How It All Started – Chapter 15 Pam And Mark

"Mark proves his love"

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It was seven-thirty when Pam got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.  She said I should do what I needed for the day in the bathroom, and then she would follow.  I told her the bathroom was all hers.

I was getting dressed and the entire house had the aroma of a country kitchen.  Pam came into the bedroom, carefully removed her nighty, slipped into a bra and undies, grabbed a skirt, and left again.  I heard her moving things in the kitchen.

Then back into the bedroom, she sat at her little vanity, applied some makeup then zoomed out again.  She was making me tired.  More kitchen noises and the return of Pam.  She brushed her hair, put a few curlers in it, and redid her lipstick.  Gone again.

“Honey, come on.  Our breakfast is ready,” her voice flowed from the kitchen.  She takes multitasking to a new level.

Holy Shit!!  Waffles, link sausage, fried eggs, and toast.  Not to mention the butter and jelly.  There’s a new notch in my belt.  God this girl can cook!!

We sat and enjoyed our breakfast, Pam kept my coffee hot and filled.  Once we finished, she opened the dishwasher and everything on the table disappeared.  The last noise I heard was the fridge closing after the butter and syrup were returned to their proper places.

The first stroke of eight o’clock rang and we were ready to meet our fate.  When we got into the car, we looked at each other, for reassurance, I guess.  The garage door opened and we headed to Platt and Dorrest’s corporate castle. Traffic was normal so the forty-minute drive would put us right on time.  I love being early.

“Good morning, Mrs. Worth.  I hope you had a pleasant weekend,” I said smiling.  She started chuckling.

“Good morning you two.  I’m laughing because you just cost Mr. Dorrest twenty bucks.  He bet Mr. Platt you would be right on time.  Mr. Platt bet you would be at least ten minutes early.  I’m holding the twenty.”  We had a good laugh over it.

Mrs. Worth pressed her intercom, “Good morning.  Mr. Platt, Miss Fisher, and Mr. Compton are here.”  She put her finger to her lips as she held the button down on the intercom.  It was Mr. Dorrest:

“Oh, all right damn it.  Get your lousy twenty from Anita.  I’ll get it back next time.”  She released the button.  We were rolling with laughter as the income sprang to life,  “Mrs. Worth please show them in,” that was all it said.

We were talking with Mr. Platt when Mrs. Worth called on the intercom again announcing Andrew and Jack’s arrival.  She opened the office door and Andrew joined us.  Everyone was accounted for.

Mr. Platt started with Andrew.  “Mr. Singletary, I would like to offer you a position with our firm.  I have a folder with our proposal for your employment.  Look over it, if you choose, you may take it with you and discuss the opportunity with your lady.”  He handed the folder with their logo on it to Andrew.  He started to look over it.

Platt turned to Jack.  His role was to stay with Jennings and Lupton.  If they would close, he would come to work for Platt and Dorrest.  The catch was that Platt would oversee the contacts offered to Jennings.  My part would be the chief surveyor for both companies.  It appeared the problem with Jennings and Lupton was bad surveying which led to poor planning.

“Now Miss Fisher.  Mr. Dorrest and I would like to employ you to be the person working with Mark.  Uploading the information on all projects for our availability, as you have done.  The difference is, you are working with Mark, but you are our employee. 

Mrs. Worth, please have HR set Miss Fisher up with a starting salary, and benefits immediately with the usual deductions.  Make certain her status is marked single until someone pulls his head out of his ass.”  Platt was looking straight at me.  The rest of the office was in tears, I was looking for a place to hide.

Through the laughter, Andrew interrupted, “Mr. Platt, I would like to accept your very kind offer.  I will arrange it with my present employer if that is acceptable.  Then I will be ready for my position in two weeks.”

“Mr. Singletary, I would expect nothing less from an employee.  We need a good graphic designer.  Our lead man is retiring after twenty-two years with us.  I hope your tenure is longer.”  They shook hands and Andrew left.

Mr. Platt turned to Jack.  “Have you made the arrangements for the meeting with your boss?  I would like for us all to be on the same page as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir.  I have arranged the meeting for this afternoon at two.  Miss Timbrook, her secretary, Nancy, and Mr. Jennings will attend.  Mr. Lupton is not in the best of health, as you know.”  Jack sounded concerned for his boss.

“Yes, unfortunately.  He’s a good man who has been done wrong.  Jennings and I are trying to revive their business.  Most of the reorganizing will be done through us.  Let me know how your meeting goes.”  Platt was finished.  He said his goodbyes and left.

Mrs. Worth took Pam aside to get her personal information.  Pam was flushed with pride. 

When they were finished, Mrs. Worth said to Pam, “Your folder is complete.  I did leave an option for changing your status from ‘single’.”  Mrs. Worth looked at me.  Help.

It was eleven o’clock.  We had enough time for lunch so we decided to stop at the Brat Bar on Main Street.  We were met at the door by a handsome young man, pleasant as you would want.  He showed us to a table and gave us our menus.

Our drinks arrived and we toasted to our new positions.  Then Andrew added a toast for Pam.  She has gotten good at blushing today.  We talked about the reorganization for J and L, Jack expressed his concern for its future.

Lunch came and the aroma of the food made you hungrier by the second.  The food is always great, hot and plentiful.  The beer is always ice-cold.  We enjoyed our leisurely lunch talking and laughing.

At the end, I asked for the tab.  Our server said it was already paid for, we looked at Jack.  He was turning his head and whistling to ensure he didn’t make eye contact with us.  Andrew and I threw in a nice tip for our server.

On the way to Jack’s office, I ran my hand up and down Pam’s inner thigh.  She gave me a knowing look and smiled.  She turned in her seat and spread her legs a little more.

“Mmmm, I never say ‘no’ to my Man’s touches.  But you are making me wet, bad boy,”  Pam chuckled. 

“I know we just had lunch, but what’s for dinner,” I teased her.

“You’re warming it up now, Baby,”  Pam cooed.

We met Jack and Andrew at the front door and followed Jack to Miss Timbrook’s office.  Nancy and Mr. Jennings were there as well.  Jack introduced us to Mr. Jennings, we politely shook hands, and he bowed his head to Pam.

Nancy had coffee or tea available, she prepared Mr. Jennings’ coffee, then we got ours. Mr. Jennings got right to the point.  He was anxious to get started, he told us what he was hoping to accomplish with this new arrangement.  He asked us to describe our parts.

He seemed pleased with our abilities and then got to it.  “Mr. Compton, when are you available for a survey?” Jennings asked.  Pam pulled her phone out of thin air.

“Sir, Mr. Compton has a survey on Thursday.  He is out of town so he may not be available until Monday.”  Jennings was impressed.

“Quite an assistant you have Mr. Compton,” Jennings was grinning.

“Miss Timbrook, if you would please.”  He looked at her.

“Mr. Compton, would you be available for a survey tomorrow?  I know it’s short notice, but it would be quite helpful.” Timbrook handed a folder to me.

I opened it and shared it with Pam.  She brought up a map on her phone and typed in, “Vargass Pass.”  Pam could find a needle in a haystack with her phone.

“Mark, Vargass Pass is roughly two hours southeast from here.  It has a population of eight thousand six hundred plus.  There are the usual shops and businesses, but not a lot of manufacturing.”  Pam looked at me.  I was smiling ear to ear.

“I don’t see where Vargass is out of the question for tomorrow.  From what I’m seeing, this is a fair-sized plot you want to be surveyed.”  I continued to review the papers.  Pam was holding the folder as I looked on and ran my finger over her butt.

“Mr. Jennings, I want to take Pam with me because of the size of the plot.  I’m fairly certain she could still have it uploaded for you before the close of business tomorrow.”  I looked at Pam, she nodded in agreement.

Our business concluded, we shook hands with Mr. Jennings and said our goodbyes to the ladies.  Andrew, Pam, and I walked toward our cars, and Pam slapped my arm.  Andrew looked surprised.

“What’s that for?”  I asked innocently.  Andrew just watched.

“We’re standing in from of everybody looking at the folder, supposedly, and you’re playing with my ass.  Mark Thomas Compton, you are so – so – so incorrigible.  Oooo, shame on you.”  Pam slapped my arm again.  Andrew was rolling with laughter.

We got into our car and headed home, but then I got an idea. 

“Honey, I know we went out for lunch, would you like to go to the Kopper Kettle for dinner?”  She had a seductive smile and moved in the seat so I could play with her leg.

“Does that answer your question, Mr. Fanny Feeler?  I told you that you were heating dinner on the way over here.  I do love my sex maniac,”  Pam cooed.

On our way home, we made plans for tomorrow’s survey adventure.  Pam said she had some heat-and-eat sausage in the freezer that she would put in the fridge when we got home.  Along with some pop-up waffles, warm syrup, and coffee.  Then she would make an extra pot of coffee for our thermos.  Miss Pamela is a whiz at planning!

I closed the kitchen door behind us and took Pam gently by her arm.  She looked up at me smiling with love in her eyes.

“Honey, I want to tell you how proud I am of you.  You showed Platt, Jennings, and everyone how efficient you are, but more importantly, how beautiful.  Thank you for being you and the wonderful person you are.  I can never give you all that you give me.”  I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply.

Our lips slowly parted, Pam was breathing deeply.  “We need an oxygen tank around here.  Mark, you take my breath away.  What a wonderful thing to say to a girl.  To be completely loved, honored, and treated like a lady in public and a woman behind the bedroom door.  God, what more could a woman ask for, and you Mark Compton give me all of those things, even more.”  Pam put her hands on my face and kissed me ever so gently.  It felt so sensual and sensitive.

I gave Pam a sly grin, “Shower?” I asked.

“No. Bed.” Pam cooed.  “My Man has been edging me all day long.  Now, are you going to go peacefully or do I have to use physical force,”  Pam said with a scowl.

“Physical force,” I asked.

Pam threw off her close and stood there naked with her hands on her hips.

“Yeah!  Physical force, what about it dude.  Now, strip.  No don’t go anywhere, strip.  Right here.”  She tried to keep from grinning.

I started to take my clothes off.  I did it more as a slow strip than anything.  Pam watched and grinned.

“Now, get in there!  Right now!” she demanded.

I picked Pam up and put her over my shoulder.

“HEY!  WAIT!  No, not, this  – put me down – you have to listen to me – I’m in charge here – how dare you?  Put me down, NO Not Like That.  Hey wait – no not over your lap!  Mark, wait don’t,”  I gave her sweet tender butt a swat.

“Wait, Mark, listen,” she protested.  Another swat.  “You’re a meanie, how dare you?” another swat.  “ Damn it, Mark,” another swat.  “Damn I want you.  Take me you meanie.”  Pam was starting to pant.

I let Pam up and picked her up again, “Oh No, what are you doing to do to me?” she whimpered

I lay Pam on the bed with her head on the pillow.  Her eyes were soft and loving, her breathing was getting deeper she licked her moist lips, “Take what belongs to you.  You own my soul, so take my body any way you want,” Pam’s voice was soft and low.

I opened Pam’s legs and knelt between them.  I pulled her to me so her pussy was so close to my hardon she could feel it on her pussy lips. I put Pam’s arm above her head and stared at her, she would not move her arms from there for a while. 

I bent over and gently bit her nipples, Pam jumped and yelped.  I circled her nipples with my tongue and slid it over her nipples.  Pam inhaled deeply as I sucked her tit.  I moved to her other tit and sucked it.  Pam squirmed a little at the sensations whispering, Mark, Baby umm, aah suck it, she begged.

I slowly slid my cock between her pussy lips and into her wet warm pussy.  Pam whimpered with desire as my cock filled her and I sucked her tit.  She softly put her hands on my head encouraging me to enjoy her body.  Pam pushed her hips so my cock was massaged by her pussy walls.

I was stoking Pam’s wet pussy, her sweet nectar dripping from her onto my balls.  I put my hand under her head and grabbed her hair.  Pam pushed my face against her tit and groaned her lust growing.

My cock pumped Pam’s sweet pussy, her pussy was hugging my throbbing cock.  Her breathing was becoming more rapid, and my need to cum was growing.

“Mark – can’t wait – Baby I’m cumming, you’re making me cum – ooooh now,” Pam’s pussy squirted her warm cum soaking my body and balls.

Her moaning and the sensation of her cum triggered my cock and balls.  My cum shot from my balls through my cock and deep into her pussy.  Pam was whimpering and groaning as her cum squirted from her pussy.  We were cumming with each stroke of my cock.

Pam groaned as her last stream of cum dripped from her pussy.  I was panting and sweating trying to empty my balls in her.  Exhausted, I collapsed on top of Pam.  She wrapped her arms around me groaning and panting.

“I love it when your body falls on me.  I feel like I have given you all a woman has to give and everything a man wants.  I hope that’s how you feel too, Baby,”  Pam’s voice was soft and loving.

“I’m always afraid of crushing you.  Your tender body was not made to support two hundred-plus pounds.”  Then I kissed her.

“Oh, no, my Lover.  That’s what my body is for.  For you to take and enjoy, then reward me by holding all of you on me.  Your almost savage sex, then feeling the man on my body.  That’s my reward as your woman until the day I die,” Pam promised.


Departed Soul

Published 3 months ago

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