When Elsie got back to her apartment from her job as a paralegal at the city’s biggest law firm, she knew she had to hurry. Roger had told her that he would be swinging by to pick her up at 7 p.m., which gave her less than half an hour to get ready.
“Pack light,” he had said. “You won’t need much.” But when she pressed Roger on where they were going, he wouldn’t say. And so Elsie was left guessing. Should she be packing for warm weather? Cold weather? Formal? Casual? And what kind of shoes would she need? Roger wouldn’t answer her questions, except to say, “Don’t worry about it. Whatever you need, it will be there.” So, of course, she had to pack at least one of everything, and she ended up with a large rolling suitcase, overflowing with clothes, that she had to sit on to close.
To be honest, Roger always made her feel somewhat flustered. He was older than her. He was a lawyer at one of the competing law firms in the city, and she had met him at a conference. She had gone with one of the partners from her firm, to help carry boxes and hand out papers. Roger had given one of the talks during the conference, and she was entranced by his calm presence, the way he commanded the room, and the obvious fact that all of the other lawyers looked up to him. While he was giving his talk, he had met her eyes for an instant, and given a small smile. And then, later in the day, he had tracked her down and introduced himself.
The next month was a whirlwind, and now here she was, frantically packing to go on a weekend trip with him, without even knowing where he was taking her!
They drove for two hours, leaving the city behind. Soon, the traffic melted away. Strip malls gave way to rolling farms. And then they were weaving through the low mountains.
It was dark when Roger turned the car off the main road, through a gate, and onto a long gravel driveway that went for another full mile. But Elsie could finally see where they were headed. The huge stone, three-story mansion was lit brightly by floodlights.
“What is this place?” she asked.
“A very special place,” Roger responded. “For very special young ladies.”
When he said that, Elsie felt both a chill and a thrill shoot through her body.
Roger continued, “This is where you’ll be trained.”
“Trained to do what?”
Roger didn’t answer. He parked the car in front of the building, and a young man came running out the front door to greet them.
“Hello, Sir,” said the young man.
“Hello,” said Roger. “Bags are in the trunk. I’m in the Wilson suite. And I believe my friend here is in room seven.”
As the young man pulled the luggage out of the trunk of the car. Elsie wondered why they weren’t in the same room. This whole thing was starting to make her nervous.
That’s when Roger turned to her.
“Elsie, I want to explain what is about to happen. This past month with you has been so wonderful. I’ve decided that I’d like you to belong to me on a more permanent basis. Would you like that?”
Belong to him? What did he mean by that?
He continued. “You have excellent instincts and you do make me happy. But with proper training, I truly believe that you could become an even better compliment to my life. And so, I’ve brought you here, to this facility, which specializes in the type of training I have in mind for you.”
“What do you want me learn?” she asked.
“To obey. To be pleasing. To please. This place is like a school. The faculty will teach you how to be the best version of who you already are. Would you like that?”
She did want to please him. And, if she was being honest with herself, she had to admit that she had sometimes fantasized about something like this. About being his devoted submissive. And training to be the best she could be, for him.
“I might like it. I’m not sure.”
“Of course you’re not. I know this is a bit disconcerting. But don’t worry. Nothing will be forced on you. At any time, you can ask to leave, and you have my most solemn promise that if you make that request, I will honor it. We’ll get back into the car, and drive back to the city, no questions asked. Understood?”
This was comforting news to her.
“And,” he continued, “this first visit is only for the weekend. Two nights, two days, and then I’ll get you back in time for work on Monday morning. Consider it a short adventure.”
He smiled warmly and took one of her hands, which immediately calmed her nerves.
“Shall we go inside?” he asked.
She took a deep breath, and then said, “I trust you.”
When they walked through the front door, a young woman dressed as a maid was waiting for them. Roger said, “Elsie, this is Juliet. She’ll show you to your room. I’ll catch up with you later.” And with that, he walked away.
“Please follow me,” said Juliet.
And so Elsie, not knowing what else to do, followed Juliet, who led her up a flight of stairs, down a long hall, and through a door marked “Room Seven.” The room was small but elegantly appointed, with a twin-size bed, a dresser, and a wooden chair. Some clothes were laid out on the bed.
“Take off what you’re wearing, and put these on,” said Juliet. “I’ll be back in about 20 minutes to get you and take you to your first lesson.”
And with that, Juliet left the room, closing the door behind.
Elsie looked at the clothes that were laid out on the bed. There wasn’t much to them. A beautiful white lace bra with ruffles around the edges. A matching pair of white satin panties. A red pleated skirt, quite short. And a pair of shiny black patent leather heels.
“This is getting more and more interesting!” she thought to herself, as she began to disrobe.
Soon she had changed into the new outfit, which made her feel very vulnerable, a feeling that she actually liked somewhat. And then, a bit later, Juliet reappeared through the door.
“Ready?” Juliet asked.
“I’m not sure,” said Elsie. “What should I be ready for?”
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” said Juliet, somewhat surprised.
“Tell me what?” asked Elsie.
“Your first lesson will be this evening. While the guests have dinner, they’ll be watching. That’s the tradition.”
“And what is the lesson?” Elsie inquired.
“A spanking, of course. From the Headmaster first. And then, the other guests, if they wish. That’s also part of the tradition. Now, let’s get going. If you’re late, they’ll add a caning, and you probably don’t want that on your very first night!”