Things had moved on quickly for Miss McKenzie. Whilst she had committed the theft, her case was heard quickly, and she was given only twenty-five hours of community service.
Straight after the Court hearing, Miss Mackenzie went to see Miss Stone to plead for her job back. Miss Stone scoffed at how light the penalty was for her theft. Miss McKenzie agreed, and suggested that the penalty could be increased if Miss Stone were to give her the cane, maybe several different times over the coming weeks, or months even.
Miss Stone had to admit that, like all of the girls in Miss McKenzie’s class, she also had a soft spot for the teacher. She was young, but authoritative, and had one of the best-behaved classes in the college. She knew how to use smacking the girls’ legs to get the class into the right frame of mind to do their college work. Miss Stone, therefore, decided it was right to give Miss McKenzie her job back, but she would need to be punished as was suggested by Miss McKenzie.
So, Miss Stone agreed, on the basis that for the next six weeks, Miss McKenzie would attend her study after college closed for the day, and, each time, receive thirty strokes of the cane. While the punishment was rather more than Miss McKenzie had thought fair, she agreed, so that she could get her job back.
Once Miss McKenzie agreed, Miss Stone then smiled and asked, “Do you remember Officer Hampton? Obviously, you should, because she gave evidence at your court case. Straight after you were handcuffed and taken off to the police station, she asked me to cane her. It turned out that her knickers were very damp after watching the three girls that you named, being caned by me. She has actually come to my study already, on several occasions, after college has closed, and I have caned her each time with thirty strokes. What makes sense, is that you both come at the same time, and I will cane you both, giving each of you thirty strokes, and then, you will say thank you, using your tongue on my very wet and throbbing pussy lips.
Miss McKenzie was very surprised, when told about Officer Hampton, but really didn’t mind that, because, if she was going to be caned, it hardly mattered if Officer Hampton was watching, as, after all, she would then watch Officer Hampton being caned by Miss Stone.
So, two weeks in a row that happened, and today was the third time that meeting would take place.
Whilst Tilly, Polly, and Jade didn’t really mind that Miss McKenzie was back teaching them at school, as they each fancied her, and even though all three had had their legs smacked in class quite several times already since she did return, they did feel that they deserved to have their revenge. They joked about it, and even discussed it several times, saying how they would love to smack Miss McKenzie’s legs, spank her bottom, and then give her the cane. They each got rather damp knickers whenever they discussed it.
However, as they discussed revenge on Miss McKenzie, they also discussed revenge on Miss Stone and Officer Hampton, and discussed who should discipline which one.
It became clear that Polly was the one who really did fancy Miss Mackenzie, and was the happiest of the three of them having her legs smacked in class, because that meant Miss McKenzie did at least rub her legs before smacking them. She had given herself huge orgasms when in bed thinking just about that.
Tilly wanted to be the one to deal with Miss Stone. She would happily spank and cane the headmistress, but she actually fancied being Miss Stone’s submissive girlfriend. She had quite a fantasy of having an older woman as her girlfriend who controlled her in every single way, including spanking her whenever she disobeyed her. She hoped that might actually happen one day, with Miss Stone being the older dominant woman.
Jade actually had a fantasy about women in uniform. She loved it whenever she saw a woman in a police officer’s uniform, like Officer Hampton, but also women dressed as a nurse or the like. Jade’s fantasy was that she was the one that would be in charge, the alpha female, telling the woman to get her uniform off, and then Jade would be the one to give the very hard spanking. Of course, it always ended up with giving each other tongue sex.
It was after college today that the three girls stayed in the sixth form common room, joking once again about taking their revenge on the three women. They weren’t supposed to be there, and, in fact, the rules said they shouldn’t be, but there were no teachers around so they knew they would get away with it. The caretaker would come along, eventually, and kick them out, but never said anything to the teachers.
Today, Jade was looking out the window when she saw Officer Hampton come into the college grounds. She told the others, and the three of them left the sixth-form common room and carefully followed Officer Hampton so that she wouldn’t see them. They followed her right up to the door to the college, and reckoned that, as she turned left to go along the corridor, she was going towards the headmistress’s study.
The three girls stayed outside and walked along until they came to the window to the headmistress’s study, and, when they looked through the window inside, again being careful to make sure that they weren’t seen, they saw Officer Hampton walk in, and saw that Miss Stone and Miss McKenzie were already there. The three girls looked at each other, realising that the three women they wanted their revenge on were together in the headmistress’s study, and it was after college, so that would be no one else around, except, today, Polly, Tilly, and Jade were also there.
As the window was slightly ajar, they heard Officer Hampton say, “Sorry I am late, but I got held up at the police station.”
Miss Stone replied, in a stern tone, “Let’s get you over my lap for your spanking.”
In just a few moments, the girls saw Miss Stone sit on one of the visitors’ chairs, and Officer Hampton raised her skirt up above her waist, lowered her knickers to her ankles, and bent across Miss Stone’s lap. Polly very quickly took out her phone, just as Officer Hampton was lowering herself across Miss Stone’s lap, and then kept on filming as Miss Stone started to spank Officer Hampton’s bare bottom.
Miss McKenzie was watching the spanking and was also being filmed. In fact, she was already naked below her waist and, what surprised the girls as much, was when Miss McKenzie moved so that her bottom was facing the girls, they saw that Miss McKenzie’s bottom was already bright red. Therefore, she must already have been spanked by Miss Stone.
Polly was still filming as Miss Stone continued to spank Officer Hampton. Then, when the spanking ended, she was still filming when Officer Hampton slid off Miss Stone’s lap, knelt between the headmistresses then parted legs, and licked Miss Stone to a huge orgasm.
Polly then made the instant decision that they should walk into the headmistress’s study. The other two agreed.
Knowing what she fully intended doing, Polly asked, “Do you both have your hairbrushes in your handbags?”
Both Tilly and Jade answered that they did have.
Moments later, the three girls went back to the entrance to the building, entered the building by the same door as Officer Hampton had done, quickly walked along the corridor, and, without knocking, went into the outer office and then directly into the headmistress’s study.
As the three girls entered, Polly held up her phone and said sternly, “We have the evidence here, Miss Stone, also already uploaded to a safe location, that you have just spanked Officer Hampton and have already spanked Miss McKenzie. The three of us girls want revenge for what you put us through when investigating the ring that was ultimately shown to have been stolen by Miss McKenzie. All three of you are to be disciplined by the three of us, or this film will be circulated around the college, as well as to parents and governors, so they will all know what you get up to.
Miss Stone, Miss McKenzie, and Officer Hampton, were all shocked when they saw the three girls barge into the study. Officer Hampton wondered if she could get hold of Polly’s phone, and destroy the film, but doubted she could do that without getting help from other Officers at the police station, who would then see exactly what was on the film.
So, when there was now no resistance coming from the three women, Polly explained, “We believe we are entitled to some element of revenge for what you put us through. Therefore, each one of you will have your bare bottoms spanked by one of us, and then all three of you will bend over and receive thirty-six strokes of the cane. You will address each one of us as, ma’am, and do exactly as we say, when we say. Anything less than that, and you will be penalised with additional strokes of the cane, and, if necessary, the circulation of the film which will, of course, affect all three of you.”
Polly waited a few moments to see if there was any pushback from the three women, and when there wasn’t, she said in a still very stern tone of voice, “Is that understood?”
The three women basically admitted their submission to the three girls by saying almost in unison, “Yes, ma’am.”
Polly looked around at Tilly and Jade, nodded, then looked back at the three women and instructed in the same firm voice, “We want all three of you naked. Then we will tell you who will go over which lap, and you will initially be spanked by our hand, but we will then use wooden-backed hairbrushes. The cane will follow on immediately after that. Now get undressed.”
The three women did look at each other, but knew they had no choice because of the film. All three women were in a blouse and skirt, and each one undid their blouses and took them off. Then they unzipped their skirts and pushed them down towards the floor, catching their knickers on the way, and once that was done, they scooped them up and put them with their other clothes. All three women then put their hands behind their backs and unclipped their bras, slipped them down their arms, and put them with their other clothes. All three women looked really nervous as they stood there, fully naked, two of them with red bottoms as they had already been spanked, whilst Miss Stone couldn’t see any way of avoiding ending up with a very red bottom with cane welts.
The three girls then went and sat on the two visitor’s chairs by Miss Stone’s desk, and Jade brought over the chair that they each remembered Officer Hampton had been sitting on next to the caning table. Once it was brought over to be with the other two, the three chairs were almost in a circle.
Polly gave the instruction as to which woman was to go across which of the girl’s laps. Polly was going to spank and cane Miss McKenzie, Tilly was going to spank and cane Miss Stone, and Jade was going to spank and cane Officer Hampton.
Polly finished off by ordering, “Right then, the three of you very naughty women, come and stand by who is going to spank you.
The three women looked warily at the girl who was going to spank and cane her, but, immediately, each of the women said, “Yes ma’am,” and obediently went and stood by the girl they were told to.
Polly had already decided that she wanted to do something extra as she was going to be dealing with Miss McKenzie. Once Miss McKenzie was standing by her side, Polly said to everyone else, “I have decided I’m going to smack Miss McKenzie’s legs, just as she smacks ours when in the classroom. There’s no need to do it to the other two.”
Polly then ordered Miss McKenzie to fold her arms behind her back, just as the girls in class were told to do when Miss McKenzie was about to smack their legs.
Tilly and Jade fully understood why only Miss McKenzie should have her legs smacked and watched as Polly positioned Miss McKenzie so that the teacher was standing sideways on to Polly, who could then rub the backs of Miss McKenzie’s legs with her right hand. Everyone could see that Miss McKenzie was wincing at the realisation that she was going to have her legs smacked, and, as soon as Polly was smacking her legs, Miss McKenzie was quick to gasp after each smack.
Polly fully intended landing many more spanks on Miss McKenzie’s legs than their teacher did when she smacked the girls legs but thought that was fair enough. This was part of the revenge she was carrying out. In addition, Polly did love rubbing the backs of Miss McKenzie’s thighs, before smacking them, just as much as she always enjoyed the feel of Miss McKenzie’s hand rubbing her thighs before her teacher smacked her. Now, it was Miss McKenzie who was letting out gasps as each smack landed.
Once Polly was happy with the way she had smacked the backs of Miss McKenzie’s thighs, she directed Miss McKenzie to turn so that she was faced away from her. Polly then rubbed the side of McKenzie’s right leg and proceeded to smack that time and again. After a good dozen smacks, Polly directed Miss McKenzie to turn again, so that she could now rub the front of Miss McKenzie’s thighs with her right hand, and after several rubs up and down each thigh, Polly proceeded to land smack after smack on the thigh of each leg. Finally, turning Miss McKenzie one further time so that Polly could rub the outer thigh of Miss McKenzie left leg with her right hand, Polly smacked the side of Miss McKenzie’s leg.
Having now thoroughly smacked Miss McKenzie’s legs, far more severely than Miss McKenzie smacked the legs of the girls in class, and now that Miss McKenzie was sniffing back tears, it was time to order all three women across her, and both Tilly and Jade’s laps.
As Miss McKenzie stood there, with her hands folded behind her back still, and sniffing back tears, she told herself that smacking girl’s legs was a good punishment to carry out in the classroom and could see why it made most of the girls behave. Having now understood that even better than before, she resolved to make sure she smacked Polly’s legs in class time and again. It was not just because Polly had smacked her legs, but out of the whole class, Miss McKenzie did fancy Polly the most, and loved rubbing Polly’s legs before smacking her legs.
Things were then ready for all three women to be dealt with, and Polly then ordered, “Right then, the three of you very naughty women, get across our laps so we can give you the spanking you deserve.”
The three women eyed warily the girl who was going to spank and cane them, but, obediently, each of the women said, “Yes, ma’am,” and lowered themselves across the lap of the teenage girl who was going to get her revenge on them.
Feeling elated that they each had a naked woman across their lap with a bottom almost begging to be spanked, the girls glanced towards each other, nodded, then raised their hands and brought their palms down on the bare bottom waiting across their laps. None of them had imagined that they would actually be spanking any woman, let alone the headmistress, their class teacher, and the police officer. Yet, here they were, spanking them time and again on alternate cheeks, each woman staying obediently across their lap, and taking every single spank.
The girls supposed that they weren’t so surprised that Miss McKenzie and Officer Hampton stayed in place, because they had already been spanked today by Miss Stone. It was certainly exciting to see that Miss Stone stayed in place as well, was also taking every spank, and, presumably, would also take the spanking with the hairbrush and then the cane. Why else would she accept the spanking, they wondered?
Of course, each of the teenage girls knew that what they were doing was totally wrong, and could quite easily lead to them being expelled. They hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but they had started, so there would be no benefit to them in stopping any earlier without finishing off spanking and then caning each of the three women.
As Miss McKenzie had her bottom spanked again, she knew that as all three girls were in her class, she had smacked each of their legs on many many occasions. She never saw anything wrong in that, and also knew that it helped the whole class behave. Now that she was having her bottom spanked by Polly, she could see why the other girls in the class behaved. Mind you, Miss McKenzie told herself that this punishment was more likely to lead her to smack more girl’s legs rather than less, and she would certainly be smacking these three girls time and again, at least so long as they weren’t expelled for doing this.
As Officer Hampton was being spanked, she knew that she was in this embarrassing position because she had asked Miss Stone to cane her. If she hadn’t, then she would never have returned to the college, these girls would never have seen her in the study, and she wouldn’t have been part of this revenge attack. She wondered if, when it was over, she should arrest all three girls on the basis that they had physically harmed her and the other two ladies. However, she kept reminding herself of the film, the likelihood that her colleagues would make fun of her, and that she would most likely get sacked if that film became public knowledge. So, she stayed in place, actually not minding being spanked by a teenage girl, and took every spank.
As Miss Stone was being spanked, she thought it was so wrong for the headmistress to be spanked by one of the girls, just for doing her job. She had never heard of that happening anywhere else, but she also came to the conclusion that she couldn’t do anything about it, because she would end up being sacked by the governors if they found out. Mind you, she told herself that it certainly wouldn’t stop her from making sure that all three girls got double detentions time after time, so they would be sent to her to be caned. That would be a revenge that these girls may not have thought about.
It was several minutes before the three girls nodded towards each other, mouthing to each other that their hands were beginning to sting. That was when they agreed that they would stop spanking these women with their hands, and they took the hairbrushes out of their handbags and started to spank the three women with them. They immediately loved the way that each time the hairbrush spanked down on the already red spanked bottom, there was a louder thwacking sound than when they were spanking with their hands. Also, what the girls noticed, was that the relatively soft gasps that the women were making when being spanked by the girls’ hands, turned into much louder gasps and then yelps as the hairbrush spanked down time and again. Each girl was feeling really satisfied as they continued to spank these naughty bare bottoms with the hairbrush.
As they continued to spank each of the women with their hairbrush, each of the girls looked around at the other two women who were lying across their friend’s laps. They saw the women squirming around, tensing their arms and legs as the hairbrush landed, and, as they then wiggled around as a reaction, it was rather funny to see their breasts swaying. That was when they told themselves how right it was to make the women completely undress, as humiliation had to go with submission, and that’s what was being achieved right then.
As each girl continued to spank the hairbrush down and be rewarded with those louder and louder gasps and yelps, it actually encouraged them to spank the women even harder. Each of the three women kept on yelping and squirming around on the girl’s lap, but it was so welcoming that each woman stayed across their laps, not daring to get up, and even saying from time to time, “Sorry, ma’am.” Well, they had Polly and her phone to thank for that.
Each of the girls knew that, if the game plan was followed, as described by Polly to the three women, then once the spanking was over, they would be giving each of these women thirty-six strokes of the cane as well.
The time for that had come, and Polly instructed, “Right, you three very naughty women, stand up and get ready to be caned.”
The three women pushed themselves off the three girl’s laps, and, when they did stand, each of them clutched their bottom cheeks which were stinging madly, and they rubbed their bottoms but clearly to no avail.
The three girls watched the three women rubbing their bottoms, and wondered if they realised just how much their breasts were swaying and jiggling about, or, more likely, they didn’t care about that because their bottoms were stinging so badly, and they were also most likely thinking about the caning to come.
Each of the three girls had been caned themselves before now, and so they knew what that was like. These three women were struggling to deal with their stinging bottoms after so far being spanked by a teenage girl’s hand and her hairbrush. What would they be doing after thirty-six strokes of the cane? Well, these women will soon find out.
Polly then gave the instruction. “Miss McKenzie and Officer Hampton, you will both bend over the headmistress’s desk and clasp hold of the far side. Miss McKenzie will bend over from the visitor’s side of the desk, and Officer Hampton will bend over the other end of the table, and from the headmistress’s side of the desk, Miss Stone, you will go and bend over the caning table and clasp hold of the far end.”
The three women were sniffing back tears as they said, “Yes, ma’am,” and did exactly as they were told. After all, they had come to terms with being punished by these three teenage girls, and saw no reason to be anything less than obedient.
As Officer Hampton bent over the desk, she knew that she wasn’t feeling anywhere near as sexually aroused as she had been when watching the three girls being caned on that day of the interrogations. She wasn’t surprised, but knew that she would be much more aroused by the time she got home because, on those occasions when Miss Stone had caned her since then, she fingered herself to the most huge memorable orgasms when she did get home.
Miss McKenzie also did as she was told, and, as she did, knew that she saw this as a punishment, just as smacking the girls’ legs in class was their punishment. She, too, had fingered herself to huge orgasms when getting home after being caned by Miss Stone. She had even given herself orgasms by going to the toilets before leaving the college. She was pretty sure the same would happen again today.
On the other hand, she knew that she was still happier being the one handing out the punishments, and fully intended making sure that Polly had her legs smacked many many times going forward.
She also played around with the idea that if she gave Polly a detention, and she was the only one in detention, then she could give Polly a proper bare bottom spanking, and get Polly to give her tongue sex so that she had an orgasm there at college. That was a serious consideration, she told herself, as she bent over the desk and clasped hold of the far side, knowing that she was about to receive the most unbearable pain of thirty-six strokes of the cane. Of course, she knew how that would hurt because it was even more than the thirty strokes Miss Stone had given her each time since her return to teaching at the college.
As Miss Stone bent over the caning table, she again told herself how incredible it was that she was about to be punished by one of the girls, and she was the headmistress at the college. She knew this was going to hurt much much more than the hairbrush, and even when she gave the girls just six strokes of the cane, tears dribbled down their faces. She knew that when she had given Miss McKenzie and Officer Hampton thirty strokes of the cane, they were bawling their eyes out, and she had no doubt that was going to happen to her.
The three girls looked at the three still naked women, now bent over and waiting to be caned on their bare bottoms, which were already red and bruised from the hand spanking and spanking with the hairbrushes. They doubted if any of the women were conscious of being naked, and why would they as they were being disciplined by three girls. However, the three women were probably feeling very submissive, quite possibly contrite, and hopefully understood how right it was for them to be punished.
The girls knew that Miss McKenzie was the really guilty one, being the real thief. Even though Miss Stone and Officer Hampton weren’t aware of that when interrogating the girls, that shouldn’t stop them from being punished like this as well. Anyway, all three girls fully intended to give each of the women thirty-six very hard strokes of the cane.
It was Polly who went to the cupboard and picked out three hook-ended senior canes, and gave one to each of the other girls. They each swished them and loved that sound, but it was intended to notify each of the three women the caning was about to start.
Whilst none of the girls had ever used a cane before, they had each been caned, and as they lay in bed that night after being caned, they had each imagined how they would position themselves if they were the ones giving the cane. That’s what they did just then, making sure that they were the right distance away from the bare bottom they were going to cane, that the whole of the cane would land on the bottom cheeks, and not in the air beyond.
Once in position, each girl rubbed the cane from side to side across the bare bottom that was so nicely presented for them. They actually saw each bottom cheek tense, so knew that the three women were fully aware of how much the cane was going to hurt. Of course, Miss McKenzie and Officer Hampton had both been caned by Miss Stone, and whilst none of the girls knew whether Miss Stone had ever been caned, if she hadn’t, then she was going to know now just how much it hurt.
Each of the girls nodded to each other, but didn’t smile because this was something they were taking very seriously. Instead, they pulled their arms back, and brought the cane down with a loud thwack, which of course echoed as there were three canes landing at the same time. Also echoing around the room were the gasps that came from each of the three women who were being caned.
The girls were still taking this seriously as they landed the next stroke and the stroke after that, each time enjoying listening to the louder and louder gasps that each of the women had made. This was revenge in the truest sense, they each told themselves, and, as the girls continued to land stroke after stroke, they each realised that they were also getting excited, and were pretty sure their knickers were getting damp. Did Miss Stone’s knickers get damp when she caned them, they wondered? Did Miss McKenzie’s knickers get damp when she smacked their legs, they also wondered.
This was opening up all sorts of thoughts in the girls’ minds. Did the headmistress and the teachers enjoy punishing the girls, because there was little doubt that each of them was enjoying caning each of the women, even more than they had enjoyed having those women across their laps and spanking their bottoms with their hands and the hairbrush.
It also set new thoughts flying around the minds of both Tilly and Polly. Tilly knew that she had a crush on Miss Stone, but, before today, used to finger herself to huge orgasms imagining herself being caned by the headmistress. She knew she even fingered herself to those orgasms when in bed after she had been caned that very day.
Polly knew that she had a serious crush on Miss McKenzie. She didn’t know it, but she was having similar thoughts to Tilly about being disciplined by Miss Stone, because Polly also fingered herself to huge orgasms, particularly when in bed after Miss McKenzie had smacked her legs that day.
The two girls both had crushes on the women they were now caning, and Polly and Tilly were both thinking almost the same thoughts, that the two women did deserve to be punished because of what they did to them, but at any other time they actually wanted to submit to these women themselves. Tilly hoped that Miss Stone would cane her again, and Polly wanted Miss McKenzie to smack her legs regularly, as, before the smack itself, it was so exciting to have Miss McKenzie rub her legs with her hand.
Officer Hampton was having very different thoughts. She still loved being caned by Miss Stone, and actually found being caned by Jade was equally exciting. There was something quite sexy in her mind about being caned by a teenage girl, so many years younger than herself. Stroke after stroke was landing, and Officer Hampton was gasping and yelping, but she knew that she loved the submission. She was still very happy being a police officer and having that level of authority over anyone who committed a crime, but this submission was purely sexual submission to a dominant woman, or, in this case, a dominant girl who was just sixteen. She loved it, of course, and knew that her knickers weren’t getting damp just then because she was totally naked. However, she fully expected that her sex juice would dribble down her inner thighs as soon as the caning was over, if it wasn’t already.
As the three girls landed more strokes, they heard the woman they were caning start to sob and then cry. They each saw the thick welts developing on the three women’s bare bottoms, and knew how difficult sitting down would be for them for the rest of the day, at least. That was so cool, the three girls told themselves.
The three girls kept landing stroke after stroke until they had given the three women the full thirty-six strokes. Once they had done that, they did start to think about what problems they might have in the future, with both Miss Stone and Miss McKenzie.
However, Polly had other thoughts, remembering how she had seen Officer Hampton giving Miss Stone tongue sex, and watching as Miss Stone exploded in such a huge orgasm. So, Polly instructed, “Okay, your punishment is over. Say thank you, just as Miss Stone expected after she caned you.”
The three women were relieved that the caning was over, although each of them knew that their bottoms were stinging like never before, but, as they saw the three teenage girls sit on the chairs they had sat on to spank each of them, and now had their legs parted, and the girls’ knickers were already off, the three women knew what was expected of them. Each said a still respectful, “Yes, ma’am,” as they knelt down between the legs of the girl who had just spanked and caned them. They didn’t just go straight to the girl’s stretched pussy lips, but kissed the girl’s inner thighs, wanting to make sure that the girl did reach a huge orgasm. That was because of their fear that, if they didn’t do a good job, the girls might decide to punish them again.
The three girls were getting more and more excited as their inner thighs were kissed and then their pussy lips licked and kissed and sucked, felt the woman’s finger flicking their taut clit, and it took hardly any time at all for them each to explode in huge orgasms. They couldn’t believe how huge those orgasms were, but, with that, felt that they had taken their revenge, and were very happy at having done that.
The three girls were really excited about how things later turned out.
After their orgasms, Polly reminded the three women that, as they had been spanked and caned at college, they needed to be spanked when they got home. All three women made the point that they didn’t have anyone who could spank them. That was when Polly said, “In that case, we will each come to your homes tonight and give you a spanking.”
That surprised the three women, but were each up for that to happen. They each said that they would be alone tonight, and were equally up for being spanked again because that was exactly what they Miss Stone and Miss McKenzie expected the college girls to have done to them after they were punished.
It was when each of the three girls went to each of the women’s homes and spanked them, that, afterwards, they had a discussion with each woman.
Miss McKenzie and Polly had a discussion. Polly pointed out that she preferred that Miss McKenzie was in control of her and welcomed her legs being smacked on a regular basis. Miss McKenzie smiled and said, “I can do better than that, Polly. You will sit an after-college detention, but I’ll make sure that it’s just you sitting that detention. Each time, I will smack your legs but then also spank your bare bottom, and we will give each other tongue sex after that.”
Polly was blown away by that, and loved it every time it happened.
Tilly made a similar comment to Miss Stone, who said, “No problem there, Tilly. On a weekly basis, you will come to my study after college has ended. I will spank your bare bottom and give you the cane each time. Then we will give each other tongue sex and huge orgasms.”
Tilly was really up for that as well, and enjoyed it every single time.
Jade and Officer Hampton had a different discussion. Officer Hampton explained how she had got so aroused by being spanked and caned by Jade. Officer Hampton pointed out that it was only a small police station where she worked, and quite often she was the only one on duty in the police station whilst the others were out on patrol. Officer Hampton explained there would be plenty of times for Jade to come to the police station, give her a spanking, and Officer Hampton said she would then be delighted to give Jade tongue sex.
Jade was up for that, but said that she would also give Officer Hampton tongue sex because that was only fair.
Jade and Officer Hampton loved doing all of that every single time they met.
The teenage girls were delighted with how things had turned out, as were the three women, but stranger things had happened, so why not this.