Camp Trinity (Part I)

"Delilah decides Christian summer camp may not be too bad this year..."

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It’s pathetic, really, that my parents still control me at eighteen years old. Instead of partying with my friends the summer before freshman year of college, I’m stuck in a bus packed full of thirteen to nineteen year old Bible Fuckers singing praise songs.

Okay, it’s not that I have something against Christians. I really don’t. There are some that are cool, like the ones who respect differences and don’t take everything in the Bible literally. But Camp Trinity isn’t the place for cool Christians. I’ve gone every year since seventh grade, and it’s honestly one of the main reasons I turned away from religion in the first place. Nothing that anyone says in this place makes sense. Especially not Pastor Daniel, or his goodie-two-shoes daughter, Hope.

The singing quiets down as we turn down a winding dirt road through the dense forest. Pastor Daniel stands at the front of the bus, and I assume Hope is doing the same on the boys’ bus behind us. I hold my breath; I know what’s coming.

“All right, campers!” Pastor Daniel calls. “Quiet down please, quiet down. Thank you. Now, for those of you who are new here, everyone is tripled up in one of our platform tents. These people will be your partners for the whole two months. You’ll eat together, sleep together, and of course, do activities together.

“Now, normally, we partner up by age, but new campers will always be with at least one experienced camper. We don’t want anyone getting lost. Each group will have a Walkie, as well, and you’ll have a name for your group so that we can call you on it. Everyone got it?”

There’s a round of cheering and clapping before Pastor Daniel continues on to the groups. I know I’ll hate my partners. I hate everyone here. I just hope the group name isn’t something stupid like last year. Group Godlings. So fucking stupid.

“This year, the group name theme will be ‘God is…’. You’ll get it once I start naming them. Okay, everyone stay seated and quiet until we get off the bus, please. You’ll meet your partners then.” The bus has stopped. I refuse to look out the window.

“Naveah L, Chloe M, and Lila S, you’ll be in Group God is Good, or Group Good, for short. Leah M, Sophia B, and Cara G, you’ll be in Group God is Mighty, or Group Mighty. Got it? Great. Alexis H, Samantha F, and Lucy N, Group God is Just. Delilah L…” I sit up straighter. Please be good, please be good!

“Isabella S…” I don’t know who that is, which is probably a good thing. It means she hasn’t gotten on my nerves enough for me to remember her. “…and Hope R-”

“What?” The word comes out as more of a shriek than a question. My cheeks flush hot as everyone on the bus turns to stare at me. Pastor Daniel shoots me a withering look and turns back to his list.

“Group God is Love. Elizabeth M…”

I sink low into the seat. Of all the people, I get paired with the Pastor’s daughter? What kind of rotten luck is that? Although, to be honest, it probably wasn’t luck. Pastor Daniel made the list.

Off the bus, Pastor Daniel is passing out cardboard signs to the first name in each group. I spot Hope walking over from the other bus, her own cardboard sign in hand, while the boys join in line to get theirs from the Pastor. Hope closes her eyes and bows her head, whispering something before looking up with a plastered smile. She looks straight at me and waves, holding up the sign that says “Group Love.”

I let out a long breath, not even trying to hide my annoyance, and walk over. Hope twirls a piece of long blond hair around her finger. I have the sudden urge to rip it out.

“Nice to see you again, Delilah,” she says with a smile. I roll my eyes.

“I know your dad paired us together because he thought you’d be good for me or whatever, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to be friends.” Hope scoffs so softly I almost don’t hear it.

“He paired us together because your mom called in and asked him to. He never would have done this to me otherwise. Believe me, I’d much rather be with Francesca and Lilian.”

“Wait, wh-”

“Are you Hope?” My stunned question is cut off by a tall woman with a black pixie cut and hoop earrings. And she’s staring right at me.

“Absolutely not.” I jab my thumb in the blonde’s direction. “That’s Hope. I’m Delilah.”

“Nice to meet you both.” The words are nice, but her voice is dry as the Saharrah. “I’m Isabella. You can call me Izzie.”

“I’m Delilah.” Izzie’s eyes widen a little.

“So you’re the girl I’ve heard so much about.”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” I snap. Hope gasps, saying something about language, but I ignore her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean any offense,” Izzie backtracks. “Just that I’ve heard a few rumors.” I roll my eyes.

“Let me guess. People are expressing sympathy that you’re roomed with the big bad lesbian. Am I close?” Izzie gives a wry smile.

“Spot on. For the record, I like to get to know people before I judge them.” Well, that’s a first.

“Come on,” Hope cuts in sharply. “Let’s get to our tent before someone hears you two using the L-word.” Izzie rolls her eyes. Maybe camp won’t be so bad after all.

After grabbing our bags from the bus storage section, Izzie and I follow Hope up a winding path that leads to our platform tent. The tent is fairly large, with a small bed on a wooden frame on each side, minus the one with the opening. Hope clicks on the lantern hanging from the middle of the tent and shuts the flaps, canvas and mosquito netting.

We have about an hour of free time before dinner, enough to make our beds and talk a little. We don’t talk.

Dinner isn’t in the common area tonight. Instead, one member from each group has to run and grab a pack of hot dogs, some macaroni salad, and a lighter. Of course, Hope is the one to get it. As soon as she leaves through the tent flaps, Izzie is next to me on my bed.

“Well she’s a piece of work,” Izzie says. I laugh and nod.

“You have no idea. I’ve been coming here for six years now and I can’t find a single redeeming factor.”

“Were you forced here too?” Izzie asks. “You seem like you really hate this place.”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “My parents are super Christian. I was too, for a while, until I actually read the Bible in ninth grade and changed my mind.” Izzie nods.

“I get it. My parents are super religious, too. I’m Christian, but I don’t follow everything the Bible says to a T. It’s been changed too many times for my liking. I have my own view of God and Their plan, and I don’t think They would send people to Hell for some of the stupid things these people call sins.”

“It’s so refreshing to hear someone other than me speak sense,” I laugh. “But if you’re already Christian, why would your parents force you here against your will?”

“It’s a long story,” Izzie groans. “Let’s just say, I kissed a girl, and my parents didn’t like it.” I may not believe in God, but I’m so thankful Izzie’s in my group. Even if it means the other person is Hope.

We sit around the fire as Hope widdles a few sticks to skewer the hot dogs. Getting the fire going was no easy feat; I think it rained yesterday. Luckily, we managed to find some dry sticks under the thick canopy of trees.

Hope is silent when she passes off the sticks, ready with hotdogs. We eat quietly, save for things like, “Can you pass the mustard?” The sun is setting, and Hope lights a citronella candle. It stinks, but it’s effective at warding away mosquitos.

“So!” Hope chimes, clapping her hands together. “Who wants to play a game?” I trade glances with Izzie.

“What kind of game?” she asks. Hope doesn’t waste a second.

“It’s called Truth. We each take turns asking each other a question, and they have to answer truthfully.” I groan and turn to Izzie.

“It’s like Truth or Dare without the fun parts,” I whisper, loud enough for Hope to hear. She scowls.

“If you don’t want to play, that’s fine. I’m just trying to have some fun. We’re stuck together for two months, Delilah, whether you like it or not.” She’s about to storm off, but I stop her with a sigh.

“Fine, Hope, I’ll play. Izzie, you in?” She nods. Hope squeaks and claps her hands together again.

“Okay, I’ll go first. Izzie, what’s your worst habit?” Izzie answers immediately.

“That’s an easy one. I bite my nails,” Izzie confesses. “I’m trying to stop, though.” Hope nods.

“Okay, now it’s your turn to ask someone a question.”

“Great. Let’s make this fun.” Oh, shit. What’s she going to ask? “Delilah.”


“Are you really a lesbian?” She sounds so curious, and I almost regret rolling my eyes.

“Yes, I’m really a lesbian. Next question.” Hope gasps in shock, and both Izzie and I turn to stare at her.

“You can’t say that!” she whispers fervently. “You know it’s a sin. Pastor Daniel talks about it all the time!” She calls her dad Pastor Daniel?

“It’s really not a big deal,” I mutter. “I am who I am, and nothing your daddy says is going to change that. Ever.”

Hope stands from her log with a huff. “I’ll bring the extra food back down. Put out the fire when you’re done.” Izzie looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I shake my head, and we kick sand over the fire before returning to the tent.

“God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Romans, 1:26 through 1:27. God-”

“Would you shut up?” I yell, shocking even myself with the outburst. I press on. “I don’t give a flying fuck what your book says about my life. I’m trying to sleep.” 

There are no further quotes from the far side of the tent, and I’m finally able to sleep, despite Izzie’s snickering. However, being a very light sleeper, I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of rustling sheets. That, and… is that moaning?

Izzie is breathing heavily and, though I can’t see her in the dark, I know what she’s doing. Honestly, it’s kind of hot.

The next day is a total wash. We’ve only just made it through breakfast when Pastor Daniel tells us to return to the tents. The rain is already pouring as we walk up the muddy path, and the forecast says it’s only going to get worse.

Thank the God that I don’t believe in.

“I’m soaked,” Izzie mutters next to me. Hope is at least twenty feet in front of us, talking into the walkie talkie.

“Really? I’m completely dry,” I grumble, but both of us are smiling. I wonder if she’s happy that activities were canceled, too.

“Well, you certainly weren’t last night,” Izzie snickers. “I heard you. Better make sure Little Miss Perfect doesn’t.” I stop in my tracks. “What are you doing? It’s fine, we’ve all done it.”

“It wasn’t me,” I whisper.

“What? Yeah right.”

“I’m serious, It wasn’t me. I thought it was you!” I confess. Izzie’s jaw drops.

“You don’t think…”

I smirk. “There’s one way to find out.”

Back in the tent, the two of us change into dry clothes and sit together on the floor. Hope is on her bed in a summer dress, brushing out her blond tangles and humming some praise hymn. It’s only been a few minutes since we got back, but I’m desperate to know the truth about last night.

“Hey, Hope!” I call with a smile. “Do you want to play that game again? It was kind of fun before you left.” Before you stomped away in a huff, more like.

“Sure!” Hope agrees, coming to sit with us and making a little circle. “See? This place isn’t so bad.”

“Right,” Izzie laughs darkly. “Okay, Delilah. What’s your worst physical fear? Like spiders, heights, monkeys…”


“It’s a thing.”

“Okay, fine,” I chuckle. “Don’t judge me, but I’m afraid of the ocean. It’s just so deep, you have no idea what’s down there!”

“That’s so weird,” Izzie laughs. I glare at her.

“Psalm 56:3 through 56:4. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in-”

I cut Hope off with an eye roll and a sharp “quit it!” She sighs.

“I’m just trying to help, you know,” she snaps. “If you weren’t so tied to sin, maybe God would help you through your fears.” I’m gonna lose it on this bitch.

“Whatever. It’s my turn, princess,” I smirk. “Let’s see just how holy you really are. Have you ever masturbated?”

Izzie chokes on a laugh. “Oh, shit.”

Hope’s cheeks are bright red as she struggles to find a response.

“I- I don’t- why would you-”

“Come on, Hope, don’t lie. The Lord is watching,” Izzie taunts. Shit, I love this girl.

Hope glares at Izzie so harshly I almost shrink away when she turns it on me to say, “that is not an appropriate question, and I won’t answer it.”

“Oh come on, Hope. You’re no fun,” I whine. “It’s not that big a deal”

“It is a big deal!” Hope hisses. “Masturbation is a sin. Everybody knows that.”

“Then why do you do it?” Izzie presses.

“I- I… I’m going for a walk,” Hope chokes, and for a second I feel bad. She looks like she’s going to cry.

“Oh come on, Hope. We were just messing around,” I say, but she’s already halfway to the entrance. “It’s raining, you’ll get all wet again.”

“I have an umbrella,” Hope snaps, and then she’s gone. I turn back to Izzie to see her looking at me with a guilty expression.

“Is it weird that I feel kinda bad?” she mutters. “Did we push too far?”

“Maybe,” I shrug. “But she could use a reality check. She’ll come around. Do you wanna keep playing?”

“Sure,” Izzie says with a little smile. “Now that the drama queen’s gone, we can switch to Truth or Dare, if you want.”

“Sounds good to me!” I shrug. “Truth or dare?”


“Ugh, you’re so boring,” I tease. “Okay, fine. Have you ever had sex with a girl?”

“I knew you were gonna ask that,” Izzie laughs. “Yes, I have.”

“Not surprising. Okay, your turn.”

“Truth or dare?”

“Dare, obviously.”

“I dare you to kiss me.”

I freeze. Did I hear that right?

“You dare me to what?” I whisper-shout.

“Kiss me,” Izzie repeats, leaning forward just a little. The eye contact is brutal. “Come on, loser, it’s a dare. You have to.” I struggle to find the words to turn her down. Instead, I lean in.

Izzie’s lips are soft and warm. I can feel her smiling against me, and I give her bottom lip a tug. It feels so good to kiss a woman again. The last time I did this was in February, when I got caught. I don’t want to think about that right now.

Izzie pulls me closer and slides her tongue into my mouth. Fuck, it feels good. Her nails scratch a path up beneath my shirt, and I wonder for a second how far she plans to go. We don’t have long until Hope gets back, and I can’t even imagine what she would do if she saw us like this, Izzie’s hands up my shirt and mine in her hair.

Fortunately for us, The canvas flaps make a lot of noise, even through the heavy rainfall. Izzie and I spring apart just as Hope pushes inside backwards, shaking out her umbrella into the storm. She isn’t too wet, but when she turns around, her eyes are watery. I think we made her cry.

I’m about to ask if she’s okay when she plops herself down on the floor with us.

“I want to apologize for storming off…” She hesitates. “…twice. You’re right. I shouldn’t be so critical of others’ sins when I have my own. I’m sorry, Delilah.” My jaw nearly drops in shock. Is Hope really apologizing right now?


“Please, let me finish.” I close my mouth. “Yes, I masturbate. It’s something I’ve struggled with for a while now. It just feels so good, and I can’t help but wonder, how can something that feels so good be so wrong? I know that’s no excuse. But last night, I… I was thinking about you, Delilah.” She what?

“You what?”

“I was thinking about you while I… touched myself. You’re so… weird. And mean. And removed. And dear God, you’re so fucking hot, Delilah. Which is why I think I need to switch to another tent because I can’t help it, I- mmph!”

I shut her up with my lips against hers. Hope doesn’t miss a beat. She pulls me closer by my shirt until I’m nearly sitting in her lap, my legs wrapped around her hips and hers round my bottom. She kisses me with a fire I never knew she possessed, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever felt.

Hope bites at my lower lip, and I groan into her mouth, my hands slipping up into her hair. I never thought I’d be thinking this, but… fuck, I want Hope so bad right now.

Unfortunately for me, Izzie whistles breathlessly from a few feet away, and Hope freezes before pushing me back. I grab onto her thighs to steady myself.

“What the actual fuck, Delilah?” Hope whisper-shouts. I roll my eyes.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want this,” I mutter. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me, not after that confession.”

“I don’t!” Hope yelps. “I want to switch tents so I can avoid this sort of temptation. How could you do this to me, Delilah?”

“Just let me kiss you, Hope,” I groan, weaving my fingers into her hair. “It doesn’t have to go any further than that. Kissing a girl is probably the same level of sin that masturbating to one is, and you’ve already done that.”

“That doesn’t make it okay,” Hope pushes, but I feel her anger ebbing away to be replaced by repressed sexual curiosity, even if it’s tinged by that crushing fear I know all too well.

“Just do it, Hope,” I whisper. “Give in, just for a minute. Let yourself feel what you’ve only imagined.”

“But this is so wrong,” Hope whispers. Her forehead bumps against mine as she leans in closer, a struggle evident behind her closed eyes. “So, so wrong.”

“Maybe.” I shrug, and Hope’s eyes spring open. “But I promise, it’ll feel so, so good.” I place my free hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat raging under my palm. Hope’s breath shudders against my lips, and her nose bumps mine.

“Oh, lord forgive me,” she whimpers. “Please, forgive my sins.”

~ * * * ~

With that, Hope’s lips meet mine once again. Our movements are slower than before, but just as passionate, a dance of forbidden desire. I pull Hope’s bottom lip into my mouth and bite down teasingly, causing a shiver to run down her back.

Hope’s lips slacken, and I take it as permission to invade her hot mouth with my tongue. Our silk muscles meet for the first time, and I moan at the sensation of finally having this gorgeous (if slightly annoying) woman under my fingertips.

I catch Izzie’s eye to my left. She’s blushing furiously, her thumbnail in her mouth as she watches the affair. I’ve never thought of myself as an exhibitionist before, but I have to admit, knowing my friend is watching this makeout session is really hot. I shoot her a wink, and her blush turns to a deep crimson.

It isn’t long before Hope and I are grabbing at each other, desperately trying to drag the other closer and closer. I don’t want this to stop, but I have to know how far Hope will let me go. If it were up to me, she’d already be writhing on the floor with my head bobbing between her legs.

Hope pants desperately into my mouth when I slide my hands up the back of her shirt, and I get my answer. It may take a little work, but I’m sure now that she wants this just as much as I do. I just have to make sure her father’s influence doesn’t get the better of her.

Hope shivers when I pull her shirt up and over her head. I pluck at her bra strap to let her know I want it off, but I’d like to take my time. I might scare her away. Hope clutches at the base of my shirt before tentatively sliding her hands beneath it and onto my waist. The simple skin-on-skin contact is already driving me crazy.

I drag my lips away from Hope’s before planting wet, open-mouthed kisses along her neck. The sweetest moan falls from her lips, and I find myself wanting to pull from her the most ravenous and wild sounds she can make. I know I can make her scream, if she’ll let me.

I know Hope wants my shirt off by the way she plucks at the fabric, the hesitancy she displayed touching my waist all but gone. I pull back for just a moment to pull it over my head and toss it in Izzie’s direction. Izzie catches it, and I smirk at her stunned expression. She isn’t sitting criss-cross anymore. Instead, she has her legs crossed straight in front of her, as if squeezing her thighs together.

I kiss a twisting line of feathery kisses from Hope’s jaw to her collarbone. My tongue flicks out to taste the soft skin, and she sucks in a heavy breath. I kiss just below her collarbone to test her readiness. She doesn’t stop me, but I’m still taking it slow, so I try to kiss my way back up her neck when Hope presses a hand to my shoulder.

“Keep going,” she breathes, eyes closed and raised to the canvas ceiling, still being pelted with rain. I quake with anticipation at the request. I kiss my way down to her chest, and the feeling grows as I near the place I really want to be.

Still, after unclasping her bra without resistance, I allow myself to be distracted for a moment by her perfect breasts. They aren’t big by any means, but they’re the ideal handful. Hope moans contentedly when I pull a nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the hardening bud. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she attempts to catch her breath.

I give the same treatment to each breast, mesmerized by the velvety skin. Hope is whispering something above me with her chin still tilted upwards. It takes me a moment to decipher what she’s saying, and I roll my eyes when I do.

“God forgive me, God forgive me,” she repeats. “God forgive me…”

Without warning, I push Hope back by the shoulders. She falls to the wooden floor with a gasp. I climb on top of her, my knees on either side of her hips, and lean down to brush her lips once again.

“You really need to shut up,” I whisper. “Ask for forgiveness later if you must. For now, just enjoy yourself.”

I take my lips away and replace them with my hand clamped tight over her mouth. Hope’s breath tickles my knuckles, growing more and more unsteady as I find my way back down her chest. This time, I don’t stop. My lips continue to plant wet kisses along her soft abdomen, down her sides, until I reach her waistband. I pull my hand from her mouth and look up from my place below her, my knees on either side of hers.

Careful not to spook the panting beauty beneath me, I dip my fingers oh-so-slowly into the waistband of her sweats. Hope doesn’t protest, but that isn’t good enough for me.

“Is this okay?” I whisper in the most comforting voice I can manage with my heart beating out of my chest. Being this close to Hope’s pussy and not knowing if I’ll be allowed to touch it is driving me mad.

I catch her eye, and Hope nods.

I don’t want to take my time anymore. I want my fingers inside her. I want my tongue on her clit. I want to make this Christian girl scream my name.

I also don’t want to scare her. This is Hope’s first time, after all. So, instead, I gingerly push the pants down her legs. She raises her hips to let me pull them off completely.

I drag her underwear off as well, even slower, and Izzie lets out an audible gulp beside us. I lean in to inhale her heady scent. It makes me dizzy with lust for this infuriating woman. I turn to Izzie to see her pupils blown wide, one hand squeezed between her thighs as she tries desperately not to touch herself. Holy fuck. How did I get in this situation?

I turn my attention back to Hope, who’s staring at me with a mixture of fear and pure exhilaration. She looks ready to combust. I smirk, knowing she can’t resist feeling my mouth on her.

“Delilah..?” Hope whispers. I summon my most sultry voice.

“What do you want, Hope?” I rasp. Hope’s eyes widen.

“You know what I want.” Her voice is choked, and I almost feel bad making her wait. I just need to know she’s ready.

“I want to hear you say it.”

“I can’t.”

“You need to,” I demand. “I won’t touch you until you give consent. What do you want me to do to you?”

Hope blinks rapidly, a war of lust versus religion evident behind clear blue eyes. She opens her mouth, then closes it. Her eyes finally land on mine, and she takes a shaky breath.

“I want you to touch me,” Hope begs. “Please, Delilah. Touch me.”

“Are you sure?” I whisper, my voice soft once again before that one little word lights up green fireworks in my soul.




It takes everything in me to be gentle as I lick a stripe up the woman’s hot cunt, wet and waiting for my tongue. Hope gasps at the contact and, when I repeat the movement a bit faster, lets out the sexiest moan I’ve ever heard. The tangy flavor I’ve been craving for too long floods my senses, and I grab at her thighs, pulling her closer to me as I dive into her soaked heat.

“Fuck, Hope,” I groan. “You taste so good.” Hope writhes beneath me, and I feel a shiver pass through her at my words. Her fingers thread through my hair, pressing my face deeper into her. Fingernails dig at my scalp, but I don’t care. I don’t want this suppressed woman worrying about anything other than riding those waves.

I pull my head away slightly, and Hope whimpers, trying to push my head back down.

“Don’t stop,” she whines. “Please don’t stop, Delilah.” I chuckle at her begging. I really have her completely under my thumb. Or rather, my tongue, as the case may be.

“Relax, sugar. I’m not stopping.” Hope relaxes a little, only to hold her breath when my middle finger presses against her entrance.

“Is this okay?” I whisper. Hope nods fervently before dropping her head back, eyes squeezed tight as my finger slides into her. I roll the single digit around her vagina, stretching her walls, making sure she’s comfortable before adding a second.

“Still okay?” I whisper when Hope doesn’t make a sound.

“Yes. Yes, it’s more than okay,” she groans. “Please, Delilah. I want your mouth back on me. Please, fuck me with your mouth on my clit.”

Fucking hell. This girl needs to come so badly.

I don’t make her wait. My fingers begin to pump slowly as my mouth gets back to work, licking gentle circles around her little bundle of nerves. I can’t help the ripples of pleasure that cascade down my spine at every whimper and moan Hope lets out, and it’s making my job a bit more difficult.

Hope lets out a strangled “oh, fuck!” when I curl my fingers to hit her g-spot. Tongue lapping slightly faster, I pump my fingers, taking note of her sounds until I’m hitting the right spot each and every time.

I can tell Hope is close when her mouth can no longer form coherent words. In response, I speed up my movements, licking around her clit while my fingers furiously pump inside her tight canal. I glance to my left to see Izzie with her head dropped back, right hand buried deep in her pants. Knowing my actions have this effect even on someone I’m not directly touching makes my core ache with a fresh need of my own.

Hope’s walls tighten around my fingers, and her legs shake on either side of my head. Her moans battle the storm outside, a symphony of pleasure in our platform tent.

“Come for me, sugar.”

With that, Hope’s entire body quakes, a rush of liquid ecstasy rushing to coat my face with her scent. Hope’s back arches, nails dig deeper into my scalp, and a cascade of what I can only assume are meant to be curses fall from the woman’s open mouth. The orgasm lasts so long I’m afraid she’s going to pass out.

When Hope finally comes back down to Earth, she’s smiling and panting like a labrador.

“That good, huh?” I chuckle, crawling up to kiss the smiling face above me.

“That was the most incredible orgasm I’ve ever had,” Hope confesses lazily against my lips. “Holy fuck, Delilah. You’re so fucking hot.”

I grin as my lips drag against my new lover’s. It’s weird hearing Hope swear, and I have to admit that I like it. It’s a welcome change. All of it — the swearing, the sex, the care-free energy… I love every second of it. And yet…

“We’re never gonna talk about this again, are we?” I groan, pushing back so I’m sitting on her hips.

“Nope,” Hope agrees. I can’t help the pang of disappointment. I knew one good fuck couldn’t erase an entire lifetime of fear tactics and manipulation, but I guess I hoped it could loosen her father’s grip just a little.

“Oh, come on!” I nearly forget Izzie is still here until she speaks. “You’re going to give up sex like that? Are you crazy? That was the single hottest thing I’ve ever seen!” I smirk at her flushed face and wrinkled clothes. Clearly, she enjoyed herself, maybe even as much as we did.

“That wasn’t sex.” Hope spits the word like a sour grape.

“What exactly do you think it was?” I snort. “Yoga?”

Hope rolls her eyes. She pushes me to the side and stands, beginning to gather her clothes from the wood floor. Her smooth body glows in the lantern light, and I’m struck by the urge to run my tongue from her navel to her jaw. Instead, I stand and wrap my arms around her. Hope sighs, sinking in without hesitation. Our breasts press together, creating the most delicious friction.

“I respect your wishes, Hope,” I sigh. “Even if I think it’s bullshit.”

With that, I lean in and connect our lips for a gentle kiss. Hope kisses me back for what feels like a second before pulling away and slinking over to her bed. I watch her leave, not noticing Izzie approaching from the side.

“So,” she whispers in my ear, curling her hands around my waist from behind. “Can I join next time?” I smirk at the wicked glint in her eyes. She knows as well as I do what happens when a “straight” girl gets their first taste of women. Why should Hope be any different? I crane my neck to whisper back.


Published 3 months ago

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