My departure was a tearful one, first when Leilani left for work and then again at the departures area before I boarded my flight. I was surprised to see Jenn there when Kim and I turned the corner. “I couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye,” she said through her tears. “I’m so sorry!”
“You know what, it’s past. We can’t change it, let’s move on!” I said. I hugged her tight and we kissed.
“Can we start over?” she asked.
“That would mean me sitting outside your bedroom listening to you and Kevin!” I teased her. We laughed. “It’s good to see you smile again!” I looked at Kim and opened my arms to bring her in for a hug.
“I suppose you’ve heard?” Kim asked.
“Heard what?” Jenn replied.
“Leilani and I are getting married!”
“Holy fuck! That happened quick!” Jenn said, a little too loudly.
“Maybe,” Kim allowed. “But it happened! That’s all that matters!”
“I’m happy for you,” Jenn said. “I guess this means the end of us.”
“I’m afraid so,” Kim said. “I have no regrets you know. We were amazing together but it’s time to move on.”
“I know,” Jenn whispered. “Can I kiss you at least?”
“Sure,” Kim smiled and they kissed, likely for the last time.
“I have to go,” Jenn said, sniffling back her tears. She hugged me, “Let me know you’re home safe, please.”
“I will, Jenn,” I said. She left and Kim and I hugged.
“You going to try and start over with her?” she asked.
“I’ll leave the door open,” I said. I heard my flight being called for pre-boarding. “I have to go.”
“Safe flight, text me the instant you land!” she whispered.
“I will. Kiss Leilani for me?”
“You got it,” she said. “I love you, Ellie.”
“Love you too!” I said. I turned and walked to security. I wanted so badly to turn around and look at her but I didn’t dare. I knew if I did, I would never make it onto that airplane.
The flight home was uneventful but I left the warm weather behind me. It was cool and blustery as I walked from the taxi up the stairs to my apartment. I let everyone know I got home safe and collapsed onto my bed, second-guessing whether I’d done the right thing with Jenn.
The next month or so passed without anything special happening. The school year wound up and I looked forward to a quiet summer to contemplate my future. I didn’t end up going to Gloria’s parties but she and I had a couple of liaisons. She kept insisting that I go to another one but I just wasn’t feeling that vibe anymore. It was time I stopped throwing myself at any person just to have sex with them and started thinking seriously about where I wanted to be. I desperately wanted what Kim and Leilani had the weekend before Labour Day, and when I found it, it was in a very unlikely place.
I was wandering around a shopping mall looking for a birthday gift for my dad. I stopped by the food court for a coffee and a snack when I saw someone I thought I recognized in line ahead of me. I couldn’t place them but I knew I knew them from someplace. I got my snack and sat down. A few minutes later, I was interrupted.
“Excuse me, is your name Ellie? Ellie Patterson?” I looked up to see a tall attractive man about my age.
“Yes, do I know you?”
“I’m Carey, Carey Holland. We went to high school together, Grade 12 math and physics. I’m not surprised you don’t remember me, I look very different now than I did then.”
“Of course, I remember you!” I said. “And yes, you sure have changed! You used to be quite a bit shorter and rather thin.” I got up to give him a hug, he smelled great too.
“You haven’t changed at all,” he said. “Same hair, same eyes, same…. Everything.” He looked me up and down. “May I sit?”
I motioned for him to join me and we chatted about our lives, our jobs and our families. I left out the whole sexually promiscuous bisexual part. He however wanted to know if I was seeing anyone.
“No, no one in particular. There have been a few people but nothing serious, not yet. You?”
“No, not really. Do you remember Amanda, Mandy Simms? We dated for a while then she moved away for university and we never caught up.” He looked sad when he remembered her. “Listen, I have to go to a wedding in a few weeks and I get to take a plus one. I don’t suppose…”
I cut him off. “I’d love to!”
“Just like that?” he asked.
“Just like that!” I answered.
We chatted for another hour before he said, “Listen I have to go. My sister is having a get-together tonight. I’d ask you to go but it’s family only.”
“That’s okay, Carey, I’m not ready or anything. I have to get home anyway, I have to start class prep.”
“But school doesn’t start for another two weeks,” he said.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned teaching middle school, you can’t be too prepared!” I laughed. “Let me know the details of the wedding, including what the bridesmaids are wearing. I don’t want to stand out or clash!” He gave me a funny look and shrugged.
“Okay, I’ll be in touch!” He bent down and kissed my cheek. “It was great to see you!”
The feeling of his lips on my cheek stayed long after they left my cheek. “Yes, you too!” I watched him walk away and felt those little butterflies in my tummy. When I got home, my first thought was to text Kim. “Can I talk to you tonight? I have some news!” A short time later she replied, “Sure! 7/8 o’clock?” She’d finally figured out the time difference.
I waited nervously as I waited for her to call. When my phone rang, I answered it and after some catch-up chat she said, “So you said you have news?”
“Yeah, I have a date!” I said.
“Anyone I know?”
“No, it’s someone I went to high school with. We bumped into each other at the mall today.”
“What’s her name?” she asked.
“Carey. And it’s not a she.”
“Well, aren’t you full of surprises! Details Girlie!” I heard Leilani in the background saying hi.
I told her the details and that he asked me to accompany him to a wedding.
“A wedding, that’s not a casual date!” she said.
“Well, this one will be!” I replied.
“We have news too,” Kim said. “We’ve set the date!”
“Oh my God! When?”
“October 9th, 4 PM. You should be getting your invite soon!” I could hear her positively vibrating with excitement over the phone.
“Can I bring a plus one?” I asked. “You know, just in case!” I quickly checked the school calendar, that just happened to be Thanksgiving Weekend so I’d have a couple extra days off.
“Of course, just let us know in a week or so,” she said.
“Book me for me plus one now,” I said. “I can always cancel if it doesn’t work out!” Then I heard Leilani ask Kim to put the phone on speaker.
“Hi, Sexy!” she called. “So you have a date! You gonna fuck him?”
“My God Leilani! That’s a bit personal!”
“She’s gonna fuck him!” she said to Kim.
I heard them kiss.
“Bye Sexy!” she called as her voice retreated.
“So things are good with you guys then,” I said.
“So good!” Kim gushed. “Couldn’t be better!”
“Awesome! You guys deserve each other!”
“That’s not what Jenn says. I ran into her last week, she’s miserable. She and Kevin are having a tough time and she could use a friend.”
“That’s not my problem,” I said. “I got in touch just after I got home and the first thing she asked me was if she and Kevin could come to visit me to ‘patch things up’ she put it. I know what kind of patching up she wants to do and I’m not interested.”
“Just reach out to her,” Kim said. “She really misses you!”
“I’m sorry, that ship has sailed,” I said. “I’ll let you know how my date goes. Love you!”
“Love you too!” she replied. “Bye!”
I thought for a few minutes, and then I picked up my phone. “Hey Jenn, how are you doing?”
Her reply was almost instantaneous, “Not great.”
“Kim said. Sorry you’re having a tough time.”
“Me too. Kevin says I need to get over you. He’s pissed, you’re pissed, Kim’s pissed, everybody’s pissed. I’m starting to figure out how bad I fucked up. I wish I could take it back.”
“What’s done is done. Fwiw I forgive you, can we move on and just be friends? I miss your smile.”
“I’m trying. It’s hard.”
“Would a phone call help?”
“Let’s find out.”
I waited but my phone never rang. I texted back but didn’t get a reply. “Call me when you’re ready, I’ll be here all night.”
I heated up some leftover spaghetti and poured a glass of red wine. I flip-flopped back and forth whether I should reach back out to Jenn but I figured I’d left the ball in her court. I decided to run myself a bath and just as I was about to get in my phone dinged. “Can I call tomorrow night? Kevin and I are working some stuff out. I think I might have turned a corner. Thanks for reaching out, I needed it.”
“Any time,” I typed. “Call me when you’re ready.” I topped off the hot water and stripped off. I sank into the water and thought about Jenn and how she made me feel the first time we shared a bath. I reached up for my favourite bath toy and set the buzzing tip against my clit. The warm water wrapped me like a hug as I played with myself. Visions of Jenn’s naked body climbing out of the hot tub and scampering across the deck at the cabin we’d shared with Kim.
My orgasm wasn’t like one of those explosive ones I’d had with her rather it washed over me like a gentle wave on a calm tropical day. It was however every bit as satisfying.
Carey texted me the date for the wedding and asked if he could meet me for coffee sometime in the next few days. We set a date and time and again I was surprised at the butterflies in my stomach. Carey was cute if a bit nerdy and there was no particular reason for me to feel this way but I did.
Two days later we met at a restaurant near his place for a coffee and a snack. I purposely dressed down for the date, not wanting to reveal anything about how attracted I was to him. “I need to take this slow,” I thought as I got ready.
He greeted me with a warm hug and we kissed each other’s cheeks. He told me about the upcoming wedding, what the bridesmaids were wearing and how the bride and groom were thrilled that he was bringing a date. “I’ll need to go shopping!” I said like I needed an excuse. We talked for over an hour and when we got up to leave, I hugged him and kissed his cheek. “I’m really looking forward to being with you,” I said and then realized he might misconstrue my meaning. “At the wedding, I mean!”
“Of course!” he said. “What else would you mean?” He hugged me and then we looked at each other. The old Eillie would have dragged him home and fucked him all weekend but the new Ellie was determined to let this one simmer for a bit before turning up the heat. I did tiptoe up and kiss his lips lightly before turning and walking away.
The wedding was a week away on Saturday. He said he’d pick me up at 2:30 as the ceremony was to start at 3:00. I immediately texted Megan to ask her work schedule for the upcoming week as I wanted to have some new underthings just in case Carey and I took things that far. She said to come in on Thursday night and she’d look after me. I briefly thought that looking after me might include a little bit of loving that night but I set the thought aside.
After supper on Thursday, I went to the lingerie store and Julia was there to greet us. “Hello, Ellie! It’s so nice to see you again! Megan said to expect you. She is busy with another customer at the moment but I have someone else who can assist you.”
“I’ll wait for Megan if that’s all right,” I said.
“Of course! Feel free to have a look around and if you change your mind, come see me.”
“Thank you, Julia,” I said and I started browsing. I was looking for something that wasn’t outright sexy or erotic but still held an allure. Something that felt comfortable but would, if he got the chance to see me in it, would make Carey’s eyes go wide. I remembered what he told me about what the bridesmaids would be wearing and had thought to go with a royal blue dress I’d seen in another shop the last time I’d been out. I felt a touch on my arm and turned to see a smiling Megan.
“Hi!’ she said quietly. “It’s good to see you!”
“You too!” I said as I squeezed her hand. “I have a date on Saturday and I need something special to go with this dress I’ve picked out,” I called up the dress on the store website and showed her the picture.
“I have just the thing!” she said and she guided me over to a display on the far wall. She showed me a few items and I picked out a bra and panty set that I thought would fit the occasion. “Not going with something a bit more racy?” she asked.
“No, not for this date. It’s new and a few things have happened that have made me change my outlook on life,” I said.
“Oh, changed how?” she asked.
“Like maybe it’s time to think a bit more long term,” I said.
“Ah, I see. That’s funny because I’ve been thinking the same things. Come in the back and I’ll fit you and we can talk.” She took the items in one hand and my hand in the other and led me to the back of the store. I disrobed except for my thong and she helped me with the bra I’d selected. “No, that’s not quite right,” she said and she disappeared, returning a few moments later with a different one. She fitted it and I found that it lifted my breasts a little higher but instead of squeezing them together like my other bras did, this one separated them a little. “That’s the one!” she said.
“So you were saying something about a change in outlook,” I said.
“Yes, so Gracie and Ben are moving away in the new year and they’ve asked me to go with them.” She looked at me for my reaction.
“Do you want to go?” I asked.
“I’m on the fence,” she said. “My life is here and I love my work and the friends I’ve made. I’m not sure I want to leave all that but I love them so much and I can’t stand the thought of losing them.”
“The long-distance thing does have its challenges, I should know!” I said.
“Yes you would,” she replied. “Speaking of which, how are Jenn and Kim?”
“Well, they’re not Jenn and Kim anymore. Kim has found someone and is getting married next month. I’m going to the wedding and if everything goes well, I might ask Carey to go with me!”
“Carey? That’s new,” she said. “How long have you known her?”
“Him,” I said. “We went to high school together and lost touch. Now we’ve reconnected, that’s who I’m going out with on Saturday. I don’t know what it is but there’s something about him!”
“Oh, wow! Does he know about you being bi?” she asked.
“Not yet,” I said. “That’s going to be a hard decision if the time comes.”
“It will come, I promise!” she said. “If it does, take my advice and tell him everything. Leave nothing out. I’ve seen secrets destroy too many relationships and if this guy is that special, you’ll want to be honest with him.”
Just then Julia came into the back room, “Is everything all right here, ladies?”
“Just fine, Miss Julia, we were just finishing up!” Megan lied. Julia smiled and returned to the main area of the store. “I get off at 9:00, can you meet me for a drink?”
“Just a drink,” I said. “I have to be at work by 7:30, I’m playground monitor this week.”
“Of course just a drink!” she laughed. “Will this be all then?”
“This is the royal blue and one each in black and white, I think.” I looked around to see if anyone could see us and stepped to kiss Megan quickly. “Do you have plans for next weekend? I’d like to see you!”
“I’ll let you know,” she whispered and she kissed me quickly. I got dressed and she led me to the front of the store. Julia tallied up my purchase and thanked me for my business. As I turned to go she took my hand.
“You are a very valued customer, Ellie, but I think there’s something going on with you and Megan. That’s your business but when she’s here, she’s on my time not yours. If I think you two are fooling around back there, she will be gone in a heartbeat. Do you understand?” Her look told me she wasn’t kidding.
“Of course, Miss Julia,” I replied. “For the record, we weren’t fooling around, we were just catching up.”
“Catch up on your own time then, please,” she said. She wished me a good night.
I went to the mall to pick up the dress I wanted and selected another one in the same style in forest green. Then I went to the pub across the street to wait for Megan. She arrived shortly after 9:00 with a scowl on her face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Julia just read me the riot act!” she said.
“Sweetie, I’m sorry!” I said.
“Not your fault, I know the rule,” she replied. “She said if you weren’t such a good customer, she’d have fired me!”
“Oh, dear, we’ll have to be more careful then, won’t we?” I reached out and took her hand.
“Actually, when you come into the store in future, I won’t be able to help you, one of the other girls will. I’m just too tempted.” She squeezed my hand. “So tell me about Jenn and Kim, what happened?” I told her the story and her face turned to disgust when I got to the part about Jenn and Kevin. “Men can be such pigs sometimes!” she spat.
“It wasn’t Kevin’s fault, it was Jenn’s. Anyway, I’ve broken it off with her, I’m not sleeping with her ever again but I hope we can at least be friendly.” She nodded her head. “But you should see Kim, she is head over heels for her girlfriend, well fiancée I suppose! Her name is Leilani, she’s a teacher like me and she is gorgeous!” I showed her a photo of the three of us at dinner.
“My God, she is gorgeous! How do you always surround yourself with such beautiful women? She asked.
“Present company included!” I said.
“Oh, thank you!” she said, not expecting the compliment. “Are you sure you have to work so early?”
“Well, we could go back to my place and you could lock up after you leave in the morning,” I suggested.
“Let’s go!” she whispered. We downed our drinks and caught a cab. Twenty minutes later we were wrapped around each other’s bodies, fucking each other’s pussies with dildos while we suckled on each other’s clits.
I woke up to my alarm and Megan just stirred as I got out of bed. I took a quick shower and when I went back into the bedroom, she was propped up on one elbow looking at me. “Good morning, pretty lady!” she whispered. I went and knelt on the bed beside her.
“Good morning, gorgeous!” I said. We started kissing but I had to stop her. “We can’t! I have to go!”
“Aww!” she pouted. “Don’t make any plans for next Saturday night! We need to finish what we started!”
“It’s a date!” I said softly. We kissed again and I got dressed. I had a quick breakfast and went back in to kiss her goodbye.
“You know, I don’t have anything else on today, maybe I could be here when you get home?” she suggested.
“I’d like that!” I said. I kissed her and reluctantly left for the day.
Carey texted me at lunchtime asking if he could take me to dinner tonight. “Sorry, I already have plans,” I said.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” he asked.
“Not a guy, just hanging out with a girlfriend!”
“Oh, okay. See you tomorrow!”
“Don’t be late!” I sat back and contemplated the past 24 hours wondering if I was indeed ready to settle down.
When I got home, all I found was a note from Megan. “Sorry, I had to go, a bit of a crisis at home! I’ll call later! XX M” “Well that sucks!” I said to the empty room. I had been thinking all day about loving Megan all night.
I made a spa appointment for the next morning to prep myself or my date that night. Just after noon, I was scrubbed, waxed, polished and coiffed. I had a quick lunch and went home to get ready. Just after 2:00, Carey texted me that he was on his way. I did the last-minute check, popped a few things in the small clutch bag I was taking with me and checked my look in the mirror. “Perfect!” I said. “Hot but not slutty!” I took a selfie and sent it to Kim, “How do I look?”
“Hot but not slutty!” Came the reply and I laughed. I heard a horn beep and I went down to see a limousine with Carey standing beside the open back door. “Carey! A limo? Was that necessary?” I went down the steps and hugged him before kissing his cheek.
“Ellie, you look amazing!” he said. “You’ll be the most beautiful woman there, I guarantee it!”
“Not what I was going for but I’ll take it!” I said as I got in the back seat and he slid in beside me. “Why the limo?”
“Well, I didn’t think we should take my car just in case we have a few drinks and a taxi just seemed not enough,” he said. “A friend of mine owns the company and he did me a favour.”
We held hands for the fifteen-minute ride to the church and when the car stopped, we waited for the driver to come open the door. He extended his hand to help me out, “Carey wasn’t lying, Miss, you are stunning!” I stood up and thanked him, stepping back to let Carey out. He shook the driver’s hand and thanked him. “Call me when you are ready to leave and I’ll come get you.”
“That’s your friend?” I asked. Carey just nodded and smiled. “Good friend to have!” I said. He extended his arm and I linked mine to it. We walked up the steps to the front of the church and found a place to sit. A few minutes later, a woman came over to us.
“Ellie, this is my mom, Sylvia. Mom this is Ellie, the girl I’ve been telling you about.” I stood up and greeted her.
“So this is the young lady that has stolen my son’s heart!” she said playfully. She extended her arms and we hugged. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie! Carey hasn’t shut up about you for a month now!”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs Holland. Don’t you look lovely!”
“Thank you, dear!” she said. “You know, it’s bad form to show up to a wedding looking better than the bride!”
“Please!” I protested. “I’m sure he will be the most beautiful woman here!” I said.
“But she’ll have to work at it, you make it look effortless!” She said.
“Believe me, this was not effortless!” I said.
“So long as it looks like it was, that’s what matters!” She leaned in to kiss her son. “You be nice to this girl!” she warned him. Just then the music started to swell and she hustled back to her seat.
The wedding went off smoothly as did the reception. Carey and I danced most of the night and he proved to be a terrific dancer. He introduced me to many of the people there, many of them complimenting my choice of dress. When we went to meet the bride and groom, she looked me up and down approvingly. “Carey, I’m afraid you understated how lovely Ellie looks!” She pulled me in for a hug, “Tell me you didn’t buy that dress just for tonight!”
“No, I bought it for Carey! I wanted to impress him!” I said truthfully.
“He is impressed, I promise you! We all are” she said. She stepped back, “Please enjoy yourself! Ellie, I look forward to getting to know you better!” She winked at me and moved on to greet the next guest.
The guests started leaving at about 11 PM and the bride and groom shortly after midnight. The music changed from upbeat to slower and I melted into Carey’s arms. “I’m having such a good time!” I said as we swayed back and forth. I tried to pull him closer but he kept his distance. “Is something wrong?” I asked.
“No everything is perfect!” he said. “It’s just I don’t want to presume anything.” He looked at me and stopped moving. “Ellie, you are very special to me. I know we don’t know each other very well and I hope that changes. I just don’t want to appear to be too forward.”
“Wow,” I said. “I appreciate that. Let’s just keep dancing and see where things go, shall we?”
“Okay!” he smiled and we started moving again. I wanted to take him to my bed and tear his clothes off and fuck him all night but something told me that might not be the best thing to do. I decided instead to let him take the lead and see where this went. I pulled him closer and this time he let me. We held each other tightly and I looked up and kissed him softly. I decided that I would extend the offer and whatever he chose would be fine with me.
We were among the last to leave, waiting until the DJ played his last song before he called his friend to come pick us up. We cuddled together in the back seat and when we arrived at my place, I leaned in and kissed him more firmly. “Do you want to come up?” I asked.
“Ellie, I’m tempted but I’m not sure I’m ready for that, not yet. I’ll tell you why someday but please understand.” He kissed me softly. “Good night Ellie, I had a wonderful time!”
“Me too!” I said. The door opened and the driver held his hand out again to help me out. I thanked him and turned to blow Carey a kiss before skipping up the steps to my apartment. As I got undressed, I was not the least bit surprised to find the gusset of my panties soaked. I grabbed my phone and texted Kim, “You up?”
The reply came almost immediately, “Of course! So how was he?”
“Don’t know! I invited him up but he declined. Said he wants to take things slow!”
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing!” Kim said.
“Not yet, but he will, and soon I hope!” I sighed and continued. “I have to go fuck myself to sleep! Say hi to Leilani! Luv U!” I didn’t see her reply because I immediately reached into my nightstand and pulled out my rabbit, sliding it into my sopping cunt and pushing the button. Fifteen minutes later, I fell back, my sheets soaked and my lust sated for the moment.
Later that morning, when I awoke, I saw Kim’s reply to my last text which was a string of naughty emojis and a picture of her looking down at the top of Leilani’s head. Then Carey texted me. “I had such a good time last night! I hope I didn’t disappoint you by turning down your generous offer!”
I smiled when I read it. “Such a gentleman you are! I was a bit disappointed but I agree we should play the long game. If it will happen, it will happen! For the record, I had a great time too! I’d like to see more of you if that’s not too forward. Let me know when we can go out again!”
“Next Saturday night?” he replied.
“Sorry, I have plans but I could change them!”
“No, keep your plans, how about dinner on Sunday?”
“Sunday sounds lovely!” I said. “Let me know the details!” I rolled onto my back and wondered if I should keep my ate with Megan or not. Then I thought of the delicious orgasms she’d given me a few nights before and decided to keep it. I got up and took a shower, sticking the suction cup of one of my toys against the shower wall and fucking myself to another orgasm as I dreamed about taking Carey’s cock inside me.
Megan and I arranged to go to dinner on Saturday evening and then to a movie afterward. After the movie, she invited me back to her place. “Will your roommates be there?” I asked.
“Yeah, they want to meet you?” she said.
“Meet me or ‘meet me’,” I used the air quotes.
“They want to ’meet you’,” she said hopefully.
“I don’t know,” I said. “I have this new thing with Carey and I don’t think I need any more complications in my love life.”
“I’m not asking you to move in with us, just have sex,” she said.
“Thanks, but no,” I said. “You could still come back to my place!”
“You know what, I think I’ll just go home,” she said. “I have an urging for some thick cock tonight and if you don’t feel comfortable joining us, I respect that. Can I take a rain check?”
I got that same feeling as I had when Jenn had promised her husband he could fuck me and my stomach flopped. I couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or if she was hiding something. “Of course,” I said and we kissed. I called two cabs, one for each of us, letting her leave first. For the second Saturday night in a row, I was left to satisfy myself instead of having someone else join me in my bed. Fortunately for me, thanks to some advice from Kim and Jenn, I had just the right tools for the job!
Carey picked me up at 5:00 for dinner, sans limo. I asked where we were going and he said it was a surprise. When we pulled into a driveway, he said, “This is my parents’ house, they invited us. I hope you don’t mind but since you met them at the wedding, I thought it would be okay.”
“It’s fine, I just wish you’d told me. It would have been awful embarrassing for you if I didn’t want to have dinner with them.” He nodded and said he understood.
I was treated like royalty and dinner was excellent, Carey’s dad complimented me on my outfit and his mom on my hair. I hadn’t done anything special but I supposed I looked nice. After dinner, we sat in the living room and Carey’s dad asked him to help him with something in the garage, leaving me alone with his mom.
“Ellie, I hope you don’t mind but there’s something I wanted to talk to you about. I hope you know that Carey is completely infatuated with you but he told me he’s afraid that if he goes too fast he’ll scare you off. He had his heart broken with his last girlfriend and he’s a little gun shy!”
“Oh, I didn’t know anything about that, he never told me,” I said. “I really like Carey, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before. Did he tell you about last Saturday night when he took me home?” She nodded that he had. “At first I was disappointed but when I thought about it I knew there must be a reason. Now that I know about him having his heart broken, I think I understand better.” She reached over and squeezed my hand. “I promise, I will do my very best not to break his heart!”
“That’s all I ask,” she said. She hesitated before continuing. “I know your parents, did you know that?” she asked. I shook my head no. “They told me something about you that surprised me.”
“That I’m gay?” I said. She nodded. “I told them I was because at the time I thought I was. Don’t worry, I’m not.” I sipped my drink before continuing, “Yes, I have been with both women and men, many people my age have been, it’s part of our generation to explore all the possibilities, I think.” She squeezed my hand again.
“I understand completely!” She winked at me and I caught her drift.
The men came back into the room. “What are you two hens cackling about?” his dad asked.
“Hens? Seriously dad? What are you stuck in the ‘50s?” Carey objected. His mom and I both laughed.
“Your mom was just telling me that she knows my parents, maybe it’s time you met them as well,” I said.
“Maybe so,” he said, sitting beside me and taking my hand. We chatted for another hour or so, mostly about my job and the kids in my class. Carey stood up and pulled his mom to her feet. “Thanks, Mom for inviting us. We’ve had a lovely time.” He hugged her.
“Yes, thank you!” I said. “Dinner was excellent and I’m glad to have the chance to get to know you both better!” We said our goodbyes and Carey led me to his car. We chatted on the drive home and when he got to my place, I kissed him. “The offer is still open!” I whispered.
“Not yet!” he replied.
“I understand,” I said. “When you’re ready!” We kissed again and I said goodnight. I watched him drive away and hoped that he’d accept my offer soon.
We began to see each other more frequently and a couple of weekends later, I had him over to my parents’ house for dinner. My mom pulled me aside at one point, “So you’re not gay then?” she asked. I just shrugged and she smiled. “It’s okay, everybody seems to be bisexual these days! Just be happy!”
“I am, Mom. Happier than I’ve ever been!”
That night when Carey drove me home I extended the offer again and this time, he accepted. “Just for coffee,” he said.
“Of course just for coffee!” I joked. “What do you think I’m easy or something?” He laughed nervously as I led him up the steps.
We got inside and I started making coffee. “Maybe you’d like a little something in it?” I asked and he said he would. I poured in a generous shot of rum cream and gave him the cup.
“This is good!” he exclaimed. “What is it?” I told him and he said he’d have to get some.
“Carey, your mom told me about your last girlfriend, how she broke your heart. I’m sorry but I think I understand now why you want to go slowly.”
“Thank you for understanding,” he said. “It’s not like I don’t want to, goodness knows I do but I am afraid that will happen again.”
I held his hand, “Let me ask you a question. Do you think if you spent the night it would change how you feel about me?”
“It would change everything!” he said. “That’s what happened with Gwen, we slept together and I fell head over heels for her. But it’s different with you, I’m already head over heels for you!” We kissed and his hand moved to my thigh. We continued kissing and I hoped he would move it higher but it stayed where it was.
“I need to tell you something,” I said between kisses. He looked at me quizzically. “What I am going to say will change how you feel about me, I am sure of it. But if you are willing to wait until you are sure how you feel about me, you deserve to know.” I knew that my revelation would either make or break our relationship.
“I’m bisexual.” I let that sink in for a moment. “I like being with men and women.”
“Oh,” was all he said. “Do you have a preference?”
I shook my head no. It was only a little white lie.
“I heard a rumour about that. I bumped into one of your colleagues and mentioned that we had dated. She asked me if I knew you were gay. I knew that wasn’t true because you’d invited me up here but I suspected you might be bi.”
He took a deep breath.
“That’s what broke Gwen and me up. We were in bed one night and I asked her what she thought about being with other people. She said it was a hard no and that if I even thought that then she didn’t want to be with me. The thing is, she would try anything between just the two of us but she was dead set against us being with other people. I was happy with that but she said she couldn’t trust me to not seek out my fantasies elsewhere. It almost killed me when she left.”
I held him tightly. “I recently had my heart broken as well. The first woman I was ever with wanted me to sleep with her and her husband. I was fine with it but she all but promised him that I would, you know. It made me so angry that I broke up with her. And then there’s Kim, Kimoko. Last winter, Jenn came to visit me and she brought Kim with her. My God, she is amazing! We had a wonderful week together and I fell for her hard! Now she’s getting married to a different woman next month and while I’m happy for them, it still hurts a little seeing them together.
“Then there’s Megan. She works at my favourite lingerie store and we sort of hit it off. And by hit it off I mean we hit it off! She’s bi as well, in fact, she lives with her girlfriend and her boyfriend. And now she’s leaving in the new year to be with them and my heart got broken again.”
“You said you’ve been with men as well?” he said.
“You are not ready for that story, in truth you might never be but you are missing my point.” I kissed him tenderly. “My point is I have had my heart broken but not my spirit. What happened with Jenn and Kim and Megan has made me see that sleeping around with different people might not be the best way to live my life. Maybe I need a little stability in my life, and not just in the bedroom but in my entire life. Then I met you and I wondered if you might be the stability I need.”
He looked at me for what seemed an eternity. I was beginning to think he might get up and leave but he smiled. “Maybe I am,” he said. He leaned forward and kissed me deeply. “I need to stop being afraid of being wrong and take a chance that I might be right!” He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom, laughing when he saw my collection of toys strewn over the nightstands on both sides of the bed. “Should I read something into the fact that most of your toys are much larger than the average man?”
“Sometimes a girl needs what she needs!” I smiled. He set me onto my feet and we kissed. He took my hand and guided it to the front of his pants. “Mmm! Nice!” I whispered. I got on my knees in front of him and unbuckled his slacks.
“Oh, my! Gwen never did that no matter how much I asked her to!” I stood back up.
“If you’re going to spend the entire night comparing me to your former girlfriend this isn’t going to work!” I whispered. “Now. Let’s start again and this time, if what you are going to say is not a compliment or an expression of how I’m going to make you feel, don’t say it!” I kissed him, “And make no mistake, I am going to make you feel very, very good!”
I sank back to my knees and picked up where I had left off. I noticed the stain at the front of his boxer briefs from the precum that had leaked out. I put my fingers on either side of the waistband and looked up at him. Licking my lips as I lowered them down. I opened my mouth and took him in, letting my lips slide down his shaft as the briefs lowered to expose it. I let them fall and felt his hand on the side of my head. I looked up and he whispered, “You don’t have to do that!”
I took my mouth off him, “I know I don’t have to, I want to!” I took him back in he groaned. I tried to take him into my throat but he was too big – for now. I vowed I would do that for him someday if we lasted that long. I heard his breath quicken and felt his hands take my hair into his fists. I thought to keep going and let him cum in my mouth but I wanted to wait for that. I stood up slowly, unbuttoning his shirt and kissing my way up his body. And such a nice body it was, fit and toned and hairless as though he had been waxed.
I got to his mouth and kissed him. “Let’s do this!” I whispered. “Make love to me!” He undressed me slowly, kissing my skin as it was exposed.
“I love your lingerie!” he breathed as he cupped my breasts and hefted their weight. He reached around to unclasp my bra, fumbling for the clasp.
“It’s in the front!” I giggled and he smiled bashfully. “Oh my, you are adorable!” I whispered. His fingers fumbled with the clasp and I reached up to catch the cups, holding the fabric against my breasts before letting I fall. His reaction to what I considered my best feature was exactly what I hoped it would be.
“Oh my God!” he breathed. “You are perfect!”
“You don’t need to butter me up, you’re going to get laid!” I teased him. He lowered his head and suckled one nipple into his mouth. “Yes! God! Yes! Like that!” I breathed and he switched sides. “A little advice, Carey. When a woman says she likes what you’re doing, keep doing it!” He looked at me and smiled before kneeling down and slipping my panties over my hips.
He kissed my smooth mons, Hmm smooth!” he breathed, the warmth of his breath exciting my clit. “Taste me!” I whispered and I felt his tongue flicked forward and teased my hard little nub. “Yes, just like that!” I spread my legs as far as the panties around my ankles would allow and he pushed his face into me. I let him continue for a moment but I gave in to the desire to have his cock fill me.
I filled my fists with his hair and pulled him up, mashing my lips into his and forcing my tongue into his mouth. “I do taste delicious if I do say so myself!” I grinned between kisses. I pushed him onto the bed and kicked my panties aside before climbing on top of him. I straddled him and locked my eyes on his as I grasped his shaft and lined it up against my opening. I sank down slowly, relishing the satisfying feeling of his cock sliding inside me deeper than any man had before him. I began rocking slowly as I stared at him, “Does that feel good, Baby?”
“So fucking good!” he replied, a growl in his voice. “Ride that cock! Fuck me!” he mumbled as his eyes rolled up. He was a talker, good! I took his hands and placed them on my chest, his palm covering them almost completely.
“Squeeze my tits!” I urged him. “Harder!” He took my nipples between his fingers and pinched them firmly. My eyes rolled up into my head and I inhaled sharply at the pain. “Fuck, YES! LIKE THAT!” I moaned loudly. I opened my eyes and watched his face. He suddenly got the look of an infant concentrating very hard on a basic task. I giggled at the sight for a second until he looked at me. “Fuck me, Carey! Fuck my cunt!”
He pushed upward and held my hips firm to roll me onto my back, his cock staying fully impaled in me.
“Oh God! Carey! YES!”
His lips mashed against mine as he started thrusting. I could feel him swell up as his orgasm neared. “C
um inside me!” I whispered. “Fill my pussy full of your hot cum!” The look
of concentration came back over his face as his hips pummeled mine. Even Kim hadn’t fucked me that hard with the strap-on in that cabin last winter.
He surged forward and emptied himself into me, triggering my orgasm right along with his. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly as he grunted with each spurt of cum. My legs pulled him in and held him into me as I savoured the feeling. When I felt no more surges, I relaxed my arms and he pushed up away from me, kissing me softly. Our foreheads touched and we smiled at each other. “That was fun!” I whispered.
“More fun than that long black toy over there?” he teased.
“Way more fun than that!” I giggled. “Maybe I should get rid of that one now that I have the real thing!”
“No, don’t!” he said. “I’d like to watch you use that!”
“Or you could use it on me!” I suggested.
“That is a great idea!” We kissed some more and then I kissed my way down his body to clean our cum from his cock. He groaned and responded the way I had hoped so I tried again to take him into my throat. Now that he wasn’t quite fully hard it was easier but that didn’t last long. I moved back up to kiss him.
“How about that, do you like that?” I asked.
“It’s not awful!” he said so I moved up and lowered my pussy onto his chin. He licked and lapped at me, taking my clit between his lips and suckling hard every few seconds. He soon had me close again so I stayed put, willing him to make me cum with his tongue. I got my wish a half-minute later and I unleashed the remains of our cum along with a fresh rush of my own. He dutifully lapped up what he could and I moved down to clean off the rest from his lips, cheeks and neck.
“I could use a shower,” I said after our breathing recovered. “Join me?” He smiled and we climbed off each other and padded to the small enclosure. The hot water ran out before he could make me cum again but we remedied that as soon as we got back into bed with me sucking his cock until he came in my throat followed by him licking my pussy until I soaked his face once again.
We fucked again in the morning and shared another shower. We changed my sheets and lay down on top of the bed to talk. “You were right,” he said. “This changes everything!”
“It does, doesn’t it?” I agreed. “Can I tell you something?”
Last night was the first time I’ve been with a man where it was just two of us.” I watched his face as he made the connection.
“You mean you’ve been with two men before but never one man at a time?” I could see he wasn’t quite up to speed on the whole bisexual thing.
“No, silly. Any time I’d been with a man before, there was another woman with us.”
“Is that something you would do for me?” he asked.
“What, be with another woman and you at the same time? Of course! I love threesomes!”
“You are so different from Gwen,” he mused, then I saw the panicked look on his face.
“It’s okay, Sweetie! I’m happy you think that way!” I kissed him softly. “I get that I am probably a lot more experienced than you are and that’s okay.”
“Okay,” he whispered. “Is there anything you won’t do?”
“I haven’t found anything yet!” I said. I’d never done anal but I knew that if he asked me to, I’d try it. “It’s early days!”
“Can I tell you something?” I nodded. “I feel like you were made for me. Every fantasy, every desire I ever had you are ready to make them come true.” He swallowed hard. “Do you have a bucket list?”
“Like things I want to do before I die? Of course, doesn’t everyone?”
“I mean a sexual bucket list,” he said.
“That’s what I meant,” I said. I kissed him. “Although I admit, the list is pretty short.”
“Mine is rather long,” he said bashfully before kissing me. “Although after last night it is somewhat shorter!”
“Perhaps next time we’re together we can discuss our lists and maybe knock off an item or two!” I teased him.
“So you want there to be a next time, then?”
“Oh, my God! Yes!” I breathed and I kissed him again which started another round of us pulling each other’s clothes off and ravishing each other. When we finished, we cuddled. “Remember I mentioned my friend Kim is getting married next month?” He said he did. “It’s on Thanksgiving weekend. Would you like to go with me?”
“I’d love to!” He grinned.