Decorating My Tree

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Deep breath.

I’m taking a break from decorating to absent-mindedly adjust my fluffy robe and look out a window to see snow falling on more snow, and lights twinkling on neighbouring houses in the dead of night. No one’s outside from what I can see.

At least it’s peaceful.

There’s a muffled atmosphere when snow is on the ground that I absolutely love about this time of year. It would be better with company, but I’m home alone. No one wanted to decorate for Christmas sooner and it’s already mid-month, so here I am, taking a sip of wine and pulling out lights from a box to put on a tree I set up moments earlier in the living room.

The tree is usually the last thing to go up, so I take my time and make it as perfect as possible…

You are on a late-night stroll through the neighborhood when you happen upon my house, a beacon of light in the darkness, and you notice movement from the uncovered windows.

Curiosity gets the best of you, glancing around to see if anyone else is out, and you move closer to one of the front windows, hiding your dark-clothed and bundled body behind a nearby tree.

You’re far enough away so that the light doesn’t betray your form and shadow, but close enough to see what’s going on inside.

You see me, carefully but deftly placing white lights on the green pine needles, making sure each strand is in its rightful spot.

The next part takes your breath away though, as you see me bending down to reach the bottom of the tree, my ass and pussy on full display under my short robe.

It’s only for a moment since I walk around the tree to get the lights on.

When I straighten up though, I feel conscious of myself and look at all the windows.

I don’t see anything out of the ordinary after a minute of scanning so my attention goes back to the tree, stepping back to see if the lights look even on the boughs.

I’m content after a couple small adjustments and I move on to grab the assorted ornaments out of the big box of Christmas decorations.

You on the other hand are dizzy: your heart is pounding at the vision from earlier and the adrenaline jolt from possibly being discovered at your chance voyeurism. You feel your arousal begin and you take a deep breath, careful to not let your breath be obvious in the cold night air.

You slowly lean your head from behind the trunk when you think enough time has passed and choke when you’re once again treated to the view under my robe, as I’m rummaging through a box for something.

This time however, my movements cause the robe’s belt to come undone, and when I turn around to place a smaller box on the table, your eyes widen at the full show, my tits and hardened nipples added to the previous offerings.

I never lose the chance to be as naked as possible when I have the house to myself, and tonight is no exception.

It’s still cold though, even with the heat on, so I quickly wrap my robe around my body and tighten the loose knot around my waist, covering myself up again.

I know it’ll come undone; robes aren’t super reliable clothing items. And even though all the house lights are on and the blinds are open, I’m not bothered. I’ve entertained the idea of exhibitionism before, but I’m in the privacy of my own home, and it’s around two am. Who would be outside in the wee hours of the morning?…

You’re a statue as you watch me, placing ornament by ornament on the branches, waiting for a breast to fall out or another chance to ogle my rear, which all happens multiple times. You also watch me undo and re-tie the belt every time.

At one point, I just stand and stare at my tree while exposing my own tit and rolling the nipple between my fingers.

Eventually all the ornaments are on the tree and I’m happy with the result.

What I’m not happy about is the inconvenience of my robe and how warm I’ve gotten from the wine, so when I have to reach the top of the tree to put the star on, I let my robe fall to the floor and climb the step ladder to do it.

Proud of my work, I make my way down to ground level and look at all the decorations together with sleepy eyes.

I’ll put everything else away tomorrow.

Satisfied and tired, I pick up my robe from the floor and turn all the lights off before trudging up the stairs to go to bed and to give myself a well-deserved orgasm.

You wait for the whole house to go dark before you step out of your hiding place, trudging through the accumulating snow and looking forward to your own orgasm with images of my naked form dancing through your head.

Published 3 months ago

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