Tessa and Thomas decided to spend their last full day and night in Sin City as just a married couple on vacation. They had spent almost the entire time fulfilling their fantasies of having the most incredible sex they had ever imagined by night and recovering by day that they hadn’t really gotten to enjoy the town very much. They forced themselves not to lie in bed and made it to the buffet before noon.
They spent the afternoon outside, commenting on the things they saw as they walked up Las Vegas Boulevard. They spied an adult store and Tessa reminded her husband they were out of lube. They went inside and after browsing for a bit, they came upon a collection of items they had never considered before.
“I wonder if we should get a couple of these?” Tessa mused as she turned the silvery, teardrop-shaped object in her hand. “I’ll bet they feel amazing!” She set that one down and picked up another one, ”Cute, heart-shaped.” They ended up buying a set of three different sizes and the heart-shaped one. “We’re trying these out tonight!” Tessa giggled.
They got as far as The Sphere, taking in a show that lasted the best part of two hours. By this time it was getting dark and the air was becoming chilly. “Let’s get a cab back to the hotel, have a nice dinner and then we can take a soak in the tub,” suggested Tessa.
“You want to go dancing tonight?” her husband asked.
“That’s sweet, Baby but I’m pretty tired,” she replied. “We’ve been very busy this week and I need to recuperate before we go back to reality tomorrow.”
“If that’s what you want,” he said. “I’m not much of a dancer but I know you love it so I thought I’d ask.”
“And that’s why I love you!” she said softly before kissing him. “Always thinking about me before yourself!”
They had just sat down for dinner when Thomas’s phone dinged. He looked at it and made a face.
“What is it?” Tessa asked.
“Remember that ad we put on that couple’s site before we got on the plane? We got a response!”
“I had forgotten all about that!” she said. “You want to answer it?”
“I thought you were too tired?” he replied.
“Just open it at least!” He tapped on the icon and read the response. Then he handed his phone to his wife. She smiled as she read it.
“We are also an MWC (m24/f22 both bicurious) looking to find the edges of the envelope before we start a family. If you are available and interested, we’d love to meet for a drink/chat/whatever. RnR.”
“So are you up for a ‘drink/chat/whatever’?” she asked.
“Why the fuck not!” he grinned. “So much for recuperating before going back to reality!”
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” she chuckled. Thomas got very serious.
“Don’t ever say that, please!” he pleaded. “I had a friend before I came to live with my dad, whose father said that all the time. He worked too hard and drank too much and he was killed in a car crash. I hate that saying!”
“I’m sorry, Baby, I didn’t know!” She reached for his hand.
“How could you, I’ve never talked to anyone about it.” He raised her hand and kissed it. “Let’s not let it spoil our evening. You decide, answer them if you like. Give them my number.”
Tessa’s fingers flew as she replied to their inquiry, asking where they were staying, and what time they would like to meet. She added his phone number at the end. Not 2 minutes later, his phone dinged again, this time indicating that he’d received a text.
“We’re at the MGM Grand, 7th floor! Can meet any time after 8:30!”
“They’re on our floor!” Tessa gushed. “How convenient!” Her fingers flew.
“We’re at dinner, we can meet you at 8:30, say, in the lobby bar. We can have a drink and see what happens! XX T&T!”
A minute later came the response, “Perfect! It’s a date!” The next text was a selfie of a young couple attractive and slim. She shimmied over beside her husband and took a selfie, sending it to them. “This is us. You guys are cute! Looking forward to meeting you!”
The reply came immediately, “Wow! You guys are hot! CU soon!”
“Should we get cleaned up before we meet them?” asked Thomas.
“I’d like to shower and get changed but I don’t have time to do a proper cleanup,” she replied. “That’s okay, my bum is a little tender anyway after you and Rafa did your thing last night!”
“This morning, you mean!” he leered. They ate quickly and hurried up to their room for a quick shower. It was the most platonic shower they had ever shared.
“Get me that toy we bought today, the heart-shaped one!” Tessa said. She popped the top of the lube bottle and slicked up the toy. She winced a little as it stretched her and then relaxed as it popped in. “Fuck that’s hot!” Thomas breathed as she turned to show it to him. He grabbed his phone and snapped a close-up photo and showed it to her.
“The boys were right yesterday, I have a great ass!” she said.
“Matches your perfect tits!” her husband joked.
They got dressed, Tessa using up the last of her clean lingerie, a simple bra and thong set in deep blue. It really set off her eyes, Thomas thought. She slipped on jeans and a plain white T-shirt that was none too big. Her breasts strained at the material.
Thomas sent them a text that they were leaving for the bar and got an immediate reply. As they waited for the elevator, they heard a door click shut and saw the couple they were intending to meet walking toward them. They stopped and the woman pointed, “It’s you!”
“Tessa pointed back, “It’s you!” The three of them laughed but, not unusually, Thomas was in the dark.
“You know each other?” he asked Tessa.
“Kind of,” she replied. “Why don’t we tell you over a drink? She looked at the other couple, “I’m Tessa, this is my husband, Thomas.” She extended her hand but the other couple wanted nothing to do with that.
“People don’t shake hands anymore!” the young woman giggled as she opened her arms for a hug. They all exchanged hugs and then she introduced themselves. “I’m Ryan, and this is my wife, Regina.”
“Reggie, to my friends,” she said. They exchanged ‘nice to meet yous’ and the elevator dinged.
“Are those your real names?” Reggie asked.
“Does it matter?” asked Tessa.
“I guess not,” she replied. “But these are our real names.”
“So are ours. Well, mine is Theresa but my younger sister had trouble with that, she called me Tessa and it stuck.”
“I love your name, it’s so girly and sweet!” Reggie said. “I hate my name, it sounds like a boy’s name when people shorten it.”
“Then we’ll call you by your proper name, Regina,” Thomas said. Her smile lit up her face. The elevator door opened and the two couples held hands as they walked around the corner to the bar. They sat at a small table as far away from the other patrons as they could and after the waitress checked their IDs, brought them their drinks.
“So where are you from?” Regina asked. Tessa looked at her husband and he nodded.
“Canada, just outside Ottawa, a town called Kemptville,” Tessa replied.
“I’ve been to Ottawa,” Ryan said. “Summer vacation. My dad is a boating nut and he wanted to cruise the Rideau River. The two most boring weeks of my life but it’s a beautiful city.”
“In spring and summer, yes,” Thomas said. “But in winter? Not so much!”
“Does it get very cold? I hate the cold,” Regina said.
“Stupid cold!” Tessa replied and they laughed. “How about you guys, where’s home?”
“Right now, Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee. I’m a technician at the Air Force Test Center.” Ryan said. “Reggie, sorry, Regina is a teacher at an elementary school in Tullahoma, not far from the base. What do you guys do?”
“I’m an electrician and Tessa is a Vet’s assistant. She works mostly with farm animals.”
“I love animals!” Regina gushed.
“How long are you in town for?” Tessa asked.
“Three more days,” Regina said. “Um, did you guys come here just to visit the city or did you come here to have fun?”
“Ah, business. Okay,” Tessa said. “We came here with no plans to hook up with anyone but if the opportunity knocked, we would answer the door. Does that explain it?”
“Did opportunity knock?” asked Ryan.
“Boy did it!” Thomas said excitedly. “It’s been knocking all week!”
“We had the same idea but opportunity hasn’t knocked for us yet, “Regina said, looking at her drink.
“Knock! Knock!” said Tessa, looking at her.
“Oh, my! Okay! Um,… what do I say?” Regina asked.
“You open the door, of course!” Tessa said and she leaned over and kissed the younger woman.
“Oh. My God!” Ryan breathed. He shifted in his seat.
“Why don’t we go up to our room and we can talk a little more privately,” suggested Thomas.
“Why your room and not ours?” asked Regina.
“Because, if you get uncomfortable and want to leave you will have somewhere to go instead of having to kick us out of your room,” Tessa explained as Sam had explained to them earlier in the week. They finished their drinks and left, passing the waitress on their way out. She smiled as they passed and wished them a good evening. She had seen it all before.
They got in the elevator and Tessa turned to Regina, “May I kiss your husband?” she asked.
“Okay,” she said, sounding very uncertain. Tessa favoured Ryan with one of her teasing kisses, just enough tongue to tell him she wanted more.
“Did that bother you?” Thomas asked as he held her hand.
“No, it’s looked pretty hot!” she replied and she tiptoed up to kiss him.
The elevator door opened and they went into Thomas and Tessa’s room. “It’s exactly like ours, only flipped over,” Regina said. Tessa invited them to sit on the L-shaped couch. They sat at one end and she sat at the other while Thomas fixed them drinks.
Tessa broke the ice, “So you guys want to experiment with other people then?”
“We’ve talked about it, a lot. We’re mostly interested in swapping, maybe sharing Reggie with other men,” Ryan explained.
“Not with other women?” Tessa asked.
“I’ve never been with a woman,” Regina said. She was unable to make or maintain eye contact with Tessa. She got up and moved to the younger woman, kneeling in front of her.
“Did you like it when I kissed you earlier?” she asked.
“Mmm-hmm, it was very nice!” Regina said. Tessa kissed her again and got back up, returning to the other end of the couch.
“Full disclosure, this week is the first time we have had sex with anyone other than each other,” Tessa said. “Like you, we talked about it, fantasized about it, role-played it and we finally decided to take the chance. It has been the best week ever!”
“We kinda did the same thing,” Ryan said. “So what happens now?”
“Now, you enjoy your drink and tell me how you know each other,” Thomas said as he sat down.
Tessa looked at him, “Remember Michael?” He nodded. “Well, when Michael came to collect the dinner cart, I tipped him just like we talked about. When he was leaving, I was standing in the door thanking him and these two walked by and saw me in my underwear with a dribble of Michael’s cum on my chin!”
“I was wondering when you were going to tell me that story!” Thomas grinned.
“So you tipped him, with a blowjob?” Regina asked. Tessa nodded. “That’s wild!”
“If you think that’s wild, you should have seen what we did later that night!” Thomas said.
“Why don’t you show them, Honey?” Tessa asked.
“But those are for our eyes only, aren’t they?” he asked.
“Yeah, we need to talk about that! I’m thinking we should call Sam and Donnie and take them up on their offer!”
“You say so!” he said.
“And that is the key to a successful marriage, when the woman speaks, the man listens!” Tessa laughed and their new friends laughed with them. The laughing seemed to settle Regina a bit.
Thomas got the laptop and turned it on. “Before we show you this, I want you to understand, everything, and I mean everything, that happened that night was what we both wanted to happen.”
“The thing you have to know is, if you are going to be with other people, everything you do has to be what both of you want,” Thomas explained. “Yes, you will want to do things to make your partner happy but you have to want them too. I’ll give you an example. There’s one particular thing that we do that some people might think is degrading to me or makes me look weak. It doesn’t, I promise you! I love it! It’s my favourite part of our sex life! That she enjoys it too is a huge bonus. But it’s something that we both want and love for ourselves and each other.”
“That’s the secret sauce,” Tessa added. “So, if anything happens tonight, and I hope it does, you will be asking each other a lot of questions. Answer them honestly. If your partner asks you to do something you are not comfortable doing, tell them no, no matter how much you think it will disappoint them. If you can’t do that, it won’t work for you.”
“Have either of you ever had to say no?” Regina asked. Her interest was definitely piqued.
“Not yet, but until six days ago, the only people we had ever had sex with were each other. We’re new at this too but I have to say, it’s been a pretty good ride so far!” Tessa smiled.
“It helps that we have talked a lot about our fantasies, ever since we started dating, so we were pretty clear where each other’s boundaries are,” Thomas said.
“So in just this week, how many people have you been with?” asked Ryan.
Tessa counted on her fingers, “Nine, well ten if you include Michael, but that was just a blowjob!”
“Aren’t you afraid of catching something?” Regina asked. Thomas shook his head.
“We did some research, and instances of catching something from couples who share each other are pretty rare. Just as we don’t want to catch anything, neither do they. We’re pretty confident that we’re safe. If you want to use condoms, we will but I think it will take a lot of the fun out of it, as you are about to see.
“We’re getting tested as soon as we get home, and we’ll keep getting tested as often as we have to,” Thomas said. “This is not something we’re going to do close to home, any time we want to play, we will travel to do it. Believe me, our sex life at home is pretty awesome!”
“Then why be with other people?” asked Regina.
“That’s the magic question, isn’t it?” replied Tessa. “For us, as good as our sex life is, it could always be better. There are things we thought we would enjoy that required more than two people so we decided to take the leap. You never know if you’re going to like something until you taste it, no matter how good it looks or how good someone else tells you it is. It’s like some types of food. Some people eat snails but I have no interest in that, so we don’t eat them.”
“You make this sound so easy,” Regina said. “All this talk makes me wonder if I want to do this.”
“If you’re not sure, then don’t,” Tessa said. The other couple looked at each other. “Do you want to talk about it some more?”
“Would you mind?” Ryan asked.
“Then why don’t you go back to your room and talk about it? If you still want to play, we’ll be here all night. If not, just send us a text. It is entirely up to you.”
“But you’ll be disappointed,” Regina said. “And I liked it when you kissed me. We have never talked about that, I’ve never even thought about it but now I think I want to try it, you know, with a woman.”
“Then go talk about it,” Thomas said. “Like Tessa said, we’ll be here.”
They got up and we traded hugs, except for Tessa and Regina who shared a soft kiss. “I love kissing you!” she whispered. They left and Thomas and Tessa looked at each other.
“They’ll be back!” Thomas said.
“I don’t know,” Tessa replied. “They seemed a little overwhelmed.”
“It is overwhelming,” her husband replied. “I felt the same way when we first got together with Donnie and Sam but we took a chance and it worked out awesome!”
“Yeah, it did!” Tessa agreed. “Speaking of Donnie and Sam, let’s text them, and see if they are up for a call!”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“No, but I’m curious enough to find out!” she said.
~ ~ ~
“Hi, guys!” Sam said excitedly when she answered Tessa’s call. “All fucked out yet?”
Tessa laughed, “Not yet but we’re getting there! Wait until I tell you about last night!”
“The Five Good Men?” Sam asked. “Tell me everything!”
“Another time! Let me just say, it was awesome! But that’s not why I called. We want to do it!”
Sam laughed, “From the sounds of things you have been doing it!”
“No Sam, I’m serious. We want to make a video and put it on your OnlyFans.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked.
“As sure as I was when I saw your husband’s thick cock that I wanted him to fuck my ass with it!”
“So vulgar!” Sam teased. “So, we’ll obviously need to talk about this. Anyone who appears on our site has to sign a waiver. It’s pretty complicated so we recommend finding a contracts lawyer to explain it all to you. I can send you a sample if you like and you can talk about it some more.”
“All right,” Tessa said. “Then what?”
“Then we decide where to make the video, what’s going to be in it, how long we want it to be, that kind of stuff. We work out the percentages for payments and the other legal stuff. I’ll send you the details.” She paused for a moment. “I’m going to send you a link, it’s a 30-day free trial that gives you 100% access to your site. Once you log in, you can use it for a month. After that, if you want to continue, you’ll have to buy a subscription. But, if you do decide to model for us, you will receive a free full subscription for as long as your videos are on the site. It’s part of the remuneration.”
“Sounds good,” Tessa said. “So how is Donnie doing?”
“Right now, Donnie is getting ready. We’re making another video tonight, me and him with a suburban housewife who wants to surprise her husband for their anniversary. We’re meeting her in an hour!”
Can’t wait to see it!” There was a tap on their room door, “Gotta go! We met this cute couple earlier today who were not sure if they wanted to play. We sent them back to their room to talk about and now they’re back. Have fun tonight! Suck Donnie’s cock for me!”
“YOU ARE TERRIBLE!” Sam shouted. “Luv you!”
~ ~ ~
Thomas opened the door and let their new friends in. He hugged Regina and shook Ryan’s hand. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Ryan said. They sat down on the couch where they had been before and looked at each other. “So we talked and we have some questions.”
“Shoot!” Thomas said.
“What if we just watched you guys to get started?” Regina asked. “Maybe then we would get in the mood and maybe join in or something.”
“We could do that, or maybe we could show you that video we were going to show you and see what happens from there?” Tessa offered.
“That might work,” Ryan said. “It’s just that we don’t know where to start!”
“Can we ask you some questions?” Tessa asked. They nodded. “I know we talked about this downstairs a little but, what is it you want to happen tonight? Now before you answer, think about it. I will ask each of you in turn and I want you to think only for yourself, not for your partner. Then I will ask you what you want for your partner. Answer honestly and that should give us some common ground to get going. Would that be okay?”
“Sure, let’s do that,” Ryan said. Regina nodded her agreement.
“Okay, for example, Thomas, what do you want to happen tonight?”
“I would like to see you with Ryan and have you watch me with Regina,” he said. “What would you like to happen?”
“I would like to be with both Ryan and Regina at the same time,” she said. “See how that works?”
“Shouldn’t we write this down?” giggled Regina. We all laughed and then Tessa said that was a great idea. She took the little pad from the side table and picked up the hotel-branded pen. She wrote down what each of them wanted on a separate piece of paper.
“Now, Thomas, what do you want to happen that you think would make me happy?”
“I want to clean you after Ryan cums all over your breasts!” he said.
“I want that too!” Tessa smiled. “But for me, I want to take Ryan’s cock in all three holes.”
“That’s vulgar!” protested Ryan.
“Think about it,” Thomas said. “We are talking about having uninhibited sex with each other, in whatever combinations that makes everyone happy! Let’s not pussyfoot around this, call it what it is!”
“Fair enough,” Ryan said.
“Even in your bum?” Regina said.
“If he wants to,” Tessa said. “I like it like that and Thomas likes to watch me do that with other men. There’s more to it but we’re not there yet.”
“Oh,” Regina said. “I’m not sure I want to see that.”
“Then it won’t happen. That’s how this works, if it’s something that all participants want to do then there are almost no limits. But if even one person is not comfortable, then it doesn’t happen. We have to trust each other to be honest or it will not work.”
“They make it look so easy in the videos,” Regina said. “They just walk in, strip off and start going at it!”
“You like watching videos?” Tessa asked. She nodded her head. “We like making videos. Maybe we could watch one or two and you might get some ideas of what you want to do or not. How about that?”
“All right,” said Regina and Ryan agreed.
Thomas got out their laptop and called up the video they had made a month or so before. He had done some editing already so there were some shorter clips. They all sat together on the couch with Tessa next to Regina. He started the clip where she was deepthroating the double-ended dildo.
Both their guests shifted uncomfortably when they watched most of it disappear into her throat. “I can’t do that,” Regina whispered.
“Do you want to do that?” Tessa asked her.
“Ryan wants me to,” she said. “We tried it but I can’t figure it out.”
“That’s not what I asked you?” said Tessa. “Do YOU want to do it?”
“I’d like to learn,” she said.
“Maybe I can help with that!” Tessa said.
That clip ended and Thomas called up the part where he was cleaning her up after fucking her ass.
“You like that?” asked Ryan. “I don’t think I want to do that, it looks gross!”
“I love it, and so does Tessa!” Thomas said.
“It’s not as gross as you think if you prepare your body beforehand. We can’t do that tonight because I’m not ready. Besides, we did that last night and I need a few days to recover.” She looked at Thomas, “Maybe I should do an instructional video on that!”
“I can’t see that being very popular!” Thomas said. “How about I show you what we did last night?”
“The last part, you know with Louie and Rafa,” Tessa said. “Have you ever thought of being with more than one guy at the same time? I highly recommend it!” Thomas fast-forwarded it to the part where she and Rafa were getting into the whirlpool. The video started and Tessa let her hand creep over to Regina’s thigh. She leaned over and whispered, “May I touch you?” Regina just nodded and offered her lips to Tessa. “You have to say it, and Ryan has to hear you say it and consent to it. May I touch you?”
She looked at Ryan and he nodded, then she looked at Tessa, “Yes please!”
They watched and Regina’s thighs parted to allow Tessa’s hand access. It disappeared under her dress and Regina’s eyes rolled up when Tessa’s fingers made contact with the outside of her panties. She let out a soft, “Ohhhhh.”
“Have you ever had hot tub sex?” Tessa asked Ryan.
“Once,” he said, his eyes never leaving the screen. “It was nice!”
“Was it just nice, Regina?”
“It was okay,” she said.
“Then you weren’t doing it right!” smiled Tessa as she slipped her fingers inside Regina’s panties. “You don’t trim yourself?” Regina shook her head. “I haven’t had hair down there since I was eighteen!”
“I want to do that but I don’t know how,” she said.
“I can help you with that,” Tessa breathed. “Or maybe my husband can! He is very, very careful and the loving he gives my pussy when he is done is exquisite!” The two women kissed and Thomas noticed that Ryan was no longer watching the video, he was watching his wife kiss the incredibly sexy and curvy woman beside her.
“That’s what I want,” he said excitedly. “I want to watch my wife and yours have sex!”
“Do you want that for yourself or for her?” Tessa asked.
“For both of us,” he replied. “But mostly for me!”
“Now we’re getting somewhere!” she giggled. “What about you, Regina, what do you want for you?”
“I want you to trim my down-there hair!” she panted. Her breathing was becoming elevated.
“And what about for him, what do you want for him?” Tess asked.
“I want you to take him into your mouth, like all the way in! I can’t do that, you can! Please do that for him! For me!”
“I can do all of that!” Tessa said and she got up off the couch. She slipped off her T-shirt revealing her dark blue bra that plumped her generous breasts together. Then she unbuttoned her jeans and made to slide them down her thighs.
“Maybe I could help with that?” Ryan asked. He looked at his wife and she nodded. He helped he wiggle out of them and held her hand as she stepped her feet out of the legs. “You have an amazing body!” he breathed.
“You don’t think your wife’s body is beautiful?” Tessa asked.
“I think she is very beautiful,” he replied. “But yours is next level!”
“My husband does like a girl with curves!” Regina said.
“Maybe you could help with my undies?” Tessa suggested to Regina. “Maybe as each bit of skin appears, you give it a little kiss?”
Regina leaned forward, slid her fingers under the waistband of Tessa’s thong and began slipping them down over her hips. She kissed the older woman’s tummy and worked her way down to the top of her smooth mons. “So smooth!” she whispered. “I wish mine was like that!”
“It will be soon if that’s what you want!” said her husband. She turned to him and he knelt down and kissed her. “I can’t believe this is happening!”
“I know, right?” They kissed again. “Would you be okay with me doing it with Thomas?”
“Yes, Baby, I would!” he said. “Would you…” she interrupted him.
“Yes, Baby, if she wants to, then please fuck her!” Shy Regina was gone now and had been replaced by horny, wanton Regina.
She turned her attention back to Tessa and slid her pants down past her knees. Tessa’s thighs parted and her hands found her hair and urged her against her pussy. “Taste me!” she whispered. “Taste my pussy!” Regina’s tongue flicked out to tease her clit. “Yeessssss!” Tessa breathed.
“You smell wonderful!” Regina whispered as she inhaled deeply. She opened her mouth and pushed further between Tessa’s thighs to lick her outer lips.
“Let’s take this to the bed,” Thomas suggested. They disengaged and moved to the other room.
“Ryan, would you help me undress your wife, please?” asked Tessa. “Thomas, Honey, are you okay with me paying a little attention to these newbies for a while?”
“You mind if I prime the pump while I watch?” he asked.
“Not at all! I’m hoping it will get plenty of use in just a little while!” she teased. He undressed and sat in a chair to watch his wife introduce these attractive people to the world of sexual sharing.
Together, Tessa and Ryan undid the buttons down the back of her dress. Every time a button would come undone, they kissed. “You don’t mind that I’m kissing your husband, do you, Regina?” Tessa teased.
“You kissed me, it’s only fair that you should kiss him!” she said. Tessa smiled at Ryan and kissed him again before continuing to undo the buttons. As the last button came undone, the dress fell open exposing her entire back from shoulders to knees. Tessa kissed the tiny butterfly tattoo just above where her back turned into her buttocks. Taking her husband’s hand, she guided it between her thighs to play along the cleft of her pussy, barely visible in that little gap. Regina gasped at the touch unsure if it was her husband or her new friend that had touched her.
They both stood up and slowly drew the dress forward until it fell off her shoulders and caught at her elbows. “You are so beautiful!” Tessa breathed as she gazed down the swell of her breasts to her flat tummy sighting the little jewelled dangle hanging from her navel.
She guided her husband’s hands to undo the clasp of her bra and used her own hands to hold the cups in place before letting the garment fall. She inhaled sharply and looked at Thomas who smiled as he massaged his cock slowly. She noticed the pump bottle of delay gel on the nightstand and knew that he was ready for action whenever he was needed. He would be needed soon.
She looked at Ryan and winked as she bent to take Regina’s left nipple in her mouth. It was impossibly small, tight and hard as she ran her tongue over it before inhaling it and suckling on it. She opened her eyes and noticed Ryan suckling on her other nipple and then she looked up to see Regina’s head thrown back in ecstasy, her mouth slightly open and her tongue licking along the edge of the curve of her upper lip.
Tessa knelt on the floor, urging Ryan to join her. Together they eased Regina’s panties down over her hips, past her knees and to the floor. “Can I taste her?” Tessa asked Ryan and he nodded. She used her hand to urge Regina’s knees apart and pushed her face against the light brown hair of her bush. It had been so long since she’d seen a pussy with hair around it, it looked odd to her and it took her a moment to remember that this was a natural look.
She inhaled deeply again and extended her tongue to just contact her clit. Regina’s hips jumped and a tiny sound escaped her lips. Tessa slid her fingers up the younger woman’s thighs and traced the line of her opening before using two fingers to pry her open and slip her middle finger inside.
Regina moaned loudly at the intrusion into her wet pussy. Leaving her hand where it was, Tessa stood up and nodded at Ryan to stand up with her. She looked at Regina’s face and smiled before turning her face to kiss her husband. They kissed while Tessa fingered her and when it broke, she turned to kiss Tessa. Her lips traded places between Ryan’s and Tessa’s, each kiss increasing in intensity. Tessa knew it was time.
She looked at her husband and winked at him, using her free hand to tell him to join them. He came and maneuvered between the two women. The two women kissed the other woman’s husband before kissing each other. This seduction had taken a little longer than Tessa had hoped but she was sure the reward would be worth it.
“I’m going to borrow your husband for a while, is it okay if Thomas picks up where we left off?” Tessa asked.
Regina kissed her and said, “Yes please!” From that point, Tessa focused her attention solely on Ryan, who was the only one who was wearing clothes. She undid his shirt quickly and knelt in front of him. He helped to unfasten his pants and as soon as they cleared his cock, it sprang forward, flicking the bead of precum from its tip onto Tessa’s nose.
“Um-hmm?” She was unable to answer coherently because Thomas’s tongue was in her mouth.
“May I suck your husband’s delicious-looking cock?” “And it was delicious looking,” she thought, circumcised and nearly as long and thick as Thomas’s seven inches. She traced her fingers along the veins and ridges. She heard the others’ kiss break.
“Yes, please do suck my husband’s delicious-looking cock because I will be sucking your husband!”
Tessa opened wide and took Ryan into her throat in a single dive. Her tongue worked the underside until he needed to come up for air. She came up slowly, inhaling deeply through her nose as soon as its head cleared her throat and then went back down again.
She heard a gagging sound and looked over to see Regina’s face, mouth open over her husband’s cock, a long string of saliva attaching her bottom lip to its head. “I told her not to try it!” Thomas said. Regina gave a wan smile and went back down on Thomas.
She looked up at Ryan, “Does that bother you, to see your pretty wife sucking my husband’s cock?”
He shook his head and tried to guide her face back onto him. “You have to say it!” she whispered, and then realized she was trying to cuckold Ryan the same way she did to Thomas. She opened wide and took him back in, swallowing him back into her throat.
She heard a rustling noise and looked over to see Thomas climbing onto the bed, and lying on his back. She watched Regina climb over him and swing her leg over his hips. She looked at Tessa, “Do you mind if I fuck your husband now?”
Tessa laughed, happy that her new friend had committed to the game. “I certainly do not!” she laughed. She looked at Ryan, “Shall we join them?”
They adopted the same position, Ryan on his back and Tessa riding him. The two men’s arms were almost touching which made interacting with Regina much easier. The women held hands as each rode their opposite significant other’s cock. Ryan reached up and put his hands on her breasts, holding her body more upright so that a slow, steady rocking of her hips was all she needed to do to keep arousing him.
Unfortunately for Ryan, he hadn’t applied any of the delay gel so he didn’t last nearly as long as Tessa had hoped he would. He made an ‘I’m gonna cum!’ face and a moment later he pushed upward, injecting his seed into Tessa’s willing cunt. Tessa resumed the slow grinding of her hips while she waited for the others to complete their journey to Nirvana.
Seeing her husband’s orgasm, Regina redoubled her efforts and before long, Thomas was near the brink as well. He groaned and pushed his hips upward as he came, triggering Regina’s orgasm right after his. Tessa wasn’t surprised, she and Ryan had spent considerable time teasing and arousing her before Thomas ever got his cock inside her.
The two women sat upright and turned their faces to each other. “We’re not done yet!” Tessa said softly. “Not even fucking close!” They kissed for a moment and then dismounted. “Do what I do!” Tessa instructed her friend. She went down on Ryan, cleaning the remains of his cum with her lips and tongue. Regina hesitated.
“I’ve never done that before,” she said.
“Do it for him, he will love it!” Tessa said. Regina closed her eyes and opened her mouth, taking Thomas’s longer thicker cock inside her. She copied what she had watched Tessa doing for a moment and then came back up to kiss her.
“That’ wasn’t so bad?” she said. “Did you like that, Honey?”
“I fucking loved it!” Ryan said.
“Now Ryan, you have to do the same for her!” Tessa said as she rolled onto her back and guided Ryan’s face to her pussy. “Unless you boys would rather clean your own wife’s pussy!”
“Oh, Ryan, please! For me!” Regina begged. Thomas and I looked at her and laughed. It was only a few short days ago that we had taken the leap to include others in our love life and now we had a couple of converts.
He reluctantly moved away from Tessa and watched as Thomas took his place. Thomas kissed his wife and whispered, “Did you have fun?”
“You know I did!” she said excitedly. He smiled and kissed his way down to his wife’s pussy, settling between her thighs to start licking her clean.
“Please, Ryan, do that to me!” Regina begged. She kissed him and he reluctantly started making his way down her body. She took his hair in her hands and guided him where she so desperately wanted him to go. Because he started later, and because Regina was enjoying having him lick her pussy so much, Tessa and Thomas finished before they did and lay together watching their new lovers.
“Thomas, Honey,” Tessa whispered so only he could hear. “Would you please go run Regina and me a bath, a nice warm one, and set out the things I need to trim her?”
Of course!” he whispered and he vacated the bed. Tessa moved over and kissed Regina while her husband finished cleaning her. He kissed his way back up her body and then kissed both women.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?” Tessa asked quietly.
“Did you like it, Baby?” he asked his wife.
“Oh, I loved it! You can do that to me any time!”
“Then I will!” he said and they kissed again.
“Now you’re getting it!” Tessa said. A minute later, Thomas came back into the room and pronounced the bath ready. “Come on, let’s you and me take a bath together!” She got up and took her lover by the fingertips. Looking over her shoulder, she said to Ryan, “You can watch if you like, you might learn something!”
She held Regina’s hand while she got in the tub and then she climbed in behind her. They settled in, the soapy water coming just up to their nipples, and Tessa started washing her lover’s breasts. “You really do have a lovely body, you know,” Tessa said. “I mean I like my body, I’m comfortable in my own skin but sometimes these big girls do get in the way!”
“I would kill for your breasts,” said Regina. “I’ve always thought mine were too small!”
“Well, I think they’re perfect!” Tessa said, squeezing them together. “You know, I’ll bet your husband’s cock would fit very nicely between them sometime! I know that Thomas’s fits perfectly between mine!”
Tessa got Regina to stand up so she could wash her lower body and then got her to return the favour. “It’s fun having another woman wash you, isn’t it?” Regina said.
“There are many, many things that are fun to do with another woman!” Tessa replied. “I’d like to show you some if you like!”
“I think I would like that very much!” Regina said as she sat in front of Tessa’s body. They cuddled for a bit and then Tessa added some more hot water.
She tugged at Regina’s pubic hair, “I think it’s time we cleaned you up down there! Sit up here on the ledge, Ryan if you like you can sit in behind her, I think there’s enough room.” The two of them got situated and shared a soft kiss.
“I’m having the best time! Thank you for convincing me we should do this!” Regina whispered.
“Now, first, we use the scissors to trim the longer hair,” Tessa said as she started carefully pulling the hair out to its full length and then using a comb the way hairdressers do, taking it down even shorter. “From here we have decisions to make. I went full bare floors, as it were, no hair at all but I don’t shave, I get mine waxed. Thomas and I both do, it’s a couples thing we do together. She took the shaving cream and started rubbing it around Regina’s mons and lips.
She giggled, “That feels funny!” Tessa continued.
“Be careful not to let the cream get inside her and always wash thoroughly when you’re through. Just use your fingertips to massage it into the skin, making the hair nice and soft.” She rubbed for a few more moments. “So, what’s it going to be? Completely clean, landing strip, triangle, heart shape, what do you want?” Regina looked at her husband for guidance.
“It’s up to you!” he said. “I’m happy how things are!”
“A small triangle I think,” said Regina.
“Triangle it is!” Tessa said. She started by removing the hair on either side of her opening, being very careful not to nick her. “Ryan, you might want to get down here and watch this.” She continued, “See how I take the inner lip in my fingers and pull it inward? That exposes the skin on the opposite side.” She cleaned off the other side and then went to work on her mound. She started at the top and worked her way down and then moved to one side, then the other. She rinsed off the area and cleaned off a few stray hairs that she missed. She felt the area and turned to Ryan, “Would you like to do an inspection?”
He reached forward with his hand and started feeling around. “No, silly!” Tessa giggled. “This is how you do a pussy inspection!” She leaned forward and kissed all around Regina’s pussy, feeling for stubble and stray hairs. She moved aside and let Ryan have a go.
“Now Missy, up on your hands and knees, bum up!” Tessa said. Regina moved as directed and Tessa reached to tug on the few hairs around her anus and perineum. “Don’t forget these little fuckers! They’re very important, especially if you’re going to do anal sex.”
“I don’t think I’m ready for that!” Regina said, her tone very serious.
“Then don’t do it until you are!” Tessa said. “But if you want to try, I can show you how to prepare yourself. We could do a video chat if you like or maybe we could come visit?”
“I’d like that!” Regina said. “I have so much to learn!”
“How about you, Ryan, are you ready for anal sex?” Tessa asked. She thought his cock would fit very nicely in her bum.
“Not if Reggie’s not ready,” he said, not expecting to be asked that question.
“I wasn’t talking about with her, I was talking about with me! Unless your lovely wife objects to you fucking my backside?”
“No objection here!” she said. “I’d love to watch that!”
“Then you will have to excuse me for a few minutes so I can get ready,” Tessa said.
“Umm, can I watch you do that too?” asked Regina.
“I don’t think so,” said Tessa. “I’m not ready for that yet!”
“Fair enough!” Regina said.
The others started making out while they waited for Tessa to finish getting ready. Ryan was obsessed with Regina’s new look and his fingers teased through her new tringle muff and along her now smooth pussy lips. She shared soft kisses alternately with each man while their fingers teased her. In almost no time at all, she was positively vibrating as her arousal built.
The two men edged her mercilessly until she was glad that Tessa came out and interrupted them. “Having fun, boys?”
“The boys are being mean to me!” Regina complained. “They’re teasing me and teasing me and won’t let me cum!”
“Don’t listen to her!” Ryan said. “She’s loving it!”
“I am loving it!” Regina confirmed her voice husky.
Tessa joined them for some kisses and feels and then made a suggestion. She’d seen this in a video and always wanted to try it. “How about we try a chain?”
“What’s that?” asked Ryan.
“Thomas. Sweetie, you get up here!” she patted the bed near the headboard. “Now, Regina, you take him in your mouth, hips up!” She did and Tessa slithered underneath her hips and licked her clit, making her moan. Her bum was right at the end of the bed. She drew her knees up exposing her ass and pussy. “Now Ryan, a little lube, actually a lot of lube, and you fuck my ass!”
The fucking and sucking began and after a few minutes, Thomas reached over and picked up the camera that he had stashed behind the lamp on the nightstand. He took the POV video looking down the chain of bodies noticing that he couldn’t actually see anyone’s face other than Ryan’s. He could blur that out if he needed to.
“Regina kept trying to take him into her throat but was unable to suppress the reflex each time his head slipped in a little too far. It didn’t help that Tessa was licking and suckling on her clit and tonguing her pussy with rapid flicks. As for Tessa, she too was having a hard time concentrating as Ryan fucked her bum slowly. She wished he’d pick up the pace but it was his first time doing anal and she wanted him to enjoy it to the fullest.
Their bodies writhed, their breathing quickened and the moans and sighs would leave no doubt that everyone was enjoying themselves immensely.
After having been edged by the two men, Regina reached her apex first, squatting back on Tessa’s face and letting loose a long stream of clear, slick fluid as she came harder than she could remember having done before. The long loud, moan that accompanied it filled the room as she soaked Tessa’s face, hair, neck and shoulders with her cum.
Ryan was next, the feeling of Tessa’s ass on his cock was tighter than he’d ever felt. He didn’t think he could even squeeze his shaft so tightly with his fist. As soon as he attempted to increase his pace, he groaned and filled her backside with warm, sticky goo. Once he finished spasming into her, he attempted to start moving again but the combined events of the evening left him with nothing more to give. For the first time in his life, he was all fucked out.
That left Tessa and Thomas needing one more orgasm to properly finish off the evening. After Ryan pulled out of her, she moved up beside Regina and started whispering to her. “Your husband’s cock felt so good in my ass, Baby!” she cooed. “He fucked me so good! And now my ass is filled with his cum, I can feel it running down my thigh!” Regina took her mouth off Thomas’s cock and kissed her lover. They shared his cock, alternating sucking on him and stroking him until Tessa heard that telltale groan.
“He’s all yours!” Tessa said and she watched her husband’s spunk shoot out, covering her lover’s face and dripping off her chin back onto his cock. “Clean him!” she urged Regina and the younger woman took him back into her mouth for a few finishing sucks.
The two women kissed but Tessa resisted the urge to clean Regina’s face with her tongue. “Go to your husband,” she said. “Let him clean you and tell you he loves you and reclaim you as his own! It’s important that you finish with him.” Regina took her advice and soon Tessa heard the whisperings of two people who had discovered a new, higher level of love for each other between the slurping and smacking of lips.
She looked at Thomas, “I have a little problem!” She reached underneath her and collected a dollop of Ryan’s cum from the inside of her thigh and fed it to him. He licked her finger clean and then moved to roll her over so he could give her pussy and ass a proper licking. This time, it was Tessa’s moan and sighs that filled the room as her husband drove up the mountain and over the cliff into the bottomless abyss of pure pleasure. After the aftercare, they all sat on the bed and talked about all the things that had happened. “Was it worth it to take the leap?” Thomas asked.
“Oh my GOD! YES!” exclaimed Regina. “It was the most amazing experience of my life! I want to do this again, and soon! If my darling husband agrees, of course.
“That’s the secret sauce!” Tessa said. “It’s both of you all in or not at all. It can’t work any other way. Now there’s one more thing you need to do Ryan. Take your beautiful wife home and love her, reclaim her. Make her believe that what you have both experienced made you love her even more than you did before.”
“I will,” he said. “Umm, how do we end this?”
“With kisses, of course, the same way we started!” Tessa said. She kissed Ryan while Regina kissed Thomas. “This was fun!” she whispered so only he could hear. Then the two women got off the bed and stood toe-to-toe, their eyes locked on each other.
“Thank you for tonight,” Regina whispered. “You and Thomas have changed our lives! I hope we can get together again sometime!”
“I would love that!” Tessa whispered back. “Go love your husband, make him feel like he’s the only man in the world!” She kissed the other woman softly.
“I will,” she promised. She took a deep breath and looked at her husband, “I think we have to go. Let’s get dressed.”
He came to her, both of them still naked and scooped her up in his arms, making her squeal as he lifted her off her feet. “No need! I will carry you homelike this if you’re willing!” He looked at Tessa and Thomas, “If you guys could just pile our clothes on top of Reggie?” They all laughed and they set about sorting out whose clothes were whose, folding and stacking them on Regina’s taut tummy. Tessa fished their room key out of Ryan’s pants pocket and handed it to Regina.
They paused at the door for some more kisses. “Safe trip home,” Regina said, a tear trickling down her cheek.
“Don’t be sad,” Tessa replied.
“I’m not sad,” she said. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been!” They kissed as Thomas opened the door. He closed it behind them and looked at his wife.
“Thomas, Honey?” Tessa said.
“Yes, dear?”
“Take me home!”