I still had about a month before I left for college, so I was still working my summer job. Daniel and I never spoke about the night we’d had, and he managed to talk to me less than before we’d hooked up, which I understood. He was my older boss, and we shouldn’t have crossed that line, but now I couldn’t help but wonder what sex would have been like with him or what would have happened had he stayed. I resided myself to never knowing.
Stephen was the opposite. Almost every time we were alone, he would bring up us fucking after Daniel had left. He was still dating Abbie, so we said we wouldn’t tell anyone what happened the night of the party, although he did admit he had told Daniel since they were friends. Occasionally Stephen would squeeze my ass or tits when he walked by, and no one could see. From time to time, he would sneak up behind me and thrust into me, then continue walking on, smirking. He knew what he did to me. I loved him constantly chasing me, but I would throw him a bone here and there and would brush my breasts or my ass against him. Although I did it in front of people, easily making it look accidental, only the two of us knowing my intent.
Our coworker, Amanda, was throwing a Fourth of July pool party. Stephen had planned on going since Abbie was out of town, and I could feel the lust growing between us leading up to the party. Our touching and teasing becoming less hidden and more frequent. Daniel even caught us making out a few times, one of which Stephen’s hands were up my shirt and under my bra. Daniel would groan, roll his eyes, and walk away each time, clearly annoyed with us. Unfortunately, on the day of the party, Abbie said she was going to stay home, so Stephen texted me that he wasn’t going to come. Then I found out Daniel was coming, so I knew this party would be a bust for me. He had been a shadow that always lingered around these days, siphoning any fun I seemed to be having.
About two hours in, we were all drinking by the pool. I had hoped Stephen would still show up, but I never saw him. Luckily, I hadn’t seen Daniel either, so I cozied up to another coworker of mine, Adam. I had felt his boner for a while as I sat on his lap, his cock pressed against my ass. From what I could feel, he was average in size, which I was happy with. My tits were smooshed together in a too-small navy with white stars bikini top, and my ass cheeks showed in a too-small red and white striped bikini bottom. Part of my pink nipples occasionally tried to sneak out of their patriotic coverings. We had been kissing heavily for a while, but now I could feel eyes burning into me. I looked up and searched for the energy source. That’s when I turned and saw Daniel glaring at us. His eyes were searing through me, and his jaw was clenched.
My heart instantly plummeted into my stomach. Why did I feel like I got caught doing something wrong? Why did he look so angry? He was the one who had avoided me like the plague. I decided to ignore him because I was horny, and I had Adam ready to fuck me.
I felt like being a brat, though, and wanted to tease Daniel, so I leaned into Adam, letting my hand trail down to the top of his bathing suit. I twirled the knot of his suit with my finger, glancing down and smiling, then biting my lower lip. I was laying it on hard, knowing Daniel could see what I was doing, when he stomped up and knocked into our chair with his leg, jolting us.
“Jesus Christ, Daniel!” Adam huffed, looking at him angrily.
“I need to talk to Katherine,” Daniel said, glaring at me, not looking at Adam or acknowledging his intrusion into our moment. I glanced at Adam in shock, then back at Daniel. Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him.
“No,” I said. “Adam and I are fine here.”
Tilting my head to the side toward Adam’s neck, wriggling on his lap, I nipped at his ear, making him moan, his hand gripping my thigh. Daniel had expressed no interest in me for the last month, and now he was trying to cock block me. I knew that as soon as Daniel would leave us alone, Adam would take me upstairs and fuck me. I couldn’t wait for Daniel to realize I was getting railed by someone else. Daniel released what sounded almost like a growl.
“Oh fuck,” I thought to myself and stilled. He stepped forward and grabbed my arm, pulling me off Adam.
“Hey! What the fuck?!” Adam yelled.
“I’ll be right back!” I yelled back at him as Daniel practically dragged me away from the party between the cars on the driveway. They lived on a cul-de-sac, so the occasional car would use it to turn around after taking a wrong turn somewhere.
“What the fuck, Daniel?!” I shouted at him. Daniel took me beside one of the cars near the end of the driveway and turned me so my back was facing the party.
“Get on your knees,” Daniel commanded.
“What…?” my voice shaking. “Here?” I questioned, panicked yet excited.
“Here. Now. Get on your knees,” he said again. “And you should do as I say. I am your boss, after all.”
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a grin. I hesitated before slowly getting on my knees, the concrete scrapping them and the tops of my feet as I lowered myself onto the driveway. He reached beneath my hair and pulled the string of my bikini top, causing it to fall, exposing my tits to the world. His fingers latched onto my nipples, twisting them, taking my breath away.
“Take my dick out and suck me off,” he commanded.
We would be visible from the road here and maybe even the party. I tried to turn and look to ensure no one from the party was watching, but he grabbed the back of my head, his hand weaving into my straight blonde hair. “I won’t tell you again. Take my dick out and suck me.”
My eyes drifted up to his. His formerly ocean-blue eyes were almost black. The heat of his stare made my hands move toward his shorts. I pulled them down, and his cock sprang right before my face. I traced the tip of my tongue around the head of his cock and took him in, working him in further and further as I bobbed my head up and down his shaft. I quickly reached the bottom and had his dick down my throat. I swallowed, contracting my muscles around him a few times, and slurped my way all the way back up before going back down, bobbing my head, gagging on him.
Daniel moaned, “Come on.”
Thinking he meant for me to take him faster, I increased my bobbing and sucking, wanting to please him. I felt his hands move down and twist my nipples again, making me moan around him, and I felt my pussy soak my bikini bottoms even more. That’s when I realized I still had another hand on the back of my head, but both his hands were torturing my tits. But how? I opened my eyes and looked over; Stephen was standing next to us, his hand controlling my head on Daniel’s dick. Stephen gave me a smirk and winked. I almost screamed out of excitement. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling in the back of my head as my pussy pulsed with the need for them both.
“Someone sure is excited.” Daniel smiled. “Take his cock out too.”
“Fuck yes. Fucking use me; both of you,” I hissed to them.
I eagerly reached for Stephen’s bathing suit, when I heard a car coming and paused. I tried to turn and look, but Stephen gripped my hair tighter and pushed my head all the way down Daniel’s cock, making us both moan as he bucked into my mouth.
“Even if someone drives up, you don’t stop unless we tell you to, got it, baby? In fact, our boss said for you to take my cock out. Let them see what a good girl you are for us, and take my cock out while you suck him,” Stephen ordered.
The sounds of the car faded away as it turned, seemingly not noticing us. My hands pulled Stephen’s bathing suit down, and his thick cock was semi-hard. I quickly rubbed my hands on the base of Daniel’s cock and balls, collecting the thick spit mixed with his pre-cum that had coated him. Once I gathered what I could, I twisted my hands up and down Stephen’s cock, squeezing him too.
Stephen moaned, “Fuck, you’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you?”
I smiled the best I could with Daniel’s cock still in my mouth as Stephen’s cock quickly got hard for me.
“Suck him too. Let him fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,” Daniel panted.
Stephen pulled me off Daniel, spit stringing from my lips to his cock. I took my first deep breath since this all started, tears of mascara running down my face. He turned my head toward him, my knees and feet dragging over the concrete more as my body turned, too.
I briefly thought of how I’d never sucked a cock as thick as Stephen’s before, but as soon as the thought entered my mind, his cock was pushed into my mouth, filling me completely. Their hands had swapped places, Stephen’s on my tits, and Daniel was now controlling my head on Stephen. I was in heaven between these two men, serving them. Daniel held my head down onto Stephen, my nose against his stomach. I tapped Stephen’s hip to signal for Daniel to let up, but he still held me there for a couple more seconds as I gagged. He finally pulled me off, and I gasped for air, thick strings of spit falling over my chin and tits somehow making me feel triumphant after deep-throating him.
As soon as I caught my breath, I dove back onto Stephen’s dick before Daniel could push my head back down; I sucked up and down in long strokes, his cock head hitting the back of my throat each time. My left hand wandered back to Daniel’s cock, stroking him too.
“Someone is greedy. Just twenty minutes ago, she was practically fucking Adam in front of me. I think she needs to be taught not to be such a tease. Don’t you, Stephen?” Daniel taunted.
Stephen moaned, “Oh, we will teach her a fucking lesson. And Adam? You were going to fuck ADAM?! No. This pussy and mouth belongs to us. Maybe we should get Adam to watch us…” he said, thrusting into my mouth, never missing a beat, making me moan again at the thought of another man joining us.
”Oh, she liked that. You want us to go get Adam so he can watch us fuck you?” Daniel teased.
“Stand up,” he commanded.
I tried to take my head off Stephen, but Daniel pushed my head all the way down on Stephen’s cock.
Stephen hissed, “Don’t stop sucking. Stand the fuck up.”
I tucked my now bleeding knees and feet under my body, so I was now squatting. I slowly pushed my ass out and stood up the best I could, still bent over with my hands on Stephen’s hips, his cock never leaving my mouth.
Daniel ran his hands down to my bikini strap around my back, pulling the string and untying it with a quick tug as it fell to the ground. He walked behind me, his hands roaming my ass, and he pulled my bikini bottom down to my knees; I had my legs pressed together so my bathing suit wouldn’t go any further. Daniel’s fingers grazed my slit, making me shudder and moan, my pussy clenching.
“So fucking wet for us…” Daniel moaned, dipping a finger inside of me.
After a few strokes, he added a second, making me squirm and said, “So tight, too. God, I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me. Look him in the eyes as I enter you.”
I do as I’m told and lock eyes with Stephen, his face flushed with pleasure as he takes deep breaths, steadying himself. Pulling his fingers from inside me, Daniel placed his fingers flat against my clit and started quickly running them against me; almost instantly, I felt the rush of an orgasm coming on. If I hadn’t had Stephen’s hands keeping my mouth on his cock, I would’ve screamed as I came. My knees buckled as Daniel jerked me up and tried to push his cock into me. The head stretched my lips as he kept trying to push into me.
“FUCK. You’re too tight like this. Spread your legs, ass up,” he said as he kicked my legs apart and pulled my hips up; my tiny bikini bottoms dropped to my ankles, still only letting me spread my legs so far.
My demented thoughts flashed to the hobbles we used on the horses during breeding season. They went on the mare’s back legs so they couldn’t kick or run away from the stud trying to breed them. I felt like a broodmare between these two men, waiting to be mounted. Just then, Daniel thrust inside of me, only getting about halfway despite me being soaking wet. My eyebrows pinched at the force at which I was being taken, screaming again around Stephen’s cock. Daniel almost pulled out and thrust back in all the way this time; he immediately started fucking me hard.
Stephen hissed and stepped back quickly, squeezing the base of his cock,” I’m saving all my cum for that pussy.”
“I haven’t been taking my pills,” I gritted out as I was being pounded from behind.
“Fuck! I can’t cum in her, dude. I can’t risk that shit,” Daniel panted behind me.
Stephen grabbed my hair and pulled my face up so I was standing now, slightly bent forward, “I’m coming in you. Know that I will always come in you, so start taking your pills, or we will be having a baby. And even when you’re knocked up, I’ll still come in you. But you want us both to cum in you tonight, though, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes…” I whined, and my pussy clenched at his words.
“I know you said she was tight, but god damn, when she tightens on me, I can barely move,” Daniel changed his angle and hit a spot deep in me, weakening my legs.
Sticking his thumb in my mouth as he cupped my cheek, Stephen looked at Daniel, thrusting into me from behind, “Cum in her.”
“I can’t cum in her. She’s a fucking teenager,” Daniel sounded like he almost laughed at the absurdity. “She’s my fucking employee!” Now he sounded as if he was getting angry, and I felt his thrusts become sharper, harder.
But I wanted his cum. I wanted to feel both my boss’ and Stephen’s cum spilling into me. I clenched again around Daniel, and we both moaned. I needed to milk his seed into me. I smiled at Stephen and moaned before I teased them,” You heard him, baby; he doesn’t want to risk knocking me up. That’s your job.”
Daniel’s thrusting faltered as he gasped at what I said. However, Stephen looked predatory, which made me melt even more. Again, my pussy clenched. Stephen reached in between my legs and rubbed my clit with his fingers.
“I’m going to pump you so full of cum, everyone will see it dripping from you when we go back. Adam will know you’re mine. Everyone will know you’re mine. And when they see your belly swell in a few months, they’ll know that is mine, too.”
I couldn’t contain myself. I felt the biggest orgasm of my life filling me, but then I had the overwhelming need to pee. “Please! I need to pee!”
I started to panic. I would never be able to look either of them in the face again if I peed myself.
I feebly tried squirming away from their grasp, but Stephen just smiled, and his pace quickened as Daniel continued to thrust into me harder. Then it all hit me. I couldn’t breathe as I felt liquid splashing from me, and my legs gave way. I would’ve fallen if it wasn’t for Daniel holding my hips and Stephen in front of me. My eyes widened as I came and screamed; I was mortified.
“No-fucking-way!” Daniel growled behind me. “Do it again; squirt on us again.”
I was trying to catch my breath, and I was still jerking from the aftershocks of my orgasm when Stephen quickly put his hand back and he started rubbing me furiously as Daniel fucked me harder, making me stand on the tips of my toes. I felt the sensation coming back again, building even more.
“Please! I need to pee again!” I cried out, begging them.
They continued their relentless pounding and rubbing, and it happened again; this time, Daniel pulled out, and it streamed out of me as I cried out, holding onto Stephen’s forearms as he kept rubbing me. I didn’t know what was happening, but I started whimpering as the liquid continued to stream out of me. I had never felt more euphoric and satiated before. When it finally stopped, Daniel squatted down behind me and slammed back into me, thrusting me into Stephen’s arms, and then he yanked my hips back and up. I looked up into Stephen’s eyes, my hands gripping his forearms.
“I’m going to cum!” Daniel panted, ramming into me.
“Pull out!” I whimpered, trying to remind him before he laid his chest onto my back, his arms wrapping around mine, pinning them to my body, his mouth by my ear as he continued frantic thrusts, grunting, chasing only for his release now. My pussy clenched around his cock; I wanted my boss’ cum in me.
“Daniel, pull out! Remember?!” I cried out, my reminder accidentally sounding like a plea when I looked at Stephen, and he grinned at me. I thought Daniel was going to pull out when he suddenly slammed back into me. He was almost roaring, lifting me off the ground, impaled by his dick, hitting my cervix, causing me to scream. He did it again and again, shaking and jerking into me, finally lowering me to the ground. Both of us panting.
“There’s no way I could pull out. I’ll buy you a pill later,” Daniel panted, still buried in me. He thrust into me a couple more times for good measure, then pulled out. A massive amount of cum dripped out of me with him.
“I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I did that.” I wanted to cry thinking about peeing.
“Katherine. You squirted…” Stephen laughed, looking at me.
“I don’t know what that means…” I replied, still embarrassed, my left hand drifting toward my pussy, still dripping cum, clenching so some of it would stay in me.
“Daniel, hit your g-spot. You came so hard you squirted. And now I want to feel you squirt on me. Against the car. Now.” And he pushed me against the black SUV that was our only shield from the neighbors.
I looked up at his massive frame hulking over me. He picked me up under my arms, and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, my bikini bottom now hanging off my right foot. Daniel walked up to us so he could watch, stroking his cock through his swim shorts. I moaned, watching him as Stephen started sinking me down on his massive cock. Despite the hard pounding and massive load I just received, I still felt as if he was tearing me.
“OH! FUCK!” I yelped, gripping him tighter, trying to retreat from his cock.
“Fuck this,” Stephen grumbled as he pushed us against the car and slipped his arms under my legs. Pulling us off the car, I screamed as he slid all the way into me at the angle, stretching me again. Stephen closed his eyes and moaned. His head rolled back before he looked between us.
“God dammit. Look at your pussy wrapped around my cock. You can barely take all of me, can you, baby?” he boasted. Whimpering, I nodded my head up and down, looking at him slipping in and out of my pussy, gripping him, not wanting him to leave me.
Daniel’s cum oozed and bubbled all around Stephen’s cock as he pounded into me. After a couple of minutes, the pain subsided, and the pleasure overtook me. Stephen grinned as if he felt the change in me, somehow going deeper than before. Daniel grabbed my head and turned me to look at him while I was bouncing on Stephen.
“Look at me while you come on him…” he commanded.
I looked into his eyes and felt my pussy clench. Daniel’s fingers slid to my clit, rubbing me. I was getting close when he sped up, sliding against my clit furiously while Stephen continued to fuck me. Then, we heard a truck engine stall at the foot of the driveway only ten yards away. The three of us turned and looked. We saw an old man in his sixties or seventies alone in his truck, watching us. My pussy clenched.
“Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” That was all I could say as Stephen’s cock and Daniel’s fingers ruled my body, never stopping.
The fluid rushed out again, splashing everywhere between Stephen’s thrusting and Daniel’s hands still flicking over me. It continued as it splashed everywhere- on my tits and face, Stephen’s body, and Daniel’s hand and arm, even getting on the car holding us up.
“Look at the old pervert jerking off. He’s getting off on us pounding your teenage pussy,” Daniel teased.
I turned and looked, seeing the old man’s arm moving furiously as his mouth hung slightly open.
“Cum for him. Let the old man see you squirt for us before I cum in you. Rub her,” Stephen commanded both Daniel and me.
Daniel barely started rubbing me, and I could feel myself already coming. I turned and looked at the old man as I came harder than before.
“Pull out! Please! Pull out!” I pleaded with Stephen.
He slammed me against the car and pulled out, my orgasm finally able to release entirely as it splashed all over us. I saw the old man’s mouth fall open and his eyes shut, his body jerking as he came.
“PLEASE! I can’t come anymore!” I begged, and Daniel finally pulled his hand away before sucking his fingers clean.
I moaned and looked at Daniel just as he pressed his mouth against mine. Our tongues lashed against each other as Stephen pushed back into me. My pussy was still clenching and pulsing, trying to recover as he started pounding into me again.
“You ready to be bred, baby? I guess we won’t know who the daddy is, huh? How do you feel about a stranger watching me knock you up?” Stephen said, pulling me further down onto him. I moaned, clenching him again at the thought of having their combined cum deep in me.
“Ohmygod yes. Fill me with your cum too. Please breed me,” I shamelessly begged and squeezed around him, sending him over the edge.
He pulled me down and thrust up repeatedly into me, grunting. I could feel his cock pulsing all of his cum into me.
“God, I love the thought of breeding you, baby,” he moaned and then started kissing me deeply.
Pulling away, he said, “If it weren’t for Daniel coming in you, I wouldn’t let you take a fucking pill.” He thrust into me one more time, pinning me to the car.
“We need to remember how much cum you are filled with. Daniel, do you have your phone?” Daniel reached for his phone and held it above my pussy, and videoed. Stephen thrust a couple more times in me before he pulled out slowly; more cum than I’d ever seen fell from me.
We all groaned at the sight. Just then, we heard a truck horn, and the man drove off.
“Next time, we aren’t letting our cum escape you…” Stephen said as he entered me again slowly before he finally withdrew and set me down.
When I finally got my legs beneath me, I stepped back into my bikini bottoms. My pussy was aching, and I still had so much cum in me. I could feel my bikini bottoms getting soaked as soon as I pulled them up. Stephen helped me tie my bikini top back, leaned down, and kissed me.
“Okay, lovebirds. Let’s go back,” Daniel laughed, leading the way.
Stephen wrapped his arm around me, his hand resting possessively on my left hip. I could feel both of their cum dripping down my legs as we walked. I tried to run off to the bathroom to clean up, but Stephen’s grip held me against him.
“No, you don’t. If you sneak off to the bathroom, I’m joining you and fucking more cum into you.” I rolled my eyes and laughed.
He led me to a lounge chair. After he laid down, he pulled me down to lie between his legs. As I lay there, I could feel Stephen’s cock hardening into my back. This man was insatiable, and I loved it. His fingers casually brushed up and down my arms, grazing my skin.
Daniel walked up and handed us a couple of beers before leaning over and pushing my legs apart at my scrapped-up knees. “Let them see, pretty girl,” winking at me as he sat down next to us.
Adam was still in his chair not far from us, his boner long deflated. He got up, and when walking by, he asked loud enough for everyone around us to hear,” Hey, Stephen, where is Abbie? Your girlfriend?”
My face reddened as everyone around us looked. How could I be doing this? I’m flaunting that I had fucked Stephen, and I’m the other woman with my legs still open. Everyone could see Daniel and Stephen’s cum leaking from out of my red bikini bottoms. Stephen’s fingers never stopped grazing me lazily.
Right before I stood up, Stephen spoke up,” I don’t know where Abbie is. But my girlfriend is right here with me.”
Adam’s eyes followed his trail, his left hand drifting from my arm to my thigh. His stare lingered on my pussy; we could see when he realized what he was looking at. He took in a breath and looked at me before walking away.
“You know that car I fucked you on? That you came on?” Stephen casually said loud enough for Daniel to hear him, too.
I moaned,” Mhm…” as I started grazing Stephen’s leg with my fingertips, holding my beer with my other hand.
I could hear the smile in his voice, “That was Adam’s car.”