Emma’s Submission Intensifies

"Emma wants to be disciplined more severely, and is."

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Chapter 4

 It was the next day, and, as Miss Hoskins had promised, Emma was sent to the punishment room at the lunch break. 

Emma was seventeen and at the girls’ sixth-form college. Miss Hoskins was her class teacher and was thirty-eight. Miss Hoskins was living at Emma’s house whilst Emma’s parents were away, and it had become quite a loving as well as disciplinary relationship. 

Emma was wearing her normal college summer uniform of a short-sleeved green and white check gingham dress with a white belt and white ankle socks. As soon as she opened the door to the punishment room, she saw Lucy, a fellow student in the year below and who was sixteen, waiting for her. That was fully expected. Moments later Miss Hoskins followed Emma into the punishment room. 

Emma knew that she was about to be disciplined by her younger fellow student. She had thought about it since being told yesterday that this would happen, and the feeling of humiliation was matched by the way that her pussy lips became damper and damper as she did think about it. After all, Emma had discovered that humiliation and submission really did turn her on, as well as the pain of being severely thrashed. 

Once Miss Hoskins entered the punishment room, she closed the door, turned towards the two students, and instructed, “You, Lucy, will be giving Emma a bare bottom spanking and six strokes of the cane. Please make sure that both the spanking and caning are particularly hard, because, if they are not, I will be giving you a double detention which will lead to you getting six strokes of the cane from the headmistress.”  

Both Miss Hoskins and Emma could see the sudden look of concern on Lucy’s face at that threat. Both knew that Miss Hoskins said it to try to make sure that Lucy did take this whole matter seriously, not just seeing it as revenge for Emma spanking her, but needing to make it severe in order to satisfy Miss Hoskins. 

Miss Hoskins then went and stood by the wall and instructed, “Okay, Lucy, you are now in charge. You will give instructions as though you are me or any other teacher. Emma will have to obey everything you say, or, her punishment will be much much worse than I have just said.” 

That gave Lucy more confidence, and so she turned to Emma and gave the instruction, “Right, Emma, take your knickers off, then roll your dress up so that the hem is tucked into the belt. Make sure that the whole of your dress stays above your waist.” 

Lucy knew she could say that with confidence because she had been told to do that herself on several occasions when in this very punishment room. 

As Emma did do as she was told, Lucy went and sat on the high-backed chair that all the teachers sat on when giving any of the girls a spanking. She was certainly enjoying watching Emma being so obedient. After all, Emma had been a prefect who had spanked her on more than one occasion. Revenge was going to be very sweet, she told herself, and, as she had been given the very clear instruction to make this a really hard spanking, that was what she was going to do. 

As soon as she had tucked her dress into her belt, Emma deliberately turned around so that Lucy could see that her bottom was already not just red, but well-bruised from the leather strap that Miss Hoskins’ had thrashed her with just yesterday. 

As expected, Lucy looked very surprised when she saw Emma’s bottom, but before she could say anything, Miss Hoskins said firmly, “Don’t worry about the fact that Emma has already been spanked. In fact, totally ignore that fact, and you are still expected to make this a very severe spanking and caning. Is that clear, Lucy?” 

Lucy took on board what Miss Hoskins had said, and replied, “Yes, Miss Hoskins. I do understand. I’m ready to give her the severe spanking and caning that you are telling me to give her. Don’t worry, Miss Hoskins, I will be doing exactly that.” 

As Emma was getting more and more excited listening to Lucy’s very firm responses, she also found it exciting that she was going to go across the lap of a girl wearing the same college uniform as she was wearing. The fact that Lucy was younger than her made the humiliation greater, and no doubt it would get around the whole college, which would add to her humiliation. It was okay when prefects spanked those in detention, but Lucy was not a prefect, and whilst Emma had been, she resigned from that position and wanted to be the one in detention more and more. 

Lucy did take control, and ordered, “Right, Emma, get your naughty bottom across my lap. You are really going to pay for what you did to me. Expect to cry buckets, just as I did.” 

Miss Hoskins was enjoying herself as she watched Lucy take control, and as Emma bent across Lucy’s lap, she got even more excited. She knew that giving a spanking was much better than just watching it happen, but then she knew that tonight, after getting back from college, she was going to be thrashing Emma once again. 

Emma did feel strange going across the lap of a girl dressed in college uniform, and one who was younger than herself. However, whilst she was perched across Lucy’s lap and had the perfect close-up view of her upside-down bare legs and white ankle socks, the reality was that she was obeying Miss Hoskins, rather than Lucy. 

Lucy felt excited as she rubbed Emma’s bare bottom, knowing that she had been spanked herself whilst at college, several times, including that time by Emma, and now here she was, about to give a spanking. Of course, having been spanked herself so often, she knew how to give a spanking. She also knew that Miss Hoskins had told her to make sure it was a hard spanking, and that was exactly what she set out to do. 

When Lucy raised her hand and brought her palm down on Emma’s far bottom cheek, she loved how it surrendered to her hand, flattening so effectively, as did the other bottom cheek when she spanked that one. Then, as she spanked alternate bottom cheeks, so each time that cheek surrendered to her hand, whilst at the same time turning redder and redder. 

Emma supposed that she wasn’t really so surprised that she was struggling with the spanking, as she knew that Lucy was one of the girls who regularly went to the gym, did weights, and had very well-toned arms. It certainly didn’t take that long before Emma felt the tears welling up in her eyes, and she knew that, once again, all she had to do was lie there and take a very hard spank. Even so, as much as Emma once again hated the pain of the spanking, she was excited by it as well, knowing how it was turning her on. 

Miss Hoskins couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she watched Lucy give such a good spanking. She may have done it anyway, but Miss Hoskins knew that the threat of Lucy being spanked herself, if she didn’t give Emma a really hard spanking, was bound to work. Well, it did. Now, Miss Hoskins was sitting there watching a spanking being given, and whilst she would certainly have preferred to have been the one to give the spanking, she knew this was something that would humiliate Emma and so be something that she would want to have happen to her. In any case, Miss Hoskins knew that she was going to be thrashing Emma when they got home, including with the leather strap which was now a standard part of the punishment, on the principle of, spanked at college, then spanked again when at home, and so she was going to get really turned on later on and share huge orgasms with Emma. 

As she lay there across Lucy’s lap, Emma knew that as much as each spanking hurt, the next spanking never came quickly enough for her. Whether it was the second spanking on the same day, or even the third, while she hated every spanking because of the awful pain, she knew that as soon as that spanking was over, she couldn’t wait for the next one. She also knew that as painful as each spanking was, as soon as she was crying, all she had to do was stay in position across Miss Hoskins’s lap or lying across the pile of pillows, and all the hard work was done by Miss Hoskins, or, like today, by Lucy. Maybe one day she would work out why she wanted to be spanked so often, but, in the meantime, she was just happy that it was happening. 

Lucy continued to happily spank Emma’s bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs, knowing how red she would have to turn them all before ending the spanking. After all, like so many of the girls who had been spanked, she always looked in the mirror as soon as possible after being spanked herself, to see just how red her bottom cheeks and legs were. She knew that, even through her blurred vision, she could make that out pretty quickly after the spanking had finished. 

Lucy was almost disappointed when she did get to the stage when she knew that she would have to stop the spanking. It was a very good experience for her, though, and she wondered whether Miss Hoskins would give her permission to do it again. Time would tell. 

Once she had finished the spanking, Lucy rubbed Emma’s bottom just for a few more moments, enjoying every second of it, before looking up at Miss Hoskins to check that she was okay with what she had done. She could tell from the smile on Miss Hoskins’s face that her teacher was happy. 

It was Miss Hoskins who gave the instruction, “Okay, Emma, you can get up now. Go to the canning table, bend over and clasp hold of the far end, and get ready to receive six strokes of the cane from Lucy.” 

Lucy had quite forgotten about the fact she was going to give Emma the cane. She got excited again at that prospect. 

As Emma pushed herself up from Lucy’s lap, she hadn’t forgotten about the cane. In fact, she was looking forward to it. Once again, she knew the pain would be horrible, but was really up for it still. 

Once Emma had pushed herself up and stood again, she immediately walked across to the caning table, and, as instructed, bent over and clasped hold of the far end. She had done this plenty of times before. She then waited, knowing the tension would increase as she heard Lucy go to the cupboard and take out a cane, close the cupboard again, and then walk over to her.  

Emma even got excited as she felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom. However, once that first stroke landed, and she yelped, the memory of the pain to come overtook her excitement, and she yelped again with the second stroke and the third stroke. There was a short gap, but nowhere near long enough to recover, before the fourth stroke bit into her bottom cheeks, followed by the fifth stroke and then the sixth stroke. Each time, Emma yelped, struggling to cope with the pain, knowing that she was going to find it so uncomfortable to sit down on her hard wooden chair by her desk all afternoon, no doubt hearing comments from classmates as they watched her unsuccessfully try to be comfortable as she sat down, and the humiliation that went with it. It was going to be so cool, she told herself. 

Once the six strokes had been given, Miss Hoskins said, “Okay, Lucy, you can go and get your lunch now. I’ll deal with Emma.” 

Lucy was still excited as she put the cane back in the cupboard, and, as she walked towards the door, said, “Thank you for letting me discipline Emma, Miss Hoskins. I really do appreciate it.” 

Miss Hoskins replied, “No problem, Lucy. In fact, if you become a prefect next year, you may well get to do that on a regular basis to several of the girls.”  

Lucy smiled and replied, “That sounds really cool, Miss.” 

After Lucy left the room, Miss Hoskins said, “Okay, Emma, you can get up now. Put your knickers back on, and you can go and get your lunch. Just don’t forget, I will be thrashing you when we get home, and it will be early to bed.” 

Emma knew the rules very well by now, and while she was looking forward to this evening, she knew she was going to struggle throughout the day sitting on her classroom chair.  

With those thoughts, Emma made her way to the dining room, and as she sat at a table with her friends, they could see that she was squirming around on the seat, and, after asking her, Emma admitted, “I had to go to the punishment room with Miss Hoskins. It hurt.” Emma blushed but wanted the added humiliation of adding, “Lucy spanked and caned me.” 

Emma liked the fact that her friends were smiling and giggling as she explained what had happened, and did feel humiliated, just as she wanted to be. 

During the rest of the day, Emma was still struggling to sit still whilst in class, and heard whispered comments that were said loud enough so that she could hear them, from her friends, making fun of her because of the way that she was struggling, more so when they were telling each other how it was Lucy who had spanked and caned her.  

What Emma’s friends didn’t know, was the more that she heard the comments, the wetter her knickers got, and the more excited Emma got because of the humiliation. She knew that she couldn’t get enough of it, the pain, and humiliation, both of which got her so aroused. She felt that she could squeeze her thighs and give herself an orgasm right there in the classroom, but didn’t, though, because she knew the orgasms would be even better when she got back home with Miss Hoskins. 

At the end of the college day, Emma never walked back home with Miss Hoskins. She always got there first, and stayed in her college uniform, waiting for Miss Hoskins to come home as well. It was always a delight when Emma heard the front door open and then close, and moments later saw Miss Hoskins come into whichever room she was in, come right up to her, give her a hug, a kiss on the lips, and then say, “Get your knickers off, young lady, you need a very long and hard spanking, and then a serious thrashing with my leather strap.” 

The effect on Emma was always the same. It was instant obedience. It was that submission, followed by the awful pain of a spanking by Miss Hoskins, who now always used the leather strap as well, which together got her so aroused and ready for the lovemaking with Miss Hoskins that now invariably followed. 

Miss Hoskins knew that Emma would do exactly as she was told, and the build up to giving Emma another spanking led to her own knickers getting damp, and they would get much damper as she spanked Emma, and then thrashed her with the leather strap. It was fabulous foreplay for her.  

So, like always, Emma immediately lifted up her dress, slipped her thumbs into the elastic of her knickers, pushed them down to the floor, stepped out of them, and then she scooped them up and put them on a chair. That was followed by making sure that the hem of the dress was tucked into her belt, leaving her fully naked below her waist, except for her white ankle socks. The tension got her so excited, knowing that the pain would be awful, and she would cry buckets, but that was being done to her by her teacher, who she had such a crush on, and would do anything for. 

Miss Hoskins loved keeping a stern look on her face as she watched Emma take off her knickers, and secure the hem of her dress in her belt. She loved the sight of Emma, naked below the waist, now with fully shaved pussy lips, already glistening with her sex juice. She also loved to inspect Emma’s bottom, still red and with six raised welts, the result of Lucy’s spanking and caning at lunchtime. She always ran her fingers along those welts, and got excited as she did so. 

Miss Hoskins knew that her own pussy lips were now also fully shaved, and they both loved licking and sucking the others’ pussy lips even more because they were shaved. 

Emma always stood obediently as Miss Hoskins inspected her, particularly when she rubbed her bottom and felt whatever welts there were across her bottom cheeks. Emma got so excited, although the tension also built up because she knew the awful pain was about to happen once again. However, it was pain that she relished, particularly when given to her by Miss Hoskins. 

Once happy that she was yet again in control, Miss Hoskins instructed, “Okay, Emma, go into the dining area and stand by the table.” 

Emma immediately did as she was told, as she wanted to obey every instruction from Miss Hoskins. She still loved the fact that even when at home together, Emma couldn’t call Miss Hoskins by her first name, but could only address her as she would when at college. It really did keep her in her place as the submissive, and kept Miss Hoskins in her place as the dominant person. 

Miss Hoskins followed Emma into the dining area, and, once there, turned the usual dining chair into the room and sat down. She then glared up at Emma and instructed, “Get across my lap.” 

Emma immediately bent down and within moments had her now usual but exciting view of Miss Hoskins’s bare upside-down legs. The view was similar to the one she had earlier when across Lucy’s lap and saw her bare upside-down legs and white ankle socks. As much as that had excited her, she was definitely far more excited being across Miss Hoskins’s lap, even though she knew that this second spanking in one day was going to be far more painful than when Lucy spanked her. 

Miss Hoskins still got so excited about the control she had over Emma. She knew that she spanked her much more often than she needed to have done, but it was what they both wanted. After all, it got them both so aroused, and Miss Hoskins did love to kiss Emma’s tear-stained wet face afterwards.  

Knowing this was what both wanted, Miss Hoskins proceeded to spank Emma’s already red and bruised bottom, knowing that the gasps that Emma was making were real, and that she wanted to make those gasps even louder. 

Emma was struggling almost immediately with this second spanking. Tears welled-up in her eyes far more quickly than when she was spanked just once in a day. However, she relished being spanked twice in a day, knowing that the pain was so awful, but it did show her respect for Miss Hoskins.  

Miss Hoskins continued to spank Emma, initially on alternate bottom cheeks and then, as usual, several spanks in a row on the same bottom cheek before spanking the other bottom cheek several times in a row. It was even better when she spanked the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and then the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She knew this was the process she always used, and Emma cried every single time, but Miss Hoskins knew that her knickers were getting damper and damper as the spanking progressed. In fact, her knickers got even damper as she spanked the backs of Emma’s legs, as that produced even louder gasps of pain from Emma. 

Emma knew that as much as she hated being spanked, and it really did hurt, and her tears were real, she wanted to be spanked more and more often. She was very happy with the increasing set of rules that Miss Hoskins set for her, and in particular, the no second chance rule that meant she couldn’t waver even for a second when being told to do something. That was exactly how Emma wanted it to be, with Miss Hoskins in full control, and making all of the decisions when a spanking was to be given. 

Once Miss Hoskins was happy with the deep glowing red colour that she had turned Emma’s bottom cheeks and legs, she stopped spanking with her hand and instructed, “Okay, Emma, go upstairs to my bedroom and get fully undressed. Pile the pillows up in the centre of my bed, and make sure your bottom is perched in just the right position.” 

Miss Hoskins was happy enough to let Emma go upstairs by herself, because she knew her instructions would be followed to the letter. In fact, as usual, she only left a couple of minutes before following Emma upstairs, and as soon as she entered her bedroom, she saw that Emma was fully naked and already perched on top of the pillows, with her bottom in just the right position to be thrashed with the thick leather strap that she now used every single time she punished Emma. 

Emma heard Miss Hoskins come into the bedroom and turned around, but she knew that she was in the right position, even with her arms stretched out clasping hold of the far end of the mattress to make sure that she didn’t try to cover her bottom as she was being thrashed. She knew if she did, then Miss Hoskins would increase the punishment, but she always wanted to show her respect and so never did that. 

Miss Hoskins went to the cupboard and got out the thick leather strap, closed the cupboard door, walked back and positioned herself to the side of Emma, and rested the end of the thick leather strap on Emma’s bare bottom. She knew that Emma was in no doubt what was about to happen, but she still said, “You have been a very naughty girl, Emma. I am going to spank you with this strap one hundred times.” 

As Emma felt the first spank with the leather strap, and then spank after spank, she was now yelping with the pain, as she always did. However, she always saw the strap as a particularly effective implement, needing less effort from Miss Hoskins, but causing much more pain for herself. Again, that was the right way for it to be. 

Miss Hoskins always loved how the leather strap made Emma’s beautiful bottom cheeks flatten as it landed, with the almost immediate thwacking sound and the echoing yelp from Emma. The two sounds certainly went well together, got her more and more excited, and damper and damper knickers, as she enjoyed listening to Emma’s louder and louder yelps and watched the naughty girl clasp hold of the far end of the mattress, fighting to keep self in position even as she suffered so much pain. 

Of course, Miss Hoskins still saw this as an essential punishment, but also knew that thrashing Emma twice in one day was something that Emma also wanted to have happen to her. She knew the difference in the amount of pain that she had to suffer with the second thrashing, but both of them got more and more sexually aroused with the more pain Emma suffered, and afterwards would have bigger and better orgasms. 

As Miss Hoskins got towards the full tariff of one hundred spanks with a leather strap, she still made sure that the last dozen were harder than all of the previous ones. Why not, she told herself, but she was the one doing the hard work, and all Emma had to do was lie there and take every lash with the strap, as naughty girls like her should do.  

Of course, Miss Hoskins knew that if Emma didn’t disobey her at all or get a detention or other punishment at college, she would still find an excuse for disciplining Emma, and Emma wanted that to happen. It was part of the beauty of their relationship. They knew they weren’t the only people who fell in love when one was dominant and the other submissive, and punishments like this were part of their relationship. It didn’t really matter that Emma was only seventeen, because plenty of girls her age were attracted to older women, even women old enough to be their mum, but there was no way that they wanted this relationship with their mum. It had to be with someone completely separate, just as it was here. 

Even though Emma was aware the thrashing had ended, she was crying uncontrollably, and couldn’t stop herself crying. However, she heard Miss Hoskins tell her to roll off the pile of pillows, which she did, and moments later felt the warmth of Miss Hoskins’s body, and knew that she had already got herself undressed as well. Emma didn’t need Miss Hoskins to give her any time to calm down, because crying was something that Emma saw as being an important part of lovemaking, and Emma knew that Miss Hoskins loved the fact that she could feel the tears running down her face. 

First of all, they kissed each other so lovingly, then each worked their way down the other’s body, kissing and licking the other’s breasts, sucking the other’s taut nipples, kissing the other’s tummy, then kissing the inside of the other’s thighs, and then kissing licking and sucking the other’s already very wet shaved pussy lips. It was then that they both exploded in huge orgasms, and both knew they were in love with the other. 

Once they had calmed down, Miss Hoskins reminded Emma, “Don’t forget, Emma, you will shower before supper, and then once supper is over, your bedtime will be seven o’clock. However, I will be joining you in bed at that time. I will need to give you a third spanking, but then you know you have earned that. However, after that, we will make love again and again.” 

As Emma heard how her punishment would continue, even though her bottom was stinging like never before, and she was still sniffing back tears as she said, “I know I have been a very naughty girl, Miss Hoskins, and deserve to be thrashed three times in one day. I do love you, Miss Hoskins. I always will, Miss Hoskins. Please please please, continue to discipline me, no matter how old I get, I will always need to be disciplined by you, thrashed regularly with your thick leather strap so my bottom stings so much that I cannot sit comfortably for hours or even days, nor stop crying for ages afterwards.” 

Miss Hoskins replied in a loving tone of voice, “I love you too, Emma. I will love you forever, and, yes, I will discipline you for as long as we are together, which I hope we will be for the rest of our lives.” 

Emma cuddled into Miss Hoskins and felt so secure in her loving arms as she replied, “So do I, Miss Hoskins. So do I.” 


Published 3 months ago

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