I hated to admit it, but I was tired. Although I considered myself to be in fairly good health, breeding every single night has tested my physical limits. The day after talking with Aubriana, I returned to the pond and floated around for quite some time. The little fishes, or whatever they were, didn’t nibble on me this time. However, I still wondered what they were.
Before getting into the water, I’d placed my clothes on a large boulder. I was planning on napping there when I was finished swimming. When I actually got out of the water and went over to the boulder, my clothes had vanished. I figured it was one of the male fairies fucking with me. I looked around and called out, but nobody replied. I cursed to no one in particular, then headed back to my hut naked.
As I was walking along the path, I started finding pieces of my clothing. First were my shoes. I put them on and then looked around, but still nothing. I happened to notice my shirt hanging from a tree a few yards off the path. I moved through the brush, getting scratches on my legs and cursing under my breath. Then I heard a familiar voice as I reached to take the shirt down.
I quickly turned to see Calypso grinning and holding my pants. “Good day, Griffen. Are these yours?”
She was wearing a black leather top and panties, I guess you’d call them. Since it was light out, I noticed her long red hair. She was actually very pretty and definitely fit. She looked like a warrior, which was another reason I didn’t want to offend her.
I told her, “Yes, you know they are. You stole them. What do I have to do to get them back, Cali?”
Cali laughed and then asked, “No, hello, Cali. How are you? It’s nice to see you again, Cali. I’ve missed you, Cali. I’m hurt, Griffen.”
I sarcastically answered her questions with a ‘no’ and then asked for my pants back.
Cali laughed and said, “You’ll have to earn them, Griffen.”
I asked, “How?”
She said, “Before I left you, I told you that females liked their piss holes licked also. Remember?”
I sighed and told her, “I remember. Here? Now?”
She nodded and said, “Yes, that’s what I want. Do a good job, and I’ll give you your pants back. If not, I’ll fly away with them and drop them somewhere, far away.”
Cali fluttered up to a high branch and hung my trousers there. Then, she floated down to a green patch of grass and stood with her hands on her hips, waiting for me to join her. I walked over as she was removing her top. Her breasts were amazing, lovely, and full. I couldn’t help it, and I was getting hard thinking about sucking on those beautiful orbs.
Cali grinned when she saw me gawking at her. After she dropped her top, Cali cupped each one to tease me. “Start with these, Griffen. I can see the lust in your eyes and your dick.”
I definitely had mixed feelings about this. She was simply divine, but the way she treated me pissed me off. However, it didn’t have any effect on my dick, which was yearning to slip between those lips or inside her. Hopefully, after I satisfied her, I’d be rewarded with either hole or both. I asked her how she wanted me. She told me to get on my knees as she began removing her lower covering. Normally, if someone told me to get on my knees, they would have to be a King or a Queen. But I wanted her and did what I was told.
When the small cloth covering her sex was free, I could see her clear as day. The hairs around her pussy were groomed! The hairs were trimmed into a small arrowhead pointing down, something I never thought females did. It looked rather enticing, though, and I guessed that’s why she did it.
I dropped to my knees a bit farther than I think she wanted. I heard Cali sigh at my little act of defiance. I grinned as she took a couple of steps towards me. A little frustrated, Cali said, “Why are you making this so difficult, Griffen? We both know you want me, quit screwing around, or you’ll regret it; I guarantee it.”
I moved a bit closer as Cali sat on the soft grass, leaning back on her elbows, her legs spread wide. She smiled and said, “You may begin, Griffen Flopsnod.”
It was a little awkward moving so I could place my face between her legs, but I managed to get into a position without much trouble. I’d never had my face close to a woman’s pussy until Cali had mentioned that females like being licked, also. The couple of times I tried it were interesting, and it seemed like I did a fairly decent job of it.
This was different; we were outdoors, in broad daylight, and I was being judged on my performance. I took my time, beginning with Cali’s firm thighs as she leaned back, watching me. Moving from her knee up to her pussy, then back down, exploring with my mouth.
Cali voiced her approval, telling me, “That’s it, Griffen, nice and slow. Teasing feels so good.”
Cali must bathe more often than me because her skin tasted lovely. From time to time, I’d switch legs, make small circles with my tongue, or suck up some skin and leave little red marks, much to Cali’s delight.
Now and then, I’d glance at her face to see her eyes closed and a lovely smile. Continuing to tease her felt good in an odd way. My dick began to stiffen, which was a strange sensation since I was lying in the grass. Fortunately, I didn’t feel any small bugs checking it out.
After several times ending close to Cali’s pussy, I could see her lady juices glistening in the sunlight. I took that as a cue to begin exploring her with the tip of my tongue. Circling the bare area around her lower lips made Cali shiver. She praised me, telling me how good it felt as I moved from licking around her pussy to moving between her tender folds.
Cali said, “You’re doing nicely, Griffen. How do I taste?”
Pausing, I replied, “Lovely, Cali, just lovely.”
She purred, “Such a good human. Keep it up, Griffen. You may get a reward after.”
When I returned, I slipped my tongue in her, pressing my face as tight as I could against her pussy. I recalled the little nub I’d discovered on Zuri, so my tongue went searching for it. When I discovered its location and pressed against it, Cali shuddered. I heard her exclaim, “Oh, Eris!” as I continued rubbing it and sucking on it. Cali’s nub seemed a little larger than Zuri’s, but their reactions were quite similar.
My position was getting uncomfortable to me as Cali squirmed and reacted. I shifted my hands under her ass to raise her a smidge. Cali helped by planting her feet flat on the ground to lift. Now I had Cali’s pussy, where I could easily go deeper with my tongue. My face was pressed tight to her, and my cheeks were covered with her juices. Her body was convulsing as she kept calling out to Eris and praising me.
It wasn’t long before Cali moved from being on her elbows to lying back and using her fingers to play with her perfect breasts. My dick was completely stiff, and I debated whether to stop and just fuck her. I didn’t have to choose because Cali commanded me to do just that. So, I left her sweetness and moved so I could place her leg against my chest. I grabbed my rock-hard prick, slipping it in her. Cali moaned as I went in as deep as I could.
Cali’s calling out Eris’s name continued as I began fucking her with all my might. She told me to slap her ass, and I did as best I could several times. Cali’s told me she was close as I kept humping and slapping away. I called her a bitch several times, and that seemed to get her more excited. Cali squirmed, shook, swore, gritted her teeth, and stared at me when I finally let go. Slowly, a smile appeared on her face. I smiled when she commented that she should steal me and take me to her place.
She lay panting as I slowly withdrew and sat back on the grass to look at her. My face and dick were coated in her juices and starting to dry. Cali looked helpless as she curled up on her side, basking in the warm sun. I asked if I did okay and if I could have my pants back. Cali giggled, then told me she’d retrieve them when she caught her breath. She said I did better than okay and thought that was a stupid question, but then I was a human, and it was pretty much expected of me. She thanked me for not disappointing her.
It’s funny; my relationship with Cali, just like Aubriana, shifts between cordial and resentful. Maybe it’s because they are both more mature than the girls and have dealt with humans for a longer time. I shrugged it off as the dark fairy stood. She retrieved her small leather garments and then slipped back into them. Cali grinned at me; her wings appeared, and then she fluttered up and grabbed my pants. She gave them a flick of her wrist, letting them fall to the ground. Thankfully, I was watching, or my pants would have landed on my head.
I heard her laugh as she floated back down. “That was fun, Griffen. You’re getting a bit more imaginative with your fucking. Practice helps. How many more girls await your seeding?”
I sighed as I donned my pants and replied, “I think there are six more. Aubriana is giving me a break, so we’ll see. Maybe she wants to wait to see if my seeds sprout first.”
Cali smiled, then replied, “I like how you sow them, Griffen Flopsnod. I know I’ll be back. You’re fun to fuck with in more ways than one.”
If Cali were a male human, I would have done something I’d probably regret. But I kept my wits about myself as I put my shoes back on and told her, “Have a good day, Cali. If I’m not around, maybe you can just go fuck yourself.”
Cali laughed, “You’d probably like to watch, wouldn’t you? See you soon, Griffen.”
Then she fluttered off to who knows where. I found my shirt as I walked a little further down the path back to the pond to clean up. Cali was still on my mind as I swam and cleaned myself up. Before entering the pond, I hid my clothes and made sure I kept an eye on them. When I finished swimming and cleaning up, I retrieved my clothes and then headed back to the hut to eat and relax.
As I was basking in the sun, I pondered what might become of me when Aubriana was satisfied with my efforts or disappointed when and if I failed. I figured she’d have Alfrigg knock me out, leave me somewhere, and erase my memory. Hopefully, my efforts will be rewarded somehow. Then it dawned on me. If I was completely fruitful and had multitudes of children, what, if any, responsibility would I have raising them? My thoughts wound down a very winding and interesting path, which was all controlled by Aubriana.
The next few days were boring, and I was wondering exactly when I’d get a new guest. I practiced shooting my bow, killed a few small animals for my meals, hiked around, explored the local woods, and snuck up on larger game animals. I even got close enough to a stag to slap him on his ass as he fed. That shocked the both of us. Then I began wondering if there really was a hex on me or maybe just the threat had made me miss those shots. I guess it didn’t matter now since I was here, and things weren’t that bad, except for this lull that Aubriana imposed on me.
I’d run out of things to do to keep me busy, and I was swimming in the pond when I heard a quiet splash behind me. I thought it might be a fish, but when I turned around to look, all I saw were ripples in the water. I shrugged it off, wondering if I was going to feel a nibble. Just as I started to swim again, I was surprised and delighted to see a sweet face rise out of the calm water.
Chepi was smiling as she exclaimed, “Griffen! I’ve missed you.”
I replied, “Hello, Chepi. I’ve missed you too. How are you, sweet girl?”
Chepi giggled and said, “I’m good, I think. I’ve been feeling very different the past few days. I think your seeds have sprouted in me.”
I exclaimed, “Oh? Why don’t we swim to the shore instead of out here in the middle treading water? We can talk about it if you like.”
Chepi giggled again, then said, “Yes, that would be nice. But I want to do more than talk, Griffen.”
I smiled at her and replied, “Let’s go then.”
We swam the short distance to the shore and then climbed out. Chepi was nude, and when she turned slightly, I thought I saw a baby bump. It wasn’t large, but I recalled how flat her tummy was when we coupled. This was enough to make a difference.
We sat on a couple of large rocks, talking long enough for my hair to dry. Chepi talked about how she was feeling different, and it had started a few days before. She mentioned Zuri was feeling the same way. She and Zuri talked to each other more than the other girls. They all talked, but she and Zuri had become closer. She mentioned Orla and Elara, who seemed to be more than friends than the rest of the group. Kitsune was nice, and they were surprised that she started talking with them after her visit with me.
When she said that Aubriana was waiting for a sign before sending more girls for coupling, I said I knew that and thanked her for letting me know about my seeds. She asked how I was, and I told her I was bored. Chepi laughed and then, with a sly grin, asked if she could do something to help. I told her I’d love that. She blushed and mentioned she’d like to feel the tingles again, then mentioned Zuri and how I licked her. She asked if I’d lick her also, and I told her I’d love to.
Chepi blushed as she leaned across the rock, turned her head slightly, and then kissed me. I scooted closer, slipping my arm around her. I pulled her tighter to me as we continued kissing. Her breasts felt good against my skin, and my dick stiffened in response. We continued kissing until Chepi pulled back to look me in the eyes.
“Griffen, I’ve never been in love with anyone, but what I think and feel about you is love. I know you’re here because the queen forced you into it, but I think I love you.”
I replied, “Chepi, you’re sweet, but I don’t know what’s going to happen to me when the queen is done with me. I love all of you girls. You’re all special to me.”
Chepi sighed, then said, “I just wanted you to know. I know most of the other girls feel the same way about you, but I’m tingling now; it feels so good. Would you lick me down there, please?”
I smiled and gave her a quick kiss, then said, “I’d love to, Chepi. Let’s move off this rock and move over to the grass.”
I rose and held my hand out to her. Chepi took it, and we walked over to a nice grassy area, somewhat like the one Cali and I used. We knelt down and began kissing once again. Soon, Chepi was breathing rapidly and, in between kisses, practically begging me to go down on her. Somewhat reluctantly, my lips left hers as I moved to enjoy her sweetness. I suggested she lay back as I moved so I could begin. Chepi grinned, then laid back, spreading her legs as I watched.
Moving closer to her, I started on her inner thighs, licking and kissing as she moaned and told me how tingly she was. I continued playing like that as Chepi squirmed and cooed, enjoying her tasty juices. When my tongue slipped in, my sweet little fairy gasped and exclaimed, “Eris!”
Her nub was easy to find, and my tongue toyed with it. Chepi kept telling me how nice she felt as her body responded. I slowed down to kiss her outside lips, sucking them between mine and licking around her. When I felt her hands on my head pressing me to her, I went back to licking her nub. Soon, my little fairy was calling out her god’s name multiple times and bucking against my face. Her legs spread wider, and I went deeper and took her to caelestis.
When Chepi’s body calmed down, I moved to lay next to her. Her body trembled now and then as we lay together kissing. We were talking quietly when suddenly I heard a familiar voice, “Oh, isn’t this lovely. May I join you two?”
There stood Cali, hands on her hips, watching us.
Chepi exclaimed, “Calypso!”
Cali replied, “Hello, sweet one. Did you warm him up for me? He’s pretty good with his tongue, isn’t he?”
Chepi gasped, “Um, yes, ma’am he is.”
I cut in, asking, “Cali, what are you doing here?”
Cali grinned. “Just enjoying the show, Flopsnod. You two carry on. I have somewhere I need to be.”
With that, Cali fluffed her wings and then flew off into the forest.
When Cali was out of sight, Chepi breathed a sigh of relief. I asked her, “How do you know Cali?”
She looked at me like I was an idiot and answered, “She’s Queen Aubriana’s sister, Griffen. You didn’t know that? You didn’t do things with her, did you?”
I looked away, then answered, “I didn’t know she was Aubriana’s sister.”
Chepi gasped, “Oh my, Griffen! You did, didn’t you? I just hope Queen Aubriana doesn’t find out. I better dress and get back. I do love you, Griffen, but this could be very bad.”
Chepi kissed me briefly and then took off to get her clothes. I sat and wondered what I’d gotten myself into. Eventually, I returned to where I’d left my clothes, dressed, and walked back to my hut. I figured when Aubriana confronted me, I’d tell her the truth that I’d been forced into breeding with Cali. Cali had threatened me, and I took that threat seriously. The one Aubriana used for coercion didn’t seem as severe, but it did work.
I tried to get those thoughts out of my mind, but they kept returning. I did shake them for a bit, recalling Chepi and our time together. She was so adorable, and unfortunately, thinking about her didn’t keep the bad thoughts away very long.
My sleep that night and for the next two nights was intermittent. I had hoped that one of the girls would sneak back in for seconds or thirds, but something or someone kept them away. It wasn’t until the new moon that Aubriana returned and let me know I’d have six more guests. We sat and talked cordially for quite some time; she didn’t mention any new rules or restrictions or Calypso. I asked what lay in the future for me, and she was vague. It depended on how many offspring I sired. I don’t think she meant it as an insult, but the word ‘sired’ made me feel like someone’s breeding bull. I didn’t say anything at the time, but I think that’s what I actually am.
We also discussed the next round of young ladies waiting to visit with me. From Aubriana’s descriptions, they were as lovely as the first six. I thought about asking about Calypso, but I didn’t want to incur her wrath or stop the lovely young maidens from coupling with me. She’d probably find out soon enough, or she knew and didn’t want to talk about it.
After Aubriana’s visit for six nights in a row, I welcomed more lovely young fairies. Each was anxious to experience for themselves what the first six had. Flora, Iris, Terra, Aine, Fay, and Dianthe were just as yummy and fun as their predecessors. When Dianthe left, Aubriana stopped sending girls to me, and I went back to my boring existence.
Two full moons passed before Aubriana visited once again, and when she did, we had a long talk. We sat out by the pond on my favorite boulder. It was a lovely day; the birds were singing, it was warm, and the sky was a brilliant blue with a few scattered clouds. Aubriana was in a good mood as we sat to begin our talk.
Aubriana took a deep breath, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Griffen, it’s been several months since we came to our agreement. The girls are all with child and showing they seem to be happy and healthy. I know we haven’t discussed your future with us, but now is the time to make such decisions. I’ve talked with the elders, the girls, and my sister, Calypso. Yes, I know you fucked her, Griffen. At first, I wanted to put another hex on you, but I was informed she threatened you, so I calmed down, and all is well. My sweet sister won’t be around anymore to tempt you.”
I stopped her to ask, “You didn’t kill her, did you?”
Aubriana laughed and replied, “No, she’s still alive and doing well, silly man. Calypso has special skills, and she’s agreed to use them when dealing with your kind.”
I smiled and told her, “Oh, good. She does have some lovely attributes. I truly had no clue she was your sister, Aubriana. But do I have any say in my future?”
Aubriana sighed, then continued speaking, “Yes, you have a say, but Calypso didn’t actually tell me. Your guardian fairies did a long time ago. I wanted to see if you’d say something. I don’t hold that against you, Griffen. So, you can choose to spend the rest of your days among us if you like. We’ll move you once again so you’re closer to us. You can fuck whomever you like and help raise the children you’ve sired.”
I thought for a moment and asked, “What about my wife and child? Will I ever see them again?”
Aubriana answered, “You can see them, but since they think you’re dead, it might cause problems. It’s up to you. We’ll take you to them, and you can observe them if you like. But, then, you’ll have to stay with them and never return to us.”
I answered, “I’ll think about it. What other conditions are there?”
Aubriana smiled, then told me, “You’ll be my companion. That means you’ll be at MY beck and call whenever I need you to do something for me. I’ll need an advisor for things’ human’ with the children and other matters. We tried this before with the first humans we used, but the men and women had second thoughts and returned to your world. Does that answer your question?”
I smiled, then replied, “I think so, Aubriana. Can I take a few days to decide?”
Aubriana said, “Yes, you may. I’ll be back in a few days time. Relax and think about it, Griffen.”
Aubriana left me, and I thought about her offer. I was used to being on my own now, and if I could continue coupling, I’d be in my own little caelestis. Besides, being at Aubriana’s beck and call could be fun. When Aubriana returned, I told her I would be her companion and that I was willing to do anything she asked of me. She seemed pleased and told me I’d be moving in a day or two. Then she fluttered away as I sat looking around, wondering what life among the fairies would be like.
The next day, Alfrigg and his buddies arrived to transport me to the main encampment. Before we left, one of the helpers thanked me. I asked why, and he said that since they’d been watching me coupling outside, some of them had gotten the idea to ‘go down’ on their girlfriends and wives. Normally, they coupled from behind, like most insects and birds. They’d discovered new positions, and they had some wonderful results. Some of their mates reciprocated, and they’ve been enjoying it immensely. I smiled and told him he was welcome.
My move was quick. Well, to me, it was. I was knocked out and woke in a bedroom of Aubriana’s home. The bed itself was soft as if it were filled with feathers. I was dressed in silken garments that shimmered and were much lighter than anything I’d ever worn before. My feet were covered with what looked like leaves but weren’t actually leaves. When I looked for my old clothes, they were nowhere to be found.
The room I was in was unlike any I’d ever seen. It reminded me of a garden with plants everywhere: flowers, birds, and insects. I looked around, marveling at what I saw, heard, and smelled. When I figured out where the door was, I decided to go for a walk.
As I looked around, I saw that there didn’t seem to be any walls or a ceiling. I meandered down a stone path that branched intermittently; I felt like I was outside but had the sense I was indoors and protected from the elements. Occasionally, I’d pass a fairy, and they’d greet me by my name, smile, and go on about their business. A couple of younger female fairies blushed as they greeted me, said hello, and then fluttered away. Finally, I asked a fellow where Queen Aubriana was. He pointed to a path and told me to turn left, then right, then left again, and I’d see it. I thanked him and went on my way.
The path ended at a vine-covered rock wall that stretched into the forest as far as I could see. I wondered if the gentleman I spoke with was messing with me, but as I got closer to the vines, I could see some slight movement, like air passing by them. Being curious, I parted a few strands. It looked like the path continued past them, so I decided to follow it.
The vines covered an entrance to a tunnel. It was short enough to let light in from the other side. I walked cautiously, not knowing if anything was in there to protect Aubriana or not. When I reached the other end, it opened up into a large chamber. The chamber was similar to the places I’d been to, except for a pool, which was fed by a small waterfall. I stood watching the water and listening when Aubriana appeared from behind the falls. She was dressed similarly to when we met, but now she was barefoot and adorned with just the green top. No leggings or any other adornment.
As Aubriana cleared the falls, she looked surprised and asked, “What are you doing here, Griffen? I was about to summon you.”
She looked divine. I answered, “I woke up and decided to take a walk to look around. Then I wondered where you were, so I asked. It’s a bit far for me to be at your beck and call, don’t you think?”
Aubriana smiled, crooked her finger, and gestured for me to follow her. “Come this way, silly Griffen.”
I followed her, enjoying the view of her behind as she walked. It had only been a matter of a few steps when we arrived at another wall of vines, which Aubriana parted, allowing me to pass through. I slipped between them and found myself in the room I woke in. I was amazed and delighted.
Aubriana followed close behind me, and when I realized it was my room, she said, “Is this close enough? I was on my way to get you, Griffen. Let’s go back, and I’ll show you my room.”
I turned suddenly, not realizing Aubriana was as close as she was. I almost bumped into her as I was starting to tell her it was fine. She stopped me before we actually bumped into each other, holding me in place. We looked into each other’s eyes as I started to apologize. Then Aubriana kissed me. I was shocked and delighted. I wrapped my arms around her as she did the same to me. We stood kissing for quite some time until Aubriana stopped us.
I looked at her, asking, “Why did you stop?”
She smiled and told me, “I’ve been debating on doing that for a long time now, Griffen. I think it would be best if we were in my bed rather than here in your place. I have a little more privacy there.”
I smiled and said, “You’re the queen, and I’m at your beck and call. Lead on, m’lady.”
Aubriana grinned. “I’m glad you realized that, Griffen. Being my companion does have a few perks.”
She released me and I followed her back to her chambers behind the waterfall. When we entered her room I stopped and looked around. It was majestic, exotic flowers, birds chirping, and a view of some valley. I moved past what seemed to be Aubriana’s bed to look out over the landscape completely forgetting why I was there. When Aubriana coughed, she startled me. I turned to see her lounging in her bed, completely nude and smiling at me.
Aubriana asked me, “You like the view, Griffen?”
I smiled as my dick came to life. “Yes, I do. Both of them.”
Aubriana grinned and said, “Well, you can stand there and look out over the valley, or you could join me here and look later. I do see that you are excited about something.”
My bulge was obvious in what little I was wearing. I walked over to her. “I can look later, my queen.”
Aubriana replied, “I had a feeling you’d say that. You know I’ve heard so much from the girls you’ve coupled with that I want to see for myself, Griffen. I’m too old to bear children, but I’d love to visit caelestis with your help, of course.”
I moved closer to her and said, “I will do my best, Aubriana. I’ve wondered if we’d ever couple or not. I feel we have a unique relationship. But now that I’m here alone with you I feel more at ease.”
Aubriana replied, “It’s been a rocky road, Griffen. So, are you going to just talk or what?”
I smiled and replied, “I think it’s time for what, now, my lovely queen.”
That’s when I moved toward her, and we kissed. Long, slow, passionate kisses. It felt like we’d both wanted this for a long time. Her hands massaged my back as we kissed. Mine roamed her body, exploring her curves and soft skin. We were half sitting when we started kissing. Eventually, we wound up laying side by side, legs entwined.
I think Aubriana had experienced lovers before or at least had kissed a few. She enjoyed kissing and didn’t release me until I could feel her warm dew against my skin. Without saying a word, we mutually parted lips so I could move further down her body. The look Aubriana gave me told me how much she was enjoying this. I took my time kissing and exploring her neck and breasts as she caressed me, whispering sweet things as I continued discovering what she enjoyed.
Aubriana moaned as I moved further down, suckling her breasts and playing with her nipples. While I was nursing, we shifted positions so I was between her legs. I’d switch breasts and use my fingers to toy with her sweet, firm nipples. It wasn’t too long before Aubriana placed a hand on my head and whispered, “Lower.”
I grinned, then licked my way down her tummy, pausing at her navel to circle it and tease it with my tongue, then onto her inner thighs. I slipped further down the bed, using my hands to touch and tease her before positioning my face above her pussy. I hadn’t noticed before, but when I got closer, I discovered Aubriana was bare there. I recalled Calypso’s little patch, but Aubriana didn’t even have that. She was smooth as a baby’s behind.
For some unknown reason, her bareness excited me. My dick was hard as a rock as I traced her lower lips with my tongue and kissed them. Aubriana was moaning, her legs spread wide when I gently entered her with the tip of my tongue. The taste of her honey was divine, and I savored it momentarily before I gradually went deeper and looked for her nub.
When I discovered it, Aubriana gasped and then purred, gripping the bed and arching her back. She complimented me as her hands wrapped around my head, pressing me on her. I think I was there longer than I had been with any of the girls I’d coupled with previously. Aubriana’s juices seemed to give me more energy and desire for her. They were like a love potion, making me want her more and more.
When my queen called out ‘Eris,’ and her body trembled several times, I slowed down. But Aubriana scolded me, so I continued as she began shuddering and bucking, nearly crushing my head. When she’d finished, my face was covered in her sweet nectar. She gradually released her hold on me and told me to enter her.
My dick was still rock hard as I moved up her exquisite body. Grasping my prick, I eased it between her muscular thighs, into her pussy, and began fucking. I don’t know why, but I seemed to last longer than I had with the other girls despite how good it felt to be between her legs. As I was humping, Aubriana and I locked eyes. I could see her smiling as she told me how good she was feeling. She used a few cludgie words, which I ignored, but she seemed to enjoy saying them.
Aubriana locked her legs behind me, keeping me deep inside her. When she used her inner muscles to clamp down on my dick, I couldn’t hold back. I released my seed into my queen as she grinned up at me. It was strange and exciting to see this aspect of her, and I was looking forward to more.
When I was empty, Aubriana opened her arms to embrace me. I lay next to her as we both gradually caught our breath, not saying a word about our new relationship. When Aubriana broke the silence, she whispered that she enjoyed it and could see why the girls were excited to couple with me. I thanked her just as one of her handmaidens entered her chamber. The girl saw us in bed and quickly hid her eyes and apologized.
Aubriana asked her what was so important and the girl looked over at us and said that the elders needed her for a conference. Aubriana told her she’d be there shortly and then dismissed her.
I got a nice long kiss before the fairy queen left me. I was spent and happy as I headed back to my room. The next few days were spent wandering around and fucking Aubriana when she beckoned me, which seemed quite frequent.
The days turned into weeks and weeks to months. I got to visit with my sweet dozen loves now and then. They were well along with childbearing except for Zuri. Aubriana allowed us to couple several more times, but even after several months, Zuri was still without a child. However, my lovely queen saw how much we enjoyed each other’s company and let Zuri move in with me.
That created a bit of friction between Zuri and Aubriana having to share me. I suggested the three of us couple to help ease the tension. Well, things worked out nicely except sometimes, Aubriana wanted Zuri without me.
As far as the half-lings I created were concerned, they were a joy for the most part. I helped raise them along with their mothers and quite a bit of input from Calypso. She found her calling, helping to raise them and introduce them to the world of humans. They were gradually let loose into that world and began making slight changes to it.
As far as my human wife and child, they unfortunately succumbed to a plague which took the lives of many. My half-lings and all of the fairies were immune and survived. However, after the second generation, the fairy portion of their makeup gave way to more human emotions. Greed, envy, and other traits made them just like their human predecessors, so my efforts didn’t make much of a difference in the long run.
I’ve documented most of this leading up to my one-hundredth birthday. I don’t know if being around the fairies has increased my lifespan or not, but it’s been a wonderful life, and I’m forever grateful to my love, Aubriana, for seeing my better qualities. Oh, finally, she confessed on my seventy-fifth birthday that she never placed a hex on me; it was all in my mind.