She closed her eyes and experienced the music. My fingers danced in the ballroom of her pubic mound, soft ginger strands exciting the nerve endings in my fingers as they moved gently and unhindered through her well-trimmed and sensuous thatch. She murmured her approval and reached behind her to touch my face.
“That’s nice, Derek,” she whispered.
She took my hand and moved it slightly downwards, parting the lips of her labia, towards her clitoris. On downwards, an agonisingly slow journey, both our hands becoming wet with her arousal.
“I can’t take any more of this, Derek, can I feel you inside me please?”
I lifted her and turned her around to face me. She straddled my lap and I brought her hand to my penis.
“Take the time you need, Clair. There’s no rush, guide me inside you at your own pace.” I whispered.
She took my lips with hers and allowed my tongue complete access to her mouth. I felt her hand take my penis and guide it inside her vagina, slowly and mesmerisingly sliding her hips on to it, groaning with pleasure as it filled her completely. She placed her forehead against mine and settled in to acclimatise to the feelings and sensations shooting through her, causing little darts of movement from her body.
“How does that feel, Clair?”
“Heavenly, Derek. I’ve never.. Oh my God! I think I’m coming.”
I began to feel the need for completion rising inside me. Clair was such an amazing, beautiful, sensual, woman. I lay back on the chair, taking her with me. As we kissed I turned her on her side and then onto her back, leaving me deep inside her.
“Fuck me, Derek. Come inside me. I want you so much,” she breathed.
I withdrew my penis from her vagina slowly, taking it back to the tip before sliding it back inside her even slower, conscious of her tenderness earlier. She rotated her hips, bit into my shoulder and released a small scream in my ear.
“Sorry, Derek, I’m trying to stay quiet,” she whispered.
We began to move quicker as our arousal increased. I held her close and my elbows took my weight as we moved within and against each other until we both climaxed, a spell cast over us as our connection deepened.
My seed mixed with her outpouring and she squirmed beneath me as our movements held pace, evening out the remains of our arousal and the sensitivity of our stimulated organs. We slipped apart and held each other until the sparks declined. Assured by a touch and deeply content, we drifted off to inhabit a hidden world of peace and love.
At 2:30 I touched her shoulder to wake her. She woke with a confused look on her face, a little girl who’d just woken from a deep sleep. A little like Charlie, first thing the morning.
“Jesus, sorry, Derek. I dozed off. What time is it?”
“2:30, do you want to stay over?”
“Shit, no. Sorry, Derek, not tonight, I’ve an early start in the morning,” she said, as she jumped up and began gathering clothes, “Saturday?”
“Yes, Saturday’s good.”
She dressed quickly and came to me for a kiss, before a whispered goodbye and a soft closing of the door. I woke slightly later than usual next morning and leapt out of bed to rouse the kids for school. I stepped out of the shower as the phone rang. I ran down the stairs to get it. knocked the handset off its cradle and caught it before it hit the floor.
“Hello!” I said, breathlessly.
“Do you not have a phone beside the bed?” Dave Ruane said.
“I wasn’t in bed, I was in the shower.”
“Sorry about the hour, Derek, I wanted to catch you before you left.”
“What’s up, Dave?”
“Do you bring your tools home with you?”
“Yes, they’re in the car. Why?”
“I need you to run into Dockrell’s Glass plant, the fucking assembly line is acting up again.”
“Ok, is that all?”
“What else is there?”
“The glass laminating plant still needs a higher-rated main switch.”
“I know. I ordered one but it won’t be in stock for another few weeks.”
“Grand, because Joe is going to annoy me with it.”
“Fuck him.”
“He’s not my type.”
“Good, I’ll let you go, God knows when I’ll see you.”
“While I have you, do you know any good restaurants in town?”
“Joe’s Steak House?”
“No, it’s a special occasion.”
“Who is she?”
“A girl, I’m taking her out for her birthday on Saturday night.”
“What about Arthur FFrench’s place? That’s posh and he’ll do you a deal.”
“I don’t mind him, Dave, he’s alright. He fed us every day we worked there.”
“Will I ring him for you?”
“Yes please. Saturday night at 8:00.”
“I’ll do it this morning and let you know.”
I hung the phone up, got the kids onto the bus for school and headed over to Walkinstown. Joe Reilly, the facility manager, was waiting for me at the front gate.
“Hey, Derek. We’re down again.”
“Hi Joe, what happened?”
“It happened overnight, the night shift was busy, maybe something burned out.”
The guys on the night-shift were bastards. They deliberately brought the line down so they could sleep or generally do nothing.
The last time I was there, I overheard one of them saying he’d moved a detector beam and it shut the machine down. Joe had already put in a call to the manufacturer in Switzerland, and an engineer was on a plane en route to Dublin as I arrived to make sure it wasn’t an electrical problem.
I took a walk around the facility, watching out for misplaced beams. Nothing stood out as obvious so I opened the control panel and looked at the schematic. I could follow it, to a point, so I took a tester from my bag and began tracing the circuit on the machine In conjunction with the layout on the schematic.
Everything checked out up to a beam marked as EDB034 on the plan. I turned the pages of the control layout and saw that EDB034 was located at the right-hand side of the main conveyor that ferried the assembled units to a sealing area. The beam had been turned slightly. I reset it and switched the machine on. Joe was delighted and I was stuck doing the maintenance callouts thereafter.
Hoping for a quick fix, I visited with EDB034 but it was ok. I retreated to the control panel, got out the schematic and started my usual comb through the circuitry, testing for a signal everywhere there was supposed to be a signal.
I reached the end and everything appeared in order, so I checked the fuses. They were good too. I sat down on an old oil drum with the manual spread open across my lap and began flipping through the pages. Nobody could see me, so nobody could annoy me. I thought I’d have to resort to making a call to Rolf, in Switzerland, in order to pick his brain, but I didn’t want to know how his family was. Joe had given me a portable phone and I had it in my hand, ready to dial the Swiss number when I heard two men sniggering at the front of the machine.
“Where’s that switch, Mark?” I heard one say.
“It’s just under that piece of metal.”
“How did you know it was there?”
“Last time the bloke was over. He was showing us how clever he was.”
“Keep it to yourself. We might need to use it again sometime.”
I waited until they left and walked to where they had been chatting. Sure enough, there was a pressure switch mounted behind a flap under a black rubberised backing on the runner that the panes of glass travelled on. I lifted it, reset it and switched the machine on. Joe came running.
“You’re a fucking genius, Derek. Thanks a million,” he said, and went to round his workers up.
I packed my tools and left the premises. As I drove through the gates, Dave was driving in, he slid to a stop beside me,
“Done already?”
“Let’s go for a coffee,” I said, “I’ll fill you in.”
We drove down to a small café at the back of a petrol station and ordered tea and a couple of ESB sandwiches. I laid it out for him as we ate.
“Those lazy bastards,” he said, “I’m going to have a word with Joe about this.”
“It’s a waste of our time.”
“Will we get paid for it?”
“So how is it a waste? The way I see it, it’s Joe’s problem, not ours.”
“True, but it’s not the done thing, Derek. If it were me, I’d like to know.”
“Yes, but you wouldn’t suffer the backlash, Dave, and you know that those fuckers would strike at the drop of a hat. So it costs him a couple of hundred lids to bring us out here, that’s a lot less than a week-long strike.”
“You’re right, Derek. It’s probably better not to. These sandwiches are nice, aren’t they?”
”Yes, they are. Speaking of fancy dining, any word from Arthur F?”
“Yes, that’s sorted, 8:00 on Saturday night at The Lane Gallery.”
“You’re a fucking treasure. Thanks for that.”
“So who’s the bird? And don’t tell me she’s just a friend.”
“Ok, she’s a bit more than that, but it’s new and it might not go much beyond Saturday night.”
“Take it slow, wise move, Derek.”
“I’m trying to. My life is complicated enough.”
“While I think of it, I have to upgrade my mobile phone to the new digital one tomorrow and they’re offering a free line if I order two. It’d be convenient if I gave one to you, would you take it?”
“As long as I don’t have to pay for it, I don’t mind. Who’s the third one for?”
“Myra, she wants one too. It’s a case of happy wife, happy life.”
“If only it was that simple.”
I drove back out to Airways and finished off my work day before getting home in time for the kids coming in from school. I was a little behind schedule so it was sausages, eggs and chips for dinner. I was in the process of throwing sausages on the pan when Robbie Keane walked into the kitchen behind me. I looked at him askance, at first not really sure of what I had seen.
“Fuck you, Robbie,” I said, “you frightened the shit out of me. What are you doing around here?”
“I came around with Gary.”
“Do your parents know where you are?”
He laughed at me.
“I’m serious.”
“Did you tell them you were coming around here?”
“No. I was with Gary so they know I’m with him.”
“Do you get homework in school, Robbie?”
“Yes, of course,” he said as though I was a lunatic.
“Did you do it yet?”
“I’ll do it after training.”
“Do you want a sausage and chips?”
I left him there, went to the phone and called his house. His mother answered.
“Hi Brenda, it’s Derek Caldwell.”
“Oh hi, Derek, this is a surprise,” she almost sang.
She was a tasty-looking woman, I definitely wouldn’t have minded.
“Sorry for disturbing you, Brenda. Your Robbie is around here. Is it okay to give him some food?”
“Yes, of course, Derek, thank you. He’s a fussy eater, though, so be prepared for a fight.”
“I will, has he done his homework?”
“He’ll do it after training, that’s his routine.”
“Grand. Thanks, Brenda.”
“What are you having for dinner? Just so I’ll know.”
“Liver, turnips and potatoes.”
“Good luck with that, I’ll make him something when he gets home in case he doesn’t eat anything around at yours.”
Bitch! I had to revise my estimation of her. We hung up and Robbie was standing behind me again.
“Hey, Robbie, do me a favour will you?”
“Yes, Derek.”
“Go inside and watch some television, stop following me around.”
He disappeared into the room with Gary, and I adjourned to the kitchen to finish cooking. When it was ready I shouted for them to eat. Robbie sat beside me at the table.
“Robbie, will you do something for me when you go home this evening? Don’t tell your mother what we’re having for dinner. If she asks just say that it was lovely and you ate it all, ok?”
“Never mind why, Just say that.”
“Ok,” he said, and looked at my two, who just called me a weirdo.
We were eating away when Gary looked at me,
“Da, Robbie’s da said you played for Liverpool,” he said.
There it was.
I continued eating and was aware of three little faces staring at me, expectations of an answer written all across them. I looked at them for a minute and then dipped a slice of bread into the beans that I had added to the plates. Their little faces were so innocent and it was a little bit funny to see.
“Who do you follow, Robbie?” I asked him.
“Liverpool,” he said.
“Do you like them?”
“Well, yeah, we’re the league champions.”
“Yes, we, Liverpool.”
“Gary doesn’t follow Liverpool,” I said, even though I knew that he did, under the influence of his mother.
“Yes, I do,” he argued.
“Who do you follow, Derek?”
“The Red Devils.”
“Yes, Manchester United.”
“He’s doing that again where he changes the subject,” Charlie said, with a bratty look on her face.
“Ok, I’ll tell you, but we will never speak of this again. Deal?”
“Deal!” all three of them said in unison.
“Ok, yes, I did play for Liverpool. I was there for trials for a couple of years and I got into the first team squad. I sat on the bench for six games and played twenty-five minutes in the second half against Norwich in a cup game. I got injured and had to leave. End of story. Happy?”
“Yes,” Gary said, rubbing his hands together. “Did you play at Anfield?”
“I thought I said we won’t mention it again?”
“Just that one, da.”
“Yes, I played at Anfield many times.”
“Did you ever score at the Kop end?” Robbie asked.
I was fucked now.
“Against who?”
“Several teams.”
“Any of them Manchester United?”
“Yes, I scored quite a few against United.”
They hated United so that made them happy.
“Did you have to clean your boots for every match?”
“Yes, and training.”
“Were you ever sent off?” Charlie chimed in from the far side of the table.
“We’re done with question time lads and lassie. Finish up your food and wash the dishes after you.”
They disappeared, so I started my preparations for training. I was toying with the idea of changing the dynamic a little. I needed to assess what, exactly, I had, given the extra bit of knowledge I’d gained about the opposition in the age category. I picked three teams of seven for the first time but they weren’t normal teams. They had no discernible shape or format but it would show me what I had at my disposal. When I had my mind in the correct place I got myself ready.
I was on the green forty minutes early laying out cones in a grid that resembled three small football pitches. The players began to filter in and, pretty soon, they quietly stripped for action. Although there was some of the usual banter, there was a subtle atmosphere of curiosity among the players that I expected it from.
I stood on the line and smiled. No matter the age, the good players always sense something coming, something different. I ticked them off in my head, if push came to shove it was those fifteen players that would survive any cull and would make up the main match day squad. All the rest would be makeweights. It was a cynical view but it was the footballer’s way and it was straight out of Bill Shankly’s playbook.
I was inflating a few of the softer footballs when I felt the presence of someone behind me. It was Brenda Keane, her husband, Gerry and two young boys. I shook Gerry’s hand and he introduced me to the two lads.
The taller of the two was a good-looking kid, spotlessly clean with tidy dark hair and a look of joy in his eyes. This was Gavin Shean. The other lad was a bit of a scruff, smaller than Gavin, skinnier, with red hair and a look of pure antagonism in his eyes. His name was Paul Tyrrell.
“Welcome lads, where do you like to play?”
“I play centre half,” Gavin said, “but I don’t like it there.”
“Ok, that’s honest, Gavin, but where do you think you fit?”
“Left mid.”
“Paul? What about you?”
“I don’t mind, really. I play anywhere.”
I laughed and told them to get stripped. Gerry and Brenda came over and we had a chat while waiting for everyone to get ready.
“That’s a curious training area, Derek,” Gerry said.
“I’m trying something out that is usually used for older players.”
“What’s that?”
“I know it in my head but I can’t verbalise it yet.”
“Did you invent this?”
“No, I’m extrapolating a method used by a very talented man, Gerry.”
“Don’t laugh,” I said, “Bill Shankly.”
“Wow. Did you know Bill Shankly?”
“Yes, I was never out of his office,” I laughed.
“What was he like?”
“Two arms, two legs, a head. The usual.”
“Do you think it’ll work?”
“It’s already working,” I said, as I looked out at over a dozen eight-year-olds, standing in a huddle, chatting about what they were looking at.
“Who’s collecting Gavin later, Brenda?”
“His sister, Clair,” she said.
“Is she not working late tonight?”
“No, she sees her fiancé on Thursdays.”
“Oh, I didn’t think she was involved with anyone, what with her mother being bed bound.”
“Bed bound? Eileen Shean? I think you’re mistaken there, Derek,” Brenda said, “Eileen works the canteen in the school. She’s in perfect health.”
“I must be confusing her with someone else.”
I spotted Barry Clery walking between his mother and father. I waved to them and they headed in my direction.
“More fancy coaching tonight, Del?” Mousey said.
“You know how it goes, Michael,” I said. “How are you doing, Eva? Nice to see you.”
“I’m good, Derek. Lovely to see you.”
She smiled shyly and touched my arm as I turned to take Barry away.
“Can we talk later this evening please, Derek?” she said quietly.
She looked into my eyes, a visible pain present in her demeanour.
“Yes, of course, Eva. Can you come around later?”
“Yes, what time?”
“Any time that suits you. I’ll be there all night.”
“What about Charlie and Gary?”
“They’re going to their mother’s.”
“Thanks, I’ll see you later.”
“Are you staying for the session?”
“Yes, I quite enjoy them, Derek.”
I squeezed her hand.
“You’re very kind, Eva.”
Her eyes lit up, she was too pretty to be sad. I saw Franner getting out of his van so I bade her farewell and went to speak to him. He had a smirk on his face as I approached him.
“Charming the ladies, are we?”
“Yes, if I was single, Derek.”
“She’s a nice-looking lady for sure.”
“So what’s all this?” he said, pointing at the grids, “I’ve never seen this before.”
I tried to explain my thought process and he seemed to get an inkling of what I was trying to do. We walked out and called the lads in.
I had split the squad up into three groups that I had identified as defenders, midfield creators and attackers. I took those who thought they were attackers, gave half of them bibs and a ball and let them at it in one of the grids.
I did the same with the other two groups and let Franner take the midfielders, for now. Derek Keane offered his services and took the attackers. I told them to just let them play a game of football, with no pressure, while I took the defenders. They were a bit confused so I told them to just watch what I did.
I had Jason, Barry Clery, Willie, Eric, Gavin Shean and two new lads, Simon Brown and Tommo Don, all of them defenders. I let them have the ball and play a game with one set of goals. I had Gavin, Barry, Willie and Eric on one team with me, Simon and Tommo on the other. Jason was in a goal area that was four feet wide. I could hear the muttering of discontent at the size of the small goal. I smiled to myself, nothing ever changed.
Willie pulled a yellow bib on.
“Take that off,” I said.
“Because I told you to,” I said, “everyone will carry it on their wrist.”
“Because I told you to. Now listen everyone, the cones at the bottom of the pitch is the halfway line. If you win the ball, it has to travel there before you can score at the other end. Ok?”
“This is stupid,” Willie said.
“OK, I’m going to kick it off. It’s me, Tommo and Simon against the rest. If we get too far ahead, I’ll lend you a player.”
“You’ve no chance, Derek,” Gavin said.
Eric and Barry told him to shut up. I looked around and saw everyone watching what we were doing. I kicked it off and immediately sent Tommy to the halfway line while Simon ran with me towards the pitch of the ball.
I got there first, just in front of Gavin. It bounced once and I took it away on my chest, making sure I got a bit of movement in the direction I was running. It dropped too slowly and I had to take another touch with the fleshy part of my thigh in order to cushion the impact, letting it drop onto my left foot.
Tommy stood with his arms out so I passed it slightly to his left, he was left-footed and the pace was correct for him to easily control with one touch. I pointed at Simon and he passed it out to him while I sprinted up the pitch, looking for the ball as I ran. Simon over-hit the pass but I got there and made it look better than it was.
Jason ran out of his goal to impede me but Tommy had made a run into the box from the halfway line and I spotted him in my peripheral vision, slid the ball sideways into his path and ran for the return, taking Jason out of his goal completely as he followed me, and leaving it open for Tommy to just pass it between the cones for a goal.
“One nil,” I shouted, and high-fived Simon and Tommy.
“Anyone notice anything about that goal lads?”
“No,” Willie said, “so you scored, big deal.”
“You mean you didn’t notice that none of you lot got a single touch, while all three of us did?”
There was laughter and muted chatter from the line as Willie kicked it off again. This time Gavin easily read the bounce and took it away from Tommo. He found Barry on the halfway line with a beautifully flighted pass. Barry made a run with the ball as I dropped a bit deeper with Tommo, leaving Simon to chase the other team down.
He hassled them into making quicker passes than they needed and a loose one, from Willie to Eric, was easily cut out by Tommo, who hit one over my head as I made a run to the halfway line. I turned quickly, jumped into the air and caught it on my rib cage, bent my body slightly to allow it drop at my feet and trapped it dead.
I pointed at Simon to make a run into the box and he was followed by the entire opposing team. I hit one with the outside of my right foot into Tommo’s feet. Simon ran across the box, screaming for a pass while I made a run into the space he had left. Tommo saw me and drove a low cross in after me and I dived at it, met it sweetly with my forehead and scored into the goal vacated by Jason as he followed his team as they chased after Simon. My body was parallel with the ground as I connected.
I stopped the game there and called everyone in.
“Any questions, lads?”
“What’s the point of this, Derek?” Robbie Keane said.
“Ok, I’ll ask you one, first. Seven defenders playing each other. Who defended better, my team or the yellows?”
“Yours,” Robbie said.
“If we had a match on Saturday, who’d be the first two names on the team sheet?”
“Tommo and Simon.”
“Because they were good, but they were in your team, your team will always win,” Robbie argued.
“Tommo and Simon don’t play for their school, Robbie. The whole lot of the other team play for their schools and are automatic choices. What does that tell you?”
“Mr. Rowe thinks they’re good.”
“He might do, but how would he know?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’ll tell you. He doesn’t, Gavin is correct, he’s not a centre-half. He’s not even a defender. I’m going to shift him into the midfielder’s match and put young Tyrrell there instead of him. I won’t play this time, I’m going to watch.”
I looked at each of the opposing team.
“Lads, when someone makes a run like Simon did, it only takes one of you to go with him, not the lot of you. Barry, you need to start talking to everyone else, tell them what you need and make sure they do it. You need to be loud, because I’ll be on the line and if I don’t hear it you didn’t say it. Understand?”
“Ok, it’s three v three now. Willie, you take my place and Tyrreler will play the spare man. Jason, you left the goals open twice, don’t do that again or I’ll hang you from a crossbar. You have a big enough mouth. Use it.”
They restarted and I went to the other games and kickstarted them, Franner was looking after them while I walked the lines, pulling people out when required and explaining what I needed. I had doubts about Gavin, initially, but these were dispelled when he picked up a pass on the left wing and floated a beautiful cross with his left foot onto Gary’s head for him to score.
They slowly got into it and it was impressive to watch. My interjections became less and less and I let them at it for the entire session, spending the last fifteen minutes watching the forwards pulverising such other. It was hugely enjoyable. I blew it up and they all ran off the pitch. They were buzzing and I felt I had the makings of a tentative sixteen-man squad for our first game.
I was packing the gear away in a zone of my own when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Michael Clery, holding a thin, dark-haired girl’s hand. Eva stood about twenty yards away looking mortified. He pulled me aside, leaving the girl standing alone.
“Is that the new Eva?” I asked him.
“Sort of,” he said, “I told Eva about the Mater. She doesn’t need to get checked. We hadn’t been together for a long time before that.”
“Does that make you happy?”
“There are many words to describe what you just said, Michael. Happy wouldn’t be the first one I’d think of.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Del. Eva tells me she’s going to see you later, I’m taking the kids with me tonight to give yis some time to talk.”
“Thanks, Michael, I appreciate that. Was that your idea or her’s?”
“Yeah, her’s.”
“Take it easy,” I said and picked up my bag.
Brenda, Gerry and Robbie Keane were arguing with Gavin on the side of the road. It looked like a heated exchange. I went over to be nosey.
“What’s up, lads?” I said.
“Ah, Gavin thinks you’re playing him in midfield, Derek. I told him he’s a centre half.”
Gavin was looking at me with big eyes and a quivering lip as Franner and Graham Dempsey arrived beside us.
“Gerry, I’ll pick the team and tell them where they’ll play.”
“But he’s the best centre half in the school, Derek.”
“Maybe so. It doesn’t mean he’s a centre half, though.”
“Is Gavin not our left mid?” Graham piped up.
I put my hand on his head.
“Graham! I told you before,” Franner said.
“Leave him be, Franner, he’s correct,” Graham looked at me with a smile and I winked at him. “Tell him why, Graham.”
“Because he’s good.”
“Yes. Gerry, I watched Gavin tonight and he couldn’t get to grips with close quarter defending. I put him in midfield and he was like a young Johnny Barnes. He’s a natural creative player with a cultured left foot and a fantastic eye for a pass. You can’t buy that.”
“Where do I sign, Derek?” Gavin said.
“Clair has the form.”
“Ah, shit!”
“I’ll get the form to you later, I’ll drop it in your letterbox,” Gerry said.
“Great. Happy now, Gavin?”
“I’m troffing thrilled,” he said with a snort, “alliteration!” and he held his hand up for a high five.
“Good God, Gavin,” I said, “triple alliteration, I win!” and slapped his upheld hand.
They walked away laughing.
“Good session tonight,” Franner said.
“Yes, it was very good, thanks for helping out.”
He punched my shoulder and headed off. He walked three paces and turned back.
“Is there any way to get you to take a session with my team on Saturday afternoon, Derek?”
“I can’t very well refuse, Franner. What do you need?”
“Possession-based coaching.”
“Sure. Where and when?”
“Saturday at two in the Park?”
“See you then. Do you have gear?”
“I’ll give you one session only, ok?”
“I’ll take that.”
I watched them walk away, leaving only Eva behind. She looked like a recalcitrant little girl and my heart went out to her. I smiled and gave her a hug.
“You’re very popular, Derek,” she said, relaxing a little.
“I won’t be when I start picking teams and their little Maradonnas aren’t playing.”
She laughed.
“What do you think of my Barry?”
“He’s very good, he needs to start shouting at everyone.”
“When he settles in he’ll be fine,” she said. “He absolutely idolises you. It’s, Derek this, and Derek that.”
“He’d be right too.”
She laughed and put her arm through mine as we walked. She paused and asked, “is this ok?”
“Yes, Eva. It is.”
We got inside the house and went into the kitchen, I dropped the gear in the hall on my way through and opened the fridge.
“Have you eaten, Eva? I just had a sausage before training and I’m starved. I was thinking of ordering a Chinese. Interested?”
“What are you getting?”
“I’ll get a chicken curry, what about you?”
“Can I share yours? I’ll never eat a full one.”
“Sounds good.”
I ordered a delivery and Eva followed me into the room and sat in the music chair.
“You like that chair, don’t you?”
“Yes, I have fond memories of this chair and this room.”
“Would you like some music?”
“What about one of your anonymous albums?”
“Sounds good. Can we talk first?”
“Yes, we probably should,” she said, quietly.
She twisted her hands together to stop the slight shaking I had noticed, and her eyes were slightly downcast. I took her hands in mine. I had no axes to grind, I simply sought transparency. She raised her head and looked at me as I stroked the back of her hands gently.
“I blame myself a little for this, Eva. I should have laid my cards on the table and been up front with you about my alcoholism,” I said, “you were left with nowhere to go except to give in to his threats, and I apologise for that.”
“My heart broke when that phone call ended. I cried for days. I wanted you, alcoholism or not.”
“I’m not going to dress it up, Eva. It’s a serious addiction. I’ll never not be an alcoholic but I’ve accepted that and I live with it every day.”
“How do you handle it? Is there something I could help with?”
“Just don’t think less of me because of it. In spite of what people like Michael say, it doesn’t define who or what I am. My kids mean as much to me as yours do to you and I’m determined not to let them down.”
“Of course I can see that, Derek. I see how you look at me and I don’t ever want that to end. I want to apologise to you also, and to thank you.”
“For what?”
“For understanding and for putting my ex in his place. I never knew about his little infections.”
“He’s an idiot, Eva, a bully.”
“Whatever you said to him has changed his attitude. He’d never take the kids in the middle of the week, but now he has them until Monday. I feel free again,” she laughed.
“You have the upper hand, morally, now. Use it for all it’s worth.”
She looked down at her hands.
“Derek, do you think we can start over? Can you forgive me? I know nothing about alcoholism and he used it as a weapon.”
“There’s nothing to forgive, Eva. You did what you had to do for your kids. I admire that and I understood completely. As far as I’m concerned it never happened, I missed you terribly though.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Before you do, I have something to tell you,” I said.
I laid out the whole Clair story for her and I felt a bit foolish doing so. It didn’t seem to have a negative effect because she came to me and kissed me, a deep kiss filled with longing and emotion.
“Wow, that was special, Eva. Will I tell you that again?”
She reached for me but there was a knock on the door.
“That Chinese was fast,” I said, and went to answer the door.
It was Dave Ruane.
“Have you got a curry with you?”
“Nothing, come in.”
Eva was coming back with plates and cutlery; she stalled when she saw Dave. I took her hand and introduced them to each other. Dave appraised her with his eyes.
“Lovely to meet you, Eva. Derek’s been quiet about you. I can see why.”
Eva blushed.
“Is everything ok, Dave?” I asked.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“No reason.”
He handed me a plastic bag with a box inside.
“What’s this?”
“The phone I was talking to you about. It’s all set up and the number is in those business cards in the bag. I don’t care who you ring on it, just make sure it’s always on and always nearby.”
“What time do I switch it off?”
“Six o’clock?”
“Grand, I can do that. Thanks. Does it send texts?”
“Not on its own.”
“Fuck off. Do you want tea?”
“No, thanks. I have to get home. It’s late. Nice to meet you, Eva, hopefully we’ll meet again soon.”
The charming bastard.
“He’s nice, Derek. Is he your boss?”
“Yes. It’s a shame he hasn’t got any confidence around women. If only he was a little better looking.”
“I think he’s, oh you. You weren’t serious.”
“There’s the food, now,” I said, as I heard the garden gate squeaking.
I picked an album that had a heart on the cover. Eva spilled the food onto one plate. I switched the sound on and slid the stylus onto the vinyl. The room filled with the words and music,
“…Who can say where they’re blowing”
“Roxy Music,” she said with a smile as she speared a piece of chicken.
“I like this,” I said, leaning back in the chair.
“Me too. Have you ever wondered who put these albums together, Derek?”
“No, but I’d hate to have been married to her.”
She spluttered over her food.
“Who said it was a ‘her’?”
“I’m guessing.”
She held a forkful of food to my lips and fed me. We kissed and fed each other the rest. Her head joined mine leaning against the seat back. She dimmed the lights from her seat and I laughed softly.
“What’s so funny? Is it ok to do that?”
“Yes, it’s brilliant that you’re comfortable here, Eva. Just relax and kick back.”
“I love this place. This room is my Superman’s cave. You are my Superman.”
She took my hand.
“I saw you out there tonight. Grown men were raving about how you played in that first game, any time you had the ball they were silent, watching you navigate across the pitch. That goal you scored with the flying header,”
“Diving header, and I was parallel with the ground,” I said with a squeeze of my hand.
“Yes, diving header. One man jumped in the air like it was a real match. Those men were living their lives vicariously through you tonight.”
“I was playing against children, Eva. It’s easy to look good.”
“No, you owned that ball. Children or not, you still have to be able to tame the movement of the ball. You led by example and the kids were learning all the time. By the end of it they were getting it.”
“I must admit that they are improving. There’s some good little players in that squad and we’re adding to it every week. I think we’ll be good. Either way, we’re enjoying it. If only I had a proper goalkeeper.”
She slapped my arm.
“Derek, that’s not nice.”
The opening chords of the next track wafted through the room.
“…And it’s been you, woman, Right down the line.”
“Gerry Rafferty. I love this, Derek.”
“Yes. I have Night Owl, but that’s all, I should update that.”
“You seem a bit tense. Are you ok?”
“Never better, Eva. Nervous, I suppose.”
“I’m unsure of the protocol here. I want to kiss you so badly.”
“That’s a good thing for me,” she laughed and stroked my hair.
“I also want to make love to you but I’m afraid it might be too much, too soon and I’d scare you off.”
She kissed me and held her lips close to mine, looking into my eyes with a strange look in hers.
“What?” I asked.
“Do we do it here or upstairs?”
“Eva, I had no expectations this evening.”
“Me neither, but I prepared, on the off chance.”
“I’m intrigued now. Tell me.”
“A lady doesn’t reveal her secrets, Derek.”
“At least let me get to where you are, Eva.”
“Ok, I showered twice this evening and I tried on everything in my wardrobe. Twice! I even wore my best new underwear.”
“You’re very conscientious, Eva, meticulous even. I need a shower after training, can you give me ten minutes?”
“I’ll clean up here while you do that. I’d offer to share your shower but I don’t have a change of clothes. However, I have a bag packed at home. I can run around and get it while you’re showering, if you don’t mind me staying over tonight?”
“I’d love that.”
“I’ll be ten minutes,” she said.
“Here’s a key in case I don’t hear the door.”
She took it in her hand and kissed me.
“Am I awful?”
“You’re awful sexy.”
“I am not!”
“Yes, you really are, Eva?”
She left and I jumped in the shower. I had a quick wash and dried myself before dressing quickly and taking some time to clean up the bedroom. I also changed the bedding. Just as I was folding it back I heard her return.
“I’m home,” she sang playfully.
A quick run of my hand along the bedcover to smooth out a couple of creases and I joined her downstairs.
“What kept you?” I asked.
She touched the side of her nose, indicating that I mind my own business. I led her into the music room, the music was still playing. She turned and placed her hand on my chest.
“Can we go to bed, please? I’ve missed you.”
“Yes please,” I said and went to switch the music off.
“Let it play, Derek.”
I flicked the switch and sent it around the house at a low volume. When we reached the bedroom I closed the door behind us, watching her reacquaint herself with it. I approached her from behind, encircling her waist while kissing her under her right ear. She held my hands in place as she leaned her head back against me. I slipped my hands up under the hem of her sweater, feeling her soft skin as her head swayed gently .
“Your hair smells fantastic, Eva,” I whispered in her ear, as my hands touched the fabric of her bra just where it rested snugly against the underside of her breasts.
A low sigh came from her lips as I took both breasts in my hands, gently holding them, softly squeezing them as she turned to face me. I lifted the sweater over her head as she undid the clasp of her bra, her lips searching hungrily for mine. Her tongue actively seeking a connection as she clung to me, her arms around my neck, holding me tightly.
I slipped my tee shirt off and she kissed one of my nipples as her hand toyed with the other one. It was a heavenly sensation. My already hugely engorged penis seemed to expand as it fought for release from the constraints of my clothing as her hips ground against mine, demanding, needing, craving the union. Our kiss deepened further, it was mesmerising. My hands sought the touch of her soft backside and she moaned when she felt my touch there.
She undid her trousers and let them fall to her knees, struggling to release them fully. I sat her down on the bed and released her from them, pulling them from over her feet and leaving her wearing just a tiny black lace G String which matched the bra which now lay on the floor. I finished undressing and she watched me as I moved beside her.
I looked over the entire landscape of her body. She was perfect in every way. No part of her was more perfect than any other. Her nipples stood to attention as my lips touched them on their way past on the journey to her lips. Her hand took my head and held it softly, offering slight direction when necessary and using it to anchor herself in a sea of swirling emotions. Our lips met and we kissed the kiss of long-lost lovers. Both expressing our desire and need in a deeply sensual exchange of movement, senses and fragrances. Our tongues became reacquainted and savoured their tastes and touch while focusing only on what and where we were.
I briefly touched her breast and took the nipple between my fingers, tweaking it lightly and twisting it softly. She murmured her approval with a soft little moan as her tongue reacted by fluttering across my lips and mouth. I didn’t want our kiss to end, it was enchanting and we both were spellbound by its depth and meaning. Her hips began to ease upwards and undulate as our kiss wore on. We breathed for each other and we descended to a place never uninhabited by either of us. I touched her stomach and felt how strong and tense it was. She held me in a fierce embrace, becoming fiercer the longer we held the kiss. A kiss that was close to becoming something completely different to anything we had ever experienced, an intimacy that is known only by lovers, a sensation only revealed to those who desire ultimate kinship and union. It was a kind of oral intercourse, it was beautiful and it was brining us higher and higher with Eva becoming impossibly aroused and impassioned the longer it lasted.
I heard a low moan begin in her throat and felt her hips rise impossibly high before crashing down again.
“Derek, touch me please,” she whispered, “I’m going to come, I can’t help it.”
I slid my hand under her thong and along her shaved Mons to a groan of pleasure and a further groan as I softly pulled the material way from where it had attached to her vulva.
“Oh, God!” she whispered, as I slid my finger inside her impossibly wet vaginal opening.
A low, continuous feminine moan began to indicate the rise in her arousal and the presence of her journey to orgasm. The pitch of her moan changed subtly to a higher tone and carried on rising as she approached her ultimate destination, which she reached with a long and heartfelt scream, a flurry of movement from her limbs and the release of a torrent of fluids that covered my hand with her beautiful excretion. She held on to me as it subsided and our bodies almost melted together as I held her until she returned to me.
Her head was buried in my shoulder and I felt the wetness of tears on my skin. I lifted her chin and wiped the tears away.
“Beautiful ladies should never cry, Eva.”
“They aren’t sad tears, Derek, they’re tears of joy. I’ve never had an orgasm with anyone but you, but that was unbelievable.”
“Would you like to take a break?”
“Please, I’m afraid I might explode.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
I held her in the dimness of the room and could feel every touch where our skin met as we lay together. Her hand moved in slow circles on my stomach, teasing uncontrolled movement form my penis as it flexed at the touch of her hand moving lower on my stomach. A veritable river of preliminary fluid flowed from the rampant tip as it screamed silently in the night, agonisingly searching for the comfort of containment. Eva became aware of it as it touched her hand during its sensual orbit of my stomach.
“I think somebody needs attention, Derek.”
“Yes,” a raw sound came from deep inside my throat as my arousal became impossible to stand.
She slipped from my arms and licked the fluid from the top of my penis, carefully taking the head into her mouth and wrapping her tongue slowly around it. She lifted off and held it in her hand, squeezing it gently.
“Please, Eva. I can’t take it. I want you so badly.”
She kissed me softly and pulled me on top of her, nestling me between her legs. Her hand reached down and led my penis to the mouth of her vagina, lubricating the tip from the flowing tide of her vaginal excretion. Slowly she opened herself fully to allow my distended erection access to her and placed her hands on my backside, encouraging my penetration of her beautiful body.
My hips reacted quickly, sliding me inside her with a delicious slickness. She was tight and cosy, warm and wet and it was a swift insertion that found me deep inside her as her vocal sounds let me know when I had reached her limit. She began to move beneath me, her breath ragged, anxious little sounds coming from her as our tempo increased, seeking release, but not wishing to foreshorten these magical sensations.
Her head spun wildly and I felt her vaginal muscles pulsing as she pulled me in. My movements inside her increased as I joined her on her journey to ecstasy. I reached my zenith before her,
“I’m close, Eva,” I whispered, hoping for a signal from her.
“Don’t stop, Derek. I need you, I’m with you,” she whispered breathlessly.
I felt her body contract and her vagina begin to clamp my penis as the first ejaculation of my seed burst forth from the tip of my penis, deep inside her vagina. She followed me with an agonised groan and almost lifted off the bed as the power of our climax rocked me to my core and took her breath away.
We lay together, still as one. Her eyes locked on to mine, my penis still hard and deep inside her, her legs around my waist. My head was spinning and I was still catching my breath as she kissed me. Her hips moved slowly against me, sending shivers right through me.
“Jesus, Eva. That was intense,” I whispered as my breath returned.
“It was other worldly. I was focused purely on you and what we were doing, I never would have thought that this was possible. It’s beautiful.”
“You are beautiful, Eva.”
“You make me feel beautiful, Derek.”
My erection began to diminish and I slowly slipped out of her.
“We might have to clean these sheets, love,” I said, as I felt a pool of wetness form under us.
“Let’s keep them as a souvenir, a memory of us and this moment.”
“You’re such a girl,” I said and kissed her.
“One of us needs to be,” she said, and we laughed.
We snuggled together and listened to the music playing in the background as a track ended.
‘Woman…After all, I’m forever in your debt’
“I don’t know this one, Derek,” she said.
“John Lennon?”
“Yes, I recognise his voice now you say it. I’m not a fan.”
“He was in a band called The Beatles,” I said.
“I know that. I was in the Paul club.”
“Thank Christ for that,” I said.
“Were you a Paul fan?”
“No way in hell, Eva.”
“So why are you thanking Christ?”
“Because you’re just like me. Imperfect.”
She giggled and tried to wrestle me. My head was between her breasts. I did the gentlemanly thing and let her win.
“Maybe so, my beautiful man, but together we’re perfect.”
“You’re still such a girl, Eva.”
We relaxed in bed and listened as the song played out. It was the last track on that side.
“I could get to like him, I only ever listened to Imagine.”
“I have everything he put out. You won’t like all of it but there’s quite a lot of classic stuff there too. I’ll make a tape for us.”
“Make it a long one, Derek. We can listen to it in bed.”
I kissed her lightly.
“Fancy a coffee?”
“Please, I’d love one. I’ll change the sheets while you do it.”
“No point on changing them, Eva.”
“Why not? I don’t mind.”
“Because, my darling woman, the night isn’t over yet.”
“I was hoping. Hurry back with the coffee, I’ll use the bathroom while you’re gone.”
We sat together in bed and sipped our coffee as she held my hand.
“Happy?” she asked me.
“Yes, I’m very happy, Eva.”
“Me too, this is lovely.”
“It’s Lavazza, from Italy.”
“I mean this, us, here together. Not the coffee.”
“You don’t like the coffee?”
“I love the coffee too, Derek.”
“I know, I love having you here beside me too.”
“Do you have to work tomorrow?”
“Yes, you?”
“Yes, I was thinking of taking it off.”
“I’d love to, but I can’t tomorrow, we’ve an inspection. I think that’s why Dave arrived out here earlier. Nerves, he hates inspections, but we’re good on this one.”
“When will I see you?”
“We have the entire weekend. I’d rather be nowhere else.”
“I was thinking that maybe we should make it public,” she said.
“Make what public?”
“Ok, what are you thinking?”
“Nothing outlandish, we could go to the Sheaf for an hour, can you go to a pub?”
“Yes, I’ve no problem with that. Are you thinking we should make love in front of the fire in the back lounge?”
“That’d certainly set tongues wagging,” she laughed, “no, just us having a drink together, a date, sort of.”
“I’ve an idea too, I usually do the shopping on Saturday morning, why don’t you come along with me?”
“I can do mine at the same time, that’s a great idea.”
“I’ve a coaching session with Strand United in the Park on Saturday. If you’re interested, you can come along to that with me.”
“I’d love to see that. It’s like art when you play, Derek, really. I’m so proud of you.”
“I have another thought.”
“Go on.”
“Robbie Keane has taken to dropping in here with Gary during the week. Maybe we could get Barry to join them.”
“I see where you’re going with that. It’s worth a try.”
“They play ball on the green every day after school and just wander in here to be fed.”
“I’ll suggest that Barry drops around.”
“I’ll suggest that Gary asks him.”
“Thanks, Derek.”
“For what?”
“For thinking of my kids and for thinking of me. I feel special when I’m with you.”
“You are very special, Eva, now give me that mug. We have stuff to do.”
“What kind of stuff?” she said with a grin.
“Private stuff. Stuff that only we share.”
“Kiss me please,” she said, as she held out her arms to me.
I woke next morning and smiled as she slept silently beside me. She was a tidy sleeper, all curled up into a little ball and not straying out of the confines of her side of the bed. I assumed that was a hangover from her failed marriage. I made her some coffee and toast and woke her with a kiss.
“Morning sleepy head, I brought you some coffee.”
She shook her head awake and sat up in bed.
“What time is it?”
“7:50. I’ve to be in at 8:30. Stay in bed for a while and indulge yourself, Eva.”
“I think I’ll go in to work, save the day’s leave for another time. What do you think, Derek?”
“I think that sounds good, Eva. I can drop you in if you like.”
“Would you do that?”
“Yes, of course. You make me look good.”
She reached up and kissed me, tears welling in her eyes.
“No tears, love. Here’s your coffee, there’s toast, marmalade, jam and honey on the tray.”
“What? Really? Let me see that.”
“Well, there’s jam, at least. The marmalade and honey are one of those transient things.”
She smiled like a Cheshire cat.
“I feel like a princess, Derek. Thank you,” she said as she sipped her coffee and then spooned some jam onto her toast. A sliver of it dripped on to her hand and I licked it off.
“Let me say good morning to that talented tongue of yours,” she said and took it between her lips, “last night was fantastic, Derek. I’ll never forget it.”
“Me too, Eva. Now eat your toast and jump in the shower if you need to and we’ll get you to work.”
“I wish we didn’t have to go in.”
“There’s always tomorrow morning, if you’re available,” I said.
“Oh, I’m available. Are you asking?”
“Well get out of my way and let’s get this day behind us.”
I dropped her to work, it was actually just a small diversion out of my way, and she kissed me outside the gate. We arranged for me to pick her up at the end of her day and I drove off.
The engineer doing the inspection was a man called Paddy Gahan. He was a bit of a hard arse but decent enough in his own way. I knew he’d be punctual. I was standing on top of a stepladder that had seen better days when he walked in.
“Morning, Derek. Nice to see you again.”
“Ah, Paddy. How’s it going?”
I jumped off the ladder and went to shake his hand.
“Is that your step ladder, Derek?” he said.
“Yes, it is,” Paddy, “but I prefer my real ladder.”
He checked back, thought about what I’d just said and pushed me out of his way.
“Don’t start that this morning, I’ve a lunch appointment with the wife so let’s get moving.”
Everything was ready for him, I had the apprentice open up cable runs and take flash guards off distribution panels for him and placed a portable frame scaffold under one row of lights. This was the basis of his inspection and he nodded in satisfaction.
“Can we move that scaffold to a different row, please?” he said.
We moved it and he climbed up on his own. He dismantled a light fitting and a little of the trunking lid, exposing the cables within. He examined the circuit labelling and checked stuff off on his pad, before beginning his climb back down the scaffold.
“Paddy. What the fuck?” I said.
“What’s wrong, Derek?”
“Put that back together, do you think I’m a fucking idiot?”
“I have to check it out, you know the score.”
“I had two of them ready for you, you could have used those. You took that light apart yourself and you know that’s not allowed. I could put a picket on the gate because of that.”
“Ah hold on now, Derek.”
“No, fuck off. I’m not a skivvy for you and neither are my men. If you want to do the inspection, do it, but I’m fucked if I’m going to stand here and let you fuck us.”
“That’s not what I do, Derek. We know each other well enough.”
“I thought we did. Put that back together or I’ll send you a bill for putting it back. That’s just taking the piss and you know it.”
“Derek, I took one fitting apart, what’s the big deal?”
“Paddy, there are thirty lights here. I had two of them broken down for you and you did another one. That’s ten percent of the lighting equipment. You’re moving into an area where we can complain officially about your intrusion into the profit and loss of a job. The inspection criteria clearly states that we open up two light points or do you just not bother your bollox with that any more? Now put them back before I have you fucked out of here.”
He looked at his watch.
“But, Derek,” he began.
“I don’t give a fuck about your lunch date, Paddy. I have all day and you, my friend, are on the clock since you moved that scaffold.”
Dave Ruane walked in as I was remonstrating with him. He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder.
“What do you want?” I said to him.
“You forgot your phone, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did. Sorry.”
“This is going well,” he pointed at the scaffold as Paddy reassembled the light.
“It’s going exactly as planned,” I said, “he’s not allowed to do that, but I’ll let him because he’s in a hurry to meet his wife. That’ll teach him to slag my stepladder off.”
“You’re a fucker, Caldwell. Carry on. Switch that fucking phone on and carry it in your pocket.”
“I will and I’ll give you a bell on it at seven tomorrow morning.”
“That’s if she lets you out of bed,” he said and winked at me.