“We had better hurry,” he heard her say as he glanced over her sexy figure.
Macey wore a thin yellow swim dress that was tied at her waistline. Her head was covered with a matching yellow hat with a large brim around it and a pair of dark sunglasses.
“That’s how you’re going?” Dean asked.
“It is a pool party, Dean. So why wouldn’t I?”
“It’s just… Well, just kind of… Um… Revealing.”
“Dean, are you worried I might embarrass you dress like this?”
“Oh no. God no, Mom. It’s just… Well… You look hot wearing that.”
Macey giggled and playfully slapped his arm and said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were getting jealous.”
Dean rolled his eyes and said, “No, Mom. I’ve just never seen you dress like this. I think you look great.”
As they drove to Cathal’s house, Macey pestered Dean about everything he might know about his friend’s mother. However, since Dean only met her once himself, he really had no clue.
“You sure this is the place?” Dean asked as they drove up a long driveway. In the distance, they could see the enormous house as they drove through the large green sprawling front yard that had mature trees lining up the driveway.
“You never told me your friend was wealthy?” Macey said.
“I didn’t know myself, Mom.”
As the car circled the cul-de-sac, Dean spotted Miranda and said, “Holy crap.” when he noticed her wearing the skimpiest red bikini he had ever seen.
Quickly, Macey said, “Oh… Is that Cathal’s mother?”
All Dean could do was nod and stare as they stopped outside the front door.
“Hi!” Miranda said as she opened Dean’s door and followed by, “I’m so glad you could come.”
“Yes, thanks for coming,” Cathal announced as he held Macey’s door open and helped her out.
As Dean stood up, Miranda caught him by surprise when she embraced him with a tight hug pushing her firm breasts hard into his chest.
Dean felt his cock stir as she leaned forward, kissed his cheek, and whispered, “I hope you and your Mom have a great time today.”
Dean glanced over his shoulder as Miranda backed away to see Cathal also giving his mother a tight embrace.
By the expression on his mother’s face, she was taken by surprise like he was.
Miranda took Dean by the hand just as Cathal did to Macey, leading them into the house.
“You have a lovely house, Miranda,” Macey said as they entered the foyer.
“Thank you. I’ve worked hard to keep it up.” Miranda said as they ventured through the house until they were standing at a pair of French glass doors that led into the backyard.
Dean could see a group of people spread out mingling around the large in-ground pool.
Miranda opened the door and led them over to where a large group of her guests was standing.
It didn’t take long before Dean quickly noticed all the boys were around his age, and the women were older like his mother.
Can’t it be? He thought as Miranda introduced him to a young boy and heard him say, “Hi, I’m Caiden.”
Dean stumbled over his words when he asked him to repeat his name again.
“Caiden,” The boy said. “And that is my Mom Johanna over there.”
“Oh ah… So how long have you known Cathal?” Dean said cautiously.
“Well, I really don’t. We met online in a forum, and he invited a bunch of us over for a party. How about you?”
“Oh… Well, he attends my school, and his mother invited us this morning.”
“So your mother is here also?”
“Yes,” Dean said as he scanned the crowd and noticed her sitting on a lounge chair chatting with Cathal.
“She’s over there,” he pointed just as she stood up and removed her sundress, revealing the sexiest yellow bikini he ever saw her wear.
“Wow, dude, your Mom is smoking hot.”
“Huh?” Dean responded as he quickly looked at Caiden.
“I said your mother is very attractive.”
“Oh. Thanks,” Dean said as he looked back at his mother to see her and Cathal walking towards the pool edge.
Macey and Cathal sat at the edge of the pool and set their feet in the water, still chatting up a storm as Dean walked over to them and asked, “So what are you two doing?”
“Hi, sweetie. Oh, just making small talk. Cathal was telling me all about himself and his mother. How about you. Are you making any new friends?”
“Um… No just being polite and making small talk myself.”
“I had better go help my Mom,” Cathal said and rushed off in her direction.
Dean watched as his mother playfully dangled her feet and said, “Why don’t you sit next to me?”
Dean was just about to sit when Miranda yelled, “The burgers are done.”
“Can you help me up, Dean?” Macey asked as she extended her hand out.
Dean leaned over and helped his mother to her feet, but as she rose, their eyes met, and he stared into them deeply.
Her sexy outfit and half-naked figure were taking a toll on his young body, and he could feel his dick begin to bulge as they gazed into each other’s eyes.
“We’d better go,” Macey sweetly said and picked up her sundress.
Macey took hold of Dean’s hand as they walked over to where the food was being served.
Once there, Dean couldn’t help but glance at his mother’s sexy ass as she reached for the food. It was barely covered under her tiny bikini. Then he noticed her perky nipples pressing against the little yellow top, which caused his uncontrollable lust to make his dick super hard.
“You look like your getting a chill, Mom,” Dean managed to say.
Macey lightly chucked and whispered while glancing down, “I think you’d better deal with your own problem before some else notices.”
“Jeeze, Mom,” Dean said just as Miranda put her arms over both of them and pushed in between, saying, “You two having fun?”
“Yes. This is a great party,” Macey said.
Dean quickly lowered his plate and tried to hide his obvious erection from Miranda.
However, she looked down just as his hand moved and smirked, then said, “When you two finish fixing your plates, why don’t you come and sit with my sister and me?”
Dean just nodded as he felt himself blush.
Miranda pulled Dean into her breasts and whispered, “It happens to my son all the time.” Then squeezed his arm before turning away.
“What did she say?” Macey asked as she finished fixing her plate.
“She noticed my err, you know!… And said it happens to her son also.”
Macey handed Dean her sundress and said, “Hold this in front of you.” Then put her arm around his waist and pulled his hip into hers.
With Macey holding Dean to her waist, they ventured over to where Miranda was sitting and set their plates down on the opposite side of the table.
Dean held his mother’s chair before sitting himself. However, before his ass hit the seat, he heard Miranda say, “This is my sister Blythe.” And he paused and looked at the woman in shock.
“What’s wrong, Dean?” Macey asked.
“Oh nnn… Nothing.” Dean responded as he slowly lowered himself down.
It can’t be the same person. He thought and asked Blythe, “So what do you do for a living.”
“I have a little shop; I sell herbs and stuff.”
“Oh…” That was all Dean could muster.
“Yes, I also do a lot of sales online. For some reason, my odds and ends are selling well these days.”
“So you sell herbs online?” Macey asked.
“Oh… That and stuff you generally couldn’t find at other places. Of course, it all depends on what my clientele are looking for.”
“Like what?” Macey said with a puzzled expression.
“Well…” Blythe replied as she looked at Dean. “Candles, trinkets, things that might help kick-start a special relationship.”
“Oh… So romantic items,” Macey replied with a giggle.
“Not exactly romantic. More of a way to open one’s self to what they desire the most.”
“Now you got me interested. Can you show me some of these items sometime?” Macey said, causing Dean to look at her quickly.
“Mom, I’m sure Blythe doesn’t have time to…” Dean began to say when Blythe broke in.
“Nonsense, I have no problem at all showing you my stuff. As a matter of fact, I have something right here.” And reached into her handbag.
Dean watched as Blythe held in her hand a three-inch smooth oval stone. It was grayish in color and had some kind of a black symbol drawn on it.
“What’s that?” Macey asked as she looked at the odd stone.
“This is a truth stone. It shows people what’s really in their heart.”
“How does it work?” Macey asked.
“Mom… I think we bothered Blythe enough.”
“It’s okay, Dean,” Blythe said and looked at Macey, replying, “If you’re really interested, I’ll be happy to show you. However, we’ll need Dean’s help.”
“Oh yes, I am inquisitive now.”
“I… I don’t know about this, Mom.”
“Please, Dean?” Macey said as she held Dean’s hand and pouted.
Hesitantly, Dean agreed.
“Okay, then when we finish eating, I’ll show you.”
Dean ate slowly, hoping by some miracle his mother would change her mind. However, as Dean took his final bite, Blythe said, “Okay, we need a place that has no distraction.”
“I know just the place,” Miranda said, and they followed her into the house.
Miranda led them down a long hallway that went into a large bedroom.
“Okay, the first thing to do is both of you face each other and take hold of each other by the waist.”
Dean and Macey did as Blythe requested; however, Miranda spoke up and said, “You need to be closer than that,” and pushed on their lower backs until Dean felt his mother’s mound press against his groin.
“There, that’s better,” Miranda expressed as she pulled her hands away from them.
“Okay, now I’m going to place the stone between both of you and when I do. You’ll have to push your chests together and hold it in place over your hearts. Then close your eyes, and we’ll see if it works.”
Dean was already having trouble. Feeling his mother’s mound nestled next to his crotch, it was hard for him not to become stiff.
“Okay, here goes,” Blythe said and placed the stone between them.
Dean felt his mother’s globes press hard into his chest as they held the stone in place and closed their eyes.
Then as they stood motionless, he felt a finger tracing something on his back and heard Miranda and Blythe softly chanting a phrase.
“What are you doing?” Macey said.
“Shhh. It’s part of the ritual. But, first, we need to activate the stone,” Blythe replied as Miranda kept chanting.
Suddenly, Dean’s mind went racing, and a vision of a small dark circle surrounded by flashing lights racing by him made it seem as if he was traveling down a long tunnel. As it went on, the black circle grew until it was the only thing he saw. Then as if a switch was thrown, a bright white light filled his entire mind.
In the whiteness, a foggy figure emerged. It was that of a woman. Slowly she approached him through the mist, and as she closed the distance, her image steadily became more visible.
Dean’s mouth dropped when he noticed it was his mother. Only she was no longer wearing her tiny bikini but was now naked as she steadily sashayed her sexy figure towards him and heard her say, “Dean? Is… is that really you? How… how are you in my dream?”
“I… I don’t know, Mom,” Dean said as he took in her beauty and could feel the lust he so desperately tried to keep at bay once again sinfully building from deep inside his body. Try as he might, he could no longer hold back the yearning he felt for his mother, and as he looked down, he noticed his own nakedness.
Dean’s cock was super stiff and, unlike before, did not attempt to hide it from his mother. In fact, he found himself wanting her to see it. To see what she was doing to him as he ploddingly approached his mother until he was standing right in front of her.
“Is this really a dream?” Macey said as she took her son’s hands into her.
“I… I don’t know, Mom. But it feels real.”
Macey motioned her son’s palms to her waist, and he kept them there when she then wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “Yes, it feels very real. God help me, but I hope it is.”
“Me too, Mom,” Dean said as he pulled his mother closer and then felt his solid shaft press against her mound.
“Oh, Dean..” Macey said as she pressed her flesh tight against his. “How I dreamt we would be doing this someday.”
“I… I want this too, Mom,” Dean expressed as he kissed her lips.
“Mmmm,” Macey sighed as she opened her mouth, letting him slide his tongue inside.
Sinfully, Dean’s passion grew as they kissed deeply and felt his dick nudging against his mother’s mound until it pushed between her legs and slid across her wet pussy.
“Mmmm… Oh, Dean. Yes… Oh yes… Dream or not. You feel so good, son…” his mother whispered as she ground her mound against his firm shaft.
“Oh, Mmmom! You do too. God forgive me, but you do, “Dean replied uncontrollably, grasping her ass hard while rubbing his solid cock at her pussy entrance.
“Oh yes! Oh yes, Honey. Take me. Take Mommy now. I want to feel you inside me,” he heard her say.
Hastily Dean helped his mother to the ground, and as she lay on her back legs spread, he stroked on his dripping cock while admiring how sexy she appeared in this vision.
Slowly Dean rested his weight on his mother’s chest while looking into her lust-filled eyes. Then as he nudged his mushroom head until it nestled between her folds said, “I hope we remember this,” and pushed forward.
“OH, GOD!!!” His mother screamed as she rapidly wrapped her legs around his waist while grabbing his ass pulling his cock deep into her depths.
Dean’s head was spinning as he rammed his meat stick back and forth inside his mother. It felt so real, almost as if he was really fucking her, and enjoyed how fantastic it felt to be sinfully fucking his mother.
“Mmm. Oh, Dean! Oh, Dean! Oh, son! Keep going! Fuck mommy! Mmm… Ohhh,” Macey whimper and whined as Dean felt her lifting and shaking while her pussy grasped at his cock, causing his sperm to rise rapidly.
“Oh, fuck Mom!” Dean grunted as he hammered away. “I’m… I’m… I’m going to cummmm…”
However, just as his cock was about to explode, the vision disappeared, and he opened his eyes quickly.
“Wha… What the hell?” he shouted as he felt his cock really buried deep inside a warm wet pussy.
“Oh no!” he shouted when he realized, like in the vision, he was on top of his mother fucking the shit out of her while her legs were wrapped around his body.
His eyes then focus on his mother’s blissful appearance and herd her hiss, “Keep going, baby, Keep going! Don’t stop now! Please don’t stop!!!”
“Ffffuck, Oh god! It’s real! It’s real! Oh, Christ! I can’t ssstop!” Dean grunted as his dick exploded while his mother gyrated her pussy on his erupting cock.
“Oh god, yes! Yes! OH YES!!!” Macey shouted as Dean felt her body quiver under him. His mother was also coming, and as he crashed onto her chest, he could feel his dick still pumping inside her while she wrapped her arms around his body and held him tightly, letting his juices fill her womb up completely.
Dean was in a state of shock, realizing he had just fucked his mother. But as he felt his mother’s cunt gripping on his tool while their juices mixed said, “My god Mom, what have we done.”
“Oh, baby. I think what we’ve denied ourselves for too long,” Macey replied as she lightly ran her fingers through his hair.
In the distance, a voice then spoke, “So… I see it worked.”
Rapidly Dean looked up and was flabbergasted to see Blythe and Miranda standing next to them as he lay naked on top of his mother.
“Oh fuck!” Dean shouted before quickly rising to his knees.
“Hold on Dean. No need to be surprised. It’s not the first time we’ve shown a mother and son what they’ve kept hidden from one another. Just take it slow until your mind comes around as to what you’re feeling right now,” Miranda said.
“You! You! You tricked us. It’s some kind of a spell!” Dean expressed as he now completely stood up.
“There was no…