Training Amy 4

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My dreams that night were restless, as was I. Images of being tied to the bench, of being helpless, of being fucked by Inga, of the redhead that had fucked the blond girl, Sarah, of my sister… they all paraded through my head. I am sure that, if I’d been able to I’d have played with myself in my sleep. When I woke, the sheets beneath me were wet and smelled of pussy. I had vague memories of waking, finding myself being spooned, Inga’s arm draped over me, her face nestled in my hair, softly murmuring. Sometimes it was reassurances. Sometimes it was nasty things that made me shiver with lust.

I was horny. And hungry. And alone. I had no idea how long she’d been gone, or where she was. I decided that the best thing to do was simply lay there and wait, hoping she wouldn’t be gone too long. Thankfully, she wasn’t.

“Good morning, baby girl.”

She’d changed. Gone were the shorts and the shirt. She was dressed in purple yoga pants that clung to her like a second skin and a matching sports bra.

“Good morning, Miss,” I managed, doing my best to sit up, my arms still tied before me.

“Sweet dreams?”

I blushed, recalling them, nodding twice, not able to meet her eyes.

“I thought so,” she grinned. “You woke me a few times with your moans. Sounded desperate.”

I blushed harder.

“I… was.”

“I can only imagine. Let’s get you out of that rope and I’ll get breakfast going.”

A short time later she was leading me down the stairs, naked except for the collar she’d bought me. She’d attached a leash to it and led the way to the kitchen, telling me to sit. I sat and watched as she brewed coffee, cut up some strawberries, and made omelets. It smelled wonderful and tasted even better.

“Once you’ve eaten I’ll let you shower and dress. Then we’ll go for a walk.”

“And after?” I asked, my voice almost a whisper.

Inga let off an amused snort of laughter.


“No,” I said, a little defensively. Glancing in the direction of the backyard, knowing her eyes were on me, waiting. Eventually I turned again, meeting her gaze.  “I’m… I don’t know.”

She continued to watch in silence, occasionally taking a bite of her food. Accessing me, perhaps. It was impossible tell what she was thinking. I felt warm. It suddenly hit me that I was sitting here, naked, and that she could do anything she wanted and I probably wouldn’t be able to stop her even if I wanted. I felt a little breathless and my pulse quickened as I waited for her to say something, my breath catching when she finally did.

“We’ll see.”

That was it. No promises. No hint of what was going to happen. Nothing. Just those two words. I felt my pussy damping as my imagination began to fill in the rest…

Afterwards I showered with a stern warning not to play with myself. Or at least not to come if I did. I thought it was safer to simply keep my hands off my pussy, just in case I lost control.  She had laid out clothes for me.  Nothing I’d brought with me. Nothing sexy. A pair of jeans. A pink tee with the name of a college on it. Not the one I attended. One in Florida. A good sturdy coat. My own sneakers and socks though. Pink lace panties. I was already wearing my collar.    I didn’t comment. I simply got dressed. The pants were a little snug but they fit. And the panties smelled faintly of… pussy`. At least I’d be warm and comfortable and look… normal. She was dressed, more or less, the same. Jeans. Boots. A flannel shirt. Warm coat. Knit hat.

“Sarah left those behind last time. You’re about the same size. I don’t think she’d mind.”

“Oh.  What’s she like?”

She was silent for a moment, as if she was considering what to tell me. Eventually she answered me. Sort of.

“Maybe when you’re ready, I’ll introduce you. When your training is over.”

“My training?”

She smiled, placing her hand on my leg and began stroking my thigh.

“Yes. Your training.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was being trained.  That’s what this was all about. I suppose I should have stopped her. Got up. Gone home before this got out of control. Before it was too late. The problem was, it was already too late. Instead, I simply nodded and gave her a shy smile.

“Am I going to? Are you going to… today?” I asked, tripping over the words nervously.

“Possibly. Probably,” she commented, dryly, her hand sliding further up my thigh. Without thinking I spread my legs wider and she began playing with my zipper.  “Be a good girl and go get your leash.”

Blushing once more, I went out to fetch it, wearing borrowed clothes that smelled like sex, aware that I was adding my own scent to Sarah’s, pushing aside the stray thought that she’s already trained me in some things, such as fetching ‘my leash’ at her command.

It was turning into a nice day. Crisp and brisk, but not uncomfortable. We looked like two young women out walking for a stroll. Not like perverts. Normal. It was all a ruse, obviously. Got to keep up appearances, I guess.

We took the same route we had yesterday. Eventually taking us to the park. Again, we weren’t alone. There were others out doing the same. Getting exercise. Walking their dogs. They’d smile at us and we’d smile back. At least Inga would smile. I just blushed shyly, wondering if they might suspect. We wandered off the beaten path my thoughts spiraling as I imagined what might happen out here.

This time I was ready for it. In fact, I was keyed up so much waiting for her command that it startled me a little when I heard it. The snap of fingers.

 I froze instantly.

“Good girl,” Inga told me. I could hear approval in her voice, warming me, making my pussy even damper. I wondered, briefly, if she’d return the jeans to their owner smelling of me?

 She began toying with my hair, combing it with her fingers and then carefully braiding it as I stood there as motionless as I could manage, nervously watching the woods around us, wondering if someone was watching, hidden from sight…   

 She paused to kiss the back of my head, her lips lingering in my hair. “You smell nice,” was her only comment before giving me the command to continue. Unsure what that meant, I just stood there, breathing heavily until she started walking, tugging playfully on the leash so that I was forced to follow her.

“You can be my dog today. My bitch,” she teased.      

 I didn’t say anything. Not at first. Her bitch? The closer the reality got, the more I wondered if this was what I really wanted. If it was all just a stupid fantasy that I didn’t really want to experience. If I just wanted to go home and forget any of this had happened.

“Having second thoughts, Amy?” I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. It was a little scary how well she could read me at times.  “Too late if you are, baby girl. You belong to me, now.  You don’t get to choose anymore.”

Once again, her voice became cruel. Hard. I couldn’t help but shiver, fear washing suddenly through me as I realized, for perhaps the first time, that she meant it. That… this game… was going to continue no matter what, either with my consent or without it. I’d told her I wanted to be forced. She had it on video even.


“Shush. Just accept it. Think about how hard you came when I fingered your dirty little fuck hole.  Think about what it felt like to be tied down to the bench. Think about watching Sarah getting fucked. It’s what you want. Deep down. And it’s what is going to happen.”

She yanked suddenly on the leash, forcing me to a halt.

“Amy. Spread.”

 I blanked out for a moment, panicking, and she yanked again.

“Spread your legs, baby girl.”

“Sorry, Miss,” I blurted out as I spread my legs for her.

“A little wider. Good girl,” she said as I complied, walking up to me and taking my chin in her hand, squeezing a little as she leaned down and kissed me. Not a chaste peck on the lips. A real kiss. Wet. Warm. Hungry. At the same time, she reached between my opened thighs and began to rub my pussy. It felt nice. Better than nice. I found myself getting lost in the sensation and in her kiss, forgetting everything else, at least for the moment.

“I could just take you here. Make you take off your jeans and get down on your hands and knees and fuck you. You’d have to be quiet though. Just in case someone was close. Don’t want them to hear you. To come looking. Or do you?”

“No,” I whimpered, as she kissed me again, pushing her tongue into my mouth as she slowly unzipped my pants, exposing me to the cool air.

“Of course if someone did. A stranger… maybe I’d just make you suck him off. That way you’ll be quiet. Mouth full of cock.”

I let out a moan, this time as she pushed aside my panties and slid her middle finger into me, then out, brushing the tip against my swollen clit, coating it with my own juices.

“Tell you to swallow. And you’d do it, too. Because I told you to.” 

“Oh my god,” I managed, moaning as she flicked her fingers against my clit.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

When I didn’t answer right away she shoved her fingers, three of them it felt like, into me. Hard. Making me gasp.

“I said, that’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, helpless to do anything but stand there as she fucked my cunt with her fingers.  

“Say it,” she whispered harshly, twisting her fingers inside of me until it hurt.

“I want to suck cock. Some stranger’s cock. I want him to cum down my throat and fill my belly with his cum,” I managed shakily, unable to deny her. Inga stopped suddenly, taking her finger from my dripping wet pussy, wiping it my face. My lips. Forcing it into my mouth. Obediently I sucked on it, cleaning it of my own juices, tasting myself. Imagining that it was this imaginary man’s prick.   

“You want to come, don’t you, baby girl. You need to.”

“Yes,” I admitted helplessly.

“Not here. Not now. Maybe not today. Or this weekend. You don’t get to come until I make you come.  Until I tell you to come. Is that understood?”

“Please,” I moaned, still lost in a fog of lust and need.

“Is. That. Understood, Amy?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, admitting defeat, tears filling my eyes. I could feel them running down one cheek as I surrendered myself to Inga.

She watched as I zipped myself up again, my hands trembling so bad that it took two tries

“Who’s a good doggie?” she said, locking gazes with me as she said it.

“W-w-woof?” I stuttered, locking gazes with her.

“Good girl,” she said with a grin, yanking gently on my leash.  “Coming?”

“Yeah, sorry,” was all I could manage. My nipples ached with every step. Swollen and rubbing against the borrowed tee. My clit throbbed, matching my pulse. My legs felt like jelly. Each step was unsteady as I shuffled along behind her. Eventually, we made it home. Or to the house where we were staying. I wondered if… something was going to happen right away. In a way, I wanted to just get this over with. And I didn’t. Nothing did happen, though. She simply closed the front door behind us and unhooked the leash before leading me into the living room where I sat on the sofa still in a bit of a daze.

“Want something to drink?”


“Be right back.”

I’m not sure how long she was gone. When she came back she handed me a drink. I was hoping for water. Or maybe ice tea. She gave me beer in a frosted mug. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad choice. I took it and took a healthy swig, hoping it would quell the confusion and chaos in my head.  

She held up a small vial.

“This will help relax you.  And make you horny. If you want.”

“Oh.” I thought about it for a moment or two – other than the few times I’d smoked pot I’d never really taken drugs – before nodding and taking it from her hand. Before I could change my mind, I dumped it into my glass and took a drink.

She put on some music. Soft jazz or something. It was barely audible. Just background noise. She had a mug of her own. We sipped. Or rather, she sipped. I finished mine before she was half done. By the time I was finished, I felt slightly lightheaded. Also, Horny. Not that I hadn’t been before but this…

“How are you feeling?”

“Good?” I admitted.

“You sound unsure,” she said, smiling in a way I wasn’t sure I liked.

“I’m… a little high, maybe?”

“Good, baby girl.  Now let’s get you changed into something pretty.”

She led me upstairs, going slowly. I followed her, curious, my libido slowly ramping up.  She had me pee first. And then we went into the guest room where I’d left my pack.

I’m going to teach you a new command,” she told me, clapping her hands together softly.  

“That means strip, Amy.  You’re going to need to remember that, okay?”   

“Okay, Miss,” I said, giggling a little and then I stripped. It wasn’t erotic. I’d already shed my coat, socks and shoes downstairs. I simply took off the borrowed Washington State College tee, the jeans, and Sarah’s pink lace panties, leaving them on the bed.

“Now sit.”

I sat, watching curiously as she lay out the new items I’d bought for myself. Black lace panties, bra, garter, and stockings. My never before worn sexy lingerie. She added my black pleated skirt and the see-through black top.

“I think you’ll look nice in these.”

“Okay,” I said, agreeably. I didn’t feel drugged. Just a little tipsy. And yet… I knew I was. Knew that it was having some sort of effect on me. What I did feel was incredibly horny. If this kept up I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off myself…

“Remember, Amy. Good girls don’t come until I tell them to. You want to be my good girl, don’t you?”

“I remember, Miss. I do. Only…” I found myself biting my lip.

“Only?” she prompted.

“Only I’m not sure I can,” I told her truthfully.

She laughed, shaking her head at me. “Maybe I should help you out with that. Let’s get you dressed first though.

She helped me. Not that I really needed help, but the stockings did take some work. And the garter… I’d never worn one before. It took about ten or fifteen minutes before we were done and she had me standing in front of the mirror so I could get a good look at myself.

I looked… Fuck. Hot. Sexy. Slutty.

“You look beautiful,” she declared, and I smiled, believing her.

“Now, to help you with your issue… stay there. Enjoy the view.” She gave me a kiss. It was too brief. I wanted more. So much more. And then she pulled a suitcase from under the bed, opening it where I couldn’t see inside.

“Come here, baby girl.”

I went over and stood before her.

“Right hand out.”

I complied, curious as she held out a leather band – a cuff, actually, with silver buckles on it. Putting it around my wrist, she fastened the buckles so that it was snug before adding a small padlock.

“Don’t want it coming off before we’re done,” was her only comment.

“Okay,” I said quietly, licking my lips, feeling suddenly nervous.

She pulled out another one, this one for my left wrist, locking it on as well.

“How does that feel?”


“Not too tight?”

I thought about it a moment, moving my hands around a little, testing it out. “I don’t think so?”

“Good. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

Of course I did. By then I was breathing a little too fast. A little too shallowly. And my heart was going pitter-patter inside my chest. Not to mention I could feel my pussy start to react…

“I’m going to make a mess of my panties, Miss…”

“It’s alright.”

She fastened the cuffs together, trapping my arms behind me.

“There. No need to worry about touching your slutty little pussy now, is there.”

“No,” I whimpered.  slightly frustrated by the thought, to be honest.

“Next we do your ankles.”

The same. Cuffed and locked, although not fastened together, thankfully. I wasn’t sure I could keep my balance if they had been.

“Perfect. Now you’re looking more like the submissive little slut I know is in there, Amy. Time to go down into the basement and finish your transformation. One more thing…”

She leashed me. Like a dog. I didn’t fight it nor her as she led me down the steps, to the first floor, and then down again into Liz’s basement playroom. Whatever the powder was that I had put in my beer had made me very compliable. Any resistance I might have had had been erased.

“Are you going to tie me to the bench again?” I asked, feeling… a little scared, despite the drug.

“Eventually. Not right away. Nervous?”

“Yes. And then… what?”

“Whatever you want, baby girl. We’ll see what happens. Is that okay?”

“I… guess?”

“Good girl,” she said, patting me on the head, kissing my forehead. It felt… nice. And I felt warm. And…  a little less scared.  “Now stand here. And don’t move.”

She positioned me under one of the beams before getting out a step ladder and a length of rope. Then she unfastened my cuffs.

“Up above your head,” she directed as she got on the ladder and threaded the rope through a metal ring attached to the beam overhead. Obediently I lifted my arms and soon found them suspended straight up.

She stepped down and circled me, reaching out and brushing a…

Published 3 months ago

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