Bad Medicine

"A fictional romp starring Kat of DannyandKat. A man with a persistent erection calls 911 for help, and only one nurse can provide the special care he needs."

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“Nine-One-One, what’s your emergency?”

“My dick is swollen! Something’s wrong with it! It’s been hard for like eight hours!”

“What is your name?”


“Chet, what is your location?”

“Uh, 1926 Davenport Drive.”

“Stay calm; help is on the way.”

The dispatcher muted her microphone and yelled to her supervisor “I got a hard one! Alert Nine-One-One Kat, stat!”


As the ambulance arrived, a police detective was already in the living room interviewing Chet. He drummed the eraser of his pencil against his mustache as he prepared to take notes. “So, do you have any idea what caused this?”

“Damned if I know. I was on a first date with this chick I met online.”

“Okay, and what happened?”

“We met at an outdoor cafe with these tiny umbrellas over the tables. I offered to let her sit in the shade but she joked she was cold-blooded and wanted to bask in the sun.”

“And then?”

“She kept her sunglasses on the whole time, and eventually I asked her to take them off so I could see her face.”

“And then?”

“So she took them off. And as soon as she locked eyes with me, I got the biggest, stiffest hard-on of my life!”

“I thought so. You aren’t the first guy she’s done this to.”

“But I don’t get it; I’ve had this boner for like eight hours. How can she do that?”

Two young male EMTs wheeled the stretcher into the house and the detective turned to them. “Do you two know what this is about?”

“Yeah, they’ve briefed us all. Everyone who works Friday nights.”

“Okay, then. You know the drill. Take him to Sisters of Mercy.”

Chet interrupted. “Wait, I have to go to the hospital? Can’t you do anything here?”

One of the EMTs smiled indulgently. “What have you tried already?”

“I— Uh—”

“You tried whacking off?”

“Well, no. I thought about it but I couldn’t even get my pants unzipped. I’ve got this giant goddamned boner but I can’t feel a thing.”

“So, what did you think we’d be able to do for you? Whack you off with four hands?” he laughed.

“I don’t know, I thought maybe you had some ointment or pills or something.”

“No, there’s only one person in San Diego who can help you.”

“Oh yeah? Who?”

“We call her… Nine-One-One Kat!”


The ambulance pulled up to Sisters of Mercy Hospital and the stretcher was handed off to the hospital staff. Chet lay on the stretcher as it was wheeled into the emergency ward entrance, watching the ambulance’s red strobe lights illuminate the entryway in a staccato beat. Lifting his head up and looking over the gigantic tent in his trousers, he saw a nurse running up the corridor towards him. She wore light blue scrubs with a Hawaiian hibiscus flower pattern, and a worried expression on her face. Her long brown hair was flying behind her, and the ID badge on the lanyard around her neck jounced and smacked against her chest as she ran.

“Kat!” the transporter exclaimed with relief. “We were afraid you’d gone home!”

“No, they caught me before I left. What’s his problem, same as the others?”

“Take a look.”

Kat looked down, saw the enormous bulge in Chet’s pants, and blanched. “Holy smokes!”

Chet groaned. “Can you help me?”

Kat smiled reassuringly and tapped a fingertip on her badge. “Sure I can. Do you see what it says on my ID here?”

“No, it’s facing backwards.”

“Oh.” Kat flipped her badge around. “Now do you see what it says? 911 Kat. When you call 911 with a problem like this, I’m the one they send you to. And buddy, you’ve got a big problem.”

“Oof, I know! I wore skinny jeans on my date today!”

Kat turned to the transporter. “Take him to room three and cut his pants off. I need to grab some supplies and I’ll be right there.”

“Got it, Kat.”

She glared at him.

“Er, got it, 911 Kat.”


Chet was sitting in his bed, naked under the sheet, when Kat returned with an armload of items, which she dumped on the empty bed next to his. She removed her lanyard and placed her badge on the bed next to the pile of stuff.

“Don’t I even get a johnny?” he groused.

“There’s no need; it would just get in the way.” Kat stepped to his bedside and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m going to take care of you, Chet. Don’t worry.”

Chet looked down at the massive bulge under the sheet and sighed. “Okay, but I don’t know what you can do.”

Kat gently took hold of the sheet and pulled it down to his waist, exposing his hairy chest and his stomach. She placed her hand on his stomach and he flinched.

“Don’t worry, Chet,” she said soothingly. “I told you, I’m going to take care of you.”

Kat lifted the sheet and lowered it to his knees, revealing Chet’s enormous erection.

“Holy smokes!”

“You said that the first time you saw it,” Chet grumbled.

“Well, now I’m seeing it in plain sight. What size is it usually?”

“I dunno, like six inches?”

“Well, it looks like nine inches to me.”

“You can tell just by looking at it?”

“Yeah, I have a pretty good eye for that sort of thing.” Kat paused and looked more closely at Chet’s throbbing dick. “And speaking of eyes…” She leaned over and flicked the tip of her tongue across the eye of his cockhead, capturing a bead of precum and stretching it into a strand of silk connecting her tongue to his cock.

“Wha-What are you doing?”

“Chet, I told you not to worry!” Kat admonished him, then pointed to her torso just below her breasts. “Remember what this ID badge says?”

“I don’t see any ID badge.”

Kat looked down. “Oh.” She grabbed her ID from the other bed and waved it in Chet’s face. “Read it to me!”

911 Kat.”

“That’s right. 911 Kat. As soon as you called 911 with your emergency, this was all set in motion. So quit complaining and let me do my job.” Her tone softened. “Look, I know this is unsettling. How about I write a prescription to make everything official.” She picked up a prescription pad and a pen from the other bed and began writing. She tore off the top sheet and presented it to Chet.

seminal fl 30 mL SL stat

“What does that mean?” Chet asked, scratching his head.

“It means I need thirty milliliters of seminal fluid administered sublingually—under my tongue. Immediately.

Chet shrugged and lay back against the raised hospital bed. Kat patted his tummy and returned her attention to his tumescent tool. She parted her lips and took the swollen head of his cock in her mouth. Chet gasped as she licked the underside of his ridge and applied suction to the crown.

“Kat! I can feel something!”

“Mmmpf,” Kat acknowledged.

“Not a lot, but something.”

Kat popped her mouth off Chet’s dick and smiled. “And you couldn’t feel anything before?”

“Nah, nothing. I rubbed it and looked at porn all afternoon but—”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” Kat replied with a coy smile. “If I had this beauty staring at me all day, I’d have done the same thing.”

“No, I couldn’t even get it out of my pants. I had to rub it through the fabric.”

“Ah, that makes sense.” Kat stroked his shaft slowly with both hands as they talked. “So, what porn were you looking at?”

“There’s this new site that doesn’t raise suspicion if someone sees your browser history, called K cups dot com. If somebody sees that address, they’ll think you were searching for Keurig coffee pods. But you were really looking at—”

“Huge friggin’ boobs?” Kat guessed with a laugh.

“Huge friggin’ boobs,” Chet confirmed with a sheepish grin. As Kat continued stroking his dick, a thought occurred to him. “So you said there were others? That you helped?”

“Yes, this is the eighth week in a row, I think. All of October and November. A guy calls 911 every Friday night with a huge erection that’s desensitized and he can’t do a thing about it. Now whenever a call comes in, they send him straight to me. Because I’m…” She tilted her head, waiting for him to finish her sentence.

“…a registered nurse?”

“OMG, because I’m 911 Kat!”

“You’re really leaning into that, aren’t you?”

Kat gave him a thin-lipped smile and changed the subject. “All right, enough chatter. I’m going to suck your dick until you cum, and then we’ll reassess.”

“You’re the boss, boss.” Chet folded his hands behind his head and leaned back again.

Kat climbed onto the bed between his legs, then tucked her hair behind her ear and began administering oral stimulation to Chet’s fat pecker. Although it was more than a mouthful, she had gotten plenty of practice at home. She ran her tongue up and down the shaft as she maintained eye contact with him.


“Yes, Chet?”

“You have very pretty eyes.”

“Why, thank you!”

“Medusa was pretty and all, but her eyes are bad news.”

“Darling, you give lo-o-ove a bad name…” Kat sang softly.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Kat pounced and engulfed his cock in her warm, wet mouth. Closing her eyes, she pistoned her head on his stiff rod while cupping his balls with her hands.

“Oh, Kat, shit!” Chet hissed. “I mean— not cat shit. That’s gross.”

Kat shifted into high gear and bobbed her head on his dick in double time, determined to make him blow his load.

“Oh, Kat!” Chet shouted as he began blasting thick jets of hot cum under her tongue and everywhere else in her mouth. Kat never missed a beat, continuing to pump his cock with her lips as he writhed and twitched in the bed. Kat counted seven or eight spurts before he was done, then she released his dick, tossed her head back, and gargled with his slimy cum before swallowing it. Turning her attention back to Chet’s cock, she prodded it gently with her fingers.

“Still hard, huh?” she asked him, already knowing the answer.

“Yup, still hard. I think maybe you took the edge off. Like, before it felt as hard as marble. Now it doesn’t feel quite as hard.”

“Would you say it felt like it was made of stone?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Chet caught a look in Kat’s eye. “Why, what haven’t you told me?”

“The woman on your date,” Kat began.


“Describe her to me.”

“Uh, well, tall, big smile, nice looking tits. C cups, not K. A pretty face, once she took off her sunglasses. But the first thing you’d notice is her hair. Bright green, long and wavy. But you know…” he trailed off as though doubting his memory.

“What? Tell me.”

“When she looked at me, it was like I got sucked into her eyes and I couldn’t see or hear anything else around me. Just an intense hissing sound. And I thought I could see her hair swirling and dancing in my peripheral vision. Like when you’re underwater and you look up and see the light of the sky forming a circular disk but everything outside it is black.” He shook his head. “I must sound crazy.”

“No, you don’t sound crazy. But what I’m about to tell you might.” Kat paused. “How much do you know about Greek mythology?”

Chet shrugged. “A decent amount, I guess. Why, who is she, Persephone stepping out on her husband Hades?” he scoffed. “Although she did say she was thinking about ordering the pomegranate mimosa,” he muttered to himself.

Kat looked him dead in the eye. “Chet, this is serious. You had a date with a Medusa.”

Chet laughed out loud. “Medusa, huh? The chick with the snakes in her hair? Who got her head cut off, by the way? Get real.”

“I said a Medusa. There’s more than just the one.”

“Here, in San Diego,” Chet scoffed. “In 2024. Speaking American English and using a dating app to meet guys.”

“Miss Modern Medusa, sure. They’ve existed throughout history. She’s not going to be speaking ancient Greek or Phoenecian or whatever, you know.”

Chet’s expression showed that he was considering the possibility but wasn’t fully convinced.

“Think about it, Chet. She had green hair. She said she was cold-blooded. She wore sunglasses that hid her eyes. And as soon as she cast her gaze on you…”

Chet blinked nervously.

…your dick turned to stone.

Chet looked down at the pillar standing between his legs and gawped.

“Here,” Kat said, pulling a card out of her pocket and handing it to him.

“Th-That’s her!” Chet looked up from the card, which featured a drawing of a woman with green snakes on her head, large round sunglasses, and a big smile framed with dark plum lips, wearing a simple white wrap dress that accentuated her ripe, full breasts. “How…?”

“The police artist made a sketch of her based on descriptions from her previous dates. They gave me a copy because I…”

“Gotta catch ‘em all?”

“Because I’m 911 Kat, you jackass!” Her eyes flashed.

“So, a Medusa, huh?” Chet said hastily. “This is legendary stuff.”

“Yes, but don’t worry!” Kat reassured him. “Like I said, she’s been doing this every week for two months, but so have I. You’re in good hands. I can save your dick, but you have to trust me.”

“Okay, I trust you, I guess. I mean, you made it so I could feel something, which is a whole lot better than I could do myself.”

“All right, then, onto the next stage of your treatment.” Kat had been writing another prescription, which she tore off and handed to Chet.

seminal fl 50 mL TOP BR stat

“This one’s for me again,” she explained.

“And it says…?”

“I need fifty milliliters of semen applied topically. To my breasts. Immediately.

“Oh, it’s fifty now?” Chet laughed.

“Yeah, I think that’s how much you’re packing in that giant syringe of yours, so I upped the dosage.”

Kat stood up and pulled her scrub top over her head to reveal her flat stomach and her firm, round tits supported by a sheer lacy black bra. Chet’s eyes widened eagerly and he reached out to touch Kat’s tantalizing titties.

Kat swatted his hand away with a laugh. “Easy, tiger. This is a six hundred dollar La Perla bra; let me take it off carefully.” She reached behind her back, fiddled with the hooks, and the straps fell loose on her shoulders. After pausing a moment to tease him, she hooked her thumbs into the straps and pulled forward, revealing her beautiful breasts in full.

Placing the bra gently on the other bed, she gave him a playful smile. “How would you like to put that bad boy between my boobs?”

“Uh huh,” Chet nodded enthusiastically.

“Good. Now, would you prefer lying down or standing?”

“Um, standing. And can you lose the pants, too?”

Kat arched one eyebrow. “Of course. All in the line of duty.” She kicked off her sneakers, peeled off her socks, and shimmied her hibiscus-patterned scrub pants down over her hips.

“Are those six hundred dollar panties, too?” Chet asked with amusement.

“No, these are only like four hundred. You want ‘em on or off?”

“Um… on,” Chet decided.

“Okay, but we’ll have to be careful because I don’t want any cum on them.” She caught the curious look Chet gave her. “It makes the laundry more complicated,” she explained.

Kat took Chet’s hand and helped him out of the bed. She grabbed a kneeling pad from the pile of supplies she had brought and placed it on the floor. He stood before her, his stiff dong pointing straight ahead.

“Your spit or mine?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Ooh, mine!” he blurted, then bent down and began to lick her boobs enthusiastically. He tongued her brown areolae and stiff nipples, then slobbered between her boobs until her cleavage shone magnificently under the bleak fluorescent lights. Kat knelt on the pad and waggled her eyebrows. Standing upright again, Chet took a boob in each hand and sandwiched his cock between them, staring hungrily at the sight.

“You like the looks of that?” Kat teased.

“Oh yeah!” Chet laughed as he started sliding his fat dick between her soft, slippery tits with a faint schlop, schlop sound. He gazed at her tits being split by his stiff cock, then gazed over her shoulder at her cute ass cheeks peeping out below her lacy black thong, then gazed into her eyes.

After a few minutes of getting her boobs banged, Kat checked her watch. “Chet, we should finish up this part of your treatment. What can I do to put you over the top?”

“Uh, I don’t know…” Chet drooled some more spit between Kat’s tits.

Kat gave him a tart smile. In a husky voice, she continued. “Would you like to kiss me while you fuck my tits?”

“K-Kiss you?” Schlop, schlop.

“Yes, kiss me, after I sucked your cock…”

“S-sucked my c-cock?” Schlop, schlop, schlop.

“And swallowed your huge load of hot…”

 Schlop, schlop, schlop.





Kat reached up and grabbed the back of Chet’s neck, pulling him down to her. Their mouths locked in a sloppy, passionate kiss, and Kat stuck her tongue in Chet’s mouth, running it around every surface. Chet returned the kiss, probing her mouth frantically with his tongue.


“Oh, Kat!” Chet moaned as his dick began spasming and flinging fat ropes of cum on Kat’s delicate throat and spectacular tits. “Aaargh!” he roared, and continued pounding his pecker between her boobs until his dick stopped erupting.

“Oh my!” Kat exclaimed while batting her eyelashes, marveling at the hot, sticky load plastered across her chest. “God, that would probably fill an emesis bag,” she muttered.

Chet sat back on the edge of the bed, exhausted. Kat reached tentatively for his dick and touched it lightly. “Still hard,” she said grimly.

“I think it’s helping, though, Kat. It feels fifty percent better.”

“Whoa oh, we’re halfway there…” Kat sang softly.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing. I think I have to write a new prescription.”

“Are you actually authorized to write prescriptions?” Chet asked dubiously.

“Well, Nurse Kat isn’t authorized, but on Friday nights, I’m…”

“Under minimal supervision?”

“I’m 911 Kat, goddammit!” She looked around for her ID badge among her clothes that were strewn about the room.

Chet laughed. “You know, if you’re going to spend this much time with your clothes off, you should maybe get one of those armbands to hold your ID.”

Kat slitted her eyes and gave him what would have been a withering look, but Chet was still in no position to be withering away. “All right, buster, here’s a scrip for you,” she said as she grabbed the prescription pad and hastily wrote out her new orders. She tore off the top sheet and presented it to him with a devilish smile.

seminal fl 50 mL p.o. S&S stat

“All right, tell me what it says,” Chet sighed.

“You need to take fifty milliliters of semen orally, swish, and swallow, immediately,” Kat informed him with a laugh. “Now get over here and lick all your cum off my tits!”

Chet shrugged and followed Kat’s orders to the letter. He licked and slurped and sucked the cum off her tasty tits, swished it around in his mouth, then swallowed. He followed up by licking the cum off her sternum and her long, graceful neck, then did the swish and swallow again.

“So, what do you think?” she asked him.

“That tastes pretty good!” Chet admitted, licking his lips. “I can’t believe I’ve been flushing it down the drain all my life.”

Kat smiled knowingly, and began writing a new prescription. “Go ahead and get back into bed.”

Chet complied. “This feels like a pretty intensive regimen, Nurse— I mean, 911 Kat.”

Kat beamed with pride, then became serious. “Yes, it is, but remember what we’re up against. A Medusa. That bitch means business, and so do I.” She tore off the top sheet of the prescription pad and showed it to Chet.

seminal fl 50 mL vag stat

“This one’s for me,” she clarified with a gleam in her eye. “Fifty milliliters of semen to be administered vaginally. Immediately.”

“Oh, fuck,” Chet breathed.

“That’s the idea. Let me just slip off these panties and I’ll join you in your bed.”

Kat clambered onto the bed and knelt over him, preparing to impale herself on his colossal column of a cock. Chet gawked at her completely shaved pussy as she lowered herself onto him and took his full length inside her. Placing her hands on his chest, she rode him slowly.

“I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride…” Kat sang softly.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“You’ve got a nice warm pussy, Kat.”

Kat purred. “Meow. Are you gonna cum in my pussy, Chet?”

“Th-That’s the plan, right?”

“Mmm, yes. That’s part of your treatment. For you to shoot a hot load of cum up into my baby maker.”

“Not sexy,” Chet grunted.

“Well, without making a baby, obviously,” Kat clarified, rolling her eyes. “I was only trying to get you excited. Just cum in my pussy, all right?” She leaned back and started fondling her boob with one hand and rubbing her clit with the other. “Maybe this will help.”

It did. Kat brought herself to the brink, diddling her clit while bouncing up and down on Chet’s stiff cock. Looking him in the eyes, she moaned, “Oh Chet, I’m gonna cum on your hard cock.”

Chet grabbed her hips and began thrusting up into her, pushing Kat over the brink. “Ooooh, Chet!” As she came, her spasming pussy gripped his fat cock, milking it.

“Oh, Kat!” Chet roared as he emptied the contents of his balls into her, shooting a half dozen powerful spurts of cum deep inside her hungry cunt.

After a moment, Kat climbed off Chet’s dick and surveyed the scene. His cock was still standing tall, and their juices had drenched him and the bedsheet. “Still hard, I see,” she observed.

“Afraid so. But I think the treatment’s working.”

“Well, good.” Kat looked at his soggy lap. “I’ll clean this up myself,” she declared, leaning down and licking up their combined fluids. When she had finished, she moved up to look at Chet face-to-face. “Wanna taste?”

Chet lurched forward and they made out, sharing the taste of her musky pussy and his sweet sperm. When they stopped to take a breather, Kat smiled and reached for the prescription pad again.

“Every other guy has been back to normal by the third treatment, but she really got you good!” Kat giggled as her ballpoint pen scratched across the paper. “I think one last round should do it,” she predicted as she handed Chet the scrip. “For me,” she added.

seminal fl 50 mL EN p.r. stat

“Okay, I give up. What does this one say?”

“It says I need fifty milliliters of seminal fluid…”

“Yeah, I know that part by now.”

“…administered as an enema, by rectum.”

Chet’s eyes boggled.

“Immediately,” Kat whispered, fluttering her eyelashes.

“Damn, Kat, I’ve never…” Chet trailed off.

“You’ve never… what?”

“I’ve never, you know, done that.”

“Chet, are you telling me you’ve never fucked anyone up the ass?”


“And why the hell not?”

“Uh, it just never came up. None of my girlfriends ever mentioned it, and I was happy with everything else we did… I guess I didn’t miss it because I’d never had it, you know?”

“Well, this is your lucky night, because you’re going to fuck me in the ass with your supernatural dick.”

“Uh, are you sure you can take it?”

Kat smiled and patted his cheek. “Oh, you poor sweet thing. Yes, absolutely, I can take it.” She picked up a prefilled syringe from her pile of supplies. “I got this from the colonoscopy folks,” she explained, inserting the tip into her asshole and then slowly depressing the plunger to dispense the lubricating gel inside. She stood at the end of the bed and crooked her finger, beckoning him. “Time to stand and deliver.”

Chet hoisted himself out of the bed and moved to stand behind Kat. She reached back and gripped his cock, guiding the head of his pecker to her pucker. She bent at the waist and said “Okay, Chet. Nice and easy.”

 “Nice and easy; that’s my style.” He eased his dickhead past her sphincter.

“Keep going, you’re doing great!”

Chet pressed his dick into Kat’s ass until he bottomed out. “Balls deep,” he announced. “Whew.”

“Mmm, Chet, that feels nice. Now start slowly and we’ll gradually increase the pace.”

“Uh…” Chet looked down at Kat’s ass cheeks, spread apart, with his dick disappearing out of sight between them.

“What’s wrong?”

“I might not last that long, if I keep looking at your ass.”

“Oh, Chet!” Kat laughed. “That’s fine! The whole point is for you to lose it.”

“Well, I’m about to lose it.”

“Remember when we lost the keys, and you lost more than that in my backseat…” Kat sang softly.

“What was that?”

“On, nothing.”

“Look, K-9,” Chet said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice as he continued pumping her ass at a leisurely pace. “Every time we try a new treatment, you sing something but it’s too quiet for me to hear. What is it?”

“All right, I’ll level with you,” Kat giggled. “It’s all from the first album I ever owned, which is seared into my brain. I wore out the cassette listening to it on my Walkman on the school bus every day of junior high. You’re a little younger than me so I thought you might not know Bon Jovi.”

“Oh god, my sister listened to Bon Jovi all the time. Ooh ooh, she’s a little ruUuUunaway,” he sang sarcastically.

“Nice pipes, but that was off their first album.”

“In and out of love… You want me to reach your what? In and out of love… Your daddy is who?” Chet belted out as he continued pumping in and out of Kat’s lovely asshole.

“Wow, deep cut, Chet. But that was off their second album, 7800 Fahrenheit.”

“Well, my sister must be older than you. What album are you talking about?”

Kat looked over her shoulder, flashed him a smile, and nodded her head in the direction of her ass. “Slippery When Wet.”

Chet snorted a laugh and increased his tempo.

“C’mon, Chet,” Kat urged him on. “Empty your enema bag into my sigmoid colon.”

“Not… sexy…” Chet puffed.

“Yeah, I regretted that as soon as I said it. Just shoot your cum in my ass, all right?”

“Okay, but if it feels like more than fifty cc’s, I might pull out and give you another topical treatment on your back,” Chet huffed.

“Ooh, I like the sound of that!” Kat whooped. “Do it, stat!”

“Oh, Kat!” Chet groaned as he thrust his cock in all the way to the hilt and fired three shots of scalding hot sperm in her ass. He pulled out and beat his meat furiously, shooting one more long blast straight up Kat’s back and between her shoulder blades. Nearly spent, he slowly slapped his floppy dick against her ass, dribbling the last drops of cum on both cheeks.

“Holy shit, Kat! You did it!”


“Yeah! My dick’s getting soft! Check it out.”

Kat turned around and poked his deflating dick with her finger. “Thank goodness! I have never been so happy to see a limp six-inch dick,” she commented wryly.

“Same here.”

Kat raised one eyebrow suggestively. “Before we finish, maybe you can help clean me up.”

Chet grinned and placed his hands on Kat’s ass to steady himself, then ran his tongue along both cheeks and her crack, slurping up the slippery cum.

“Mmmpf?” he mumbled with a question in his voice.

“You go ahead, I’ll take the next one,” Kat laughed over her shoulder.

Chet swallowed his mouthful of cum, then slurked up the New Jersey Turnpike of sperm he had paved on Kat’s back. Kat turned around to face him and Chet drooled his cumload into her waiting, open mouth. Kat gulped it down, then batted her eyelashes coquettishly.

“Oh my!” she laughed. “Well, I think my work here is done, Chet. You can start getting dressed.” Kat began gathering her own clothes and getting dressed herself.

“I’ll need some pants; you had them cut mine off, remember?”

“Oh, right. I can get you some plain blue scrub pants to wear home.”

“Thanks. Say, is this all going to be covered by my insurance?”

“Oh, there’s no charge, no copay, no nothing. If this were Gotham City, you wouldn’t have to pay Batgirl for help, right? This is kind of the same thing. The mayor’s office wants to keep this Medusa situation under wraps for now; they don’t want a paper trail with your insurance company.”

“Well, if I get asked to complete a survey, I’ll rate you nine times one point one repeating.”

Kat gave him a bewildered stare.

“Uh, because nine multiplied by one point one repeating equals ten. I’d rate you a perfect ten, 911 Kat.”

“Oh, that’s sweet of you, Chet! You probably won’t get surveyed, but I appreciate the sentiment.” When she was fully dressed, she kissed him on the cheek and said “I’ll have someone bring you those pants.” When she reached the door, she turned and smiled. “I enjoyed meeting you, Chet. Be careful on the apps, all right?”


Kat took her phone out of her locker and called her husband.

“Hi sweetheart,” he answered. “When are you getting home?”

“Oh Dan, I’m sorry! I was on my way out the door when they begged me to stay for a couple more hours. We’ve been slammed and I haven’t had a chance to call and let you know.”

“Is everything all right?”

“Oh, you know, just a typical Friday night.”

“So, a madhouse, then.”

“You said it. I’ll be home soon, babe, okay?”

“Sure, Kat. See you soon.”

Only a few seconds after they disconnected the call, Kat’s phone chimed as a text came in.

Same time next week?

Kat sighed and tapped out a reply.

Can we skip next week? I’ll be busy with Thanksgiving.

Aw, I had something special planned.

Oh yeah?

Yes, it’ll be Black Friday.


BLACK Friday.

Kat almost dropped her phone. With shaking hands, she tapped out a reply.

Okay, but only if you promise to send me two guys!

OMG, Kat!

Damn it, Medusa! Call me 911 Kat!


Published 3 months ago

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