Speeding with a Full Bladder

"A breakup, speeding, and forgetting to use the restroom makes for a very interesting drive home"

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“I did it again, Jillian.”

“Did what, Amanda?”

“I left the office without peeing and now I’m driving way too fast down Route 2 trying to get home before I wet myself.”

“Again? What is that? The third time this month?”

“It’s the third time this week! I don’t know how I keep putting myself in this situation.”

“Come on. You know why.”

“I do?”

“It’s been happening ever since you broke up with Jim. He may have been an asshole, but you loved it when he forced you to hold it for him.”

“I do miss some parts of him.”

“I bet you don’t miss his dirty mouth. He used to say some straight-up mean things to you.”

“I don’t miss the things he used to say, but I definitely miss his mouth. Well, more his tongue. That man loved to eat pussy and he was damn good at it.”

“You’ll find somebody else who can make you cum and doesn’t degrade you in front of your friends.”

“True. I guess until then, I’ll just have to deal with subconsciously forcing myself to drive home with a full bladder.”

“Be careful. One of these days you’re going to get pulled over or get in an accident.”

“Accident maybe, but there’s never any cops out here. That’s one of my favorite parts about living on a backroad.”

“And there’s no bathrooms.”

“That too.” They both laughed.

“I’ve got to go. Let me know if you make it home or if I need to come help you clean urine out of your car … again.”

“I’m pretty sure I can make it as long as I don’t get stuck behind any slow drivers.”

“Good luck,” Jillian said and hung up the phone. She immediately flipped through her contacts looking for the number of a guy she met at the bar last week. She squealed with excitement when she found it.

“Hey. What’s up? I’m so glad you finally called,” he said.

“Are you on duty?” Jillian asked hurriedly.

“No, but I just got off so I’m still in my cruiser in uniform if you need something.”

“Perfect. Do you remember that girl I told you about? The one who shares a certain interest of yours.”

“I never should have told you about that.”

“I think you’re going to be very happy you told me.”

“Why’s that?”

“Just listen. I have an idea.”

Amanda took a deep breath as she rounded the last bend before her driveway. She was actually going to make it. She squeezed her thighs together as hard as she could and pressed her hand into her crotch. The closer she got to the bathroom the more difficult it was to keep her composure.

She must have been more distracted than she thought because she did not notice the cop car until she heard the siren. “Fuck!” she screamed as she saw the lights in her rearview. She pulled off the road into her driveway and the cop pulled in behind her. She prayed that the cop would let her pee before writing her ticket.

Slowly. Agonizingly slowly, the cop got out of his cruiser and walked up to her driver’s side window. “Do you know how fast you were going?”

“Yes, it’s just that I …”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses. License and registration.”

Amanda reached into her glove box and grabbed the documents. As she handed them to the officer she said, ”I’m so sorry, but I really need to …”

“The only thing you need to do is sit still while I do my job and then you can be on your merry way.” He walked away.

As she sat there waiting she thought to herself, It was just her luck that a cop happened to be out here. What were the odds? He must have been coming out of someone’s driveway. She prayed that he would work quickly and let her go without issue. She didn’t even care about the ticket.

He took what felt like ages to do whatever cops do after they take your information, but finally, he was walking back to her car. She smiled as politely as she could manage as he approached the window. “I am going to need you to step out of the vehicle.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“I wouldn’t ask you to do it if I didn’t think it was necessary.”

“Sir, I apologize, but I am about to-“

“You are about to get out of this vehicle and calmly place your hands on the trunk so I can pat you down.”

“Yes, sir,” Amanda said defeated, but his authoritative tone was also starting to turn her on.

She got out of the car. Standing made her predicament much worse. He followed her to the back of the car. “Hands on the truck. Legs shoulder-width apart.” Not pressing her hands between her legs was hard enough. Spreading her legs without losing control might not be possible. She bent forward and placed her hands on the truck. Slowly she spread her legs trying desperately to keep the tension in her groin.

“Wider,” he ordered. She almost lost control as she scooted her feet apart. If only this man knew what he was doing to her.

He began patting her down. Every time his hands touched her, she worried she would lose control and pee all over him. As he finished patting down her legs, she realized, if he pressed at all on her bladder she would lose control. His hands slid over her hips and onto her belly. He pressed and immediately the flood gates opened. Urine erupted from her body into her jeans. She tried to stop the flow, but it was too late. She just sighed and resigned herself to the fact that she was peeing her pants in front of a cop, while he was searching her.

The release in tension was almost orgasmic and for a moment she forgot where she was. She felt the warm wetness spread down her legs, slowly creeping downwards as she continued to pee. Eventually, the denim could not retain any more moisture and urine started to drip onto her feet. Thank god she was wearing sandals this time. Pee-soaked socks were the worst.

As her stream slowed, she remembered where she was and who was watching her. She turned her head to look at him embarrassed, but was surprised to see a huge smile on his face. As she was about to rebuke him for enjoying her humiliation, he said, “Jillian says hi.”

“Oh my god! Are you serious?”

“You’re free to go, but if you’d ever like to do this again or maybe get dinner, give me a call. Jillian has my number. Oh, and you really shouldn’t drive so fast on roads like this. Eventually, you will crash.” With that he walked back towards his cruiser, leaving her still standing with her hands on the trunk stunned.

“Wait!” Amanda yelled as he was about to get back in his cruiser. He turned back towards her. “Don’t you need to finish searching me?” she said, sticking her ass out at him and smiling seductively.

He walked up behind her and pressed his body against hers, apparently not resistant to getting her piss all over his uniform. He gently grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply as he turned her face to his. As their kiss broke she whispered, ”My safe word is pineapple.” He stepped back and she said, “Officer, I really can’t afford to get a ticket right now. Isn’t there something else we can work out?”

“I believe there is. You are going to follow my instructions to the letter without hesitation. If I say jump, you jump. If I say kneel, you kneel. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir!” Amanda said with probably a little too much enthusiasm.

“Strip!” Just the one-word command sent shivers down Amanda’s spine. Clearly this was not his first rodeo. She lifted her top over her head and unclasped her bra. Letting it fall to the ground. She expected the cop to be lustfully staring at her bare breasts, but his face was blank and serious.

“Hurry up!” he said as if he was annoyed with her.

Amanda peeled the wet denim off her legs along with the tiny black thong she had been wearing before returning to her original position with her hands on the trunk.

Without saying a word, the cop slid two fingers into her already wet cunt. She pressed back against his hands, urging him deeper. His fingers began to curl and pull, massaging her G-spot. This man really knew what he was doing. Her pussy began to gush around his fingers as she quickly approached orgasm. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Do you know what good girls do before they cum?”

“Ask for permission, sir?” Amanda asked meekly.

“I was going to say beg, but close enough,” as he finished speaking his fingers picked up their pace. He was now roughly finger fucking her G-spot unlike she had ever experienced before.

“Oh fuck! I think I’m going to squirt!”

He ripped his fingers from her pussy, “What did we just discuss about cumming without permission?”

“I never said I was a good girl,” she said with a teasing smile. “What happens when bad girls try to cum without permission?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” he said, dropping his pants. His cock wasn’t particularly long, but it was thick. Thicker than any cock Amanda had taken in her pussy before. He pressed his cock against her pussy and said, “if you were a good girl and begged to cum while I was fingering you, I planned on fucking this pussy of yours and letting you cum to your heart’s delight. Now that you’ve been a bad girl, I am going to give you a choice. Either, I fuck this pussy, but you won’t be allowed to cum until our next date or I fuck this tight little ass until you cum right now.”

“Can our next date be later tonight?”

“No. You’ll have to wait at least three days.”

“What?! Three days without cumming after this?!”

“I gave you another option.”

“I don’t think my ass can take a cock your size. It’s so thick,” she said with a smile hoping the compliment would do something for her.

“It is supposed to be a punishment, but I promise I’ll go slow.”

“Isn’t there any other option? One where I can cum without taking your cock in my ass?”

“Make me an offer.”

“Ok. Umm … how about you facefuck me as hard as you want? You can even cum in my throat.”

He paused to think. “I think that’s good enough to earn an orgasm today, but not right now. I’m going to alternate between fucking your throat and pussy, but you won’t be allowed to cum. When I’m done you will shower and get ready for dinner. You will arrive at La Petite Auberge at 7 pm with a butt plug in your ass and a remote control vibrator in your cunt. If you don’t own both of those things there is a sex shop down the street from the restaurant. Ask for Mindy, and tell her I sent you, she’ll know what you need. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” she said with trepidation.

He slowly began sliding his cock into her pussy. Every inch felt incredible as his thick cock stretched her vaginal muscles. She felt so full and yet there always seemed to be more cock. Finally, she felt his balls against her thighs.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.”

Immediately he pulled his cock out of her pussy and rammed it back in. She was barely able to keep herself steady. He grabbed her hips and fucked her like an animal. His cock thrust in and out of her like a piston. He continued relentlessly fucking her pussy until she screamed, “Fuck, I’m so close!”

In an instant, he pulled out, roughly spun her around, forced her to her knees, and without warning slammed his cock into her mouth. She barely had time to gasp before his cock was in her throat. His facefucking was just as rough as his pussy fucking. He only seemed more invigorated by her gagging and slobber.

After a few minutes, he pulled his cock out her mouth, yanked her to her feet, threw her against the car, and resumed fucking her pussy from behind. It didn’t take long before she was on the edge again. This time he didn’t even wait for her to scream. He knew how close she was. Over and over he switched between fucking her pussy and fucking her throat. After the third or fourth switch, she started to become delirious. Partially from the orgasm denial and partially from the repeated lack of oxygen.

“Throat or cunt?” he asked hurriedly, speaking for the first time since he began fucking her. She was confused for a few seconds. Why would he be asking all of a sudden? He seemed perfectly happy to take her as he pleased up to this point. Oh, he must be asking where he should cum.

“Face,” she answered with confidence.

He pulled out of her pussy and this time she positioned herself. She squatted down and bent backwards presenting her breasts and face with her tongue outstretched and her mouth open.

He shot rope after rope of hot sticky cum all over her face and breasts. The volume of his cum was impressive. As his orgasm subsided, she swirled her tongue around her mouth lapping up gobs of cum. She used her fingers to shovel the cum from her breasts and face into her mouth.

“Do you like the taste of cum?”

“Yes, sir. Something about eating a man’s cum makes me so horny.”

“I’ll make sure I have another serving ready for you later. Now go get cleaned up and don’t be late.” He walked back to his cruiser and drove away leaving her naked and cum covered in the driveway.

Published 3 years ago

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