I love the “No-Alarm” days. There’s no hurry, I can spend more time with Pam and don’t have to think. I still want the undies she took back. So what that I put them on the rearview mirror. Most guys only get her garter; I got the coochie cover.
“What’s with the serious look?” Pam handed two cups to me.
“I want what you took from me,” I pouted.
“What? What did I take from you?” she was getting a little defensive.
“Your panties. You gave me a pair to keep, and you took them back,” I stuck my lower lip out.
“Mark Thomas Compton, I didn’t think you’d display them to all of Richardson. What were you thinking?” She was starting to grin.
“I was proud. Most guys only get her garter; I got your coochie cover,” I smiled proudly.
Pam was going to hit my arm, but I was holding our coffee – with a winning grin.
“Oooo, sometimes, Mr. Compton,” Pam got in bed next to me. ME: 1 Pam: 500+
“Baby, I know you’re making an appetizer for the party; which one are you going to do?” My mouth was watering already.
“I’ve got a recipe for a ham roll-up, with cream cheese, chives, and minced onions. The recipe wants to add red pepper flakes, but I don’t care for the hot food. I hope Cynthia brings her rye bread dip.
If I remember correctly, it’s called Beau Mondo. It was big in the seventies, I think. ” Pam smiled. She loves cooking and making appetizers. The best ones are the ones she makes up in her head. Yum!
“It’s going to be good to see them again. I’ve gotten the impression that they are all happy for us. Our feelings for each other were not a well-kept secret except to our ex-spouses. It’s funny, but I don’t know where Sissy is, nor do I care.” I sipped my coffee.
“Well, I know where Charlie is, and I hope the worst for him. The bastard. He tried writing a couple of times after he went to jail. I returned every letter unopened. I hate what he did,” Pam was very mad.
I reached over and pulled her to me. I looked into her eyes; she was still furious, but I kissed her softly. When our lips parted, Pam’s eyes were soft and loving again.
“See, see what you do to me. You control me by just touching or saying something. You make me melt in a second,” Pam cooed.
“No, it’s our love that does that. But enough of the past. Can I do anything to help you with the appetizers?” I wanted to get far away from the past.
“Well, you can help mix the spices in the crème cheese. It’s too thick for the mixer.” Pam smiled. “Since it’s Saturday and we slept in, we should get going soon. Stacey asked us to be there by five. The party can end earlier, and she and Cynthia can get the babies to bed,” Pam’s expression was soft and gentle.
We sipped our coffee with a little kissing and hugging in between sips. It was time to get moving. Pam got out of bed first, and I gave her little butt a swat. Pam shook her butt and giggled. She went to the bathroom, and I made up the bed. When she finished, it was my turn to prepare for the day.
I put on my boxers, then stopped. I took them off again. I walked into the kitchen; Pam was making a ham and egg sandwich for our brunch; she was naked. Good move on my part.
“That doesn’t smell like spices a cream cheese,” I hugged her from behind sniffed over her shoulder, then nipped her neck.
“Maaark, ooo, that tickled,” Pam quivered.
She put our sandwiches on paper plates; I refilled our coffee cups. Pam put our plates next to the opened cream cheese to soften. We sat across from each other; it was our way of staying connected.
I glanced at the cream cheese minding its own business and gave Pam a sly look.
“Don’t you even think about it, Mr. Lover. I can only imagine what is going on in that sexy mind of yours. Luckily, it isn’t whipped cream or we would be changing the bed sheets before we leave,” Pam looked at me around her sandwich.
“Who knows from cream cheese or whipped cream,” I pushed on.
Pam looked up and whimpered, “Please help me with this man,” she begged.
After lunch, I cleared the table and Pam brought the spices for her appetizer. She checked the cream cheese and nodded her head. She turned to get a bowl out of the cabinet, now is my chance.
I dipped my index fingers into the cream cheese, when Pam turned around with the bowl I smeared the cheese on her nipples.
“MARK! Oh, oh. You have that look in your eyes. Mark, Baby, please. Oh, hell – you can lick my boobies. BUT nothing serious,” She was trying not to get excited. She didn’t know there was a little left on my fingers.
Pam came over to me and held her tits so I could lick her nipples. I reached around her and smeared what was left on my fingers on her ass cheeks.
“MARK, you bad boy. Now what,” Pam turned and saw a smear on her butt cheek. “Oh, now I suppose I am to let you lick it from my butt, too?” Her smile was getting wider.
Pam turned around and bent over putting her hands on a chair for balance. I knelt behind her and began to lick the cream cheese from her ass cheek. But I couldn’t stop there. I slid my tongue between her ass cheeks. I stopped at her tight butt; Pam inhaled when she felt my tongue.
Then I slid my tongue between her legs. Pam spread her legs enough for my tongue to lick her pussy lips. She moaned as I licked her sweet nectar. Pam whispered, Oh, Mark, she was giving in to my oral arousal. I separated her lips with my tongue and licked her from the bottom of her pussy to her clit. Pam’s pussy released more nectar.
“Mark, put it in me. I’m crazy; put it in me, Baby,” Pam pleaded.
I licked her clit for a couple of seconds; Pam groaned louder, Mark, please.
I stood up and slowly slid my cock into her warm wet pussy. Her pussy wrapped around my cock as it filled her. I reached for Pam’s tits and milked them. I rolled her nipples between my fingers. Pam started to ride my cock with pure lust.
My cock slowly slid in and out of her pussy, rubbing her pussy lips with each stroke. Pam was breathing heavily and moaning. She was riding my cock harder and panting.
“I’m cumming, can’t stop, cuuuming,” Pam’s pussy squirted cum covering my balls and soaking my groin.
Pam’s pussy squirting her warm cum on my balls, milking her swinging tits, and riding her from behind made my cock explode with stream after stream of thick cum. When Pam felt the thick hot cum, she groaned and shoved her pussy hard on my cock.
More cum shot from my balls, splattering her pussy walls. Pam’s pussy continued to squirt cum on me, and the combination of my cum and her flowing cum from her pussy, a small puddle formed on the kitchen floor.
We were both on the edge of exhaustion. I had my arms wrapped around her waist, my sweat dripped onto her back, and we panted, trying to catch our breath.
“Mark, Baby, hold me, I can’t, – my legs are too weak to hold me. “Oh, Baby, what you do to me.” Pam was still trying to catch her breath.
I helped Pam to the couch. She was hugging me and purring. We sat down. Pam put her head on my shoulder. Her perfume circled my head. I put my face in the crook of her neck and just inhaled. Pam scrunched her shoulder up and giggled.
“I’m trying to recover, and you’re trying to fire me up again. I didn’t realize I had a sex maniac on my hands, I mean body,” she inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled.
“Don’t blame me,” I said defensively. “I’m in love with a beautiful blonde babe, who is hotter than a three-dollar pistol, a sex goddess in bed and just knock down drag out gorgeous. And, it’s my fault I always want you in my arms?” My weak protest.
“I love you, Mark, but it’s for damn sure I will never be able to bake a cake. That thing would burn to a crisp by the time you’re done with me,” Pam reached up and kissed me.
Pam caressed my balls and nodded her approval. “Good, they’re empty for now. Maybe I can finish my appetizer for the party. Stay here; I’ll bring you a glass of tea,” Pam got up and walked away, swinging her hips from side to side.
“Pam,” I called after her, “I had to massage your boobies. It was a warm-up to mix your spices in the cream cheese,” I grinned.
She stopped and turned to face me. “Mark Compton, you do not need a warm-up to squeeze any part of my body. I’m lucky enough that you want me so much.” Pam blew a kiss to me and went to work.
We knocked on the familiar door at five to five. Tommy answered the door with a wide smile and a firm handshake. “Hey Stacy, our prodigal couple have returned to the flock. Mark and Pam are here,” His voice was loud and boisterous.
Stacy flew into Pam’s arms, hugged me, and kissed my cheek. “Finally, you two are together and back with the group. Come in and meet a couple that came in after you two had to leave. Kathy, and Janet, this is the couple we told you about,” Stacy was having a great time.
It felt as though we had never left. Seeing Stacy and Tommy showing off Diana. Tommy had trouble keeping a button on his shirt, such a proud papa. And Stacy, well, she just glowed. We went and renewed old acquaintances. It was wonderful, and Janet and Kathy are a great couple.
Mark, Mona’s fiancé, said the group was whole again. What a great feeling. The guys wound up on the patio catching up and telling jokes. Mona hollered to us that the food was ready. We were walking in, and Tommy nudged me. Pam was sitting next to Stacy, holding Diana.
The two were talking, but I doubt Pam heard anything she said. Her attention was focused on Diana, and the expression on Pam’s face. I had never seen it before. I looked at Tommy.
“When we were at Stacy’s aunt’s house, there was a lady with a baby about three months old. I saw the same look on Stacy’s face. Fair warning six months later, we got a notice of an approximate delivery date from the stork.” Tommy was smiling.
Everyone had filled their plates, and Andrew was losing his mind over Pam’s roll-ups. Pam’s rye bread dip was getting hard. She was too busy holding Jacqueline. Jacqueline kept Pam’s attention with her cooing and gibberish. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Pam and I had a conversation.
I knew sooner or later, the conversation would turn to business. I didn’t know how much to divulge, but I didn’t want to appear tight-lipped. I wanted to wait until I had to say something; that happened ten seconds into the conversation.
“Mark, you work for Platt and Dorrest, don’t you?” Andrew asked.
“Yes, I do their survey work. In fact, I’m leaving Thursday for a survey.” I left it there. It didn’t work.
“Do you know what the meeting is about on Monday?” He pushed on.
“No, I have no idea. I guess big corporations have meetings for the sake of having meetings,” I’m still trying to lay low.
“Wow, it looks like we will all be in the meeting,” Jack chimed in.
“This is a little weird. You work for Jennings and Lupton, right Jack?” Andrew was like a hound on a rabbit.
“Yes, I do. But no one at work has mentioned anything about a meeting. My boss received an email about my attending. She may know something, but she didn’t give it up,” Jack didn’t know what to say.
I wanted to get out of the conversation. “Well, I guess we’ll all find out Monday at nine,” I said with a tone of ending the discussion.
The girls joined in with a welcome change of topic. Babies. Mona looked at her Mark shaking her head.
“Maybe in a couple of years. I will still be young enough, and hopefully smart enough,” Her voice didn’t sound positive.
“Mona, I get it. It’s up to you, Baby. You have to do all the work, but we can still,” she stopped him.
“If you think I’m giving that up, Mr. Mark, you are insane,” Mona had her hands on her hips.
The evening flew by. We had fun and had some serious conversations. The food table was a lot lighter than it was earlier. As for the beer keg, it was floating. The most important thing to me was that Pam was having a wonderful time. In the back of my mind, I wondered how long it would be before the baby conversation would come up. I think I have a good plan.
The three bosses, Diana, Jack and Jacqueline said it was time for the party to end. They were getting tired and a little fussy. Jack got everything together for Cynthia. He dotes on his lady like I try to with Pam.
Everybody was ready to leave but hated for the party to end. We said our goodbyes and wished all a good night. I opened the car door for Pam; she hugged me before she got in. The conversation will be tonight, right after the coffee pot is ready for tomorrow.
Departed Soul