Chapter 3 – Permission Granted

"Ellie and Jenn cement their long distance relationship and a new friendship is formed."

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As promised, Jenn called me after her afternoon with Kim and it was everything I hoped it would be. She was right, Kim was indeed gorgeous. She described in great detail how Kim had made her cum over and over. “She could show you a thing or two!” Jenn had said.

“Maybe someday she’ll get the chance!” I replied.

“Funny, that’s exactly what she said!” We both laughed at that. Then the tone turned serious. “I’m sorry Ellie. If I’d been thinking, none of this would have happened.”

“Don’t be sorry, I’m glad it did. Now I know that I can deal with you being with someone else as long as I know about it beforehand.” I heard her sigh on the other end of the line.

“I really miss you!” she said sadly.

“I miss you too,” I responded. “I wish we could be together soon.”

“Let me work on that,” she said. Then her mood brightened. “You have time for a video call?”

“With you, always!” I replied. An hour later we were both sweaty and satisfied as we watched each other fuck ourselves silly with our toys.

We continued our almost daily calls and video chats and then, at the end of January, she said she had a surprise. “You have a week off next month, right? Can you come visit? Kevin says he misses you and Kim really wants to meet you!”

I thought for a moment and got an idea. “How about you come here, just you, not Kevin? I think we need a little ‘we’ time!”

“Let me see if I can work that out,” she said. “If I can’t come see you, will you come here?”

“Of course!” I said. “Luv you!”

We continued to talk every day, and a couple times a week we would video chat during which we always watched each other play with ourselves. While the daily orgasms did wonders for my health (sex is great exercise you see!), every time I had to let her go the hole in my heart got a little bit bigger.

She didn’t say much about coming to visit only to say she was still working on a plan. Our chats continued to delve into our fantasies and every so often she would bring up the idea of me having sex with her husband. I had to admit that the more I fucked myself with the Kevin-sized phallus, the less apprehension I had about it. Finally, I asked her.

“Why do you want me to have sex with your husband?”

“I think it would be hot to watch,” she replied. “Watching his nice thick cock slide in and out of your delicious pink pussy would be heavenly!”

“Is that the only reason?”

“Well, there is one other,” she said. I waited for her to continue. “Remember when I gave you a taste of his cum on my tongue?” I told her I did. “Did you like it?”

“It was okay,” I said. “I’d much rather taste your pussy!” I loved the taste of her pussy!

“I love it! Cum I mean, men’s cum! I love the taste and the texture, I can’t get enough of it. I love it when he comes inside me and I scoop it up with my fingers and lick them clean!”

“Do all men taste the same?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Goodness no!” she giggled. “All men taste different just as all women taste different. Speaking of which, have you done as I suggested and get some pussy a little closer to home?”

“Not yet,” I admitted. I hadn’t even tried. Having a local girlfriend would mean less time spent video chatting and masturbating with Jenn. I wasn’t ready for that yet.

“I guess I’m just going to have to do everything!” she exclaimed.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“You’ll see! It’s a surprise!” She giggled loudly before continuing. “Oh, there’s my husband! I have to go! We’re going to role-play tonight and I’m going to pretend to be you while he fucks me! Later Babes! Luv you!” The line went dead and I sat there with my vibrator in my pussy all ready for another joint masturbation session. I guessed I’d just have to take care of myself.

The following Monday, I received a letter in the mail from my girlfriend. The envelope was pink and I could smell her favourite perfume on it. My pussy instantly got wet as I started opening it, careful not to tear it.

Inside was a postcard but as soon as I saw it I knew why she’d put it in an envelope. The front side was a close-up picture of a woman’s pussy, wet and shiny with two fingers just dipping inside of it. I looked closer and recognized Jenn’s wedding rings but something wasn’t quite right. Then I noticed it, the pussy had a little hair above it, Jenn’s was hairless unless she had grown it back since our last video chat two days prior. The hair was red, the colour of maple leaves in the fall. I had seen that colour of hair before but I couldn’t quite remember where.

Then it hit me, that was the same colour as Kim’s hair. Either my girlfriend had taken some pictures during their New Year’s Day rendezvous or they were still seeing each other. I didn’t much mind either way but if they were still getting together I would have liked for her to tell me about it.

I texted her, “Cute postcard!

You like it! I think it is very erotic!” she replied.

Is it a recent photo?” I asked.

New Year’s Day,” she answered.

Oh, okay.” To say I was relieved was an understatement. As much as I told myself that I was okay with her having someone local to play with, I was happy that it had only been the one time. Or was it? “Have you seen her since?”

“Define ‘seen’,” she said.

Have you fucked her?

No. I’ve only seen her a couple of times, just out and about. I will be ‘seeing’ her soon though, if that’s all right.”

“So long as you think about me the entire time!” It wasn’t alright but I wasn’t in the mood for a fight.

You won’t be far away!” she said.

Did Kevin enjoy fucking me the other night?” I teased.

You won’t believe the things you did with him!” she replied.

Funny! Any progress on our visit?” If she wasn’t coming to visit me, I wouldn’t have much time to make arrangements.

Almost all worked out. You are going to be so surprised!!!!”

So you’re coming?” I asked.

I will be soon! And so will you! I can’t wait to taste you!”

“Me too! God, I’m horny!”  I rubbed my pussy under my pyjamas. I made a note to go to the spa to get waxed before her visit.

Then perhaps we should do something about that!”

The next hundred or so text messages consisted of what we thought we should do to each other, how delicious we were, how hard we were cumming, and how satisfying phone sex could be. We both agreed it was a poor substitute for the real thing.

Soon, Baby!”

The postcards kept coming and I kept cumming along with them. One day it was a thick dildo buried to the hilt in her pussy, another it was her lips and Kim’s millimetres apart with a trail of saliva clinging to their tongues. In some more, it was Kevin’s cock in her mouth or her pussy but the one I received on Valentine’s Day beat them all.

It was a picture of the two of us, curled up on the bed in the hotel room we had shared that one wonderful night. Our bodies were flushed and our nipples erect. We had just made love and were staring into each other’s faces whispering softly. Kevin must have taken the photo, I didn’t even know he’d taken any of us. Looking at the pure eroticism of them all, I didn’t mind in the least.

Our long-distance lovemaking session that night was better than most. It being Valentine’s Day, she couldn’t leave Kevin out of it, so I watched on my iPad as they made love to each other then they watched me masturbate with the Kevin substitute Jenn had gifted me. As we were signing off, I told Jenn that I loved her and couldn’t wait to see her. “Don’t I get some love?” asked Kevin.

“We’re not there yet, Honey!” I replied. “But I do like you very much!” I picked up the replica phallus and licked the tip of it. “I am delicious if I do say so myself!”

“I’d like to find out sometime,” he mused.

“Patience,” I said and I ended the call.


“I’m hosting a party on Saturday,” my co-worker Gloria told me. “I’d love it if you could come!”

“Sure why not,” I replied. “I haven’t been out in a while.”

“Awesome!” she said excitedly. She scribbled down her address on a sheet of paper on my desk. “7 o’clock, you don’t need to bring anything but your pretty little self!” She bent down and kissed my cheek and I felt a flush. “Maybe I should,” I thought to myself.

I told Jenn about the party and she told me I should definitely go. “And if something happens, let it!” she said.

“We’ll see,” I said.

I got to the party shortly after 7 o’clock to find only about a half dozen guests there. Everyone was coupled up except for Gloria and me and I wondered if that was an accident. Gloria fetched me a drink and then introduced me to everyone. I was a bit surprised that there was only one heterosexual couple there. One couple was two gay men and the other was a pair of lesbians.

We chatted about work and the weather and then Gloria asked me about my plans for the upcoming winter break.

“Remember I hosted those people when they were stranded here a few years ago?” She nodded. “Well, one of the ladies I hosted is coming for a visit.”

“That’s wonderful,” one of the other guests said. Little did he know how wonderful it was going to be. “It’s cool that you remained friends after they left,” I told him about keeping in touch and going to Mr Davis’s funeral but I left out the part about the inheritance. I had spent very little of it so far but I was making plans for it.

“So just your girlfriend,” Gloria said with a raised eyebrow. I didn’t catch the connotation at the time but looking back it couldn’t have been more obvious.

“Yes, her husband can’t make it,” I said. “We’re going to have a great time!”

“I imagine you will!” Gloria said.

A couple of hours later, the lesbian couple suggested we go to a club for drinks and dancing. “Ooh, I love dancing!” I gushed, having been well-lubricated by the drinks I’d already consumed. Gloria arranged taxis and while we waited, I texted Jenn. “Going out with my friends! Call you tomorrow!”  She replied quickly telling me to have fun.

When we got to the club I realized I hadn’t even known it existed. I was never much for bars and clubs but when I heard the pounding beat of the louder than loud music, my body just got into it. I grabbed Gloria’s hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

I was oblivious to my surroundings, all that mattered was the music and the beat and the writhing swirling bodies around me. After about a half hour I was spent so I half staggered off the floor and searched for our friends. Gloria spied them at a table across the room and when we got there, we found fresh drinks waiting for us.

After downing half of mine I looked around and noticed two men kissing nearby. After another look around I saw several female couples doing the same. I looked at our friends, “Are we in a gay bar?” I hollered. The female couple just laughed and shouted that we were. “Good thing I’m gay then!”

They had surprised looks on their faces, they must have thought I was just Gloria’s single work friend that she’d dragged out for some fun. But then I caught her eye and she winked at me and smiled. She came over to me and whispered into my ear, “I’m not surprised. I’ve known since the night I kissed you!”

I stared at her and thought of Jenn. She had encouraged me that if the opportunity knocked I should open the door. All I could hear besides the music was opportunity knocking. I motioned to a corner where I thought it might be a little quieter.

Turns out it wasn’t much quieter. We moved over and I got close to her ear. “I have a girlfriend!” I shouted.

“So?” she shouted back.

“I just thought you should know,” I said.

“We’re not doing anything. Yet!” she replied.

“We might be later!” I said. Yup, sane, stable, faithful Ellie had stayed home to be replaced by drunk and horny Ellie. And horny Ellie wasn’t going to wait any longer. I pulled her in for a hot kiss and whispered loudly, “Take me home with you!”

She laughed loudly before kissing me back. “We have all night! Let’s have some more fun!”

More fun included more dancing. I think I danced with half the people in the bar and ended up kissing more than a few. During a break in the dancing, I saw the lesbian couple from the party, kissing passionately against the wall. I went over and tipped the shorter one on the shoulder, May I?” I asked loudly.

“Be my guest!” she said and I kissed her girlfriend and then her. “I’ll bet you taste as good as you look!” and I kissed her again.

“She does!” her girlfriend said and she kissed me once more.

I laughed raucously and went back to where Gloria was standing. We kissed and she leaned in, “I’d like to take you home if you’re still up for it!”

“I can’t wait!” I shouted. We said our goodbyes to our friends and I kissed both the girls on the way out. We had to wait for a couple of minutes for the taxi and while we waited we kissed gently.

“You’re sure your girlfriend won’t mind?” she asked.

I took out my phone and pointed it at her, “Let’s ask her! Can I take your picture?” She smiled and struck a pose and I took a few shots.

I texted Jenn, not even thinking that she might be asleep. “May I?” There wasn’t an immediate reply but just as we were pulling up to Gloria’s house my phone pinged.

She’s very beautiful! Go for it! ILY!” Then another text, “Pictures!” I showed the texts to Gloria who just raised an eyebrow.

“Let the games begin!: she whispered. We stopped on the front step and kissed for what seemed like forever. Then she unlocked the door and let me in.

She took my coat and hung it in the closet and without saying a word, took my hand and led me up the stairs to her room. Just before we entered, she pointed to a closed door, “The washroom is there if you need it.”

“Maybe I should go freshen up a little,” I said. We kissed and I slipped inside. There was a small vanity and a side table aside from the toilet and washbasin. On the table was a parcel wrapped in black paper tied with a blood-red ribbon. I did my business and as I was looking for a washcloth and some mouthwash, I noticed that my name was on a tag on the parcel. Perplexed, I untied the ribbon and opened it.

Inside was a black silk kimono with a beautiful flowered print, a small make-up kit, a pair of flat sandals, and a smaller ribbon. As I picked it up a note fell out. “Ellie,” it read. “I hoped we would end up here tonight. These are for you. If you would please, wash up, put on a little paint and powder to make you more beautiful than you already are, tie your hair up, put on the kimono and tie it with the ribbon. Meet me in the bedroom, the one with the soft red light.

I did as she asked and was surprised, she had gotten the perfect shades of makeup and the kimono fit me as if it was custom-made. I was glad that I had gone to the spa the day before in preparation for Jenn’s visit. I tied the kimono, folded my clothes, and placed them on the table. Before leaving the washroom, I got my phone and took a picture of myself.

I left the washroom and quietly made my way to the room at the end of the hall. I could see the red light under the door so I tapped on it. “Come in,” came the soft voice.

I entered the bedroom and closed the door behind me. “Beautiful!” she breathed. “Just as I hoped you would look!” I thought I looked pretty nice but she was stunning.

She was wearing a kimono as well which hung open revealing black and red lingerie underneath. I started at her feet and looked up, taking in her beauty as I went.

Black four-inch heels were on her feet with red stockings of the same colour as the sash I was wearing. They were held up by clips that went to a black bustier with red trim. Her breasts pillowed out the top of it and I could just see the tips of her nipples. Her face was made up with smokey eye shadow and blood-red lipstick.

“You look amazing!” I said softly. She smiled knowingly and beckoned me to her. Her hands slid the kimono off my shoulders and she bent down to kiss my neck.

“I have wanted you since the first day I saw you!” she breathed.

“Now you can have me!” I whispered back and our lips met.

And have me she did. We used nothing other than our fingers, lips and tongues to pleasure each other. I marvelled at her mature body as I slowly took off each item of her clothing. Her body was a little fuller than mine but was nicely proportioned. I weighed her heavy breasts in my hands before bending down and taking each nipple in turn between my red-painted lips. Then I watched as she did the same to me and my nipples responded to her touch, hardening into turgid little nubs in her mouth. I arched my back and sighed at the pure pleasure of it, willing her to never stop.

But she did stop and her lips came back up for some more kisses. Then she led me to the bed, removed my kimono and stepped out of the rest of her clothes leaving only the stocking and shoes. “Let me love you!” she whispered as she guided me to sit down on the bed. She moved over me and I laid back to welcome her in.

Her kisses felt like fire as she made her way down my body, one peck at a time. My hips rose to meet her lips as she neared my pussy, smooth and wet. “So beautiful!” she purred before dipping her head and flicking her tongue across my clit.

For the next ten minutes, she kissed and licked and nipped and slid her fingers into me, edging me to the near peak of arousal before backing off and letting me back down again. “Please!” I moaned as she teased me, her finger drawing feather-soft circles around my clit.

“Please what?” she teased, knowing exactly what I needed.

“Please let me cum!”

“Since you asked so nicely!” she purred and she went back down. This time she didn’t stop, licking and suckling and fingering as my breathing grew louder and my heart raced. Wordless moans escaped me as I urged her to complete my journey. Excruciatingly slowly, she obliged me, culminating in an explosive orgasm that shook the very depths of my soul.

The ecstasy came out of me in waves as I bucked and writhed underneath her. Being a little larger than I, she had little trouble holding me in place as she suckled on my clit and wriggled her fingers against that magical little spot just inside me.  I could take no more, “STOP! I screamed. “I CAN’T! STOP!” She took one more long suck on my clit then released it, kissing her way back up to my lips, stopping to suckle on each nipple along the way.

“That. Was. So.” I couldn’t finish my thought.

“Yes, it was, wasn’t it!” she replied. She kissed me again. “You are delicious!” We kissed some more and then lay in each other’s arms while I recovered.

“You are so mean, teasing me like that!” I said after I recovered my breath.

“I couldn’t help myself,” she whispered. “I’ve always wondered if you taste as good as you look.”

“I’m not that good-looking,” I said.

“On the contrary, my dear, you are gorgeous.” She kissed me again.

“You’re the gorgeous one!” I said. “I love your body, it’s so full and round and soft.”

“You say the nicest things,” she said. We cuddled and kissed some more.

“I’m thirsty,” I said.

“On the nightstand,” she said. I hadn’t noticed before but there was a pitcher of water and two glasses. It was covered in condensation and was cold when I touched it. I sat up and got us a glass of water each and we watched each other drink. My fingers were wet from the condensation and I reached out and teased a fingertip around her nipple. She smiled and we drank the rest of our water.

I took her empty glass from her and set both of them on the nightstand. I turned to her and placed my hands on either side of her face before kissing her. “My turn,” I whispered and she lay back with open arms to welcome me in.

I’m a bit of a moaner but it turns out, she’s a screamer, at least she was on that night. I’m surprised the neighbours didn’t call the police, so loud she was as she called my name. I tried to edge her as she had done me but I didn’t have the patience. I licked and suckled relentlessly until she clamped her thighs against my head and held me by the hair while she came. Her hips bucked and writhed and she screamed out her lust and told the world she was cumming.

I kissed my way back up her heaving, sweaty body, savouring the taste of the salt on her skin. Our lips met and our tongues flashed. “You are delicious!” I said, using her turn of phrase.

“I am aren’t I?” she laughed. We held each other and kissed some more. “You are delightful!” We cuddled in each other’s arms until our breathing slowed, “You don’t have to go home tonight, do you?”

“I’m not going anywhere!” I answered.

I awoke to the smell of coffee. Gloria shook my shoulder, “Wake up, Sleepyhead!” she said softly.

I rolled over and opened one bleary eye. “Morning.”

“You are not a morning person, are you?” she giggled.

“Not after God knows how many shots of God knows what and having my body ravaged by a stunning woman, no I am not!”

“You say the sweetest things!” she said as she bent over to kiss me. “Someone needs a shower!” I rolled over and sat upright, the covers spilling off my chest. “Wow!” she whispered.

I felt the heat rush to my face as this incredible older woman complimented me. “Don’t be embarrassed, Sweetheart.”

“I just can’t believe this,” I said. “I didn’t plan for this to happen.”

“I did,” she said plainly. “And if I do say so myself, everything went according to plan!” She looked at me for a moment. “Well, almost everything, there’s still one more part of the plan!”

“Oh?” I said.

“Coffee, scone, shower, then I’ll tell you.”

“Yes Miss Hannigan,” I teased.

“You are a naughty girl!”

I returned from the shower drying my hair with a towel. Gloria was beside her dressing table holding a hair dryer. “Sit,” she said. I tried to start a conversation while she dried my hair but she shushed me every time. She brushed it out gently and then she took my fingertips and stood me up.

“Now to the last part of the plan,” she said. She took my fingertips and stood me up, kissing me gently as she led me to the bed. While I was in the shower she had changed out the soiled sheets and replaced them with white satin ones. She laid me back and started at my feet, placing tiny kisses on my toes. She kissed each one and then slowly worked her way to my ankles. By the time she got to my knees, I was in ecstasy, hardly able to bear the anticipation of her reaching my smooth pussy.

“Roll over,” she commanded and I obeyed. I felt her kisses on the backs of my calves. Each kiss lasted only a few seconds but each one heated my skin. When she reached the backs of my knees she continued up my thighs starting on the outsides until she reached my hips.

Her hands rolled me back over and then she pressed my thighs together. “Don’t open them yet.” I lay as still as my increasingly aroused body would allow as her kisses traced up the tops of my thighs to that sensitive skin where my legs joined my body. She inhaled deeply, “You smell divine!” and then she sat up on her haunches.

“Pull up your knees and open your legs, please,” she said as she placed her hands on my knees. Again I did as instructed and she smiled when my thighs parted. “I love how your kitty just opens up to me when you do that!” She kissed the insides of my knees and I moaned. She hadn’t even touched my clit yet and I was almost ready to cum.

Closer she went until she was almost there. I could feel the warmth of her breath on my lips then she stopped. I looked down to see her smiling up at me. “Do you trust me?”

By that time I would have let her do anything she wanted to me. “I nodded yes but she frowned. “You have to say it.”

“I trust you,” I croaked.

“Good,” she said and she moved away from me. She reached up and I heard an unfamiliar sound then I felt something around my wrist. “This won’t hurt. It will just keep you from touching yourself or me while I pleasure you.” She stopped and asked again, “Do you trust me?”

“With my life,” I said firmly. Having gone this far there was no way I was backing out now.

“Good, if you feel uncomfortable just say so and I’ll stop.”

“I trust you,” I said again and she fastened a cuff to my other wrist. I heard a clicking sound and looked up to see that my wrists were restrained to the corner posts of the bed frame. I looked back at her and smiled. “I’m going to enjoy this, aren’t I?”

“More than you can imagine!” She took her position back at my feet and placed her hands on my knees, opening my thighs. Her kisses resumed, getting ever closer to my impatient pussy. I could feel my thighs quiver and she looked up and smiled when they did, “Almost there!”

Closer and closer she went until I could again feel her breath on my lips. “So what kind of lesbian are you?”

“I’m s-s-sorry?” I stammered.

“What kind of lesbian are you? Are you a girly-girl lesbian? Or maybe a suburban housewife lesbian perhaps. You’re certainly not a butch or bull dyke lesbian.”

“I hate that word,” I said.

“Okay,” she said.

“I didn’t even know there were different kinds,” I said, my hips squirming each time she kissed my thighs. “Stop teasing me, please!”

“Where’s the fun in that?” she asked. “I think you’re a girly lesbian who likes other girly lesbians. Unless you’re bisexual.”

“I’ve never been with a man,” I said.

“Yet,” she replied, looking up at me. “You should try it just once, you might like it!” She bent back down and kissed just above my clit.

“Maybe,” I breathed as I anticipated her finally touching me where I needed to be touched so badly.

I felt her breath on me again as she blew softly across my clit. I was positively vibrating by this point, she had me tuned up like a tightly wound violin string. One touch was all I needed.

Then I felt it, a softer-than-soft touch on the tip of my clit. I moaned and strained against the restraints on my wrists as my back arched and I tried to raise my hips to meet her. “Please!” I begged her.

“Please what?” she teased.

“Please touch it!”

“Touch what?”

“Touch my clit! PLEASE!”

“Since you asked so nicely!” she purred and I felt her breath again, warm against my outer lips.

Her lips wrapped themselves around my tiny firm bud and her tongue drummed a tattoo across it. After what seemed like forever being teased, that was all I needed. My orgasm burst out of me from the deepest part of my soul. I cried out but it wasn’t words, that escaped me, just sound.

I tried to wrap my legs around her but she was strong, much stronger than I realized. Her arms held my thighs apart as she suckled on me and I came over and over, releasing my clear, slick fluid onto and into her mouth.

Finally, she relented, kissing her way up my body until her lips found mine. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight but the restraints prevented me. She was completely dominant over me and I loved it!

My breathing began to slow and then she kissed her way over my shoulder, down my arm to my wrists. She released one arm and then did the same to the other side. I brought my hands to hers and our fingers intertwined as we kissed.

“That was amazing!” I whispered. “I never believed I could cum so hard just from a little touch!”

“I told you you’d like it!’ she whispered back.

“I don’t know if I have the energy for any more,” I said as an apology.

“It’s all right, Sweetie, there’ll be other times.” She kissed me again and my arms wrapped around her body, holding her as tightly as I could. We lay there for a while and then I told her I needed to get up to use the washroom. When I emerged, she had put on a robe and was stripping the bed.

“We made quite the mess!” she said as I helped her smooth out the sheets.

“It was a lot of fun making that mess!” I replied. And she laughed.

“Yes, my dear, it surely was!” We finished making the bed and then she disappeared for a moment. When she returned, she sat on the bed and patted the duvet beside her. “Can we talk for a minute?” I nodded yes and sat down beside her.

“You know that no one at school can know about this,” she said seriously.

“Of course not,” I said. “I won’t say a word.”

“It’s more than just words that could give us away. We have to be very careful about how we look at each other, our body language, anything can give us away.” She took my hand and kissed the back of it.

“It’s not that I’m ashamed or anything, far from it. I am happy that last night happened and I hope it will happen again in the future. But we have to be discreet. If some of the students or parents find out it could mean our careers. Do you understand?”

“I think so,” I answered. “It’ll be hard though.”

“It will, but we’ve got the winter break coming up after next week, it’ll be easier after that.” She leaned in and kissed me. “Speaking of which, do you have plans for the winter break? I thought maybe we could go away somewhere, find a nice little B&B and spend a day or two ravishing each other!”

“That sounds amazing but I have company coming for the week,” I told her.

“The whole week?” she asked. I nodded and she smiled. “I hope you have a great time!” She kissed me again but stopped after a moment. “I had a good time!” 

Me too,” I replied.

Published 4 months ago

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