I was surprised by how quickly I’d settled into my new routine: work during the day, evenings spent checking out apartments, hitting a bar with Marco’s friends, or running with Nat and Aurelia. And most nights ended in Bela’s bed.
Sleeping together was a welcome distraction. Though I could tell her interest was starting to fade. She admitted she used to have a teenage crush on me, a confession that had caught me off guard. But now, I seemed to have become a box she’d ticked off her bucket list.
Our nights only made things more confusing. I found myself mentally comparing her to Aurelia, recalling the soft, warm grip of her hand during that reckless moment at her place. My body would be with Bela, but my mind would drift, replaying the sensation of Aurelia’s fingers around me.
Neither Aurelia nor I had mentioned that afternoon since I’d fled her apartment. During our runs with Nat, we kept things polite, almost businesslike, careful never to find ourselves alone.
Lying in bed on Friday night, Bela sleeping beside me, my mind wandered back to Aurelia. I was still reeling from the intensity of her actions since I’d come home, trying to make sense of her anger.
What right did she have to be upset with me? She’d broken things off and paraded a series of boyfriends before me. Sure, I’d cut her off when I moved away, but hadn’t she left me first?
Still, I felt guilty that some of her words did ring true. I had a hard time thinking of her in a nonsexual light. Then again, she’d contributed to that.
But a thought kept gnawing at me. My curiosity was overwhelming, so I picked up my phone from the bedside table. I changed the background picture from the selfie Aurelia had taken during the party two weeks ago.
Her name was near the top of my contacts, still blocked after all these years. But following her recent outburst, I needed to know. Had she tried to reach out after I’d left?
With a deep breath, I tapped the button to unblock her.
My phone immediately exploded with notifications, buzzing from the messages, missed calls, and voicemails. Heart pounding, I quickly turned off the sound and vibration, glancing at Bela sleeping beside me. Luckily, she did not wake up.
I opened our old conversation and stared at the hundreds of unread messages. Some were casual holiday greetings. She never missed my birthday, Christmas, or the New Year. But there were other, more surprising moments, like a picture of her having lunch with my mom. Something I’d never heard about.
Most messages were random musings, snapshots of things that reminded her of me. A picture of an old record we’d listened to in high school, a note about her nerves before marrying Lance, wishing I were here to talk it out. Dressing room selfies, asking if a particular outfit looked good on her. Her life, unfolding through the years, all in messages I’d never seen.
Then, as I scrolled further, the tone began to shift. Scattered among the mundane were increasingly risqué photos. At first, it was just selfies in low-cut tops or short skirts. But the pictures grew bolder and more revealing as the years went on. Eventually, they became downright explicit, each image displaying a glimpse of her body.
I spent hours reading the collection of texts spanning the five years since I last visited here. My chest tightened when I finally reached the last message sent just a few days ago.
Aurelia: Sorry about the other day. You being back here still feels so strange. I’m going a little crazy. I’ll back off.
I stared at the screen, my head swirling with conflicting emotions. Until now, I’d convinced myself she’d only been teasing me, enjoying the power she still had over me, or craving some attention.
But now, reading through years of messages, I wondered if she’d ever truly let go. I’d been so wrapped up in my own pain after our breakup that I’d never stopped to consider what it might have been like for her. She’d lost her best friend, too.
I tapped the text field, my fingers hovering over the keyboard, unsure.
Tom: Hey. I’m going apartment hunting tomorrow. I could use someone who knows her way around the city.
She was probably sleeping. It was stupid of me to keep the screen up to my face, and anxiety built up in my chest. Surely, she wouldn’t be available on such short notice anyway. She had her own life here.
But almost immediately, the typing bubble appeared, and after a few seconds, her reply popped up.
Aurelia: Of course, where should we meet? 🙂
The early afternoon sun was warming my upturned face, and my eyes were closed. I was leaning against a wall at the foot of the next apartment building, enjoying the calm of the street. Only the distant noises of traffic reminded me that I was in the middle of a city.
Aurelia’s light and teasing voice pulled me back. I opened my eyes to find her standing in front of me. She wore a dark blue dress with a crisp white collar, her red hair catching the light, giving her skin a porcelain-like glow.
But the biggest surprise was the thick black-rimmed glasses she had on.
I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. “That’s new.”
She touched the edge of the frames, glancing away for a moment. “Yeah, I usually wear contacts.” There was a quick, almost imperceptible shift in her expression, a subtle blush. “Do they suit me?”
“Definitely,” I said, still smiling. “You look… very distinguished.”
Aurelia’s lips curled into a slight, satisfied grin, and for a second, her gaze softened. She looked up at the building behind me, her eyes narrowing.
“This is the place?” she asked, somewhat skeptical. “Not exactly the best neighborhood.”
“It’s within budget,” I replied with a chuckle. “Shall we go in?”
Without another word, she slipped her arm through mine, her voice warm as she gave a happy nod. “Lead the way.”
We spent hours visiting different apartments, each one with a different problem: it was either too expensive or too small, in a state of complete disrepair, shared by six roommates…
The promising ones were so far from the city center, which Aurelia maintained made me better off moving to a cheap rental in the suburbs and getting a car.
Feeling deflated, I let her pull me into a quaint little café. The smell of freshly baked pastries lifted my spirits just a bit. As a thank-you for her help, I insisted on paying for our coffee and snacks.
“Can’t believe there was not even one good option,” I said after we settled down at a table, unable to keep my voice from sounding morose.
Aurelia gave a sympathetic smile, squeezing my forearm. “The rental market’s terrible right now. But don’t worry. We still have more places to check out,” she said with an encouraging nudge. “It’s not like you need to find something today. You’ve already got a place to stay, don’t you?”
I hesitated, unsure how much I wanted to share. But Aurelia’s curious blue gaze stayed steady on mine, waiting for me to answer.
“I… don’t think I’ll be able to stay at Marco’s much longer,” I admitted. “I’ve been, uh, kind of seeing Bela. But it’s not going anywhere, and I think she’s starting to get bored with me. Better to leave before things get weird.”
Aurelia burst into a laugh, her eyes lighting up. “Bela? Marco’s little sister?” I nodded with a proud smirk. “She is cute.”
Her hand drifted from my wrist to my hand, her touch warm. “Listen, if you’re stuck, you can stay with me and Finn. He won’t love it, but tough break. I pay the rent anyway.”
It was my turn to chuckle. “Yeah, I’m not sure that would be any less awkward…”
But as I finished, what she had said clicked in my head. “Wait? You pay the whole rent?”
She blushed, clearly embarrassed by whatever situations she had going with Finn. “Yeah… turns out using your trust money to buy a bar for your band isn’t exactly a foolproof business model,” she said, rolling her eyes. “He thought it’d be a permanent venue for their gigs.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, which caused Aurelia to frown at me.
“Hey, don’t be mean,” she said, her voice a mix of defense and warmth. “Finn’s a really nice guy. Just… not quite as clever as you.”
Her tone turned playful as she squeezed my hand. “Besides, Nat let it slip you’re broke, too.”
We ate in silence for a little while before I worked up the courage to pick up the conversation again.
“So… I unblocked your number.”
I wasn’t quite sure what to add. Aurelia was not helping. Her gaze was trained on the table, and she made sure not to meet mine. But after a little while, she answered.
“God, ” she murmured, her voice neutral and not betraying her emotions. “You must think I’m crazy.”
“What happened? There’s thousands of messages.”
“I was a mess after you stayed with Lance and me.” She was still not looking at me. “I almost broke things up with him.”
“Instead, you got married.” I sounded so bitter. “That doesn’t answer my question, though,” I pressed.
“Yeah, well, at first, I thought you were just ignoring me. I really wanted you to answer. After a while, I realized I was blocked, but I had started to use our convo almost like a journal, I guess…”
“There were a bunch of nudes as well,” I kept going, stating the facts.
She turned crimson and visibly flinched in her seat.
“I’m not crazy.” Tears formed in her eyes, but there was an unexpected determination in her words. “I just don’t know how to get your attention.”
I couldn’t tell what I was trying to get out of her or what answer would have satisfied me, but her reaction took the wind out of my sails.
“I’ve thought about what you said last time at your place…” I started.
Aurelia looked even more defeated, somewhat dulling my resolve. But I soldiered on. “I think you had a point,” I said, my admission causing her to gasp and her eyes to fly right back to mine. “I’m over us, and you don’t owe me anything. But… I’d like to know who you’ve become. I want to be friends again.”
Her lips trembled for a moment, and then she let out a shaky laugh, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. A bright, tentative smile began to peek through. “I’d love that.”
“Let’s move on then. No point ruining a nice afternoon like that. Friends?” I said, offering an olive branch.
“Friends,” she murmured, her soft voice contrasted by the new confidence in her blue eyes.
For the next few minutes, we ate in awkward silence. Eventually, Aurelia pulled out her phone and began browsing it, clearly as inclined as me to leave this topic behind us. She perked back up.
“A listing just popped up a few blocks from here!” She stuck her screen right under my nose. “We should check it out!”
The bright mood she’d had all afternoon was back. I wasn’t sure whether it was real or affected, but it was better than the gloominess of our previous conversation, so I played along.
The apartment was in an unassuming building on the last floor. It was a narrow loft, the door opening on a small kitchen with a low ceiling. But taking a few steps led into the living room. The far wall was a gigantic window, going from the floor and all the way to the roof, curving inward to turn into a skylight.
Aurelia and I were frozen in awe of the view, the city sprawling around the river flowing at the foot of the building.
“Oh my God, you have to get this one,” she breathed.
I could only nod, mesmerized. It was a one-in-a-million vista.
A thin stairway hugged the wall, leading up to the mezzanine. It was a small, open area barely big enough for a mattress and a ledge over the kitchen that overlooked the living room below.
Downstairs, the middle-aged woman showing the apartment waited for us. Her polite smile brightened when Aurelia slipped her hand into mine as we approached. I was caught off guard by the gesture until I saw the approval on the woman’s face. I always forgot how much everyone seemed to like young couples.
“So, what do you two think of the place?”
“It’s amazing!” Aurelia said, practically glowing. “This would be such a big change for us. We’re both living with roommates. It’d be our first time having a place of our own.”
I felt a flicker of guilt at the way she played to the woman’s sympathies. But Aurelia sold it so well that even I almost believed it. And considering the rent was sky-high, my conscience was fading fast.
The woman’s expression softened, and she cooed. “How long have you been dating?”
Aurelia turned, her eyes meeting mine, a warm, adoring smile spreading across her face. “Since high school,” she said softly.
I cleared my throat, breaking away from her fascinating gaze. “The rent’s over our budget, honey.”
The effect was immediate. The woman shifted slightly, looking thoughtful. “You two are adorable,” she said, sounding uncertain. “I’m only helping my parents lease this place, and I’d rather not spend my whole weekend showing it. So… if you can be here tomorrow morning to sign the agreement and pay the first three months upfront, I might be able to convince them to trim the rent a little.”
Three months? I had no way to come up with that money for the next day. Asking for an advance on my wage to pay the first month had already been humiliating enough.
Sensing my hesitation, Aurelia gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Would you mind if we stepped outside?” Her voice was sweet, but I knew she still had a trick up her sleeve.
As soon as we were in the corridor, she assailed me, her hushed voice full of urgency.
“Come on, you have to take it. This apartment is crazy. I’m telling you, the next person who walks in here will snatch it up.”
“I know…” Did I, though? Sure, the view was incredible, but the loft was tiny for the price. I couldn’t tell how much of my excitement was real and how much was fueled by Aurelia’s energy. “But I don’t have that kind of money lying around.”
She noticed the embarrassment in my voice and placed a reassuring hand on my arm.
“I can lend you the money.”
I was baffled. “You’re serious?”
“Relax, it’s no big deal.” She chuckled, waving off my surprise. “It’ll give me an excuse to visit, and I know you’ll pay me back. Besides, I’ll just ask Daniel to break your knees if you don’t.”
I had to laugh. Most men in her family were built like tanks and stood a solid head over me. Daniel, her brother, was no exception.
When we returned to the apartment, the lady looked thrilled, beaming as we confirmed we’d be back to sign the lease the following morning.
“So, are we going out to celebrate?” Aurelia asked me as we made our way out of the building. She had not let go of my hand yet. “I’m meeting Finn over at his bar. I’d love for you two to get to know one another.”
There were very few things I wanted less than to spend time with her boyfriend. But she’d been accommodating all afternoon. And there was no way I was turning her down with how she looked at me in the sunny street.
“Sure, I’ll see if Bela wants to tag along.”
We walked back to her place. I petted Napoleon and texted Bela while Aurelia got changed. The memory of what had happened here the last time we were together made me feel uneasy.
“Okay, let’s go!” Aurelia barged out of her bedroom, her ideal daughter-in-law appearance gone. Instead, she now wore a short skirt and a spaghetti-strap top, her glasses nowhere to be found. More fitting for a night out.
She twirled and shot me a pointed look. I felt guilty. I’d managed not to think of her that way all afternoon, but my efforts had all been blown away in five seconds of this new outfit.
“You look amazing.”
Her smile brightened from the praise. And it was not stolen. So much so, in fact, that I glanced down at my black jeans and plain shirt, suddenly unsure if I’d look out of place
She caught my hesitation immediately. “Don’t worry, you’re fine.” She said with a warm smile. “I just didn’t want to go to a bar looking like I came straight from church.”
I nodded and checked my phone one last time. Still no answer from Bela. Oh well.
With that settled, Aurelia and I headed to Finn’s bar. It felt more upscale than I’d expected. The room was full of lacquered wood and brass accents gleaming in the low light, giving it a vintage charm. A stage took up a good part of the space, the rest filled with high tables and a row of booths along one wall. It was already crowded, the dim atmosphere charged with fragments of conversations.
Aurelia tugged on my hand and snapped me out of my thoughts. She pulled me to a booth, and I shimmied next to her. To my surprise, Finn was sitting there rather than working behind the bar. Alongside him was a row of boho-looking guys.
“Hey, you!” Aurelia perked up, making a point of addressing only Finn and not his friends. “You remember Tom?”
For a second, panic tightened my chest. How much had she told him? Hopefully nothing about the handjob in their living room a few weeks ago. The thought made my throat dry.
“Yeah, of course,” Finn’s smile seemed genuine as he reached over the table. “Startup guy. From the party.”
I chuckled and shook his hand. “More like bankruptcy guy. But I’ll take it.”
Aurelia let out her throaty laugh and leaned into me, a bit too much for my liking, what with her hunky boyfriend sitting right next to us. Finn noticed it, too, and when she was done, he extended his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
“Don’t worry, dude.” His tone was still friendly. “From one entrepreneur to another, I get it. The struggle’s real.”
The approving nod this got from Finn’s friends and their fauxhemian vibe was all I needed to confirm that they shared his affluent background. I was about to joke about the source of his funding when Aurelia’s eyes caught mine. She must have guessed what I was about to say because the unspoken message in her glare was clear. Be nice.
She was right about Finn and me, though. After a few minutes of conversation, we actually got along surprisingly well. But despite the casual conversation, I could sense the anger building up in Aurelia as she kept ignoring his friends.
“I’m so glad you’re here tonight, babe.” Finn’s earnest tone would have been disarming without the evident frustration on Aurelia’s face. Well, maybe not so evident to him. “You’ve not been to one of our gigs in so long.”
I knew she was about to reach her boiling point. But instead of exploding at her boyfriend in public, she grabbed my hand.
“Come on, Tom.” She said as she gestured for me to get out of the booth. “Let’s go get drinks.”
Finn’s confusion was obvious as I extricated myself from the plush seat with an awkward smile. Aurelia weaved us through the crowd to perch ourselves on stools at the bar, and as soon as we sat down, we ordered.
When the gin and tonics arrived, I tried to pay as a token of my appreciation for her help with the deposit. But the barmaid politely declined as I held out my phone, expecting to tap a terminal.
“It’s covered.”
I turned to find Aurelia’s amused smirk.
“One of the perks of dating the owner,” I said, laying my phone on the bar.
Her smile faded. She took a long sip of her gin and tonic before letting out a big sigh.
“I can’t believe he’s ditching me again.”
I tilted my head, still a little unsure about what was making her so annoyed with him.
“He’s right over there,” I pointed my chin to the booth we’d just left.
“I told him how important you were to me.” She almost sounded more sad than frustrated now. “That I wanted the two of you to spend some time together. Instead, he’s decided that his stupid band needs to play here for the third time this week.”
“I don’t get it. We could all hang out after the gig?”
Another sigh. “He’s gonna be wasted. His buddies will want to ‘debrief’ for hours. Whatever that means. And there’s always a bunch of groupies orbiting them.”
She had lowered her gaze on her glass when adding that last part, a finger tracing the rim. It was strange to see Aurelia express her insecurities so openly. A far cry from the confident girl I’d known most of my life.
Right as I was about to clumsily try and comfort her, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. I hadn’t noticed Finn walking up to us, and Aurelia squealed in delight as his lips worked their way from her exposed shoulder up her neck and jawline before landing in a passionate kiss.
“I’m sorry, babe.” He said in a husky tone, right into her flushed face. “I should’ve told you before setting the gig up.”
Watching Aurelia’s short breath as her mouth curved into a contented smile made me feel like an intruder.
“Yeah, you should have.” She said with a playful pout.
“I have a peace offering. Hold out your hand.” His commanding tone had an immediate effect on her, and he dropped a pink pill into her open palm. “Molly,” he said with a proud grin. “A friend just hooked me up. That way, you get to really enjoy the music.”
Whatever reaction he had expected, it was clear Finn missed the mark. Aurelia’s expression closed up again.
“What about Tom?” She asked in a cold tone.
His startled look made me think he had forgotten I even existed.
“Uh, sure,” he said, dropping a second pill in Aurelia’s hand. “I’ll see you after the set.”
With that, he walked away to join his friends, who were already onstage.
Aurelia turned back to me, catching my frown at the sight of the MDMA.
“I’m as surprised as you are,” she said defensively. “I haven’t done anything like this in years.”
“Maybe you should be more straightforward with him.” Keeping the edge from my voice after the couple’s display was a struggle. “He doesn’t even get why you’re mad.”
“Maybe I don’t want to have to spell everything out.” She replied, matching my tone. But then, as if catching herself, she pursed her lips tight and took a deep breath. “I won’t let him ruin the night. It’s the first time you and I hang out as adults.”
Aurelia’s hand landed on my forearm. She opened her other fist, holding the two pills in front of me.
“Besides, it could be fun, right?” She added, her voice full of mischief.
Her offer brought back hazy neon-lit memories of a techno festival in college an eternity ago. But her hand was already slowly moving toward my mouth. I shivered when her fingers made contact with my lips but said nothing as she pressed one pill between them.
Aurelia’s eyes never left mine as she swallowed the other one. She mirrored my taking a sip from my drink to make it go down more easily.
“Please try and survive the night,” I said in a teasing tone. “I need you to pay for my apartment tomorrow.”
“Look at me,” she replied, her voice dripping with mock outrage as she batted her lashes theatrically and brought her hand to hide her mouth. “Maintaining two men. How utterly scandalous.”
“I don’t get how you can afford it. The city is so expensive.”
“I’m a resourceful girl,” she winked but did not offer any real explanations.
The music started, which kept me from digging into what she meant. It was some pretty generic rock, which did not fit the subdued atmosphere of the bar and was not up my alley, nor Aurelia’s, it seemed. I hoped the drug would kick in soon. It could only improve the show.
My phone, still on the counter, started vibrating. Without thinking, Aurelia picked it up.
“Crap, I keep forgetting we have the same phone.” She said, looking at the screen. Her smile grew increasingly mischievous as she turned it toward me.
Bela’s face was plastered on the caller ID.
“Can I pick up?” Her eyes gleamed with curiosity, eager to uncover more about my connection to Marco’s sister.
I shrugged, uncertain whether I liked that she was making a habit of using my phone. “Sure, knock yourself out.”
She perked up and brought the phone to her ear.
“Thomas Bennett’s phone, this is Aurelia speaking… Hello Bela! Long time no see!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle, imagining Bela’s confusion at the other end of the line.
“Yeah, we’re a few blocks away,” Aurelia continued, glancing at me. “Let me ask him.”
She covered the microphone and leaned in.
“Bela’s going to a club. She wants to know if we’re tagging along.”
The thought of escaping the bar’s droning music and awkward vibe was appealing. “I feel like dancing.”
“Attaboy.” Aurelia beamed at me. Turning back to the phone, she chirped, “We’re on our way.”
It seemed Bela took a little longer to answer, but after a pause, Aurelia added cryptically, “No, that won’t be a problem. See you in a bit.”
“What was that about?” I asked after she returned my phone, surprised by the last exchange. But she cut me off and pointed at my glass.
“Drink up,” she said, picking up her own. “We better get a buzz going here while it’s free. You’ll need to break your piggy bank at the club.”
Her logic was sound enough, and I drained my glass under her impressed gaze. The alcohol hit harder than I expected, the warm haze spreading quickly thanks to my empty stomach. I’d already forgotten my question by the time we stepped out into the cool night air.
It was only a short walk to the club, the line outside already snaking along the sidewalk. But Aurelia pulled me toward the bouncer instead of going to the back. When he noticed her generous cleavage and the sliver of skin between her top and skirt, he unhooked the velvet rope, causing a few groans from the people waiting.
“One of the perks of having me on your arm.” She said in a playful tone, calling back to my earlier comment as we entered the dimly lit corridor.
It was still early, so the main room was not too crowded yet. A bored-looking DJ was trying to keep the few dancers going, clearly just a warm-up for the actual set. For now, it only smelled like alcohol, but I knew that the air would only grow thicker and fill with sweat and hormones soon enough.
Bela flagged us down, sitting at a small table tucked away from the speakers. To my surprise, she was not there with a group of friends but instead huddled next to a well-groomed guy in a tight shirt who was clearly a bit disappointed to see us approaching.
I told myself that it shouldn’t bother me, that I knew Bela and I weren’t going anywhere. But I could not help the pangs of jealousy as I led Aurelia to the table. I plastered a fake smile on my face as Bela made the introductions.
Apparently, Bela and Rick, that was his name, went to the same school. To his credit, he was a good sport about us crashing their one-on-one.
“I’ll get the next round,” Bela declared abruptly. “Tom, help me carry it back?”
I could not help but notice the similarity with the awkward situation in Finn’s bar. The night was not going as expected.
“We’re good, right?” She asked as soon as we had placed our order.
The music thumped louder, pulsing through my body, my heartbeats syncing with the beats. I caught myself swaying to the rhythm without meaning to, and I had to focus a little harder to catch Bela’s words.
“Yeah. Don’t worry.” I glanced back at the table. Aurelia and Rick were both staring at their phones. “So… it’s a date?”
“I hope so.” Bela’s chuckle made her crush painfully clear. “I really like him.” I tried not to wince as she nodded toward our respective companions. “Aurelia likes you too.”
“She has a boyfriend.”
“She’s here, isn’t she?” I wasn’t sure what to answer, so she pressed on. “I was starting to stress out, so I’m glad you two came over. The vibe is more casual now. I suck at this.”
The difference between this Bela, anxious over a simple date, and the one who had bluntly invited me to share her bed a few weeks ago was shocking. It created a wave of affection for her in my chest, different from the lust we’d shared. The warmth of the room wrapped around me, mirroring my emotions.
I found myself hoping that things would work out for her and Rick.
“I won’t sleep with him while you still live with us. No point making things awkward.” Could she read my mind?
“Don’t hold back on my account. I’m moving out tomorrow. We found a place today.”
“We?” She teased with a smile. But seeing my glare, she dropped the act. “Still won’t. I don’t want him to think I’m a slut.”
“I’d rather date a girl who sleeps with me on the first date than one who makes me work for it even though she wants…”
Halfway through my rant, I noticed how good the bar’s texture felt under my palm’s skin. I stopped talking, too busy staring at my hand as I slid it across the wooden surface.
“She wants what?” Bela asked mockingly. “Wait. Look at me for a second.”
I turned toward her, only now realizing that a goofy grin had crept on my face despite the serious topic.
“You’re high.”
I giggled, unable to stop myself. “Yeah. You should probably take my advice with a pinch of salt.”
She shook her head. “Aurelia, too?”
I nodded.
“Great.” Despite her harsh tone, she had a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.
I did my best to carry the drinks back. Aurelia’s cheer as the glass clinked on the table was all I needed now that she was riding the same wave as me. I tried to follow the conversation but mostly sipped my drink and watched as the place slowly filled up.
Bored, I grabbed Aurelia’s hand and pulled her to the dance floor. Her response came as a gleeful sound halfway between a squeal and a laugh. We bumped our way closer to the center of the packed room.
We forgot about the rest of the world for a few frenzied moments. We swayed against one another, barely following the rhythm of the DJ’s songs. When my hand came to rest on her exposed waist, she pressed herself against me, leaning into my touch.
Aurelia tilted her head up to meet my gaze. Without heels, she had to look up slightly, her inviting smile framed by her flushed cheeks. Her dilated pupils were gleaming in the low light, pulling me in. But Rick and Bela joined us before we could go any further.
We must have danced for hours, as a group and sometimes splitting into pairs. But Bela would never stay with me too long. She was not especially eager to have her date spend too much time alone with Aurelia. I couldn’t really blame her.
After a while, I went back to our table with a refill, a little winded. Despite the regular runs I’d been going on for the past few weeks, I still paid for my years of sedentary lifestyle. Aurelia sauntered over when she noticed I was gone.
“Done already?” She teased me, sounding slightly disappointed as she sipped from my glass.
“Just need to catch my breath.”
She nodded and dragged a chair to join me.
“You don’t need to stop for me. I’ll be right back.”
Aurelia stopped herself and looked at me for a second. “Okay.” She leaned over to put a fresh kiss on my cheek. “Don’t be too long. I still can’t get over the fact that you dance now.”
I chuckled, remembering how awkward I had been at high school parties. Too self-conscious to join the dancing. She winked at me before slipping back to the floor, swaying alone in her own world. Bela and Rick were nowhere to be seen.
Aurelia seemed to be right in her element. She looked fantastic under the strobing lights. I watched a few guys dance with her, but she would eventually always pull herself away, shooting a small glance in my direction.
Then, a tall, well-dressed man stepped into her orbit. Unlike the others, he moved confidently, his steps deliberate but not overbearing. He didn’t lunge at her or invade her space, instead falling seamlessly into her rhythm.
Something tightened in my chest as they pressed closer together, the music pulling them into its current. His hand landed lightly on her waist, and Aurelia leaned in instead of pulling away like she had with the others.
The familiar feeling of inadequacy seeped into my head. I was about to get up but thought better of it. We weren’t together, and it looked like she was having fun. I had no right to get territorial.
After a few songs, the man began talking into her ear. She nodded at whatever he was saying but pointed at me. He looked over, a surprised expression on his face while I quickly averted my eyes.
An instant later, the two of them had joined me. He was towering over me while Aurelia leaned in to make herself heard.
“This is Nico.” She pointed at the man, who had barely acknowledged my presence. “He’s inviting us to his private box.”
Yeah, right, us, I thought.
“Are you sure?” I did not like the direction the night was taking. “What about Bela and Rick?”
“I don’t think they’ll miss us, ” she said with a knowing smirk. “This’ll be fun. You’ll like it.” She emphasized the word ‘you,’ which made me swallow hard.
I let her pull me to my feet, and we followed Nico, who treated me like an afterthought. We went up the stairs to a gallery that circled the main room. At the end of it was the private box.
It was a regular semi-circular booth with a low table behind a glass door with a large window overlooking the stage and dance floor. Inside, the music was dulled when we closed it, and the lights were not as harsh as they were downstairs.
Aurelia and Nico sat right next to each other at the head of the booth. His arms wrapped possessively over her shoulders. I hesitated, the swirling cocktail of MDMA, alcohol, and jealousy making my head spin. When I finally sat down, it was on the opposite edge of the seat, as far from them as I could manage.
“So,” Nico started in his low voice, addressing me for the first time. “You two are together?”
Aurelia giggled. Her hands were tucked against his chest. “We’re just friends.” I nodded in agreement.
“Good,” he said. “You won’t mind when I do this then.”
Under my bulging eyes, his finger curled under Aurelia’s chin, and he pulled her head up. His lips landed on her, and for a second, she seemed surprised before leaning into the kiss, her hands roaming his muscled torso.
I was frozen in my seat, sinking into it. Jealousy pinched my heart, but it was soon joined by exhilaration. Aurelia looked terrific in his embrace, her feminine figure perfectly circled by his well-defined arms. She was tiny against his body, moaning into his mouth.
It was like they had forgotten that I even existed. They were lost in their connection. But after a few minutes of unashamed making out, they pulled away from each other. Aurelia’s flushed face turned to me. I could not tear my eyes away from her lustful smile.
“Hey, pal,” Nico’s voice brought me back to earth. He pointed to the empty vodka bottle on the table. “Why don’t you go get another one? You could use a drink. Put it on my tab.”
I was too stunned to answer, so Aurelia slid next to me. She put her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear. “I can tell him to fuck off if you want.”
She pulled back to look into my eyes, observing me intently, hoping for something.
“What about Finn?” I asked meekly.
“Don’t worry about him.” She said, clearly disappointed that this was where my mind went first. “We’re not exclusive.”
The room was tilting around me, my addled mind unable to process all of the information it was being inundated with.
“Maybe you should go get that bottle.” Aurelia’s tone was even softer than her touch as she put a light peck on my lips. “Clear your mind a little.”
Without thinking, I obediently got up and tumbled out of the booth. Mechanically, I walked to the crowded bar. It took me what felt like an eternity to get to the front and even longer to catch a barman’s attention.
I walked back up, but to my surprise, a little group had gathered around the box’s glass door. Laughter and murmurs floated around them as they peeked inside. A knot formed in my stomach, but I pushed through, muttering excuses until I managed to slip back in.
Nico sat sprawled in the banquette, his head tilted back and mouth slightly open. He looked like he was on top of the world. Aurelia was kneeling between his legs, her face moving rhythmically against his lap. One of his large hands was tangled in her hair, guiding her movements.
“What the fuck.” My voice managed to cut through the dull thumping of the music in the thick air of the box.
“Relax, buddy,” Nico could not hide his annoyance at me. “Your friend is busy. Don’t distract her.”
Aurelia giggled around his cock at that. The idea of it sent me into overdrive. Lust took over, and I plumped down into the seat. I took a swig from the bottle before Nico held out his hand for me to share it with him.
I knew that if I looked back at the door, I would see the gathering of voyeurs enjoying the indecent spectacle. The thought was terrifying, so I focused on Aurelia’s head, moving up and down. The gagging sounds grew louder and louder.
Nico let out a low grunt, his hand tightening in her hair as he pushed her down one final time. Aurelia choked, her throat working as obscene gulping noises filled the room. My pulse hammered in my ears as I watched her struggle, her body shaking slightly before Nico finally let go. She pulled back with a gasp, his now-limp cock flopping against his stomach.
For a moment, she stayed kneeling, catching her breath. Then she turned toward me, mascara smudged sightly and lips swollen, a blissful smile lighting up her face.
Somehow, Aurelia had never looked more beautiful than she did at that very moment, soiled and discarded on the floor.
My heart pounded as she crawled forward, her gaze locked on mine. She stopped between my legs, her eyes dropping to my lap. “Your turn,” she said playfully, her fingers brushing against my bulge.
“We can’t do this,” I stammered, glancing nervously at the crowd outside. Their laughter and whispers flooded my mind, and I prayed none of them had their phones out. “We’re gonna get kicked out,” I implored.
But she brushed my protests off. “You think too much, Tom.” She was already unzipping my pants, her expression more one of focused intent than arousal. “I want to do this.”
My mind left my body. Suddenly I was among the voyeurs, looking at the two of us as she pulled my cock out. I could feel myself blush, imagining the laughs the comparison with Nico would get. Even spent and limp, he was significantly larger than me at my hardest.
“Hey you,” Aurelia murmured, her breath warm against my throbbing length. She planted a soft kiss on its tip, her lips gently brushing against the sensitive skin. “I’ve missed you.”
Her amorous gaze flickered from my modest cock to meet my eyes. Without breaking contact, she ran her tongue slowly from the base to the head, savoring the moment. Then, without warning, she took me effortlessly and fully into her mouth. She didn’t need her hands to handle me.
A shuddering moan escaped my lips as her tongue swirled around me. She’d learned a lot since high school, the clumsy blowjobs she’d given me back then now feeling downright amateurish in comparison.
Her hands reached for mine. Our fingers intertwined, her grip grounding me even as her mouth sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body. Her red hair pooled onto my lap, shielding her face and my cock from the world, making the moment feel private despite the glass door and murmurs outside.
Unlike with Nico, she made no gagging noises. She was in complete control, and in no time, I was already reaching my climax. Aurelia knew it too, and she sealed her lips around me, sucking my member in as hard as she could.
Her touch and our entwined hands made me feel safer than I had in years. Despite how exposed we were, I surrendered completely, my orgasm overwhelming me. She stayed with me, her lips locked around me as I spilled into her mouth. Not a drop escaped as she diligently swallowed her second load of the evening.
I flinched when her hands left mine, but she used them to pull her hair out of the way. That way, I had a clear view as she cleaned my cock with her tongue, making sure to get every last trace of my seed before tenderly tucking me back into my pants. When she finished zipping me up, she put one last kiss on my bulge while giving me a mischievous look.
With a proud smile, Aurelia pulled herself up to straddle my lap, looping her arms around my neck. Her lips crashed against mine in a wet, eager kiss, her breath mingling with mine. My body froze, a horrifying thought seizing me. Was the taste on my tongue mine or Nico’s?
She must have felt me grow stiff in her embrace because she pulled back.
Sensing my stiffness, she pulled back, a playful glint in her eye. “Oops,” she said with a crystalline laugh. Reaching for the vodka bottle Nico had dropped on the table, she took a long sip, swishing it around theatrically before swallowing. “Better?”
I didn’t answer. Instead, I pulled Aurelia’s slight body back into mine, resuming our passionate kiss with urgency. She let out a happy giggle against my lips, surprised at my actions but giving in to my touch, arching her back to give my hands better access to her chest, grinding against my lap.
She broke the kiss. “I’m not going home alone tonight, ” she whispered hoarsely in my ear. Nico looked out of commission, but she did not want him to hear. “With him or with you?”
For once in my life, I stopped thinking. “Me,” I grunted, my lips lost in the crook of her neck.
She pushed herself off me with a sly smile dancing on her face. “Let’s go then.” But she didn’t lead the way this time as she had all night. She lingered, waiting for me to take charge. Behind her, Nico slumped further into the booth, too far gone to even notice.
I got up and took her hand, guiding her behind me as I opened the glass door. A cheer erupted from the small crowd as Aurelia emerged from the box’s swampy air. But her earlier boldness was gone. Instead, she blushed deeply, and her shoulders hunched under their gaze.
I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and quickened our pace, not leaving her any time to crumple from shame now that the high was passing. We rushed out of the club like two teenagers caught breaking curfew. But after a few blocks, she pulled on my arm, bringing me to a halt.
There were tears pooling in her blue eyes, tugging at my heart. I gathered her into a warm embrace. “Are you okay? Did he pressure you?” I said, concern seeping in my voice as the night’s fresh air cleared my mind.
“I’m good. I wanted to do it.” Her forehead was on my shoulder, and her voice was not as small as I had expected. “I’m just not as brave now that the MDMA is wearing off, I guess.”
I waited a few moments before answering. “Do you want me to walk you back to yours?” I asked gently.
She sighed. “I don’t want to deal with Finn.” Looking up at me, there was a red tinge in the white of her eyes, but she didn’t look as subdued anymore. “And I meant it when I said I wanted to go home with you.”
The whiplash of her words hit me hard. Hours ago, we’d agreed to be friends, that we didn’t need to sleep together to be in each other’s lives. And yet, here we were. I didn’t have to think for too long.
I nodded, and we resumed walking in silence, hand in hand, shoulders bumping against each other. At this time of night, we were the only people on the streets. It felt nice to find ourselves alone again, away from the club’s noise.
The night’s events still felt surreal to me. My mind was struggling to reconcile my childhood best friend, my first girlfriend, the wholesome girl I’d spent the afternoon visiting apartments with, and the woman who’d just blown two men in public.
But her hand in mine was real, and each time I looked at her, I would catch her blue eyes on me, repressing a shy smile. I had spent years getting over her, building an image of Aurelia based solely on memories. The real woman who had grown and lived her own life was infinitely more enticing and fascinating than any version I could have conjured.
When we reached Marco’s building, we climbed up the creaky stairs. As I was about to unlock the door, Aurelia pulled me back into a kiss. Unlike the feverish ones we shared in the club, this was slow and tender, filled with promise rather than passion.
We stayed immobile, lingering on the dark staircase. Our foreheads pressed together. But when our eyes met, a silly little laugh broke between us. For a moment, I just enjoyed how light I felt and how easy it was to be in her company.
“Should we go in?” I whispered.
Aurelia nodded, biting her lower lip.
The living room was dark, but as we turned the lights on, I noticed Marco and Bela’s shoes lined up next to the door. The doors to their bedrooms were closed, making me think they’d both already turned in for the night.
“I think we’re crashing on the couch tonight,” I said, my voice low, trying not to wake them up.
Aurelia was balancing herself against the wall, struggling to remove her shoes, but she still managed to put a thumb up. I collapsed on the couch, my legs extended in front of me, and an instant later, she joined me, slumping at my side, her arm wrapping around my belly as she rested her head on my chest.
Suddenly, a feminine moan drifted through the room. My eyes fell on Aurelia’s, who were rounded in shock. We stayed frozen as other sounds made themselves heard in the apartment’s silence. A bed was creaking rhythmically, and a man was grunting.
Aurelia’s hand flew to her mouth. I couldn’t tell if she was more surprised or amused.
“Oh my God,” she said, barely able to contain her laugh. “Bela actually brought him home.”
Jealousy flared within me. I knew I had no right to. I was here with Aurelia. Hell, I had even encouraged her to sleep with him, but I couldn’t help but feel bad at how easily I’d been replaced.
And then, as always, came the uncomfortable arousal that kept me wondering what was wrong with me. I needed a distraction.
I slipped off the couch and to the ground, kneeling before Aurelia. She blinked in surprise, but when I tugged on the hem of her skirt, she eagerly helped me by undoing the zipper that ran along her hip. In the span of a breath, I slid it down her graceful leg alongside a pair of lacy black panties.
Her eyes were locked on me, wild anticipation painted over her lovely face as I pushed her thighs apart. A visible shiver went through her when I put a light kiss on the inside of her knee. I let my lips brush the soft skin I found there before looking up at her.
Aurelia was biting her knuckle, her other hand resting protectively between her legs. I felt like I had traveled back in time to when she’d first exposed herself to me years ago. A far cry from the bold woman who’d gone down on a stranger in front of me.
She understood my silent question and answered with a fervent series of nods, a rosy flush spreading across her cheeks. Her hand pulled back from between her legs, landing in my hair, sending shivers down my neck as she rubbed my scalp. The soft red curls of her trimmed mound and glistening pink lips were offered to me. My breath hitched at the sight.
“Tom,” she murmured, her voice trembling. That was all the permission I needed.
I wanted to tease her and slowly make my way up her leg. But she ran out of patience and pressed my head down into her. As I brought my tongue to her swollen, needy flesh, her familiar taste invaded my mouth, a heady reminder of all the moments we’d stolen together in the past
Aurelia did her best to keep quiet, but her soft moans filled my ears, drowning Bela’s out. Her second hand joined the other on the back of my head, adding to the fire her fingers were tracing on my skin.
My tongue was trying to sample every taste it could find within her folds, teasing her entrance with small touches. But I traveled higher, never lingering for too long. My lips encircled her clit, rolling it between them, testing its hardness with delicate presses.
The built-up arousal from the night, the booze, and the ecstasy meant that she was not able to resist me for more than a few minutes. Her whole body wrapped itself around my head. For an instant, I was trapped within her wet heat, her spent arousal filling my lungs.
I could have died there happily, but eventually, she lowered herself back on the couch, letting the cold air of the apartment land on my soaked face, making me shiver. I pulled myself up, lining my body beside her, reclining against the back cushion.
Aurelia’s chest rose and fell in strong breaths, mesmerizing me. But her voice cut through the daze.
“That was incredible,” she said, a gentle, contented smile dancing on her lips. Her soft eyes were back on mine. “You’ve gotten better.”
“I’ve had a lot more practice.” I chuckled, trying to keep the male pride from taking over my mind.
She laughed with me. “Are you trying to make me jealous?” She said, teasing me. “I’m not like you. That doesn’t work on me.”
I flinched. She caught it, her hand lovingly rubbing my chest. She stayed silent for a while, deep in her thoughts, before continuing.
“I had my suspicions before tonight. Especially after our last talk. But I wanted to be sure.” She didn’t sound cruel, but her words made me freeze, a glacial panic seeping inside me. “You’re one of those guys, right? It turned you on when I went down on Nico. Or that Bela is getting fucked in the next room.” Her voice lowered. “When you spied on me and Lance.”
Aurelia paused. Her casual tone was sending me down for a loop, years of insecurities and fears crystallizing in an instant. My last girlfriend had never quite understood me, but it had only taken Aurelia a few weeks of light contact to get the inner workings of my mind.
Her soft palm came to rest on my cheek, her thumb caressing the fragile skin under my eye. Her features carried none of the disgust I had expected. She was still as affectionate as she’d been since we left the club.
I swallowed, struggling to find anything to say. “I guess…”
Her smile deepened. “It’s okay, Tom.” Her second hand found mine, interlacing our fingers, bringing it to her lips for a light peck. “I would never judge you for that.”
A weight lifted from my chest as she leaned in for a kiss, but her face scrunched up right before she reached my mouth.
“I still wanna fuck.” She said between chuckles. “But could you go clean up real fast? You smell like pussy.”
Despite the emotional roller coaster I’d just gone through, it was impossible not to laugh with her, the rush of emotions exiting my body. Her little joke had broken the tension.
“Sure,” I said, shaking my head. She had no such qualms when it came to kissing me with her mouth full of cum earlier.
I got up from the couch and sheepishly went to the bathroom. Halfway there, I looked back, wanting to ensure this was all real. Aurelia was sprawled on the sofa, her arms crossed over the armrest, watching me with a loving smile.
“Hurry up!” she called with a playful lilt in her voice, shooing me away.
I freshened up as quickly as possible, splashing cold water on my face until the stickiness disappeared. But when I returned, Aurelia had dozed off, her bottom half still bare, one leg dangling over the edge of the couch.
I couldn’t help but smile. Sliding in beside her, I wrapped my arm around her waist. She stirred, her own arm sleepily draping over me. The warmth of her body and the gentle rhythm of her breathing lulled me, drawing me into her peaceful slumber.