It was a rainy Sunday afternoon on the first of August when Tim answered the door to find Malik standing there. Tim frowned when he saw the teen. “What’s up, Malik?” he asked. “I don’t see how you can work on the gutters today.” It had been raining all week; they had really figured that the young man would have finished the job of cleaning the gutters by now, but the weather had not cooperated for several days in a row.
The teen shook his head. “Nah, Mister M,” he replied. “I know that I can’t get up on the roof today, it’s too wet. That’s kinda why I came over,” he stated.
Tim looked puzzled. “How so?” he asked. “I wouldn’t let you get up there and risk getting hurt. We talked about that back when it first started raining. I’m sorry, I don’t really have any other work for you to do right now. Anything else we might need is pretty much all outside work.”
The young man nodded. “Naw, it’s all good, Mister M. I didn’t come to look for more work. I came to tell you I’m sorry, I won’t be able to do the gutter job after all…” The black teen paused for a long moment with an unhappy expression on his face. Finally, he spoke again. “I came over because I gotta say goodbye. I leave in the morning.”
Tim’s face was open confusion. “I don’t understand. Today is the first of August. I thought your mom was driving you down next Monday. Why are you leaving a week early?”
Malik frowned deeply. “My uncle landed a construction job fifteen minutes from the school. He called my mom and asked if I could help them this week. The pay is really good, and it saves my mom from having to take a day off work to drive me down.”
Tim nodded. “Well, that makes a lot of sense. April and I are happy for you, but I won’t lie – we will miss having you around. You’ve done some great work.” The older man paused awkwardly. “And we have, ah, enjoyed getting to know you.”
The teenager offered a weak smile. “Thank you, Mister M. Y’all have been good to me, and I appreciate it.”
Malik stood there awkwardly for a moment, and glanced past Tim into the house. “Is… uh, is Mrs. M home?” he asked a little clumsily. “I’d… uh, I’d like to get to tell her goodbye too, if I can.”
Tim frowned slightly. “April is here, yes. She’s doing Pilates right now; but she’s really not a fan of being interrupted.”
April had always been funny about exercise; she hated for Tim to watch her or say anything to her when she was doing any of the yoga, Pilates, or weight training routines she did at home. Despite that, she apparently didn’t have the same reservations about people seeing her when she took a class at the gym; Tim had long since given up trying to figure out the difference.
Tim took a breath and made a choice. “Why don’t you come in and have a soft drink?” he asked. “We’ll kill a few minutes, and you can say goodbye to April once she’s done.”
Malik agreed, and the pair moved inside and took seats in the living room while they chatted – giving April and the master bedroom a wide berth while she exercised. The two of them talked for ten minutes or so, discussing school and the teenager’s plans. Presently, they heard a feminine voice from down the hall.
“Baby,” April called, “who was at the door?”
With a glance at the teen, Tim answered. “It’s Malik, babe. He’s leaving for school early, he came to say goodbye.”
Momentarily, the redhead appeared in the hall. She was dressed in a teal tank top that showed her flat stomach, and wore coordinating yoga shorts. A slight flush of exertion graced April’s cheeks; as she often described it, Pilates was yoga for masochists. It was overall a considerably more difficult physical activity than yoga, and while she never seemed to truly enjoy it, she did like the core strength and flexibility benefits it brought.
April wore her own expression of confusion. “What do you mean, goodbye?” she demanded. “You aren’t due to leave for a week! We were supposed to have a nice dinner next Sunday to say goodbye.”
Malik shrugged and shook his head. “My uncle got a new construction job close to the school. He called my mom to see if I could work with him this week. I’d make really good money, and it would save her from having to take off of work to drive me to school. So I have to go.” The teenager didn’t seem at all happy about the development.
April pursed her lips, but her tone was kind. “Well, it’s disappointing to miss out on a going away dinner, but life is like that; plans change, surprises happen. We will miss you, young man.”
She stepped forward and pulled the teen into a warm hug. “Good luck. We wish you the best, Malik,” April spoke softly.
The hug lasted a good bit longer than hugs – even long goodbye hugs – typically do. April finally pulled out of the embrace, but really only managed to take a half step back, as Malik kept his hands on her waist. “I was wonderin’…” Malik suggested quietly. “If we could, you know, maybe one last time…” he trailed off.
Up until now, Malik had completely respected the couple’s limits for the entire summer; he had never once asked, suggested, or even hinted at anything sexual unless April gave some sort of sign that she was open to it. It had really helped to keep the lines clearly drawn between “their son’s friend who the Masons were helping out with some work” and “the barely legal kid that April was fucking”. But now, the young man was breaking the agreed-upon rules by openly asking April for sex. Yes, it was an unusual situation, but Tim was pretty unsure as to how his wife would respond – or how he should feel about it.
The suggestion seemed to catch April flat-footed; she didn’t immediately answer, and her expression was torn as she appeared to consider the request. Malik took her lack of an immediate denial as a tacit approval, so he stepped in a bit closer to her and allowed his right hand to circle back behind the wife’s back and slide down to rest on the bright form-fitting fabric covering her ass.
April frowned slightly at the contact, though her husband noted that she didn’t make a move to pull away. “Um, Malik,” she murmured, “I’m not sure if this is, ah, a good idea. Maybe we, uh…”
Rather than pause, Malik leaned in and administered a kiss onto April’s lips. At first, the redhead’s body language was stiff, but just when it seemed that she would pull away and put a decisive end to things, she seemed to relax. As her husband watched, she went from being a complete non-participant to passively allowing the contact to starting to actively return the kiss.
Tim could see the young black man’s hands roaming all over the tight green yoga shorts while he locked lips with his friend’s mother. As April’s returned kisses became more enthusiastic, the temperature in the room seemed to rise – as did Tim’s pulse. Then, Malik reached over with his left hand and encircled April’s wrist, directing it to his crotch.
“C’mon, girl… you know you wanna feel that one more time before I go,” he quietly asserted. “And I’ve been savin’ it up all week for you. I ain’t touched it at all.”
When Tim heard his wife moan as she apparently wrapped her head around the teenager’s thick member, he knew that Malik was correct – and that this was absolutely going to happen one more time.
After a little more kissing, touching, and stroking, the trio had made their way to the master bedroom; there just didn’t seem to be any sense in dealing with being uncomfortable in the living room. As she stood near the foot of their bed, the redhead made soft mewing sounds; Malik’s thick lips were on April’s creamy neck, and his right hand was inside the front of her shorts, with the location and motion of the bulge giving away the fact that the teen had at least one finger buried inside of the wife’s vagina. April looked for Tim and made eye contact; the feral, almost borderline panicked expression on her face caused the breath to catch in his throat.
Concern on his face, Tim stepped close. “Are you okay?” he asked softly as he slipped an arm around his wife’s back.
April’s eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth opened in a pant.
“Oh God,” she moaned, “Baby, I… I…” April trailed off for a moment as her face morphed into a mask of intense concentration. She drew in a ragged gulp of air, then opened her eyes and fixed Tim with that pleading, hungry gaze that haunted his dreams. “Oh God… I want it,” she declared in a near whisper, her voice full of need. “I really… ah… I want it…” She drew a breath. “But maybe… ah…”
Tim’s boxers felt so confining to his raging erection, and his wife’s words only served to make him harder. While he still got that same adrenaline rush from the idea of sharing his wife with the black teen, his experiences doing so over the summer had lightened some of the negative feelings he felt around it. There was less of the nausea, less of the fear… but the desires themselves had, if anything, grown stronger.
With a glance at Malik, Tim slid his hands over his wife’s toned stomach and grabbed the bottom of her tank top. In one smooth motion, he pulled it up and over her head, then wasted no time in unhooking her gray sports bra and likewise removing it. As Tim tossed the clothing aside, April’s pale breasts came into full view, causing Malik to grin and take one of her pink nipples into his mouth. Trim gave his wife an evil grin as he leaned in and began to suck on the other nipple himself as April groaned with desire.
April was squirming, rolling her hips, panting, and vocalizing little moans. It was clear that she was on fire, beyond ready to progress things to another level. Malik shook his head as he withdrew his hand from her shorts. “Damn, Mister M,” he stated. “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt a pussy that wet. She needs it bad, man.”
Tim felt lightheaded from how fast his heart was racing. The teen surely had the truth of his wife’s current situation, judging from her body language. As Malik continued to suck on April’s nipples and run his hands over her body, Tim knelt down and hooked his thumbs under the waistband of her yoga shorts.
Instead of slipping the clothing off quickly, Tim chose to really drink in the moment; after all, this would probably be the last chance they ever would get to play with Malik… who knew if they would ever play like this again with anyone?
He slowly peeled the tight shorts down, revealing that top of April’s sexy, little pale mound, then the tuft of red hair, then the crack of her lips. By now, Tim knew what to expect, and was not disappointed – when the fabric got low enough to leave a gap between his wife’s now-bare vulva and the crotch of her shorts, the strong scent of her arousal washed over him, sending a charge of erotic thrill through Tim’s body as her feminine aroma triggered a part of his brain that was beyond his understanding.
As the shorts slid lower, Tim found himself drinking in every detail of his wife’s vulva. How the normally tiny lips were already darker pink, engorged with blood, and glistening with her slickness. How her petite little clit, usually hidden from view, was swollen and partially emerged from its hood. How her opening, typically hidden from view, was partially visible and pouting with fluid.
If there was somehow any doubt as to how turned on April really was, when Tim noticed that a clear, sticky rope of discharge connected the crotch of the yoga shorts to his wife’s pouting opening, the doubt was eradicated. After the rope stretched out for several inches before finally breaking, Tim realized that not only were her labia visibly wet with her lubrication, but that there was fluid trickling down the inside of his wife’s thigh.
“Oh my God,” Tim breathed huskily as he slid the shorts off of his wife’s foot. “Baby, you’re so wet that it’s running down your leg!”
Malik made a sound that was almost a growl; Tim looked up and realized that while he had been pulling off his wife’s shirts, the teen had discarded his own clothing. The thick ebony shaft jutted out obscenely from the skinny kid’s body; April’s white hand encircled it as best she could while she stroked it slowly.
The teenager pulled away, spun the redhead around, and leaned her over the couple’s marital bed. April automatically spread her feet wide to allow Malik to move in from behind; he grabbed this fat dick in his left hand and began rubbing it against the wife’s dripping opening. Tim slowly came to his feet, his gaze locked intently on the spot where his wife’s body was about to be joined with the black teen’s.
“You ready for this big dick one more time, girl?” the teenager asked unnecessarily. If the strong aroma of April’s feminine musk hasn’t somehow answered that, if the absurd wetness of her vagina didn’t give the answer, the fact that April’s head hung low, her flaming curls obscuring her face while she rotated her hips and pushed back against the big black cock clearly communicated her desire.
But Malik wanted to hear it – he wanted his friend’s mother to openly tell him that she wanted that dick inside of her. After a little teasing and one more query from the teen, she did so.
“Fuck yes, I’m ready, Malik,” April moaned. “Please, baby, give it to me. Please fill me up with that big cock of yours! Just have to…”
“Awww yeah,” the teen interrupted with a grin as April’s words burned through Tim’s body in a jolt. Like he had that very first night, Malik released his cock, grabbed both of the wife’s pale hips with his dark hands, and gripped her tight. “Here it comes, baby,” he declared as he pushed – hard.
For several long moments, nothing happened. But then, April groaned in what her husband would have sworn was pain, had he not spent the summer hearing that noise come from her being stretched by the young man’s oversized phallus. But he had now grown used to hearing this sound, this vocalization of discomfort offset by intense pleasure and a need for even more. As Tim watched, the gap between his wife’s creamy ass and Malik’s dark body dropped by more than half on just the first thrust.
Two thrusts later, April was nearly sobbing with pleasure as Malik had all but the last inch or so inside of her. In all of the times they had fucked, it always took the redhead a little time to get accustomed to the ten’s massive penis; he always had to fuck her for at least a couple of minutes before he could get the last bit to fit inside of her.
“Mmmuuhh yes,” she babbled, “so full… hunnnh yes… fuck yes…”
The young man gave the redhead maybe a half dozen full strokes when her first orgasm hit. As she broke into sobbing moans, Malik threw his head back and groaned. “Damn it, she soakin’ me again!” he exclaimed. “Fuck, there ain’t no pussy like this!”
Sure enough, Tim could see the dark streak on their comforter where April’s cunt was leaking fluid all over the thick black cock. Tim felt wistful jealousy; he had never managed to get that reaction from his wife’s body, and now that Malik was leaving for school, Tim wondered if he would ever see her respond like this again.
Now, the young man began fucking his friend’s mother in earnest. Malik gave long, powerful, full strokes, driving into the redhead at a steady, unrelenting pace. With every stroke, he drove that fat dick as far inside of her as he could, causing her to grunt with each impact. The “uh, uh, uh” noises that escaped April’s throat as her head lolled on the bed were just so casually sexy to Tim that he could barely stand it.
As Tim watched – trying to carefully stroke his own cock so as to enjoy things but not come too quickly – April’s pleasure began to ramp up higher and higher. As her moans and cries grew louder and more urgent, Malik began putting more force into his thrusts, which in turn amplified the redhead’s responses.
And then, it happened. Malik drove that hefty tool in with extra force, and April’s vagina gave way, allowing him to sink the entirety of his prodigious length inside of her body. As his balls came to rest against the redhead’s upturned ass, a shattering orgasm broke through her body, causing her to groan and cry and shake like she was having a seizure. As Tim’s own member began to throb in response, he released it for fear of orgasm; he didn’t know that he would ever get used to seeing his wife react the way that she did to the kid’s massive black cock.
Malik held himself in place as deeply as he could, slowly grinding his cock in little circles while April’s vagina rhythmically squeezed his penis, and curses and groans escaped her lips. He wore a smug grin as he reveled in the sensations that she gave him – and in the power he felt over the woman. She might be a smart, attractive, witty, respected woman… but when he got all of his big dick inside of her, she was reduced to a sobbing mess by his cock.
“That’s right,” he cooed. “You love that, don’t ya? You want all of that in you. You want it in there as far as I can put it.”
As April pulled in several large gulps of air, she struggled to answer. “God yes it’s… ah… so good,” she admitted. “So good. Huhhh…”
But then, she raised her head, and Tim realized there was another look on her face as the teen had resumed fucking her. “But Malik, you need to… ahhh… puh… wait… It’s… ahhh… not… time…”
The teen didn’t seem to hear her, or perhaps he didn’t process what she was trying to say. He had returned to his full, powerful strokes, and it was having a decided impact in April. More involuntary noises escaped her throat, and she seemed to be losing the ability to speak. “Huh… mean it… you… ahhh… puh… ah….”
April’s head dropped for a moment, then she turned to the side and found Tim’s eyes. “Please,” she offered in a pleading tone.
Tim stepped up. “Hang on, Malik,” he stated firmly. “I think that she needs a second.”
The young man looked over at Tim, and while Malik wore an expression of major disappointment, he complied, pulling his fat, long, wet black dick out of April, who sagged down onto the bed. Tim moved close down to her face and spoke in a near whisper. “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.
April just panted for several long moments before turning her head and looking at Tim. “I’m good,” she replied. “Too good. It’s so fucking amazing, baby… but it’s a bad day for this.”
Tim frowned, trying to count back to her last period. “It’s a risky day?” he asked.
April nodded. It’s the worst day,” she confirmed. “I thought that I’d be okay, but it’s just so much, I don’t know if I could stop…” she trailed off.
“What’s wrong?” Malik asked, his disappointment now given way to concern. “Did I do somethin’ wrong?” he wondered aloud.
April climbed up on the bed and rolled to her back. “No baby, it’s nothing like that,” she answered. “It’s just… today is a bad day for me.”
Now, the teen looked confused. “I don’t get it. You was into it. What do you mean, a bad day?” he asked.
April giggled. “I mean, it’s risky for us to have sex like this. I’m not just fertile – I’m ovulating today,” she explained. “If you cum inside of me, you might get me pregnant!”
As she made her statement, Tim groaned softly. April shot him a sideways glance as Malik replied. “I can be careful, then. Really,” the teen said.
April frowned. “I don’t know, Malik. This is the riskiest day of my cycle.” She paused. “And to be fair, it’s not just you – it gets so good for me that I don’t know if I could stop.” She shook her head.
Malik grinned. “Naw, I’ll just pull out, then. Like I told you before, I ain’t gonna be no dad at eighteen. Don’t worry about it.”
The redhead looked unconvinced as she looked at her husband. “What do you think, baby?” she asked with worry in her voice.
Tim had to swallow before he could even try to speak. Rationally, he knew that this needed to stop now. Hell, Malik had already been leaking pre cum into his wife like crazy; there was a chance that he had already put sperm inside of her! Tim had seen April do this enough to know that she absolutely lost control during sex with Malik and his massive cock; he knew that the risk of her being unable to stop was very real. Was he really willing to bet his wife’s fertile womb against the self-control of a teenager?
Even as he contemplated those rational thoughts, Tim felt those same dark intrusive desires from his kinks demand to make themselves heard, as well. He would never admit it out loud, but even though the idea of the black teen inseminating his wife terrified Tim, made him nauseous to even ponder… a twisted part of his psyche desperately wanted to see it happen. He loved seeing that big black cock slide out of April’s little pink pussy, loved seeing the teen’s thick white load slip out of his wife after she had been filled with semen. To know that the big cock had deposited the young man’s spunk into her womb, the idea that those sperm might be searching out April’s egg… it was revolting, it was terrifying, it was something that some part of Tim wanted to see more than anything else in the world.
He sucked in a ragged breath and responded carefully as he absently reached down and began rubbing April’s thigh. “I think that needs to be your choice,” he offered. “Malik has always been responsible, but it is really risky.”
Tim’s wife frowned at him, so he continued. “Look, I’m not going to lie,” he stated evenly. As he spoke, Tim’s hand had moved up; he was slowly teasing his wife’s wet clit as he talked… though truth be told, he wasn’t really aware that he was doing so. “You know how much I love seeing you take Malik’s big dick. I love when you come all over him. I love the sounds and faces you make when he’s fucking you. This is my biggest kink, and it may be the last chance I get to see it… so yes, I’d like to see it. But this needs to be your choice,” he finished firmly.
April closed her emerald eyes and shuddered; whether it was from his words, his ministrations on her clit, or her own desires around Malik, Tim was unsure. But when she opened them again, her expression had a faraway, dreamy quality to it. “Okay,” she murmured. “He can fuck me some more. He just needs to be careful.”
A huge smile covered Malik’s face as he climbed up on the bed; April’s legs fell open as he approached, and Tim withdrew his hand from his wife’s clit. If the teen had lost any hardness, Tim couldn’t see it; a quick aim, a hard push, and a groan came from the redhead as the teen’s penis was once more seated firmly inside of her body.
For the next few minutes, Malik kept his back straight as he drove his massive phallus in and out of April’s body. She crested orgasm twice, and after the second time, seemed to collapse into a ragdoll-like state, her body flopping about as the teenager continued to pound away at her cunt.
Tim could read the signs of strain begin to touch Malik’s face; he knew that the young man wouldn’t last much longer. Even as Tim realized that fact, Malik lowered his body down onto April’s; the change in angle gave him even deeper penetration, and caused the wet squelching noses from their sex to grow even louder.
April seemed to start to come back to life; she looked up, slid her hand behind Malik’s head, and drew the teen into a deep kiss. As Tim watched with his own cock in his hand, he could see both his wife’s and the black kid’s jaws move as their tongues danced inside of one another’s mouths.
Malik pulled away from the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gulps even as April started crying out again. “Girl, I’m ‘bout to nut,” he warned.
With a start, Tim realized that April had her fingers splayed wide, her pale hands on Malik’s dark hips, as she pulled him tightly to her body. Seeing her creamy fingers buried in his chocolate flesh was perhaps an even more powerful visual than the first time it had been when Tim had witnessed it the other way around. The redhead’s expression was intense as she focused deeply into Mallik’s eyes.
“Shit… it’s right there, baby,” he stated urgently. “Got to pull out now if you don’t want all this cum deep inside of you…”
Tim had read of situations where people were entirely conscious but seemed unable to move. At the moment, that described him perfectly. Despite his kinks, he knew that he should grab Malik’s shoulder, pull him back, say something, do… something.
Instead, he felt powerless. Unable to move, to speak, to react.
He watched in what felt like slow motion as April’s green eyes lost their focus. He saw the telltale signs of her impending orgasm, knew that she had lost control. He saw the tension on Malik’s face, saw the tendons in his neck stand out, knew that his ejaculation was at hand.
Somehow, some way, the teen pulled back against April’s hands, and ripped his thick cock free of her vagina. Tim could see the massive plum head of his organ glistening from his wife’s secretions as it lay against her labia.
Tim took a deep breath, and the world snapped back to reality. Malik had done exactly as he had promised. The older man allowed a breath he hadn’t realized that he was holding to escape as he prepared to see the black teen’s sizeable load spurt all over April’s stomach; she would surely be quite the mess by the time that he was done.
And then, April raised her face and planted her lips on Malik’s, brought her heels up and locked them behind his ass, tilted her hips back, and pulled him hard back into place inside of her.
No man could survive that. The teenager had no chance whatsoever.
“Fuck… TAKE IT!” the black teen cried as he began to ejaculate. He pushed hard, seating his pulsing testicles directly against April’s ass as blast after blast of his thick semen flooded the redhead’s cervix. “FUCKING TAKE THAT CUM! HUHHH FUCK YEAH!”
When April felt the massive black cock twitching and leaping inside of her, and that warmth flooded the depths of her vagina, she was lost. Her own orgasm was breathtaking – quite literally. At first, she wailed in ecstasy as her vagina rhythmically clenched and released the penis inside of her, milking it of every drop of fluid. Her entire body began to shake from the intensity of the orgasm, and shortly after, her cries died off as she involuntarily held her breath while she bore down on the incredible sensations. Her face, already flushed red from the extreme pleasure she had been receiving, darkened and turned purplish from her lack of breathing.
Meanwhile, poor Tim was overwhelmed by not only the sights of what was happening right there in his bed in front of him, but by the delicious, twisted nature of the taboo thoughts flooding his brain. Even as his wife was experiencing an orgasm that looked like she might pass out from it, her vagina was being flooded by a black teenager’s sperm on her most fertile day. With all of the semen that Malik produced, with as deeply as he was delivering it – her poor cervix had to be completely saturated in his life-giving fluid – the chance was terrifyingly high that Tim’s wife was even now conceiving a baby from someone other than her husband.
Oh my God, what if she truly did get pregnant? What if her belly was going to swell with a black bastard? How would he face the world with a wife whose womb was growing a child that everyone knew could not be Tim’s? Fuck, Tim had always thought that April was irresistibly sexy when she was pregnant, but how would he feel knowing that the baby she carried wasn’t his, but belonged to some black teen?
The visual of his wife lying there in front of him with a big black cock buried inside of her pussy as it inseminated her was superimposed in Tim’s mind with an image of April’s breasts swollen with milk, her hands cradling a belly heavy with child, knowing that it was not his baby. Tim groaned in despair… and his cock let loose with the strongest ejaculation of his life, splattering his seedless seminal fluid uselessly across his bed.
Finally, April caught her breath with a gasp, and she began greedily sucking in lungfuls of air as her body twitched with the aftershocks of her shattering orgasm. As her color slowly normalized, the twitches faded until she fell still.
Malik slowly withdrew his softening penis with a look of serious unease on his face; now that his own powerful orgasm was done, his brain regained enough blood flow to consider the consequences of ejaculating like he had inside of his friend’s fertile mother.
As soon as the thick dark head of the teen’s cock pulled free of April’s swollen, flushed vagina, it was as if a stopper had been pulled from a bottle; Malik’s white semen came rushing out of the redhead’s distended sex with a gush.
The sensible thing, of course, would have been for Tim to help his wife up, to make a rush trip to a pharmacy for Plan B, to run from this debauchery that had taken such a strong hold that their entire lives were impacted. But sensibility had gone out the window already.
Always before, Tim had waited until Malik was gone to give in to his twisted urges. But right now, knowing that April was leaking the black teen’s sperm while at the peak of her fertility was too much for Tim’s brain to handle. He heard Malik utter a low “well, damn…” as the older man sealed his mouth over his wife’s seeping vagina, but he didn’t care.
There was so much semen; April was an absolute mess. Rather than deter him, that fact seemed to drive Tim into a frenzy; he drove his tongue inside his wife again and again, flicked it all around her internal walls to scrape as much of the scum out of her as he could. He licked all around the redhead’s swollen labia, cleaning up every trace of semen that he could find. Tim trailed his tongue down the crack of her ass, licking every drop of fluid that had slipped out and down. His tongue ran across April’s swollen clit before delving back inside; soon, she was moaning and grinding her crotch against his face as he went back and forth between feasting on the combined juices still inside her pussy and pleasuring her clit.
As was typically the case, it eventually became too much for April to take; she locked her hands behind Tim’s head, applying pressure to hold him in place as he shifted his focus to her clit. In no time at all, she was cresting the peak of yet another climax; Tim knew that her intense vaginal contractions were causing her cervix to dip again and again into the pool of semen that Malik had injected inside of his wife’s vagina, knew that every contraction was helping to draw more sperm into April’s unprotected womb. Yet he drove his tongue inside of her canal, licking away to help prolong the orgasm as April mewed in pleasure.
When Tim finally pulled back, his face glistening from the combined fluids of the lovers, Malik slid immediately into place with no preamble, no communication whatsoever. The black teen was fully hard again, and this time, there was no discussion of him pulling out; it was as if there was an unspoken agreement among the three of them that whatever possible damage had already been done. April cried out as he buried the entirety of his massive black cock inside of her with one thrust.
Tim felt almost numb as he watched the cycle repeat itself with Malik fucking his wife. Once again, the teen gave her deep, full, hard strokes; once again, she came multiple times. This time, however, when his orgasm approached, he reverted back to his old dirty talk routines.
“Yeah, girl, I’m ‘bout to get my nut again,” he announced. “Ain’t no sense pullin’ out now, I’ma put it all inside that pussy.”
April just moaned, though she was obviously moving with him, rising to meet his thrusts.
“Fuck yeah,” he declared as he kept fucking. “Gonna put every drop all the way inside that pussy. Gonna give you all of it. Seems like you jus’ trying to get knocked up, a’ight then. You wanna black baby? Is that it? You want to be bred by this big black cock?”
April’s eyes went wide at the dirty talk and her mouth gaped open. “Oh God…” she moaned. “Yes. Oh God. I want… Oohhh I… huuh… I…”
And then, Malik’s orgasm hit. He forced his thick cock as deeply inside of April as it would go; the contrast of his ebony testicles pushed up against the redhead’s pale skin was yet another memorable facet of this encounter.
“Take that fuckin’ cum!” the teen cried. “Take that shit, get knocked up, take my baby!”
“Muuhhh…” April babbled. “YESSS… BREEDING MEEE….” she wailed before losing the ability to form anything approaching coherent words. She cried and moaned and wailed and she ground her crotch against Malik while holding him tight with her arms, ensuring that his massive penis stayed buried inside her vagina through the entirety of his ejaculation. Once her involuntary contractions ended, April still held him in place and squeezed her vaginal muscles a few more times in an effort to extract every drop of fluid from him.
Tim found himself sitting on the floor, staring insensibly up at the scene on his bed.
Tim stood outside of his house with Malik to say goodbye. April had been so overcome with fatigue and emotion that she had simply hugged the teen back in the bedroom, but had remained behind to process events.
Tim held out his hand. “So, this is goodbye,” he offered.
Malik took the offered hand and gave a tight shake. “Thank you, Mister M – for everything,” he replied. He looked uneasy. “Say, um, about today, is everything gonna…” he left the question hanging in the air.
Tim shook his head. “Don’t worry. We will go to the pharmacy and get Plan B. We all got carried away, but it’s okay – nobody wants a baby from any of this. We all know that was just sex talk.”
Malik looked relieved. “Glad to hear that,” he stated, shaking his head. “I ain’t ready to be a daddy,” he grinned.
Tim nodded. “We know that. Go be a college kid, Malik. Good luck.”
When Tim returned to the bedroom, April was still lying there, naked, staring at the ceiling. The room absolutely stank of sex – the scents of vaginal secretions, semen from two different men, sweat, musk all rolled together into a powerful olfactory cloud. Tim was already struggling with the powerful emotions running through his body; the scents did nothing but bring his arousal back to the forefront.
Wordlessly, he stripped his clothes off en route to the bed. April looked up at him with apprehension on her face, but Tim did not hesitate to slide his rock-hard penis all of the way inside of her with one push. She gave a soft moan, but her face was still troubled as Tim began to move inside of her.
“Do you still love me?” she asked, fear evident in her tone. “I… I went too far. I was a fool. I don’t understand why I did that…”
Tim leaned down and kissed his wife. “Hush,” he murmured. “I love you so very much. You are so incredibly sexy.” He tried to focus on his wife’s words and ignore that breathtakingly slick, warm, unique sensations from her vagina.
Her expression softened, but only a little; she was still clearly upset. “How can you say that?” she asked plaintively. “I acted like a whore. I didn’t just let him fuck me, I came so many times. He tried to pull out, I didn’t let him. I KNEW I was fertile, and I still had him come in me… and that made me come, HARD. What is wrong with me?” she nearly wailed.
Tim held himself steady inside of her and stroked April’s face. “Baby, we’ve fantasized about this so many times. We’ve enjoyed the sex before. You got carried away today – I’m sure that your body betrayed you some there. And besides,” he added with a small thrust, “it’s not like I wasn’t into it.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, her hips involuntarily beginning to respond to her husband’s motion.
“I mean,” Tim explained as he resumed normal sex, “that the whole time I was fantasizing about it. wanted him to pull out, but I was also fantasizing about you being fertile and him inseminating you. About him,” Tim paused, his voice thick, “knocking you up. Of you carrying a black baby. It’s wrong, I wouldn’t actually want that, but during the sex, it was so fucking hot…” He trailed off.
April kissed Tim slowly, then passionately, as their sex began to get more and more urgent.
Then, the redhead’s face took a wicked look. “You know,” she murmured with a smirk, “with every… uh… thrust, you are… uh… pushing his cum deeper inside of me. Are you… huh… trying to make sure… huh… that I’m knocked up with his black… uh… baby?”
That did it. Tim began to drive his cock frantically into April’s pussy. Naturally, it wasn’t long before he added his sterile fluid to the copious mess inside of her pussy.
By the time that the Masons got dressed, it was past closing time for the local pharmacies. April ran out to CVS on her lunch break the next day, picked up a dose, and took it on the way back to work.
For some time after Malik left for school, dirty talk about April wanting the black teen to knock her up, or how it might be if he had gotten her pregnant, or what people might think with her belly swelling with what obviously would not be Tim’s child, featured prominently into Tim and April’s sex life. With things like dinner or date conversation, they agreed that this was just the realm of dirty talk, that they were done with kids to begin with – let alone April carrying some interracial child fathered by a teenager.
But the fantasy was so, so powerful for both of them that the scenarios continued to be a central focus of their sex life. Naughty like talk like April telling Tim to not suck on her nipples during sex, since that milk belonged to the baby. Or to be careful pushing her down on her tummy to fuck her from behind, as they wouldn’t want to hurt the baby. Or Tim laying a hand on April’s lower stomach to check to see if he could feel it getting harder yet as the baby grew inside of her.
Two weeks after Malik’s goodbye, April’s period came right on time, though it was quite light. Two weeks later, Tim noted how she was falling asleep earlier than usual at night; April couldn’t seem to make it through a single episode of the Netflix series she had been so excited about. She confessed that she was quite run down with demands at work; perhaps she had picked up some bug. While she wasn’t running a fever, she just seemed tired all the time.
It wasn’t until April’s next period ran more than a week late that the Masons began to worry.
Author notes:
This is a work of fiction. Several really bad decisions were made by the characters in this story. Spewing hateful commentary at me won’t change their choices – but take heart, as these are make-believe characters and none of this actually happened!
As a reminder, Plan B works by stopping ovulation – the directions clearly state that it is not effective during or after ovulation. April’s ovulation day was the Sunday that Malik said goodbye; it seems doubtful that it would have been effective even had the Masons had a dose on hand.
But April had a period! Did she? Or was her “quite light” period actually implantation bleeding? Fatigue is one of the earliest, most common symptoms of pregnancy. Is April a week late due to being stressed at work and being sick, or is she actually carrying Malik’s baby?
If she is pregnant, how does that impact the Masons’ marriage? What do they do with the pregnancy? Where do they go from here in their relationship?
As is my custom, I leave these questions – and any others you might come up with – to your imagination. I write erotica; I don’t view heavy situations about abortion, adoption, raising someone else’s child, impact to a marriage, etc as erotic, so I don’t explore these. Furthermore, I like the idea of the reader deciding what they think should happen to the characters.
Thank you for the read. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this story.