Mistress In Training Chapter 1 (Part Two)

"Now we heat things up a little"

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Peter had explained his understanding of his new role, and Greg had corrected him on a few points when he’d gotten things wrong. Felicity found the explanation incredibly titillating, but after so much talk, she was yearning for some action. Sensing this, Greg decided it was time to move things along.

“I think it’s time for some action,” Greg said.

“I agree,” Felicity replied. “What happens now?”

“Discipline,” Greg said simply.

“So, is this about punishing him for something, or more about improving his service?” she asked.

“No, it’s not punishment,” Greg explained. “If you wanted to punish him, you’d exclude him. For example, you could send him to his room for the night while we enjoy ourselves in here, leaving him out of the action. This, however, is about showing him where he belongs. It gives him a chance to endure some pain, demonstrate his dedication and bravery, and prove to you that he deserves to be here. That he deserves the privilege of serving you.”

Greg spoke as if Peter weren’t even in the room, as though he and Felicity were discussing him in his absence.

“I see,” Felicity said, still a little unsure. “I’m not entirely certain about this part.”

“Worry not,” Greg smiled reassuringly. “Once you have the technique, you’ll be fine. First of all, don’t worry about his pain—he can always use his safe word, and you’ll stop right away.”

“Yes, he can,” Felicity confirmed.

“Good. He needs to be given the opportunity to suffer for your amusement and pleasure. He’s eager to take the pain to excite you, aren’t you, Peter?”

“Yes, sir,” Peter mumbled.

“See? He’s eager to begin. Now, first, position him as you see fit. Explain how you want him, and if necessary, adjust the position. I’ll demonstrate how it’s done, and then you can administer some yourself. We’ll use an 8mm cane—a fantastic tool, especially suited to a dominant female. Many women who cane become quite obsessed with the markings they create—they enjoy making evenly spaced welts across a submissive’s bottom, then maybe filling in the gaps. It’s a bit of a ‘girl thing,’ I suppose—neatness and precision.”

“If you’d like to sit in the chair over there, you’ll get an excellent view of the proceedings,” Greg said.

Felicity moved to the chair and sat down, eager to watch.

“Peter, on the bed, on all fours, facing the headboard, please.” Wordlessly, Peter obeyed. Greg positioned himself so that Felicity had a clear view of Peter’s body. “Part your legs a little, Peter. A bit more,” he added as Peter adjusted himself.

“Notice how you can see his cock and balls between his legs,” Greg continued. “This is an excellent view for a caning, because as the cane strikes, you can watch them jiggle as he flexes to absorb the pain.”

“Oh my,” Felicity giggled. “I can just imagine it.”

“Now, to get into position to administer the cane,” Greg instructed. “Place yourself beside the subject, with your left leg positioned halfway between his arse and shoulders. Your right leg should be aligned with his backside. Now, using only your forearm, bring the cane down to strike his buttocks like this.” Greg demonstrated the motion slowly.

“I see. So the cane lands evenly across his bum,” Felicity said, watching intently.

“Yes. That’s right. The goal is to create nice, even marks—no tipping, and no broken skin.”

“Is it hard to learn to use just the forearm?” Felicity asked, intrigued.

“No, it’s quite simple. You can practice with a book tucked into your armpit. Once you’ve got the forearm motion down, you can add a little upper-arm action for an extra hard stroke.”

“Oh, wow,” Felicity breathed, clearly excited at the thought of giving Peter a particularly hard stroke with the cane.

“Each submissive is different, with different tolerances,” Greg explained. “You need to learn those. The goal of a good caning is to push the subject toward his limits, so he has to put in real effort to take the pain, but ultimately, he will succeed in his submission.”

Greg turned to Peter and continued, “Now, Peter, pay attention. You’re about to be caned. You must make every effort to hold your position. We understand that some squirming may occur as you absorb the pain, but under no circumstances are you to grab your arse with your hands. If, after a particularly vigorous stroke, you’re temporarily unable to take more pain, you may lie face down on the bed. But remember, you cannot use your hands to ease the pain. You will not receive another stroke until you’re back in position. You must return to your position as soon as possible. It’s poor form to delay your caning or inconvenience your dominant by failing to keep your body correctly presented. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Peter responded.

“Right, to test your tolerance to pain, I use the traffic light system at the beginning of your first caning. I will apply a stroke, and you will announce one of three colours: green, orange, or red. Green means ‘That was a light stroke. I can easily take lots of those.’ Orange means ‘Ooh, I felt that. I could probably take a few of those.’ Red means ‘That hurts, and I don’t know how many of those I can take.’ Are you ready to begin, Peter?”

“Yes, sir.”

Greg began the caning with a few strokes of varying intensity. Peter called out, “Green, sir. Red, sir. Orange, sir,” as required, his voice steady despite the sharp snaps of the cane.

Felicity watched, transfixed, her eyes locked on Peter’s balls as they danced before her, putting on a performance meant for her entertainment—and her pleasure. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the slow build of an orgasm rising within her. Would she climax when her turn came to cane Peter? The thought thrilled her, and she silently hoped so.

Published 3 months ago

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