Mary stood in the bedroom feeling numb. She had anticipated a moment like this for weeks.
“I am sorry, Mary. I never expected this nor did I seek it out. It’s just sort of… happened.”
Mary looked up and for the first time and saw her husband completely. He was completely full of shit.
“Just sort of happened? You are a homosexual, Denis. You have been your whole adult life.”
He went to answer, then nodded in silence.
“And…” Mary took a breath, “your relationship with me was nothing but a cover story. Nothing like that just ‘sort of happens’.”
The look on his face confirmed what she thought all along. He never imagined her capable of so much strength, so much resolve. He was seeing her for the first time as well but in twelve years.
His reason for ignoring her so coldly was crystal clear and now made perfect sense. “I am glad you are being honest with me, seriously, I am. And it hurts, there is no question. I love you, since the day I met you. I gave you a good life and two beautiful children. I’ve done everything you’ve asked. The only thing I ever wanted was honesty. “
Well, that wasn’t entirely true, she also wanted really good sex, but apparently…
His voice cracked and he motioned toward the edge of the bed. “You should sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”
He slumped down onto the bed, his body, relaxing as if someone had cut his puppet strings. But Mary stood her ground. Time to start defining who she really is. Her heart was beating faster, her ears were ringing, and her hands were sweating. But none of that felt uncomfortable in the moment. “I would appreciate it if you would stop telling me what to do. I am my own person and you should respect that. If we are going to get through this, you must respect that.”
His eyes went wide, and he sat up a little bit straighter. He nodded gently, a softness in his face she had missed for the last twelve months.
Mary stepped toward him and took his hand in hers, holding it gently and lovingly. “Denis, a year ago this information would have shocked me. Possibly even disgusted me. You should know I am neither one of those. I’ve known something was going on with you for quite a while and yes, I thought you were having affairs, I mean you were, but I thought they were with other women. I thought that was why you were so cold. But this…is strangely relieving.”
He suddenly bent his head, and with his freehand covered his eyes. Tears began to fall and he gently sobbed. She sat and pulled him to her; no hate, no anger, no reproaching. Who was she to judge his sexuality? He was who he was, and she would love him for it. After all, she needed the same.
She had committed to “for better or worse”. She would make sure this was the former not the latter.
She laughed inside: Boy, if her religious parents could see them now.
It had been six days since Denis’ confession. Turns out he had been meeting with men ever since he was sixteen years old. Some of them his age, some of them older. And last summer, one a little bit younger that he met on one of his business trips. They had fallen in love and the man, Andrew, wanted to have a permanent relationship. Denis had been struggling with that and was taking it out on Mary.
That day in the bedroom, Mary had caught the two of them texting playful messages. When she confronted him, Denis lashed out with a patronizing speech about privacy. She cut him off and said, “Do not speak to me like that ever again.” He was so shocked he fell silent. “Denis, tell me what is really going on.”
He had paused, took a shaky breath, and spewed his long suffering history of being in the closet.
Later, he had thanked her profusely for being so understanding and apologized for his cold demeanor. That quiet hug had lasted several minutes. Ironically, it was the closest they had been in years.
She was now beyond spousal support and in mother mode. There was a whole list of things they would need to do as parents to prepare their children for their eventual divorce. There was also the massively complicated issue of telling their parents and their church friends.
All of that would have been overwhelming for anyone who had not seen it coming.
Mary had discovered she was a bisexual. After several sessions with Haley and now Jocelyn, she was now completely committed to two genders giving her sexual and emotional pleasure. It’s true she had not been with a man for several months, and she still craved a nice cock. At times she thought of divorce just so she could be free to fuck.
As she sat in her car, waiting to enter the school, she felt resolved in accepting who she was, who she might become. It was time to tell someone, and Jocelyn was the perfect friend to listen.
During their mid-afternoon break, Jocelyn sat at her desk working on her computer, and Mary quietly closed the door. She stood in front of Jocelyn’s desk. Mary’s beautiful African-American friend and lover looked up, eyebrows raised.
“Um, yes?” She said with a sly smile. “If you are looking for a quickie, we can’t get into that supply closet again. That was a disaster!”
Mary softly chuckled at the memory. Even though it was very dangerous, the orgasm she had as a result of her friend’s impeccable cunnilingus was a pleasant memory.
“I need to tell you something… big.”
Jocelyn could tell her friend was not joking. She closed her laptop and slid back from her desk slightly. “What is it…?”
Mary hesitated and looked through their windows, as if someone would be outside telling her she did not have to go through this. It was technically good news, but still very difficult to convey.
“Denis and I finally talked… He’s, oh God there’s no easy way to say this, Jocelyn my husband is gay.”
As the phrase goes, you could have knocked the younger woman over with a feather. Jocelyn’s aghast gaze froze in place for a good ten seconds, which is actually pretty long.
“Oh… Mary that explains so much. Oh wow. Denis is gay? When did-?”
“The day after he returned from Omaha.”
“Dang! I mean it makes sense but, dang!”
“It makes sense? Did you have suspicions? You know what, never mind, that doesn’t matter. I just needed to tell somebody because we’re going to tell the kids tonight and well…” tears she had been holding back gently poured out.
Jocelyn stood and wrapped her friend in a comforting hug. Even though these two had shared intimate sexual passion, none of that was present. It was simply comfort from one friend to another.
“Thank you Joss.”
Jocelyn pulled back, keeping her hands on her friend’s upper arms. “You seem surprisingly calm. Are you still in shock?”
Mary actually let out a little chuckle, “Goodness no. Even when he told me I wasn’t shocked. Surprised sure, but like you said, it all made sense rather quickly. The poor man has been living a lie for almost twenty years. And considering who I am becoming,” a small blush ran across her face, “who am I to judge.
Jocelyn nodded in commiseration. “That is a really healthy way of looking at this. Well, I’m here for you whatever you need.”
Strangely enough, Mary’s brain went right to five inches below her navel. “Well there are some things that might help me to feel better.”Her expression looked ridiculously sheepish.
“Good Lord Mary! At a time like this you think of pussy?” Jocelyn’s voice had a bit of admonishment, but a playful smack on her friend’s shoulder let her know she was only teasing.
Mary covered her face. “It’s on my mind almost all the time lately. I mean, as he was talking about the men he’s been with I actually found myself a little,” she looked around to make sure no one was looking. Jocelyn still found her innocent titillations to be highly charming. “…aroused.”
Jocelyn let out a big laugh and took her back into a hug. This one had loads of innuendo. She let her hand creep a little bit below the waistline and gently massage the top of Marys left cheek. Mary moaned softly and kissed her lover on the neck just under her ear, one of Jocelyn’s automatic erogenous zones.
It was the younger woman who actually took control of the situation
“All right lady. We can celebrate this new information and talk about its consequences later. And when I say celebrate, I mean you and me doing what we do best. Maybe even calling up a friend?”
Mary’s mind suddenly was racing. She was thankful that Jocelyn had taken the news so well and was immediately supportive as both a friend and a lover. She had deep appreciation for this gorgeous black woman and she hoped that Jocelyn knew how much she cherished her. So much of her life had changed in such a short amount of time.
“I hope you were serious! ‘Cause now it’s all I can think about.”
Jocelyn laughed and then gave her friend a deep passionate French kiss. She pulled back and said, “I was totally serious. Let’s get through the day and we’ll talk details.”
Mary and Denis had spoken at length about what was the best way to do this. They had consulted some websites as well as a friend of Denis who had done exactly the same thing. Mary was surprised at this revelation, but then realized he had been living a life with other friends and other…connections.
It could not have gone better. Both children expressed concern and fear that their parents were going to split up. But they were not at all angry to find out that their daddy was different. Chalk it up to modern education, or perhaps a better awareness of these things, but the idea of one of their parents being a homosexual was not the horror show Mary anticipated it could be. Perhaps Brandon and Sophie had intuitively sorted out Denis’ sexuality.
If only telling her mother would be this easy.
A more grounded and aware husband now lived with Mary. Rather than golf, he agreed to stay with the children and do something special with them on Saturday while Mary went to have “lunch“ with a couple of friends. It turns out playing golf was often one of his cover stories for meeting men at his club.
She still hesitated to tell him the truth about her. But the way he said, “Have a good time. You deserve it” Made her think he had some inkling.
She giddily arrived half an hour early, knocked on Jocelyn’s door and took a deep breath. She adjusted her belt on her new very tight, high-waisted black pants hiding some new naughty panties. Her tight green blouse hugged her bust in a sexy way she had come to enjoy sharing with her intimate female friends. She even wore makeup and had done her hair up. When she left the house, Denis said she looked sexy.
In that moment, she actually had the nerve to say “See what you missed out on?“ His eyes went wide and she immediately apologized.
He laughed and said, “Mare (a nickname he had not used in years) you do not have to apologize for anything. Go, have a good time. You deserve it.”
Jocelyn came to the door in a low-cut red print T-shirt and no bra. Her delicious nipples pushed through and Mary had to take a deep breath, unable to keep from imagining them in her mouth and fingers. Jocelyn wore a cute short skirt and Mary was sure from experience, that there would be nothing on underneath it. She completed the ensemble with a short pair of heels that showed her sexy, red pedicure.
“You’re early.” Jocelyn shut the door behind her sexy friend. “Just can’t get enough can you?” Mary turned around and pushed her black friend against the wall. The kiss was intense, wet, and noisy with moans and groans accompanying wet lip smacks. It was kind of their thing to make out like noisy teenagers.
It was Jocelyn who once again pushed away. “Okay, Tiger, hold on. Plenty of time for that. But you need to know, we are not alone.”
“Hey Mary,” the low baritone of Jocelyn’s husband Curtis resonated through the entryway and into the pit of Mary’s stomach. She knew that Jocelyn had told her husband about her female activities, but the recently awakened Mary was still embarrassed that he had seen her act so audaciously. She was sure her face was redder than a beet.
“He knows why you’re here. In fact… He might just stay, if that’s alright?”
The two friends had talked many times before during, and after their intense sexual encounters about bringing other parties into bed with them. And Mary had often recognized she still craved a nice hard erection. But to have it be Curtis? Her best friend’s husband? This would be a new challenge for her morality.
Well, not much really. At six foot tall this shaved-headed, muscular black man was catalog-model good looking. Mostly because that’s exactly what he did for a living.
He smiled and her pussy squeaked. Looking back to Jocelyn, she spoke quietly, even though he could hear every word, “Um, really?… I thought when you said three it would be, you know…”
“Another woman?” This time the voice came from a stunning redhead standing in the doorway to the living room. Haley, the Pilates instructor who had started this whole ball rolling that day under the bleachers stood in nothing but a sports bra and a hot pair of leggings. Her tits were pouring out, nipples erect. Her smile was dazzling, and her long fingers ran around the rim of a half-filled wine glass. “Wow, Mary, you look sexy as fuck.”
Mary could not help but blush, maybe one day she could accept compliments about the way she looked. As was common in the last couple of months, her emotions were swirling and hard to define. She shivered, as intense, lustful desire boiled through her B cup chest and she smiled back at Haley.
“You will find I have learned a lot since we were last together. I hope you can handle it.”
The redhead chuckled and Curtis let out a slow whistle. Jocelyn gasped at Mary’s boldness. “So I take it you like your surprise?” Without taking her smoldering eyes off of Haley, Mary nodded. Jocelyn continued, “I hope it’s alright that I told them both about your husband. I think it will help to free you from any hesitation you might have left. And with the way you’ve been fucking me lately, I’m guessing that’s not very much.”
Mary turned to Jocelyn and stuck her tongue out. She then took a deep breath and scanned the room. “Well, where do we begin? As you all know, this is very new to me.”
Curtis made the decision for all having discussed this in detail with Jocelyn before Haley and Mary had arrived. He stepped forward and gently took Mary into his arms. With a sigh, she melted into him and moaned softly as their lips met. It was the first black man she had ever kissed, and her entire body lit up like a torch over this new line crossed. Her arms wrapped around him, and her hands got busy learning his muscular back.
His own large hands examined her spine and cupped her sweet round mommy cheeks. She instinctively ground forward finding an impressive bulge already forming in his tight pants. She broke away from the kiss and his mouth trailed down her neck. She whispered to the sky, “…oh my God…wonderful…”
Jocelyn and Haley had left Curtis to the task of breaking down Marys final barrier. They were already stripping each other on the sectional in the living room. Jocelyn was thankful that her unsuspecting mother had taken her daughter for the day.
It had been a long time since she had fucked Haley and she decided to let the taller, stronger woman take charge. Haley sensed the capitulation and soon had this stunning petite and busty woman down to nothing but her pink pedicure. Laying her down on the couch and lifting her knees up, Haley ran her mouth up Jocelyn‘s gorgeous thigh and circled her tongue around her widening purple, pink and brown pussy.
Jocelyn gripped the redhead between by the hair and encouraged her to focus on the prize. But Haley tormented by letting her mouth trail back down the other leg leaving a frustrated Jocelyn to air grind. Haley chuckled into leg flesh and gently slid her fingers down Jocelyn‘s wide-open want. They were soon dipping into her volatile vagina. None too soon for Jocelyn, Haley‘s mouth made its way back to just above the cunt in front of her.
“Oh you teasing bitch! Eat Me!”
Haley smiled wickedly and dove in like a starved woman.
Meantime, the other end of the furniture began to shift as Curtis lowered Mary having carried her in with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Their grinding continued, Mary’s nice blouse already off and lost somewhere in the foyer. The fit and talented man was one-handedly removing her “sexy” bra.
Mary was in a bewildered state. Seems another man wanting to have her was the detonation to rip open the floodgate of her primal instincts.
She pushed him up and began to rapidly tear off her own pants. Curtis took the moment to peal his own shirt and toss it. Then Mary froze. Her eyes went wide at the site before her. Curtis stood still, his breath rising in rapid rhythm. She reached out and touched his hewn abs and gave a sigh of appreciation. He was indeed a sculpture come to life. The cool air on her now pantie-clad vulva could not calm the inferno inside.
From the other end of the room this man’s wife called out, “He is something special baby girl! Please enjoy him as much as I do. Give her hell Curtis.”
Curtis tilted his head so his eyes were boring into Mary and she actually shivered. He took a hold of her hands and put them on the waistline of his pants. The instruction was obvious. She buttoned and took down the zipper. She struggled to pull them past his tight hips, and around the growth between his legs. So many had seen large cocks revealed in porn and knew to keep back. Mary was not one of those.
The beast sprung up and hit her in the face spraying precum on her warm breasts. She actually cried out as if she had seen a mouse.
As she had touched his abs for the first time, so too she slowly reached her hands out and reverently gripped this massive structure. It must’ve been at least nine inches long and larger than her forearm. It was truly remarkable!
He sensed hesitation as she had yet to actually move her hands. She was staring at it as if it was going to grow teeth. Curtis smiled, and gently said, “Have you ever sucked a large cock, Mary?”
Enchanted by the drip on the tip of this gorgeous phallus, she gently shook her head.
“And do you want to?”
Still staring, she nodded.
“Start by just giving it kisses. Use your tongue when you feel comfortable. Eventually, we can talk about you sucking it, getting it nice and wet so I can put it inside you.”
She looked up with concern leaning toward fear. Yes, she had expected they were going to have intercourse, but picturing it now after she had seen this natural wonder? She was quite certain it was never going to fit inside of her “super sweet slot” as Jocelyn liked to call it.
Curtis took her chin in his hand and kissed her. “No need to worry, sweetheart. We will take things very slowly. You have given birth after all.“ His smile melted her again and once more she scarletted.
The next kiss had his tongue snaking into her mouth, and she instinctively began stroking and twisting her hands on his member.
“Yes, baby. Just like that.”
He caressed her cheek and then carefully pulled her face towards his terrific tube. Following his advice, Mary gave it several gentle kisses and her body reacted immediately to the savoring. She had missed cock more than she ever thought, and in a minute was sliding her tongue up and down the shaft, like a cat licking cream. She swirled her wet tongue around the massive head and spit to let her hand slip up and down the beast.
Across the way, a sucking Jocelyn looked up from Haley’s red-furred cunt below her. “That’s it, Mary. Make love to that thing. Let Curtis know just how much you want him inside you.”
Mary’s reaction was to moan even harder. With eyes closed and determination coming up from her toes, she began to suck him into her mouth. She was glad she still had on her panties. They were soaking up a river that seemed to be spitting out of her carnal chasm.
She now had the whole head in her mouth and her tongue was attacking it. She sucked as hard as she could. She knew that gagging was supposed to be involved, but she just wasn’t ready for it. She pulled off and spit again. So nasty, so dirty, so exciting. She took it back down adding another inch to her acquisition. Giving head to Not Denis in been one final barrier, one hesitation, but with this amazing sexual tool in her mouth, she left it miles behind as she soared on sensual winds.
She was brought back suddenly when she felt a pair of hands on her lower back. Taking her mouth off of Curtis. She turned her head slightly and saw her two friends, lifting her and removing her aforementioned dripping drawers.
She got up on all fours, and Curtis took a firmer grip on her head and began to hip thrust. The sucking got a little bit deeper and more aggressive. She felt the familiarity of female mouth on her soaking slit. She had no idea who it was and honestly did not care. The cunt muncher was confirmed as Haley when the petite body of Jocelyn slid underneath her and began to make love to her pleading nipples.
Curtis in her mouth, Haley in her pussy, and Jocelyn on her breasts combined for voluminous sensory input that nearly short-circuited her nervous system. Never had she felt so sexually alive, so desperate, so hungry.
Like a woman possessed, she began to stroke Curtis faster, taking more and more into her mouth. Gagging finally arrived and she spittle spewed all over him (and his wife below!) The recently liberated brunette pulled off and looked up at him with apologetic eyes. Rather than acknowledge, he took her hair in a tight grip and pushed her back down to his cock.
Oh my God, he was being so forceful!!
And oh my God, she loved it!
This was Mary‘s first official black cock, her first official fornication of her marriage, and her first official throat fuck. None of that really registered as her mind drifted into a zone she never imagined she would occupy: loving being a mouth to be used.
This revelation caused her body to spasm! Haley instinctually sucked on her enlarged clitoris as hard as she could while pushing a finger inside the spasming vagina. Mary’s orgasm was by far the greatest of her entire adult life. It hit with the velocity of a freight train and spread out like an avalanche crashing into a frozen lake. Jocelyn pulled off her nipple and whispered, “wow…” as she watched her friend’s body being taken over by the ultimate physical pleasure.
Curtis loosened his hold and pulled Mary’s head back. She gasped for air as the aftershocks ravaged her body. She may have fallen over if Jocelyn hadn’t held her tight, latching back on her screaming nipple.
Mary finally found her voice and let loose a scream that made her three lovers all freeze in their place. It lasted a good ten seconds until Mary flopped to the side of Jocelyn. She was sweating, panting and still shaking.
Little whimpers peeped out of her.
Her eyes were slightly open, but completely glazed over. She drooled.
There was a minute or so of silence, and then Haley humorously said, “I think we broke her.”
Mary became aware and looked down at her sexy naked friend, shiny-faced with Mary’s orgasmic excretions. Mary motioned to Haley and the redhead climbed over Jocelyn to plant a kiss on her friend. They separated and Mary whispered, “Thank you…“
Haley knew what she meant. Affection resounded deeply in her heart, echoed in a little bit of tears. She simply nodded.
Then one more first happened as the females shared a wet, three-way kiss of tongue, lips, female solidarity.
The man in the room brought them back to the moment. “I always appreciate some soft romantic moments during sex, but this fucking cock better get inside that sweet pussy in the next thirty seconds or it’s gonna blow all over the three of you.”
The friends sprung into action, picking up Mary’s body and laying her down on her back. Mary let the manipulators take her as her pleasure was far from over. Their two heads next to Mary, they lifted up her knees towards her breasts, opening her and welcoming Jocelyn‘s hefty hung husband.
In post-orgasmic fog, Mary had that earlier bout of fear make another appearance. She turned to Jocelyn and said quietly, “Are you sure I can do this?”
The answer was a deep wet, hot kiss. Nothing needed to be spoken. She stared into Mary’s eyes as Curtis lined the head of his cock up with Mary’s gaping gash.
What was felt when the cock slipped inside was like nothing ever experienced. During a session just last week, Jocelyn had attempted to fist Mary, but they had to quit because the pain was too much. Curtis’ fuckhead was actually larger but fit in perfectly.
Mary’s moan started low then rose in pitch to soprano. Her hands firmly gripped the arms holding her legs. To distract her from any discomfort, Haley gave her some sucks on her left breast with Jocelyn turning Mary‘s face back to her. Soon the two were soon passionately making out.
Curtis grunted, as he now had four full inches Inside and was beginning to move back and forth.
Mary ripped off her petite friend and cried, “OH MY FUCKING GOD!”
It was not lost on the other two women that this was quite an expression for the once deeply religious churchgoer to scream! Both smiled. Their friend had come home.
Curtis was fucking her in shorter plunges. He was able to restrain himself from fully fucking as he knew Mary could not take it all. Her head flew back and forth and her body arched over and over again. Her abdominals seemed to ripple with each thrust and her hips were grinding into his invasion.
Curtis was not going to last much longer with all of Mary’s internal gyration. Through panting grunts and repeated torpedo punches, he asked, “Where – ungh- should – oh fuck yes- Where should- fuck!”
“Pussy- fill her up baby!” Jocelyn throatily ordered. “Give her that huge load! Fill this hot white woman with every ounce of your beautiful black seed. Paint her insides! Let her know what a real man does to a burning cunt!”
Haley had let go of Mary’s leg and it flopped repeatedly with the aggression of the pounding she was receiving. Rather than stay on the sidelines the bold redhead climbed above Mary and lowered her aching to her friend’s mouth. At first, Mary was frightened by the prospect, but her orgasmic frenzy sent her into automatic. She devoured this pussy with more energy than she ever had given.
Jocelyn sat next to her husband and grabbed his ass and squeezed. She bit his nipple, knowing he loved it. It was exactly the spark needed to set them all off. Curtis yelled and actually shoved another two inches into Mary. She screamed into Haley‘s pussy, which set the redhead off as well.
The three of them reached orgasmic peak as the largest load of semen to enter Mary’s body blasted her cervix and squirted out the sides of her overstretched opening.
Jocelyn shed tears at the beauty of this sexual event. She loved this man and this sweet woman. To see them coupled in carnal bliss was enough to set her off as well.
As the room filled with screams and grunts and gibberish words, Jocelyn realized she had never had a mutual orgasm with more than one person. For her, this was a first.
A pile of sweaty panting bodies lay on the couch. Haley rolled off onto the floor and began gently stroking her recovering pussy. Jocelyn lay next to Mary and caressed her nipples while kissing her on her shoulder and neck. Curtis sat back on the edge of the sectional, his monster deflating, all shiny and dripping. Mary’s legs still lay wide open, her vagina red pink, and white from his offering. He took a deep breath and whistled quietly in appreciation of one of the sexiest things he had ever seen.
Mary’s eyes finally opened, and she turned to kiss Jocelyn fully on the lips. She put a palm on her friend’s cheek and quietly whispered, “I love you. You have changed me forever.” She looked up to her fucker and reached out her hand. He looked confused, but then took it gently in his own. “God bless you, Curtis. That was the third most amazing event of my life, after the birth of my children, of course.”
Haley added crassly, “The same hole was used in all three events.”
Mary grabbed a moist throw pillow and smacked her friend with it.
Through giggles, she said sheepishly, “Um, after a quick trip to the bathroom, you guys ready for round two?”
Jocelyn flopped back in laughter! “Fuck! we’ve created a monster!”
Part Five: monster on a rampage!
Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed the next chapter of Mary’s adventure. If you liked it, hit the heart, or even the favorite star. And as always, leave a comment. I try to respond to them all!