It was well after ten when Bronwyn knocked on the half-open office door. They had agreed to meet later, and Bronwyn had taken the opportunity to tidy up a few things at home before packing up her files and notebook to go to Ciara’s office.
Ciara was sitting at her desk, talking quietly into her headset. The room was bright as always and as Ciara turned towards the door she seemed to recognise Bronwyn’s shape. Probably a combination of the light and the knowledge that she would arrive at this time, Bronwyn smiled.
She noticed that the seating in the office had been rearranged a little. Someone had brought in a cosy blanket and a lap cushion desk. She nodded, showing her appreciation, and entered the room as quietly as possible.
She stayed by Ciara’s side until she ended her call and hung up her headset. Then she leaned down to kiss her lover.
“Haia, Ciara bach. Did you miss me?”
Ciara pulled her closer, turning the little peck into a fiery kiss. Bronwyn leaned further in, opening her lips to welcome the other woman’s tongue.
They parted with a soft moan. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Bronwyn smiled.
Ciara grinned mischievously.
“Thanks for the nice office you’ve set up. How was your date at the museum?” Bronwyn had crossed the room to put her rucksack and laptop bag down on the sofa. Ciara turned in her direction. A wry smile on her lips. “How jealous are you?”
“I don’t think I have a right to be jealous.”
“But still?”
“But still, I might be a bit insecure.” She swallowed. “Ok, very insecure.” She admitted.
Ciara stood and walked towards her. Bronwyn noticed again how gracefully she moved, and how well she knew the room. Reaching out, she took the last few steps until her fingers felt the rough wool of Bronwyn’s thick coat. She let her fingers run down the front of the jacket, finding the trademark toggles. As she stepped closer, she slipped inside the open jacket and hugged her tightly.
“You have no reason to feel insecure. I have a large circle of friends whom I see regularly and whom you will meet sooner or later. But you are my only romantic interest.”
Bronwyn hugged her back and noticed the other woman patting her down carefully. “Are you checking me for weapons?”
Ciara giggled. “No, just wondering if there’s a marmalade sandwich in that duffle coat, I’m feeling a bit peckish.”
“Sorry, but there might be a red woolly hat in one of the pockets.” They both laughed.
On Ciara’s desk the phone came to life and they had to separate. Ciara returned to her desk and Evans set up her own workstation as carefully and quietly as possible. She kicked off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the sofa, draping the blanket around her. Maybe she should put in a request to reorganise her desk at work to make it a bit more comfortable. A sofa and a blanket would certainly help her productivity.
“So, what did today bring?” Ciara had ended the call and looked up in Bronwyn’s general direction. Her answer was a groan. “You mean apart from the stern talk we got from the boss for ruffling the husband’s feathers?”
Ciara frowned. “What you told me this morning didn’t sound like ruffling his feathers.”
“Well, the husband thought we were being rude and unprofessional and insulting his faith.”
“I see.”
“You do?” There was a playful tone in Bronwyn’s voice and Ciara gave her a grimace.
“Sorry.” She muttered. But Ciara just waved it away. “It’s OK, I could never be offended by Paddington.” She giggled.
“PF!” Bronwyn played hurt.
“So, you got a slap on the wrist at work?”
“More than that, we are now forbidden to investigate in Winchester, if we have any questions, we must either ask the Winchester colleagues to investigate for us or contact the husband’s lawyer.”
“That sounds suspicious!”
“It certainly does, but I haven’t found a single clue yet. There is nothing on the computers, no hidden folders, no strange photos left in the bin. Everything seems to be in order.”
“What if he really is just a boring Bible thumper?”
“You haven’t met this guy, there’s something weird about him, he looks and acts so boring and simple, like he’s putting on an act for us.”
“OK, but you didn’t find anything on his computer or in the files?”
Nothing. I’m just getting started on Mrs Smith’s side of the story. We’ve cloned her hard drive, and I’ve got some letters and calendars to flick through.”
“You do that then. I’ll order us some snacks downstairs.”
“Hmm, snacks!”
Ciara had finished another call. While Bronwyn had been busy with the paperwork. But Ciara hadn’t heard paper moving for a while. It was soon time to lock up for the night. And it was time to relieve Bronwyn’s suspicions.
“I went to the museum today with a friend who works there as a guide. She does the tours for the blind and sometimes invites me to test tours for the new exhibitions. I help her find flaws in her presentation and in return I get a free private tour of the new exhibitions.”
Bronwyn tilted her head, looking confused at Ciara, who was now looking a little worriedly in her direction. “You’re still there, aren’t you?”
She snapped out of her stare, “Yes. I’m just, um… I guess I never thought a blind person would go to the museum.” She frowned. “Oh God, saying that out loud sounds even more ignorant than it did in my head.”
“Thank you for noticing it yourself.” Ciara grimaced.
Bronwyn’s brow furrowed further. “I’ve never had reason to think about such things. Call it ignorance, but so far, I’ve only had superficial contact with blind or partially sighted people, and mainly in my professional life. But I would like you to teach me.”
“OK.” There was a softness in Ciara’s face as she leaned back a little. “The museum has tactile tours. In some art museums they make reliefs so you can feel the art. Or they add really detailed descriptions. Blindness is a spectrum. You know, I can still see a little. I can appreciate art, but not just by going to a museum and looking at it, I need help to see it properly, like getting really close or having different lighting.”
“Hmh.” Bronwyn nodded.
“What kind of hmh was that?”
Bronwyn furrowed her brow. “An ‘I understand’ hm. So, if you want to go to a museum you have to book a special tour.”
“Yes, if they offer one. If not, I would find someone I know, who is really good at describing things to me. or I would just not go at all. It’s the same with, say, films. I can’t just say ‘I feel like watching Batman tonight’. I’d have to check if the cinema is showing films with descriptive audio, and if they are, I’d have to hope that the film I want to see is in it. Also, those showings are usually matinees or late night showings, so they’re difficult to schedule.”
Evans smiled as she heard Ciara’s accent slip at the word ‘film’, which she pronounced ‘fillem’.
“I haven’t been to a museum since school.” She admitted.
Ciara grinned, “Next time I’ll take you, the new exhibition is about Greek mythology, and I got to fondle Athena’s bottom today.”
“Oh, so that’s your nickname for me?”
Ciara laughed. “Well, I’d need a direct comparison for that.”
Bronwyn chuckled. “Take a rain check for that? I still have some papers to go through and I don’t want to upset your boss either.”
“Oh, he hardly ever comes down here.” She grinned. “And my shift is over, anyway.”
“Time to put off those last papers then.” Bronwyn stretched out on the couch and closed the folder with a loud slam.
“You didn’t, by any chance, bring the motor pool car?”
“What if I had?”
Ciara’s grin widened. “Then I could get you to bed quicker.”
Bronwyn swallowed audibly. “What happened to let’s take it down a notch?”
“Come on, we spent hours in each other’s company today and we’re still fully clothed, that’s a big step forward, you can’t blame me for wanting to change that, soon.”
“What’s your hobby?” Ciara had fastened her seatbelt. Bronwyn noticed that she wasn’t making an effort to turn around in her seat, but instead was squirming deeper into the cushions.
“Hobby?” She felt Ciara’s hand brush against her thigh. Tracing its shape, it rested just above her knee, squeezing gently. “Like going to museums or the cinema. Book readings, things like that.”
Bronwyn frowned as she put the car into gear. “I like reading. And hiking. I guess those are my hobbies.”
“Good, solid hobbies. And I think I’d like to go hiking with you. If that’s a hobby you’d share.”
Bronwyn smiled, “I think I would like that, but be careful what you wish for once I have dragged you up Yr Wyddfa.”
Ciara frowned, “Wait.” She tried to pronounce the Welsh that rolled off her lover’s tongue so easily. “I know that name, it’s Snowdon! Can we start on easier ground first?”
“Perhaps.” Bronwyn grinned. “We’ll teach you some Welsh pronunciation first.”
She felt the hand on her thigh move slowly upwards. “I’d really like another Welsh lesson,” Ciara’s voice was just a murmur.
“You might want to wait until we get home, or I might have trouble getting us there. I would also like to spend a week in bed with you, but preferably not in a hospital. Just saying.”
Ciara laughed and pulled her hand back to safer ground. “Sorry, I tend to forget we’re driving through traffic.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She smiled.
The moment Ciara’s door opened, they were in each other’s arms, kissing fiercely. For once Bronwyn had brought an overnight bag and dropped everything she was carrying next to the door when she felt Ciara stir at the sound. She smiled against her lover’s soft lips. “Go ahead, I’ll put my bags on the armchair in the living room. There and only there, nothing on the floor, nothing hanging from the arm.”
Ciara sighed. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologise, but if this is going to be a regular thing, I would like a small corner somewhere for my rucksack and a place for a toothbrush.” She kissed the tip of her nose.
“A place for your toothbrush? Are we that serious?” Ciara giggled.
Bronwyn pressed gently against her, pressing her thigh against her crotch. “I don’t know, but if you’re going to take me to bed you’re going to have to accept that I either need a corner or you’re going to be the one tripping over my stuff.”
Ciara gasped as she felt the pressure. “True,” she whispered. “Armchair it is. And there may already be a second glass on the shelf in the bathroom, waiting for a toothbrush.” She grinned.
Bronwyn let go of her and picked up her bags. She watched as Ciara tidied away her handbag and cane before disappearing into the bedroom. As promised, she placed her rucksack on the armchair, took off her boots and placed them on a mat by the front door. Grabbing her toiletries from her bag, she made a quick stop in the bathroom before entering the bedroom through the connecting door.
Bronwyn paused in the doorway to find Ciara already on the bed. All her clothes, more or less in order, were scattered on the chair in the corner of the room. The dim light set off her pale skin. She was in awe of this beautiful woman who now slowly turned her head towards her. “Hello stranger. Come here often?”
Bronwyn grinned, “I hope to.”
Ciara laughed and opened her arms. “Come here.”
“Let me at least get undressed first.” She took off her jumper and trousers.
“Uh, a striptease.”
Bronwyn laughed, “Strip, yes, but the teasing part falls a little flat.” She dropped her clothes on the chair as well.
Ciara smiled, following her movements around the room, she was getting restless on the bed.
Bronwyn stood at the foot of the bed, enjoying the amazing scene unfolding before her. Ciara was lying there, slightly propped up on some pillows, her left leg a little bend. She allowed Bronwyn to see her already swollen lips.
Kneeling on the mattress, she slowly kissed and licked her way up Ciara’s body. The moans and gentle movements she got in response only turned her on even more. She knew that the first drops of her arousal were already seeping out of her. It was a completely new experience for Bronwyn, who had always thought of herself as someone who had difficulties getting wet. And now? The mere thought of Ciara caused a wet spot in her panties.
She moaned as she reached Ciara’s rosebud nipples and took her time caressing and kissing them. Ciara seemed determined to just enjoy and Bronwyn felt her excitement and desperation to be touched growing.
“You’re terribly passive.” She managed between nibbles.
“Can you blame me?” Ciara wrapped her arms around her. “You do all the right things to me.”
Sliding her thigh between Ciara’s legs, Bronwyn moved closer, careful not to rest her whole body on the smaller woman. She felt her hands map her back, moving from her neck to the start of her bottom. She kissed her and saw her brow furrow as she felt her hand move over a certain area of her back. “Is something wrong?”
Ciara blinked. “How did you get those scars? They are so strangely shaped.”
Bronwyn stopped kissing her. “I don’t have any scars on my back.” She felt Ciara’s fingers run over that part of her back again, her touch firmer now. She started to laugh as she remembered what she was feeling. Ciara’s frown deepened.
“Is it possible that you haven’t seen me from behind, at least not in a well-lit room?”
Bronwyn couldn’t say why that turned her on so much, but she knew that Ciara had found the thin raised lines of her back tattoo. The feel of her fingers vaguely following the outlines sent another shiver of excitement through her. She kissed her fiercely, pushed her thigh deeper between her legs, forcing her to spread them wider.
“It’s a tattoo.” She moaned against Ciara’s lips. As her hand wandered between her legs.
Ciara sighed deeply and automatically spread her legs as she felt the finger parting her lips. Her hips began to move as Bronwyn moved her thigh away to make more room.
“Show me.” Ciara moaned.
“Only if you make me come.” Bronwyn’s voice was heavy with lust and Ciara took the initiative, embracing and rolling over the slim, taller woman, now on top of her, rocking back and forth on her hand as her own fingers found her wet and swollen folds. She entered her with force, pushing two fingers inside her as she leaned in for another fierce kiss.
There was a force behind their lovemaking. A strong rhythm and she fucked her hard and fast.
They both needed the release of a passionate orgasm, and they were fast approaching it.
She heard the all too familiar moans and gasps that accompanied Bronwyn’s orgasms and thrust harder into her. She even added a third finger, stretching her friend and fucking her in a rapid rhythm. Ciara was close but she knew Bronwyn wouldn’t last long enough. She heard the massive grunts and moans as she began to tremble and her vaginal muscles spasmed around her fingers.
Bronwyn’s shudder gave her fingers a different twist, she had mirrored Ciara’s rapid rhythm on her clit, now she was pressing against it, rubbing it in long strokes. It was too much for Ciara, the pressure, the sounds and the smell of Bronwyn’s arousal pushing her over the edge. Her orgasm caused Bronwyn to start rocking again.
Still panting, Ciara slid her fingers out and cupped the taller woman. “Still not satisfied?” She found her swollen clit and began to stroke it.
“As if you were done.” She moaned and moved her hand between Ciara’s legs. The smaller woman sighed. She leaned forward and found her lips. “I need your tongue down there. No one has ever eaten me like you do.” Bronwyn turned her hand a little. She let go of Ciara’s sensitive clit to coat her fingers in her wet folds. “Only if…” She hesitated.
“You said you wanted to fuck me like a man. I want you to do that to me.”
“Your wish is my command. But first,” she turned on her back and spread her legs wide, using her hand to part her lips, she exposed her clit to Bronwyn. “Please work your Welsh magic.” She sighed.
Bronwyn didn’t need any more encouragement as she crawled between her lover’s legs, planting kisses on the insides of her thighs. Slowly she worked her way up, kissing and lapping up her sweet juices, flicking her tongue around her sensitive clit. She began to lick and twirl around it, knowing what Ciara liked, she did her best to make her enjoy the experience, stopping from time to time as she came too close to orgasm.
“Please.” Ciara moaned as she stopped again. “Make me come.” Bronwyn smiled and nodded. Pushing harder, she began to suck on her clit again, rolling her tongue around it, it only took two more flicks of her tongue for Ciara to erupt in a massive orgasm.
They both needed a moment to catch their breath. Bronwyn had crawled up beside her again, spooning at her side.
“Are you sure about what you just said?”
Bronwyn nodded. “I assume you have the necessary things at hand?”
Ciara smiled, “You have no idea what delights lurk in my goodies drawer.”
She took Ciara’s hand and pushed it between her legs again. “Then take it out and fuck me.”
Ciara kissed her. When she got up she didn’t turn on the light, Bronwyn watched her in the dimly lit room as she opened a drawer and rummaged around.
Bronwyn rolled over on the bed, took the remote control from the bedside table and turned on the lights in the room. “I want to see what you have there.”
She watched in amazement as Ciara pulled out a harness. There was a slot for a dildo, which she had just taken out of the drawer and connected to the harness with well trained movements. She also attached something to the strap that would go between her legs.
“What’s that?”
“A small clitoral vibrator, I want to enjoy that too.”
“And that?”
Ciara held another small toy in her hand. And blushed at Bronwyn’s question.
“That’s an anal vibrator. It gives me a special little kick, especially when used with a strap-on.”
“Do I want to know why you have such an arsenal?”
“No, you should just enjoy it.” She laid the toys out on the bed, along with the well used tub of lube.
Getting back on the bed herself, she grabbed the lube and squeezed a drop on the anal vibrator, coating it well, then switched it on.
“Do you want to put it inside me?”
Bronwyn nodded, the room was bright enough now and Ciara handed her the toy with a smile. “Can we leave the light on? I want to see your face when I make love to you.” She turned and showed Bronwyn her bottom.
“Yes, I would like that too.” She gently spread Ciara’s cheeks. Her fingers massaged some lubricant around her opening. Ciara moaned as the softly vibrating toy touched her sphincter. “Push it in dear, I can take it easily.”
Bronwyn did as she was told and watched in awe as the small toy disappeared all the way inside Ciara. Groaning and buckling a little, the smaller woman turned around, found the harness and put it on, making sure the small clitoral vibrator was in the correct position. She switched it on and placed a small remote control next to it. Bronwyn noticed that the second toy was not yet vibrating.
“There’s a lot of equipment involved.” She grinned.
“And most of them not for your pleasure, but for mine.” Ciara grinned. “Lie down, dear.”
She was kneeling beside Bronwyn now, the toy protruding from her centre. She squeezed a good amount of lube into her hand, coating the length of the rubber cock.
Bronwyn shivered in anticipation as Ciara slowly crawled between her legs. Another squeeze of lubricant still on her fingers, her hand disappeared between Bronwyn’s legs. The taller woman moaned and automatically spread her legs wider as Ciara massaged the lube into her and adjusted the toy so that it rested simply between her lips, lying down on top of her and resting most of her weight on her arms, she moved up until she was close enough to Bronwyn’s face to kiss her passionately. “Are you still sure?”
Bronwyn nodded and locked eyes with Ciara. “I want you to fuck me, now.”
Ciara grinned. Leaning slightly to the side, her hand disappeared between them. Bronwyn felt the toy move, it’s tip now resting against her opening. Ciara kissed her again and then watched her closely as she slowly pushed the toy inside her.
Bronwyn’s eyes widened as the girth of the dildo spread her, it moved inside her with ease and felt so amazing inside her. She moaned and closed her eyes in bliss.
Ciara began to move inside her in a slow, steady rhythm. “Open your eyes. I want you to see how I fuck you.” She moaned. She had switched on the other vibrator and was also moaning with pleasure.
Bronwyn slowly opened her eyes and stared into Ciara’s amazing turquoise eyes, which were now a lustful vibrant green.
She pushed deeper into her, enjoying the steady, long strokes. And the pressure they put on the vibrator in her anus. Seeing Bronwyn like this heightened her lust as she could see the pleasure she was giving her on the darker woman’s face.
Bronwyn wrapped her arms around Ciara and held her close, not breaking eye contact for a second. Ciara felt her own orgasm approaching and began to move faster, seeing the telltale signs in Bronwyn’s face as well, she was close.
“Oh God, I’m so close, this feels amazing.” She gasped, “Please don’t stop.”
Ciara heard the special way Bronwyn inhaled sharply and knew she could let go now. Grinding deep into her, she turned her hips a few times. Bronwyn leaned towards her and let out a deep, lustful moan, followed by what sounded like screamed Welsh curses. She took Ciara with her, who also cried out in an earth-shattering orgasm as a stream of fluid sprayed from her. She felt Bronwyn’s strong hand on her ass cheek, holding her close as the last waves of her orgasm still shook her.
“What was that. Why is everything so wet?” She was still breathing hard.
Ciara looked lovingly into her eyes, “That was a female ejaculation.”
“Did the vibrators do that?”
Ciara grinned, “they certainly helped, but fucking you and seeing the lust in your eyes did that.” She turned off the clitoral vibrator and looked at Bronwyn. “Can you reach the butt plug and turn it off? Otherwise, it’ll wear me out.”
“And we can’t have that!” Bronwyn’s hand slipped under the strap and found the button to turn the toy off. But she couldn’t resist the urge to move it back and forth inside Ciara.
Groaning, the smaller woman stirred and moved closer to Bronwyn, who felt the rubber dick move inside her.
Slowly Ciara pulled away to let the dildo slip out of her.
Wiggling out of the harness she let it drop to the side of the bed. “Did you enjoy this?”
“Very much.” Bronwyn snug closer. “We definitively have to repeat that, but I am spent now.”
“Me too.” She switched off the lights.
Ciara stirred beside her. They had fallen asleep in each other’s arms and when Bronwyn had woken earlier, she had held her close, enjoying the warmth of her form against her skin. For a while, she had just listened to her breathing. She felt so at home here, so at ease with this woman and, she had to admit, they had done things to each other over the past few nights that she hadn’t even dreamed of. Slowly, her thoughts began to drift.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” Ciara’s drowsy voice brought her back to the here and now.
“Who says I’m not sleeping?” She whispered.
“For one, you answered me.” Ciara’s arms pulled her closer. “And two, there’s a cute sniffle in your breathing when you sleep.”
“Sniffle. I see.” Bronwyn smiled. “Go back to sleep.”
“Why are you awake?” Ciara sounded worried.
“I just woke up and got lost in my thoughts.” Bronwyn shrugged gently.
“What thoughts?”
“I was wondering about Mrs Smith. The woman I was when I entered the scene that morning wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at the fact that this woman only seemed to get sexual relief once or twice a year. I would never have thought twice about the apparently cold and unemotional marriage”.
“And you’re not that woman anymore?”
“I don’t think so. You have taught me a lesson or two in the last few days. What you said earlier about going to the cinema or to exhibitions. My first impulse is that I wish it were easier, that you could go and see a film as easily as I do, just because those functions are available.”
Ciara mumbled her agreement.
“Shouldn’t this basic empathy be the basis of a relationship? There was no empathy with this man. I can’t help but wonder what happened to these two people to make them fall out of love with each other so badly. It seemed as if they were barely sharing the same space. And I continue to wonder about outlets. I told you about the art books, and we heard about the escorts she took to exhibitions and concerts. If that was her only outlet, why isn’t it reflected more in her home?”
“You’re terribly awake.” Ciara snuggled closer. “Go back to sleep and we’ll brainstorm over breakfast, I promise. And if you want to get up early, the German bakery around the corner opens at six and I take my tea milky and sweet.”
She felt Ciara’s hand on her lower back, gently caressing her back to sleep.
Ciara hated waking up in autumn and winter, when the sunlight didn’t quite reach the large windows, and everything was dim and dark. When everything was reduced to dull shapes, or worse, disappeared into the void. She could smell them. All their escapades last night had left an olfactory trail on her sheets. Smiling, she stretched a little. She loved Bronwyn’s scent, but there was something else mixed in. Ciara could smell fresh coffee and fresh bread. Slowly she opened her eyes, as she had expected, to find everything around her a dark blur. She sighed and felt around the sheets beside her, expecting to find Bronwyn’s waist, she was slightly confused by the shape her fingers found, it took her a second to identify it as her thigh.
“Good morning Ciara bach, did you sleep well?”
“Hmhm” She moved closer, hugging her leg and kissing her thigh. “Do I smell bread?” Bronwyn’s soft skin muffled her voice.
“We’ve got croissants, fresh German rolls and I have no idea what a Nussstriezel is or how to pronounce it properly, but it looks epic!”
“You’ve already been to the bakery? Wow.”
“Well, it was your idea.”
Ciara frowned, “Don’t tell me you’ve been up since then?”
“No, I fell asleep again, but woke up at my usual time, got dressed, stole your keys, got breakfast. You know the rest.”
Running a finger down her leg, Ciara lifted her head a little. “I appreciate the being undressed again.”
Bronwyn made a cosy noise. “I didn’t want to mess things up in your kitchen, so there’s a tea to go on your bedside table. Milky tea, awfully sweet.”
“Hmm, just the way I like it.” Ciara reluctantly let go of her and slowly sat up. Rubbing her eyes, she blinked a few times, trying to concentrate.
“Do you mind if I turn on the big guns?”
“Of course not.”
Ciara turned to her bedside table to find the remote control for the room lights, careful not to upset her cup.
The bright light flooded the room. Ciara blinked a few times and then smiled at Bronwyn. She leaned over and kissed her nose. “There you are.”
“It’s magic!” The taller woman grinned.
Ciara arranged her pillows and sat beside her. “You mentioned Nussstriezel?”
She held her hands out in front of her and waited for Bronwyn to hand her whatever she had prepared. She felt a tray being placed between them and Bronwyn took her hand. She placed it on a pastry and began to list. “This is the Striezel, on twelve there’s a croissant, on three there’s two rolls, a pot of jam on nine and another Striezel on six.” She moved her hand to a cold surface. “There’s your plate, and there’s some cutlery on the right. Drinks, as mentioned on the bedside table.”
Ciara took her plate and went back to the striezel, putting it on the plate. “I could get used to this. But who is going to eat all this food?”
Bronwyn shrugged, “It all looked so delicious, I think I might take the leftovers to work, and you can pack a snack too.”
Ciara grinned, “I haven’t packed a snack in ages. But then… Striezel!” She bit into the sticky pastry.
Groping for her tea, she swallowed. “What’s on the agenda for today? I seem to remember you thinking about the Smiths last night.”
“Yes. I need to talk to Harrison today. She must have had a confidant somewhere closer to home. Also, this cold relationship, I wonder if I can dig up something about the husband. But I have to tread carefully.”
Ciara nodded. “I might be able to help with the husband at least.”
“What do you mean?” Bronwyn turned her full attention to her.
Ciara took a sip of her tea. “I might have called someone who could shed some light. But he hasn’t called back yet.”
“Please elaborate.” There was a note of tension in Bronwyn’s voice.
“The day before you went to Winchester, I had some time on my hands and wanted to find out about the cathedral and the congregation. I remembered a reverend, he’s C of E. The Reverend Milton Harris, he was a guest at the hotel years ago. Somebody had paid for his room so he could go to a function at the hotel. Something very high class. Long story short, as soon as the official part of the function was over, he excused himself, feeling terribly out of place. He wandered down the corridors, looking for the back stairs to smoke a secret cigar and wandered into my office by accident”.
“Aha, and you called this C of E Reverend?”
“On a whim, yes, I remembered he had a congregation somewhere in the south and thought, even though it’s a different church, he might be able to explain some of the finer points to me.”
“And you contacted a complete stranger and told him details of my case?”
“In a way, yes.” She trailed off. “You’re angry with me, aren’t you?”
Evans sighed. “Let’s just say I’m not pleased. Why did you do that?”
Ciara took another drink, playing for time. “Do you remember what I said about Catholic school and Mrs Winter?”
Ciara grinned, the tone in her lover’s voice had softened as curiosity got the better of her.
She shrugged. “It was about the Catholic girls’ school and Mrs Winter and Catholic guilt. Mrs Winter was the pious school secretary, a prayer short of a nun, who always guilted us into submission. She made us write commandments and prayers. When I was diagnosed at fourteen, she told me it was God’s way of punishing me for my impure thoughts. She had caught me making out with Gloria behind the gym.”
“His what?” Ciara could hear the anger in Bronwyn’s voice.
“Yeah, whatever, and believe me, Gloria’s tits were worth going blind for.” She giggled.
“Pictures or it didn’t happen!” There was an obvious smirk in her voice. “But now go on, about Mrs Winter, we can talk about Gloria’s tits later.”
“Mrs Winter was a false saint. That’s what it came down to. Years later we found out that she had a son out of wedlock, and being the pulpit swallow that she was, there were rumours that his father was the local priest. She used all her pious behaviour to make up for her shortcomings. This got me thinking. Ruby and Melody both said that Mrs Smith was so lonely. That her husband ignored her, there was no closeness, no intimacy, yet he managed to make her feel so guilty that she didn’t even dare touch herself. I am just convinced that he has an outlet. Either that or he is completely asexual.
“You made that connection days ago?” Bronwyn sounded stunned.
“Well, it was a thought.”
“And where does Reverend Harris come in?”
“Right there. When he walked into my office all those years ago, we spent a delightful evening chatting and philosophising about religion. He is a very intelligent man, and someone with strong opinions about the Church’s abuse of power. I remember him as a good man, trustworthy and sensitive”.
“Ok, I should be really angry. But maybe this Reverend can help us get around the restrictions the bosses upstairs have put on us.”
“I hope so, but I haven’t heard from him yet. Maybe I’ll call him later.”
Ciara heard the clatter of crockery as Bronwyn put away their empty plates. She felt her weight shift beside her and thought it safer to put her cup down.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, I still have three hours before I have to be at work.” Bronwyn snuggled closer. “And when I got up this morning, I took the harness and dildo to clean them.” She kissed Ciara’s bare chest. “Which, by the way, are just to your right on the floor next to the bed.” Her hand began to explore Ciara’s torso, wandering over her waist. “Well, I was wondering where the other toy had gone.”
Ciara felt the hand slide down her bottom, finding the plug that was still buried inside her, and pushing gently.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable?”
She blushed, “No, I rather enjoy it.” She felt Bronwyn press the button and the toy came to life.
Ciara gasped. “Who’s the one with the appetite now?”
Bronwyn just grinned and pulled her in for a kiss.
“You want that rubber dick inside you again?” Ciara moaned against her lips.
“If you would be so kind.” Bronwyn grinned, her hand exploring Ciara’s lips. “You’re already terribly wet.”
She felt Ciara’s hand slide between her legs. “You’re one to talk.” With ease, her fingers disappeared inside her lover.
“You still owe me that tattoo, I want to see it.”
“Well, a girl needs her secrets…” Bronwyn chuckled as Ciara turned away from her. She fumbled for the belt and got back into it.
“How badly do you want to get fucked?” She raised an eyebrow.
Kneeling on the bed, Ciara had fumbled around for the lubricant and squeezed a good amount into her hand, giving the toy a wet hand job as she looked at Bronwyn. “Show me the tattoo. Turn around and get down on your knees.”
Bronwyn looked at her, turned on by the amazing view. She nodded and did as she was told. She sat up straight on her knees and turned her back to Ciara.
She felt her fingers run down her back. “It’s huge! How did I miss this!”
“Well…” Bronwyn giggled. “Can you see the design?”
“Let me get closer.” There was an undertone to her voice and Bronwyn gasped as she felt the rubber dildo slide between her legs. Ciara moved it slowly back and forth without entering her. She felt her fingers finding the lines of the design again.
“Considering you’re a proud Welsh woman. I suppose this is a Welsh dragon?”
Bronwyn nodded and groaned, “Yes.”
“It’s amazing. What a beautiful tattoo.” Bronwyn heard the faintest click, followed by a low hum.
“But now I need you to bend down, please.” Ciara’s voice was a lustful moan.
Bronwyn obeyed, dropping to her elbows and feeling Ciara’s hand on her hips as she guided the dildo inside her. Gasping, she took the full length of the toy which, in this position, stroked her G-spot.
Leaning over her back, Ciara’s hand moved up her torso, finding her sensitive breasts. She squeezed them as she began to thrust into her.
Moving at a much faster pace, Ciara, already aroused from having the butt plug inside her all night, needed a strong and quick release. And she wanted to make Bronwyn come hard. She loved the loud moans and the Welsh curses. In this position she saw the dark red tattoo on her back move in sync with her thrusts. Leaning back again, her hands finding her hips to steady her, she picked up the pace. Bronwyn was panting and moaning, Ciara knew she was hitting her G-spot with every thrust. As the first waves of her own orgasm hit her, she heard the telltale gasp, she felt Bronwyn push towards her, to impale herself even deeper on the toy as she came.
Keeping the toy buried deep inside her, Ciara’s hand found her lover’s clit, massaging it through the waves as her own clit was teased by the vibrator.
She could get used to this.