no magic pill, so Nathan and I had to do our best to explain my deal and hope that John could deal with it. If not, I had a choice: stay with the company and give up my children or fight like hell to keep my family together and never return to the company. If that happened, I would be a full-time wife and mom 352 days a year. 

Fiona and I finished the Sushi and Saki and had a wonderful time together. As she was leaving, I pulled her to me and hugged her, whispering, “I know you said you are not into women, but baby, I would love to take you in the bedroom right now and rock your world. Think about it. I would be happy to pay you rates.” I kissed her hard on the mouth, leaving her a little stunned. She looked at me, and I had her thinking.

She kissed me hard and whispered, “Let’s see what happens, OK?” She turned and left.

As I closed the door, I leaned against it and sighed. God, I needed to talk to John and Nathan, NOW!

Part 4 is coming soon.

   Copyright © 2025 MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Published 2 months ago

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