
"A tale of a young woman's sexual awakening borne out of tragedy."

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Chapter One – A Wonderful, Terrible Day


Everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing that awful terrible day. The day the world changed, the day the world got turned upside down. Mine certainly did but in the very best way. That was the day I met her, the woman I fell in love with, the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

There was only one problem. She was married. To a man.

I had just started my first teaching job after graduating from university two years before. Two years of substitute teaching led to this opportunity in a private school. And then it happened.

The rumours spread quickly that something terrible was happening, airplanes flying into buildings and crashing into the ground. No one wanted to believe it was true, this had to be a hoax, some sort of War of the Worlds come to life.

Then the call went out for volunteers to help out. Airplanes were being diverted to any airfield in Canada that could accept them because no airplanes were allowed into US airspace. Anyone who could help in any way was needed. It was just happenstance that my parents had left the week before for a bucket-list trip to the South Pacific, leaving me to mind their house while they were away. Four bedrooms and only me in the house, there was plenty of room.

So I contacted the number I heard on the radio and told them I could take in some of the passengers. In all, seven people came to stay with me, a family of three from Tennessee and an elderly couple from Iowa. The other two were a young couple from Virginia who were returning from their honeymoon in Italy. Jenn and Kevin were their names.

Now most of these sorts of stories involve beautiful women with perfect skin, perfect figures, and insatiable appetites. Similarly, the men are all hunks, well-hung, and well-muscled with the power to stay in the action for days. Jenn and Kevin are not like that. They are rather ordinary and plain-looking. I don’t know why but the instant I saw her I was head over heels in love.

They were the last to be put in contact with me, the others had arrived just before supper but they didn’t get there until nearly 9 o’clock in the evening. They were upset and confused being on one of the last planes to land. The information at that time was jumbled and contradictory so no one really knew what to think. No, I didn’t know how long they would be staying with me or when they could get back home. No, I didn’t know any more than they did. All I knew was what was on the news and that with the jet lag from the time differences from the various European countries they had left that morning and the stress of the events of the day, everyone was exhausted.

I tried my best to make sure everyone was fed and as comfortable as I could make them, I retired to my bedroom for the night. When my parents left for their vacation, I took up residence in the master bedroom but with all the visitors I returned to my bedroom across the hall and gave it up to the newlyweds. The elderly couple were in my brother’s old bedroom and the family of three were in the basement bedroom.

I heard people getting up in the night to use the washroom. I wasn’t surprised that people were restless sleeping in strange beds after the strangest day of their lives. It was on my way back to my room from the washroom that I heard them for the first time. They were trying to be quiet but some sounds are unmistakable. Goodness knows I had heard similar sounds coming from that room that my parents usually occupied. I was transfixed, barely able to move and I don’t know why but instead of returning to bed, I sat down on the hallway carpet outside the bedroom and listened to them make love to each other. It was everything I thought sex between newlyweds should be, gentle and sweet and passionate and unrestrained. I masturbated as I listened and when she came, I did as well. I took it as a sign we were meant for each other.

Schools were closed for the rest of the week so I did my best to show my houseguest the town and distract them from the awful events that brought us together. I arranged for a play date for the girl whose family was staying with me and I watched with parents as she played with several of my students. The way they interacted at first amused me and by the time we had to leave, they were exchanging contact information with each other.

Jenn and Kevin stayed with me for four days before they were rescheduled onto a flight into Boston. My other houseguests had left the day before so on the last night it was just us. I made a traditional East Coast seafood chowder and homemade bread, we drank a lot of wine and just got to know each other better. That night, I listened again as they did what newlyweds did upon retiring to bed. Again, I sat on the floor and played with myself as they did it, trying to time my orgasm with hers. I was less successful than I was on the first night but it was no less satisfying as I clenched my teeth against the collar of my nightshirt to keep from screaming out as my pussy clenched over and over.

The goodbyes the next day were difficult, to say the least. In just four days we became friends for life, promising to stay in contact and vowing that we were always welcome in each other’s homes should we decide to visit. I kept in contact with the others who stayed with me as well but the first time we all got together was two years later for the funeral of Mr. Davis, the gentleman of the elderly couple who had stayed with me. We all had a small reunion in Mrs Davis’s living room after the well-wishers had left for the evening. My parents arrived the next morning just in time for the funeral even though they had never met any of the people I had hosted.

After the funeral, Jenn, Kevin, and I decided to go for dinner. My parents were tired having only flown in that morning and returned to the hotel room we were sharing. After dinner, they invited me to go for a drink with them in the lounge of the hotel they were staying at. After that, it was an invitation for a nightcap in their room. For the second time in two years, my life changed.

Their room had two beds so they invited me to stay over as it was well past midnight. I was torn. I wanted to stay with them, with Jenn more than Kevin really, but I didn’t want my parents to wake up and worry. When Jenn came out of the washroom in her pyjamas, my mind was made up, I was staying.

It wasn’t because she was sexily dressed, quite the contrary unless you’d consider flannel bottoms and a ratty old t-shirt sexy. I know I certainly did. The swell of her breasts against the thin material, the tiny trace of her nipples poking out, and the curve of her neck all combined to make my insides flip. She picked up her glass and drained the last of her drink before pulling back the covers and slipping underneath. I didn’t have any nightclothes so I just stripped down to my undies and bra and got into bed.

I could hear them breathing and wished that it was me in that bed beside her. I wished I could explore her body with my fingers and lips and tongue and that she would do the same to mine. I had no idea if she was even remotely interested in women but that didn’t soothe my hunger for her.

“I listened to you,” I said softly.

I don’t know why I said it, it just came out of me unbidden.

“What?” asked Kevin as he propped up on one elbow so he could see me over Jenn’s shoulder. She turned to face me as well.

“At my house, when you went to bed, I listened to you, well, you know,” I said.

“You listened to us?” I could hear the anger in Kevin’s voice.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I’ll just go.”

“No, wait!” Jenn said. “It’s okay.”

We lay in silence for a few minutes before Jenn asked, “Why?”

“I couldn’t help myself,” I said weakly. “I had gone to the washroom and was going back to my room when I heard you. I don’t know what made me do it but I sat down on the floor outside the bedroom door and I listened to you.”

“That’s fucked up!” Kevin was getting angrier.

“No, it’s not!” Jenn corrected him. “Remember that time we went camping and we heard that couple in the next site fucking? You got very, very turned on by it as I recall!”

“But that’s different!” he argued.

“How is it different?” Jann asked. I couldn’t believe that I was listening to another couple fight in the next bed.

“It just is,” he said, knowing he’d lost the argument.

She turned to me, “Was it just the one time?”

I shook my head, “Every night.”

“Oh,” she whispered. Kevin started to protest but she shushed him. “Did you get excited?”

I nodded my head, ashamed to say it out loud.

“Did you do anything about it?” she asked.

Again, I nodded. I stared at them not knowing what to say. That instant was when my life changed.

“Do you want to fuck my husband?” I certainly wasn’t expecting that question.

“N-n-no,” I stammered.

“Oh, why not?” she asked. “Is he not sexy enough for you?”

“It’s not that,” I said quietly.

“What is it then?” she asked.

“I’m gay,” I admitted. It was the first time I had ever told anyone. I’d only realized it myself during my first year of university while I was on a double date that my roommate had set up with her boyfriend’s best friend. We were making out and I felt awful. I bolted from the room and cried for a week.

That event was followed by a few dalliances with women, none of them serious, but I knew that I had no desire to ever be with a man.

“So you want to be with Jenn, then, is that it?” asked Kevin. I nodded bashfully.

“I’m sorry, I wish I’d never said anything,” I got out of bed and gathered my clothes to go to the washroom to get dressed. When I emerged, Jenn met me at the foot of my bed. She was wearing nothing but a smile.

“Is it okay if he watches?” she asked as she reached to take me into her arms.

I didn’t have an answer, my entire world was standing a foot in front of me, smiling and inviting me into her arms. How many times had I imagined this moment although it was never quite like this? I saw her face come forward and her eyes closed. Her lips parted ever so slightly and when they touched mine it was like a great bolt of electricity shot through my body. How I had lusted for this!

After the initial shock, my lips responded. It was soft and gentle at first, just our lips touching and moving together. Her arms came around me and mine went around her. After a moment, we stopped and looked at each other. “I want this too!” she whispered. We kissed again, more urgently this time, and her hands came to the front of my top, fumbling with the buttons. I heard a groan from across the room, “Ignore him! It’s just you and me!”

That assurance elicited a groan, or perhaps a moan, from me as her hands slipped inside my shirt to caress my breasts. She hefted them, feeling their weight, and passed her thumbs across my now-firm nipples. I moaned again into her mouth as our tongues danced. She broke our kiss and placed her hand along my cheek. It seemed to me that her smile was mine alone as she guided my face down to her small round breasts. My mouth found her nipples and I suckled gently. The next moan was from deep inside her soul as she surrendered herself to me.

I straightened up and she helped me out of my clothes. Once I was as naked as she was, we tumbled onto the bed and renewed our explorations of each other’s bodies. Hands, fingers, lips, and tongues felt and tasted smooth skin, still slightly soiled from the events of the day. A taste of salt where sweat had dried and the tang where she had applied her body scent served to heighten my senses. “Can I taste you?” I asked hesitantly.

“I wish you would!” was her reply and I moved down her body to kiss the soft tuft of hair above her scented opening. Tentatively, my tongue flicked forward and her hips jumped at its touch on her sensitive little bean. Her reaction pleased me so I suckled it firmly the way I liked to have done to mine, using my lips and tongue to massage it.

Her hands grasped my hair, holding my mouth against her as she rocked her hips against me. “Oh fuck, Ellie, so good!” she breathed. She let me go to it for a few minutes then yanked roughly to pull my face up to hers.

“I don’t want to cum, not yet!” she panted before flipping me onto my back and diving onto my muff. Unlike her trimmed bush and smooth lips, I was unshaven. Let’s face it, I really didn’t have anyone to trim myself for and my toys didn’t care if my pussy was waxed or not. I hoped I would have to change that in the near future.

I was in heaven! I had the woman I had dreamed about, fantasized about, and lusted over for two years finally giving me the pleasure that had previously been done by my own hand and I was loving it! I wished she would never stop and for the best part of ten minutes, she didn’t. Then her lips left my clit and I looked to watch her rotate her body and settle her hips over my head. I craned my face up as she lowered her hips and I tasted her wetness once more.

It was hard to concentrate on my task with her lips and tongue on my clit and her fingers massaging my G-Spot. I knew I wouldn’t last very long at all at this rate. “Noooo!” I protested and she stopped.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“No, everything is just right! It just feels so good I never want to stop!”

“Sorry?” she giggled and went back to her work. Less than a minute later I was squirming and spasming as I squirted my cum over her face. I was shocked! I had never done that before! My thighs clamped tightly against the sides of her head in an effort to hold her there so she would never stop making me cum. I’d had plenty of orgasms in my life but this one was one I will never forget!

I was exhausted and drained from the effort to the point where I was unable to return the favour to my lover. She moved to lie beside me, “That’s okay, sweetie! I’m good!”

“So good!” I agreed. She laughed and held me tightly while we caught our collective breath.

I had completely forgotten about Kevin who was sitting across from us, dick in hand. “I have to see to my poor husband, we have gotten him in quite a state!” We kissed again and she slipped away leaving an empty feeling at my side. I rolled up onto my side and watched in fascination as she knelt in front of him and took his length into her mouth.

I might not be interested in doing that myself but I couldn’t deny that seeing her fellate her husband was extremely erotic. I noticed the sheen of saliva as she drew her mouth slowly off him. She looked up at him as she went back down and he groaned as their eyes made contact. She continued for another minute or so before taking her mouth off him.

“Aw baby, I was hoping you’d finish me,” he groaned.

“Another time!’ she smiled at him. “You see, I have a problem.”


“Yes. My girlfriend over there has got me all warmed up but she didn’t get me to the finish line! That’s your job! I need you to fuck me into next week!” She rolled onto her back on the other bed and spread her legs wide open. He didn’t hesitate to move into position and I had a perfect view as his cock sank into her until his balls came to rest on her butt cheeks.

“Mmmm, that’s what I need!” she moaned. She wrapped her legs around his hips so he wouldn’t get away. My hands went to my pussy as I watched them, my finger drawing tiny circles around my clit while two fingers of my other hand slipped inside me.

“Ellie, come here!” Jenn panted. I obliged her and moved up beside them. “Kiss me!”

It felt stranger than strange for me, a lesbian, to be kissing the woman I desired more than anything in the world while she was getting her pussy serviced by her husband’s thick six inches. She reached for my hand to guide it between them so I could tease her clit while they fucked. I hesitated for a moment and then gave in; I was powerless to deny her anything she asked for. If she asked me to let her husband fuck me, I would let him without hesitation.

She mumbled curses and groans between kisses. It was becoming difficult to keep contact with her clit as Kevin’s thrusts turned to pounding. I’d always believed that a woman’s pussy should be treated with tenderness and care. I was amazed that hers was taking that sort of abuse and more so that she seemed to be loving it!

“That’s it, Baby! Fuck me! Fuck that pussy!” she moaned loudly. I stared, transfixed at her face and the obvious pleasure she was getting from having her delicate lady parts punished in this way. Her eyes popped open and she stared at me, “Keep going! Rub it harder my sweet girl!” The fierceness of her look was a command rather than a plea and I obliged immediately. Never in a thousand lifetimes would I have dreamed I would be in a situation like this.

Then it happened. Kevin’s body stiffened and he drove himself forward. He groaned loudly as he held his cock fully inside the pussy that such a short time ago I had suckled and licked. His orgasm triggered hers and she howled, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes and her breathing quickened. The noises they both made were unintelligible but required no explanation or translation; I knew exactly what was happening. Videos on my laptop had nothing on this!

They kissed for a few moments, whispering soft words of love between kisses and then she turned her face to mine. “I have wanted this for so long, for us to be together!” she whispered, her body still heaving from the exertion. She kissed her husband again and then urged him off of her body. He moved to the other side of her and she rolled to face me. We kissed softly, our lust had been slaked, and now was the time to convey all the feelings we were experiencing through the touch of our lips.

I felt the bed shift as Kevin got up to use the washroom but our eyes remained locked on each other. She shifted her hand down to her pussy and brought it back up. I could see the sheen of their combined juices on two fingers as she offered them to me. “Sharing is caring!” she smiled but I shook my head.

“I can’t,” I whispered. “I just can’t!”

“It’s okay Sweetie, you don’t have to!” She put her fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean. “Mmmm, delicious!” she purred when she took them out. She leaned forward to kiss me and I could taste them both on her tongue. “Maybe someday!”

I never felt Kevin get back into bed so I was surprised to see him there when the insistent ringing of my mobile phone woke me. I was dazed for a moment until I realized where I was and who I was with. Then I remembered what we had done and I smiled. I rolled out of bed and fumbled around until I found it. It was my mother.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” She sounded very worried.

“I’m fine, Mom! We were just sitting around having some wine and talking and I guess I fell asleep.” I was surprised at how easily I lied to my mother.

“Well, we have to be at the airport by 11:30 so you’d best get back here and pack your things, young lady!” It wasn’t advice, it was an admonishment to a 25-year-old woman. I said I’d be there in less than an hour and ended the call.

I was as quiet as I could be as I found my clothes and took them into the washroom. I had time for a quick shower before leaving but Jenn had other ideas. I was finishing rinsing my hair when the shower door opened and she slipped in beside me. “Good morning, beautiful!” she purred as her arms went around my neck.

She pulled me to her and we kissed, “I don’t have time!” I protested between kisses.

“This won’t take long at all!” she whispered as her fingers slid between my outer lips and across my clit. She was right, it didn’t take long at all.

We stood under the stream saying nothing for a few moments until we heard the washroom door open. The sliding shower door slid back and there was Kevin, naked as the day he was born with a fully erect cock. “Anything I can help with?” he asked. He obviously had ideas about what the three of us would do in that shower.

“I have to go or I’ll miss my flight!” I mumbled.

“Then take another flight,” he suggested.

“No, my parents are expecting me!” I slipped past him and out of the shower to dry off and get dressed. I suppose I could have gone into the other room to dress but I stayed in the washroom and listened as husband and wife had shower sex with me only a couple of feet away. Before they were finished I slipped out of the room to finish getting ready.

I was brushing my hair when they emerged, still damp and wrapped in towels. Jenn came to me and hugged me. “Last night was fun!” she purred. We kissed and I agreed. “Maybe we can do it again sometime?”

“I would love that!” I said. “I really have to go!”

“I know,” she nodded her head. “Call me when you get home!” It wasn’t a request.

“I will,” I promised. We kissed once more and I turned to leave.

“Don’t I get a kiss?” asked Kevin.

“I’m not ready for that, not yet,” I said. I reached up and hugged him before kissing his cheek. “Maybe someday.”

I cried in the backseat of the cab all the way back to my hotel. The tear stains were still on my cheeks when I opened the door and my mother, seeing the state I was in, came to me and hugged me. “What happened?”

“I’m just sad,” I said and I cried on her shoulder. “It’s just Mr Davis and Jenn and  Kevin and I just made these great friends and now I have to leave!”

“I know, baby, it’s okay.” She soothed me for a bit and then held me at arm’s length. “We need to leave soon.”

I nodded and got my suitcase to start packing. Ten minutes later I was ready so I washed my face and reapplied what little makeup I had on hand. It would have to do. I took a fistful of tissues from the box on the nightstand and stuffed them into my purse.

Despite my father’s worrying, we got to that airport in plenty of time. After getting checked in and through security, I sat waiting in the gate area sipping my coffee. My phone pinged, it was Jenn.

I opened the text and attached was a photo of me sleeping, the covers not quite covering my chest. “I miss you already!” was the caption.

“Miss you too!” I replied. “I love you!”

Published 4 months ago

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