A Life in Love and Lust: Chapter 2 – Fantasies Fulfilled!

"Our adventurous couple seeks the edges of the envelope and discovers that the envelope is al lot bigger than they thought!"

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They were unable to find a suitable resort in the time they had available so they decided to go to Las Vegas instead. Tessa was looking forward to gambling but not at the tables. They booked the travel arrangements and a couple of daytime excursions so they could see the Grand Canyon and a few other things. 

They talked about how they might find some suitable partners for their playtime and Thomas suggested placing an ad on a dating website for couples. 

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Tessa. “That might be sketchy!” 

“We can place the ad but if we don’t feel comfortable, we don’t have to follow through,” he said. 

“Maybe,” she agreed. 

Thomas checked out some sites and found one that catered to couples looking for singles or other couples for fun. He created an account and logged on. After perusing the ads, he had an idea of what he wanted to say but held off until he spoke to his wife about it some more. That night, when they got into bed, he took out his iPad and showed her the site he was talking about. 

They browsed the ads but there was nothing that they liked or that fit the dates they would be in town. “Most of these seem to be for same night or same week dates, we’re not going for another three weeks, maybe we should wait,” she said. He agreed but said he would keep checking the site to see if anything popped up that fit their needs. 

They fed their fantasies again that night and every night until they were due to leave which made for some pretty mind-blowing sex between them. Tessa suggested they make another movie but Thomas asked her to wait until they got home. “That way we can talk about what happens in Vegas in the movie!”

“Great idea!” she said as she took him back into her mouth. 

~  ~  ~ 

The day they left, they decided to place that ad after all. 

MWC (M28 str8/F28 bicurious) seeking couple in Vegas area for exploration of mutual fantasies. Size/age irrelevant. Possibilities incl hotwifing, cuckolding, swap and others. Can host or go to you. Starting today for 7 days.” They included a photo taken from one of their bedroom videos with their faces blurred. Thomas’s finger paused over the send button and they looked at each other. They kissed and he clicked the mouse. 

The three flights they had to take were long but not boring. They teased each other quietly about the things they might see and do while in Sin City. They planned to make their vacation truly worthy of the city’s nickname.

Amazingly, none of their luggage got lost or misrouted. They collected it and grabbed a cab to the hotel they’d reserved near the strip. The first thing that Tessa noticed was the cacophony of noise that surrounded them. Cars streaming by, horns blaring, and the hawkers trying to entice visitors into the sketchy sex shows that seemed everywhere. Tessa giggled and pointed but Thomas shook his head. “The only person I want to watch getting fucked is you!” he exclaimed. 

They were a bit tired the first night so they stayed close to their hotel and flipped through the hundreds of brochures that all tried to get people to part with their hard-earned money. Tessa saw one advertising an escort service, “What about escorts? We could hire some escorts! Wouldn’t that be crazy?” 

“I don’t know, Tess, that sounds about as sketchy as the personal ads idea.,” he said. They let it be for the time being and went back to their room for some nice hotel sex. 

The next day was their Grand Canyon excursion so they boarded a bus for the 45-minute ride to the site. Tessa thought it was pretty cool for a big hole in the ground, but Thomas was less impressed. Still, they saw the sights, took the pictures and while they were waiting to board the bus to the last stop, another couple about their age asked them to take a photo. 

Both couples did the other the favour and as the lady of the group handed Thomas’s camera back to them she introduced herself. “I’m Sam, Samantha, this is my husband, Donnie.” 

“I’m Tessa and this is my husband, Thomas.” The men exchanged handshakes and the women hugged everyone. “What brings you to Vegas? Tessa asked. 

Sam flashed her rings, “Honeymoon! We Just got married last weekend. We’ve been here all week and are leaving the day after tomorrow. You?” 

“Congratulations! Anniversary,” Tessa replied. “Ten years together!” 

“Ten years, you must have started dating it twelve!” Tessa laughed with her and shook her head. 

“Eighteen actually, well just before I turned eighteen. We’ve been married for just over four years. We consider my eighteenth birthday as our first official date!” 

“And did he give you a nice birthday present?” she asked. 

“A very nice present indeed!” Tessa answered. “I’m hoping we can find something fun to do here this year.” The two women chatted about the things to see and the things to avoid until the bus showed back up. As it disgorged the next tour group, they exchanged phone numbers and said they should meet for dinner or something. 

They finished the tour and on the way back they held hands. Then Tessa’s phone pinged. She looked at it and smiled. She showed it to Thomas and raised her eyebrows. “My husband thinks you’re hot!” it read. “Could that be the ‘or something’ you mentioned?” he asked. 

“Maybe,” she replied. “He is pretty cute. And she’s very pretty as well. What do you think, could she be my first?” 

“I’d like to see that!” he said, his libido getting way out in front of him. Tessa texted back, “Tell him I think he’s pretty cute too, and so are you!” 

A few moments later, “Wanna get a drink or something?” She showed me the phone and I took it from her, “Let’s go for it!” I texted back, “Depends, what did you have in mind for the ‘or something’?” 

Sam: “Oh, idk, maybe we could talk about that!” 

Tessa: “OK. Where are u staying?” 

S: “Bellagio, you?” 

T: “MGM Grand” 

S: “Let’s meet at ours, front lobby, 7 o’clock?” 

T: “Perfect!” And there we had it, a date with another couple! 

“That was way easier than some sketchy dating site or escorts!” Tessa whispered. 

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves!” Thomas cautioned her. 

They got off the bus and waited as their new friends joined them. “So 7 o’clock then!” Thomas said. 

They smiled and agreed and as we turned away, Sam called out to them. “You guys want to go dancing later?” 

Tessa squeezed her husband’s hand, “Absolutely, we going to dress up?” 

Sam nodded, “To the nines!”. She blew them a kiss and bounced away with her husband in tow. 

Tessa squeezed his hand again, “Did you see the bulge in his pants? He’s already got half a hard-on!” 

“He’s not the only one!” he groaned. “She’s not pretty, she’s gorgeous!” 

“More gorgeous than me?” she teased. He stopped and looked at her. 

“Gorgeous exists on many levels, and no, she is not nearly as gorgeous as you are!” Thomas kissed her softly. 

“But you still want to fuck her?” she teased some more. 

“Only if you want to fuck him!” he countered. 

“I will be thinking about little else all night!” she leered. She kissed him and then took his hand, pulling him toward their hotel. “Come on, we don’t have much time to get ready!” 

“It’s only 3 o’clock, we have plenty of time!” he protested. 

“Not if you’re going to fuck me and lick me clean before we get ready we don’t!” She tugged on his hand and he followed along in her wake.

That afternoon session was as rambunctious a session as they’d had since they made their last movie. As they fucked, she described the things she wanted to do to both of them, always culminating with him eating cum from one of their pussies. He thought that was her favourite part of their sex lives at the time, she loved to watch him clean up cum! 

After what seemed an eternity, Tessa was finally ready. She put on new lingerie that she bought just for the trip and a short dress that barely covered her ass. “What do you think, thong or no thong?” she asked. 

“Bend over,” he said, when she did he could just see her pussy. “Are you good with strangers seeing your pussy?” 

“I am tonight!” she giggled. 

“No thong then!” 

“All right then!” She checked her makeup and dropped a few things into a small purse that he knew he would be guarding for most of the night. He was used to it whenever they went dancing. 

“What’s in your purse?” It felt a little heavier than usual. 

“Lip stain, room key, condoms, pepper spray, the usual!” she replied. 

“You thought of everything!” He said. 

“Somebody had to!” She kissed me, “Ready?” 

“As I’ll ever be!” 

They had plenty of time so they decided to walk, which proved a challenge due to Tessa’s four-inch heels. Barefoot she was only an inch or so shorter than he was but with the heels on she towered over him. He felt like he was walking with an Amazon woman. She attracted a lot of stares and compliments plus a few propositions and wolf-whistles as we walked and she loved every one of them. “I feel like a slut on the prowl!” she whispered as they waited at a stoplight on the strip. 

“You might not be one yet but you will be soon!” he said. 

“Can’t fucking wait! I am so fucking horny right now!” 

“I can tell!” he said as the light changed. 

They walked into the front entrance of the hotel and looked around, it was breathtaking. People were everywhere, some dressed like they were going to the beach, some like they were going to a formal dinner. Tessa took out her phone and texted Sam, “We’re in the lobby!” 

A few minutes later she got a return text that they were almost ready and directed them to a small bar across from the reception desk where they would meet. It looked and felt expensive but they supposed everything in Las Vegas does. They got a table and ordered drinks for themselves while they waited. 

About ten minutes later they appeared, Sam in a slinky, shimmery dress that hid nothing and Donnie in a suit with an open-collared shirt. Tessa squirmed when she saw them and squeezed her husband’s hand. 

“Hi, guys!” Sam called as she came over to our table. Tessa got up to greet her and was rewarded with a kiss on her lips and another one from Donnie. 

“You look like a million bucks!” Donnie complimented her. 

“You look pretty nice yourself!” Tessa replied and she kissed him again. 

Sam came to me, “Hi handsome!” She gave him a very light kiss and sat down beside him leaving Tessa to sit beside Donnie. 

They ordered drinks and we started chatting. Within a half hour, the two women knew most of the others’ life stories including a few bits that were not usually for public consumption. 

“You’re fucking kidding me! His stepmom showed him?” Sam whispered, looking shocked. She looked at Thomas, “You and your stepmom must be very close!” 

“She was my best friend until Tessa came along,” he said. “We can talk about anything!” 

“And he does mean anything!” Tessa confirmed. “Let me tell you about the night they woke us up having butt sex!” 

Thomas tried to object to her telling that story but the two women shushed him. 

“We’re just passengers at this point,” laughed Donnie. Thomas ruefully agreed. 

They had three drinks each (the prices were outrageous but it was Vegas!) when the ladies excused themselves to the facilities. They held hands as they walked away and Donnie observed, “Damn! She is a fine-looking woman!” 

“They are both very beautiful!” Thomas said. 

“Tessa’s breasts are amazing!” 

“I know, I get to kiss them every night!” Thomas grinned. 

“Ever think of sharing them?” 

“Funny you should ask!” Thomas replied. 

The girls did their business and as they were checking their makeup, Sam said as nonchalantly as you please, “My husband thinks you’re really hot!”

“Mine thinks you’re pretty hot too!” Tessa said. She turned and faced her new friend. “What about you do you think I’m hot?” 

Sam’s reply was to lean in and kiss Tessa full on the lips. Their tongues danced and their breathing quickened. Tessa smiled, “So this is happening isn’t it?” 

“Oh fuck yes!” Sam exclaimed. “I want you so badly!” 

Tessa checked her watch, only 8:30. “So what do you think, dancing then fucking or fucking then dancing?” 

Sam laughed, “The club doesn’t really get going until after midnight, how about fucking, then dancing, then more fucking!” 

“You have a dirty mind!” Tessa grinned and they kissed again. “My kinda girl!” 

They fixed up their makeup and left hand in hand. As they approached the table, Sam squeezed Tessa’s and whispered, “Swap?” Tessa just nodded and smiled. 

Thomas was surprised when Tessa reached out her hand and took Donnie’s. “Come with me!” she said. 

Sam took Thomas’s hand, “What she said!” 

Donnie just smiled, this was obviously their plan all along and Thomas was just a little slow to catch up.  He started to protest when Donnie looked over his shoulder, “Just go with it, you’ll love it!” 

Thomas sighed and watched his wife’s derriere wiggle away while holding the hand of a perfect stranger. This was one of the fantasies they talked about but it was all happening very fast. He wanted to pump the brakes a little but it seemed Tessa was all-in! 

“We’ll take the next one,” Sam said as our spouses got in the first elevator with a few other guests. We only had to wait a minute and the next one arrived. Thankfully, we were alone. She turned to him and kissed him. “Right now, my husband is asking your wife the same questions I am going to ask you. Is this your first time?” I said that it was. “Okay, we’ve been doing this for years, you are hardly our first. Now what is it you are looking for? Swap? Two on one? Girl-on-girl?” 

“All of that,” Thomas replied. He was glad that they had the chance to slow things down. 

“Good. Now, any hangups? Anything you absolutely will not do?” she asked. 

“No messy stuff, you know peeing and that. And no bondage, that’s for us alone. Other than that we’re pretty open,” he said. 

“Good. So, to start with, we would like to just swap, Donnie with Tessa, you with me, all of us in the same room if you’re okay with it but we have a suite so there is a separate space if you’d like.” 

Thomas, feeling much more comfortable, said, “No, the whole reason we’re doing this is so we can watch each other. We’ve always had that fantasy, ever since we first got together.” 

“That’s a thing for us too,” she said. “Like I said, we’ve done this many times. We’re clean and we get checked regularly. I assume you are too.” 

“Tessa and I were virgins when we met,” Thomas admitted. 

“Good. Condoms or not?” 

“That’s up to Tessa, I’m good either way but she hates them.” 

“We’ll ask her before anything happens. Now last question, are you sure, absolutely certain that this is what you want? To see your wife, who has never been with another man, get fucked by one. To have her scream his name as he makes her cum over and over again? I have to warn you, Donnie is very well endowed and once she sees him, it will be very difficult to stop her!” 

He nodded, “We have wanted this for as long as we can remember.”

“Good enough. Ready?” She passed the key card over the reader and opened the door. Tessa and Donnie were standing in front of the window, still fully dressed and in each other’s arms. 

“Hi, Sweetie!” she said. “I can’t believe this!” 

“Hey guys, can I have a minute alone with my wife, please?” He motioned to the other room and she joined him, closing the door behind them. 

“Are you sure?” he asked her. “Absolutely sure? Once we go back into that room, there’s no stopping and there are no do-overs.” 

“I am sure,” she said. She kissed him softly. “We have talked about this, dreamed about it, fantasized about it. Yes, I am a little nervous but I want this, not just for me but for you too. Unless you didn’t mean it when you said you wanted to watch me with other people!” 

“No, I meant it. I just don’t want there to be any regrets,” he said. 

“We can’t know that,” she replied. She kissed him again, “Come on, it’s time to take that leap of faith!” 

Thomas took a deep breath and opened the door. Sam had taken off most of her clothes and was standing in a lacy bra and panties set. Donnie was in his shorts and his bulge was rather prominent. “Oh my!” Tessa breathed. “This is happening!” 

Sam took Donnie’s hand and they went over to them. “Whenever we share, we have this ritual where we hand our partner off to the other person. Is that okay?” She tiptoed up and kissed her husband, “Have fun, Sweetie!” Thomas did the same to Tessa and then Sam reached out to her, pulling her in for a hot kiss. “Save that for later! Have fun!” 

“I will!” Tessa said. 

She took Donnie’s hand and he led her to the bed. Sam and I sat on a loveseat a few feet away. “You’re gonna love this!” she said and she turned his face and kissed him “Let’s just watch for a bit!” 

He was wide-eyed as he watched Donnie turn his wife around and unzip her dress. She turned back to him and they kissed as she let it fall to the floor at her feet. His hands came up to cup her generous breasts and hefted them. “Magnificent!” he said softly. Tessa blushed. 

“My God, she is gorgeous!” Sam breathed. “Look at them, they’re so firm! I’m a little jealous of your wife, I have to say, and not because she’s kissing my husband!” 

As they kissed some more, her hand went to the bulge at the front of his shorts. She moaned as she grasped it, rubbing her palm over it. His hand went between them and his fingers slipped out of sight for a few moments, coming back up to lick them clean before sharing the taste with her. “You are delicious!” he said softly. 

Tessa was positively vibrating with anticipation as they caressed each other’s bodies. I could see the shiver of excitement in her knees as they kissed. “Does that bother you?” Sam asked. “To see your beautiful wife kiss a handsome man knowing that very soon, she will be on her knees in front of him?” 

“No, it doesn’t. This is what she wants and I am happy to give it to her!” he whispered, not wanting to distract them. 

“It bothered me the first time I saw Donnie kiss another woman. More than watching her suck his cock or take him in her pussy. There’s just something about kissing that is the most intimate thing two people can do!” 

“I love kissing!” he said and Sam obliged him. 

They stopped and watched as Tessa sank to her knees in front of her lover. She flicked her tongue out to touch his cock through his shorts and then reached up to start lowering them. Excruciatingly slowly they came down, the waistband catching in it causing it to flick upward when it was released. It brushed her cheek and she giggled. 

“Thomas, have you ever?” she asked her husband without looking at him. Her eyes were glued to it, all ten thick inches of it. 

“Go ahead, Baby, suck it! Take it in your pretty mouth! Let it slide into your throat! You know you want to!” Thomas urged her. She turned and blew him a kiss, winked at him and opened wide. He groaned loudly as he watched his wife take another man into her mouth for the first time.

She tried immediately to take him into her throat but Donnie stopped her, “Slow down, beautiful, we have all night!” She smiled up at him and maintained eye contact as she opened wide again and took him in. This time she was much more deliberate and was able to get him into her throat after only a few tries. 

“Damn, you are good!” Donnie groaned to no one in particular. Her red-stained lips looked so hot against his glistening shaft as she slowly moved her head up and down on him. She came off him and looked at her husband, “Why did we wait so long to do this?” she asked, her face pure rapture. 

“We’re doing it now, Baby, that’s what matters!” he replied and she blew him another kiss before going back down on that massive cock again. 

“It took me almost a year before I could do that!” Sam whispered. “We’ve been with many women and none of them could do it! Tessa is a special girl!” 

“Don’t I know it!” Thomas groaned. “What about you, are you a special girl?” 

Sam kissed him and got onto her knees in front of him. “Let’s find out! You watch, I’ll watch later!” 

Thomas watched intently as Tessa took her mouth off Donnie’s cock and smiled back at him. “As much as I want to have him paint my face, Baby, I just have to know what this feels like!” Thomas just nodded. She led him to the bed and asked him to lie down on his back with his head toward Thomas and Sam. “There’s lube in the drawer,” he said. 

“We won’t be needing it, not yet!” Tessa replied. She settled herself over him and reached down to position his cock head at her opening. She rubbed herself for a moment to collect some of her slickness and rubbed it over his cock. Then she looked at Thomas and whispered, “Here we go!” 

That was the last time she made eye contact with anyone for the next few minutes. Her eyes rolled up in her head and stayed there as she sank herself onto the largest cock she’d ever seen. “Oooooh yes, that’s what we’re talking about!” she moaned as he filled her. She held herself still for a moment as her pussy got accustomed to his girth and length. “So this is what filled to the brim feels like!” 

“You like that big cock, Baby?” Thomas whispered. 

“Fuck it feels like heaven!” she panted as she started rocking on him. 

Sam took her mouth off him, “You want to go watch your wife take that big, thick cock?” she asked. She moved up and kissed him, “Come on!” She took his hand and led him around to the other side of the bed so he could see Donnie’s cock sliding slowly in and out of Tessa’s pink, wet slit. Her bum hole opened and closed slightly as his balls bounced off her perineum every time she rocked backwards. 

“Oh my God, Thomas I’ve never even imagined how good this would feel!” she breathed, still unaware that he was now behind her. 

“I wish we’d brought the camera!” he said. “Maybe next time!” Sam filed that little tidbit away for later.

She looked back over her shoulder, “Come here where I can see you!” she said as she increased her tempo. He moved around to the other side, “Kiss me, Thomas! Kiss me while I fuck this magnificent cock!” He leaned forward and they kissed passionately as she rode this man she’d just met. 

“He’s getting close, Baby! You want him to fill my pussy full of his cum so you can lick me clean?” Thomas just nodded and kissed her again. “You need to say it! You need to tell me you want to clean his warm sticky cum from my pussy!”

“I would love to clean his warm sticky cum from your pussy!” Thomas panted.

Her hips rocked faster still and she looked at Donnie. “Come on big fella, fill me up. Fill my pussy with your hot cum! I need it so bad!” 

With surprising quickness, Donnie rolled them over so she was on her back, his cock came dislodged for a moment and Tessa sighed, “Noooo!” He slipped back in and she moaned. 

Donnie’s thrusts turned to a jackhammering pounding as he neared his orgasm. With each thrust, Tessa got closer and closer, “YES! YES! YES!” Then she screamed as she locked her legs behind his back and held him into her. 

“Oh my GOD, the cum coming out of her!” Sam blurted out. “So much cum!”  

“Give me that big cock, I need it!” she groaned and then she came for a second time. Then a third and a fourth before he surged his hips into her and grunted loudly. 

“You wanted it, HERE IT IS!” he roared as he emptied himself into her. A loud wail erupted from her as Thomas watched and she squeezed his hands. Her eyes flew open and she stared at him as she came for the last time before settling herself under her lover. Soft whimpers came from her as she began descending from her orgasmic high. 

“So good!” she whispered. “So fucking good!” Thomas leaned forward and kissed her again. 

“Was it everything you wanted, Baby?” he asked her. 

She looked at him and smiled, “It was. Now you have a job to do as soon as I can bring myself to let this beautiful thing out of my pussy!” 

Maybe Sam would like to do the honours?” he suggested. He really wanted to watch Sam clean his wife’s abused pussy at this moment. His turn would come later, he was sure. 

“Come here,” Sam said as she climbed up onto the bed. “Lie down.” Thomas did as she was told and she climbed on top of him, sinking her pussy over him. “Now, sit on your husband’s face so he can clean you while I fuck him!” 

Tessa smiled, these were two items checked off the list in one go! Thomas slurped and sucked as Donnie’s cum ran out of her and onto his face. He was amazed at the amount of it, easily twice as much as he had ever produced! Not all of it got into his mouth, however, some leaked over his chin and onto his cheeks. No matter, he refused to stop until she was completely clean of the other man’s cum. This was his wildest fantasy come true, and his cock responded to it by shooting his jizz deep into Sam’s cunt. 

Sam and Tessa kissed as one pussy was filled while the other one was emptied. Their kissing along with Thomas’s tongue triggered another orgasm in her, this one was not nearly as intense as her last ones but every bit as fulfilling. 

Sam climbed off and lay beside the other two. When Tessa felt that Thomas was done, she moved her face to his to kiss and lick the rest of Donnie’s cum from her husband’s face. “Thank you, Thomas, I will never forget this!” 

“No, thank you, Baby! This was exactly how I hoped it would be!” 

They kissed some more and when they looked like they were slowing down, Sam spoke up, “I don’t suppose I could get someone to clean me up?” That was something Donnie didn’t much like doing but he would if they were alone and she asked him to. He wanted nothing to do with cleaning up another man’s cum. 

“I think it’s your turn, Tess!” Thomas said with another kiss. “Go on, you said you wanted to, go ahead.” 

She smiled at him brightly, “Okay!” One more kiss, “I love you, Thomas.” 

“I love you, Theresa!” he replied and she moved off him. A moment later, she and Sam were locked in a wet, noisy sixty-nine and a few minutes after that they were both screaming as their lips and tongues brought simultaneous orgasms from the two quivering, screaming ladies. 

When they finished and had recovered somewhat, Tessa went back to Thomas and kissed him. She recalled what she had said the first time they kissed when he walked her home from the school dance. “That was fun! We need to do that more often!” she giggled. 

“We couldn’t do it every day!” he replied. “It wouldn’t be special if we did!” 

“You know I hate to say this but you’re right!” she smiled. “Who would have thought we would ever go through with this?” 

“I always believed we would, we just needed to take the chance!” They kissed some more. “Let’s go get cleaned up, then I will put those pretty clothes back on you and take you dancing!” 

“Oh yes, please!” she squealed. “And after we can come back here and find out if two does go into one!” 

It was nearly 3 AM by the time they got back to Sam and Donnie’s room. Thomas was getting tired but he knew that Tessa wanted to fuck Donnie again. She had teased him all night at the club that when they got back she wanted his big cock in her pussy while she sucked her husband dry. 

She went into the washroom and when she emerged, her dress and bra were gone leaving her in her garter, stockings and shoes and her makeup was touched up. She went to Thomas and waved Donnie over. “Tell him, Thomas! Tell him what you want him to do to me!” 

“I want him to fuck your pussy from behind while you suck my cock!” he said. 

“Don’t tell me, tell him!” she whispered. “Come on my darling cuckold, this is part of the game. You have to give me to him!” 

“Donnie, my darling slut wife wants you to fuck her pussy from behind while she sucks my cock!” Thomas said with a grimace. While he loved the aftermath of her fucking another man, he wasn’t very keen on this part of the cuckolding experience. 

“No, you fucking cuck! That’s NOT how we do this!” Tessa said firmly. “ASK HIM TO FUCK ME!” 

He sighed before committing to saying what she wanted him to say. “Donnie, would you kindly get behind this gorgeous hotwife between us and put your thick cock in her cunt and fuck her while she sucks my cock?” 

Tessa kissed him gently, “There we go! She whispered. “Fuck that was hot!” She slipped two fingers inside herself and brought them up to Thomas’s lips but before he could get them in his mouth she pulled them away and fed them to Donnie. 

“That’s fucking cold!” Sam breathed from the loveseat across the room. She already had her fingers on her clit in anticipation of the show she was about to witness. 

Tessa turned away from her husband and toward Donnie. She kissed him before grabbing his cock through his pants. “I need to make sure you’re ready!” She sank to her knees and undid his slacks, letting them drop to the floor. “Sam, a little help here maybe?” 

Thomas watched the two women bring Donnie’s cock to attention. He wished that it was his cock sliding between the two pairs of pink-painted lips but he knew that if he was patient that would happen soon enough. Tessa always kept her promises. 

“I think he’s ready!” Tessa pronounced and Sam agreed. They kissed and Sam retrieved a curved toy before resuming her spot on the loveseat. Tessa got on all ours on the bed and lowered her shoulders to the mattress, presenting herself to Donnie. Once again, her eyes were locked on her husband’s as the man with the giant cock got behind her and slowly entered her. Just as before, her eyes rolled up, Thomas had seen it many times before, the first time they fucked, every time she let him watch her masturbate and again now as Donnie’s cock split her open. 

 She let out a long, “Oooohhhhhh,” as he bottomed out against her cervix. She had long thought that her husband’s cock was made just to fit perfectly into her but now she was reconsidering. Thomas was a wonderful and giving lover but this was a whole new level! “Harder!” she panted as his hands grabbed her hips for leverage and he started stroking into her. 

“Any time, Darling!” she beckoned him over and she opened wide to accept him. He went right into her throat and he felt the action of her tongue on the underside of his shaft as she swallowed him in. 

They were well accustomed to the required timing that would allow her to breathe while she deepthroated him but he was distracted by the grip of Donnie’s large hands on her hips and the quivering of her fine ass each time his hips drove home. He knew his fingers would likely leave bruises just as his strong hands did when they fucked this way; he also knew that he would soothe her and kiss them better. 

The three of them found a rhythm such that When Donnie drove forward, Thomas’s cock would slide into her throat and when he pulled back, Tessa’s body would move back with him, unwilling to have even a fraction of an inch leave her needy cunt. 

Unbeknownst to Tessa, Thomas had snuck away just before they left the club to use the washroom. While there, he took out the small vial of desensitizing gel and slathered his cock with it in the hope that he would outlast Donnie. That gel was working its magic now. 

Donnie looked over at his wife who was giving her pussy a pounding with the curved toy as she watched the erotic scene in front of her. “When you’re done, Baby, it’s my turn to eat!” she groaned. He refocused on pounding Tessa’s cunt, wishing he might get the chance to move his cock an inch or so higher and drive into her curvaceous bum. 

Donnie roared as again, he emptied himself into Tessa’s pussy, driving her over the top to orgasmic bliss. Thomas pulled out of her mouth as she came, not wanting a repeat of the unfortunate biting incident of their first anniversary. He was out of commission for a week after that accident. 

And cum she did, the roars originated in her very core as Donnie piled himself into her. Her body trembled and shook as over and over the waves of pure pleasure washed over her. When she was about done, she looked at her husband, her hair and makeup a mess, tears on her cheeks as she said, “Fuck my face, Baby! Drive that beautiful cock into my throat! Your whore hotwife slut deserves it after what she’s done!” 

“Holy fuck! Sam breathed. “You guys really commit!” as she started moving her hand faster, hoping to finish herself off in time for the grand finale. 

Thomas grabbed Tessa’s hair and pulled her face to his cock, “As you wish!” he growled and he thrust his cock into her open mouth, past her lips and tongue and straight into her throat. Three, four, five, six times in rapid succession he drove it into her before back off for a moment so she could breathe. Another half-dozen strokes and he held off again. 

She moved her head enough for his cock to come free, “I said FUCK MY FACE!” she screamed at him and his cock disappeared again. He was relentless, his balls slapping off her chin and her nose being flattened by his pubis every time he pushed into her. Her hands waved like a baby bird’s wings and he backed off, allowing her to exhale and inhale before starting again. 

The next time he backed off he warned her, “You wanted it, here it comes!” and she took a deep breath before he pushed into her and held himself there, emptying his balls into her throat until she started struggling to breathe again. Only then did he relent, taking his cock out of her mouth, releasing her hair and bending down to kiss her. 

He rolled onto his back so his face was under hers and she smiled at him. “Are you okay?” he asked. 

“I’m perfect she smiled. I needed all of that!” They kissed again and Sam stood up. 

“I think I’m up!” she said as she moved to the bed and rolled Tessa onto her back. She looked at Thomas and Donnie, “Unless one of you gentlemen would rather clean her pussy?” They both shook their heads so Sam licked her lips and looked at Tessa, “I have been waiting all night to do this!” 

“So have I!” grinned Tessa and ten minutes later all that was left of Donnie’s cum was smeared on his wife’s chin and cheeks. Tessa was too tired by this time, she didn’t have another orgasm in her. “I’m all fucked out!” she sighed after she had cleaned Sam’s face. 

“I never thought I’d see the day!” Thomas said as he moved back to his wife. 

“Thomas, Honey?” Tessa asked. “Take me home, please?” He smiled and helped her out of bed. Not bothering with her bra and panties, he helped her into her slinky dress and got dressed himself. He picked her up in her arms and she wrapped hers around his neck. “You are the perfect husband, you know that?” 

“Oh my God!” Sam said, not for the first time that night. “How come you never do that to me?” 

“I’ve never seen you all fucked out!” he replied. “I guess I’m not the perfect husband!” 

Tessa reached over to Sam and they shared a soft kiss. “You are a very lucky girl, your husband’s cock is amazing! I had a great time!” 

“Yes, I am, yes, it is and yes, I had a good time too!” Sam said and they kissed again. Then Tessa motioned to Donnie He came over and kissed her as well but no words were spoken. 

“Take me home, Thomas,” she said. Just as they got to the door, she stopped him. “Wait! Didn’t you guys say you have one more night in town?” 

“Yes, why?” Sam said. 

“Do you have plans for tomorrow night?” Tessa asked. 

“No, why?” 

“There’s one more place for Donnie’s cock to fit if he’s up for it!” she said. 

“8 o’clock, your room?” Sam suggested. 

“See you then!” Tessa said. Thomas heard the door click shut behind them and as they waited for the elevator, they kissed again. “Are you okay? Really okay?” 

“I’m perfect!” he said.

Published 3 months ago

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