Eva: The Codex Of Perversion

"Warning: Explicit sexual exploration within; enter with an open mind."

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Eva gently closed the door to her parents’ house, feeling the echo of wood against frame as if sealing a chapter of her life shut. The tears, which had been her faithful companions since the night before, now flowed freely down her face, carrying with them the pain of a betrayal revealed in a video that had virally spread across social media.

Her steps towards the university were heavy, each laden with the weight of a truth she wished she didn’t know. The image from the video, her boyfriend with another, replayed in her mind like a mantra of betrayal. Eva, known in the college hallways for her intelligence and her thick-framed glasses, now saw herself through this lens of betrayal as a nerd, a term she had always worn with pride, but which now felt like an insufficient shield against the arrows of heartbreak.

She blamed herself, not for his infidelity, but for her inability to enjoy her own sexuality. Despite her figure being envied by many, in her mind, she was the shy student, trapped in a body she didn’t know how to set free.

Eva crossed through the university gates, hoping the anonymity of the crowd would engulf her, but fate had other plans. As she entered the central quad, her gaze inadvertently locked onto the scene she dreaded: there he was, her boyfriend, with her, the other girl, their bodies too close. Eyes pierced Eva like icy needles; it seemed as if the entire university was revolving around this awkward moment, and she felt the flush of shame burning her cheeks.

The murmur of the students turned into a dull buzz in her ears, her heart beating with the force of both self-contempt and that from others. She couldn’t bear the pressure of the stares, not even his, which had now turned towards her with a mix of surprise and guilt in his eyes. Her instinct led her to flee, to seek refuge in the only place where she thought no one would follow: the library.

Her steps echoed on the marble floor of the building, each one affirming her escape to tranquility. The library was also the setting for the darkest rumors, where it was said that women had vanished without a trace. However, in that moment of desperation, these rumors were only shadows compared to the harsh light of her humiliation.

She burst into the library, the echo of her run fading into the sepulchral silence of the place. The library was empty, except for the presence of the librarian, an old and silent woman, whose gaze turned toward Eva with a curiosity that didn’t seem entirely human. But Eva didn’t stop; she ran to the most secluded corner, where the shelves formed a dark maze, and there, among old books and the dust of forgotten knowledge, she allowed herself to collapse, seeking solace in the solitude and mystery surrounding her.

She found herself in front of a book that seemed to have appeared from nowhere, as if it had been placed there just for her. Its worn leather cover and the scent of ancient parchment drew her curiosity. With trembling hands, she opened it, revealing yellowed pages with intricate letters, written in Latin, a language she didn’t know.

She turned the pages with care, each one crackling under her fingers, until one page in particular caught her eye. On it, there was an illustration of a woman, her figure enveloped in an ecstasy Eva had never experienced; the smile on the image exuded a joy and satisfaction that seemed to touch something deep within her. Below the illustration, there were words in Latin. Not understanding their meaning but driven by a curiosity now burning hotter than her pain, she began to read: “Spiritus libidinis, Asmodeus, Belial, Incubus.”

A voice tore through the silence, that of the librarian, who shouted with an urgency that cut through the air: “Don’t do it!” Her steps approached, her figure moving with supernatural determination between the shelves. But Eva, caught up in the intensity of the moment, continued reciting the words, her voice barely a whisper, defying fear and the librarian’s counsel: “I invoke you in this hour to reveal the mysteries of desire.”

Eva ceased to hear the librarian’s steps; the silence that took over the place was so deep it seemed to absorb any trace of sound. She remained there, among the books, for what felt like two hours, immersed in reading, in pain, in the search for a peace that only seclusion seemed to offer. With each page, she felt her anguish diluting, not in resolution, but in a strange comfort, as if the book was speaking to her soul.

When Eva finally decided to leave her sanctuary, the library was empty; the librarian had vanished. Eva opened the door cautiously, expecting to meet the university’s usual bustle again, but instead, she found absolute silence. The air was still, without even the slightest whisper of wind or the chirping of birds. She looked up at the sky, expecting to see the sun, but there were no clouds, no visible sun, just a sky of an undefined color, and yet, the heat enveloped her as if she were at the center of an invisible fire.

She began to walk towards where the university should have been, but she found no one. The buildings were there, but they looked like shadows of what they once were. The colors had faded, shadows stretched unnaturally, and every sound was muffled as if the entire world was under a blanket. The doors of the buildings were ajar, but no soul was seen. The hallways, which once overflowed with life and knowledge, now echoed with the solitude.

A shiver ran down Eva’s spine, a feeling of being watched that made her skin crawl. She stopped dead in her tracks, trying to catch any sign of life. Then, she heard it: a sound that didn’t belong to this plane, a rhythm of footsteps that were not human, more like the echo of horse hooves on an invisible surface, sounding with a cadence that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

The echo of these footsteps, where each strike against the ground sounded cavernous and mysterious, came closer and then receded inexplicably. Eva tried to flee, but every direction she took seemed to bring her closer to the source of that supernatural sound.

Suddenly, among the shadows of the buildings, she glimpsed a figure. It was a silhouette that seemed to defy logic, with wings that extended, goat-like feet instead of human ones, and a face that, although retaining human features, was shrouded in a darkness that she couldn’t fully penetrate. The sight was fleeting, but enough to sow terror in her heart.

Eva turned to run in the opposite direction, but in her flight, she collided with something solid and warm. Turning around, she found herself face to face with a slender man whose presence radiated an aphrodisiac scent, a mix of musk and spices that seemed to awaken something within her. His attractiveness was undeniable, his face had an almost ethereal beauty, and his eyes had a glow that didn’t seem entirely from this world. But the strangest thing was that he wasn’t standing on the ground; he seemed to float above the grass, leaving neither trace nor sound behind.

Eva, with her heart pounding, looked at the man before her, her eyes reflecting both fear and curiosity.

“Who are you?” the man asked, his voice resonating with an authority that seemed to go beyond the human.

“I am Eva,” she responded, her voice barely a whisper in the strange silence that enveloped them.

“Eva,” he repeated, the word sounding like a promise or perhaps a curse. “This is not a place for someone like you. This is a domain for the brave, for those who seek beyond the shadows of their being.”

Eva felt small under his piercing gaze. “Where am I?”

“You are inside the grimoire, on a page dedicated to pleasure and lust,” he explained, his tone laden with dark wisdom. “And you have summoned this space with your desires and your readings.”

She swallowed, feeling the tension between the urge to flee and the curiosity that kept her anchored to the spot. “How can I get out of here?”

“Return to the library,” he said, his voice like a caress, “and recite the lines at the end of the book. But, Eva, consider this: if you stay, you will undergo three trials that will make you explore every corner of your being, you will face what you truly desire and what you fear. You could discover a part of yourself that you’ve kept hidden.”

The offer sparked something within Eva. The idea of always being the “good girl,” the exemplary student, suddenly seemed like a gilded cage. “And if I stay?”

“Then, you will discover pleasures and terrors you never imagined. But think carefully, it’s not a decision to take lightly.”

Eva lifted her gaze to meet his, and she felt a change within her, a decision being born from frustration and the desire to know herself. “I’ll stay. I’m tired of always being the one who follows the rules; I want to see who I really am.”

He inclined his head, a wolfish smile creeping onto his lips. “Are you sure, Eva? Here, in this place, I am known as Asmodeus, the demon of lust.”

“Ye-yes, I am sure,” Eva stammered, facing the demon she had unwittingly summoned. As Eva nodded to her decision, the world around her began to change. The university walls crumbled, but from their ruins arose a new construction, a small and romantic room that Eva recognized instantly. It was the place where she had first shared intimacy with her boyfriend; the space was adorned with rose petals and the soft glow of candles, recreating the atmosphere of that significant night.

Asmodeus, watching the transformation, began to speak with a voice that seemed to resonate within Eva’s own thoughts. “Here, in this place of memory and desire, I will guide you on the path of carnal knowledge and self-discovery. The first step is humility and surrender, symbolized in the act of giving pleasure without expecting anything in return.”

Eva, though her heart was beating strongly, felt a strange calm upon hearing his words. “I am well-acquainted with your most intimate desires,” Asmodeus continued, “and I will help you to explore them, to enjoy them without guilt or shame. This is a place where you will learn about the pleasure found in surrender, in trust.”

The room solidified completely, every detail exact to the memory, but now with a new charge, a deeper purpose. Asmodeus, with an elegant gesture, pointed towards a door that suddenly materialized in the room. It was slightly ajar, and through it, Eva could see the familiar dimness of the library. “Here is your exit, Eva. Your last chance to return to the world you know. Are you sure you want to stay?”

Eva approached the door; the library’s light seemed tempting, a beacon of safety amidst the unknown. However, something inside her held her back, a deep desire to explore, to know herself. “Yes, I am sure,” she said, her voice firm even though her heart wavered.

The door, as if having a will of its own, closed with a soft but definite click and then, without a trace, vanished. The room sealed itself, turning into a sanctuary with no exit.

Suddenly, the walls began to ripple, and faces started to emerge from the texture of the stone, pressing against the surface, trying to break through, their expressions a mix of yearning and desperation. Eva stepped back, fear rising in her throat.

“Do not fear,” whispered Asmodeus, his voice an erotic and soothing contrast. “They are merely the souls of those who could not pass my trials. They like to watch, to see how others confront their deepest fears. If you do not free yourself from yours, Eva, you will join them, trapped between worlds, observing, desiring, but never fulfilling.”

Eva felt a shiver, but also a strange excitement; the atmosphere of the room charged with a dark eroticism. “And what must I do to free myself?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper, her body aware of every word that escaped between those lips.

With a trembling but determined voice, she asked, “What must I do?”

Asmodeus gracefully sat in a chair that appeared out of nowhere, his gaze fixed on her. “Undress for yourself, Eva. Touch yourself. Not for me, but to discover your own pleasure. Do it with confidence and desire.”

She blushed, her nervous hands playing with the edge of her blouse. “But, I’ve never done it,” she confessed.

“I know,” Asmodeus replied. “There are many things you have yet to try.”

With a deep breath, Eva began to unbutton her clothes, her movements initially shy. As each garment fell to the floor, she tried to infuse sensuality into her gestures, but her inexperience made her seem awkward. Each motion was a mix of curiosity and embarrassment, her body unveiling itself under Asmodeus’s unwavering gaze.

From the walls, the trapped faces watched, their silent laughter echoing in the air like mocking whispers, making Eva feel the weight of their gaze upon her. However, Asmodeus did not join in their amusement; his face remained serious, his eyes reflecting an intensity that urged Eva to continue, to find her own pace, her own pleasure.

“Remember,” he said, his voice cutting through the laughter, “this is for you. Find your desire, Eva. Ignore those who could not free themselves.”

Come on, Eva, you can do it. You’re not a child, you’re eighteen, she thought, trying to muster up her courage.

Asmodeus, with a smile that seemed to read her soul, responded, “I know what you’re capable of, Eva. I know what you want to do. I know how far you can go.”

The revelation that her thoughts weren’t private acted as a catalyst for Eva. With newfound vigor, she lay back on the bed, her body now an offering to her self-exploration, without shame, aware of Asmodeus’s gaze as the sole witness to her intimacy.

She began to touch her breasts, feeling the texture of her skin beneath her fingers, her hands exploring with a mix of shyness and discovery. Her caresses became bolder, trailing down her body, her fingers tracing paths of sensitivity that elicited sighs from her lips. Each touch, each movement, was an affirmation of her desire, of her autonomy in pleasure.

The room reacted to her sensations. The walls creaked and cracked as if the intensity of her pleasure was tearing apart the very fabric of this place between worlds. With each moan, with each sigh from Eva, the cracks spread, and from them escaped red sparks of light, a reflection of the heat building inside her.

Her movements became more fluid, less clumsy, each caress a discovery of joy on her own skin. The souls in the walls fell silent, their mockery replaced by a reverent hush as if they were absorbed in the spectacle of her liberation.

Eva, lost in her own world of sensations, did not just masturbate for Asmodeus, but for herself, finding in her body a temple of pleasure she had never before explored so freely. The tension in the air was palpable, an erotic charge that filled the room, making every breath, every movement, an act of discovery and liberation.

With a blend of bravery and curiosity, she introduced two fingers into her intimacy, and as she did, she looked up, seeking Asmodeus’s eyes.

The room reacted viscerally. The cracks in the walls widened, pieces of the structure crumbled, and the floor trembled under a wave of ecstasy that seemed to be born from her own pleasure. Her moans were like music, a symphony of sensations echoing in every corner of this now disintegrating place.

Asmodeus appeared beside her, his nudity imposing and natural, as if carved from the very essence of desire. “Slow down,” he whispered, his voice a caress against her skin, “I don’t want you to end this place so soon.”

With gentleness but firmness, he knelt her at the edge of the bed, placing before her his erect member, an offering of desire. “Find your pleasure in mine, Eva. Discover how giving can be as sweet as receiving.”

Driven by an intense desire, she tried to please him, but her movements were clumsy, her technique unrefined. However, Asmodeus showed no impatience. “Eva. It’s not just about giving, it’s about sharing. Feel how your pleasure mirrors mine,” he guided her, teaching her with patience and desire how to move, how to envelop him with her mouth, how every gesture should be an expression of her own desire.

The room, in response, stabilized, as if shared pleasure was the key to its existence. Eva, with Asmodeus’s words echoing in her mind, found a rhythm, a connection, that not only pleased Asmodeus but also stoked her own internal fire.

Eva, with Asmodeus’s guidance, found a rhythm, her tongue and lips exploring with growing boldness. Her eyes closed in concentration, yet feeling the intensity of Asmodeus’s gaze upon her. The room responded to their union; one of the walls began to crumble, revealing a deep darkness beyond.

She felt the change in Asmodeus’s body, a mounting tension that heralded his impending climax. His breathing became quicker, his hands tangled in Eva’s hair, guiding her with an urgency she couldn’t ignore.

“Here it comes, Eva,” Asmodeus murmured, his voice a dark, promising whisper, “that will be yours, it belongs only to you.”

His words sent an electric current through Eva, an anticipation that became tangible reality when he reached his peak. An intense eruption, the sensation of hot liquid filling her mouth, so plentiful that at first, Eva felt overwhelmed, but then, the taste, the texture, the proof of her power over him, turned into a triumph. She accepted it, her mind flooded with sensations, each drop a reminder of her ability to give and receive pleasure, an experience so intense that it seemed time itself stood still, allowing each second to be an eternity of discovery.

After the moment with Asmodeus, an unfamiliar voice broke through the air thick with desire. “Well done, Eva,” it said, with a tone suggesting approval.

Startled, Eva turned her head to find a naked man, his presence as imposing as Asmodeus’s but with a different aura, more decadent, more raw. “Don’t be frightened, I am Belial,” he introduced himself, his voice like velvet over bare skin. “I am in charge of your next step in self-discovery.”

Asmodeus, with calm authority, reclined on the bed. “Lie down on your back, Eva,” he instructed, his words a soft command, “between my legs.”

Eva, moving as if in a trance, positioned herself between Asmodeus’s open legs, feeling the heat of his body enveloping her. As she lay back, Belial knelt before her, his gaze hungry yet reverent at the task before him.

Belial’s tongue, longer than any human’s could be, began its exploration, reaching places inside Eva she never imagined existed. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and surprise that made her arch her back, pressing against Asmodeus, seeking and finding support.

The place began to shake, not just from the act itself, but from the intensity of Eva’s sensations. The walls quivered as if the room was an extension of her body, resonating with each moan that escaped her lips. The whispers and laments of the souls trapped in the walls grew louder, but they were overshadowed by the pure and raw sound of Eva’s pleasure.

With a tenderness that contrasted with his demonic essence, Belial guided Eva to turn over, positioning her face down on the bed. “Now, Eva,” he murmured, “you’re going to experience something new. I will enjoy this, make no mistake, but I also want you to learn how to enjoy it.”

Feeling the shift, Eva settled in, her face resting on Asmodeus’s thigh, her body stretched out, vulnerable, and expectant. Belial’s entry was slow and deliberate, each inch of his member entering in a dance of advance and pause that allowed Eva to feel every sensation: pleasure mixed with an initial discomfort, as if her body was still adjusting to this new world of sensations.

Asmodeus noticed the stiffness in her posture, how her body seemed more concerned with Belial’s enjoyment than her own. “Eva,” he said with a voice that resonated in both her ear and soul, “you’re not fully giving yourself over. You’re not here just to please, but to enjoy. You must find your pleasure in this, not just offer yours.”

Hearing Asmodeus’s words, Eva felt a shift within. With a deep breath, she spread her legs wider, her body relaxing, allowing every inch of Belial to fill her. The sensation of claws gripping her made her turn her head to look, but she only saw Belial’s hands; however, the intensity of the sensation suggested something darker, deeper.

Completely surrendering to her own ecstasy, Eva discovered a new dimension of pleasure. Her body, now an instrument of her desire, moved in sync with Belial. In this state, a need emerged within her, one that didn’t need instruction; while Belial penetrated her, Eva turned her head toward Asmodeus, her lips finding his member with a devotion born from her own desire.

The souls trapped in the walls were astonished, their faces pressing even harder against the stone as if trying to absorb every droplet of the scene. The place reacted to her total surrender; the space began to expand as if the ecstasy itself was inflating the room. With each moan from Eva, the room shook, another wall crumbled, and the ceiling cracked, each fissure and fall echoing with the crescendo of her pleasure.

As Eva gave herself to the act, a new sound joined the cacophony of pleasure and destruction: the echo of hooves, like those of a goat, pacing around them. She turned her head, without breaking her attention from Asmodeus, her tongue still exploring with devotion. Between licks, she asked, “Who are you?”

Asmodeus, with a patience that belied his demonic nature, gently held Eva’s hair, guiding her back to her task while with the other hand he gestured towards the newcomer. “Allow me to introduce you to Leviathan,” he said, his deep voice resonating through the already desire-laden atmosphere.

Leviathan, with a presence that seemed to fill the remaining space of the room, responded with a voice that recalled the murmur of the ocean’s depths. “I am Leviathan, the demon of vastness and depths. Here to teach you, Eva, to free yourself from the chains that you and society have placed upon you. I will show you how vulnerability can be your greatest strength, how in complete surrender, you find your power.”

Belial, after one last thrust, withdrew from Eva, leaving a void that was quickly replaced by Leviathan’s presence. Eva tried to move, but Leviathan firmly held her by the hips, his voice deep and resonant: “Do not move, this is how I need you.”

With a mix of curiosity and defiance, Eva adjusted her position, arching her back and raising her hips, offering herself to him without shame, completely open. “If you’re going to do it, do it now,” she said with a boldness that surprised even herself, her words a clear permission and an urgent invitation.

Leviathan, responding to her daring, approached. His entry was deliberate, slow, allowing Eva to feel every inch of his advance. At first, there was a prick of pain, a reminder of her body’s limits, but Eva relaxed, her breathing deepened, allowing her body to adapt.

The tip of Leviathan passed through that painful barrier, and at that moment, Eva knew he was inside. The sensation was unusual, a blend of fullness and something else, something that touched unknown fibers of her being. With a gentle but firm push, Leviathan made his way fully in, filling her in a way that was both invasive and surprisingly pleasurable. She felt how every part of her inside adjusted to his presence, an invasion that, instead of being violent, felt like an expansion of her own self.

The structure of the place continued to collapse, another wall crumbled, leaving only one and the ceiling on the verge of giving way, as if Eva’s pleasure was redefining the space itself. Each of her moans echoed with the room’s disintegration, a reverberation of liberation and joy she had never experienced. Sweat ran down her skin, a mix of exertion and ecstasy.

With newfound vigor, Eva looked at Asmodeus and then at Belial, her eyes shining with a new light of control. She rose, her body moving with a grace that spoke of her transformation. She took hold of Leviathan, who for a moment seemed taken aback by her audacity, and guided him to lie down on the bed. With deliberate possession, Eva positioned herself over him, giving him her back, and with a steady hand, she guided Leviathan’s member inside her anally, her movements dictated by her own desire.

She leaned her body back, arching, each movement a testament to her newly discovered dominance. Her gaze then met Belial’s, and with just the language of her eyes, she offered a silent but clear invitation. That visual exchange, charged with desire and command, was as eloquent as any words could be; Belial, understanding the message, approached, his tongue ready to explore Eva’s intimacy from a new angle, promising a symphony of sensations that only the three of them could comprehend.

Eva, now at the peak of her control and desire, turned her gaze towards Asmodeus, her eyes communicating a profound need. The invitation in her look was clear: she wanted to be filled in every sense, in every conceivable space of her body. Asmodeus, with a smile that promised more dark pleasures, approached, his member already erect and ready to be received by Eva’s eager mouth.

In that moment, Eva felt as if her body had transcended physical space, floating in an ecstasy so profound that every cell of her being vibrated with new consciousness. The pleasure was not merely physical but a transcendental experience, as if she were merging with the universe itself.

At the very peak of sensations, the last wall collapsed, bathing the area in supernatural light. The sight of hundreds of trapped souls, watching from the shadows, was revealed before them. Eva, without stopping, without losing a shred of her rhythm, looked at those souls with defiance. With a rude gesture of her finger, she sent them a clear message: “Go to hell,” and continued her act with renewed passion, her body moving in perfect sync with her demonic lovers, each motion an affirmation of her power and her liberation.

Belial, in a moment of culmination, withdrew his tongue and, with precision, entered with his member, joining the rhythm already set. The ceiling, as if connected to their sensations, creaked ominously, on the brink of collapse under the weight of their combined ecstasy.

Eva felt Leviathan’s pulsations first, her body responding with a deep shudder as the warmth of his essence filled her inside, a river of liquid pleasure that marked her internally. “Eva,” Leviathan murmured, his deep voice resonating within her being, “your surrender is your greatest strength.”

Asmodeus, not to be outdone, reached his climax for the second time, his release filling Eva’s mouth with his taste, a testament to their shared dominance. “Your passion is your crown,” he whispered, his words like an elixir that intensified the moment even further.

Belial, the last to join this whirlwind of sensations, throbbed within her, his climax an echo of the others, completing the cycle of pleasure. “In your vulnerability, you find your power,” he said, his voice a blend of reverence and desire.

Just as Eva was about to utter something, perhaps a word of ecstasy or maybe an acknowledgment of what she had discovered within herself, the ceiling gave way. Reality exploded into a chaos of dust and debris, and then…

Eva opened her eyes, disoriented, to find the librarian leaning over her, gently nudging her. “Wake up, child, wake up,” the old woman urged, her voice bringing Eva back to the real world.

Eva sat up, still feeling the echo of ecstasy in her body, and noticed that she was still holding the book. The pages, now closed, seemed to contain unexplored worlds.

The librarian, with an expression of understanding and concern, began to speak. “I know what you’ve experienced,” she said, her voice soft but laden with meaning. “I’ve been there, in that book, not once, but many times.”

Eva, still dazed, murmured, “So, was that real?”

“More real than any reality you know out here,” the librarian replied, her gaze lost for a moment in memories.

Curious and still under the spell of what she had experienced, Eva opened the book again, her eyes falling on an image that left her breathless: a woman of ethereal beauty, with a gaze that seemed to see through her soul. The name beneath the image was clear: “Lilith”.

The librarian, seeing the wonder in Eva’s eyes and the danger the open page represented, quickly intervened. “Don’t read,” she said with urgency, slamming the book shut. “You’re not ready for Lilith,” she warned, her tone now urgent. “Go home, child.”

Without another word, the old woman began to guide Eva towards the entrance. Upon opening the door, she turned to ensure Eva was following, only to find the space behind her empty. Her gaze turned to where Eva had been, and she saw the book falling through the air, closing with a sharp thud before settling on the ground. The librarian, with a sigh that mingled resignation and fear, closed the door, aware that Eva had returned to the place of her darkest desires and discoveries.

Published 3 months ago

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